Character Analysis: Two-Voice Poem Purple Hibiscus Name _________________________________ Honors World Literature (Houseman) What is a two-voice poem? (definition from Read-Write-Think Web) Two-voice poetry is written for two people to perform. The poetry usually has two columns—one for each person who is reading the poem. Each person reading the poem reads the text in one of the columns. Sometimes, the poet wants the two readers to say something at the same time; so the poet writes the words on the same line in each column. These poems often sound like a dialogue for two people. Review the sample two-voice poem (separate handout). Consider the relationship between Kambili and Amaka up to this point in the novel. Use the two girls as the speakers in the two-voice poem. Use the space below to write a rough draft of your poem. When you are finished, practice reading it aloud with your partner. Be ready to share with the class. Spoken by Voice/Character #1: _______________ Spoken by Voice/Character #2: Spoken by Both _______________