Grade 10 Vocabulary – Unit 9 (Due Fri., 2/3 and Quiz Fri. 2/10) Name _________________________________________________ Concur Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation, parts of speech, and definitions of each of the following words. Then write the word in the blank space in the illustrative sentences. Finally, study the lists of synonyms and antonyms given at the end of each entry. Ambitious (adj) eager to succeed Do you __________ with the minister on his color choice for the church? SYNONYMS: agree, consent ANTONYMS: deny, object, dissent Cope He was just what the company was looking for – bright, _________________, and willing to work long hours. SYNONYMS: maintain, manage, control, handle ANTONYMS: fail, quit, give in Dispel (v) to do away with; to remove; to get rid of (v) to force; to pressure His back-to-back home runs should _____________ the question about his long-ball hitting ability. Although voting is a privilege and a right, no one can ______________ you to cast a vote. SYNONYMS: scatter, disperse, erase ANTYNYMS: amass, collect, summon, recall SYNONYMS: force, oblige, coerce, require ANTONYMS: liberate Futility Compound (v) maintain; deal with; attempt to overcome She didn’t know how she would ________ without an ice cream store within walking distance. SYNONYMS: visionary, aspiring, daring ANTONYMS: lazy, aimless Compel (v) to coincide; to agree; to act together (n) useless act or gesture (n) an enclosed group of buildings (adj) composed of two or more parts, elements, or ingredients He was depressed by the utter ______________ of the situation. The prison was a walled _______________, housing one hundred prisoners. SYNONYMS: uselessness, failure, defeat ANTONYMS: purpose, hope SYNONYMS: camp, combination, merger ANTONYMS: singular, divide, separate Haphazardly (adv) in a manner marked by lack of plan, order or direction Recollect The old gentleman was able to ________________ some delightful tales from his prairie years. His clothes were combined somewhat ________________ as if he had dressed in the dark. SYNONYMS: remember, reminisce, recall ANTONYMS: forget, overlook, lose SYNONYMS: randomly, offhand ANTONYMS: deliberately Restraint Initiative SYNONYMS: enterprise, vigor, drive, energy ANTYNYMS: inertia Police officers in crowds, often baited by hoodlums, must exercise great _________________. SYNONYMS: restriction, block, reserve, discipline ANTONYMS: freedom, undisciplined Surge (n) a wavelike swell or sudden increase (v) to cause a sudden increase or a rise and fall (v) to hint indirectly; to imply They felt a great _________________ of pride as they watched their daughter win the race. All through his summary, the attorney seemed to _________________ that Holcomb, the defendant was lying. SYNONYMS: imply, allege, infiltrate, intrude ANTONYMS: affirm, withdraw, retract Migrate (n) control over one’s thoughts and actions; lack of freedom (n) introductory action; self-generated beginning Salespeople can earn large sums, especially if they Have the ____________________ to work unsupervised. Insinuate (v) to remember; to give consideration SYNONYMS: increase ANTONYMS: decline, plunge Unification (n) the process of making into a unit or a coherent whole (v) to move from place to place The family of geese land on Baker’s pond, where they stop every year before they _____________ south for the winter. SYNONYMS: move, travel, wander, journey ANTONYMS: remain, settle, immobile The __________________ of the newly acquired businesses under one corporate name represented the height of his career achievements. SYNONYMS: consolidation, union, coalition ANTONYMS: separation SECTION II Choosing the Correct Word Circle the boldface word that most accurately completes each of the following sentences. 1. Terri tried to (insinuate, compel, ambitious) that Tom had broken the window. 11. There was a (initiative, ambitious, surge) of students leaving the parking lot when school out at 3pm. 12. A (insinuate, ambitious, unification) of NY schools in the 1990s saved millions of dollars. Bolivar-Richburg is one example. 13. When there is snow in the parking lot, cars tend to park (haphazardly, initiative, ambitious) without the lines for guidance. 14. The (ambitious, cope, restraint) employee earned a bonus. 2. Rachel did not want to get fired, so she attempted to (initiative, dispel, futility) the rumors that she was looking for another job. 3. The entire wagon train did not (cope, concur, surge) with the decision. 4. A bit of laughter may help you to (cope, recollect, insinuate) with difficult people or situations. 5. The birds (migrate, concur, haphazardly) south for the winter. 6. I cannot (recollect, compound, initiative) when you have had better grades! 7. Aunt Alexandra had a sense of (migrate, haphazardly, futility) in trying to argue Atticus out of taking the Tom Robinson case. 8. “Emancipation in the cotton states is simply absurd, there is not enough power in the world to (concur, haphazardly, compel) it to be done,” stated a Kentucky congressman. 15. Zack was considered to be a troublemaker because he frequently acted on impulse and without moral (restraint, ambitious, surge). SECTION III Choosing the Correct Vocabulary Term From the words for this unit, choose the one that best completes each of the following sentences. Write the word in the space provided. 1. Mom told my older brother she thought it was an exercise in ____________________ for him to keep his bedroom clean. 2. As we attempted to __________________ the crowd, the violence only got worse. Many people were arrested and spent a night in jail. 3. I wish I could ________________ every student to do their best. 9. Michael took the (initiative, dispel, unification) and raked all the leaves in the backyard. 4. If the river environment changes, some species will have to _____________________ elsewhere or perish. 10. Hotdog is a (insinuate, compound, cope) word. 5. Water is a __________________ made of the elements oxygen and hydrogen. 6. The rules of the game require you to accept the umpire's decision, even if you do not ____________________ with it. 3. umbrage pleasure ::gather ________________ 4. tranquil disturbed ::laziness ________________ 7. His ___________________ paid off and he won the chess match. 5. hone sharpen ::hint ________________ 8. His most ___________________ plan is to become President of the United States. 6. reply interrogation ::overlook ________________ 9. John could not _________________ where he put his book. 7. commit perpetrate ::randomly ________________ 10. The storm caused a power _________________ . 8. intentional deliberate ::merging ________________ 11. Ms. Rogers is trying to ________________ with the computerized grading system. 9. potent strong ::uselessness ________________ 10. encumber hinder ::increase ________________ 11. notorious beloved ::remain ________________ 12. haggard exhausted ::group ________________ 13. hindrance obstacle ::maintain ________________ 14. wary trusting ::aimless ________________ 15. echo reverberate ::require ________________ 12. The ____________________ of Germany occurred in 1990. 13. We tried to ignore her acrimonious comments, but that took considerable ____________________. 14. Students who __________________ place their laptops in the portable lab frustrate Mrs. Daniels. 15. The attorney attempted to ____________________ that the testimony of the witness was false. Section IV Identifying Synonyms and Antonyms Decide whether the first pair in the items below are synonyms or antonyms. Then choose the Unit 9 word that shows a similar relation to the word preceding the blank. 1. ascend fall ::liberty ________________ 2. accessible unreachable ::disagree ________________