Directions for Administering the Assessment

Scoring Guide
June 2012
Global History and Geography 9
Scoring Guide, June 2012
Overview of the Assessment
The purposes of the Global History and Geography 9 final exam are as follows:
1. To assess student proficiency with the essential content and skills required of the 9th grade
curriculum towards alignment with New York State standards and performance indicators in global
history and geography
2. To inform teachers’ instruction based on the strengths and areas of improvement demonstrated by
overall student performance
3. To identify students in need of instructional support
4. To facilitate a program evaluation of skills and concepts taught throughout the K-12 continuum
The 9th grade final exam is comprised of the following components:
Multiple Choice
Thematic Essay Task
Document-Based Question Scaffolding
Document-Based Question Essay Task
Directions for Administering the Assessment
The 9th grade final exam will be administered to all 9th grade students, except for Advanced Placement students,
during local exam week.
The final exam should be administered as is, with no additional support or preparation by classroom
teachers. The exam should be administered with the same integrity and design as any New York State
Gathering Assessment Feedback
Qualitative feedback: Based on the scoring of the student assessments, each teacher will complete a
graphic organizer to indicate his/her students’ demonstrated strengths and weaknesses with the essential
skills, as well as description of how this information will inform his/her teaching.
Quantitative feedback: Based on the scoring of the student assessments, each teacher will complete an
excel spreadsheet to indicate his/her students’ overall ability to meet (65% or higher) or exceed (85% or
higher) expectations on the total exam, as well as the individual components.
Please return all feedback forms to Gail Gefell in the
Office of Social Studies by Friday, June 22th.
Global History and Geography 9
Scoring Guide, June 2012
Scoring Keys and Rubrics
Multiple Choice (50%)
Students are to respond to all 50 questions. Each question is worth 1 point. See also conversion chart. *Please
Note: All questions are from prior Regents exams.
1. (1)
11. (4)
21. (1)
31. (1)
41. (2)
2. (3)
12. (3)
22. (3)
32. (4)
42. (3)
3. (2)
13. (4)
23. (2)
33. (2)
43. (1)
4. (4)
14. (2)
24. (1)
34. (1)
44. (3)
5. (1)
15. (4)
25. (3)
35. (4)
45. (4)
6. (2)
16. (1)
26. (2)
36. (3)
46. (1)
7. (3)
17. (2)
27. (4)
37. (1)
47. (3)
8. (2)
18. (1)
28. (3)
38. (2)
48. (4)
9. (4)
19. (2)
29. (1)
39. (4)
49. (1)
10. (3)
20. (4)
30. (4)
40. (3)
50. (1)
Part II: Thematic Essay
The thematic essay is taken from the August, 2000 exam, with only a slight modification to conform with
Global 9 content. A scoring rubric can be found at the following link:
Part III A: Scaffolding
The documents are a blend of the two DBQs above.
The document based question is a modified version of the June, 2003 and August 2005 DBQs. A scoring
rubric can be found at the following link (jump to page 71).
Global History and Geography 9
Scoring Guide, June 2012
Conversion Chart
Please use the conversion chart from the August 2003 Global Regents Exam
Global History and Geography 9
Scoring Guide, June 2012