Français 1

Français Rotation
Syllabus le neuf au treize septembre
Essential Questions
What does this language give me the power to do/ understand/ express?
What am I learning about my own language/ culture from the study of others?
lundi le neuf septembre
mardi le dix septembre
Objective: Students will
-greet each other in French
-introduce themselves in
-list the various ways to
greet people and to say
Objective: Students will
List greetings and good-byes
in French
-Compare and contrast
American versus French
Objective: Students will
Recall greeting and goodbyes in French
-list the various ways to say
how you are feeling
-ask someone how they are
Bell work :
If you were to spend a year
studying in France, explain
how you would greet your
friends daily.
-Review bell work
-Discuss Homework
-Video: allez- greetings watch
as the following people greet
you what words and gestures
do they use?
-Power point: Notes Greetings
-activities: Listening- practice
greetings and good-byes
-Exit slip: practice quiz quizlet
Bell work:
List 3 different greetings in
List 3 different good-byes in
What is La Bise and when do
you use it?
-review and discuss bell work
-BBC video: Greetings
After the kids greet each
other, what do they say?
-Notes: comment ça va/ and
-wiki activities
Song- fill in the missing
-Listening activity
-Exit slip: How would you
answer the question comment
ça va if:
Bell work:
Greet all your classmates
and introduce yourself
using your new French
-Review bell work
-Finish powerpoint
introduction to French
-How do peo[ple greet
each other? Which words
and gestures do you use to
greet your friends? To say
good-bye? How about with
adults? How do you greet
your teachers, is it the
same as your friends?
-Watch BBC Videogreetings and introductions
-Compare and contrast
American versus French
mercredi le onze septembre
jeudi le douze septembre
Objective: Students will
Review greetings,
introductions, how are you
and good-byes
Bell work:
How would you answer
comment ça va if:
1. You have a test today
that you didn’t study
2. You just got a 100 on
your last test
3. Your dog ran away
4. You are having a
good day
-review and discuss bell work
-Quizlet activities
-Peer work: Create 2 basic
conversations in French.
1) There is a new French
student in your rotation class:
Create the conversation you
would have with them, greet
each other, ask each other’s
name, ask each other how are
you, and say good-bye.
vendredi le treize
Objective: Students will
Recall vocabulary for
greetings, how are you and
-Students will create basic
French conversations
-Students will perform basic
conversations in French
Bell work: Translate
1. Hi
2. See you soon
3. What’s your name ?
4. How are you ?
5. Very bad and you ?
-Review bell work
-Greet students in French
-Review homework
-Basketball: review game
-Quiz: Greetings, intro, how
are you and good-byes
-Peer work: Create a song/
jingle practicing the terms
for the greetings,
introductions and good-byes
(Songs to be recorded next
greetings and gestures
-Discuss La Bise
Les Devoirs/
Explain 3 things you
learned in class to your
2) The French exchange
student was accompanied by
his teacher, create a
conversation with the teacher
-Practice your conversations
(quiz grade)
-Perform conversationsrecord
Les Devoirs/ Homework:
Practice saying hello and
good-bye using 4 greetings
and 5 good-byes to different
Les Devoirs/ Homework:
Teach 2 family members
comment ça va? And 5 ways
to answer- show them the
Les Devoirs/ Homework:
Les Devoirs/ Homework:
Study greetings, introductions,
how are you (the answers to
Practice a basic
how are you) and good-byes
conversation in French
-Quiz tomorrow/ demain