A-Z list in Word

08/06/2009 Award of Arms
*Aaron the Arrowsmith
06/16/2001 Companion of the
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
06/02/2002 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
Aaron Peregrine, was: of Ma'ale
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
Abby Kieransdottir
05/28/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Abdul Cariem Mecca
04/28/1984 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Abel of Regnesfolc
03/11/2000 Award of Arms
*Abelard Kif de Marseilles
04/21/1979 Award of Arms
Aben of Clan Kerr
08/06/2007 Award of Arms
Abigail Blackmoore
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
*Abigail of Lorraine
06/17/2000 Award of Arms
Abigail of Ravenhill
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
Abigail the Younger
06/20/2009 Award of Arms
Abra Makan
07/11/1987 Award of Arms
*Abraham ben Aaron
04/24/1982 Award of Arms
10/23/1981 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
01/24/1987 Companion of the
Hawk's Bell (Dragonship
*Abu Mohammed Hassan
10/04/1981 Award of Arms
*Aceline Barrett of Seven Oaks
06/19/2004 Grant of Arms
05/21/1994 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/19/2004 Court Baroness
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
12/03/1994 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
04/19/1997 Queen’s Honor of
Distinction (Moruadh)
Achilles son Asia (was: Hanse von
09/25/1999 Duke
09/27/1997 Count
09/30/1995 Master at Arms
01/23/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/03/1992 Award of Arms
09/24/1994 Queen’s Order of
10/01/1994 Queen’s Cypher
12/06/2008 Royal
Augmentation of Arms
*Achilles von Fulda
08/12/1998 Companion of the
03/18/1995 Award of Arms
09/16/1995 Companion of the
05/26/1996 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Achmed of Twin Keeps
06/13/1992 Award of Arms
*Achsa of Beresford
01/28/1989 Award of Arms
03/16/1985 Award of Arms
Acuma the Goth
07/06/1991 Award of Arms
Ada inghean Taran
03/24/2001 Award of Arms
Adam MacGregor
07/21/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Adam the Unexpected
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
*Adan Calentaur
04/07/1990 Award of Arms
*Adela of the Fiery Woods
02/22/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/24/1983 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
05/25/1980 Award of Arms
11/14/1992 Order of the Bee
08/04/1990 Award of
Tangwystyl’s Favor
11/09/1991 OHS
*Adela de Shea
06/30/1984 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
06/26/1982 Award of Arms
*Adela de Warren
??/??/1984 Award of Arms
Adelaide Audele
07/03/1988 Award of Arms
Adelaide Donnachaidh
11/15/2003 Companion of
the Sagittarius
03/26/2005 Companion of
the Manche
02/05/2000 Award of Arms
*Adelaide the Grey
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
*Adelaide Wanderer
06/05/1999 Award of Arms
*Adele Krin
03/26/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
11/07/1998 Award of Arms
09/14/2002 Queen's Order of
*Adèle de Lyon
11/26/2005 Companion of
the Manche
11/30/1996 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Adele Mallory
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
02/08/2003 Queen's Order of
06/05/2002 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Adelheid Koller von
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
*Adelicia de Montfort
07/23/1989 Award of Arms
Adelicia of Rideja
04/15/1978 Award of Arms
*Adelinde Katla
09/19/1987 Award of Arms
Adeth MacGregor
03/24/2007 Award of Arms
*Adhemar de Villarquamada
(was *Morgan de
01/16/1999 Master of the
09/14/2002 Master of the
02/12/2000 Baron of
Dragonship Haven
11/04/1995 Grant of Arms
05/02/1992 Companion of the
02/12/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/04/1995 Court Baron
02/03/1990 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 King's Cypher
(Balfar III)
02/03/1990 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
04/20/2002 King's Order of
09/29/2001 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Olivia)
07/22/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Anna II)
Adin Nortment
08/08/2007 Award of Arms
*Adin Tinkar
07/09/1994 Mistress of the
04/15/1989 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/21/1992 Companion of the
10/10/1987 Award of Arms
12/03/1988 Queen's Order of
10/10/1987 Queen's Cypher
10/21/1989 Queen's Cypher
*Adolphus Benner
09/24/2005 Grant of Arms
09/24/2005 Court Baron
10/12/2002 Award of Arms
09/26/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/29/2007 King's Cypher
Adreyanna Evanovick
05/17/2003 Award of Arms
*Adrian Alonzo De Cadiz
12/14/1996 Award of Arms
*Adrian Meddylgar
09/13/1986 Award of Arms
03/26/1988 Princess's Order of
09/16/1989 Principality
Company of Sojourners
*Adrian of Saint Clair
10/24/1987 Award of Arms
08/12/1987 Companion of the
Raven's Feather (Thescorre)
Adriana Calabrese
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
Adrianna of Aberystwyth
11/30/1996 Companion of the
11/25/1995 Award of Arms
Adrianna d'Ebbonois
02/05/2000 Award of Arms
Adrianna of Loch Tear
07/03/1988 Award of Arms
08/18/1988 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Adrianna MacLaren MacKinnon
03/15/2002 Award of Arms
*Adrianna de la Telaraña
09/05/1987 Award of Arms
*Adrianna of Westmarch
05/27/1989 Award of Arms
Adrienne d’Evereux
07/17/1999 Award of Arms
*Aedan MacCormac (“The
08/19/1993 Award of Arms
*Áedán mac Tigernáin
01/28/2006 Award of Arms
Aegidius of Eisental
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
Aegir Garmisson
11/07/1998 Award of Arms
Aegir Torghatten
05/29/1993 Award of Arms
05/29/1993 Principality
Company of Sojourners
Aegis von Drachenklaue (of
Mountain Freehold)
10/07/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
09/25/1999 Award of Arms
06/02/1990 Award of Arms
*Álfdís Gráeyga
09/05/1998 Companion of
the Manche
09/30/1995 Award of Arms
Aelfgar the Wanderer
10/20/1990 Award of Arms
Aelfgeorn Harbeard
04/02/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/24/1999 Award of Arms
*Aelfgifu of the Hazel Thicket
12/30/1995 Mistress of the
04/18/2009 Mistress of the
06/03/2006 Baroness Beyond
the Mountain
04/04/1992 Companion of
the Manche
04/10/1999 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
04/21/2007 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/18/1988 Award of Arms
10/22/1988 Companion of
the Troubadour
10/09/1993 Queen's Cypher
*Aelfgifu Honeybee
03/11/1989 Award of Arms
07/26/1980 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Aelfric of Sarisberie
01/23/1993 Award of Arms
*Ælfwine Akeworthe
11/12/1994 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Queen's Order of
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane)
§*Aelfwine Denedom
04/24/1982 Count
01/04/1975 Knight
07/05/1980 Companion of
the Manche
01/04/1986 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/20/1974 Award of Arms
02/09/1980 Queen's Order of
07/09/1977 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Aelfwine the Wanderer
01/31/1987 Award of Arms
Aelfwyn Leafermeer
07/03/1994 Award of Arms
*Aelfwyn Marie von Augsburg
07/20/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/27/1991 Award of Arms
04/10/1999 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Aelfwyn of Mountain Freehold
10/14/2000 Award of Arms
Ælfwythe Goldenmane
08/15/2005 Award of Arms
Aelil Connia Tuan
05/26/1985 Award of Arms
Aelish Cennedii
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
*Aell AEthelwita (called Ellethel)
Grant of Arms
Court Baron
Award of Arms
Queen's Order of
*Aemelia Weymouth
05/21/1994 Companion of the
10/06/1990 Award of Arms
12/??/1992 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
*Æmilia Silver, see *Fionnghuala
Gliobach Mael Ailbe
*Aengas Macc Laídig
??/??/1991 Award of Arms
*Aengus Ó Néill
02/02/2002 Knight
08/13/1997 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
02/25/1992 Award of Arms
09/24/1994 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
09/22/2001 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Aeodan of Red Bear
06/30/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Aerial of the Ramsglen
01/08/1983 Award of Arms
Aeronwy Morgan
04/27/1991 Award of Arms
Aesa Burlufóter
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
Aesa hinn froda Gandalfrdottir
02/02/2008 Award of Arms
Aeschere the Dane
04/14/1984 Award of Arms
Aethaelene Wallace
02/10/1996 Award of Arms
Aethelfirth of Malagentia
04/01/2000 Award of Arms
AEthelhawk Keyfinder
05/13/1989 Court Baron
10/29/1998 Silver Oak
04/25/1981 Award of Arms
*Aethelstan Osricson
11/30/2002 Companion of the
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
*Æthelstan Saint Maur
06/14/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
02/17/2008 Companion of the
Sea Dog (Ostgardr)
Aetheluric Londonie
08/06/2007 Award of Arms
AEthelwold of Silver Rhylle
05/11/1991 Award of Arms
*Aethelwine Aethelredson
04/20/1991 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/20/1991 Award of Arms
Aethelwulf of Mountain Freehold
11/04/2006 Award of Arms
*Æthelwulf Stealcere
11/26/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/11/1998 Award of Arms
*Aetheric Lindberende
09/16/2000 Master of the
11/24/2001 Master of the
02/20/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/08/1999 Companion of the
09/19/1992 Award of Arms
04/21/2001 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Afrasiyab al-Isfahani
03/25/2006 Grant of Arms
03/25/2006 Court Baron
03/28/2009 King's Cypher
(Darius IV)
Agatha of Carolingia
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
Agatha Roise Campbell
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
*Agnarr Skulason
09/13/2003 Grant of Arms
09/13/2003 Court Baron
11/19/2005 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
05/24/2003 Queen's Order of
09/11/2004 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Geneviere)
*Agnes Edith Godolphin
01/03/2004 Award of Arms
*Agnieszka Mlynarska
02/02/2002 Companion of
the Manche
02/01/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/30/1994 Award of Arms
04/01/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
02/01/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
09/13/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/10/2010 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Brenwen II)
10/04/1998 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
07/17/2005 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Agravaine Rhiwallon
01/24/1998 Award of Arms
*Ah Kum of the Ger-Igren
05/11/1985 Award of Arms
*Ahmed ibn Tr'bai
03/??/1981 Court Baron
03/??/1981 Companion of
the Leaf of Merit (West)
03/??/1980 Award of Arms
Ahtor Lys MacDavit
07/20/2002 Companion of the
11/07/1998 Award of Arms
07/14/2001 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Aidan D'Guise
10/07/2006 Award of Arms
10/30/1993 Companion of the
06/13/1992 Award of Arms
(Yana III)
*Ailill mac Ferchair Ui Diarmata
*A'isha bint Jamil
03/18/2006 Award of Arms
08/13/2006 Companion of the
Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
11/11/2006 Baroness's Silver
Ring (Iron Bog)
09/16/2000 Mistress of the
08/13/1997 Grant of Arms
08/13/1997 Court Baroness
07/20/1996 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/23/1993 Award of Arms
04/01/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
09/13/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
01/21/1995 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
04/05/1997 Queen’s Honor
of Distinction
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
*Aidan MacLachlan
*Ailionora inghean Ronain
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
03/11/2000 Companion of the
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/01/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
03/29/2008 Golden Lyre
*Aidan Sacheverell Hyde
07/22/2006 Award of Arms
*Aidan Trevyn Avery
05/??/1988 Companion of the
Bloody Tower (Swamp)
10/23/1988 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Swamp)
Aiden of Settmour Swamp
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Aiden Broadbear
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
Aiden Dendach
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Aiden de Sainte Nazaire, see
*Marguerite de Saint Nazaire
Aife ingen ui'Lochain
08/14/2002 Award of Arms
12/21/2002 Companion of
03/24/2007 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Aife of Ostgardr
09/09/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
*Aikaterine Lukanina, formerly
*Katerina Drachenklaue, see
*Katerine FitzWilliam
*Aildreda de Tamworthe, called
01/31/2009 Companion of the
11/15/2003 Award of Arms
10/04/2008 Golden Lyre
*Ailean Mac an Daraich
07/11/1998 Master of the
*Ailis Catriona Mac an Toisich
see *Alys Mackyntoich
*Ailís inghean Mhuirghein (was:
*Morgan Arianblaidd)
10/03/1987 Founding Baron
Stonemarche (retired)
10/03/1987 Grant of Arms
02/01/1997 Court Baroness
04/30/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/02/1987 Award of Arms
06/14/2003 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
10/??/2007 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Aisha al Aneed
01/07/1995 Award of Arms
Aisin-gioro Biya
10/20/2007 Award of Arms
*Aislinn ní Baotháin
09/07/1991 Award of Arms
Aislinn Cainnealaigh
09/27/2008 Award of Arms
Aislinn of Coldwood
05/26/2007 Award of Arms
05/26/2007 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Aislinn Cul Dulach
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
*Aine Callaghan
*Aislinn Gildara Breemore
02/02/2002 Mistress of the
11/30/1996 Grant of Arms
09/17/1994 Companion of the
02/05/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/30/1996 Court Baroness
05/02/1987 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/29/1990 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
06/30/1985 Mistress of the
Laurel (West)
06/21/1987 Mistress of the
Pelican (West)
09/11/1982 Rose Leaf
11/13/1982 Leaf of Merit
01/10/1981 Award of Arms
05/04/1985 Queen's Order of
Grace (West)
04/29/1989 Silver Molet
01/01/1982 Wooden Spoon
05/01/1985 Queen's Cypher
(Verena, West)
08/22/1987 Queen's Cypher
Aine ingean Ui O'Tuathail
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
Aiobheann inghean Guaire
04/06/2002 Queen's Cypher
(Anastacia, West)
06/30/1985 Pied d'Argent
01/07/1989 Defender of the
05/28/1988 Ruxton (Cynagua)
01/28/1984 La Courtesia
07/14/1984 Friendly Castle
05/24/1986 Hearthstone
01/30/1988 Princess's Token
(Carol, Cynagua)
07/09/1988 Princess's Token
(Susan, Cynagua)
07/14/1990 Princess's Token
(Aricia, Cynagua)
*Aislinn of Leioness
02/12/2000 Court Baroness
11/19/1988 Award of Arms
Aislinn Sobel
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
Aislinn (of Stonemarche)
02/05/2000 Award of Arms
*Aislinn Ysobel d’Argentan
10/15/1994 Award of Arms
Aislyn de Montfort
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
Ajax of Panthervale
05/26/2007 Order of Gawain
Akec MacLaughlin
02/17/2007 Drake's Spur (An
Al-Faris Mohammad Sevim Oglu
Gowan Oglu (was: Morgan
10/16/2004 Knight
02/09/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
09/05/2009 Tyger of Valor
06/07/2003 Ordre du Pèlerin
(Havre des Glaces)
Alain de l'Ours
01/05/1991 Award of Arms
*Alain du Rocher see *Lain
Alfanez de la Roca
*Alain du Val
01/28/1995 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
05/21/1994 Award of Arms
*Alain Longship
06/23/2007 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
03/01/1997 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
Alasander Cuin
*Alan MacMillan
01/13/1996 Award of Arms
06/??/1981 Award of Arms
*Alan of Rosley
09/22/2001 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 King's Cypher
(Brion II)
*Alana of Carillion
03/03/1990 Award of Arms
*Alana of Ramskeep
02/16/2002 Award of Arms
Alanna Seamaire
07/19/1986 Award of Arms
Alanna of Skye
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
*Alanric of Gloucester
08/16/1986 Knight
10/19/1985 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/16/1985 Award of Arms
*Alaric von Alaricsburg
07/18/1992 Award of Arms
Alaric the Bald, of the Blak Gard
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
05/11/1985 Award of Arms
*Alasdair MacDhonnchaid
09/12/1987 Award of Arms
*Alasdair MacIain of Elderslie
*Alasdair MacLeod of Durna
Baron of
Grant of Arms
Court Baron
Award of Arms
Queen’s Order of
*Alasdair Stuart Campbell
01/20/1996 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/04/1998 Companion of
the Manche
02/06/1982 Award of Arms
Alasdair Stuart Campbell of
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Alethea)
Alastair Augenruin
04/10/2004 Award of Arms
*Alastar O'Rogan
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
*Alaric Hawkwood
*Alatheia Fenwick Campbell
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
03/04/1995 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
*Alayne Alexandra Nyvern,
Alaric of Lyndhaven
07/16/1994 Award of Arms
Alaric of Malagentia
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
*Alaric of Owef
04/20/1974 Award of Arms
Alaric von Drachenklaue
10/02/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
06/22/1996 Award of Arms
04/05/1997 Queen’s Order of
09/27/1997 King’s Cypher
*Alarice Blackhawk
07/30/1994 Award of Arms
Alarich Jager von Bremen
01/14/2006 Companion of the
04/01/1995 Award of Arms
02/25/2006 Mistress of the
08/12/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/23/2006 Companion of
the Manche
11/17/2007 Court Baroness
10/14/1978 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
03/06/2004 Queen's Order of
04/01/2006 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
07/04/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
02/20/2010 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
Alaxander MacBlackrose
09/29/2007 Award of Arms
*Albrecht von Swabia, the
11/29/1975 Award of Arms
*Alaxander an Chobhlaigh mac
*Albreda Aylese
05/26/2007 Award of Arms
Albreda de Tosny
*Alban Geoffrey du Costeau
07/18/1987 Award of Arms
Albane O'Lodus
03/15/1986 Award of Arms
Alberic Maqi Droata
04/13/1996 Companion of the
01/15/1994 Award of Arms
*Alberic von Rostock
09/23/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/12/1994 Award of Arms
11/06/1999 Order of the Pine
*Albert Faulke of Sandford
09/04/1994 Master of the
Laurel (Atenveldt)
06/18/1994 White Scarf
03/26/1994 Award of Arms
05/13/1993 Falcon of Loch
09/19/1993 Griffin's Talon
09/10/1994 Moose Combatant
of Arn Hold (Artemisia)
11/18/1994 Pillar of Artemisia
Albert of Settmour Swamp
04/27/2002 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Albrecht von Halstern
01/21/1989 Knight
07/05/1986 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/23/2005 Companion of the
01/19/1985 Award of Arms
04/04/1998 Queen's Order of
03/25/2006 Valiant Tyger
04/05/1986 Queen's Cypher
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
02/20/1982 Award of Arms
Alderic Einarsson
07/18/1987 Award of Arms
Aldred the Windbourne
02/17/1990 Award of Arms
*Aldrich von Bremen
04/01/2006 Companion of the
01/30/2010 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/12/1997 Award of Arms
09/27/1998 Queen’s Order of
09/16/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/02/2004 King's Order of
04/02/2005 Queen's Cypher
Aleaan Kerovak
12/10/1988 Award of Arms
*Alejandra Lucia del Castillo
04/21/2007 Award of Arms
*Alejandra de Miera
01/05/2002 Award of Arms
*Aleksandr Ruslanovich Yevsha
09/18/1999 Master of the
01/30/1999 Grant of Arms
09/12/1998 Companion of the
10/02/2004 Court Baron
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
03/04/1995 Companion of the
10/03/1998 King’s Cypher
(Timothy II)
04/10/1999 King’s Cypher
01/08/2000 King’s Order of
06/03/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
05/01/1994 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
03/04/2000 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Aleksandr the Traveller
06/06/1998 Award of Arms
*Aleksandra de Accipitre
04/07/1990 Mistress of the
10/11/1986 Companion of
the Manche
07/02/1983 Award of Arms
03/26/1983 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
07/26/1986 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Settmour
*Aleksei Dmitriev (was:
Morwen ferch Gruffydd)
10/31/2009 Companion of
the Sagittarius
07/25/1987 Award of Arms
*Alesia de Maris of Ravenstar
01/05/1991 Award of Arms
02/19/2000 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
12/02/2006 Order of the
Harlequin (Bhakail)
*Alesia Gillefalyn
08/17/2006 Queen's Order of
Alesone Gray of Cranleigh
02/28/2009 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Alethea)
09/26/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella II)
04/10/2010 King's Cypher
(Konrad II)
Alessandra Francesca di
08/29/2009 Baroness of
08/29/2009 Grant of Arms
07/15/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Alessandro dell’Abaco, see
*Fujimoto Saburou Masamune
Alessia della Valtellina
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
*Alethea Eastriding
04/11/2009 Countess
04/11/2009 Lady of the Rose
09/30/2006 Grant of Arms
01/30/2010 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/11/1999 Award of Arms
04/02/2005 Queen's Order of
10/03/2009 Augmentation of
04/02/2005 Queen's Cypher
04/01/2006 Queen's Cypher
(Roxane III)
04/12/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
*Alewyn of Twae Linnes
05/26/2002 Award of Arms
Alex T’Celt
07/02/1995 Award of Arms
Alexa McAedh of Grey Tower
03/27/1993 Award of Arms
Alexander of Alnwick
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
Alexander of Bridge
10/01/1994 Award of Arms
Alexander o Caonhealbhain
03/10/2001 Award of Arms
Alexander "Tam" Chulannan
10/14/1986 Award of Arms
Alexander de Cote
01/28/1995 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
05/21/1994 Award of Arms
Alexander de Hautville
08/16/2006 Knight
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
08/19/1993 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
*Alexander Robison ("the
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
Alexander Listkeeper
09/24/1994 Award of Arms
Alexander MacGregor
03/24/2007 Baron of Settmour
03/05/2005 Grant of Arms
11/22/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/05/2005 Court Baron
04/14/1984 Award of Arms
09/20/1998 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/25/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/12/2003 Queen's Order of
03/15/1986 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Alexander Mór MacIan
10/30/1999 Award of Arms
10/30/1999 Companion of
*Alexander MacLachlan
07/24/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
12/11/1993 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Alexander Mescovitch (was:
Alexander of Bhakail)
07/30/1994 Award of Arms
*Alexander Ramsey of Dunblane
01/25/1992 Award of Arms
Alexander the Storyteller
05/18/1996 Companion of the
02/02/1991 Award of Arms
01/11/2003 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*Alexander ap Talhaearn
09/27/1997 Award of Arms
Alexander Younger (was:
Alexander macRus)
12/05/2009 Master of the
11/22/2008 Companion of the
05/25/1998 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/05/2005 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Alexandera Cupbearer
09/15/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/22/1996 Award of Arms
11/01/1997 Queen’s Order of
09/25/1999 King’s Cypher
(Hanse II)
02/22/1997 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Alexandra Alexandrovna
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
*Alexandra the Black Sheep
08/29/1998 Companion of
the Manche
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
07/18/1992 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
*Alexandra of Dragonford
04/16/1988 Award of Arms
10/17/1987 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Alexandra von Freiburg
07/30/1994 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Alexandra Krakkensdottir
01/06/2007 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Alexandra Maria de Granada
01/08/2005 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Alexandra de Monserrat
03/05/2005 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Alexandra Morgaine of
07/11/1987 Award of Arms
09/29/1990 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
Alexandra Tisserande
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
Alexandre Bautista de la Mar
09/26/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Alexandre Lerot d'Avignon
01/22/2005 Master of the
08/06/2009 Master of the
09/09/2006 Viceroy of
10/12/1987 Grant of Arms
10/12/1987 Defender of the
White Scarf (Premier)
08/31/1991 Stag's Blood
05/29/1993 Stag's Heart
03/24/2001 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
03/29/2003 Court Baron
07/03/2004 Companion of the
08/07/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/24/1986 Award of Arms
09/01/1990 Aspen of Caerthe
(Caerthe, Outlands)
10/02/1994 Gilded Leaf
(Caerthe, Outlands)
09/27/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
01/14/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
07/05/2008 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/12/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
09/11/2004 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Alexandre Saint Pierre
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
*Alexandre sur la Mer
08/12/1987 Companion of the
10/05/1985 Court Baron
07/26/1985 Award of Arms
07/??/1986 Companion of the
Oar (Dragonship Haven)
09/17/1988 Companion of the
Hawk's Bell (Dragonship
06/23/1990 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Alexandre-Gulber des Chasses
12/05/1992 Award of Arms
*Alexandria Tigre del Castillo
04/21/2007 Award of Arms
Alexei Ivanovich Kurakin
01/19/1991 Award of Arms
Alexi of Nordenhal
06/03/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Alexia Reid
08/15/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
*Alexis Aubery
01/09/1982 Award of Arms
10/15/1994 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Alexis MacAlister of Beverlay
05/08/1993 Principality
Company of Sojourners
*Alexis of Woodsend
11/23/2002 Companion of the
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
Alexius of Byzantium
01/26/1991 Award of Arms
Aleydis Adalstan
04/10/1999 Award of Arms
*Aleysia Trelease
02/22/1997 Award of Arms
*Alfgar the Sententious
04/20/1974 Master of the
04/01/1978 Master of the
01/06/1973 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/29/1975 Court Baron
04/03/1982 Companion of the
03/19/1977 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Alfonso Pontelli
11/11/2006 Award of Arms
05/23/2009 Companion of the
Silver Rapier
*Alfred of Blackledge
12/06/1981 Award of Arms
Alfred Longshot
08/29/2009 Award of Arms
Alfred of Sacred Wood
11/05/1988 Award of Arms
Algernon of Alnwick
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
05/01/2004 Companion of the
*Algernon Hartesmond
04/04/1981 Court Baron
04/16/1977 Award of Arms
10/06/1979 Companion of the
12/02/1984 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
*Algirdas Wolthus
08/16/1989 Award of Arms
Alheydis von Riga
08/06/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella II)
Ali Abbas al Gazzaz (called
Arab Boy)
03/29/2003 Master of the
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Manche
07/27/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/11/1998 Award of Arms
10/03/1998 King’s Cypher
(Timothy II)
04/14/2007 Queen's Cypher
(Jana IV)
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Settmour
05/28/2006 Companion of
the Iron Tower (Settmour
*Alia bint Ulek ibn el Kharish
07/01/1978 Mistress of the
10/09/1976 Companion of
the Manche
10/18/1980 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/06/1979 Companion of
the Terpsichore
03/04/1978 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
Alia Silvermoon
10/19/1991 Award of Arms
Alianor of Malagentia
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
*Alianor of Ravenglas
04/19/2003 Companion of
the Manche
01/25/2003 Award of Arms
01/25/2003 Golden Lyre
*Alianora de l’Alembic
12/10/1988 Award of Arms
03/08/1986 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Alianora ingen Eahronath
02/02/2002 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Alice Gardener
07/06/1985 Mistress of the
03/24/1984 Companion of the
03/12/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/06/1979 Award of Arms
Alice de Montmedy
01/29/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/08/2002 Award of Arms
Silver Crescent
Alistair of Avalon
*Aline Kinneir (Aline
Ankyrmayden Kinnear)
*Alistair Malcolm MacAlpine
07/04/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
05/28/2006 Queen's Order of
04/16/1988 Companion of
the Manche
04/16/1988 Award of Arms
03/04/1995 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
Alionora inghean Pilib
Alistair the Tall
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
*Alisaundre Quinnye
06/12/1999 Award of Arms
*Alise Queneby
06/14/2003 Award of Arms
Alice Nele
05/30/1999 Award of Arms
*Alicia de Berwic
Alison Haworth Frasier
11/04/2006 Award of Arms
10/26/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Alison MacDermot
Alicia of Carrigart
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
05/01/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Alicia Megan de Mont Migelle
02/27/1988 Award of Arms
*Alicia Vespasiana
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Alicia Violante di Buonarotti
11/27/1993 Award of Arms
*Alid of Ashwell
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
*Alida dei Conti
01/13/1996 Award of Arms
Alisay de Falaise (was: Alienor
LeGier, dite des Trois Maisons)
07/21/2001 Mistress of the
03/05/2005 Court Baroness
07/18/1998 Companion of the
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
10/14/2000 Golden Lyre
03/22/2003 Golden Lyre
*Alienor Llanfair
11/26/1994 Mistress of the
11/26/1994 Companion of the
08/07/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
10/09/1993 Mistress of the
01/02/1993 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/30/1993 Companion of the
09/12/1987 Award of Arms
Alison O'Moran
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
Alison von Halstern
04/19/1980 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Alison of the Weresheep
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
*Alison Winter (called Absentia)
01/13/2007 Companion of the
11/04/1995 Award of Arms
04/30/2006 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
*Alison Wodehalle
02/05/2005 Award of Arms
06/17/1989 Award of Arms
06/14/2008 Award of Arms
*Alistrina de Mann
the Manche
Mistress of the
Companion of
Award of Arms
Golden Lyre
Alithir a Bheithir
08/13/1998 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Settmour
*Alix d'Amiens
06/27/1987 Award of Arms
*Alix de Godefroi
10/19/1991 Award of Arms
Alix de Lisieux
07/11/1998 Companion of
the Manche
03/28/1998 Award of Arms
Alix MacDowell
11/25/1995 Award of Arms
*Alix de Minerve
03/07/2009 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
*Alixia Aurora Airielle
12/??/1983 Award of Arms
12/??/1983 Companion of
the Swan (Calontir)
*Alisoun Fortescue of Maplehurst
*Alizaunde de Bregeuf
07/04/1998 Mistress of the
07/15/1995 Companion of the
02/23/1991 Award of Arms
08/17/1984 Mistress of the
12/12/1981 Companion of
the Manche
04/04/1981 Award of Arms
01/23/1982 Companion of
the Troubadours
Alissa Dragonsdottir
12/12/2009 Companion of the
Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
Alissenda la Gailharda
11/07/2009 Award of Arms
Allan MacGowan
03/25/2000 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
02/09/2002 Ordre du Pèlerin
(Havre des Glaces)
Aloysius of Dragon Dormant
Allan McCleod
Alpin McKinnon
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
Allegra de Londres
04/19/2003 Award of Arms
Allegria Michelina di Limbri
08/28/1999 Award of Arms
Allen of Rusted Woodlands
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
*Allesandra de Burgos
04/12/2003 Grant of Arms
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
Allesandra Corti
11/15/2003 Award of Arms
Allezabet (of Settmour Swamp)
03/29/2003 Companion of the
Allisdair McColl
01/16/1999 Award of Arms
*Allison of Carillion
01/02/1993 Award of Arms
Allison Erickson
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Allura McKeoch
07/16/2005 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Anna II)
09/15/1990 Award of Arms
07/07/1979 Companion of the
Willow (Middle)
10/11/1975 Award of Arms
12/19/1992 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
10/05/1996 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/03/1998 Court Baroness
07/06/1991 Award of Arms
09/13/2008 Queen's Order of
04/12/2003 Queen's Cypher
(Isabella II)
04/12/2008 King's Cypher
(Andreas III)
09/27/2008 Queen's Cypher
10/12/1991 Companion of
the Perseus (Carolingia)
01/25/2003 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
05/30/2004 Companion of
the Iron Tower (Settmour
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
10/03/2009 Augmentation of
10/03/2009 Tyger of the East
Altani Khatagi
Alys Roke
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
02/28/1998 Award of Arms
09/25/1999 Queen’s Order of
Alpin the MacGregor of GotzKarlsberg
05/05/1970 Count
06/04/1969 Knight
Alric the Blue
02/26/2000 Award of Arms
01/27/2001 Queen's Order of
§*Alron of Carillion
08/20/1988 Master of the
02/23/1985 Companion of the
Alsandryr St. Claire
04/24/1999 Award of Arms
Alsvid Annarin, see *Elen Alswith
of Eriskay
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
01/24/1998 Award of Arms
Allyn of Bayley (the Fair)
Althea de Grimm
Alysander Brokentooth
12/09/1995 Companion of the
07/03/1988 Award of Arms
08/13/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
04/24/1999 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Althea die fast Unschuldige
12/05/1987 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Cypher
(Jana IV)
Allyn Min Teanga
08/17/1991 Master at Arms
10/29/1988 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/11/1992 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/08/1994 Companion of the
10/15/1988 Award of Arms
11/21/1998 Queen’s Order of
*Allysonne Marguerite de
03/08/1986 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Alonso Diaz
Alvaro el Littoral
12/11/1993 Award of Arms
Alyce de Montmurdy, see Alice de
Alycia Ravaine de Champagne
03/04/1989 Award of Arms
Alys Atwater
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
Alys of Bath
06/18/1988 Award of Arms
*Alys Mackyntoich
02/20/1999 Mistress of the
10/03/1998 Grant of Arms
Alyssa Dragonsdaughter
02/21/2009 Award of Arms
Alyssia McPenn of Maplehall
02/03/1990 Award of Arms
Alywen Teranlin Ythganeth
05/29/1993 Award of Arms
Amalia of Bhakail
10/06/1990 Award of Arms
*Amalric Blackhart
08/18/1994 Knight
07/25/1992 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
05/13/1989 Award of Arms
Amalthea bint Amal Darchealof
06/22/1991 Award of Arms
*Amalthea Farstar
10/08/1977 Award of Arms
Amanda of An Dubhaigeainn
11/22/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Amanda of Caer Adamant
09/13/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Amanda of Stonemarche
02/01/2003 Award of Arms
09/18/1999 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Amari of Caer Adamant
07/21/2007 Award of Arms
(Luna IV)
11/08/2003 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Amee de Jardyn
01/23/1993 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
08/14/1996 Companion of the
02/11/1989 Award of Arms
07/27/1991 Companion of the
Amaury de Périgny
Amélia dit la Belle
10/16/2004 Award of Arms
03/05/2005 Companion of the
Amelia of Concordia
Amber Hawkwood
12/09/2000 Award of Arms
Amber Macewan
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
Amber Ottersdottir
06/12/1999 Award of Arms
*Amber Stormwolfe
10/16/2004 Award of Arms
05/30/1999 Companion of the
Snow Hare (Concordia)
Amelia Faa
04/21/2007 Award of Arms
Amelia bint Wojciech
09/21/2008 Award of Arms
Ameline Bernaerds
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
01/15/1994 Mistress of the
05/02/1992 Companion of the
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
02/20/1993 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
04/12/2003 Golden Lyre
*Americ of Seashire
*Amber Surrey
Amhranai of Smithwick
09/26/1987 Award of Arms
11/15/1986 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Ambrin the Dancer
01/06/1990 Award of Arms
09/19/1992 Award of Arms
Ambrosia Many Colors
04/13/1991 Award of Arms
09/28/1991 Award of Arms
*Amethysta of Kensington
02/01/1997 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/19/1991 Award of Arms
06/21/1992 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
*Amina of Songhay
04/12/2008 Grant of Arms
04/12/2008 Court Baroness
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
Amina bint Suba al-Hadid
07/19/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Aminah al-Zahara
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
05/04/1996 Companion of
08/12/2002 Baroness of
03/27/1999 Award of Arms
01/27/2001 Companion of
Ambrosius Strongbow of Mallory
Amman of Anglespur
05/04/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Amorel of Glenn Linn
Ambrosius Kyriell (the
*Ambrosius Torris
06/25/1994 Award of Arms
Ame Chambrier
04/03/2004 Queen's Cypher
05/26/2001 Award of Arms
09/30/1995 Companion of the
12/30/1989 Award of Arms
*Amron the Stygian
03/17/1975 Companion of
the Dragon's Heart (Middle)
10/14/1978 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Amy Collson, see *Violet
Ana bhec inghean ui Fearghail
10/12/2002 Award of Arms
*Ana Ilevna
11/04/2000 Mistress of the
Laurel (Atlantia)
02/05/2000 Companion of
the Golden Dolphin (Atlantia)
05/17/1997 Companion of
the Pearl (Atlantia)
06/01/1994 Award of Arms
02/24/2001 Companion of
the Silver Scroll (Bright Hills,
02/13/1999 Companion of
the Cat's Paw (Bright Hills,
11/23/1996 Companion of
La Brise de Mer (Caer Mear,
05/25/1996 Companion of
the Pharos (Caer Mear,
Ana Lais de Llerna
03/10/2001 Award of Arms
*Ana Lucia de Andalucia
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
*Ana Ravaya de Guzmán (Ana
Raquel de Guzman)
08/08/2007 Mistress of the
03/11/2000 Companion of
the Manche
10/26/1996 Award of Arms
09/19/1998 Companion of
the Troubadour
04/10/1999 Queen’s Cypher
10/31/1998 Companion of
the Seadog (Ostgardr)
03/16/2002 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
11/09/2002 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
*Ana Ximenez de Hume
*André l’Épervier
03/05/1994 Companion of the
09/12/1998 Mistress of the
09/07/1996 Grant of Arms
01/23/1993 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/07/1996 Court Baroness
02/02/1991 Award of Arms
09/16/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Ananda Rhiannon
Anastasia Heinrich
01/15/2005 Master of the
09/26/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/29/1994 Award of Arms
04/25/1998 Queen’s Order of
Tygers Cub
Award of Arms
Queen's Order of
Companion of the
Golden Lyre
*Ananda of the Bells
05/09/1987 Award of Arms
*Anarra Karlsdottir
11/04/2000 Mistress of the
Laurel (Atlantia)
07/12/1997 Companion of the
Pearl (Atlantia)
05/02/1998 Companion of the
Golden Dolphin (Atlantia)
03/14/1981 Award of Arms
(An Tir)
02/13/1999 Companion of the
Cat's Paw (Bright Hills,
02/24/2001 Companion of the
Silver Scroll (Bright Hills,
10/24/1998 Companion of La
Brise de Mer (Caer Mear,
05/25/1996 Companion of the
Pharos (Caer Mear, Atlantia)
01/01/1979 Order of the
Baronial Brownie (Adiantum,
An Tir)
Anastasia Adrianova (was:
Anastasia Rotislav )
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
*Anastasia Katherine aus Speyer
03/18/1995 Award of Arms
*Anastasia Knutovna
03/05/1983 Award of Arms
Anastasia of Owl's Reste
05/06/2000 Award of Arms
Anastasia Petrovna Chernaya
04/21/1990 Award of Arms
Anastasia Terrapinova
01/12/1980 Award of Arms
*Anastasia of the Oaks
07/14/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/23/1993 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/30/1994 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
09/06/2009 Companion of the
Furison (Stonemarche)
Anastassia Wakefield of Coventry
11/30/1996 Companion of the
Anastasiia Temnoloshadshaya
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
Anastasia of Bhakail
Anastastia de Medici
09/14/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Ana-Theresa Rosala y Marcos
Anastasia of Carillion
09/29/2007 Award of Arms
*Anastasia Diaz de Léon
Mistress of the
Companion of the
Award of Arms
Queen’s Order of
*Anastasia Guta
03/04/2006 Award of Arms
01/15/1983 Award of Arms
*Anders Botman
02/05/2000 Award of Arms
Andras of Wealdon
03/17/1984 Award of Arms
Andre de Bourgogne
03/22/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
*Andre of Branswatch
11/01/1986 Award of Arms
09/27/1992 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
06/07/2008 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
01/20/1996 Award of Arms
02/17/2007 Companion of
the Silver Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
08/03/2008 Companion of
the Silver Compass (Iron Bog)
Andre Kirlov, of House Wilmot
Andre Quiboit du Lait
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
Andre of Twin Keeps
06/13/1992 Award of Arms
*Andrea Caitlin MacIntyre
08/17/2005 Mistress of the
08/17/2005 Mistress of the
05/02/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/16/1999 Companion of
the Manche
01/13/1990 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
06/07/2008 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
09/07/1996 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane III)
03/29/2008 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella)
02/22/2003 Golden Lyre
*Andrea de Champs des
05/09/1981 Leaf of Merit
11/02/1980 Award of Arms
Andrea of Eisental
07/28/2001 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Andrea of Settmour Swamp
05/28/2006 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Andreas der Eisfalke
04/12/2003 Duke
04/21/2001 Count
08/21/1993 Knight
02/29/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/27/1990 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Valiant Tyger
03/20/2010 Tyger of Foreign
03/20/2010 Valiant Tyger
*Andreas Kalisiensis
07/26/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/27/1996 Award of Arms
*Andreas Morgan
03/09/1996 Award of Arms
*Andreas Syndikus
07/19/1986 Award of Arms
*Andreas de Vulpes
01/28/1978 Award of Arms
05/??/1979 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Andrée Diane Chartier de l'Oise
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
12/06/1987 Companion of the
Dragons Pride
Andreiko Eferiev
09/27/2008 Award of Arms
Andreus Vincenzo Scapucci
03/11/2000 Award of Arms
Andrew of Concordia
05/24/2003 Award of Arms
*Andrew of Cork
11/19/1994 Award of Arms
*Andrew Kelson MacLaine
11/18/1989 Award of Arms
Andrew de Londres
11/22/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Andrew MacRobb
07/02/1983 Award of Arms
10/16/1982 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
01/11/1986 Companion of the
Andrew of Owl's Rest
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
Andrew Pokeswell
01/08/2005 Award of Arms
*Andrew Redbeard
08/16/2004 Award of Arms
*Andrew of York
11/27/1993 Master of the
10/01/1988 Founding Baron
01/31/1987 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/25/2000 Companion of the
11/24/2001 Court Baron
05/07/1985 Award of Arms
11/03/1990 Queen's Order of
10/24/2001 Ordre du Pèlerin
(Havre des Glaces)
*Andros ap Anlawdd
01/05/1974 Knight
02/20/1982 Queen's Order of
04/27/1975 Companion of the
Gaping Wound (Middle)
Andrusus (of Settmour Swamp)
03/15/1986 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Annet du Vey
07/16/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/27/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Aneleda Cyntheria Falconbridge
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
01/27/2007 Companion of the
Angel of Lion’s End
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
*Angelica de la Rosa
07/13/1996 Award of Arms
*Angelina Foljambe
02/25/1992 Award of Arms
04/30/1994 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Angelina Rose Capasso
12/06/2008 Award of Arms
Angelina of the Wild Roses
10/03/1998 Companion of the
12/10/1994 Award of Arms
*Angeline di Aquila
06/08/1996 Award of Arms
*Angeline of the Grove
06/05/1993 Award of Arms
Angeline of Old Orchard
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
Angelique d'Archiere
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
Angelique of Burgundy
11/29/1975 Award of Arms
10/04/1975 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Angelique de Dampiere
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
Angelique Just Richard nee
07/07/1990 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
12/08/1982 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Anges MacKincaid
10/15/2005 Award of Arms
11/23/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Anghall Ó Fearghail
05/04/2002 Companion of
the Sagittarius
05/06/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
Angharad of House Distant
10/29/1983 Award of Arms
*Angharad ferch Geoffrey ap
12/31/1986 Companion of
the Manche
08/16/1985 Award of Arms
Angharad of Mitgard
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
Angharad ferch Owen
01/16/1993 Award of Arms
*Angharad verch Rees (was:
Angharad y Rhosyn ferch
04/14/2007 Mistress of the
07/04/2009 Mistress of the
08/13/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/01/2006 Companion of the
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
11/06/1999 Queen’s Honor of
Distinction (Marieke II)
Angus McHaley
05/06/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
Anna Dimitriova Belokon
*Angus mac Padraig
08/08/2007 Award of Arms
Angus the Pitiful
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
02/02/2002 Mistress of the
01/23/1999 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/23/1993 Award of Arms
01/21/1995 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Angharad Ryfedd ferch
Gwenllian Dda
*Angus Scrymgeoure
11/11/1989 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/16/1985 Award of Arms
*Angus Sutherland
*Anna Elisabeth von
05/29/2005 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Anna Harcourt de Pomeroy
Angus Caed Chathach
05/12/2007 Order of Gawain
11/02/1996 Award of Arms
Angus Campbell of Argyl, the
Anita del Veneto
09/24/2005 Grant of Arms
05/19/2001 Companion of the
02/05/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/24/2005 Court Baron
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
04/21/2001 Queen's Cypher
Ankara Lig Niki (was: Ankara of
Glenn Linn)
Angus Ge Fhiana
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
*Angus Gunn
09/19/1992 Award of Arms
05/25/2002 Award of Arms
01/08/2005 Knight
09/25/1999 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
08/15/2002 Valiant Tyger
04/03/2004 Queen's Order of
09/??/2002 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Ann of Bergen
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Angus Kerr
Ann Kidder
05/23/2009 Master of the
11/11/2006 Baron of
Concordia of the Snows
09/10/2005 Grant of Arms
09/10/2005 Court Baron
02/25/2006 Companion of the
08/14/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/04/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/05/2003 Award of Arms
09/11/2004 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere)
02/23/2008 King's Order of
10/03/2009 Queen's Order of
09/24/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Angus McGillivray
Anna Czujnega
06/05/1993 Award of Arms
Ann of Oakenwood
12/08/2007 Award of Arms
*Ann Sarasin
04/25/1998 Award of Arms
10/30/1999 Companion of
Anna d'Amiens
03/18/2006 Award of Arms
*Anna of Aarnimetsä (was:
*Anna Tuomaantytär von
08/08/1991 Award of Arms
Anna of Carillion
02/21/2009 Award of Arms
*Anna la Claire
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
Anna Cole
01/30/1999 Award of Arms
04/20/1991 Companion of the
01/21/1989 Award of Arms
12/05/1998 Queen’s Honor
of Distinction (Anna)
§*Anna Herold von Ossenheim
07/06/2002 Mistress of the
10/05/1996 Grant of Arms
03/03/1990 Companion of
the Manche
09/28/1996 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/05/1996 Court Baroness
05/26/1985 Award of Arms
11/12/1985 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
07/05/2003 Queen's Order of
*Anna Katherine von
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Anna Ophelia Holloway
12/05/1987 Duchess
12/06/1986 Countess
01/09/1993 Viscountess
03/05/1988 Mistress of the
Pelican (Atenveldt)
03/07/1992 Mistress of the
Laurel (Atenveldt)
09/02/1995 Bannthegn
(Baroness Loch Salann,
Atenveldt, retired)
09/07/1991 Lion of
12/06/1986 Lady of the Rose
09/07/1991 Grant of Arms
08/14/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/16/1986 Light of Atenveldt
01/14/1989 Pillar of Artemisia
09/19/1993 Maple Leaf of
01/13/1990 Golden Feather of
10/29/1988 Crystal of the Salt
Wastes (Loch Salann, Atenveldt)
04/02/1983 Award of Arms
07/25/1982 Court Baroness
07/28/1990 Queen’s Grace
10/15/2005 Queen's Order of
Courtesy (East)
12/07/1985 King’s Sigil
01/09/1993 Lady of the
Papillon (Artemisia)
07/11/1992 Griffin’s Heart
01/14/1995 Grace of Artemisia
05/04/1996 Solar Heart (Sun,
02/26/1982 LUST (Outlands)
02/26/1982 Devoted & Unique
Company of Keepers (Outlands)
12/20/1986 Golden Reflection
09/29/2007 Queen's Cypher
Anna von Stuttgart
04/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Anna Tarr
11/19/2005 Award of Arms
Annabell Marr
02/21/2009 Award of Arms
09/26/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
Annabella di Cherubino (see
*Christos di Cherubino)
Annabella Faa
08/08/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Annalise Whitcome of
12/10/1988 Award of Arms
04/20/1985 Queen’s Cypher
(Kunegunda II)
Anne von Hellestal (aka Ann of
Bright Valley, aka Suikazura)
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Queen's Order of
11/26/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Queen's Cypher
Anne de Chevenbois
*Anne Liese Wolkenhaar
09/05/1998 Companion of the
04/06/2002 Mistress of the
07/25/1998 Companion of
the Manche
02/05/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/14/1996 Award of Arms
07/24/1999 Companion of
the Troubadour
05/24/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane II)
*Anne Botman
*Anne Elaina of River's Bend
08/17/2005 Mistress of the
02/05/2000 Companion of the
01/03/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/24/1993 Award of Arms
09/30/1995 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
07/11/1998 Companion of
08/12/2003 Queen's Order of
09/10/1994 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Anne Marie of Northpass
09/07/1991 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Anne of Framlingham
05/09/1987 Award of Arms
10/10/1987 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
08/16/1996 Mistress of the
09/24/1994 Companion of
the Manche
02/22/1992 Award of Arms
01/23/1993 Companion of
the Troubadour
04/08/2000 Companion of
Anne of Felding
*Anne Meckil von Salm
*Anne Elizabeth of Surrey
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
Anne Goia
05/19/2001 Award of Arms
*Anne of the Golden Mantle
10/29/1977 Award of Arms
Anne Gryffyth
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Anne Guest
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
*Anne of Hatfield
10/08/1983 Mistress of the
02/27/1993 Mistress of the
04/01/1978 Companion of the
04/01/1978 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/01/1975 Award of Arms
03/26/2005 Companion of
the Manche
01/31/2009 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/01/2000 Award of Arms
07/16/2000 Companion of
the Troubadour
*Anne of Narnia
06/10/1972 Companion of
the Windblown Leaf
*Anne of Porcellus
04/24/1982 Grant of Arms
03/21/1981 Award of Arms
*Anne Wyecliffe
10/17/1981 Award of Arms
Anneke of Flekkeroy
03/06/2010 Companion of
the Manche
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
09/27/1997 Queen’s Cypher
*Anneke Vaandrager
*Antolin el Tunanté de Treburgos
11/19/1994 Award of Arms
Annetta Giovanna Ciel' di
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Annor of Gleninagh
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
Annora Stratton de Buchanan
07/18/2009 Award of Arms
Annora de Sylveaston see *Ilse
von Schönau
*Annys Ruth O'Carney
08/14/2002 Mistress of the
08/17/1995 Companion of the
Annys of Wyke Beck
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
*Annys Wolf of Wharram Percy
10/20/1996 Award of Arms
Anselm de Salignac
09/23/2006 Award of Arms
07/01/2006 Queen's Order of
*Ansitruda Helgasdottir
09/28/1996 Companion of the
06/18/1988 Award of Arms
*Anson Gleowyn
02/05/2000 Companion of the
06/23/1990 Award of Arms
*Anssem van Rienen
01/13/2007 Award of Arms
08/05/2008 Queen's Order of
09/27/2008 Companion of the
Silver Rapier
01/13/2007 Companion of the
Perseus (Carolingia)
05/04/2008 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
04/11/2009 Queen's Cypher
*Anthea Maecenas, see Roxane
*Anthony Reese
02/01/1997 Award of Arms
Antoinette aus Essen
09/27/1997 Award of Arms
01/23/1982 Award of Arms
*Anton LaFlamme de Saint
07/06/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/01/2003 Companion of the
09/18/1999 Award of Arms
09/18/1999 Queen’s Cypher
(Moruadh II)
03/26/2005 Golden Tyger
Anton de Leon
04/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Anton Lowe von Ulm
09/27/2008 King's Cypher
Anton McRae
04/16/1988 Companion of the
03/13/1982 Award of Arms
03/??/1981 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Anton Winteroak
04/03/1993 Master of the
01/04/1988 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
05/12/1990 Companion of the
09/30/1995 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/27/1984 Award of Arms
04/03/1993 King's Order of
08/17/1995 Queen’s Order of
02/08/2003 Companion of the
11/07/1992 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
05/01/1999 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
04/12/2003 Golden Lyre
Antonia Hawkins
04/19/1980 Award of Arms
*Antonio Bonetti
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
Antonio di Napoli
10/30/1999 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/25/1998 Award of Arms
08/16/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Antonio Patrasso, was Antonio
03/28/2009 Knight
01/14/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/23/1994 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
03/25/2006 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
01/16/1993 Award of Arms
09/29/2007 Valiant Tyger
04/01/2006 Queen's Cypher
(Roxane III)
02/27/2010 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Brenwen II)
03/24/2007 Companion of
the Iron Tower (Settmour
*Antonio Vela de Lugo y Payan
05/13/1995 Award of Arms
*Antony Martin of Sheffield
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
Anya Minestri Demitro
02/25/2005 Award of Arms
Anyonca of Blackwood
07/02/2005 Award of Arms
Aoba Kagetarou Tadahira
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
*Aodhan O Dunlaing
05/29/2004 Award of Arms
Aoefe ui Dhonaill
06/19/2004 Award of Arms
09/13/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Aohagen Man Murcha
12/14/2002 Award of Arms
Aoibheann Mag Uidhir
12/08/2001 Award of Arms
Aoife inghean Conchobhair
11/11/2006 Award of Arms
09/15/2007 Companion of
the Troubadour
05/24/2009 Companion of
the Sapphire (Concordia)
Aoife bean Conall meic
09/21/2008 Award of Arms
Aoife ingen ua'Lochan
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
Aoife of Narrenbeck
04/11/1992 Award of Arms
Aonghais of Ar n-Eilean-ne
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
*Aonghas of Clan Campbell
09/27/1997 Grant of Arms
09/30/1995 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/27/1997 Court Baron
10/30/1993 Award of Arms
09/24/1994 Queen’s Order of
12/03/1994 Pillar of the Bridge
12/09/1995 Companion of the
Sun & Soil (BBM)
*Aonghas Cu
05/18/1996 Award of Arms
*Aonghas macDhaibhidh
09/12/1987 Award of Arms
Aonghas MacErik
10/23/1988 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Aonghas Mac Labhruinn de
09/30/2006 Knight
08/13/2002 Grant of Arms
10/27/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
08/13/2002 Court Baron
03/06/2010 Companion of the
09/16/2000 Award of Arms
08/13/2003 Valiant Tyger
09/27/2003 Queen's Order of
04/28/2002 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
04/03/2004 King's Cypher
(Balfar IV)
*Aonghas Mathgamain
*Apollonia Voss
Arachelle de Lavendre
03/28/2009 Companion of the
05/19/2001 Award of Arms
Aramanth de Heauterville
Appolonia Alikonis
*Arame merch Emrys
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
07/24/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Aquel of Darksted Wood
10/09/1993 Master of the
01/04/1997 Master of the
03/02/1996 Baron of
Carolingia (ret.)
07/21/1990 Companion of the
03/02/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/08/2002 Court Baron
02/09/1980 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
05/05/1984 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
10/01/1988 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
12/05/1992 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
Aquilina of the Sea Cliffs
09/09/2006 Award of Arms
Aquilla Ashley Maddox
09/24/2005 Queen's Order of
Arab Boy, see Ali Abbas al
Arabella of Artane
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
*Arabella ni Cormac
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
Arabella von Somerfeldt
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
Arabis Tarragon
04/06/1991 Companion of the
02/02/1991 Award of Arms
Apollonia Timandra Domitia
*Arabella of Thornwood (was
*Arabella Radcliffe)
03/??/1981 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
01/14/1978 Award of Arms
03/09/1996 Award of Arms
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
09/11/1983 Award of Arms
09/15/1984 Award of Arms
*Arastorm the Golden
04/24/1982 Countess
04/01/1978 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/05/1980 Companion of
the Manche
07/26/1980 Court Baroness
04/20/1974 Award of Arms
05/01/1976 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
10/03/1987 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Aravis Katheryn DelClare
12/12/1981 Mistress of the
01/08/1977 Grant of Arms
09/26/1971 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/??/1986 Companion of
the Oar (Dragonship Haven)
11/06/1993 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Arawen Aka Halu
04/01/1989 Award of Arms
Arcadia Justina
02/05/1994 Award of Arms
Arcadius of Carolingia
10/02/2004 Award of Arms
Arden of Icomb
07/26/2003 Master of the
09/26/1998 Companion of
the Manche
07/10/1993 Award of Arms
07/10/1993 Companion of
the Troubadour
09/23/2006 Companion of
the Silver Compass (Iron Bog)
02/22/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
09/30/2006 Golden Tyger
04/11/2009 Golden Lyre
Arden MacIllhatton
06/03/1989 Companion of
the Manche
09/28/1985 Award of Arms
*Ardenia the Red (Ardennia
03/25/2006 Mistress of the
09/27/2003 Grant of Arms
09/27/2003 Court Baroness
02/27/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/03/1997 Award of Arms
Areusa Salvadorez Gustioz
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
Argus of the Seven Hills
09/16/2000 Award of Arms
Ari de Lyon
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
Ariadne Cecilia Caldera
01/29/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/21/1998 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/05/1999 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Ariana of the North
08/12/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/18/1991 Award of Arms
*Ariane Baie d'Or
12/14/1991 Award of Arms
Ariane of Clan O'Choda
02/12/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/17/1988 Award of Arms
11/15/1986 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Ariane de Meursault, see Svana
Ariane Desiree des Cedres
08/16/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/14/1996 Companion of the
09/26/1992 Award of Arms
*Arianna Chiara Fiorucci
04/17/1993 Award of Arms
09/29/2001 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
11/10/2001 Order of the Aegis
10/01/1993 Order of the Heavy
Cross (Nordskogen, Middle)
02/18/1995 Award of the
Baton Gules (Nordskogen,
02/24/1996 Honor of the
Heliotrope (Nordskogen,
11/16/1996 Award of the
Baton Gules (Nordskogen,
04/18/1998 Order of the
Baronial Broom (Nordskogen,
*Arianna Faolan
01/20/1996 Award of Arms
10/14/1995 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Arianwen ferch Lawen
10/12/2002 Golden Lyre
*Aric Arundel of the Mist
07/04/1998 Companion of
the Manche
10/19/1985 Award of Arms
*Ariel of Alon
06/06/1992 Viscount
06/06/1992 Patent of Arms
01/02/1993 Knight
06/29/1991 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
06/01/1991 Companion of
the Golden Alce
12/01/1990 Award of Arms
Arianna Fortunado
*Ariel d'Argentan
04/01/2000 Award of Arms
04/01/2000 Companion of the
*Ariel of Caer Myrddin
Arianna Gulielma
04/24/1976 Award of Arms
02/21/1976 Companion of the
Windblown Leaf (Myrkwood)
Arianna Kreiner
06/25/1983 Award of Arms
*Arianna Maria di Marchesi
11/26/1994 Award of Arms
02/13/1982 Award of Arms
10/04/1991 Mistress of the
02/11/1989 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/03/1990 Companion of
the Manche
01/28/1984 Award of Arms
*Ariel de Narbonne
04/30/1994 Award of Arms
*Arianna Ravenstar of Wolfwood
Ariel of the Silver Birches
05/29/1999 Companion of the
06/24/1989 Award of Arms
01/29/1994 Companion of
02/05/1989 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven
Ariel of Sutr's Brood
Arianne ferch Rhys
10/25/1975 Award of Arms
Arianrhod of the Border Marches
11/10/1990 Award of Arms
Arianrhod of Caron
03/09/2002 Award of Arms
Arianrhod of Wolfsgate
01/10/1998 Award of Arms
*Arianwen Esyllt Gwynedd
05/13/1995 Award of Arms
*Arianwen ferch Gawaine
03/15/1986 Award of Arms
02/21/1987 Companion of the
Gold Comet (BMDL)
08/04/1979 Award of Arms
11/17/2007 Award of Arms
*Ariella of Devonshire
08/17/1995 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Arienhwyfar Pell
Grant of Arms
Court Baroness
Award of Arms
Queen's Order of
Queen's Cypher
Arik Cour de Luttrere (Arik of
Caer Cinnuint)
02/20/1993 Companion of
the Golden Alce
01/16/1999 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/20/1993 Award of Arms
05/26/1996 Queen's Order of
04/10/1999 King’s Cypher
03/26/1994 Sigil of
*Arinbjorn Njallson Langtaler
a'Chnuic Guirm
04/15/1978 Award of Arms
*Arioch the Quick
05/15/1999 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
11/15/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
Aristotle Herakleides
Companion of the
06/30/2001 Award of Arms
*Armand de Crecy
10/05/1985 Award of Arms
10/10/1987 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Armand d’Ezukadi
04/25/1998 Award of Arms
Armand de la Poor
03/01/1997 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
07/10/1993 Award of Arms
Armies of the East and Allies
08/19/2005 Blue Tyger Legion
Armina des Loups
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
01/15/2000 Queen’s Honor of
Distinction (Marieke II)
Army of Bhakail
07/29/1995 Blue Tyger Legion
Award of Arms
Companion of
Companion of the
Árnacaí Mac Tíre a'Bheithir
03/05/2005 Award of Arms
05/30/2004 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Arnault de Montguyon
03/31/2001 Award of Arms
§Arlecchino the Harlequin
(Harlequin Tomfoolery)
Arnis Klusetajs
06/05/1993 Award of Arms
10/17/1993 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Arnleif the Red
Arlina (of Eisental)
06/15/2002 Award of Arms
*Arlof O’Donovae of Aranmor
09/01/1990 Count (Trimaris)
11/11/1989 Knight (Trimaris)
06/20/1987 Award of Arms
07/20/1996 Companion of the
05/13/1989 Argent
Morningstar (Trimaris)
01/18/1992 Order of the Bards
Laureate (Masque) (Trimaris)
Arlyana Van Wyck see *Aryana
van Wyck
Arlynn Bell
05/28/2005 Award of Arms
12/15/2007 Order of the Horse
Armand de l’Abacus
11/30/1996 Award of Arms
07/21/1998 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
Armand the Brewer
01/06/2007 Award of Arms
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
*Arnoff Ragnarsson
10/24/1987 Master of the
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
03/12/1988 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
12/10/1988 Queen's Order of
*Arnulf Adler
04/23/1984 Baron of Bhakail
07/25/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/16/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/11/1983 Award of Arms
09/28/1996 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
08/15/1991 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
*Arnwulf Æthelreding
07/25/1993 Knight
01/04/1986 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/20/1984 Award of Arms
03/21/1984 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Arpad a Kellemetlan see
*Kellemetlen Árpád
Arpad of Riddlemark see
*Kolozsvári Árpád
Arramel of Panther Vale
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
Artain ni Farganum
10/30/1999 Award of Arms
*Arelinda Poincelin (was:
Aurelien Tolbarry)
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
*Artemas le Beau
04/10/2004 Companion of
the Sagittarius
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
*Artemas Maximus
06/30/1985 Knight (West)
06/23/1984 Leaf of Merit
05/25/1985 Leaf of Merit
08/27/1994 Baron (West)
06/19/1984 Award of Arms
05/15/1993 Order of Valor
01/05/1985 Queen’s Guard
(Grün, West)
05/04/1985 Queen’s Guard
(Rowena, West)
06/10/2007 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Arthur de Beaumont
07/16/2000 Companion of
the Sagittarius
03/31/2001 Companion of
the Manche
06/02/1996 Award of Arms
*Arthur of the Black Marsh
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
Arthur of Linden
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
Arthur Rivers
12/08/2001 Award of Arms
Arthur of Rosemallen
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
*Arthur Watson ("Artorius")
01/03/2004 Knight
04/06/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
06/15/2002 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Arthur Whitewing see *Cyngen
ap Gwenwynwyn
Arthurus Theodore de Bear
11/19/1988 Award of Arms
Artos of Skara Brae
07/16/2000 Companion of the
*Arval Benicoeur
04/04/1992 Master of the
10/10/1987 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/09/1993 Companion of the
01/21/1984 Award of Arms
*Arwen Evaine ferch Rhys of
10/03/1981 Mistress of the
08/15/1987 Mistress of the
01/04/1986 Baroness of
Dragonship Haven
08/02/1980 Grant of Arms
04/24/1982 Companion of the
02/12/2000 Court Baroness
10/22/1977 Award of Arms
04/11/1987 Companion of the
10/20/1980 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
03/23/1985 Companion of the
Hawk's Bell (Dragonship
04/12/1986 Companion of the
Sun and Soil (BBM)
Arwen Elandris of Aegelwoode
04/20/1985 Queen’s Cypher
(Kunegunda II)
*Arwen Southernwood
01/06/1990 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Aryana van Wyck
01/06/1990 Award of Arms
01/26/1991 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Asa Ellisifdottir
08/16/2006 Award of Arms
*Asa Lee Durant
04/16/1988 Companion of the
*Asa de Tanet
06/18/2005 Award of Arms
*Ása in Svarta
05/04/1991 Award of Arms
06/07/2008 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
12/15/2007 Order of the Horse
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
*Asbjorn Gustavsson of Roed
10/11/1975 Duke
10/19/1974 Count
01/06/1973 Knight
Asbjorn Johanson
07/27/2002 Grant of Arms
07/28/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/23/2005 Companion of the
07/27/2002 Court Baron
03/09/1996 Award of Arms
04/21/2001 King's Cypher
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
*Ascelinne de Chambord
06/05/1999 Award of Arms
Aschilde Shin-Kicker
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
03/20/1999 Friend of
*Asenath Chamberly of
08/16/1996 Mistress of the
05/12/1984 Grant of Arms
01/12/1985 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/12/1984 Court Baroness
05/09/1981 Award of Arms
12/19/1992 Queen's Order of
03/04/1995 Companion of the
10/05/1996 Queen’s Cypher
12/05/1982 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
*Asgar Rolfes sune
10/25/2008 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
08/17/2005 Award of Arms
Ashley Blackmoore
10/03/2009 Grant of Arms
10/03/2009 Court Baroness
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
*Ashraf Qaraci
05/21/1988 Mistress of the
07/19/1986 Companion of
the Manche
Ashton Dragonheart
08/12/2003 Award of Arms
Asther de NaSimha
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
01/16/1982 Award of Arms
Astrid of Jorvik
04/28/1984 Award of Arms
*Astrid of Normandy
06/15/1991 Award of Arms
Astrid Olafsdottir (*Astrid of
07/26/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
03/29/2008 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
09/13/2008 King's Cypher
04/10/2010 King's Cypher
(Konrad II)
04/19/2008 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Brenwen)
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella II)
Astrid Roriksdottir
09/13/2003 Award of Arms
Astrid Sigrun Ulfkillsdottir
03/06/2010 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
07/12/2008 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Brenwen)
04/10/2010 Queen's Cypher
(Brenwen II)
*Astridr Nilsdottir
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
*Astryda Borowska
09/07/1996 Companion of the
01/02/1990 Companion of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
09/17/1988 Award of Arms
Asumdr inn Kyrri
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
*Atai Tetsuko
01/21/1984 Award of Arms
Atarah of Montrose
07/18/1998 Companion of the
01/23/1993 Award of Arms
*Ateno of Annun Ridge
01/13/2001 Master of the
08/07/2008 Master of the
11/10/2007 Baron of An
04/08/1995 Companion of the
05/02/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/27/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
02/27/1993 Award of Arms
12/21/2002 Queen's Order of
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
11/19/2005 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
*Athanasius Biørnovic
03/17/1979 Grant of Arms
Athony of Twin Keeps
06/13/1992 Award of Arms
Athos Sagitta Concipere
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
Atreides Coridan
03/24/2007 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Aubrée de Gui
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
*Aubrey Lowell
04/14/1984 Award of Arms
04/06/1982 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Aubrie de Bretesche
11/02/1991 Award of Arms
*Audric Eisenherz
07/23/1988 Award of Arms
Augarolof of Havre des Glaces
09/05/2009 Award of Arms
Augustine the Incorrigible
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Augustus the Bowyer
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
*Aultain Moire O'Linnala
02/19/1977 Award of Arms
*Aurelia Bryhtwyn
08/16/1994 Award of Arms
*Aurelia da Calabria
07/15/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
Aurelia du Vrai Coeur (was:
*Aurelia du Coeur Sincère)
01/25/2003 Companion of the
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
04/04/1998 Companion of the
Aurelia de Fauconnier
04/16/1983 Award of Arms
*Aurelia Messalina
07/25/1992 Award of Arms
07/25/1992 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Aurelia Rufinia
02/28/2009 Grant of Arms
05/04/2002 Court Baroness
(Northshield, Middle)
09/27/2008 Companion of the
03/06/2010 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/04/2002 Royal Cypher
(Northshield, Middle)
05/22/1999 Award of Arms
03/21/2009 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
03/26/2005 Golden Tyger
03/29/2008 Golden Lyre
*Aurelia Stellari
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/14/2002 Companion of
the Manche
08/17/1994 Award of Arms
09/11/1993 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Aureliana of Stout Oak
06/24/1995 Award of Arms
*Aurelie de Montpellier
10/05/1985 Companion of
the Manche
01/29/1983 Award of Arms
04/11/1987 Companion of
the Troubadour
09/29/1984 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
12/02/1984 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
03/23/1985 Companion of
the Hawks Bell (Dragonship
04/12/1986 Companion of
the Sun and Soil (BBM)
Aurelius Penkawr of
09/28/1991 Award of Arms
Auriana de Auntie
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
Auriana of the Bridge
12/08/2001 Award of Arms
Aurielle de Garande
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
Auriora de Bianco
05/28/2005 Award of Arms
*Aurora of Dragonship Haven
11/19/2005 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Aurora de Bianco
01/11/2003 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Aurora ffolkes
01/11/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/24/1993 Award of Arms
04/21/2001 Queen's Order of
10/31/1998 Order of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
Aurora of Havre des Glaces
12/05/1992 Award of Arms
*Aurora Ilfetafether
04/15/1989 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
03/12/1988 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Aurora Olafsdottir
06/23/1990 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Aurora of Ravenswood
10/25/2003 Award of Arms
Aurora of Stonemarche
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Avelina Perceval
10/05/1996 Companion of the
11/07/1992 Award of Arms
04/30/1995 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
10/11/1995 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
*Avelyn Bisset
05/27/1984 Award of Arms
01/23/1999 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Avelyn of Mayburgh
*Aurora Strongbow
*Averill Danielson
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
Avacyn von Dhum
09/26/2009 Award of Arms
*Ávaldr Valbjarnarson
01/05/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
*Ávarr Óláfsson
07/03/1988 Award of Arms
*Avelguarde the Wanderer
11/26/1994 Award of Arms
*Avelina Courlandon
10/20/1990 Award of Arms
*Avelina Keyes
01/03/2004 Mistress of the
03/09/2002 Grant of Arms
12/04/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/08/2000 Companion of
09/16/2000 Companion of the
03/09/2002 Court Baroness
12/06/1997 Award of Arms
02/28/1998 Pillar of the Bridge
04/06/2002 King's Cypher
(Lucan VI)
04/14/2007 King's Cypher
(Lucan VII)
04/14/2007 Queen's Cypher
(Jana IV)
04/05/1997 Queen’s Honor of
Distinction (Elspeth)
02/28/1998 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Caitlin)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
11/22/2003 Award of Arms
02/21/1998 Award of Arms
*Avice Greylyng
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
*Avice de Haliach (was: Kendra
of the Holly Oak)
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Azelin Cola of Wishford
12/08/2001 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/24/1994 Award of Arms
04/05/1997 Queen’s Order of
08/15/2005 Companion of
the Troubadour
04/05/1997 Queen’s Cypher
12/07/1996 Pillar of the
Bridge (Bridge)
Azure Brennan
Companion of the
04/21/2007 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Anna II)
Companion of the
*Baildrin MacEinri
Award of Arms
Queen's Order of
01/23/1999 Award of Arms
04/10/1999 Queen’s Cypher
*Balfar von Gruenwald
Avis of Winding Waters
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
§*Avisa of Rideja
12/19/1981 Award of Arms
*Avraham haRofeh (was:
*Avraham ben Shimon haGranadi)
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
*Avram ben Yakov ha-Yansuf of
03/11/1989 Award of Arms
Avrigne Amour d'Epee
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
*Avril Boulle
05/19/2001 Award of Arms
Ayden Pathfinder, see *Hubert
Azalais de Fontevrault
Mistress of the
Companion of the
Award of Arms
Companion of
Awndreuis of Clan Gryphon
05/25/1998 Award of Arms
*Axel Andersson
04/23/1983 Award of Arms
Ayden of Owls Reste
04/13/1996 Duke
04/04/1992 Count
04/04/1992 Master at Arms
09/01/2001 Master of the
01/05/1991 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
08/18/1999 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
12/09/1995 Companion of
the Sun & Soil (BBM)
05/??/2001 Companion of St.
Martin (Dragonship Haven)
09/27/1997 Queen’s Cypher
(Moruadh I)
04/04/1998 King's Cypher
(Lucan IV)
09/25/1999 King’s Cypher
(Hanse II)
09/29/2001 King's Cypher
(Hanse III)
04/03/2004 Augmentation of
*Balien de Valiere
08/16/1996 Knight
07/10/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
06/02/1996 Queen’s Order of
10/02/2004 Valiant Tyger
10/07/1989 Grant of Arms
03/02/1996 Court Baroness
03/02/1996 Queen’s Order of
*Balin Catherwood
*Barbeta Kyrkeland
11/27/1993 Award of Arms
*Balin the Fairhaired
11/01/1975 Master of the
06/15/1972 Baron Beyond the
Mountain (retired)
07/05/1992 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Baliq the Kazar, was *Giles
William Trout
12/08/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
*Baltasar Mondragon
10/26/2002 Master of the
11/21/1998 Baron of
Concordia of the Snows
11/21/1998 Grant of Arms
04/10/1999 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
11/03/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/11/2006 Court Baron
05/29/1993 Award of Arms
*Balthazar Thornguard
11/04/1989 Award of Arms
12/06/2008 Award of Arms
Bardolff Karlsson
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
*Barnabas O’Phelan
11/26/1994 Award of Arms
05/17/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Barry MacFadyen
Duke (Atlantia)
Count (Atlantia)
Baron of Bergental
Court Baron
Award of Arms
*Bartek Ruhiger
01/04/1992 Knight
08/27/1990 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/03/1988 Award of Arms
*Barthel aus Pennswald
10/02/1982 Award of Arms
*Bartholomew of Suffolk
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
Bartolomieu of Panther Vale,
called Barr
10/30/2004 Award of Arms
Bambar Ghoa
*Bartolomeo della Rocca
03/24/2007 Companion of the
10/21/2000 Award of Arms
Basil de Lacey
Bane MacGowan
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
*Barak Raz
08/10/1975 Award of Arms
11/14/1981 Companion of the
Barbara de la Carriere
06/20/1987 Award of Arms
Barbara le Grange
05/26/1985 Award of Arms
Barbara du Lac
04/20/1974 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
*Barbara Viggiani Milanese
10/07/1989 Baroness of
12/12/1981 Award of Arms
09/05/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Baska the Depraved
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Bastian von Nurnberg
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
*Batsheva Slonimska
10/23/1981 Award of Arms
Batujin Ba’adur
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
*Batujin Nasan
06/14/2003 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor of
05/06/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Anna II)
09/30/2006 Queen's Cypher
(Anna II)
07/17/2005 Companion of
the Furison (Stonemarche)
*Batujin Negan, see Ruger von
Bayana Khatife
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Bearach Colcane
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
Bearengaer Myrksson
10/23/1981 Award of Arms
10/09/1982 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Beatrice of Blackrose
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
Beatrice Lili
03/06/2010 Award of Arms
Beatrice Rosa de Rossi
03/26/1983 Award of Arms
03/26/1983 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Swamp)
Becky of Irons Farm
09/24/1984 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
Becky of Regnesfolke
05/24/2003 Award of Arms
Bedivere Witherus
02/02/2008 Award of Arms
Beileag Urquhart, see *Iseabeil
03/19/1983 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Bela ot Kaffa
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Belinda Stuart Graham
03/28/2009 Award of Arms
*Bella del Mare
07/22/2006 Award of Arms
Belleza de la Rosa
08/15/2004 Grant of Arms
08/15/2004 Court Baroness
10/07/2000 Award of Arms
Beltreg of Brokenbridge
07/21/2007 Award of Arms
*Ben of Brokenbridge
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
*Ben the Steward
01/26/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
Bengally Xavier Talon Cruitin
04/03/2004 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Burdened Tyger
05/28/1995 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/18/2000 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Bérengère de Cheviney
05/30/1999 Companion of the
Snow Hare (Concordia)
02/09/2002 Award of Arms
02/09/2002 Companion of
03/22/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
*Benjamin d'Orb
Berkhommer (of Barren Sands)
Benito de Laochda
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
Benjamin of Concordia
03/22/2003 Award of Arms
Benjamin Three Knives
03/29/2008 Companion of
Beoir Blackrune
09/??/1986 Award of Arms
*Beorhtric von Adlerheim
09/21/1991 Award of Arms
Beorn Ironhand
08/18/2005 Award of Arms
Beorn O’Dea
12/14/1996 Award of Arms
Beowulf Wyrmcleaw tha
10/09/1993 Master at Arms
10/05/1991 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/22/1997 Court Baron
10/07/1989 Award of Arms
Berach MacTavish
08/07/2008 Knight
04/26/2003 Grant of Arms
09/29/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/26/2003 Court Baron
*Berelindis filia Cunowulfi
(was: Cynewulfdohtor, was: an
01/15/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/14/2005 Companion of the
03/18/1995 Award of Arms
09/20/1998 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
07/26/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/25/2006 Companion of the
05/10/2008 Companion of
*Berowne of Arden
10/14/1978 Master of the
05/13/1989 Master of the
01/08/1977 Grant of Arms
04/24/1976 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/19/1980 Companion of the
01/29/1983 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
01/23/1988 Companion of the
Hawk's Bell (Dragonship Haven)
*Berric Grayveson
03/04/2006 Award of Arms
Bertana of Cissanbyrig
Sauvignon du Supernault
07/05/2003 Award of Arms
*Bertram of Bearington
08/21/1982 Master of the
09/14/1991 Companion of
the Keystone
09/11/1993 Companion of
the Sycamore
08/15/1981 Companion of
the Dragon's Heart (Middle)
03/09/1996 Companion of
the Maunche
10/28/1978 Award of Arms
08/17/1995 Companion of
the Bee (Ealdormere, Middle)
10/02/1982 Companion of
the Troubadours
09/25/1981 Companion of
the Silver Comet (Debatable
??/??/1985 Companion of the
Iron Comet (Debatable Lands)
10/29/1989 Companion of
the Lonely Tower (Lonely
Tower, Calontir)
*Bertran de Banecroft
10/25/1997 Award of Arms
*Bertrand Valois
05/27/2000 Award of Arms
Bertrand de Mez
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
03/07/2004 Grant of Arms
04/02/2005 Queen's Grace of
12/07/2005 Beacon of the
Desert (Atenveldt)
11/03/2002 Award of Arms
05/03/2003 Queen's Cypher
(Deille, Atenveldt)
05/01/2004 Queen's Cypher
(Deille, Atenveldt)
05/07/2005 Queen's Cypher
(Mariana, Atenveldt)
08/07/2007 Queen's Cypher
(Livia, Atenveldt)
Bertrand de St. John
*Berthelm Bradhurst
Betryse Aaradyn Ghyoot
07/05/1986 Award of Arms
Bertram Cyrano Hercule
07/03/1999 Award of Arms
Bess Darnsley, see *Elizabeth
Bess of Winter Hill, see Maria
Elisabeta Gonzaga
Bestaknyi Ivanyukov Krasnyi
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
Beth Just Richard
12/16/1995 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Bethany of Bel Isle
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
Bethoc MacDuff
03/11/2000 Award of Arms
*Bethoc of Ravenswood
09/20/1997 Award of Arms
05/09/2009 Award of Arms
*Bettina von Suessen
01/05/1991 Viscountess
01/05/1991 Lady of the
10/05/1991 Companion of the
10/29/1988 Award of Arms
10/05/1991 Princess's Order of
06/20/1992 Principality
Company of Sojourners
Bevin of Forest Reach
01/25/1997 Award of Arms
*Bhairavi of Thescorre, see
Irayari Vairavi
Bhakaili Branslers
01/11/2003 Golden Lyre
§Bhlosgaidh O'Dana Mor
01/21/1995 Grant of Arms
07/11/1992 Companion of the
01/21/1995 Court Baron
07/09/1988 Award of Arms
01/19/1991 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Bia di Firenze
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
Bianca (of Carolingia?)
08/14/1996 Award of Arms
Birna Rauð
08/02/2009 Companion of the
Keystone (AEthelmearc)
08/02/2009 Award of Arms
Boya Samafujan
03/27/2010 Golden Lyre
*Bjorn Karlsson
10/05/1996 Count
04/16/1988 Master at Arms
04/30/1994 Master of the
04/07/1990 Companion of the
08/16/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/28/1995 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
12/12/1981 Award of Arms
09/10/1983 Queen's Order of
04/27/1991 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Bjorn of Stonemarche
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
*Bjorn Thorfinssonn
03/04/1989 Award of Arms
*Bjorn Urho of the Pines
04/08/2000 Companion of the
04/14/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
*Bianca the Inquisitive
Bjornulfur Kvelgandr
Bianca Gabrielle di Solari
10/26/1991 Award of Arms
Bianca Rosa del Sol
04/07/1990 Award of Arms
Bianca von Freiburg
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
Big Damn John (John of
07/02/2005 Award of Arms
Bilgesayer al Hisson (the Horse
08/15/2005 Court Baron
10/03/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
10/17/2009 Companion of the
Furison (Stonemarche)
Companion of the
Award of Arms
Companion of
Queen's Order of
08/18/2005 Award of Arms
Blackwolfe Gryffyth
03/12/2005 Award of Arms
Blanche of Glenn Linn
07/06/2002 Award of Arms
§Blaze of Saark
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
Bleiddian ap Cynin
08/20/1994 Master of the
02/11/1989 Companion of
08/12/1992 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/05/1996 Companion of the
10/22/1988 Award of Arms
06/12/1993 Queen's Order of
*Blodwen ferch Gruffydd ab
10/01/1988 Mistress of the
12/31/1986 Companion of
the Manche
08/16/1985 Award of Arms
Bloodguard, see Blutwache
*Blutwache (Haus)
10/09/1999 Blue Tyger
10/03/2009 Blue Tyger
*Boal Mergen
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
*Boaz of Zarthan
10/03/1992 Award of Arms
02/27/1993 Queen's Order of
*Boden Henebry
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
*Bogdan Borodets
02/04/1982 Queen's Favor
09/27/1980 Award of Arms
05/09/1981 Companion of
the Watchful Tower
*Bogdan Kobzar
08/19/1993 Award of Arms
*Bonya Farrider
03/13/1982 Award of Arms
Boris Petrovich
03/02/1996 Award of Arms
*Borkr Hálftroll
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
Bosfahrt the Incorrigible
04/10/1982 Award of Arms
Boudica Dragonsbane
07/06/1996 Award of Arms
*Boudicca Dolwyddelan
11/02/1991 Award of Arms
Boudicca Hawke
10/02/2004 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Bowie of BBM
11/02/1996 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Bradamante Quartara
08/16/1994 Award of Arms
*Brak of the Eagle's Eyrie
01/05/1974 Award of Arms
Bram Applegarth
05/08/1993 Award of Arms
Bran the Helpful
02/14/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Bran of the Ravenspittle
08/08/2008 Award of Arms
*Bran ap Rees
09/29/2007 Award of Arms
12/15/2007 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
08/??/2007 Companions of the
Horse (Bhakail)
Brana Vegvas
06/27/1992 Award of Arms
Brand Keneswein
12/05/1992 Award of Arms
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
*Brandubh Mag Oireachtaigh,
see *Elias Gedney
*Brangwayna Morgan (was:
*Bronwyn Morgan o
10/09/2004 Mistress of the
08/12/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/28/2002 Companion of the
10/15/1994 Award of Arms
04/21/2001 Queen's Order of
Brangwen ferch Gryffedd
09/26/1987 Award of Arms
04/12/1986 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Brangwyne of Wentworth
12/10/2005 Award of Arms
Brandi Rhiannon
Branimira of the Isles
08/19/1990 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Brannat Dub
*Brandon D'Arindel
11/19/1983 Viscount (Mists)
05/03/1980 Knight (West)
04/28/1991 Leaf of Merit
04/28/1979 Award of Arms
10/02/1982 Commendabilis
06/20/1982 Queen's Order of
Grace (West)
05/01/1985 Knight Bannerette
05/16/1982 Order of Valor
10/01/1981 Silver Mantle
04/28/1979 Old Battered Helm
01/04/1986 Queen's Cypher
(Iseult, West)
09/23/1989 Defender of the
West (West)
05/12/1984 Corolla Muralis
04/12/1980 Princess's Order of
Grace (Mists)
*Brandon de Tournai
11/07/2009 Award of Arms
08/06/2009 Mistress of the
01/11/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Queen's Order of
04/21/2001 King's Cypher
03/20/2010 Tyger of Foreign
Brannoc of Mountain Freehold
05/28/2006 Award of Arms
Branson the Elder
09/29/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Branson the Younger
12/05/2009 Companion of
09/29/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Branwen of House Raven’s Moon
09/21/1996 Award of Arms
05/02/1998 Companion of the
Branwen d'an Ivineg
10/16/2004 Award of Arms
*Branwen filia Iohannis de
11/30/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
11/24/2001 Award of Arms
*Branwen Ottersby
03/09/1996 Mistress of the
Laurel (Outlands)
??/??/???? Baroness of Black
Diamond, Atlantia (ret.)
09/10/1988 Grant of Arms
09/10/1988 Court Baroness
05/01/1987 Polished Mirror
(Black Diamond, Atlantia)
01/01/1989 Silver Chalice
(Black Diamond, Atlantia)
10/14/1995 Trefoil
*Branwyn Mwrheyd
01/23/1993 Mistress of the
08/16/1990 Grant of Arms
08/16/1990 Court Baroness
Brazen Leigh
06/30/2007 Award of Arms
Breanna Campbell
04/11/2009 Award of Arms
*Breck della Scala
03/27/1993 Companion of
the Manche
06/24/1989 Award of Arms
10/14/1989 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Bree of An Dubhaigeainn
01/07/1995 Award of Arms
Bree the Unobtainable
02/26/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Breice Dyllwan
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
04/11/1987 Companion of
the Troubadour
01/??/1986 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
04/12/1986 Companion of
the Sun and Soil (BBM)
*Brekke Franksdottir
10/11/1975 Countess
10/11/1975 Lady of the Rose
09/28/1996 Mistress of the
07/25/1998 Mistress of the
10/19/1974 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/10/1993 Companion of the
03/02/1991 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/31/1998 Companion of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
10/10/2009 Companion of the
Silver Rapier
04/14/2007 Grant of Arms
04/14/2007 Court Baron
04/18/2009 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/06/2002 Award of Arms
01/27/2007 Queen's Order of
02/17/2007 Tyger of Valor
03/29/2003 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
04/06/2002 Queen's Cypher
(Yana III)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Brendan the Harper
*Brinwen the Fair (Brenwen)
05/02/1987 Award of Arms
11/19/1988 Companion of the
05/13/1988 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Brendan Firebow
Brendan O'Fearghal
02/02/2008 Award of Arms
*Brendan Olthursson
04/20/1991 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/12/1992 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
12/10/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/22/1988 Award of Arms
02/01/1989 Companion of the
10/15/1994 Companion of the
Sun and Soil (BBM)
*Brendan O’Moran
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
*Brendel the Swordfish
09/23/1983 Award of Arms
Brenden of Dragonship Haven,
called Skippy
04/19/2008 Award of Arms
Brenidd of Northumbria
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
Brenna Lise MacDairmid
01/13/1996 Award of Arms
*Brenna nic Adam
05/29/1993 Award of Arms
11/08/1997 Companion of the
Brennan mac Fearghus (was:
Brennan MacKinnon)
Lady of the Rose
Companion of the
Award of Arms
Golden Lyre
Golden Tyger
*Brian Broadaxe
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
Brian of Caer Adamant
10/06/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Brian of Green Hills
06/29/1969 Grant of Arms
Brian mac Domhnaill
01/30/2010 Award of Arms
Brian McGuiness
03/15/1986 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Brian de Northwode
11/08/1986 Award of Arms
*Brian the Blackhawk
12/30/1989 Award of Arms
*Brian le Wolfhunt
01/05/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Brian Yonge
05/23/2009 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Briana de Luna (Bryn)
02/05/2000 Mistress of the
08/12/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/07/1998 Companion of
the Manche
03/16/1996 Award of Arms
09/22/2001 Queen's Order of
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Briana Damhnait McCaoimhe
12/11/1993 Award of Arms
*Briana M'Quharg
05/26/2001 Award of Arms
Briana of Eisental
07/21/2007 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Brianna of Bergental
06/03/2006 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Brianna of Bywater, see
*Marion MacGregor
Brianna inghean Douglas
11/28/2009 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
01/27/2007 Companion of
10/04/2008 Companion of
the Iceberg (Ruantallan)
*Brianna Ealhere le Flauteur
11/07/1987 Award of Arms
*Brianna Healfseaxe
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
*Brianna McBain
07/22/2006 Mistress of the
10/21/2000 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
12/21/2002 Companion of
the Manche
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
06/02/2001 Companion of
the Seadog (Ostgardr)
09/08/2001 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Brianna of the Horses, see
*Brianna McBain
Brianna MacKinnon
02/10/2001 Award of Arms
Brianna Sutherland
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
*Brianna Vivina O Choda
01/24/1987 Award of Arms
02/23/1991 Companion of
05/01/1986 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Brianna Yseulte Wynman
07/20/1996 Mistress of the
01/19/1991 Companion of the
02/01/2003 Court Baroness
12/12/1981 Award of Arms
09/29/1990 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Brice of Bergental
12/10/1988 Award of Arms
*Bricia de Neubold (was: Brynn
Eilionoir nic Neachdainn)
09/24/2005 Mistress of the
09/11/2004 Grant of Arms
07/27/2002 Companion of the
04/01/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/11/2004 Court Baroness
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
11/23/2002 Golden Lyre
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
09/11/2004 Queen's Cypher
(Geneviere I)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
09/29/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Aikaterine)
*Brid nic Shéarlais
02/10/1996 Mistress of the
08/17/2005 Mistress of the
04/11/1992 Companion of the
04/03/1993 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
12/03/1988 Award of Arms
10/05/1991 Queen's Order of
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor of
03/25/2006 Tyger of the East
Bridget of Atenveldt
??/??/1983 Companion of the
Solar Heart (Atenveldt)
??/??/1983 Award of Arms
Brigit MacKinnon
12/11/2004 Award of Arms
Bridget of Carrigart see Alicia of
*Bridget Greywolf of Kayell
Brígiða inn kollrrammi (was:
Brigit of Bergental)
04/03/2004 Award of Arms
11/10/1990 Award of Arms
11/26/1994 Companion of the
Brigitta of Mountain Freehold
*Bridget McPhie
*Brigitte von Eisenburg
02/01/1997 Award of Arms
Bridget O'Donnell
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
*Brighid Charthach
01/06/1990 Award of Arms
*Brighid ni Chiaráin of Tethba
04/02/2005 Mistress of the
03/10/2001 Companion of the
03/05/1988 Award of Arms
03/23/2002 Companion of the
09/08/1984 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
07/26/1986 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Brighid y Rhyfelwraig Byrdydd
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
*Brigid of Bethanie
10/14/1978 Award of Arms
10/14/1978 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Brigid Eryri
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
*Brigid ingen Loingsigh
09/15/2007 Award of Arms
*Brigid O’Neill the Limner
05/19/2001 Mistress of the
09/20/1998 Companion of the
03/09/1996 Award of Arms
08/16/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Brigit Comyn
03/18/2006 Award of Arms
11/11/2006 Companion of the
Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
08/13/2006 Baroness's Silver
Ring (Iron Bog)
Brigit of Longwood
08/18/2005 Award of Arms
05/28/2006 Award of Arms
07/28/1984 Award of Arms
Brigitte Flamin
11/06/2004 Mistress of the
11/23/2002 Companion of
the Manche
09/24/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/18/1999 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/01/2006 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane III)
*Brilliana de la Hay
04/19/2008 Award of Arms
*Brion Anthony Uriel Tarragon
12/06/1986 Duke (Atenveldt)
12/07/1985 Count
10/06/1984 Knight
03/05/1988 Master of the
Laurel (Atenveldt)
12/08/1990 Master of the
Pelican (Atenveldt)
09/02/1985 Thegn (Baron
Loch Salann, Atenveldt,
03/02/1991 Lion of
03/02/1991 Grant of Arms
03/15/2002 Silver Crescent
01/14/1989 Golden Feather
of Artemisia
10/29/1988 Crystal of the
Salt Waste (Loch Salann,
07/25/1992 Court Baron
07/22/1984 Hawk’s Lure
12/06/1986 Fleur de Soleil
07/28/1990 Maple Leaf of
12/06/1986 King’s Sigil
06/24/1989 Gryphon’s Talon
01/14/1989 Golden Feather of
07/28/1990 Pillar of Artemisia
01/01/1983 LUST (Outlands)
10/01/1983 Flower of Chivalry
12/20/1986 Golden Reflection
04/02/1983 Award of Arms
02/19/1995 Queen’s Order of
Courtesy (East)
01/26/2008 Companion of the
09/29/2007 King's Cypher
Brion Bearheart
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
Brion mac Eideard of Westmoor
11/27/1993 Award of Arms
07/17/1999 Companion of the
*Brion O'Cullen of Glen Cullen
07/10/1993 Award of Arms
03/18/1995 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Briony of Chatham
01/30/2010 Mistress of the
02/05/2005 Companion of the
05/10/1986 Award of Arms
03/28/1987 Companion of the
Gold Comet (Debatable Lands)
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
10/10/2009 Golden Lyre
Brisane (of Vieux Bourg)
02/09/2002 Award of Arms
*Brita Mairi Svensdottir
09/11/1999 Mistress of the
08/12/1992 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
02/01/1997 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/21/1990 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 King’s Cypher
§*Brithwen de Bores Hulla
04/12/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
10/31/1998 Companion of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
03/13/2004 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Brithwen Bosworth Cox
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
Brittney Belz
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
*Brocciardus da Monte
09/30/2006 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Broccon Beag mac Blathmac
*Bronwyn Acthorn
09/10/1988 Grant of Arms
01/02/1993 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/10/1988 Court Baroness
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
10/10/1987 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Bronwyn the Cheerful
08/17/1995 Award of Arms
*Bronwyn Dawntreader
10/06/1990 Duchess
10/14/1986 Countess
10/14/1986 Lady of the Rose
09/08/1984 Award of Arms
07/09/1982 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
10/23/1988 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Bronwyn of Glendale
05/16/1987 Award of Arms
04/01/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Bronwyn Glendower
Broch (Brochfael) of Anglespur
Bronwyn Hans Dotter
05/24/2003 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Brodor of Bergental
12/11/2004 Award of Arms
Brokk Jarlsson
07/05/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/04/1997 Companion of the
Perseus (Carolingia)
09/21/2002 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Brona (of Eisental)
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
Bronislav Yaroslavovich
09/22/1984 Award of Arms
*Bronwen Carus
08/18/2000 Grant of Arms
08/18/2000 Court Baroness
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
09/23/2000 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
09/30/2006 Royal
Augmentation of Arms
*Bronwen Rose Greylyng
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
10/01/1988 Award of Arms
02/27/2005 Award of Arms
*Bronwyn Morgan o
Aberystwyth see *Brangwayna
Bronwyn of Ty Llanberis
05/??/1980 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Brother Eric
05/09/1987 Award of Arms
Brother Michael (of
04/23/1988 Award of Arms
Bruce the Unwary
11/27/1999 Award of Arms
*Bruinnech Longstrider (called
07/17/2004 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/15/1994 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
07/17/1999 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
Bruka the Saracen
06/19/2004 Award of Arms
Brunegarde of Havre des
01/20/2007 Award of Arms
01/20/2007 Companion of
*Brunissende Dragonette de
02/24/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/18/2009 Companion of the
08/13/2003 Award of Arms
06/07/2008 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/04/2006 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
09/26/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
Brunloc of Ar n-Eilean-ne
06/30/2007 Award of Arms
*Bryan mac Dhughaill an
03/09/1991 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/25/1988 Award of Arms
??/??/1997 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Bryana Campbell
03/22/2003 Award of Arms
Bryanna O'Conghaile
01/13/2001 Companion of the
Bryanna nic Kiley
12/28/1991 Award of Arms
Bryghan MacGuinness
05/25/1998 Award of Arms
01/11/1987 Award of Arms
Bricia de Neubold, see Brynn
Eilionoir nic Neachdainn
Brynn McLaughlin see Bryn
Buliwulf of the Northlands
07/26/1980 Award of Arms
*Burkhardt von Nürnberg
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
08/17/2005 Award of Arms
§*Cadell ap Hubert
07/11/1998 Baron Beyond the
05/03/1997 Grant of Arms
04/13/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/03/1997 Court Baron
10/30/1993 Award of Arms
10/01/1994 Queen’s Order of
10/05/1996 Queen’s Cypher
06/13/1992 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
12/03/1994 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
*Cadfael ap Madog ap Dafydd
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
Cadnar de Belasko
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
Cadoc ap Cluiun
10/19/1985 Award of Arms
*Cadwan Galwiddoe of
11/03/1989 Award of Arms
Caedwyn of the Shadows
04/25/1978 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Bryn Millar
*Cáemgen mac Daill
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/15/1994 Award of Arms
Caendra of Ostgardr
Bryndis Ivarsdottir
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
Bryndyn Llan Llyr
09/15/1979 Award of Arms
09/29/1984 Award of Arms
*Brynhildr Bryhteye
05/14/1994 Award of Arms
Brynhildur Hraffinsdottir
10/31/1992 Award of Arms
10/21/1989 Companion of the
03/07/1989 Award of Arms
04/04/1986 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Caera Cruitire ingen Uaithne
06/14/2003 Award of Arms
Caerdyn Ambrosius
05/09/1998 Companion of the
Tyger's Cub
*Cahan Kyle
01/08/2000 Master of the
02/10/2001 Grant of Arms
01/05/1991 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/04/1992 Companion of
the Sagittarius
02/10/2001 Court Baron
09/10/1988 Award of Arms
10/06/1990 Order of the
Burdened Tyger
10/30/1999 Companion of
the Troubadour
04/21/2001 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella)
08/??/1996 Prince's Cypher
Cahir Morgwyn
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
Caias Milees
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
Cailean of Moray
11/30/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/22/2003 Companion of
the Manche
09/28/1991 Award of Arms
01/31/1991 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
03/25/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
02/01/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Cailin Faolan
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
*Cailin mac Eachduinn (was:
Cailean MacKenzie)
11/30/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
11/30/2002 Companion of
Cailin O'Donal
05/19/1990 Award of Arms
Caine Ramsey
10/03/2009 Grant of Arms
01/27/2007 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
09/26/2009 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/03/2009 Court Baron
11/06/2004 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Queen's Cypher
10/03/2009 Queen's Cypher
(Gabriella II)
Cainneach Mac Uilleim
01/28/2006 Award of Arms
*Cairistiona of Dun Glas
06/21/1980 Award of Arms
Cairn MacAllister
11/29/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/25/1999 Companion of the
03/31/2001 Queen's Order of
Cairrena of Stonemarche
09/30/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Anna II)
Cáisín nic Annaidh, see Fujiwara
no Aoi
*Caitlin Angharad FitzHenry
10/05/1996 Mistress of the
08/13/2003 Mistress of the
06/24/1995 Companion of the
11/25/1995 Companion of the
08/12/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/02/1992 Award of Arms
11/02/1996 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
06/27/1999 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Caitlin of Carolingia
12/10/1983 Award of Arms
*Caitlin ni Chinneidigh
01/24/1998 Award of Arms
*Caitlin nicCoinnich
10/02/1976 Award of Arms
07/27/1981 Companion of the
Pillar (Bridge)
*Caitlin Davies
01/15/1994 Mistress of the
01/25/1992 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/12/1998 Court Baroness
10/07/1989 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 Queen’s Cypher
04/02/2005 King's Cypher
01/26/1991 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
03/02/1991 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
12/04/2004 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
01/08/2005 Augmentation of
04/05/1997 Queen’s Honor of
Distinction (Elspeth)
04/12/2008 Tyger of the East
*Caitlin Fraser
06/19/2004 Baroness of
Smoking Rocks
04/14/2007 Companion of the
06/20/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/28/1992 Award of Arms
04/05/1997 Queen’s Honor of
Distinction (Moruadh)
Caitlin Longstrider, see
*Engraçia de Madrigal
Caitlin ni Padraig
11/27/1993 Award of Arms
*Caitlin Ó hAodha
04/04/1998 Countess
04/05/1997 Mistress of the
04/04/1998 Lady of the Rose
02/27/1993 Grant of Arms
06/04/1994 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/27/1993 Court Baroness
09/10/1983 Award of Arms
10/01/1994 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/24/1994 Queen’s Order of
10/01/1994 Queen’s Cypher
04/05/1997 Queen’s Cypher
04/12/2003 King's Cypher
(Andreas II)
07/21/2001 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Olivia)
12/05/1992 Pillar of the
Bridge (Bridge)
*Caitlin Sorcha O’Doghartie
08/16/2006 Mistress of the
04/13/1996 Companion of
the Manche
09/30/1995 Award of Arms
Caitlin Mackenzie
08/07/2008 Award of Arms
Caitlyn McKenzie, see
*Cateline la Broderesse
Caitlyne (of Concordia)
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
*Caitrin Maura Gordon
04/06/1991 Companion of
the Manche
09/19/1987 Award of Arms
04/15/1989 Queen's Cypher
*Caitrina Gordon (called
04/27/2002 Award of Arms
09/13/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Caitriona Bennett inghean Niall
(was: Meredith de Witte)
09/11/2004 Award of Arms
09/13/1997 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Caitriona MacDuff (aka:
*Catriona Mairghread nic
Dhuibh of Moray)
08/19/1993 Mistress of the
08/18/2004 Mistress of the
07/25/1992 Companion of
the Manche
09/19/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/14/2006 Court Baroness
12/08/1990 Award of Arms
04/04/1998 King's Order of
07/26/2003 Queen's Order of
04/??/2001 Companion of
the Silver Feather (An
03/??/2002 Companion of the
Sea Star (Ostgardr)
*Caitriona Meehan
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
10/04/1998 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Caitriona of Greenwood Isle
(was: Caitriona ingen Rois)
01/28/2006 Award of Arms
12/01/2007 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Caius Marius Germanicus
04/22/2006 Companion of the
Rock (Smoking Rocks)
Caleb the Woodpecker
07/04/2009 Grant of Arms
07/04/2009 Award of Arms
Caliban Kerr
08/15/2005 Award of Arms
Calius y Casgen Borloys
01/29/1994 Award of Arms
Calla of Malagentia
04/01/2000 Award of Arms
Callahan du McLean
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
Calum MacKay
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
09/16/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Calum Ó Moráin
06/10/1995 Award of Arms
Sir Cameron, see Valerius Fidelis
Cameron Rose
06/30/2007 Award of Arms
Camilla Brigida di Bruno
11/29/2008 Golden Lyre
*Camilla Ginevra di Capri
08/15/1992 Mistress of the
04/04/1992 Grant of Arms
05/07/1988 Companion of the
03/10/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/04/1992 Court Baroness
06/18/1983 Award of Arms
04/06/1991 Queen's Cypher
Camilla Nightingale
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
*Calogero Urso
Camille des Jardins
02/10/2001 Award of Arms
03/04/2006 Queen's Order of
12/15/2007 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
06/04/2005 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
12/15/2007 Order of the Horse
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
04/10/2010 Companion of the
Silver Rapier
04/10/2010 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
Calron Redwolf
05/30/1992 Princess's Order of
*Calum Creachadair
08/18/1988 Award of Arms
03/15/1986 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
07/26/1986 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Calum Friseal
02/02/2002 Companion of the
08/??/1995 Award of Arms
09/01/2001 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Camma an Daraich
08/13/2003 Mistress of the
04/13/1996 Companion of the
11/07/1998 Companion of the
07/24/1993 Award of Arms
09/11/1993 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Cananan MacGrath
07/24/1993 Award of Arms
Canus Michaelius Bal'Annderon
11/05/1988 Award of Arms
12/13/1986 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Caobhain O Suilleabhain
10/27/1979 Award of Arms
Caoilfhionn inghean Fhaolain
(was: ni Kinnon)
Grant of Arms
Court Baroness
Award of Arms
Queen's Order of
Caoilinn Buchanon
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
Caorunn of Inverness, called
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
Cara ni Cheallaigh
03/20/1999 Award of Arms
10/28/2000 Companion of
the Troubadour
*Cara Silverwolf
05/11/1991 Award of Arms
Caradog Ó Broin
07/04/2009 Companion of
the Silver Rapier
Caradwg ap Taidhgen
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
Cariadoc (of Northern Outpost)
11/06/1999 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Carlin of Eastwood
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
Carol Bair, see Fabrisse of
Carolina of the Keep By the
Endless Sea
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
*Caroline of Burgundy
05/21/1994 Award of Arms
Carolyn of House Valkyrie
07/26/2003 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Carolyne de la Pointe
09/27/2003 Mistress of the
07/20/2002 Companion of
the Manche
01/26/2008 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Golden Lyre
09/24/2005 Queen's Cypher
(Geneviere II)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Caranwyn Silveroak (called
02/05/2005 Companion of
the Manche
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
02/24/2007 Queen's Order of
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor of
04/10/2010 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
12/05/1981 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/09/2002 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
10/02/2004 Queen's Honor of
*Cassandra Grey of Loch Leven
Cassiodoric Scibulus
Carrie Tarr
06/15/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
07/14/2007 Companion of the
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
Cat of Lennox
*Caryl de Trecesson
*Cassandra of Kendal
12/11/2004 Mistress of the
01/05/1983 Companion of the
07/20/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/10/1978 Award of Arms
10/10/1978 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
02/21/1987 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
01/25/1997 Queen’s Honor of
*Casimir Sarkastyczny
09/09/1995 Award of Arms
Casmir of Bergental
08/18/2005 Award of Arms
*Cassair ní Dheoráin
11/21/1998 Award of Arms
Cassandra Ai’anaos, see
*Kassandra Aiantide
Cassandra of An Dubhaigeainn
07/06/2002 Award of Arms
*Cassandra of Beth'lem
03/08/1975 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/07/1978 Court Baroness
04/20/1974 Award of Arms
01/22/2000 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Cassandra Böll von Bayer
04/27/1991 Grant of Arms
04/10/1982 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/14/2003 Companion of the
04/27/1991 Court Baroness
04/04/1981 Award of Arms
*Cassandra of the East Winds
11/14/1981 Award of Arms
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
Cassandra de Matisse
08/08/2007 Award of Arms
05/27/2007 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Cassandra Michelle MacShea
03/11/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Cassandra de Monserrat
03/05/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Cassandra la Sable, aka
Morrigan deWinter
01/02/1988 Mistress of the
Pelican (Outlands)
07/31/1993 Gilded Leaf
05/27/1984 Stag's Tynes
05/30/1987 Stag's Heart
01/09/1982 Award of Arms
11/02/1991 Cordon Royale
(Irel, Outlands)
04/28/1984 Queen's Grace
(Trude, Atenveldt)
01/14/1984 Scales of
Dragonsspine (Dragonsspine,
09/01/1984 Aspen of Caerthe
(Caerthe, Atenveldt)
§Cassandra Seer
10/01/1994 Award of Arms
Cassandra Starrswife
09/12/1992 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Cassandra Tedesco
09/29/1984 Award of Arms
Cassandra of the Wandering
08/17/1995 Award of Arms
Cassell di Fiorenza
02/20/1982 Award of Arms
Cassiella di Sai Octobre
03/27/1999 Award of Arms
01/23/1982 Award of Arms
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
Catalean von der Haak
03/??/1992 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Catalina d’Orieux (Catalina
Maria d’Oro)
06/03/2006 Companion of
the Manche
11/20/1993 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Catarina di Venezia
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
*Cateline la Broderesse
11/03/2001 Grant of Arms
11/03/2001 Court Baroness
07/26/2003 Companion of
the Manche
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Queen's Order of
11/23/2002 Golden Lyre
04/08/2000 Queen's Cypher
(Marieke II)
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
04/10/2010 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Brenwen II)
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
*Cateline de la Mor la Souriete
06/09/1990 Mistress of the
Laurel (Trimaris)
10/29/1988 Order of the
Silver Trident (Trimaris)
10/29/1988 Grant of Arms
09/05/1992 Order of the
Trade Winds (Trimaris)
06/25/1994 Order of the
Argent Scales (Trimaris)
04/08/1989 Order of the
Wyvern's Claw (Wyvernwood,
03/23/1985 Award of Arms
01/25/1986 Order of the
Emerald Seas (Trimaris)
01/17/1987 Order of the
Argent Estoile (Trimaris)
01/19/1991 Order of the
Herald's Tressure (Trimaris)
01/10/1988 Order of the
Wyvern's Scale (Wyvernwood,
Caterina della Rosa
09/16/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Caterina Gioacchini (Kasia
01/13/2001 Companion of the
11/23/1996 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Caterina d'Obidos
05/08/1993 Award of Arms
*Caterine Ganivre Martin
11/19/1988 Award of Arms
01/23/1988 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Catherine Greene
01/30/2010 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/20/2007 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Alethea)
*Catherine Montague (the Muse)
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
*Catherine Peacock
02/02/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/01/1997 Award of Arms
04/01/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/02/2002 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/05/1999 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Catherine of Rosedale
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Catherine de Sant Marti (was:
*Katryne Blak)
Companion of the
06/06/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/06/2004 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Order of
04/11/2009 Queen's Cypher
04/12/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
09/26/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
08/02/2009 Companion of the
Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
Award of Arms
Companion of the
04/28/1984 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Catherina Alexandre Anastasia
Titania Stark
07/06/2002 Award of Arms
02/13/1982 Award of Arms
*Catherine de Bellefleur
01/12/1980 Award of Arms
Catherine of Contrada della
11/17/2007 Award of Arms
Catherine Des Deux Pays
10/07/1989 Award of Arms
*Catherine Ecceles
02/29/1992 Award of Arms
*Catherine du Fay
02/12/2000 Queen's Order of
??/??/1986 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
03/07/1987 Companion of the
Hawks Bell (Dragonship Haven)
Companion of
Catherine of Sud degli Alpi
*Catherine of Wessex
09/28/1985 Award of Arms
*Catherne Giselasdottir
01/10/1987 Award of Arms
*Catheryn Shadwell
the Manche
Grant of Arms
Companion of
Court Baroness
Award of Arms
Golden Lyre
Golden Tyger
Queen's Cypher
*Cathleen of Greystones
08/12/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
11/25/2000 Companion of
the Manche
09/28/1991 Award of Arms
09/05/1993 Companion of
the Iceburg (Ruantallan)
Cathrine de Monserrat
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
Catlin nic Bryan of Sterlynge
12/20/1989 Award of Arms
Catlin von Drachenklaue, see
Constantinius von
Catorina da Tamarina
04/01/2000 Award of Arms
*Catriana le Fey of Airley
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
*Catrin o'r Rhyd Fôr
04/13/1996 Mistress of the
06/21/2003 Mistress of the
02/27/1993 Companion of
the Manche
02/05/2000 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/06/1990 Award of Arms
04/27/1991 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
02/27/1993 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
Catrina ab Aqua
12/09/2000 Award of Arms
*Catriona Cattanach of Clan
06/18/1988 Award of Arms
05/30/1988 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
Cecelia von dem Morgenrote
Catriona Leslie of Dunidr
Cecil de Fernworth
08/01/1987 Award of Arms
Catriona MacLeod
09/30/2000 Mistress of the
08/12/1998 Companion of the
05/09/1987 Award of Arms
05/23/1992 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
08/16/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/27/2002 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Catriona of Downpatrick
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
*Catriona nic Pharlain
10/20/1996 Award of Arms
Catriona inghean Sheamuis
02/21/2009 Award of Arms
08/03/2008 Companion of the
Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
Catrionna McFhearson
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
*Caw ap Rhys
05/27/1989 Award of Arms
03/22/1997 Award of Arms
05/21/1988 Award of Arms
*Cecilia Attewode
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
*Cecilia di Firenze
12/28/1991 Award of Arms
Cecilia of Great Swamp
09/09/1995 Award of Arms
Cecilia Leonor di Galiona
05/03/1997 Award of Arms
Cecily of Middleham
10/28/1978 Award of Arms
*Cedric of Armorica
03/29/2008 Grant of Arms
04/30/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/17/2010 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/09/1996 Companion of the
Golden Alce
03/29/2008 Court Baron
05/28/1988 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
Cedric von Anderlecht
04/01/1995 Award of Arms
Cealach O'Gribhean
Cedric of Lochleven
10/30/1993 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Cedric MacDougalls
*Ceara MacKiernan of Arundel
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
03/??/1990 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Cearnach of Stonemarche
09/17/1994 Award of Arms
*Ceawlin Ealhreding
08/16/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/07/1989 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Order of
05/05/1990 Pillar of the Bridge
04/??/2000 Order of St. Roche
(Stierbach, Atlantia)
Cecelia of Bhakail
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
*Cecelia Erwyn of Etterick
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
06/11/1994 Award of Arms
*Cedric MacShannachan
01/07/1989 Award of Arms
*Cedric of Thanet
09/08/1990 Knight (Atlantia)
09/10/1988 Companion of the
Sea Stag (Atlantia)
05/17/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/26/2008 Companion of the
10/27/1984 Award of Arms
Cedric of Wessex Manor
09/19/1987 Award of Arms
*Cei Wiclif of Haewengraes
01/12/1980 Award of Arms
04/11/1987 Queen's Order of
04/11/1987 Companion of the
12/02/1984 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
07/??/1985 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
04/12/1986 Companion of
the Sun and Soil (BBM)
*Ceinwen ferch Llewelyn ab
05/22/2004 Companion of
the Keystone (AEthelmearc)
06/12/1999 Award of Arms
05/20/2000 Companion of
the Comet Or (BMDL,
05/19/2001 Companion of
the Comet Vert (BMDL,
04/03/2004 Companion of
the Green Comet (BMDL,
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Celanise Margaretta of
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
*Céleste le Mercier
04/10/1999 Award of Arms
Celestin Emilia Vaclava
09/24/1994 Award of Arms
Celestina Pompeii Arcadia
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
Celia (of Eisental)
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
Celia van Het Verloren Eiland
11/30/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Celina de los Rizados
06/12/1999 Award of Arms
Celine a Bheithir
08/13/1998 Award of Arms
*Céline d’Alisandre
04/25/1998 Award of Arms
*Céline Elisabeth de Meaux
03/05/1994 Award of Arms
Cellach ingen Chernaig
04/22/2006 Mistress of the
01/11/2003 Companion of
the Manche
07/18/2009 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/27/2010 Court Baroness
10/07/2000 Award of Arms
06/15/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
09/27/2008 Queen's Cypher
10/03/2009 Queen's Cypher
(Gabriella II)
04/10/2010 Queen's Cypher
(Brenwen II)
08/13/2004 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
12/15/2007 Award of the
Harlequin (Bhakail)
09/28/2002 Golden Lyre
01/11/2003 Golden Lyre
03/01/2003 Golden Lyre
*Cellach Mac Faoitigh (aka:
Kayleigh McWhyte)
06/23/2007 Mistress of the
04/01/2006 Companion of the
09/30/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/15/2001 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Yana IV)
04/12/2008 Queen's Cypher
*Celyn ap Llewelyn
09/20/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
*Celynen of Stow-on-the-Wold
03/21/1992 Award of Arms
*Cenwulf Bearwes
02/02/2002 Master of the
01/29/2005 Master of the
04/08/2000 Grant of Arms
08/16/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/11/1992 Court Baron
04/05/1997 Companion of the
11/11/1989 Award of Arms
05/18/1991 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/08/2000 Queen's Cypher
(Marieke II)
03/20/1988 Knight (West)
05/06/1986 Companion of the
Rose Leaf (West)
09/26/1987 Companion of the
Leaf of Merit (West)
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
08/22/1988 Dolphin (West)
07/24/2004 Companion of
the Manche
07/23/2005 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
06/15/2002 Award of Arms
09/11/2004 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Geneviere)
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
*Cerdic the Bull
Chaim Elihu ben Moshe
*Cenwulf Godfyrht
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
*Cerdic ó Cuileamhaim
07/23/1994 Dragon’s Heart
06/21/1986 Companion of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
04/13/1985 Award of Arms
*Cerdic of Colbridge
06/19/2004 Baron of Smoking
10/09/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/28/1992 Award of Arms
08/16/1996 Queen’s Order of
12/05/1992 Freedom of the
Ceredwin of Fennbrycg
04/20/1991 Award of Arms
Ceri of Caaerfrybdin
02/01/1997 Award of Arms
*Ceridwen ferch Cynddelw ap
Tanno Gwynedd
11/10/1990 Award of Arms
*Ceridwen ferch Gruffudd
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
12/05/1992 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Cerridwen Paxton
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
04/09/1994 Queen’s Cypher
Cerridwen Thorsteinsdóttir
MacGillivray, see Valeria
Cerridywn O’Doul
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
06/17/1989 Award of Arms
*Cett Donegal
03/25/2006 Master of the
02/10/1973 Award of Arms
02/10/1973 Companion of
the Free Griffin (Carolingia)
Chaise the Rus
11/07/1987 Award of Arms
Chamberlain Dubh Sidhe
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
03/06/2004 Companion of
the Troubadour
*Chardonne de Lyon
06/07/2008 Award of Arms
06/03/2006 Companion of
the White Oak (Beyond the
Charele of Rusted Woodlands
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
*Charis Accipiter
02/29/1992 Award of Arms
06/06/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Charles of Giggleswick
06/14/2003 Award of Arms
*Charles Jameson of
12/08/1990 Queen's Order of
Charles the Marcher
06/26/1982 Grant of Arms
06/26/1982 Court Baron
*Charles Philippe Castlemore
de Cadours
10/10/1987 Companion of
the Manche
01/31/2004 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
10/20/1984 Award of Arms
05/26/1985 Queen's Order of
03/26/1988 Companion of
the Guardsman
Charles Raven
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
Charles of Rusted Woodlands
Chiron of Thessaly
11/19/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
06/18/1983 Award of Arms
03/26/1983 Companion of the
Red Comet (BMDL)
Charles the Indecisive
11/27/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Charles Zanos
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Charles the Zealous
03/20/1982 Award of Arms
09/18/1982 Companion of the
Windmill (Delftwood)
Charles von Drachenklaue
08/13/1998 Award of Arms
Charlton du Rill
07/15/1989 Award of Arms
Cherron of Wolffe
06/25/1988 Award of Arms
Chiara Lucia di Nicolla
03/20/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Chiara di Marte da Venezia
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
*Chiara da Montepulciano
07/03/1999 Award of Arms
12/11/2004 Companion of the
08/14/2002 Order of the Orion
05/28/2006 Companion of the
09/30/2006 Golden Tyger
*Chiara of Ravenna
08/16/1996 Mistress of the
03/26/2005 Mistress of the
07/18/1992 Companion of the
02/05/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/19/1991 Award of Arms
09/16/2000 Queen's Order of
04/12/2003 Golden Lyre
04/30/1994 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Chiarina the Wise
*Chlotivert der Affe
06/18/1988 Award of Arms
05/30/1988 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Choeyjam Poenpo
11/13/1993 Award of Arms
Chou Fei Hong
05/24/2003 Award of Arms
*Chrétien de Mont Blanc
10/15/1988 Award of Arms
Christelle of Devonshire
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
*Christence Heiseler
04/01/1995 Duchess
04/09/1994 Countess
04/09/1994 Lady of the Rose
05/09/2009 Mistress of the
10/05/1996 Companion of the
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
10/02/2004 Queen's Order of
09/24/2005 Queen's Cypher
(Geneviere II)
09/29/2007 Queen's Cypher
03/29/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
03/05/2005 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Christian Cnox
08/15/2006 Knight
10/01/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
06/04/1994 Award of Arms
Christian Dupuy
05/18/1996 Award of Arms
*Christian von Jaueregk
02/01/2003 Master of the
09/12/1998 Companion of the
01/27/2007 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
05/21/1994 Award of Arms
06/24/1995 Companion of
the Troubadour
12/19/1998 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
01/13/2007 Companion of
the Perseus (Carolingia)
04/12/2003 Golden Lyre
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Christian Wolfe of Edinburgh
02/01/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/14/2003 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
04/12/1997 Award of Arms
Christiana di Michele
01/13/1996 Award of Arms
Christianna della
05/02/1981 Court Baroness
01/10/1981 Companion of
the Willow (Middle)
05/29/1977 Award of Arms
12/05/1981 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Christina Elisabeth (Christina
Elisabeth Spicewell)
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
06/12/2005 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
*Cristina d'Este
09/30/2006 Award of Arms
Christina Eulalia of Toledo
04/25/1998 Award of Arms
Christina of House Blackwood
11/25/2000 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Christine of Dragon Dormant
03/05/2005 Award of Arms
Christine du Pont
06/08/2002 Award of Arms
*Christine McDavid
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Christof Imbach
02/16/1991 Award of Arms
*Christofer Hoyland the
02/03/1990 Award of Arms
§Christoff of Eisental
04/28/2001 Award of Arms
*Christoffel d'Allaines-surComte
06/24/2000 Award of Arms
04/10/2004 Company of St.
Martin (Dragonship Haven)
Christofo of Caer Adamant
10/09/2004 Award of Arms
Christoph the Clockwork
09/15/2007 Award of Arms
Christophe de Beaugency
04/18/1998 Award of Arms
Christophe de Frisell
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
Christophe le Jeune
04/10/1999 Award of Arms
Christopher of Anglespur
11/11/2006 Award of Arms
06/27/2009 Friend of
*Christopher Calhoune
04/30/2005 Companion of the
04/26/2003 Award of Arms
03/18/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
11/11/2006 Companion of the
Silver Compass (Iron Bog)
02/21/2009 Companion of the
Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
*Christopher Darras
01/10/1981 Master of the
Laurel (Middle)
03/10/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/29/1977 Companion of the
Willow (Middle)
??/??/1976 Award of Arms
03/26/1983 Companion of the
??/??/1975 Companion of the
White Wolf (North Woods, Mid)
Christopher of the Fields
10/09/1976 Companion of the
04/24/1976 Award of Arms
12/06/1975 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
*Christopher of Haslingden
10/30/1993 Award of Arms
12/03/1994 Pillar of the Bridge
*Chrysogon Renwald
Christopher Hughes
*Chrysogon Thunderbright
01/08/2000 Award of Arms
*Christopher Jameson
10/08/1994 Award of Arms
08/24/1996 Gilded Heart of
Ered Sul (Atenveldt)
12/06/2003 Order of the
Harlequin (Bhakail)
Christopher Michael
08/19/1995 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
11/08/1997 Award of Arms
01/21/1989 Award of Arms
11/06/1982 Award of Arms
*Chyldeluve de Norfolk
11/03/2007 Award of Arms
Cian ua’Lochan
04/24/1999 Award of Arms
Cian Dreamaker Cuchullain
09/12/1987 Award of Arms
10/10/1987 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Cian Mac Fhearghuis
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
Christopher Serpentius
*Ciana da Vizzi
Tygers Cub
Ciar, called Athena
Grant of Arms
Court Baron
Award of Arms
Companion of the
11/15/2003 Award of Arms
07/14/2007 Companion of
Order of Gawain
Ciara (of Dragonship Haven)
*Christos di Cherubino
04/12/2003 Grant of Arms
08/17/2005 Companion of the
04/12/2003 Court Baron
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
02/20/2010 Queen's Order of
04/12/2003 Queen's Cypher
(Isabella II)
04/12/2003 King's Cypher
(Andreas II)
04/12/2008 Queen's Cypher
04/12/2008 King's Cypher
(Andreas III)
10/03/2009 Queen's Cypher
(Gabriella II)
10/03/2009 King's Cypher
(Andreas IV)
*Chritophre Cynwyd
09/26/1981 Knight (Middle)
04/26/1980 Companion of the
Iren Fyrd (Calontir)
09/26/1985 Companion of the
Iren Hirth (Calontir)
02/25/1979 Award of Arms
Chryseis Andromache
08/06/2009 Award of Arms
06/24/2000 Award of Arms
Ciara ni Nelligan
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
*Ciarán mac Cionaith
02/16/2002 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 Companion of
*Ciarán mac Gáeth (called
Kyrnn Wyndsong)
06/21/2008 Award of Arms
Ciaran MacLeod of Frosted
04/11/2009 Award of Arms
*Ciaran Tison
04/28/1990 Award of Arms
05/10/1997 Queen’s Order of
*Ciarnait ighean Bhroin
02/01/2003 Award of Arms
Ciarnit Longstrider
07/17/1999 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
Cicilia Gyldenlowe
09/21/1991 Award of Arms
Cienna of Lyonncourt
12/10/1994 Award of Arms
Cieran ma Keara
05/13/1989 Queen's Order of
Cieron Mason
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
*Cinhil MacAran
07/03/1982 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/02/1982 Court Baron
06/07/1980 Award of Arms
09/08/1984 Queen's Order of
05/08/1982 Princess's Order of
Cinniu ingen Cuthbadh
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Ciorstaidh Twygge of Skye Hill
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
Clan Hanashi
08/??/1999 Blue Tyger Legion
Clara da Mungiovi
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
*Clara Beaumont (was: Leah
Anne of Belmont)
08/08/2007 Companion of the
02/03/1996 Award of Arms
04/30/2006 Companion of
06/25/2005 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
01/23/2010 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Clare Lightfote
02/14/2009 Award of Arms
Clarice of Lochleven
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
*Clarissa di Firenze
04/09/1994 Grant of Arms
04/09/1994 Court Baroness
*Claryce Orfevre
10/12/1983 Award of Arms
§*Claude the Frank
09/24/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
§*Claudius of Neddingham
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
08/14/1986 Companion of the
Pillar (Bridge)
*Claus of Burzee
01/23/1999 Companion of the
06/14/2003 Court Baron
06/23/1990 Award of Arms
02/01/1997 King’s Order of
Cleo Anna of Stonemarche
07/27/1991 Award of Arms
02/01/1997 Companion of
12/14/1996 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
01/31/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Coinneach Mac an Leigh
Clodagh inghen Cinneide, see
Saerlaith ingen Cinneide
*Clotilda Warhammer
Cokimori of Iron Bog
09/16/1989 Award of Arms
*Clotilde von der Insel
05/15/1999 Mistress of the
02/28/1998 Grant of Arms
07/06/1996 Companion of the
12/04/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/28/1998 Court Baroness
12/19/1992 Award of Arms
10/01/1994 Queen’s Order of
04/13/1996 King’s Cypher
(Balfar II)
04/04/1998 Queen's Cypher
04/09/1994 Pillar of the Bridge
03/31/2000 Ordre du Pèlerin
(Havre des Glaces)
10/05/1996 Queen’s Honor of
Coalan an Panga Dubh
01/19/1991 Award of Arms
01/19/1991 Companion of the
Cody Rose of House Valkyrie
05/03/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
07/27/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
Coemgen MacRath
04/13/1996 Award of Arms
06/22/1991 Award of Arms
*Coenric of Scarborough Marsh
02/05/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/02/2002 Companion of the
05/14/1988 Award of Arms
12/08/2007 Award of Arms
*Colbert de la Foret Pourpre
10/10/1981 Award of Arms
Colean O'Lynche
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
Coleen Fiona MacReddy
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
Colin Andras
01/07/1984 Award of Arms
Colin Cochran
03/28/1992 Award of Arms
*Colin Domhnall Douglas
07/11/1987 Award of Arms
*Colin Fraser MacLeod
01/31/1998 Grant of Arms
12/10/1994 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
01/31/1998 Companion of
the White Scarf (AEthelmearc)
07/27/1991 Award of Arms
*Colin of Lushington
07/03/1994 Award of Arms
Colin McBriarty
01/25/1992 Award of Arms
Colin MacInnis
10/26/1991 Award of Arms
Colin MacKenna, see *Orlando
dei Medici
Colin MacKenzie
03/23/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
06/05/1999 Award of Arms
11/08/2003 Companion of
the Keel (Dragonship Haven)
*Colin mac Eoain mec
08/04/2009 Knight
08/16/2004 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
01/08/2008 Queen's Order of
05/01/2005 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
09/30/2006 Queen's Cypher
(Anna II)
09/29/2007 Queen's Cypher
09/29/2007 King's Cypher
Colin MacLaren
06/11/1994 Award of Arms
*Colin Munro
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
Colin the Saracen
01/10/1987 Award of Arms
*Colin Tyndall de ffrayser
05/18/1996 Grant of Arms
05/18/1996 Baron of the Court
03/20/1999 Award of Arms
Colwyn Christopher Turquil
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
*Conaire Anluan MacMurchadha
08/14/1991 Award of Arms
Connor MacRandall
*Connor MacSeamus O'Neal
05/09/1998 Companion of the
Tyger's Cub
Conall mac Bradaigh
Connor mac Tard
09/21/2008 Award of Arms
Collette of Endewearde
04/01/2000 Award of Arms
Collette of Neddingham
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
*Collin Monro of Tadcaster
07/22/2006 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
09/26/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Order of
03/25/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/27/2010 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/17/2007 Companion of the
Silver Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
*Collwen Glynmes
03/11/2000 Award of Arms
*Collwyn McMichael of
10/20/1990 Award of Arms
Colm MacCennae
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
Conan MacKeoch-MacGregor
Connor Roe
09/15/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Connor Tainter
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
09/13/2008 Companion of
03/04/2006 Award of Arms
11/27/1999 Award of Arms
01/23/1993 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
07/21/1990 Award of Arms
Conal Thorkelson
03/02/1996 Companion of the
12/28/1991 Award of Arms
12/10/1994 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Colleen of Bhakail
04/24/1999 Award of Arms
02/22/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Conandil ingen Donngaile
03/11/1989 Award of Arms
01/21/1995 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
04/11/2009 Award of Arms
*Connor McPhaddin
Conaire the Archer
*Colin Ursell
*Collach O Choda
06/22/1996 Award of Arms
Connor MacKay
Conn MacSainrith Bhranain
11/25/1995 Award of Arms
Connail MacRaibert
11/27/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/11/1998 Award of Arms
Connaugh of Rusted Woodlands
01/13/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
12/11/1993 Award of Arms
07/26/2003 Queen's Order of
Conner Macauliffe
11/20/1993 Award of Arms
Connloch MacInnery
02/04/1995 Award of Arms
Connor Glendowyr
10/31/1992 Award of Arms
Connor, called Little Dragon
01/13/1996 Award of Arms
*Connor MacAskill
09/17/1994 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Connor MacGlandris (Connor
06/14/2003 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
01/23/1999 Award of Arms
03/03/2002 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
*Connor MacGregor
05/24/2008 Award of Arms
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Connor Tentburner
01/23/1999 Award of Arms
*Conogan mab Rioc
03/22/2008 Award of Arms
*Conor MacKaine
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
*Conor Ó Ceallaigh
11/20/1999 Companion of
the Sagittarius
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
03/13/2004 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Conrad von Altmark
01/24/1987 Award of Arms
*Conrad MacAllyn
07/15/2006 Master of the
08/16/2000 Companion of
the Sagittarius
01/23/1999 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/31/2001 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
07/14/2007 Companion of
the Manche
09/25/1999 Court Baron
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
09/25/1999 Companion of
the Troubadour
03/22/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Conrad MacCallum of Killane
07/16/1994 Award of Arms
Conrad Wolfe
10/22/1988 Award of Arms
*Constance de Clermont
04/13/1991 Award of Arms
*Constance of Purneos
02/24/1979 Award of Arms
*Constance de Saint Denis
04/10/2010 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
06/25/2005 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Constance of Scutari
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Constance of Whitebirch
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
*Constancia AElfwinesdottir
08/16/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/24/1999 Award of Arms
07/27/2002 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
07/26/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/28/2002 Queen's Cypher
*Constantine the Varangian
07/09/1988 Award of Arms
??/??/???? Companions of the
Burdened Tyger
Corcoran mac Diarmaid
05/09/2009 Award of Arms
Cordelia na Bheithir
10/01/1994 Award of Arms
*Cordelia MacDougall
*Corvus Blackthorne
07/07/1990 Award of Arms
*Cordelie du Fleuve
07/25/1987 Award of Arms
Corgon of Glenn Linn
07/05/2008 Award of Arms
Corin of Glenn Linn
07/01/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/02/1995 Award of Arms
Corliss O'Halloran
01/29/1994 Award of Arms
*Cormac Kyle of Skara Brae
01/04/1986 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Cormac Longstrider
01/25/1997 Award of Arms
04/23/1994 Companion of the
Tyger’s Cub
07/17/1999 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
04/14/2007 Grant of Arms
04/14/2007 Court Baron
02/17/2007 Corde de Guerre
of Caid
08/15/2001 Award of Arms
04/03/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
04/08/2000 King's Cypher
(Lucan V)
04/06/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Yana III)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
09/27/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen)
08/14/2002 Master of the
03/26/1988 Grant of Arms
01/24/1987 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/26/1988 Court Baron
05/12/1984 Award of Arms
02/04/1984 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Cooks Guild of Owl's Reste
Cornelia de Londres
Cornelia VandeBrugge
*Cormac MacEamon na
05/30/1999 Companion of the
Friends (Concordia)
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
01/14/2005 Award of Arms
08/09/2007 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Constantine (Constantinius) von
Coofwin Glenmass, of House
Wind Dragon
Cornelia (of Blak Rose)
*Cormac MacHugh
11/04/1995 Award of Arms
*Cormac MacKenna
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Alethea)
02/11/1989 Award of Arms
04/04/1992 Queen's Order of
*Corwin Renwald
10/21/1989 Knight
02/18/1989 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
08/18/2004 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
10/03/1981 Queen’s Cypher
*Corwyn ap Gruffith Cynnil
05/23/1992 Award of Arms
Corwyn of Gleann nam Feorag
Dhuibhe, see *Marcus Atheniou
Corwyn Ravenwing
08/08/2007 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
02/24/2007 Queen's Order of
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
Cory the Blunt
02/14/1998 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Cosmano Piero Micheletto da
05/04/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/20/2002 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
11/27/1993 Award of Arms
12/08/1990 Award of Arms
03/??/1990 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Cormac the Teeth
09/21/2008 Baron of
11/19/2005 Award of Arms
12/29/1990 Award of Arms
11/07/1992 Queen's Order of
08/19/1988 Prince's
Companions of Albion
Cosmo of Carillion
*Creatura Christi of Oakes
03/18/2006 Award of Arms
09/26/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
05/30/2008 Companion of the
Silver Compass (Iron Bog)
02/21/2009 Companion of the
Silver Cattail (Iron Bog)
03/06/2010 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
*Cynedd ap Gwen
Critter, see Ingvar Thorsteinsson
§Cron Grossenfussen
*Cyngen ap Gwenwynwyn
01/20/1996 Award of Arms
03/25/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/16/1995 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
*Cynon Mac an Choill
Crispin Cox
Crystal of the Wood
11/21/1998 Award of Arms
Crispin O’Dell McKittrick
01/13/1996 Award of Arms
Crispin of Glenn Linn
07/05/2008 Award of Arms
Crispin the Pitiless
05/30/1999 Companion of the
Friends (Concordia)
*Cristiana ingen Mec-Bead
10/03/2009 Grant of Arms
11/27/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Queen's Cypher
(Gabriella II)
Cristina of the Dragon Lily
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
03/05/2005 Golden Tyger
*Cristoforo Donatello dei
09/05/2009 Grant of Arms
09/24/2005 Companion of the
09/05/2009 Court Baron
02/09/2002 Award of Arms
03/05/2005 Queen's Order of
03/05/2005 Golden Tyger
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
*Cristoforo da Fubine
04/21/2007 Award of Arms
*Cristofre de Hastings
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
Cristos (of Lion's End)
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
Cristovau Vasquez
07/16/2005 Companion of the
08/16/1994 Award of Arms
12/14/1996 Companion of the
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
01/28/1984 Award of Arms
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
10/22/1994 Award of Arms
02/22/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
Cynric the Absent
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
*Cynric Beyond the Mountain
10/22/1988 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
04/20/1991 Award of Arms
04/20/1991 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Cynric the Dabbler
Crystal von Sussen
03/05/1994 Award of Arms
Culann mac Cianain (was: Cullyn
MacKinnon of Haus von
03/24/2007 Grant of Arms
08/16/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/24/2007 Court Baron
02/26/2000 Award of Arms
03/29/2003 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/05/2005 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
03/24/2007 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
04/06/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana III)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
Curren Frostfeather
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
*Cuthbad a’ Bheithir
01/15/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/13/1989 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
05/25/2003 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Cuthwulf fan Frisa
08/16/1989 Award of Arms
Cynan ap Rhys
05/15/1999 Award of Arms
10/18/2003 Companion of the
01/31/2009 Companion of
the Sagittarius
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
*Cynthia du Pré Argent
09/01/2001 Mistress of the
02/26/2000 Companion of
the Manche
01/03/1998 Rose Leaf
01/23/1999 Court Baroness
04/06/1996 Corolla
Nebularum (Vitea) (Mists,
10/07/1989 Award of Arms
03/17/2007 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
09/27/2008 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
*Cynthia of Oakenwode
09/25/1999 Grant of Arms
09/25/1999 Court Baroness
07/06/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/03/1992 Award of Arms
07/14/2007 Companion of
09/29/2001 King's Cypher
(Hanse III)
09/27/2003 King's Cypher
(Darius II)
04/30/1994 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
04/13/2002 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Cynthia Waerfaest
05/02/1987 Mistress of the
Laurel (West)
05/12/1984 Companion of the
Rose Leaf (West)
03/28/1987 Companion of the
Leaf of Merit (West)
07/25/1981 Award of Arms
*Cynyr Longtoes
05/04/1991 Award of Arms
Cyra Emrys
08/01/1987 Award of Arms
§*Dael mac Daill of Dunadd
01/29/1994 Companion of the
10/31/1992 Award of Arms
09/17/1994 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
02/06/1982 Award of Arms
*Daffyd Firedancer
03/06/1982 Award of Arms
Daffyd ap Gwillem
10/30/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
*Dafydd Ó Nuallain
03/26/2005 Queen's Order of
12/12/1998 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Dafydd y Peiriannydd
01/15/1994 Companion of the
06/07/1986 Award of Arms
(An Tir)
*Dafydd Rhys ap Llewellyn o
09/19/1992 Companion of the
11/26/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
07/11/1992 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
Dag Ulreksson (*Dag of the
08/17/2005 Award of Arms
06/20/1987 Award of Arms
Dalton Arundel
01/25/1992 Companion of
the Sagittarius
01/05/1991 Award of Arms
*Damaris MacRobb
05/09/2009 Award of Arms
Damhnait mab Odharnait
07/16/1988 Award of Arms
09/10/1994 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Damian the Magyar
02/10/1996 Companion of
the Manche
01/23/1993 Award of Arms
Damian Wolf of House
Dragon’s Lair
04/08/1995 Award of Arms
*Damiana Almodóvar de
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
05/06/2006 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
Dagrún Stjörnufróda
Damiana di Crescienzo
08/18/1999 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
04/01/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
Damiana Morgana delle Onde
Daffyd the Smith
Dahut loch Oengus
07/26/1986 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
05/04/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
Daffyd ap Llewelyn
*Dafydd Cyhoeddwr
05/26/2007 Order of Gawain
01/11/2003 Companion of the
10/10/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/24/1982 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 Companion of
07/18/1992 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
*Dair Hawkwind of Skara Brae
*Dafydd MacFarlane
Dalla Olafskona
12/06/1986 Knight (Atenveldt)
??/??/1985 Queen’s Grace
??/??/1985 Hawk’s Lure
12/06/1985 Award of Arms
*Dafydd o Llyn Cwellyn
08/16/1986 Companion of
10/05/1985 Award of Arms
Dakar Ulfr
08/18/1999 Award of Arms
*Dale Wyn of Anglesey
08/17/1995 Award of Arms
06/08/1996 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
08/08/2007 Award of Arms
*Dallán Caradoc of Caernarvon
02/11/1989 Companion of
07/27/1991 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/16/1994 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
03/06/2010 Golden Lyre
06/24/1995 Mistress of the
10/09/1993 Grant of Arms
01/02/1993 Companion of
the Manche
02/17/1990 Companion of
the Panache
10/09/1993 Court Baroness
07/15/1989 Award of Arms
10/14/1989 Companion of
the Troubadour
05/26/1990 Companion of
the Dragons Tear
Damiana the Unnamed
03/10/2001 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
Damianna de Londres
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
Damiano l'Immacolato
06/17/2000 Companion of
the Manche
05/26/2002 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
08/02/1987 Award of Arms
Damon de la Main, see Lyle
Damon von Drachenklaue
*Daniel of Stonemarche
07/12/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
Damon of Stonemarche
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
11/09/1991 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Daniel van den Berg
11/01/1997 Award of Arms
*Daria Joan de Courtenay
01/29/1994 Grant of Arms
06/27/1992 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/29/1994 Court Baroness
10/08/1983 Award of Arms
05/23/1998 Companion of the
Tyger's Cub
Daria Jotham
Dan of Barony Beyond the
Danielle Rose
07/14/2007 Companion of
Dankwert Bathory
*Darius Aurelius (Serpentius,
was: Gunther de Milo; the
Disciple; Pathwarden)
01/28/2006 Award of Arms
Dana (of Beyond the Mountain)
10/30/1994 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Dana Stewart, the Witless
02/20/1982 Companion of the
04/24/1976 Award of Arms
01/26/2002 Companion of
Danabren Madadh-Mara, see
*Dwynwen of Padstowe
Danae of Athens
02/10/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/04/2000 Award of Arms
*Danamas of Starlinghurst
10/02/1976 Award of Arms
10/02/1976 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Dane ap Brangwen
11/07/1987 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Dane the Miller
04/10/1982 Award of Arms
Daniel Bishop
05/26/2007 Order of Gawain
Daniel of Fenmere
08/16/1994 Award of Arms
§Daniel Krakkenson
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
01/28/1995 Companion of the
Tyger's Cub
Daniel of the Mountain
04/19/2008 Award of Arms
Daniel Spalckhaver
09/17/1988 Award of Arms
*Daniel of Stafford Pele
07/03/1988 Grant of Arms
06/30/2007 Award of Arms
11/17/2007 Companion of the
Dankwert of Worms
04/24/1999 Award of Arms
*Danpira Snowsong of Skyhaven
06/13/1981 Award of Arms
*Dante de Felice
11/02/1996 Mistress of the
08/17/1996 Companion of the
07/06/1991 Award of Arms
11/02/1996 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/27/1993 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
02/05/1994 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
Dante of Mountain Freehold
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
§Daoud ibn Dragonskin
06/02/1990 Award of Arms
*Dara Katerina Smythe
06/13/1987 Award of Arms
*Darcy Campion of Devereaux
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
09/27/2003 Duke
09/28/2002 Count
08/01/2009 Master of Arms
01/02/1993 Knight
10/26/1991 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
10/27/1990 Award of Arms
04/01/1995 Queen’s Order of
08/16/2002 Augmentation of
Arms (Middle)
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
04/12/2008 King's Cypher
(Andreas III)
10/03/2009 King's Cypher
(Andreas IV)
Darmyn the Beastmaster
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
12/14/2002 Queen's Order of
06/22/2002 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
Darrel McGuinness
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
02/21/1987 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/09/1980 Award of Arms
05/05/1983 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*Darvula Hedwig von
*Darerca Wilric
*Daryl of Avallon
12/21/1985 Award of Arms
*Darerca Ní Dhonndubháin
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
Daria of An Dubhaigeainn
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
Daria the Daring
07/15/1995 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Daria Fuentes
01/29/1983 Award of Arms
02/04/1984 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
10/05/1991 Mistress of the
04/13/1996 Mistress of the
08/18/1988 Companion of
the Sagittarius
02/03/1990 Companion of
the Manche
04/06/1991 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/25/1988 Award of Arms
11/05/1988 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Daukyn of Hammerfest
01/23/1993 Award of Arms
Dav Irongrip
03/26/2005 Award of Arms
*David Davidson of Renwick
07/13/1985 Award of Arms
*David Drake Vandeleer
11/21/1998 Award of Arms
David the Fish
04/28/2007 Award of Arms
*David fitzRobert de Lincoln
08/13/1997 Award of Arms
David Geoffrey
05/26/1996 Award of Arms
*David Gladstone
12/05/1998 Award of Arms
David of Huntingdon,
see *Wynfriđ æt Huntandune
Davíd de Londres
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
*David Lockhart
01/28/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/08/2003 Award of Arms
*David MacColin
05/??/1979 Award of Arms
09/??/1979 Queen's Cypher
*David MacDougall
06/27/1992 Master of the
08/01/1987 Companion of the
10/22/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/24/1989 Companion of the
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
10/22/1988 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
David MacLaren
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
David of Montvale
04/25/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
David Morteyne
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
*David Steill Campbell
04/16/1988 Award of Arms
David the Tinker
03/16/1996 Award of Arms
02/26/2000 Companion of the
*David Trueheart
09/19/1992 Companion of the
05/04/2002 Companion of the
05/23/1987 Award of Arms
11/26/1994 Queen’s Order of
06/28/1992 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
Deanie of Owl's Reste
03/06/2004 Queen's Order of
Deanna of Tewkesbury
05/28/2005 Award of Arms
*Dearbhforgaill an Chomhaidh
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
07/24/2004 Companion of
the Troubadour
*Deborah of Olmstead
10/18/1972 Award of Arms
*Deborah vom Schwarzwald
06/26/1993 Award of Arms
*Decimus Furius Maximus
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
Deerwulf the Druid
02/06/1982 Award of Arms
David Vazquez de Valencia
*Degen aus Nierstein
11/07/2009 Award of Arms
03/21/2009 Silver Feather (An
*Deiniol filius Gwrgwst
*David Wayland
05/02/1992 Award of Arms
David ha-Yansuf ben Nathan see
*Avram ben Yakov ha-Yansuf of
Davin Criss
07/20/1996 Queen’s Order of
*Dawyd z Gury
04/07/1990 Grant of Arms
10/19/1985 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/07/1990 Court Baron
03/13/1982 Award of Arms
06/22/1985 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
De Bra Dubois de Boufe
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
De’Dannen O’Kelleher
08/17/1995 Companion of the
08/17/1995 Award of Arms
Deacon de Chatillon
10/25/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/01/2006 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Queen's Cypher
05/24/2009 Award of the
Ram's Horn (Concordia of the
02/05/2000 Award of Arms
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
Deirdre Gervais de la Vallee
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
*Deirdre MacNamara of
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
12/06/1997 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
Deirdre ni Armagh
01/05/1980 Award of Arms
*Deirdre Erinna of Skye
12/06/1981 Award of Arms
10/26/1985 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
Deirdre nic Ghereghty de Sean
07/20/1996 Grant of Arms
07/20/1996 Court Baroness
07/11/1998 Companion of
the Sagittarius
11/14/1992 Award of Arms
09/11/1993 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Deirdre of Mitgard
11/15/2003 Award of Arms
*Deirdre O'Connell
01/23/1993 Award of Arms
06/07/1997 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
Deirdre O'Riordan
05/19/2001 Award of Arms
*Deirdre O'Rourke
11/21/1998 Companion of the
05/29/1993 Award of Arms
*Deirdre Planchet
06/23/1990 Award of Arms
01/25/1991 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
01/30/2010 Companion of the
Furison (Stonemarche)
*Deirdre Ruadh NicChonmara
06/10/1995 Award of Arms
*Deirdre Schneider
09/28/1991 Award of Arms
*Deormund Wulfscyld
08/18/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
Deorwyn Stevenslave
11/14/1992 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Dereg Doom
02/28/1976 Court Baron
01/03/1976 Award of Arms
01/11/1986 Award of Arms
03/28/1987 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
10/23/1988 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Derek Fairhair
*Deirdre Ui Mhaille
*Derek vom Schwartzwald
04/16/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/12/1985 Award of Arms
05/02/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
Demi la Roux d'Avignon
Derek the Wanderer
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
01/27/2007 Queen's Order of
04/14/2007 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Demitri Chernikovo
06/10/2006 Award of Arms
Denaya Treeslayer
10/26/1996 Award of Arms
*Denis de Courcey of the Kells
10/16/1982 Companion of the
*Deonna von Aachen
Mistress of the
Companion of the
Award of Arms
Companion of the
Companion of
*Deonora Riddyhough
01/16/1999 Mistress of the
04/20/1985 Companion of the
10/02/1982 Award of Arms
*Deormod Hathuwiges sunu
07/25/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/30/1994 Award of Arms
*Derek MacLeod
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
03/26/2005 Award of Arms
Derhilde of Carolingia
06/20/2009 Award of Arms
Deroch the Wine Trader
10/08/2005 Award of Arms
Desdemoniada Natasha Iyal n
03/24/2007 Award of Arms
*Desideria del Penna, see
*Giovanna del Penna
Detharlion of Nottingham
02/05/2000 Award of Arms
Devona de Elva y Groves
10/09/1976 Award of Arms
*Devorgilla O'Brannigan
??/??/1997 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Devos Abendroth
09/30/2006 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Devra the Baker
08/07/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescet
03/10/2001 Award of Arms
*Dewi Balch
04/19/1975 Award of Arms
Dhanwanti of Varanasi
09/24/2005 Award of Arms
Dharr al-Shaatir ibn Abd alMuntaquim
Grant of Arms
Court Baron
Award of Arms
Foreign Tyger
*Diana Alene
10/09/1971 Duchess
10/10/1970 Countess
10/10/1970 Lady of the Rose
05/08/1971 Mistress of the
01/04/1986 Mistress of the
10/??/1971 Founding
Baroness Tree-Girt-Sea
10/06/1979 Companion of
*Diana Brythonwen ferch
Cynfarch ap Cynan
02/24/1976 Award of Arms
04/03/1982 Companion of
the Troubadour
11/28/1981 Companion of
*Diana Kidder
04/??/2006 Award of Arms
Diana Monroe
04/03/2004 Award of Arms
*Diana ferch Morfudd
05/12/1984 Award of Arms
04/11/1987 Companion of
the Troubadour
12/02/1984 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
07/??/1985 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
04/12/1986 Companion of
the Sun and Soil (BBM)
*Diana Scott
11/14/1998 Award of Arms
*Diana the Wanderer
06/06/2009 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/15/2005 Award of Arms
06/06/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
11/17/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella)
09/26/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
*Dianaim ingen Eochada
06/03/2006 Companion of the
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
06/18/2005 Companion of the
Quadrant (Smoking Rocks)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Dianna da Costa
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
*Dianna Wyndalan of Kidwelly
09/15/1979 Award of Arms
*Diarmait Caomhanach mac
05/??/1991 Award of Arms
*Diarmait Ó Meachair
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
Didier de Montfort
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
Didius Secundus Allanus
04/11/2009 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Diedre Lillith Nasrin, called
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
*Diego Miguel de Vega
05/06/2000 Award of Arms
*Diego Mundoz
02/20/1982 Award of Arms
11/16/2002 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Dierdra of Ruantallan
09/27/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/21/1998 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
Dierdre du Champignon
05/01/2004 Companion of the
Dierdre of Moray
11/26/1994 Award of Arms
Dierdre O’Sidhe
09/09/1995 Award of Arms
04/04/1998 Companion of the
*Dietrich Baldemar
08/12/1992 Award of Arms
Dietrich von Hammer
(Andreas II)
Grant of Arms
Court Baron
Award of Arms
King's Cypher
*Dietrich von Karo
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
04/19/2003 Queen's Order of
*Dietrich Schwelgengräber
09/10/2005 Grant of Arms
01/08/2005 Companion of the
08/14/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/28/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/10/2005 Court Baron
06/06/1998 Award of Arms
09/29/2007 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/27/2010 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/02/2005 Queen's Cypher
09/11/2004 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere I)
Dietrich von Ulm
10/07/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
*Dikran Dikranian
04/10/1982 Award of Arms
02/02/2002 Queen's Order of
*Dillon Griffith a' Bheither
03/30/1985 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
10/23/1988 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
07/??/1989 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
08/??/1990 Companion of the
Bloody Tower (Settmour
*Ding Li Ying
04/02/2005 Companion of the
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
07/24/2004 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/15/2005 Queen's Order of
04/30/2005 Golden Tyger
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Dinias ap Cynan
09/16/2000 Award of Arms
Dinsdale of Northumbria
04/21/2007 Master of the
06/03/2006 Baron Beyond
the Mountain
10/09/1993 Grant of Arms
06/25/1994 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/21/2001 Companion of
the Manche
10/09/1993 Court Baron
10/22/1988 Award of Arms
04/03/1993 Companion of
12/09/1989 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
*Diomedes Sebastianus
04/12/2008 Grant of Arms
04/12/2008 Court Baron
04/12/2008 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
04/10/2010 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/26/2002 Award of Arms
11/04/2006 King's Order of
09/27/2008 Companion of
the Troubadour
08/06/2009 Queen's Order of
04/14/2007 King's Cypher
(Lucan IV)
09/27/2008 Queen's Cypher
09/27/2008 King's Cypher
10/03/2009 King's Cypher
(Andreas IV)
10/03/2009 Royal
Augmentation of Arms
(Andreas IV)
*Dionysia Birdclever de Brigge
04/12/2008 Award of Arms
Dionysos Cassins
01/15/1994 Award of Arms
*Dirk MacMartin
07/06/1996 Award of Arms
Dirk von dem Grauenwulf
08/18/2005 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Disa Eriksdotter till Botulf
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
Ditabell Lanoue, see Ysabelle
Agnes de la Noue
Djiril Bingler
09/27/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Dmitri Bluestone
07/11/1987 Award of Arms
Dobhran Connacta
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
*Dofinn-Hallr Morrisson
01/02/1993 Master of the
05/18/1991 Companion of the
10/05/1991 Companion of
03/12/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/12/1987 Award of Arms
06/27/1992 King's Order of
10/09/1993 Companion of the
07/03/1988 Award of Arms
*Domenego Paladin Triestino
(was: Domenico Angelo Malavolti
08/18/2004 Award of Arms
Domiana d’Acurio
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
*Domhnal MacFhionndara
11/23/1996 Award of Arms
Dominus of Rome
10/06/2007 Grant of Arms
10/06/2007 Court Baron
Domnall of Gotland
11/04/2000 Award of Arms
*Domnall MacDaniell
01/26/1991 Award of Arms
Don Carlos the Ribald
07/05/2003 Award of Arms
*Donal Artur of the Silver Band
10/05/1996 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
07/23/1989 Award of Arms
10/07/1989 Companion of the
09/28/1991 Companion of the
04/27/1991 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Donnan Fitzgerald
Donal O’Conghaile
*Donnan of Whispering Wude
11/30/2002 Master of the
11/27/2004 Companion of the
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/24/1993 Award of Arms
*Donal Galbraith
07/06/1985 Award of Arms
*Donal of Newcastle upon Tyne
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
Donal O'Neill
08/29/2009 Baron of
08/29/2009 Grant of Arms
03/22/2008 Award of Arms
Donald of Casgle Craig
07/05/2003 Award of Arms
Donald Just Richard
02/05/1994 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
08/06/2009 Queen's Order of
09/26/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella II)
10/03/2009 King's Cypher
(Andreas IV)
*Donovan Shinnock
04/10/2010 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
06/24/2006 Award of Arms
03/28/2009 Companion of
the Silver Rapier
Donus MacInstalker
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
*Dorathia Mychell
08/13/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
06/15/2002 Award of Arms
11/11/2006 Companion of
the Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
12/16/1995 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Dorian Elvenwood
Donald of Montvale
Dorian Kerensky
03/09/1996 Award of Arms
Donald of Northpass
02/29/1992 Award of Arms
*Donall Gallivin
02/05/1994 Award of Arms
Donavan Hynndyll
10/14/1978 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Donavin Blackthorn
02/27/2005 Award of Arms
Donk Jorgenson
01/09/1993 Principality
Company of Sojourners
Donna of Stonemarche
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
Donnachadh O'Faolan
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
Donnachaidh Siothial mac
11/10/1990 Award of Arms
Donnachardh McDougall
12/05/1992 Award of Arms
03/05/1994 Award of Arms
07/10/1993 Award of Arms
*Dorigen of the Grey Gate
01/04/1988 Mistress of the
07/06/1985 Companion of
the Manche
10/02/1982 Award of Arms
02/10/2001 Queen's Order of
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
*Dorigen of Lewes
09/30/2000 Grant of Arms
07/07/1990 Companion of
the Sagittarius
04/12/2003 Companion of
the Manche
09/30/2000 Court Baron
10/22/1988 Award of Arms
04/24/1994 Dragon’s Barb
12/10/1988 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
12/02/2006 Companion of the
Sun and Soil (BBM)
Douglas the Indecisive
*Dorio of the Oaks
Dragor the Grey
01/28/2006 Master of the
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/12/1993 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/30/1994 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
09/06/2009 Companion of the
Furison (Stonemarche)
Dorne of Clan Sutherland
03/09/2002 Award of Arms
*Dorren of Ashwell
10/06/1990 Mistress of the
06/17/2000 Mistress of the
02/06/1988 Companion of the
01/21/1989 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/25/1998 Court Baroness
09/27/1986 Award of Arms
09/30/1995 Queen’s Cypher
04/12/2003 Golden Lyre
Dosalena Sofia dell Mirandola
08/15/2005 Award of Arms
*Doucette de Verdun
01/24/2009 Grant of Arms
10/18/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/24/2009 Court Baroness
02/05/2005 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
*Dougal of the Golden Hill
06/15/1991 Award of Arms
Dougal MacDonald
01/16/1999 Award of Arms
*Douglas Henry
08/17/2005 Knight
07/26/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/25/2006 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
03/10/2001 Award of Arms
Dov ben Walter
11/02/1996 Award of Arms
10/08/1984 Award of Arms
Dragor Martel
10/28/2000 Award of Arms
Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
Drulina Drulet
11/18/2000 Companion of
the Manche
Druscilla of Gordian
07/28/2001 Award of Arms
Drym of Greenwood
11/07/1987 Award of Arms
Dragor Metheglin
Duane of Concordia
01/31/2004 Companion of the
Dubhaessa ingen Gruagach
*Draguin atte Maeldun
07/21/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/22/2003 Award of Arms
03/20/2004 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
05/28/2006 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Drakemire Piridvizhnik
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
09/10/1994 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Dramzellia MacKenzie
08/18/1999 Award of Arms
Dresden Pennello di Quadro
Voce, see Giovanna del Penna
Dreux de Rouen, dit le Mailleur
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
Dreven Ravenson
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
Drew Ausdauer
11/09/1991 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Drew of Isle du Dragon Dormant
08/19/1993 Award of Arms
Drogo of Lympha Profunda
01/08/2000 Award of Arms
Drucilla Katerina d'Aartwerk
12/11/1993 Award of Arms
*Drueta de la Rosa
02/21/2009 Baroness of Iron
02/21/2009 Grant of Arms
09/29/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/24/2005 Award of Arms
02/17/2007 Companion of the
Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
08/03/2008 Companion of the
06/30/2001 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
Dugal Buchanan
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
Dugal MacClerie
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
Dugal MacDugal
10/03/2009 Award of Arms
*Dugald the Sheepstealer
11/27/1999 Companion of
the Manche
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
Dugald of Wolf’s End
12/10/1994 Award of Arms
Dugan MacKinnon
09/30/2006 Award of Arms
*Dugan Makgowin of Aydel
05/08/1999 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/16/2000 Companion of
the Manche
08/13/1997 Award of Arms
07/20/1996 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
03/25/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/14/2007 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
06/10/2000 Ordre de la Rose
des Glaces (Havre des Glaces)
*Dughal McCafferty
01/15/1994 Award of Arms
02/01/1997 Companion of
*Dughall MacAran
02/17/1990 Award of Arms
11/02/1996 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
07/06/1991 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Dulcia Sabine
03/01/1997 Award of Arms
*Dulcinea from the Moor
03/27/1993 Award of Arms
03/04/1995 Pillar of the Bridge
Dun Gael of Galway
10/02/1976 Award of Arms
Dunawd Kildare
06/22/1991 Award of Arms
Duncan Andrews
06/24/2006 Award of Arms
Duncan of Carolingia
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
07/20/2002 Companion of
*Duncan Forbes
04/10/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/25/1992 Award of Arms
09/??/1994 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Duncan Gregor
09/29/2007 Award of Arms
*Duncan Kerr
03/26/2005 Grant of Arms
07/03/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/26/2005 Court Baron
05/18/1996 Award of Arms
02/02/2002 Queen's Order of
04/10/1999 King’s Cypher
09/25/1999 King’s Cypher
(Hanse II)
09/30/2006 Royal
Augmentation of Arms
*Duncan Kieran
11/10/2001 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
05/30/2008 Companion of the
Silver Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
Duncan MacAndrews
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Duncan MacBain
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
*Duncan Mac na Ceardadh
05/09/2009 Master of the
09/24/2005 Grant of Arms
06/06/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/24/2005 Court Baron
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
11/11/2006 Companion of the
Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
04/04/1992 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Duncan MacFergus of Kintyre
*Durko Vadas
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
Duncan MacGregor
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
Duncan Macleod
03/01/1997 Award of Arms
Duncan McKinnon of
Strathardale (*Duncan of the
09/27/1997 Award of Arms
Duncan Stewart
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
Duncan of Settmour Swamp
11/17/2007 Companion of
Duncan Tarragon
09/30/2006 Award of Arms
*Duncan Thorfinn
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
Duncan Thorfinnsson
07/24/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
05/04/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/25/1999 King’s Cypher
(Hanse II)
07/08/1989 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Duncan of Wessex (Duncan von
01/02/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
06/15/1991 Award of Arms
Dunchad Bjarnarson
11/21/2009 Award of Arms
Dunstable Peregrinator
11/29/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/28/2009 Companion of the
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
06/30/2007 Queen's Order of
11/30/2002 Golden Lyre
10/04/2008 Companion of the
Iceberg (Ruantallan)
*Dunstan of Thorun Watch
04/04/1992 Award of Arms
Dunstin le Noie
02/03/1990 Award of Arms
05/03/2003 Award of Arms
09/13/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Dwynwen of Padstowe, called
08/16/2002 Mistress of the
02/17/1996 Grant of Arms
10/05/1996 Companion of
the Manche
08/13/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/17/1996 Court Baroness
07/24/1993 Award of Arms
05/03/1997 Companion of
the Troubadour
09/30/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
03/27/2010 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
09/30/2000 Queen's Cypher
(Luna III)
09/27/2003 Queen's Cypher
(Roxane II)
10/12/2002 Golden Lyre
*Dyan O'Choda
09/30/1995 Grant of Arms
08/12/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/30/1995 Court Baroness
08/16/1985 Award of Arms
04/16/1988 Queen's Order of
09/29/1984 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Dyana Greenwood
08/12/1992 Companion of
the Manche
11/07/1987 Award of Arms
Dyana of the Outpost
09/17/1994 Award of Arms
Dyddanwy Gathfach, see
Efeilian Gathfach ferch Owain
ap Bleddyn
Dyfan Hartsbane
12/06/1986 Award of Arms
Dylan Fitzgerald
03/10/1990 Companion of the
*Dylan ap Maelgwn
04/08/2000 Master of the
08/12/1992 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
02/05/1994 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
08/14/1991 Companion of the
06/05/1992 Companion of the
Bhakail order of Fence
Dyonysus Apollonius Sapphire
12/28/1991 Award of Arms
§Dzintakrasty Guntars
05/26/1996 Award of Arms
05/23/1992 Award of Arms
Edana Mackinnon
03/24/2007 Grant of Arms
03/24/2007 Court Baroness
04/14/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/13/2001 Award of Arms
03/25/2006 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
04/06/2002 Queen's Cypher
(Yana III)
Edelfeura Drache
Distinction (Roxane III)
09/27/2008 King's Cypher
05/29/2005 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/24/2007 Companion of
the Iron Tower (Settmour
*Edmund de Wilden
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
*Edouard Chartier
07/10/1993 Award of Arms
12/10/2005 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Queen's Order of
Eden (of Iron Bog)
*Eduard von Konstanz
10/11/2003 Award of Arms
04/05/1986 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
03/27/1999 Award of Arms
Dzguinte of Dragonship Haven
Eden (of Carillion)
Edvall tvi Stangir
01/26/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/06/2007 Award of Arms
03/01/2003 Golden Lyre
(Isabella II)
06/16/2007 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
08/17/2005 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Geneviere II)
Eachna dalta Óengusa
01/26/2002 Award of Arms
*Eadmund of Pendlesweald
09/15/1973 Award of Arms
Éadoin Ui Brien
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
Eadoin inghen Eoghin
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
*Eadric Wiglafes sunu
06/09/2007 Award of Arms
Eadwin Gian di Toscani
11/03/2001 Award of Arms
*Eadwynn aet Hraefneshyrste
07/15/2006 Companion of the
11/28/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/25/1995 Award of Arms
Eala Campbell
09/22/2001 Award of Arms
Eala Bhan ni Aoidh
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
*Ealhswith of Evesham
11/02/1996 Award of Arms
*Eanraig the Bonesetter
08/16/2006 Queen's Order of
Ebbheart Sommerfield
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
*Edain de Burgh
Eden McGroine
08/08/2008 Award of Arms
Eden McTarran
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
Edgar of Manchester
06/03/2006 Award of Arms
*Edine Fairfield
05/12/1990 Award of Arms
Edmond d'Everaux
07/18/2009 Award of Arms
Edmund of Dewsbury
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
*Edmund Lindsey
12/06/1981 Award of Arms
Edmund O'Rourke
01/31/2009 Master of Arms
07/15/1995 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
09/05/2009 Tyger of Valor
*Edmund Patterson
02/28/2009 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
01/25/2003 Queen's Order of
09/27/2008 Companion of the
Silver Rapier
06/06/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of
*Edward the Chaste
11/26/1994 Award of Arms
*Edward of Crofton
04/04/1981 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
11/15/1975 Award of Arms
04/16/1977 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Edward Dragonslayer
06/24/2000 Grant of Arms
06/24/2000 Court Baron
04/24/1982 Award of Arms
01/29/1983 Companion of
the Troubadour
12/16/1995 Queen’s Order of
04/12/1986 Companion of
the Sun and Soil (BBM)
06/17/1988 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Edward Glass
05/24/2003 Award of Arms
Edward the Grey
02/21/1998 Award of Arms
*Edward Grey of Lochleven
01/05/2008 Knight
01/28/2006 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
07/15/2006 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
09/29/2007 Queen's Cypher
09/29/2007 King's Cypher
§*Edward the Incorrigible
05/16/1988 Knight
05/21/1983 Award of Arms
10/05/1985 Flame (Starkhafn,
Edward Kinnon
07/19/2008 Award of Arms
06/06/2009 Companion of the
Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
*Edward MacGyver
07/14/2007 Master of the
07/16/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/02/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/26/2005 Companion of the
05/31/1997 Award of Arms
09/16/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/26/2005 Golden Tyger
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Edward Newman
11/27/1999 Master of the
09/27/1998 Companion of the
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
Edward the Quiet
06/11/1988 Award of Arms
§*Edward Stifhand
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
*Edward Zifran of Gendy
01/03/1976 Viscount (AnTir,
06/21/1975 Knight (West)
05/22/1983 Master of the
Laurel (AnTir)
04/15/1989 Master of the
08/18/1988 Court Baron
08/18/2002 Court Baron
08/10/2007 Court Baron
05/02/1981 Companion of the
Leaf of Merit (West)
03/02/1996 Companion of the
08/16/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/16/1996 Companion of the
Dragon’s Heart (Middle)
06/22/1974 Award of Arms
09/08/1984 Companion of the
10/06/1990 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/12/1992 Sigil of
04/24/1982 Companion of the
Golden Unicorn (An Tir)
04/22/2006 Companion of the
Cornelian (AEthelmearc)
04/08/1989 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
03/29/2003 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
04/14/1984 Queen's Cypher
(Sedalia I)
09/30/2006 King's Cypher
(Brion II)
04/13/1996 Augmentation of
08/09/2007 Royal
Augmentation of Arms
09/15/2007 Tyger of the East
Edwin le Brun
11/26/1994 Award of Arms
Edwin the Unwyse
08/06/2009 Award of Arms
Edwina of Ravenhurst, see
*Eadwynn aet Hraefneshyrste
Edwina of Timberlake
04/19/1980 Award of Arms
Efa ferch Cynan
01/30/2010 Companion of the
06/24/2006 Award of Arms
Efa Pengrych
09/29/2007 Award of Arms
*Efa Gath fach, called Parsley
10/30/2004 Mistress of the
09/30/2000 Grant of Arms
09/30/2000 Court Baroness
01/03/2004 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/30/1995 Award of Arms
04/20/2002 Companion of
the Troubadour
09/27/2003 Queen's Order of
04/03/2004 Queen's Cypher
(Luna IV)
04/02/2005 King's Cypher
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Egile Bearsark
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
Egill McHaley
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
Eginald del Thoar
01/30/1982 Award of Arms
*Eibhlin inghean ui Choileáin
11/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Eibhlín ní Ghallchobair
05/15/1999 Award of Arms
09/22/2001 Queen's Order of
Eilbhen na Orien
11/01/1997 Award of Arms
Eilidh Froach
01/28/2006 Award of Arms
*Eilís ní Bhraonáin
09/22/2001 Mistress of the
09/16/2000 Grant of Arms
09/11/1999 Companion of
the Manche
04/20/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/16/2000 Court Baroness
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
11/20/2004 Worshipful
Company of Artificers
(Dragonship Haven)
11/20/2004 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Eilis of Eisental
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Eilonwy ferch Morgant
11/18/1989 Companion of the
07/23/1988 Award of Arms
04/04/1986 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Einarr Sælingr
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
*Einarr Thorgrimsson
04/25/1998 Award of Arms
*Eiolf Eriksson
01/??/1969 Knight
*Eireannach O'Hanley
10/30/1999 Award of Arms
*Eirich mac Dhomhnuill
03/04/1989 Award of Arms
§*Eirik Rodbjorn
06/23/1984 Baron of Settmour
Swamp (retired)
03/23/2002 Grant of Arms
07/25/1992 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/10/2001 Companion of the
03/23/2002 Court Baron
03/18/1995 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/23/2002 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
03/20/2004 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Eirik Svartulf
12/21/1991 Award of Arms
01/09/1993 Principality
Company of Sojourners
Eirikr Bjarnarson
10/28/2000 Award of Arms
*Eirík Gunnarson
11/22/2003 Award of Arms
01/05/1991 Award of Arms
*Eirikr Thórisson
10/03/2009 Companion of the
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
08/??/2005 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
12/15/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
09/27/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen)
Eissdrache of the Vale, see
Heinrich der Brauer
*Eithne Cameron
11/19/1994 Award of Arms
*Eithne of Cantwaraburg
09/24/1994 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
Ekaterina de Chat
07/27/2002 Grant of Arms
07/27/2002 Court Baroness
05/19/2001 Award of Arms
Ekaterina Dimitriov
01/13/1996 Award of Arms
Ekaterina von Drachenklaue, see
*Katerine Fitzwilliam
*Ekaterina Novgorodka
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
07/??/1989 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Ekkehardt of Oakenwode
09/29/2001 Master of the
07/04/1998 Companion of the
10/30/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
08/19/1993 King's Order of
*Eiríkr Lambason
*El of the Two Knives
07/21/1990 Knight
07/23/1989 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/09/1993 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
11/02/1996 Companion of the
Perseus (Carolingia)
11/17/1973 Master of the
??/??/1973? Grant of Arms
01/05/1991 Court Baron
09/26/1971 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/24/1982 Companion of the
*Eírikr Skalla-Bjornsson
08/14/1982 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
04/21/2001 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella)
08/07/2008 East Kingdom
Augmentation of Arms
*Ela Bathory
04/11/2009 Golden Lyre
Elaine de Caer Llynnedd
05/24/1998 Award of Arms
*Elaine Courtenay
05/22/1993 Mistress of the
01/06/1990 Companion of
the Manche
12/10/1994 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/11/1992 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
11/02/1996 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
Elaine of Cornwall
06/23/1990 Award of Arms
Elaine Howys of
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
*Elazar ben Shmuel
05/26/2001 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/08/1997 Award of Arms
04/08/2000 Queen's Order of
04/08/2000 Queen's Cypher
(Marieke II)
Eldorane de Eldolo
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
04/05/1986 Companion of
the Troubadours
*Eldrich Gaiman
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
11/11/2006 Companion of
the Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
02/21/2009 Companion of
the Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
Eldritch of Sylvan Glen, see
Eldrich Gaiman
*Eleanor Callaghan
03/10/2001 Award of Arms
03/25/2006 Companion of
the Troubadour
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
05/27/2007 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Eleanor Catlyn
01/22/2005 Mistress of the
03/06/2010 Mistress of the
05/13/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/10/2006 Companion of the
02/03/1996 Award of Arms
04/02/2005 King's Cypher
04/26/1998 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Eleanor Cleveland of York
09/07/1996 Companion of the
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
06/14/1987 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Eleanor the Faire
01/13/2001 Grant of Arms
01/13/2001 Court Baroness
09/09/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/28/1989 Award of Arms
12/09/2000 Queen's Order of
06/21/1996 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
11/17/2001 Companion of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
*Eleanor FitzPatrick
07/05/2003 Mistress of the
03/26/2005 Grant of Arms
09/16/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/17/2005 Companion of the
03/26/2005 Court Baroness
03/02/1996 Award of Arms
04/10/1999 Queen’s Cypher
09/18/1999 Queen’s Cypher
(Moruadh II)
09/18/1999 King’s Cypher
(Hanse II)
05/06/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Anna II)
09/30/2006 Royal
Augmentation of Arms
Eleanor of the Grey Waters
06/26/1982 Award of Arms
*Eleanor Kendal
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
*Eleanor atte Knolle
10/31/1992 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
*Eleanor Lebrun
06/03/2006 Mistress of the
04/02/2005 Grant of Arms
10/25/2003 Companion of the
04/02/2005 Court Baroness
12/28/1991 Award of Arms
06/21/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane II)
06/26/2005 Golden Tyger
Eleanor of Mitgard
05/18/1996 Award of Arms
Eleanor of Shire
09/15/1973 Award of Arms
Eleanor of Silveroak
11/27/1993 Companion of the
07/08/1995 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/28/1991 Award of Arms
01/08/1994 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
07/02/1995 Companion of the
04/24/1993 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
*Eleanora Stewart (called Nora)
11/15/2003 Award of Arms
Eleanora the Tilemaker
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
*Eleanore MacCarthaigh
09/16/1995 Mistress of the
Laurel (Atenveldt)
11/27/1993 Fleur de Soleil
11/11/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/13/1993 Award of Arms
05/08/1993 Maple Leaf
03/28/1992 Tripsichore's
Mouffle (Arn Hold, Atenveldt)
11/20/1993 S.P.U.D. (Arn
Hold, Atenveldt)
03/05/1994 Queen's Cypher
(Corisande, Atenveldt)
09/10/1994 Griffin's Heart
11/28/1998 King's Council
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Eleazar ha Levi
09/16/1995 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/09/1996 Companion of
the Manche
05/09/1987 Award of Arms
*Elen Alswith of Eriskay (was:
Alsvith Annarin)
07/07/1978 Companion of
the Willow (Middle)
01/26/2008 Companion of
the Manche
09/01/1974 Award of Arms
09/24/1994 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Elen of the Western Isles
03/12/2005 Award of Arms
Elena Fullerton
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
03/28/1987 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
Elena Lyttle
01/14/2006 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
*Elena Norrys
12/08/1990 Award of Arms
03/??/1990 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
Elena O'Sirideain
06/30/2007 Award of Arms
Elena Ross
02/14/2009 Award of Arms
*Elene of Lochcarron
03/24/2001 Mistress of the
11/30/2002 Mistress of the
05/08/1999 Companion of the
11/27/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/30/1996 Award of Arms
03/25/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/05/1996 Companion of the
Iceberg (Ruantallan)
§Eleni of Carolingia
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
*Elennar Linwen
09/06/1980 Award of Arms
01/15/1983 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
??/??/???? Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Eleonore di Torcello
03/31/2001 Award of Arms
*Eleri of Nefyn (Leri)
08/12/1998 Mistress of the
11/12/1994 Baroness of
Concordia of the Snows
11/12/1994 Grant of Arms
01/08/1994 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/21/1998 Court Baroness
10/28/2000 Companion of the
11/05/1988 Award of Arms
04/09/1994 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/08/1997 Queen’s Order of
Eletarius of Carolingia, see
Zohane Faber
Elglin of House Eagle
11/19/2005 Grant of Arms
04/02/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/04/1992 Leaf of Merit
11/19/2005 Court Baron
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
01/??/1992 Order of the Attic
Helm (Barony of the Far West)
??/??/???? Order of the Horse
Elfrida di Arboria
10/29/1983 Award of Arms
Eli Damon
12/06/2008 Award of Arms
Eliabel de Valois
10/16/2004 Award of Arms
Eliane Esperance
01/26/1991 Award of Arms
05/11/1991 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
*Elias Barbarossa von
08/16/1989 Award of Arms
*Elias Gedney (was: *Brandub
Mag Oireachtaigh)
01/17/2009 Master of the
08/18/2004 Companion of the
08/16/1985 Award of Arms
03/13/1982 Award of Arms
*Elinor Annora ferch Llewelyn
08/14/1991 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/11/1985 Award of Arms
*Elinor Strangewayes
07/12/2008 Companion of the
03/26/2005 Award of Arms
Elisa Bethany MacAllister
07/30/1983 Award of Arms
Elisabeth Borden
04/14/2007 Grant of Arms
10/02/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/14/2007 Court Baroness
02/22/1997 Award of Arms
12/07/2002 Pillar of the Bridge
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Elisabeth of Concordia
11/21/1998 Award of Arms
03/20/1999 Companion of
the Sapphire (Concordia)
Elisabeth Greenleaf
08/14/2002 Companion of the
02/25/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/24/2003 Queen's Order of
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Elisabetta Maldestro
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Settmour
*Elisabetta Tempesta
04/26/2003 Award of Arms
07/22/2006 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Elise ferch Morgan ap Owen
03/22/2008 Mistress of the
11/27/1999 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
11/30/2002 Companion of
the Manche
11/30/2002 Companion of
the Sagittarius
08/12/1992 Award of Arms
11/26/2005 Queen's Order of
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Elise of Stonemarche
04/10/2010 Award of Arms
*Elisheva bat Moshe
09/19/1998 Award of Arms
*Elisheva bas Yehuda ha Cohen
07/04/1998 Mistress of the
05/31/1997 Grant of Arms
01/03/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/28/1995 Companion of
the Keystone
05/31/1997 Court Baroness
02/20/1993 Award of Arms
04/10/1999 King’s Cypher
Elishiva of Kaffa
07/22/2000 Award of Arms
Elissa Corsini
09/09/2006 Award of Arms
*Elissa Dondain
06/05/1999 Award of Arms
*Elissa de Marmande
09/20/1998 Award of Arms
*Elizabet Marshall
02/05/2005 Companion of the
07/18/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/06/2002 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
01/11/2003 Golden Lyre
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
12/05/2009 Golden Lyre
Elizabeth of An Dubhaigeainn
11/13/2004 Award of Arms
08/??/2006 Drake's Spur (An
Elizabeth Ann, called Young Bess
12/11/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Elizabeth Beryl de Styles
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
*Elizabeth of Blackwood
10/02/1982 Award of Arms
Elizabeth Bronwyn
07/19/1997 Award of Arms
Elizabeth called Mom
05/31/1997 Award of Arms
*Elizabeth Cameron nic Iain
12/21/2002 Mistress of the
04/24/1993 Companion of the
02/16/2002 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Elizabeth of Carrigart
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
Elizabeth the Curious
01/28/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Elizabeth Curwen
01/26/1991 Award of Arms
*Elizabeth Darnley
11/27/1999 Mistress of the
09/19/1998 Companion of the
05/01/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/30/1996 Award of Arms
11/30/2002 Companion of
04/01/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
05/06/2000 Companion of the
Iceberg (Ruantallan)
02/18/2005 Iren Fera (Calontir)
09/02/2001 White Cord
(Barony of Vatavia, Calontir)
09/02/2001 Green Cord
(Barony of Vatavia, Calontir)
04/26/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen)
Elizabeth Donnegal
06/15/2002 Award of Arms
Elizabeth of Essex
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
Elizabeth Fielding
11/14/1981 Award of Arms
Elizabeth Folijambe
01/15/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Elizabeth Halwerdane
05/23/1987 Award of Arms
§*Elizabeth Idlewine (“Verily”)
11/03/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
07/??/1990 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
*Elizabeth Elenore Lovell
03/28/2009 Grant of Arms
08/16/2006 Companion of the
03/28/2009 Court Baroness
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
01/14/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
07/01/2006 Queen's Order of
09/24/2005 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
03/25/2006 King's Cypher
(Darius III)
*Elizabeth Hawkwood of
08/18/2004 Grant of Arms
03/23/2002 Companion of
the Sagittarius
11/22/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/18/2004 Court Baroness
07/30/1994 Award of Arms
08/17/2005 Queen's Order of
04/09/1994 Queen's Cypher
09/24/2005 King's Cypher
(Gaufred Kelson II)
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Geneviere II)
09/30/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Anna II)
06/23/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Aikaterine)
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
05/25/2003 Companion of
the Iron Tower (Settmour
Elizabeth Maledicta
04/03/2004 Award of Arms
08/??/2004 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
Elizabeth Miller of Edgewater
09/29/2007 Award of Arms
Elizabeth Morgan Ausdauer
05/02/1992 Award of Arms
Elizabeth of Owl's Reste, see
Elisabetta Tempesta
Elizabeth Pleyledere
04/18/2009 Companion of
Elizabeth of Preston
12/08/1990 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Elizabeth Reed
01/29/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
*Elizabeth of Rivenstar
08/14/2002 Companion of
the Manche
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Elizabeth Rosa della Morta
02/10/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/10/1995 Award of Arms
Elizabeth Rose Meerstapa
01/06/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Elizabeth of Rusted Woodlands
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
11/19/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Elizabeth Talbot of Meath
08/21/1993 Mistress of the
03/03/1990 Companion of the
05/02/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/10/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
Elizabeth Wolf
12/09/1989 Award of Arms
09/28/1991 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Elizabeta de Ravenna
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
Elizabetta della Lenga
12/08/2007 Award of Arms
Elke Vulpone
03/24/2001 Companion of the
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
04/08/2000 Queen's Cypher
(Marieke II)
Elkin de Verre
11/30/1996 Companion of the
11/25/1995 Award of Arms
Ella Kieransdottir
08/06/2009 Award of Arms
01/05/2008 Companion of
09/24/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Ellegon de Milambre
12/05/1992 Award of Arms
*Ellen du Grandchamp
01/13/1996 Mistress of the
07/13/1991 Grant of Arms
08/16/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/13/1991 Court Baroness
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
Ellen the Nameless (of Settmour
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
*Ellesbeth Donofrey
09/13/2008 Grant of Arms
07/22/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/11/2003 Companion of the
10/03/2009 Court Baroness
09/28/1985 Award of Arms
03/29/2008 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/13/2008 King's Cypher
04/10/2010 King's Cypher
(Konrad II)
04/19/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen)
04/10/2010 King's Esteem of
Merit (Konrad II)
*Elleyne de Combourg
10/14/2000 Award of Arms
*Ellisif Bjarnardottir
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
Ellisif Vemundardottir
08/07/2008 Award of Arms
*Eloi Abelard
04/24/2010 Baron of the Bridge
04/24/2010 Grant of Arms
08/14/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
09/27/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/09/1996 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Queen's Order of
01/27/2007 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
12/04/1999 Pillar of the Bridge
*Eloise of Coulter
10/01/1994 Mistress of the Laurel
09/12/1998 Mistress of the
01/23/1993 Companion of the
01/15/1994 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/20/1991 Award of Arms
09/30/1995 Queen’s Order of
11/11/1989 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
04/13/1996 Queen’s Cypher
(Luna II)
04/13/1996 King’s Cypher
(Balfar II)
09/27/1997 Queen’s Cypher
04/12/2003 Golden Lyre
12/02/2006 Companion of
the Sun and Soil (BBM)
Eloise McBane
03/29/2003 Golden Lyre
Eloise de la Riviere Pollue
11/14/1981 Award of Arms
*Eloise of Roed
10/19/1974 Countess
10/19/1974 Lady of the Rose
Elric Fyrkatsson
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
*Elric of Erehwon
02/15/1982 Master of the
Laurel (Atenveldt)
05/08/1982 Baron Bhakail
05/30/1981 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/02/1978 Court Baron
03/26/1977 Companion of
the Light of Atenveldt
12/18/1976 Companion of
the Lamp of Tir Ysgithr
12/08/1973 Award of Arms
10/18/1980 Queen's Order of
10/02/1982 Queen's Cypher
??/??/???? Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Elric von Ostenbridge
07/10/1993 Award of Arms
*Elsa de Lyon
11/04/2000 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/13/2001 Companion of
the Manche
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Elsbeth of Mountain Freehold
07/05/2003 Award of Arms
*Elspeth FitzHugh
06/06/1987 Award of Arms
*Elspeth y Gweledydd
01/02/1993 Companion of the
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/24/1987 Award of Arms
08/12/1987 Companion of the
Raven's Feather (Thescorre)
*Elspeth Keyf of Neddingham
04/05/1997 Countess
08/15/1987 Mistress of the
01/23/1993 Mistress of the
04/05/1997 Lady of the Rose
01/07/1984 Baroness Bridge
12/10/1983 Companion of the
06/09/1984 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/19/1980 Award of Arms
04/05/1986 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/15/1989 Queen's Order of
09/25/1982 Companion of the
Pillar (Bridge)
11/05/1989 Companion of the
Sun & Soil (BBM)
06/26/2004 Companion of the
Lodestone (Smoking Rocks)
02/28/1998 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Caitlin)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Elspeth Livingston
09/26/1987 Award of Arms
12/13/1986 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Elspeth of the Mayfair
11/30/1996 Award of Arms
11/30/1996 Queen’s Order of
Elspeth of Puttenham
04/27/1991 Award of Arms
*Elspeth Starwatcher
Emele Schuolerin
03/11/2000 Grant of Arms
05/30/1993 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/25/1999 Court Baroness
07/14/1984 Award of Arms
11/05/1988 Companion of the
12/11/2004 Award of Arms
06/24/2006 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Elspietta (of Rusted Woodlands)
01/24/1998 Award of Arms
Eluned of Avon
11/25/2000 Award of Arms
Elvira MacLeod
01/21/1984 Award of Arms
*Elwisia Mouche de
09/19/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/01/1995 Award of Arms
02/20/1999 Companion of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
*Elwyn Arian
10/10/1981 Award of Arms
*Elwynne Rowenna of
09/05/1998 Mistress of the
04/14/2007 Mistress of the
02/23/1991 Baroness of
08/17/2005 Baroness of
12/09/1989 Companion of the
10/15/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/11/1987 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Elysabeth Underhill
09/24/2005 Award of Arms
12/15/2007 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
*Elysende Leville
09/13/1980 Award of Arms
05/09/1981 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/25/1982 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Embla Willsdottir see *Eva van
*Emeline Patterson
04/10/2010 Grant of Arms
03/04/2006 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
01/25/2003 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Order of
06/06/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
02/20/2010 King's Esteem of
04/10/2010 King's Cypher
(Konrad II)
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane III)
03/05/2005 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/24/2007 Companion of
the Iron Tower (Settmour
Emengar la fileresse
10/31/2009 Award of Arms
03/06/2010 Golden Lyre
Emidio de Arquata
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
03/29/2008 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
Emily Cassidy
11/23/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Emma of Akerynton
04/12/2008 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 King's Cypher
(Andreas III)
10/03/2009 King's Cypher
(Andreas IV)
*Emma Grey of Warwickshire
(was: Emma Goldenoak)
01/23/1999 Award of Arms
*Emma Katherine of Wakefield
12/09/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/10/1997 Award of Arms
Emma the Lymner
11/19/2005 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Emma MacCarthaigh MacMinn
04/10/2010 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
12/11/2004 Companion of the
06/03/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Emma McTaran
07/04/2009 Award of Arms
*Emma la Rousse d’Argentan
01/05/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/03/1981 Award of Arms
07/16/2000 Companion of
10/01/1988 Award of Arms
Emrys ap Morgan
11/20/1999 Award of Arms
Emrys (of Owl's Reste)
05/06/2000 Award of Arms
*Emrys Ransom
08/12/1998 Award of Arms
Endarick dit Le Preux
07/01/2000 Award of Arms
07/11/1998 Companion of
the Sagittarius
11/05/1988 Award of Arms
*Engraçia de Madrigal
*Eoin of the Torriloc Moors
Enna Bonetrader
03/31/2001 Award of Arms
§*Emrys Cador
02/11/1984 Award of Arms
07/26/1986 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Emrys y Crwydryn
03/27/1982 Award of Arms
07/12/1986 Pillar of the Bridge
*Emrys y Cynydd
01/23/1999 Companion of the
03/09/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
*Emrys Hawkwind
11/30/2002 Knight
03/18/1989 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/23/1989 Companion of the
02/21/2009 Award of Arms
02/21/2009 Companion of
the Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
*Eoin Mac Eoghain
*Emory the Scarlet
Emrick MacWilson
10/11/1986 Award of Arms
Eoin Dubh
01/07/1978 Award of Arms
12/08/1982 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
*Emmanuelle de Chenonceaux
(was Emanuelle of Southbank)
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
*Emme Attewater
01/13/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
05/26/2007 Award of Arms
*Eoghan Fionn
Enderil of the Reach
10/03/2009 Grant of Arms
10/03/2009 Court Baroness
04/23/1994 Award of Arms
07/17/1999 Companion of
03/29/2008 Queen's Order of
07/17/1999 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
03/29/2008 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Emma Wen of Painscastle
of Lochleven
11/27/1999 Award of Arms
11/25/2000 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella)
*Enoch MacBain
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
Enoch McGill
10/03/1998 Award of Arms
*Enrique de Valencia
08/12/1998 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
01/28/1995 Award of Arms
Enzo Fishmonger
06/16/2007 Award of Arms
03/06/2010 Companion of the
Silver Rapier
Eoan of Montvale
03/09/1996 Award of Arms
Eofn ap Erwyn
10/18/1980 Baron Concordia
of the Snows (retired)
01/10/1982 Companion of the
01/07/1980 Companion of the
Silver Snowflake (Concordia)
*Eoghan Bastard mac Lachlainn
07/??/1982 Award of Arms
Eol na Tadhg
05/28/2006 Award of Arms
Eomer of Bridge
09/11/1999 Award of Arms
*Eomer of the Lion's Head
11/21/1981 Award of Arms
Eomer Trueblood
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
*Eowen Annasdottir
04/20/1991 Award of Arms
*Eowulf the Innocent
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Eowyn Eilonwy of Alewife
08/12/1992 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/15/1983 Award of Arms
12/13/1986 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Eradan Coleman
03/27/1982 Award of Arms
Erane Valdier
05/11/1991 Award of Arms
Erasmus of Mountain Freehold
11/08/2008 Award of Arms
Erasmus Urswyc
10/24/2009 Companion of
the Sagittarius
09/30/2006 Award of Arms
*Erdvilas Pasaulietiskas
07/15/1989 Award of Arms
Erec Appollinarus
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
05/06/2000 Queen's Order of
Eren O’Kerrigan
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
Eric of Bristol
10/14/2000 Award of Arms
05/30/1993 Award of Arms
*Erich Hundeman
11/22/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
09/11/2004 Award of Arms
Erich von Halstern
04/19/1990 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Erec le Clair (was: du Vrai
*Erich von dem Schwarzwald
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
07/26/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/27/2010 Golden Lyre
03/14/1998 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
05/24/2003 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
05/28/2006 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Erick the Ironmonger
Eric of Isle du Dragon Dormant
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
Eric Oxnech
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
Eriel of Alchemwood
04/16/1983 Award of Arms
Erik Admunson
12/09/1995 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Erik Fredrickson of Hindfell
05/05/2001 Award of Arms
Erik the Green
05/30/2008 Companion of the
Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
Erik Herlgarson
05/28/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Eric the Quick
Erik Ianson
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
09/29/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Aikaterine)
08/13/1997 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Eric Snarfisson
06/30/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Eric the Horseman (was: the
Wandering Horseman)
03/18/2000 Award of Arms
03/29/2008 Queen's Order of
05/28/2006 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Eric Warnke
11/11/2006 Award of Arms
Eric of Whispering Oaks
01/28/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Erica of the Crimson Nape
02/10/2001 Award of Arms
Erica MacGregor
04/12/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Erica of Ruantallan
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
*Erich Forester
*Erik Makefriend
01/20/1996 Award of Arms
Erik Mathias Eclipea-Blackhart
D'Mer, see Mathias
Erik the Nakinn
11/22/2008 Award of Arms
Erik Nemeor von Welzon
06/12/2004 Award of Arms
Erik Snarfison
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
*Erik the Tall
09/21/1991 Award of Arms
Erik of Vastergotland
*Erik of Winteroak
02/21/1987 Award of Arms
Erika of the Flaming Sword
07/??/1977 Award of Arms
Erika av Oeland
09/22/2001 Award of Arms
Erikr Thorson
04/10/2010 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
Erin of Silver Rylle
10/06/2007 Award of Arms
Erin of Sky
02/17/2007 Silver Feather
(An Dubhaigeainn)
Erlandr Nordenskald
03/29/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/10/2005 Companion of
the Manche
09/13/2008 Companion of
the Troubadour
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Ermina de Falaise
01/24/1998 Award of Arms
Erno Scrumahli see *Ernst
Nuss von Kitzengen
Ernst Bingham
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
*Ernst Nuss von Kitzengen
08/15/2001 Master of the
04/10/1999 Grant of Arms
06/22/1996 Companion of
the Manche
11/07/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/10/1999 Court Baron
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
07/17/1999 Queen’s Order of
04/13/1996 King’s Cypher
10/05/1996 King’s Cypher
09/27/1997 King’s Cypher
09/25/1999 Queen’s Cypher
(Moruadh II)
04/21/2001 Queen's Cypher
09/28/2002 King's Cypher
09/27/2003 Queen's Cypher
(Roxane II)
09/24/2005 Queen's Cypher
(Geneviere II)
04/01/2006 King's Cypher
(Darius III)
03/28/2009 King's Cypher
(Darius IV)
04/11/2009 Queen's Cypher
12/09/1989 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
04/21/2001 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella)
10/02/2004 Tyger of the East
09/24/2005 Kingdom
Augmentation of Arms
*Ernst Skaptisson
01/??/1976 Award of Arms
*Eromene Aspasia of
08/21/1982 Mistress of the
09/14/1991 Companion of the
08/15/1981 Companion of the
Dragon's Heart (Middle)
05/05/1979 Award of Arms
09/25/1981 Companion of the
Gold Comet (Debatable Lands)
10/29/1989 Companion of the
Lonely Tower (Lonely Tower,
*Ervald La Coudre the Unlucky
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
12/09/2000 Queen's Order of
03/16/2002 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Erwilliam the Bard
08/17/1995 Award of Arms
Erzebet Csesztvei
04/11/2009 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Erzulie of Carolingia
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
*Esa mac Duf
12/08/2001 Award of Arms
Esalt ferth Brun
03/03/1990 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
*Esmeralda la Sabia (called Sol la
12/12/1992 Companion of the
09/24/1994 Companion of the
09/30/1989 Award of Arms
02/20/2010 Golden Lyre
11/16/1991 Companion of the
Gold Comet (BMDL)
*Esperanza Razzolini d'Asolo
08/21/1999 Viscountess
(Avacal, An Tir)
11/24/2001 Baroness of
10/15/1994 Goute de Sang (An
10/15/1994 Grant of Arms (An
11/27/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/26/2005 Companion of the
06/30/2007 Court Baroness
01/23/1999 Jambe de Lion (An
06/11/1993 Award of Arms
(An Tir)
02/22/1997 Elder of Avacal
(An Tir)
Essyllt ferch Llewellyn ap Rhodri
09/05/2009 Award of Arms
Estela du Frayse
03/22/2008 Grant of Arms
05/04/2002 Companion of the
05/01/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/29/2009 Court Baroness
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Queen's Order of
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Estephan of Whyte Whey, see
*István Nyiregyhazi
Esterhazy the Exiled
03/21/1987 Award of Arms
*Estrella de los Confines
10/12/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/31/1992 Award of Arms
06/02/2002 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
Estridh Tyrheim
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
*Étaín Dhomhnullach see
*Margaret Holmwood
*Etain ingen ui Broin
07/22/2006 Award of Arms
*Étain ingen ui Bróenáin
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
*Étain ingen ui Chommáin
08/18/2004 Award of Arms
Etain ingen Tighearnan
11/06/2004 Award of Arms
Ethan mac Pharlain
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
Etiene of Montevale
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
*Etienne Armand du Périgord
06/17/2000 Award of Arms
01/08/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Etienne Gerard Laudonniere
05/09/1981 Award of Arms
06/27/1982 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
*Étienne de Lyons
02/23/1991 Baron of
Bergental (retired)
01/04/1988 Award of Arms
§*Etienne des Nuages
06/25/1988 Award of Arms
12/14/2002 Queen's Order of
Ettienne le Noir
03/11/1989 Award of Arms
Eudocia of Carolingia
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Eugenie de Bruges
08/??/1974 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/22/1986 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
Eularia Somerhill
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
*Eularia Trewe
09/09/2006 Vicereine of
09/09/2006 Grant of Arms
09/09/2006 Court Baroness
11/22/2008 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/26/2003 Award of Arms
01/14/2006 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
07/05/2008 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
07/05/2008 Queen's Order of
Euric Germanicus
12/06/2008 King's Cypher
(Darius IV)
*Eva Vach Wyllt
05/27/2007 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Eva van Oudeachterkol
04/19/1980 Countess
07/05/1981 Companion of the
Silver Oak (Middle)
05/29/1977 Award of Arms
04/16/1988 Queen's Order of
04/19/1980 Lady of the Rose
12/??/1986 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/10/1993 Companion of the
08/10/1975 Award of Arms
12/17/1983 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
06/07/1975 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Evan Bevan
*Eva Woderose
Evangeline d'Orleans
10/31/2009 Companion of the
04/02/2005 Award of Arms
03/06/2010 King's Esteem of
03/06/2010 Golden Lyre
03/27/2010 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
04/10/2010 Queen's Cypher
(Brenwen II)
01/23/2010 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
Evaine ferch Brangwen
04/09/1994 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/26/1987 Award of Arms
03/21/1987 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
12/02/1984 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
*Evaine MacGreger
11/21/1998 Award of Arms
Evaine the Questioner
02/04/1995 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/29/1988 Award of Arms
08/14/1991 Queen's Order of
03/12/1992 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
*Evan Aethalwald
11/15/1980 Knight (Middle)
06/21/1980 Companion of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
10/07/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Evan Hardrada
10/05/1996 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/20/1996 Award of Arms
03/04/1995 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
05/06/2006 Award of Arms
*Evart of Bangor
04/16/1977 Award of Arms
Eve of Concordia
05/23/2009 Award of Arms
Eve de l'Isle Madeleine
Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
Faelan O'Sirdean
07/01/2006 Award of Arms
*Faílenn Dubshúlech
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
03/18/2000 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Swamp)
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Settmour
*Failtigearna ingen uí Artáin
02/10/2001 Mistress of the
01/30/1999 Grant of Arms
07/04/1998 Companion of
the Manche
11/15/1986 Award of Arms
03/08/1997 Companion of
the Troubadour
Fanella O'Kelly
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
Faol Sean Auld Dubh
04/24/1976 Award of Arms
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
Evelynn of the Red Lamp Inn
*Faoiltighearna inghean mhic
01/21/1989 Award of Arms
*Everard Martel
01/15/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
12/05/1992 Award of Arms
11/14/1998 Queen’s Order of
*Ewan the Mad Wanderer
01/08/1983 Companion of the
Golden Dolphin (Atlantia)
01/07/1978 Award of Arms
01/05/1980 Companion of the
Ewan de Vassy
07/04/2009 Award of Arms
09/19/1998 Companion of
the Manche
09/16/2000 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/03/1988 Award of Arms
10/09/1993 Queen's Cypher
Faolan an Dearg
01/03/2004 Award of Arms
*Faolan MacNeill
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
*Faolchadh of Dubh Linn
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
*Ewen Ericsson
*Farasha Joralemon
09/12/1987 Award of Arms
08/19/1993 King's Order of
the Manche
Eydis of Stonemarche
06/09/2007 Award of Arms
*Fabrisse ter Brugghe
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
Fabrisse of Owlsherst
04/16/2005 Award of Arms
Fa'el Nameer
08/16/2006 Award of Arms
06/02/2007 Companion of the
Mistress of the
Grant of Arms
Companion of
Court Baroness
Award of Arms
Companion of
§Fatima of House Hakim
06/13/1970 Countess
*Fatima Isabella Villalobos
07/25/1992 Award of Arms
Faustus Maximillian
06/16/2007 Award of Arms
Faylan Niall
11/21/1998 Award of Arms
03/06/1982 Award of Arms
Feather O’Aber Menai
10/22/1994 Award of Arms
Federach mac Cian
01/31/2009 Knight
02/08/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
09/21/2002 Companion of the
Perseus (Carolingia)
04/29/2007 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Feena Bothildardottir
08/13/1998 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Feia Radostevicha
07/18/2009 Award of Arms
*Feirefiz ag Zygmund
12/06/1981 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/09/1976 Award of Arms
07/27/1981 Companion of the
Pillar (Bridge)
*Felecia Miguelez di Milano
01/16/1982 Award of Arms
Felicity Blindshooter of
11/30/1996 Award of Arms
Feng von Amleth
01/23/1993 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
07/21/1990 Award of Arms
09/16/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Fenice d'Aix
08/15/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Fenice Katherine d’Autun
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
Fennel Brandywine
05/04/1996 Award of Arms
Fenris of Dun Gol
05/06/1989 Award of Arms
*Ferall von Halstern
01/07/1984 Master at Arms
08/18/1990 Master of the
10/23/1982 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/06/1985 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/10/1987 Court Baron
10/03/1981 Award of Arms
07/05/1986 Queen's Order of
12/19/1992 Companion of the
09/28/2002 King's Cypher
12/04/1983 Companion of the
Pillar (Bridge)
04/12/1986 Companion of the
Sun and Soil (BBM)
02/20/1993 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
01/04/1997 Augmentation of
09/27/2003 Royal
Augmentation of Arms
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
Fergal the Smith
10/25/2008 Companion of the
11/06/2004 Award of Arms
05/24/2009 Companion of the
Sapphire (Concordia)
Fergel MacKinnon
03/24/2007 Award of Arms
Fergus MacRae
03/26/2005 Grant of Arms
06/22/1996 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
06/08/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/14/2003 Companion of the
03/26/2005 Court Baron
08/16/1994 Award of Arms
06/17/1995 Companion of
the Perseus (Carolingia)
04/03/1999 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
01/22/2005 Queen's Order of
11/27/2004 Golden Tyger
*Fergus O Ferrall of Fenwick
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
Feris MacGregore
03/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Fernando Salazar y Perez
10/08/1977 Count
01/07/1978 Knight
10/09/1976 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
02/14/1976 Award of Arms
05/04/1991 Award of Arms
*Ffiona ferch Rodric
09/18/1993 Award of Arms
Fiachra Failroch
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
Fianachet Karmen (Fia
03/24/2007 Mistress of the
04/02/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/13/2000 Award of Arms
*Fiadhnait inghean Chiaragáin
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
*Fiametta di Antonio di Donato
10/08/1994 Companion of
the Rose Leaf (West)
10/08/1995 Pied d’Argent
02/27/1993 Award of Arms
Fieriel Lomelinde
04/30/1994 Award of Arms
Fina Cael ingen Ui Madadain
03/31/2001 Grant of Arms
Findhabar Horse-Tamer
10/03/1992 Award of Arms
*Findabhair ni Chonaill
09/21/1991 Award of Arms
*Fine of Clare
10/25/1997 Mistress of the
04/09/1994 Companion of
the Manche
Court Baroness
Award of Arms
Companion of the
Queen’s Order of
*Finn Finnegan O'Flynn
05/16/1992 Award of the
Doe's Grace (Middle)
09/12/1992 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
06/01/1996 Order of the Red
Company (Middle)
08/14/1997 Order of the
Dragon's Tooth (Middle)
09/16/1989 Award of Arms
09/20/1997 Order of the Royal
Vanguard (Middle)
*Finn the Wanderer
09/17/1994 Award of Arms
Finnula McCaul
08/14/1991 Award of Arms
Fiona ni Bhlosgaidh
01/15/1994 Award of Arms
*Fiona Duncan
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
*Fiona Kyle
05/06/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/05/1994 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Fiona MacAonghas
05/26/2007 Award of Arms
*Fiona MacNeill
10/15/1988 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Fiona Randal of Avanmore
06/04/1994 Award of Arms
10/01/1994 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Fiona Roe Kincaid
10/22/1983 Award of Arms
*Fiona Siobhan of Kincora
09/07/1996 Baroness of
Bergental (ret.)
09/01/2001 Grant of Arms
09/01/2001 Court Baroness
12/06/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/14/1992 Award of Arms
05/31/1997 Queen’s Order of
06/03/2006 Companion of the
Sun and Soil (Beyond the
Fiona the Clanless
08/18/1999 Award of Arms
Fiona the Volatile
01/08/2000 Award of Arms
Fionbhar a Bheithir
03/05/2005 Award of Arms
08/??/2004 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Fionbharr O'Choda
04/16/1988 Companion of the
11/01/1986 Award of Arms
01/24/1987 Companion of the
Fionghula O’Conchuir
09/17/1994 Award of Arms
*Fiona MacNicol
Fionn MacNessa
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Fionna Solenzara
Fiona Ohannon
*Fionnach nic Shearlais
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
05/06/2006 Award of Arms
02/03/1990 Award of Arms
05/26/1996 Award of Arms
*Fiona O'Maille ó Chuan Coille
*Fionnghuala ni Chiaráin, see
*Mirabel Belchere
*Fionnghuala Faradach
07/04/1998 Companion of the
01/31/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/06/1991 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 Companion of the
05/06/1989 Award of Arms
*Fionnghuala Gliobach Mael
05/04/1991 Award of Arms
Fionnghuala of the White Hands
05/03/2003 Award of Arms
03/25/2006 Companion of
the Troubadour
Fioretta Luzatto di Venezia
11/07/1992 Award of Arms
Flavia ferch Gwydion
02/08/1986 Award of Arms
Flavie de Mortemer
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
Flora Wulfstansdottir
01/08/2000 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Floria de la Croix
09/16/2000 Award of Arms
Florian of the Glen
10/08/1983 Grant of Arms
10/20/1984 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/08/1983 Court Baron
10/08/1983 Award of Arms
Fogara MacGowan
03/25/2000 Companion of
the Manche
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
Formis della Scala
08/18/1999 Award of Arms
Fortune St. Tysilio
04/11/2009 Award of Arms
Fost of Bearbrook Freehold
05/31/1997 Award of Arms
Fox Rethgar Trygvasson
09/21/2008 Award of Arms
*Francesca Alesondra
03/19/1983 Award of Arms
Francesca de Grandchamp
09/28/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Francesca Laura di Firenze
11/25/1995 Mistress of the
05/04/2002 Mistress of the
09/28/1991 Companion of
the Manche
11/25/2000 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/12/1988 Award of Arms
10/03/1992 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
05/04/1991 Companion of
the Iceberg (Ruantallan)
Francesca di Michele
08/17/1995 Award of Arms
*Francesca di Monopoli
07/18/1992 Award of Arms
Francesca da Parochel
01/23/1999 Grant of Arms
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
04/30/1988 Award of Arms
09/30/1995 Queen’s Cypher
03/05/2005 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Frank Potter, called Francis of
*Francesca della Terrazza
*Franqueite du Grandchamp
02/10/1979 Award of Arms
*Francesca Teresa Giani
05/23/2009 Court Baron
*Franque ui Cruthnye
04/16/1977 Award of Arms
03/04/1978 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
05/26/2007 Award of Arms
05/26/2007 Order of Gawain
09/15/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
Fransis Fletcher
*Francesco Gaetano Greco
d'Edessa (called Bishop)
*Franz Gottfried der Pfalzer
04/12/2008 Grant of Arms
04/12/2008 Court Baron
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
04/21/2001 King's Order of
09/17/1994 King's Favor
(Conn, Calontir)
§*Franz Joder von Joderhübel
Francesco de Grimm
04/24/1999 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
France-Lyse du Berger
11/11/1989 Award of Arms
Francine Jacques
03/22/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
*Francis of Tadecastre
08/17/1995 Knight
07/25/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
*Francisco d'Elandris de Lara
07/28/1984 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
Franco Domenico
01/22/2005 Award of Arms
07/16/1994 Award of Arms
11/13/2004 Award of Arms
02/27/1993 Award of Arms
*Franz Mare
03/27/1982 Award of Arms
Frasier McCloud, see *Colin
Fraser MacLeod
*Frederick of Beltzhoover
03/27/1982 Award of Arms
Frederick von Brandenburg
03/18/1995 Award of Arms
*Frederick Dragonheart
09/24/1994 Knight
07/15/1989 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/09/1994 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/09/1988 Award of Arms
10/29/1988 Queen's Order of
10/05/1991 Queen's Cypher
*Frederick of Feolildwyn
01/19/1969 Grant of Arms
09/26/1971 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/19/1969 Court Baron
*François Lombard de la
Frederick von der Grundwald
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
01/31/1991 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Frederick MacGregor
Francois Palmire
11/08/2003 Award of Arms
*Francois Thibault
04/16/1988 Award of Arms
02/08/1986 Award of Arms
Frenya Thorsteinndottir
04/12/2008 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Freya Manslayer Carolsdottir
02/01/2003 Mistress of the
07/04/1998 Grant of Arms
12/13/1997 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/04/1998 Court Baroness
06/08/1991 Award of Arms
10/14/2000 Queen's Order of
Freya of Clan McBain
05/02/1998 Grant of Arms
Freya of Thorsby
09/17/1994 Award of Arms
*Freydis Olafsdottir
02/23/1981 Award of Arms
Freydis Ragnarsdottir see
*Luke Knowlton
Freydis Wolvesbrat
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
*Freygerðr in stórràða
Halladóttir (called "Frigga")
09/23/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/30/2010 Companion of
the Manche
02/25/2006 Award of Arms
01/31/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Freygerðr of Visby
01/31/2004 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
Freyna Gronregndottir
06/09/2007 Award of Arms
*Frideger Leopo Sturmreiter
10/01/1988 Award of Arms
Friderich Grimm (Friedrich of
02/22/2003 Queen's Order of
02/23/2002 Companion of
the Seadog (Ostgardr)
11/01/2003 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Friedrich von Hanloser
06/08/2002 Award of Arms
Frigg the Mad Woman
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
*Frithiof Sigvardsson Skägge
06/22/1991 Award of Arms
Frodo von Halstern, see
Hiyama no Kufuka Oniko
*Frydherik Eysenkopf
01/04/1988 Master of the
10/08/1983 Companion of the
04/03/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
08/18/1993 Companion of the
10/02/1982 Award of Arms
01/14/1981 Companion of the
Blue Comet (BMDL)
07/15/1989 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
09/18/1999 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
05/02/2004 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*Fucha de la Rua
12/03/1988 Award of Arms
Fujimaki Tosaburo Hidetora
11/18/2000 Award of Arms
*Fujimoto Saburou Masamune
Master of the
Companion of the
07/23/1989 Award of Arms
11/05/1988 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Gabriel Blackfell
10/25/1997 Award of Arms
*Gabriel of Lyonshall
06/05/1999 Award of Arms
*Gabriel of Maccuswell
08/15/2003 Knight
03/23/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
10/03/1998 King’s Cypher
(Timothy II)
*Fujiwara no Aoi
07/22/2000 Companion of the
03/27/1999 Award of Arms
02/26/2000 King's Order of
Fujiwara Tamemoto
09/19/1992 Award of Arms
Gabriella de Bas Serra
04/10/2010 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/21/2007 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/??/2000 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Mistress of the
Companion of the
Award of Arms
Queen's Cypher
*Gabriella La Volpe Rossa
02/05/1994 Award of Arms
Gabriella Santiago de
*Gabriella von Ulm
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
Gabran MacMuriac
05/04/1996 Award of Arms
*Gabriel of Berkhamsted
03/23/2002 Award of Arms
05/28/2006 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Gabrielle van Nijenrode
04/01/1995 Award of Arms
04/01/1995 Companion of the
Fyodor MacIlhoyle
Gabrielle Gealbhan an Ruadh
*Gabrielle de Nevers
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Cypher
(Jana IV)
04/14/2007 Grant of Arms
04/14/2007 Court Baroness
09/30/2006 Award of Arms
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
05/28/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Fukushima Manasari Hanzo, see
Hensojin Khan
Fulk the Fool
Fygen Abendroth
Gabrielle Bodine
Gabriel of Nordenhil
*Gabriella Maddelena Pisano
Award of Arms
Companion of the
09/09/1995 Companion of
the Manche
02/05/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/21/1988 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
Lady of the Rose
Award of Arms
Queen's Order of
*Gabriella Verde
10/26/1996 Award of Arms
*Gabrielle Annora d'Outremer
07/25/1998 Mistress of the
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
10/03/1998 Duchess
09/30/1995 Countess
09/30/1995 Lady of the Rose
08/13/2003 Mistress of the
09/28/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/15/1990 Award of Arms
08/19/1995 Order of the
Dragon’s Heart (Middle)
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/29/2003 Companion of
the Silver Tower (Settmour
04/21/2001 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella)
Gabrielle of Rusted Woodlands
06/15/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Gaia Caelia Angelus
01/12/2008 Award of Arms
Gaia Valeria Corva
06/13/2009 Award of Arms
Gail of Forestgate
03/10/2001 Award of Arms
*Gaila bat Baruch (called Jael)
01/22/2005 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
03/28/1998 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
04/01/2006 Queen's Cypher
(Roxane III)
Gaius Iulius Ajax
07/04/2009 Award of Arms
Galan Rowan
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
Galbraith MacGowan
03/31/2001 Award of Arms
*Galefridus Peregrinus
03/05/2005 Award of Arms
05/27/2007 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Galen of Armagh
03/09/1996 Award of Arms
05/09/1998 Companion of the
Galen ap Hagen
05/07/1988 Award of Arms
*Galen MacByrne
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
Galen Stout
05/26/2007 Order of Gawain
Galfrid atte Grene
11/03/2007 Award of Arms
*Galiena Barclay
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
Galiena of Ostgardr
01/05/2002 Award of Arms
*Galin Gray of York
10/29/1983 Award of Arms
*Galina Petrsdottir
04/06/2002 Award of Arms
*Galleron de Cressy
11/12/1994 Master of the
09/08/1984 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/23/1992 Companion of the
07/01/1978 Award of Arms
05/28/2005 Queen's Order of
07/02/1983 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
*Garbhan Kepler
08/15/1990 Award of Arms
*Garđr Gunnarsson
01/20/1996 Award of Arms
05/28/2006 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Gareth of Avalon
08/18/1988 Award of Arms
*Gareth Grey de Wilton
01/28/2006 Knight
05/04/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
05/25/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
04/26/2008 Queen's Order of
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
*Gareth of Stonemarche
07/20/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/27/1991 Award of Arms
09/24/1993 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Gareth Strongbow
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
Garion of Ynys y Gwaed
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
*Garlon Dragonheart ap Rheged
03/07/1987 Award of Arms
01/13/1990 Queen's Order of
04/16/1988 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Garret a'Bhethir
03/10/2001 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Garret Feinsod
07/27/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Garrett Shadwell
08/18/2004 Knight
09/28/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
09/14/2002 Queen's Order of
04/06/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Yana III)
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
Garreth of Arden
05/18/1991 Award of Arms
*Garrik Mapmaker
04/08/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/05/2001 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
05/28/1994 Award of Arms
09/25/1993 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
*Garth Fairchild, see *Toki
*Garth McEwen the Tinker
06/27/1992 Award of Arms
05/28/1995 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Settmour
*Garth of the Forest (called
Garth Verminsson Veassllurd)
07/16/1994 Companion of
the Sagittarius
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
§Gaston d'Amberville
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
*Gauen Wydefare
07/06/2002 Companion of
the Manche
*Gaufrid Kelson von
Heidelberg, called Gottfried
09/24/2005 Duke
10/02/2004 Count
08/16/2001 Knight
04/04/1998 Companion of
the Manche
01/08/2000 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
*Gavan MacBane
01/06/2007 Master of the
10/09/2004 Companion of
the Manche
04/26/2003 Award of Arms
12/15/2007 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
*Gavin von Abentrot
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Gavin Kilkenny of Kilcarren
Master of the
10/08/1977 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/03/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/04/1991 Companion of the
01/10/1987 Court Baron
08/21/1976 Award of Arms
04/11/1987 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/03/1993 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
01/29/1994 Sigillum Coronae
04/14/1984 Queen's Cypher
(Sedalia I)
06/14/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen)
Gavin MacAuley, called Camran
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
Gavin MacGregor
09/25/1999 Award of Arms
Gavin MacKinnon
05/24/2008 Award of Arms
Gavin the Younger
06/27/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Gavriel (of Northern Outpost)
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
Gaylen Faye
06/18/1988 Award of Arms
*Geirr Ragnarsson
01/15/1983 Award of Arms
*Geloira de Sancto Johanne
06/17/1995 Award of Arms
Gen Rudh
05/28/1988 Award of Arms
*Geneviere d'Alsace
09/24/2005 Duchess
10/02/2004 Countess
10/02/2004 Lady of the Rose
*Genevieve d’Anjou
02/15/1997 Award of Arms
07/09/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
06/13/1998 Queen's Order of
09/10/1994 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
12/09/1995 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Genevieve Bertholet
06/12/2004 Award of Arms
Genevieve de Bordeaux
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
*Genevieve de Cauldfont
02/22/1997 Companion of the
Genevieve de Chanteloup
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
*Genevieve Charbonneau
05/15/1991 Baroness of
03/01/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/01/2003 Companion of
11/09/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
04/30/2005 Golden Tyger
*Genevieve Cranwell
11/03/2007 Companion of the
07/05/2003 Award of Arms
02/23/2008 Queen's Order of
Genevieve de Gascony
09/28/1996 Award of Arms
*Genevieve de Mowbray of Lion’s
10/03/1987 Award of Arms
Genevieve de Lausanne
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Genevieve the Little Red
05/24/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Geneviève de Montford
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
Genevieve Schonle
04/22/2006 Award of Arms
Genevieve of Stonemarche
06/10/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Genevra d'Angouleme
05/05/2007 Award of Arms
09/26/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
06/02/2007 Companion of the
Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
Genja Thorsson Vikingsson
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
03/28/1987 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
Gennevote du Lac, see
Hedewigis Ockenfüß
Genoa Scherbatskaja
01/26/2008 Companion of
Geoffert of the Lone Oak
01/15/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/07/1998 Award of Arms
Geoffrei St. Albans of Eastwood
03/22/1997 Companion of
the Sagittarius
03/27/1999 Companion of
the Manche
06/16/2001 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/13/1996 Award of Arms
12/09/2000 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella I)
11/23/2002 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
Geoffrey the Abysmally
02/05/1994 Award of Arms
*Geoffrey d'Ayr of Montalban
01/06/1979 Master of the
01/07/1984 Master of the
10/09/1976 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/08/1982 Companion of
the Manche
04/16/1988 Court Baron
10/11/1975 Award of Arms
04/16/1977 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
03/04/1978 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
*Geoffrey Blesedale (called
Gisfried of House Bloodguard)
06/03/2006 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Queen's Order of
04/12/2008 King's Cypher
(Andreas III)
10/03/2009 King's Cypher
(Andreas IV)
*Geoffrey Chamberlain
*George (Hrymgnar) Aeulfson
01/13/1990 Award of Arms
*Geoffrey Featherstonehaugh
02/27/1988 Award of Arms
*Geoffrey Fitz Galen
08/22/1993 Knight
12/05/1998 Master of the
08/19/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
02/23/1991 Companion of the
02/08/1986 Award of Arms
03/07/1998 Companion of the
Hourglass (Bergental)
Geoffrey Gryphon
03/06/2004 Award of Arms
Geoffrey le Seul
10/19/1985 Award of Arms
*Geoffrey Soulspeeder
03/09/1996 Master of the
04/21/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
*Geoffrey de Wygan
01/05/2002 Master of the
07/16/2000 Companion of the
06/16/2001 Companion of the
12/07/1996 Award of Arms
10/20/1996 Queen’s Order of
12/05/1998 Pillar of the Bridge
04/06/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Yana III)
Geoffrey of York
01/16/1999 Award of Arms
04/24/1999 Queen’s Order of
*Geoffrey the Younger
07/23/2005 Master of the
08/16/2000 Companion of the
04/03/2004 King's Order of
*Georg Kopman (was: Georges
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
07/05/1986 Knight
07/06/1985 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/26/1983 Award of Arms
02/02/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
0?/??/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Yana)
*Gericke der Keger
05/03/2003 Award of Arms
George of An Dubhaigeainn
*Gershom ibn Zabara
11/22/2003 Award of Arms
08/17/2005 Companion of the
04/04/1981 Award of Arms
05/12/1984 Harp Argent of
03/29/1986 Dolphin of Caid
*George Emerson True
10/03/1992 Master of the
07/06/2002 Master of the
10/05/1991 Grant of Arms
11/12/1994 Baron of
Concordia of the Snows
10/06/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/16/1996 Companion of the
10/05/1991 Court Baron
07/19/1986 Award of Arms
04/09/1994 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/01/1994 Queen’s Order of
03/11/2000 King's Order of
05/23/2009 Augmentation of
George the Mongol, see Qatagin-u
Jajiradai, known as Jaji
George the Silent
11/27/1993 Award of Arms
*Gerald of Northumberland
12/29/1991 Award of Arms
Gerald of Owlsherst
04/24/2010 Award of Arms
Gerard of Ivory Keep
06/08/2002 Award of Arms
Gerard le Vert
09/13/2003 Grant of Arms
09/13/2003 Court Baron
08/13/2002 Award of Arms
*Gerhard der Rote von Ulm
10/12/2002 Award of Arms
Gerhardt of Oakenwode
01/15/2000 Companion of the
Gerta of An Dubhaigeainn
08/17/2005 Award of Arms
Gerulf of Bergental
12/06/2008 Award of Arms
Gerwalt Kolbier
04/18/1998 Award of Arms
*Ghazalah al-Badriyyah
02/21/1998 Award of Arms
*Ghislaine Isabella de Lessines
03/25/2006 Grant of Arms
03/25/2006 Court Baroness
05/25/2002 Award of Arms
Ghita di Solari
03/06/2010 Award of Arms
Giacomo (of Eisental)
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
*Giana Gabriella da Milano
03/05/2005 Companion of
the Manche
08/12/1998 Award of Arms
*Giancarlo de San Cataldo see
*Jonathan de Copeland
*Gianetta Lucia Allegretta (was
*Seadach Dubhailceach)
01/26/2002 Baroness of An
01/13/2001 Companion of
the Manche
09/09/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
11/10/2007 Court Baroness
01/21/1989 Award of Arms
02/22/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
? Silvanus Doke (An
*Gianotta dalla Fiora
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
03/29/2008 Companion of
*Giceline de Molay
08/17/1991 Mistress of the
03/26/1988 Grant of Arms
08/16/1986 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/26/1988 Court Baroness
02/13/1982 Award of Arms
02/04/1984 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Gideanus Tacitus Adamantius
07/26/1997 Master of the
10/21/1989 Companion of the
03/27/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/07/1989 Award of Arms
07/25/1998 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/20/2010 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
11/01/1986 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Gideon Alexandru de Sighisoara
01/06/1990 Award of Arms
*Gideon ha-Khazar
01/06/2007 Award of Arms
*Gideon MacLeod
08/13/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
06/22/1985 Award of Arms
Gil Stahlschmidt
07/18/2009 Award of Arms
*Gilbert of Horncastle
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
*Gilbert du Monde
12/10/2005 Award of Arms
*Gilbert the Short
03/22/2008 Master of the
11/27/2004 Companion of the
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
10/04/2008 Companion of the
Iceberg (Ruantallan)
Gilbert St. Jean
12/04/1982 Award of Arms
*Gilberto Basilio Gilberti
04/23/1983 Award of Arms
11/03/1984 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
*Gilcryst MacLochlainn
08/13/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/08/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/15/1994 Award of Arms
09/24/1994 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
04/10/1999 King’s Cypher
*Giles de Macei
11/30/2002 Companion of the
08/16/1985 Award of Arms
*Giles William Trout, see Baliq
the Khazar
Gilford Rosemont
11/20/1999 Award of Arms
Gilliad ben Seldom
03/27/1982 Award of Arms
*Gilliam Blackhorn
05/22/1993 Companion of the
Silver Guard
Gillian de l'Eau Clair
07/25/1981 Award of Arms
*Gillian of the Green Woods
12/12/1981 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/19/1975 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 Queen’s Honor of
01/20/1979 Award of Arms
Ginevre von Gubviller
05/30/1981 Award of Arms
06/12/1982 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
Ginevre of York
12/19/1981 Award of Arms
Ginnine Bartlett
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
*Gino Rossi
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Giorsal Fothir
07/23/1988 Award of Arms
*Giovanna del Penna, called
01/23/1999 Mistress of the
01/08/2005 Mistress of the
11/20/1993 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/25/1999 Companion of
the Manche
07/15/1989 Award of Arms
03/11/2000 Queen's Order of
02/25/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
Giovanna della Rosa
09/16/2000 Award of Arms
*Giovanna Lamberti
01/11/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
Gillian Holroyd MacLachlan of
House d’Avignon
*Giovanna Luigia di Milano
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
12/15/2007 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Giovanni of Barren Sands
Gillian Katherine de Borough
01/17/2009 Award of Arms
Gillian of Naples
04/27/1985 Award of Arms
Gillian Stance
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
Gillian of Stoughton
01/20/1979 Award of Arms
Gilliane McGill de Verona
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
*Ginevra d'Altieri
12/28/1991 Award of Arms
Ginevra de Sailly
06/27/1992 Award of Arms
12/16/2000 Award of Arms
*Giovanni Bartolomeo da
05/14/1994 Award of Arms
*Giovanni Orseolo
11/29/2008 Golden Lyre
*Giovanni Paulo Sbragia di
10/03/1987 Award of Arms
Giovanni di Sano
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
Giovanni di Settmour
01/13/1990 Award of Arms
Girard of Cawdor
03/17/1984 Award of Arms
*Gisela Szabo
01/26/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
11/09/2002 Golden Lyre
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
12/15/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
08/??/2007 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
*Gisele Flambeau
11/22/2003 Award of Arms
Giselle Gillemoud
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
*Gisele l'Orpheline
10/08/2005 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
Giselle du Pont Avignon
06/24/1989 Award of Arms
07/27/1991 Companion of
Giselle Vanier
06/21/2003 Companion of the
10/14/2000 Award of Arms
05/04/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane I)
Gisfried of House Bloodguard,
see *Geoffrey Blesedale
Giuseppi of House Round
10/03/1987 Award of Arms
Gladius Nixus Onerosus
05/25/2002 Award of Arms
Glenfrey Llangnog
06/14/1986 Award of Arms
Godfroy de Falaise
07/11/2009 Master of the
03/25/2000 Founding Baron of
Havre des Glaces
03/25/2000 Grant of Arms
05/08/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/17/2004 Court Baron
06/08/1991 Award of Arms
03/25/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Godieva Eclipea Blackhert du
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
*Godith Anyon
04/10/2004 Companion of the
10/30/1993 Award of Arms
11/16/2002 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Godomar di Sidin
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
*Godric of Austhwaite
04/23/1983 Award of Arms
*Godric of Hamtun
07/15/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/14/2007 Companion of the
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
*Godwyn Penkerris o Wythial
05/27/1984 Award of Arms
10/06/2007 Award of Arms
*Glennon Fabyan
08/17/1985 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
12/11/1982 Award of Arms
07/06/1985 Companion of the
12/08/1984 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Goerijs Goriszoon
Glorianna of Clearwater
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
04/05/1986 Companion of the
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
Gnaeus Gaius Claudius Valarian
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Godelieve Davyson of Salisbury
06/11/1988 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Godeveert van der Meere
09/26/2009 Award of Arms
Gomez de Santiago
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
Gondolf the Nameless
12/19/1981 Award of Arms
04/12/1986 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Goodwood de Dannon
Gordon McDougalls
12/09/1989 Award of Arms
Gorm the Watcher
04/11/1992 Award of Arms
Gottfried Druckhammer aus
06/06/1998 Award of Arms
Gottfried Kelson, see*Gaufrid
Kelson von Heidelberg
Gottfried von Baylor
01/23/1982 Award of Arms
Gottfried von Neuremburg
09/26/2009 Award of Arms
Goulhran MacGowan
10/14/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
11/19/2005 Rose des Glaces
(Havre des Glaces)
Govyan Gowan
10/18/2003 Award of Arms
Graaw (of Dragon Dormant)
03/05/2005 Award of Arms
*Grace Cecil
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
*Grace Chamberlaine
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
Grace Richards
03/22/2008 Award of Arms
Gracia Fennel
01/17/2004 Award of Arms
*Gracia Vazquez de Trillo
04/06/2002 Award of Arms
*Gráinne inghean úi Bhraonáin
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
02/22/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
*Gráinne inghean uí
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
08/04/2007 Companion of
the Silver Compass (Iron Bog)
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane III)
Grainne ni Cearmada
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
Grainne ni Cleirigh
06/17/2000 Companion of
the Manche
07/10/1993 Award of Arms
07/30/1994 Companion of
12/03/1994 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
12/15/2007 Order of the
Horse (Bhakail)
02/22/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
Grainne of East Land
03/04/2006 Award of Arms
*Grania Moore
01/20/1996 Award of Arms
Graywolf the Gunner
12/11/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/24/2003 Award of Arms
Greadden Scath Cath Beirte
Olthursson Veassllurd
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Gregor Heiseler
04/01/1995 Duke
04/09/1994 Count
04/07/1990 Knight
03/27/1999 Master of the
04/15/1990 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/24/1993 Companion of the
10/05/1996 Queen’s Order of
10/02/2004 Queen's Cypher
(Geneviere I)
09/24/2005 King's Cypher
(Gaufred Kelson II)
09/29/2007 King's Cypher
Gregor Jorn Krumner
06/13/1987 Award of Arms
Gregor McLaughlin
10/05/1996 Master of the
07/19/1992 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/12/1992 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
04/23/1994 Companion of the
02/11/1989 Award of Arms
07/27/1991 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
04/04/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/05/1991 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Queen's Order of
01/25/2003 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
05/30/2004 Companion of
the Iron Tower (Settmour
Gregory of Stonemarche
Grigorii Andreyvich
*Gregory Finche
06/09/2007 Award of Arms
Gregory of York
06/08/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Grendal of Blackwood
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
*Greta Obermanns
02/06/1982 Companion of the
02/06/1982 Award of Arms
Gretchen of Caer Adamant
09/13/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Gretchen von Gernebach
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
Greylond Weissbart
07/22/2006 Award of Arms
Griffin Bel-Arden
06/04/1994 Award of Arms
04/12/1997 Award of Arms
07/20/2002 Companion of the
Griffin of Iron Bog
Gregor de Tourlaville
06/20/2009 Award of Arms
*Gregor Wilhelm
09/28/1991 Award of Arms
Gregorian Hawke, called
10/02/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Gregorio del Falco
03/06/1993 Companion of the
Silver Guard
03/06/1993 Principality
Company of Sojourners
Gregorio de Sicilia
12/09/2000 Award of Arms
02/22/2003 Queen's Order of
08/04/2007 Companion of the
Iron Punk (Iron Bog)
07/03/1988 Award of Arms
*Griffith Allt y Genlli
04/04/1992 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Griffith Davion
08/13/1997 Award of Arms
09/27/2008 Companion of the
Silver Rapier
02/27/2010 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
??/??/???? Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
*Griffyn Cleisiog ap Madoc
04/12/2003 Master of the
10/09/1993 Companion of the
06/24/2000 Award of Arms
11/??/2001 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Grim the Skald
07/05/2008 Master of the
07/01/2006 Companion of
the Manche
11/06/2004 Award of Arms
03/12/2005 Companion of
the Troubadour
12/06/2006 Companion of
the Feather (Concordia)
Grimlaf of Regnesfolke
11/03/2007 Award of Arms
*Grímr Víthfari (Grimr Ori
07/24/2004 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Grisein Uaineol
10/20/2007 Award of Arms
09/09/2006 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Gruffudd ap Cadfael
06/13/1998 Companion of
the Tyger's Cub
Gruffydd Abernathy
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
*Gruffydd the Innocent
03/05/2005 Master of the
11/30/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
11/27/1999 Award of Arms
03/25/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
10/30/1993 Award of Arms
*Gryffith FitzWilliam (was: of
Green Mountain)
*Guenevere of Saint Kilda
09/29/2007 Count
08/17/2000 Knight
10/30/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
08/16/1991 Companion of the
Golden Alce
08/16/1991 Award of Arms
06/21/2003 Companion of the
09/29/2007 Queen's Order of
*Guenuureth filia Thomas
*Gryffydd Belwyn
Companion of the
Companion of the
Award of Arms
Companion of the
*Gryffyn Dunham
06/26/1993 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 Queen's Cypher
(Anna II)
*Gryphon du Forte Epee
01/07/1984 Master of the
08/19/1988 Knight
04/23/1983 Grant of Arms
04/17/1982 Companion of the
07/05/1986 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/12/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/23/1983 Court Baron
04/19/1980 Award of Arms
Gryphon ap Gilliam
09/30/1995 Award of Arms
Gudrun of Bois Ardent
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
08/18/1988 Award of Arms
10/09/2004 Award of Arms
Guerra MacHail
Guidrek Freyason
*Gunnarr the Smith
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
07/04/1998 Companion of the
10/05/1996 Companion of
the Manche
02/22/1997 Companion of
the Sycamore
09/24/1994 Award of Arms
01/13/2001 King's Order of
Guile Bluemaker In-The-Hill
10/10/1987 Award of Arms
Guilelmo d’Este
11/14/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Gunnar Tokkesson
03/27/1982 Award of Arms
Guiles Campbell
Gunnil Hemmingintytar
07/26/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Gunnvidr Ormgeirsson
*Guillaine Rosalind de Gaulle
07/11/1998 Award of Arms
Guillaume le Blanc
11/27/1999 Award of Arms
*Guillaume de Cambrai
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
*Guillaume de Chaumont
06/23/1990 Award of Arms
Guillaume d'Essonne see Geirr
Guillaume de Grace
02/16/2002 Companion of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
*Guillaume Pierre de Montfort
07/23/1989 Award of Arms
Guillermo Busquetta
11/21/2009 Award of Arms
Guillermo el Platero
03/15/1986 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Guindormr Dengir
01/03/2004 Award of Arms
04/03/2004 Award of Arms
03/25/2006 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Gülüg-jab Tangghudai
*Guendalina Francesca di
Antonio Cristiano
11/25/1995 Award of Arms
*Guinemar d'Anglade
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
Gunar [of Ruantallan]
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Alethea)
*Gudrún Gudmundardóttir
*Gudrun of the Glen
10/20/2007 Queen's Order of
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
07/27/2002 Companion of the
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
01/31/2004 King's Order of
01/08/1993 Award of Arms
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 King's Cypher
(Brion II)
Gunthard of Dragon Dormant
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
Gunther of Bhakail
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
07/18/2009 Companion of
06/15/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
07/18/2009 Queen's Order of
*Gunther der Dunkle
08/16/2004 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 King's Cypher
(Andreas III)
Gunther Englehaus
01/13/2001 Grant of Arms
01/13/2001 Court Baron
05/29/1993 Award of Arms
05/29/1993 Companion of
02/10/2007 Companion of
the Friends (Concordia)
Gunther Mead of Vinland
10/16/2004 Award of Arms
*Gunther the Scout
04/28/1990 Award of Arms
*Gunther von Hiller the Short
05/11/1985 Award of Arms
Gunther de Milo (was the
Disciple; was Pathwarden) see
Darius Orientalis
*Gunther Redbeard
03/24/1990 Award of Arms
Gunther von Rhuff
06/07/2008 Award of Arms
Gunther Schwarzwaldsohn
10/10/1987 Award of Arms
10/15/1988 Queen's Cypher
Gunther von Volksphaere
08/16/1990 Award of Arms
Gunvar in hausakljuft
04/11/2009 Award of Arms
Gura duga'ar Gardur
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
*Gustav von Silberwald
09/30/1995 Award of Arms
04/21/2001 Queen's Order of
10/03/1998 King’s Cypher
(Timothy II)
Gustav die Sturmere, see John
Gustave Frogbeak the Hunter
03/28/1998 Award of Arms
07/08/1995 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Guthering of Broken Bridges
05/10/1986 Award of Arms
*Guthfrith Yrlingsson
11/29/2008 Companion of the
05/13/1995 Award of Arms
08/22/1998 Silver Helm
11/26/2005 Queen's Order of
05/01/2004 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere)
11/29/2008 Companion of the
Iceberg (Ruantallan)
*Guy Cheveux de Guise
11/22/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/16/1999 Award of Arms
02/20/2010 Queen's Order of
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
08/09/2007 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Guy de Falchion
03/24/1979 Award of Arms
Guy of Glastonbury Concordia
01/24/2009 Award of Arms
*Guy Lourance
02/25/2006 Award of Arms
*Guy le Provençal
03/16/1985 Award of Arms
*Gwalchmai ap Talan
09/26/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/14/1998 Award of Arms
*Gwalchmai Dinas Emrys
02/29/1992 Award of Arms
*Gwdiauwen ferch Gwdolwyn
02/23/1985 Award of Arms
Gwen of the Dragon Isles
Gwendolyn of Gwynedd
04/24/1976 Award of Arms
Gwendolyn MacGregor
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
*Gwendolyn of Middlemarch
10/30/1993 Mistress of the
02/20/1982 Companion of
the Manche
11/14/1981 Award of Arms
10/02/1982 Companion of
the Troubadour
05/05/1984 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
10/06/1990 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
Gwendolyn de Montagne
10/09/1976 Award of Arms
*Gwendolyn Oftputupon
07/11/1998 Grant of Arms
07/11/1998 Court Baroness
12/09/1995 Award of Arms
01/22/2005 Award of Arms
*Gwendolen Lambert see
Gwendolyn of Stonemarche
*Giovanna Lamberti
*Gwendolyn of Moray Firth
Gwendylyn Fitzgerald de
07/23/1989 Award of Arms
11/05/1988 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
03/07/1981 Award of Arms
01/10/1981 Companion of
the Troubadour
*Gwendolyn of Basing
Gwenhwyfar of An
08/14/2002 Mistress of the
03/18/1989 Grant of Arms
02/07/1987 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/18/1989 Court Baroness
01/20/1979 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/21/1979 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
12/10/1983 Companion of the
Raven's Feather (Thescorre)
09/29/2001 Queen's Cypher
04/03/2004 Queen's Cypher
(Luna IV)
Gwendolyn ferch Branwyn
11/26/1994 Award of Arms
*Gwendolyn the Fair
07/31/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
04/30/1994 Award of Arms
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
*Gwenhwyfar Dinas Emrys
07/17/2004 Mistress of the
01/28/2006 Grant of Arms
05/04/2002 Companion of
the Manche
01/30/2010 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/28/2006 Court Baroness
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
11/25/2000 Queen's Order of
02/01/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
10/02/2004 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
05/01/2004 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Geneviere)
04/26/2008 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Brenwen)
*Gwenhwyvar of Ravenhill
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Gwenhwyvar Telynores
03/10/2001 Award of Arms
05/25/2008 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Silver Crescent
09/18/1993 Court Baroness
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
10/10/1987 Queen's Cypher
05/18/1991 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/06/1982 Companion of
the Silver Tower (Settmour
Gwfnnfar Wiff do Nann
*Gwyneth Ceridwen ferch
07/18/1992 Award of Arms
*Gwenllian Bassett
*Gwillim Kynith
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
07/14/2007 Companion of
07/14/2007 Companion of the
Grant of Arms
Companion of the
Court Baroness
Award of Arms
Queen's Honor of
Gwenllian ferch Llewellyn
06/16/2007 Award of Arms
*Gwilym ab Eifion
09/11/1993 Award of Arms
Gwineth of Greywater
09/29/2007 Award of Arms
*Gwenllian Rhiannon of Dragon
*Gwladys Chittenden
06/18/1988 Viscountess
10/24/1992 Master at Arms
06/19/1993 Mistress of the
Pelican (West)
12/05/1987 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
05/16/1992 Leaf of Merit
05/18/1996 Rose Leaf (Mists)
08/15/1980 Award of Arms
01/09/1993 Wooden Spoon
08/24/1991 Queen’s Guard
(Linda, West)
12/02/1984 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
06/10/2007 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Gwydiaan am y'Gorlwyn
Gwenllian of Tadcaster
04/01/1995 Award of Arms
Gwenllian Wreic Bleddyn
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
03/26/2005 Golden Tyger
Gwenneth of Dragon’s Ger
03/27/1999 Award of Arms
*Gwennlynn of Woodlyn
04/24/1988 Award of Arms
*Gwennyth of Tanglewood
01/04/1988 Companion of the
04/11/1992 Award of Arms
01/28/1984 Companion of the
03/18/1978 Companion of the
Leaf of Merit (West)
06/02/1979 Companion of the
Dolphin (Caid)
08/21/1976 Award of Arms
01/15/1983 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Gwydion ab Aeddan
07/13/1991 Award of Arms
Gwydion ap Baddoc, see *Talan
*Gwydion of Fennbrycg
04/20/1991 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Gwydion Rhys ap Rhianwen
04/04/1992 Award of Arms
Gwydyon Liathcloch
07/16/2005 Award of Arms
Gwyn of Bergental
05/03/1997 Award of Arms
*Gwynaeth ferch Llewellyn von
09/08/1984 Companion of the
04/04/1981 Award of Arms
05/09/1981 Queen's Cypher
*Gwynedd of Allendorf
02/20/1982 Award of Arms
Gwynedd de Gellingaer
08/01/1981 Award of Arms
11/11/1989 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Gwyneth Greencliff de la
Brunefalaise, see *Maddalena
*Gwyneth ferch Meredydd
Ynys Mon
07/10/1993 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
10/07/1987 Companion of
the Guardsman
Gwyneth ni Nelligan
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
Gwynned nic Arua
05/30/1993 Award of Arms
Gyddion yr Penryddyn
07/22/2000 Award of Arms
Gyllian Sprigg
12/02/1989 Award of Arms
*Gytha Haraldsdottir
01/24/1998 Award of Arms
*Gyßel Adeler
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
Haakon Ragnarson
02/21/1998 Award of Arms
*Haakon Tryggvason
04/25/1998 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
07/31/1993 Award of Arms
Hack MacKeiver
01/15/1983 Award of Arms
Haemish of Wolfsgate
11/27/1999 Award of Arms
Hagan von Diejager
12/09/2000 Award of Arms
*Hagar Bodyguard
10/08/1977 Award of Arms
08/??/1978 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
Hagen de Schwartze
05/07/1988 Award of Arms
Haggar Hot Blood
02/24/1990 Award of Arms
Hala of Stonemarche, see Caitlin
*Haldane Jensdottir de Baliol
05/12/2007 Award of Arms
Hans of Blakrose
04/04/1992 Award of Arms
Court Baroness
Hans Guotman of Seashire
Sable Thistle
11/26/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Hans von Schubertus
Iris of Merit
06/02/1996 Award of Arms
Hans der Vogeljager
Star of Merit
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
ACR (Ansteorra)
Sable Crane
Hanse von Drachenklaue, see
Achilles son Asia
Harald Gustavson
Award of Arms
Harald Hokkenson
*Haleric Poleskowna
09/26/1987 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/21/1981 Award of Arms
12/02/1984 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
04/12/1986 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Hálfdan langleggr
04/20/1996 Award of Arms
04/13/1996 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Hamish Shaw
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
Hamish the Other
09/24/2005 Award of Arms
08/14/2002 Award of Arms
Hanibal Ramirez de Jesus
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
Hanna of the Winding Waters
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
Hannah of Endewearde of House
du Vey
03/06/2010 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Hans ter Beke
04/06/2002 Grant of Arms
09/27/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/06/2002 Court Baron
03/05/1994 Award of Arms
08/18/1999 Queen’s Order of
08/13/2003 Valiant Tyger
Hans of Haus Bloodguard
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
01/16/1999 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/15/2005 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Harald Helstorm
12/10/1988 Award of Arms
06/23/1990 Companion of
the Troubadour
01/02/1993 Queen's Order of
04/06/1991 Queen's Cypher
03/11/1989 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
06/08/2008 Keeper of the
Flames (Stonemarche)
11/30/1996 Queen’s Honor
of Distinction
04/21/2001 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
02/01/2003 Augmentation of
04/12/2003 Golden Lyre
06/14/2003 Tyger of the East
Harald Orn
01/26/2008 Companion of the
*Harold of Eastwood
Silver Crescent
01/03/2004 Award of Arms
Harold Longfellow
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
05/26/1996 Master of the
10/29/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/08/1984 Award of Arms
01/05/2002 Companion of
the Manche
10/14/1986 Award of Arms
01/25/1997 Companion of
the Troubadour
03/04/2000 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Haraldr Bassi
*Harold of Ockham
*Harald Ulfson
08/18/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/01/2003 Companion of the
11/23/1996 Award of Arms
*Harold von Auerbach
01/04/1992 Master of the
09/17/1994 Master of the
02/01/1997 Baron of
10/03/1987 Companion of the
01/05/1991 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/12/1998 Companion of the
11/30/1996 Court Baron
10/20/1984 Award of Arms
06/19/1993 Award of Arms
*Harold Wilkinson
02/23/1991 Award of Arms
*Harold of York
08/16/1990 Companion of
Harolt of House Bloodguard
06/12/1999 Award of Arms
Harvey of Anglespur
11/03/2007 Award of Arms
Harvey the Miller
04/11/1992 Award of Arms
*Hasan de Tanger
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
Hascouf de Moyaux
11/03/2001 Award of Arms
Hasdrubal, see *Barak
*Hassan abdul Raschid alTurki
11/10/2007 Grant of Arms
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
05/16/2009 Silvanus Doke (An
Haus von Drachenklaue
08/14/2003 Blue Tyger Legion
04/03/1993 Queen's Cypher
01/11/1992 Sigil of
*Haus von Halsstern
09/14/2002 Blue Tyger Legion
08/16/1987 Crossed Swords
Hawise Gadarn ferch Owein
07/18/1987 Award of Arms
*Hawise ferch Meredith
05/28/2006 Mistress of the
05/14/1994 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
Heather nic Arden
05/11/1991 Award of Arms
Heather of Lyndhaven
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
*Heather MacLeod
04/11/1992 Award of Arms
Heather of Mercia Cross
07/12/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Heather Rose Mac Gordon
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Helene of Clemson
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere II)
*Helm Egilsson of Birka
Hei Uwe
06/08/1991 Award of Arms
*Heiðrekr Skúlason
10/09/2004 Companion of the
09/05/1998 Award of Arms
*Heinrich Armbrüster
05/17/1982 Award of Arms
*Heinrich von Auerbach aus Ulm
01/19/1991 Award of Arms
06/20/2004 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Heinrich der Brauer
09/24/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/25/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
09/11/2004 Queen's Order of
08/11/2002 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
Heinrich von Eisleben
04/26/2003 Award of Arms
*Heinrich Kreiner
02/27/1982 Award of Arms
11/06/2004 Award of Arms
12/06/2006 Order of the Pine
05/24/2009 Order of the
Sapphire (Concordia)
Heinrich MacKinnon
Heather von Halstern
05/13/1989 Award of Arms
10/23/1988 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/12/1994 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
Hedda Bonesetter
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
*Hedewigis Ockenfüßin
01/30/2010 Grant of Arms
07/21/2007 Companion of the
03/28/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/30/2010 Court Baroness
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
05/03/2008 Queen's Order of
09/26/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/21/2008 Queen's Cypher
09/25/1999 Award of Arms
*Heðinn inn rauði
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
*Heldur Jaa Karu
11/28/1981 Award of Arms
*Helen of Dianasgrove
Helen of Forestgate
01/29/1994 Award of Arms
Helen of Mountain Freehold
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
Helena of Barren Sands
12/16/2000 Award of Arms
*Helena Hrolfsdottir
10/15/1994 Award of Arms
*Helena Osterholm
03/24/2007 Award of Arms
Helena die Winterosen
05/09/1987 Award of Arms
01/27/1973 Knight
12/13/1975 Master of the
Laurel (Atenveldt)
04/03/1976 Master of the
Pelican (Atenveldt)
03/13/1977 Master at Arms
(was: Knight) (Atenveldt)
05/14/1971 Grant of Arms
01/03/1970 Award of Arms
06/23/1973 Light of
Heloise de Castiliones
11/14/1998 Award of Arms
01/15/2000 Queen’s Honor
of Distinction (Marieke II)
Heltar Greyseas
01/29/1977 Award of Arms
*Hendricke Lambert Bloetgoet
01/20/1996 Award of Arms
Henna Sinclair of Orkney
01/31/2009 Companion of
the Manche
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
*Henry Balsac Dumas
10/15/2005 Award of Arms
04/10/2004 Company of St.
Martin (Dragonship Haven)
Henri de Leon
09/29/2001 Award of Arms
*Henri Maisiere
07/10/1993 Award of Arms
Henri the Pensive
09/11/1993 Award of Arms
*Henry Kersey of Devon
08/12/1998 Master of the
02/27/1993 Companion of
the Manche
12/08/1990 Award of Arms
06/27/1992 Companion of
the Troubadour
*Henry (McQueen) of
08/17/1994 Master of the
08/16/1990 Companion of
the Manche
10/01/1988 Award of Arms
06/30/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/21/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
House Kellswood
Hensojin Khan (was: Fukushima
Manasari Hanzo)
*Hobbe Yonge
03/27/1976 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
des Glaces
Baron of Havre
Grant of Arms
Award of Arms
Queen's Order of
10/04/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/11/2006 Award of Arms
06/27/2009 Companion of the
Ram's Horn (Concordia)
Hoenig von Sommer
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
08/08/2007 Award of the
Purple Fretty (Middle)
*House Ostrov
House Raven's Nest
04/16/1989 Queen's Cypher
House Serpentius
??/??/2008 Blue Tyger
Herian Iarnsmidre
Holt Kincaid of Hawk Glen
House Silver Dragon
08/15/2001 Knight
07/04/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/17/1999 Companion of the
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
08/08/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/08/2003 Award of Arms
10/15/2005 Queen's Order of
10/25/2008 Companion of
11/20/2004 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
01/07/1995 Blue Tyger
Hermankin of Carolingia
02/02/2008 Award of Arms
Hethin Dwaylesower
09/30/1995 Award of Arms
Hew of Kilraag
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
Hieronymus Steomer
11/14/1987 Award of Arms
*Hilal al-Dubb
06/04/1988 Award of Arms
*Hilary of the Danelagh
09/01/1990 Countess
09/01/1990 Lady of the Rose
05/27/1989 Award of Arms
07/20/1996 Companion of the
04/30/1988 Order of the Bards
Laureate (Masque) (Trimaris)
05/27/1989 Order of the
Healer’s Lamp (Trimaris)
*Hilary of Keer
01/12/1980 Award of Arms
Hildemar the Alchemist
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
Hilken von Dresden
03/28/1998 Award of Arms
Hiyama no Kufuka Oniko (called
Frodo von Halstern)
09/30/2006 Master at Arms
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Honda Saburou Taremitsu
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
House Silver Keep
03/29/2008 Blue Tyger
*House Toddington
10/05/1996 Queen’s Cypher
House Weresheep
11/04/1995 Blue Tyger
10/05/1996 King’s Cypher
*Honor Savage
*House Wilmot
04/27/2002 Award of Arms
11/11/2006 Companion of the
Sable Compass (Iron Bog)
Hrelgar den Igelkottson
12/19/1981 Award of Arms
Horace of Serpentius
12/13/2008 Grant of Arms
08/06/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
12/13/2008 Court Baron
11/17/2007 Award of Arms
Horatius Cornucen Pontius
12/06/1981 Award of Arms
03/24/1985 Companion of the
Pillar (Bridge)
*Horic Grarvargr Caithnes
04/07/1990 Count
08/16/1986 Knight
10/19/1985 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
09/08/1984 Award of Arms
*Horsa the Lost
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
House Bloodguard, see Blutwache
01/11/1992 Sigil of
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/01/2006 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Hreothbeorht the Fat
08/15/1981 Award of Arms
Hrodlin who wanders
07/27/1996 Award of Arms
Hrolf Hraefnawine
07/21/1990 Award of Arms
Hrolf Hrafnsen
the Manche
Companion of
Court Baron
Award of Arms
Companion of
*Hrothgar of Farley
10/10/1982 Knight
02/??/1982 Companion of
the Laurel (Ansteorra)
10/27/1990 Court Baron
01/??/1986 Companion of the
Iris of Merit (Ansteorra)
03/03/1982 Companion of the
Sable Thistle (Ansteorra)
??/??/1985 Companion of the
Sable Comet (Ansteorra)
Hrothgar Hrungnirsson of
Dragonship Haven
08/16/1987 Award of Arms
*Hrothgar Rogan
11/27/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
11/26/1994 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
06/28/1992 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
Hrut, was Yezdigurd Houzyafal
Olad Ezdicang
*Iain MacQuarrie
05/27/2000 Award of Arms
Iain Odlin
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
*Ian of Clan Mitchell
04/01/1995 Master of the
01/05/1980 Viceroy of
01/13/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/13/1982 Court Baron
12/17/1983 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
12/21/2002 Queen's Order of
09/09/2006 Augmentation of
09/09/2006 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Ian Dragonfang
Tygers Cub
*Ian Raven of Tadcaster
09/13/2003 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
10/20/1996 Award of Arms
06/22/2002 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
Ian of Rusted Woodlands
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
*Ian Saint Clair
02/08/1986 Award of Arms
Ian Yonge
05/23/2009 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Ianthe d’Averoigne
10/08/1977 Countess
10/08/1977 Lady of the Rose
04/07/1979 Mistress of the
02/10/1979 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
10/03/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/07/1989 Award of Arms
Ian Dunmore
*Hubert d'Avignon
Ian Ertheshert
04/10/1999 Award of Arms
02/08/2003 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
01/11/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
09/26/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/29/1994 Award of Arms
*Ian Grandchamp
*Iciar Albarez de Montesinos
*Hugh Silverfeather
09/18/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
08/12/1992 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
04/16/1988 Award of Arms
04/16/1988 Companion of
the Guardsman
12/09/1989 Award of Arms
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
02/10/2001 Award of Arms
*Hugh Tauerner
*Ian Gunn
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Queen's Order of
11/11/1995 Companion of the
11/22/1986 Award of Arms
10/30/2004 Master of the
02/01/1997 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/19/1991 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/30/1994 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Ian of Iron Bog
Hugo of Bowman's Rest
10/22/1988 Award of Arms
*Hussein Stefan Halaby
08/17/1995 Award of Arms
Hywelis of Betwys-y-Coed
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
I Sebastiani Commedia dell’Arte
10/20/1996 Companion of the
Iago el Matador de Pesco
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
*Iain MacBhaltair
10/30/2004 Award of Arms
05/13/1995 Award of Arms
Ian MacDonald
02/27/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
Ian McKenzie
01/29/1994 Award of Arms
*Ian MacLochlainn
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
Ian Mac Walter
05/25/2002 Companion of the
*Ibrahim al-Rashid ibn Musa
01/14/2006 Award of Arms
*Ichabod the Tall
Idhounea Tearlachsdottir
02/02/2002 Companion of
the Manche
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
Idon of Sheffield
04/18/2009 Award of Arms
*Ignacia la Ciega
01/25/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
11/21/1998 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Ignatius Rhune
04/13/1996 Award of Arms
Igor Rostislavitch
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
06/07/2003 Ordre de la Rose
des Glaces (Havre des Glaces)
Iheronimus Brückner, was/see
*Ohashi Katsutoshi
Ijod of Bergental
04/13/1996 Companion of the
04/13/1996 Award of Arms
*Ilaine de Cameron
07/03/1994 Mistress of the
10/31/1992 Companion of the
02/17/1990 Award of Arms
Ilana Mazdak
08/13/1998 Award of Arms
Ilene Lindsay of Crawford
10/28/2000 Award of Arms
Illona of Polgar
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
*Ilsa von Schonau
10/15/1977 Mistress of the
Laurel (Middle)
07/19/1975 Companion of the
Willow (Middle)
01/15/1983 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
07/19/1975 Award of Arms
Imbriana de la Luna
03/01/2003 Award of Arms
Imogen the Wyvern
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
*Ina Rowena of the Mist
05/02/1987 Award of Arms
05/19/1990 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Iñez Lopez Cardozo
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Inga Torgansdottir
06/30/2007 Award of Arms
Ingeborg Thorsdattir
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
Ingeborg Waltersdottir
12/09/2006 Award of Arms
*Ingram Josef Holzapfel
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
Ingred Ulm
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
*Ingrid von Baumgarten
01/03/1998 Mistress of the
11/05/1983 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/04/1981 Award of Arms
04/11/1987 Companion of the
01/29/1983 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
04/12/1986 Companion of the
Sun and Soil (BBM)
Bridge (Bridge)
04/06/2002 Queen's Cypher
(Yana III)
04/14/2007 Queen's Cypher
(Jana IV)
*Ingvar Thorsteinsson (“Critter”)
Irina Astrachovna
09/20/1998 Award of Arms
*Innogen of Clonmel
08/17/2006 Queen's Honor of
*Ioannes Nikaias
07/12/1980 Award of Arms
05/??/1981 Companion of the
Pearl (Atlantia)
*Iohne Makfulchiane
09/24/2005 Award of Arms
Irayari Vairavi (*Bhairavi of
01/28/2006 Lux Caidis (Caid)
01/28/2006 Grant of Arms
01/26/2008 Companion of the
04/11/2009 Court Baroness
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
07/20/2002 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/31/2009 King's Order of
04/06/2006 Sigil of
Iredonn Briar
03/20/1982 Award of Arms
Irene Lassin
06/24/2006 Award of Arms
*Irene Lenoir
03/20/1999 Mistress of the
08/18/2004 Mistress of the
10/05/1996 Grant of Arms
01/23/1993 Companion of the
09/29/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/05/1996 Court Baroness
10/05/1991 Award of Arms
02/13/1999 Freedom of the
*Iride Corsellini
06/11/2005 Award of Arms
05/09/1981 Award of Arms
05/09/1981 Companion of
the Troubadour
Irinka z Poznania
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
Iron Dwarf of Oakenwode, see
Kaltenbjorn Bowen
Isa Abdullah
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
Isa of Ruantallan
11/30/2002 Companion of
the Manche
11/27/2004 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/20/1999 Award of Arms
05/01/2004 Companion of
the Troubadour
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Isaac Cricketsson
12/09/2000 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Isabeau de Bordeaux
06/18/1988 Award of Arms
Isabeau Leger des Pieds
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
*Isabeau d’Orleans
01/08/2000 Companion of
the Manche
01/13/2001 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/18/1995 Award of Arms
01/20/1996 Companion of
the Troubadour
*Isabeau of Stormhaven Keep
07/18/1992 Award of Arms
*Isabeau de Valle
01/05/2002 Award of Arms
*Iseabail Urchardainn (aka
Beileag Urquhart)
04/21/2001 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/12/2003 Companion of
the Sagittarius
11/02/1996 Award of Arms
12/09/1995 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere II)
Isabel de Bayonne
07/05/2008 Award of Arms
10/04/2008 Companion of the
10/03/2009 Golden Lyre
Isabel de Framlingham
09/28/1991 Award of Arms
Isabel of Greenwood Isle
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
Isabel of Panther Vale
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Isabel of Rosley
06/24/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/22/2001 Award of Arms
06/21/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane II)
09/30/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Anna II)
Isabel du Ross
04/21/2007 Award of Arms
*Isabel Jimenez de Gaucin
Mistress of the
Companion of the
Queen's Order of
Golden Tyger
Golden Tyger
Isabel of Werchesope
05/26/2007 Award of Arms
*Isabella d'Allaines-le-Comte
06/05/1999 Award of Arms
06/24/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/11/2000 Queen's Honor of
11/14/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
11/20/2004 Worshipful
Company of Artificers
(Dragonship Haven)
Isabella de Burgundy von
12/09/2000 Award of Arms
*Isabella Bianca
09/15/1990 Award of Arms
Isabella di Forenza
05/08/1993 Award of Arms
*Isabella Gattoneri
01/25/1992 Award of Arms
Isabella de Surmount (of Haus
von Halstern)
06/06/1998 Award of Arms
Isabella des Loups
07/27/1996 Companion of
the Manche
08/12/1992 Award of Arms
Isendra Dedach
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
*Isengrim d'Anvers
01/28/1989 Award of Arms
09/29/1984 Award of Arms
Iseut fyrdd Brangwen
11/14/1998 Award of Arms
01/15/2000 Queen’s Honor of
Distinction (Marieke II)
Ishida Yoshikawa
Isabella of Owl’s Reste
*Ismenia Wystan
05/19/2001 Award of Arms
04/24/1999 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
09/01/2001 Companion of
the Manche
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
04/10/2004 Company of St.
Martin (Dragonship Haven)
Isabella de Valois
07/11/2009 Companion of the
*Isabella of York
04/12/2003 Duchess
04/21/2001 Countess
11/09/1991 Mistress of the
04/21/2001 Lady of the Rose
04/12/2008 Mistress of the
01/04/1988 Companion of the
09/19/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/04/1998 Court Baroness
01/04/1988 Award of Arms
09/30/1995 Queen’s Cypher
04/12/2008 Queen's Cypher
01/04/1997 King’s Order of
Isabelle of Arindale
10/11/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Isabelle de Lyon
02/08/2003 Award of Arms
09/27/2003 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Isabelle de Montreuil sur Mer
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
*Isard Farman
01/10/1998 Award of Arms
*Iseault Blaecstan
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
Isobel Bennett
08/14/2002 Award of Arms
Isobel Bickerstaff
03/22/2008 Award of Arms
Isobel Mowbray
05/06/2006 Mistress of the
11/30/2002 Companion of
the Manche
11/26/2005 Queen's Order of
05/17/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane II)
05/01/2004 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Geneviere)
*Isobel Reid of Stirling
10/15/1989 Award of Arms
*Isobella de Cordoba
01/11/1986 Award of Arms
*Isolde of Beaumaris
09/12/1998 Companion of
the Manche
02/03/1996 Award of Arms
05/04/1997 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
Isolde of Beyond the Mountain
01/05/2008 Award of Arms
*István Nyiregyhazi (was:
Estephan of Whyte Whey)
01/07/1995 Award of Arms
Istvan Tanczos, see *Tanczos
*Ito Kiyomoto
05/01/1993 Companion of the
Dragon's Tear
09/21/1991 Award of Arms
*Iuliana Angelina
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
Iuliana Rossani di Palermo
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
Iuliana Zafiri
04/06/2002 Award of Arms
*Iulianiia Trieskova
08/08/2007 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Iulianus of Mountain Freehold
05/14/1994 Award of Arms
Iustinos Branov
05/28/2006 Award of Arms
Ivan Boychenko aka *Jean
Honnête le Bouquiniste, see *Abu
Mohammed Hassan
Ivan D. Seigorff
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
*Ivan Ivanov syn Dmitriev
02/25/2006 Award of Arms
*Ivan Ivanov syn Dmitriev
11/22/2008 Grant of Arms
11/22/2008 Court Baron
*Ivan Jarnev
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
Ivan Magnuspants
09/14/2002 Award of Arms
Ivan Mikaelovich the Hermit
01/10/1998 Award of Arms
Ivan von Mittelwald
03/12/1988 Award of Arms
Ivan Sergavich
05/26/2002 Award of Arms
*Ivan Ulrickson
07/20/1996 Knight
09/24/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
09/12/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/20/2002 Companion of the
09/27/2003 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
07/18/1992 Award of Arms
08/18/1999 Queen’s Order of
09/16/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Ivan Valfrekr
08/02/2009 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/22/2006 Award of Arms
*Ivar Njalsson
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
*Ivar Volosatoi
09/16/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/09/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
02/12/1994 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
05/??/2001 Companion of St.
Martin (Dragonship Haven)
11/??/2001 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Ive Annor M'Quhairr of Sighty
11/19/1988 Award of Arms
09/17/1988 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Izadora d'Aquitaine
03/04/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Jack the Black
10/26/2002 Award of Arms
Jacob of Rusted Woodlands
11/11/1995 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Jacob Felinfoel
07/06/2002 Award of Arms
*Jacob Fisher
06/24/2000 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Order of
05/23/2009 Companion of the
Silver Rapier
11/??/2002 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Jacob the Forgotten
04/18/1998 Award of Arms
*Jacob Simon of Carolingia
02/01/2003 Award of Arms
*Jacobina of White Moor
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
07/23/2005 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere II)
Jacobus Jaeger Draake (*Jacobus
of Carolingia)
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
10/15/2005 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
04/30/2006 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
09/30/2006 Queen's Cypher
(Anna II)
02/24/1990 Award of Arms
Jacqueline Cordelia
09/07/1991 Award of Arms
*Jacqueline Helene Loisel
04/12/2003 Grant of Arms
05/02/1998 Companion of
the Manche
01/11/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/12/2003 Court Baroness
04/01/1995 Award of Arms
03/16/2002 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
04/21/2001 Queen's Cypher
04/12/2008 King's Cypher
(Andreas III)
10/03/2009 Queen's Cypher
(Gabriella II)
10/03/2009 Royal
Augmentation of Arms
Jacqueline Stanhope, see
*Lillian Stanhope
Jacquelle de la Coutance
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
04/26/2008 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Brenwen)
Jacques Abelard
02/29/1992 Award of Arms
*Jacques du Bois Blanc
05/16/1987 Award of Arms
Jacques Phillipe Touson de la
11/21/1998 Award of Arms
*Jacques de Telaron
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
04/05/1986 Queen's Cypher
Jade Godifer
09/28/1996 Award of Arms
Jadin Mobeus
08/18/2004 Award of Arms
Jadwiga z Levoca
04/22/2006 Award of Arms
*Jadwiga Zajaczkowa
04/02/2005 Mistress of the
06/15/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/27/2002 Companion of the
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
Jael bat Baruch, see *Gaila bat
Jaffi al-Awad
08/06/2009 Award of Arms
*Jake de Twelfoaks
06/05/1999 Award of Arms
Jakob van Vanren
07/19/1986 Award of Arms
Jame Aguillier
04/19/2008 Award of Arms
*James Allen of Concordia
12/29/1990 Award of Arms
James the Cat-Herder
08/07/2008 Award of Arms
*James Edmund of Aberedw
01/25/1992 Award of Arms
06/13/1993 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
"Brother" James (of Eisental)
06/15/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
*James Hawk Galloway
03/27/2010 Master of the
03/27/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/27/1987 Award of Arms
James of House Arindale
03/10/2001 Award of Arms
*James Jacob Talbot
06/14/2003 Award of Arms
James of Lion's End
12/11/1993 Award of Arms
*James de Northebrok
10/18/2003 Award of Arms
*James of Ravenhill
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
James Stewart MacNab
10/19/1985 Award of Arms
James Thornspike
05/19/2001 Award of Arms
James Tregarth of White Holme
10/22/1988 Award of Arms
James of Uxbridge
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
Jamie McBain
09/09/2006 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Jamila of Bhakail, aka Jamilia
al-Suba al-Hadid al-Bhakailia
(called Suba al-Hadid)
08/13/2003 Award of Arms
03/25/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/26/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
??/??/???? Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Jan aff Wisby, see *Jon i Visby
*Jan Janowicz Bogdanski
07/28/2002 Knight
03/28/2009 Master of the
08/19/1993 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/29/1995 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/05/1997 Companion of the
01/30/1988 Award of Arms
03/25/2006 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
03/27/2010 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
*Jan Kees Dudel
09/09/1995 Award of Arms
Jan Paul van Galen
10/10/1987 Companion of the
01/12/1985 Award of Arms
*Jan Rafiel Shkoder
05/01/1988 Award of Arms
*Jana von Drachenklaue
Lady of the Rose
Lady of the Garnet
Mistress of the
Companion of the
Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/18/1988 Award of Arms
01/21/1991 Queen's Order of
03/04/1995 King’s Order of
12/02/1995 Pillar of the
Bridge (Bridge)
04/13/1996 Queen’s Cypher
(Luna II)
04/05/1997 Queen’s Cypher
04/08/2000 King's Cypher
(Lucan V)
Jane of Burnham
08/16/1994 Award of Arms
Jane Little Cougar
12/11/2004 Award of Arms
*Jane of Milford
03/28/2009 Companion of
the Manche
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
11/23/2002 Companion of
09/23/2006 Companion of
the Sable Compass (Iron Bog)
05/30/2008 Companion of
the Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
*Janet Kempe
06/30/2007 Baroness of
11/29/2008 Court Baroness
05/01/2004 Companion of
the Manche
05/06/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
11/27/2004 Golden Tyger
Janette Matiste
11/18/2000 Award of Arms
Janice of House Crossbow
08/15/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
Janice Kelso of Ravenhill
02/03/1996 Award of Arms
02/22/1997 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
*Jannequinne Richardot
01/29/1994 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/26/2003 Companion of
the Manche
05/12/1990 Award of Arms
11/10/2001 Companion of the
03/29/2003 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
02/22/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
Janny Spinster (Jan Ree)
06/14/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Janos Abendroth
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
*János Veres
06/27/1992 Knight
08/17/1991 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/07/1990 Award of Arms
03/??/1992 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Janus Paszkewicz
04/04/1998 Companion of the
Jasmina axa Salazar (*Melissa of
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
Jasmine of Buckland Cross
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
Jasmine Campbell
07/20/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Jason of Albion
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
Jason of Concordia
05/28/2000 Award of Arms
07/04/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
05/30/1999 Companion of the
Snow Hare (Concordia)
Jasper of Hartshorn-dale
05/28/2005 Award of Arms
Javairia bint Haroun
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
*Jayme Hume of Berwick
08/06/2009 Companion of the
02/24/2007 Queen's Order of
*Jayne Gidle
02/08/1986 Award of Arms
Jayne Trollheim
03/11/1989 Award of Arms
Jayson del Thaar Leville
*Jean-Michel de Taurion
04/04/1981 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
07/16/1994 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
07/21/1990 Award of Arms
07/21/1990 Companion of
the Troubadour
Jean-Blanc du Corbeau-Blanc
07/25/1992 Award of Arms
*Jean de Chauliac
06/19/1993 Award of Arms
*Jean de Clermont
04/13/1991 Award of Arms
Jean de la Montagne
07/12/2008 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
01/08/2005 Companion of the
02/14/2009 Queen's Order of
§Jean-Edme du Corbeau Blanc
01/02/1993 Award of Arms
*Jean Honnête le Bouquiniste, see
*Abu Mohammed Hassan
Jean Nora cu Corrick
09/24/1994 Award of Arms
Jean Paul Ducasse (Jean-Paul
Justen Casse)
01/17/2009 Grant of Arms
08/16/2004 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
01/17/2009 Court Baron
10/26/2002 Award of Arms
10/10/2009 Queen's Order of
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane III)
*Jean Philippe des Bouviers
08/17/1995 Award of Arms
Jean-Pierre Bauchier des Leus
10/26/1985 Pillar of the
Bridge (Bridge)
Jean-Richard Alexandre de Bois
*Jeanne de Rennes
02/09/2002 Award of Arms
03/22/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
Jeanne de Robin
*Jean Xavier Boullier
03/27/2010 Master of the
01/26/2002 Baron of An
12/21/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/13/2008 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
11/10/2007 Court Baron
07/27/1996 Award of Arms
01/08/2000 Queen’s Order of
01/16/2010 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/27/2008 Queen's Cypher
04/10/2010 Queen's Cypher
(Brenwen II)
? Silvanus Doke (An
*Jeanlouis Pepin de Namur
05/28/1984 Award of Arms
11/05/1988 Award of Arms
01/30/2010 Companion of
the Manche
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
Jeanne die Spinnerin
05/27/1989 Award of Arms
*Jeannette of Bhakail, see
*Jamila of Bhakail
Jebediah Bonez
05/23/1987 Award of Arms
Jeene of Johnstone
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
Jeff the Brewer
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
Jeffrey Miller
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
*Jehan du Lac
the Manche
Master of the
Master of the
Baron of
Grant of Arms
Companion of
06/08/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/21/1995 Award of Arms
09/21/1996 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
10/26/1996 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
??/??/????? Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*Jehan Fitz Alan
07/18/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/05/2000 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
07/21/2001 Companion of the
07/27/1991 Award of Arms
Jehan d’Avignon
05/10/1997 Award of Arms
*Jehan le Batard
04/15/1989 Knight
01/21/1989 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/25/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/07/1987 Award of Arms
12/30/1995 Queen’s Order of
*Jehan Yves de Chateau Thierry
04/21/2001 Companion of the
Pearl (Atlantia)
04/21/2001 Grant of Arms
03/18/1978 Award of Arms
05/26/1001 King's Award of
Excellence (Atlantia)
03/18/1978 Order of the Silent
Trumpet (Bordermarch,
08/01/1998 Companion of the
Eagle's Feather (Lochmere,
*Jehane le Duv
08/19/1993 Award of Arms
*Jehane de Fenwyk
06/21/2008 Award of Arms
04/10/2010 King's Cypher
(Konrad II)
03/29/2008 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Alethea)
*Jehanne l'Enragee
05/30/1982 Court Baroness
08/15/1981 Companion of the
Willow (Middle)
06/23/1979 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
??/??/???? Companion of the
10/??/1975 Award of Arms
*Jehanne Urchurdan
01/05/1991 Award of Arms
04/16/1994 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
*Jellica Cassor de Larc
11/28/1981 Award of Arms
Jem Ak’ka
09/25/1999 Award of Arms
Jenieve MacGrail
03/22/2003 Award of Arms
Jenna Childslayer
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
11/03/2007 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Jenna Morgaine
03/28/2009 Award of Arms
Jenna of the Oaks
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
*Jehanne de Wodeford
Jenna of Whispering Oaks
01/24/1998 Award of Arms
11/18/2000 Companion of the
*Jenne McGill
Jehanneton d’Abbeville
12/10/1994 Companion of the
*Jehannine de Flandres (was:
*Jehannine de Bordeu)
09/26/2009 Mistress of the
03/28/2009 Grant of Arms
03/24/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/29/2007 Companion of the
01/17/2009 Companion of the
03/28/2009 Court Baroness
06/16/2001 Award of Arms
03/29/2008 Queen's Order of
06/06/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/15/2003 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
05/29/2005 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
10/25/2007 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
10/03/2009 Queen's Cypher
(Gabriella II)
03/29/2008 Golden Lyre
02/21/1998 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
10/03/1998 Companion of
the Manche
04/21/2001 King's Cypher
(Andreas I)
Jenne of Rusted Woodlands
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
Jennifer of Carillion
04/16/1988 Award of Arms
Jennifer Edwynswyfe
08/06/2009 Award of Arms
Jeramin du Lac
the Manche
Court Baron
Grant of Arms
Companion of
Award of Arms
*Jeremiah MacCoull (was: of
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
06/06/1998 Queen's Order of
05/29/2005 Companion of
the Iron Tower (Settmour
Jeremy of Montvale
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
Jerod of Sarisberie
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
Jerryd DeWayne
02/20/1999 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
08/13/1997 Award of Arms
*Jesca des Deux Roses
06/05/1999 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Jessa of Avondale
04/05/1997 Mistress of the
01/13/1990 Grant of Arms
10/06/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/09/1993 Companion of the
01/13/1990 Court Baroness
07/26/1986 Award of Arms
04/03/1993 Companion of
03/18/1995 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
01/14/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/06/1990 Queen's Cypher
09/28/2002 King's Cypher
03/28/1987 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/??/1992 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
03/18/1995 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Jessa of Silver Rhylle
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
§*Jesse the Smith
03/24/1984 Grant of Arms
04/23/1983 Companion of the
03/24/1984 Court Baron
07/12/1986 Companion of the
Pillar (Bridge)
*Jessica Buckley (aka *Jessica
ingen ui Buachalla)
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
*Jessica Mandragora
01/08/1983 Award of Arms
Jibril ibn Ammar al-Fayyad
12/13/2008 Award of Arms
Jibril al Dakhil
07/23/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/25/2003 Award of Arms
Jimmu of House Agog
12/06/2008 King's Cypher
(Darius IV)
*Jivette d'Angoumois
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
*Joachim Liechtenauwer
04/12/2008 Grant of Arms
04/12/2008 Court Baron
05/12/2007 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 King's Cypher
(Andreas IV)
Joan of Coggeshall
04/21/2007 Award of Arms
Joan Valcluse de Villaquemada
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
Joana of Blak Rose
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
Joane Steward
07/02/2005 Companion of the
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
10/14/2000 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella)
Joanna of Concordia
02/10/2007 Award of Arms
Joanna of Eisental
07/22/2000 Award of Arms
Joanna called Joan
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
Joao do Togarro
06/20/2009 Award of Arms
Joaquin de Peregrin
03/06/1982 Award of Arms
*Jocelyn della Spada
01/28/2006 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Alethea)
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
Jocelyn Tarr
08/13/2002 Grant of Arms
03/25/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/13/2002 Court Baroness
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
Jocelyn de Vaselais
10/25/1997 Award of Arms
12/21/2002 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Jochan Blitzkopf
03/18/1989 Award of Arms
Joel of Ragnesfolke
07/03/1999 Award of Arms
Joel of Vestfell
07/04/2009 Award of Arms
05/24/2009 Friend of
*Joffrey Beauchamp de
04/17/1982 Award of Arms
*Johan Gregor the Wanderer
08/16/1990 Award of Arms
Johan Magnusson Kampe
08/11/1990 Award of Arms
Johann the Alchemist
02/03/2001 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
09/16/2000 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
Johann van Dannicus
03/05/2005 Award of Arms
*Johann Lederer
06/14/2008 Award of Arms
*Johanna Dudley
04/03/1993 Mistress of the
01/04/1997 Mistress of the
03/02/1996 Baroness of
Carolingia (ret.)
10/05/1991 Companion of
the Manch
12/10/1994 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
06/08/2002 Court Baroness
01/08/1977 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
02/12/1977 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
12/02/1984 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
10/06/1990 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Johanna de Glastingburi
04/21/2007 Award of Arms
*Johanna le Mercer
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Johanna Whiteraven
03/23/2002 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Johanne i Visby
03/24/2007 Grant of Arms
09/24/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/05/2008 Companion of the
03/24/2007 Court Baroness
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
09/27/2008 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
05/20/2004 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
11/03/2007 Companion of the
Sea Dog (Ostgardr)
John of Ruantallan, see Big
Damn John
*John the Bear
04/12/2008 Grant of Arms
01/07/1995 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 Queen's Order of
02/23/2002 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
12/21/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
*John Bor Ox
11/07/1987 Award of Arms
08/18/1991 Legion of
Courtesy (Caid)
John of Brook-Lynne
09/26/1971 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
John of Canterbury
09/10/1975 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/16/1974 Award of Arms
08/10/1975 Queen's Order of
02/22/1986 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*John de Caversham
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
John of Concordia (Little John)
05/24/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
John Elys (formerly *Joshua ibn
Eleazar ha-Shalib)
11/22/2003 Master of the
05/02/1998 Companion of the
07/05/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/22/2000 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
John of Fennburg
04/10/1982 Award of Arms
*John fitzArnulf de Lithia
11/01/1980 Award of Arms
01/25/1986 Crown's Order of
Gratitude (Trimaris)
09/03/1994 Order of the
Argent Palm (Trimaris)
04/08/1989 Order of the
Wyvern's Scale (Wyvernwood,
John Geoffrey Fabyan of
03/20/1982 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
07/17/2004 Master of the
11/07/1998 Companion of
the Manche
06/21/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/??/2004 Companion of
the Sable Crane (Ansteorra)
10/03/1992 Award of Arms
04/23/1994 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
11/02/1996 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
John Mandrake
07/05/2008 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*John Marshall atte Ford (was:
John Marshall of Hartshorndale)
09/15/1973 Master of the
09/??/1971 Founding Baron
Carolingia (retired)
07/22/2006 Companion of
the Manche
10/18/2008 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/06/2002 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
06/07/2008 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
John Irongut
*John Mordredson
*John of Gravesend
05/04/1991 Award of Arms
John of Ileway
01/25/1997 Award of Arms
*John Kelton of Greyhorn
05/27/1989 Award of Arms
*John Lyttleton
04/04/1998 Master of the
05/05/2007 Master of the
08/18/2004 Grant of Arms
12/11/1993 Companion of the
01/25/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/18/2004 Court Baron
06/27/1992 Award of Arms
06/27/1992 Companion of the
10/01/1994 Queen’s Order of
*John MacGuire
08/16/1996 Master of the
03/31/1984 Award of Arms
John Radburne
01/12/2008 Award of Arms
03/07/2009 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
John Redbeard
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
*John von der Velde
08/17/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
John Wardboise
04/01/2000 Award of Arms
*John Williams of Farnham
03/22/2003 Award of Arms
John of Wisby, see Jan aff
Jokal de Cassen of Concordia
12/30/1989 Award of Arms
*Jolana Eadgythe Heverington
02/23/1991 Award of Arms
Jolanna le Choclatier de
02/10/1996 Court Baroness
*Jolie de Valiere
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
10/25/1997 Queen’s Order of
Jolie McKenzie
01/29/1994 Award of Arms
Jon mjoksiglandi (was: Jon of the
Endless Quest)
06/06/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/24/2001 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
02/14/1998 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
09/26/2009 Companion of the
Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
*Jon i Visby
03/24/2007 Grant of Arms
09/24/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/24/2007 Court Baron
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
05/30/2004 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
02/14/2010 Companion of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
*Jonathan Blaecstan
10/26/1991 Master of the
07/19/2008 Master of the
03/17/1990 Companion of the
09/26/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/18/1989 Companion of the
Panache (Drachenwald)
08/15/2006 Companion of the
Keystone (AEthelmearc)
06/20/1987 Award of Arms
04/06/1991 Queen's Cypher
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
03/26/1988 Principality
Company of Sojourners
Jonathan of Caer Adamant
08/17/2005 Award of Arms
09/13/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Jonathan Carver of Dover
03/04/2006 Grant of Arms
03/04/2006 Court Baron
07/28/2001 Award of Arms
*Jonathan de Copeland (was
Giancarlo de San Cataldo)
02/29/1992 Award of Arms
*Jonathan Miles
03/27/1999 Award of Arms
Jonathan Rankin O'Rose
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
Jonathan of Whitewood Hall
10/15/2005 Award of Arms
07/18/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Jonathan Woodstone of Urso
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
§*Joram Goldspoons
08/16/2000 Master of the
02/02/1991 Grant of Arms
09/24/1994 Companion of the
02/20/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/02/1991 Court Baron
02/03/1990 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 Queen’s Cypher
08/??/1990 Pillar of the Bridge
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
Jordan Harvey
02/10/1996 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
07/20/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/25/1992 Award of Arms
Jordan Hawkwood
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
Jordan Lovatt
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
Jordan MacGyver
10/28/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Jordanna of Joppa
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
10/03/1998 Queen’s Cypher
(Gabrielle II)
*Jorge Johansen
11/27/2004 Grant of Arms
11/27/2004 Court Baron
08/16/1985 Award of Arms
09/28/1991 Queen's Order of
05/01/2004 Companion of
11/27/1993 Companion of
the Iceberg (Ruantallan)
*Joris de Tolosa
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
Jorunn Gunnarsdottir
02/17/2007 Baroness's Silver
Ring (Iron Bog)
*Josef Gajdos
07/04/1981 Baron of
Dragonship Haven
07/04/1981 Grant of Arms
02/12/2000 Court Baron
10/14/1978 Award of Arms
01/21/1978 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
10/15/1994 Companion of
the Sun and Soil (BBM)
*Joseph d'Aremand
06/16/2001 Award of Arms
*Joseph Bearshoulders of
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
Joseph the Bold
05/23/2009 Companion of
the Sagittarius
02/23/2008 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Queen's Order of
06/27/2009 Companion of
the Ram's Horn (Concordia)
Joseph of Carillion
02/21/2009 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Joseph Lawrence van der
11/23/1996 Companion of
the Manche
01/21/1989 Award of Arms
Joseph mac Pharlain
04/11/2009 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Joseph of the Red Griffin
07/01/2006 Master of the
09/30/2000 Grant of Arms
09/12/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/30/2000 Court Baron
11/05/1983 Award of Arms
04/03/2004 King's Cypher
(Balfar IV)
Joseph the Reluctant
03/18/2006 Award of Arms
11/11/2006 Companion of the
Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
Joseph Hartcourt of Serpentius
12/13/2008 Grant of Arms
12/13/2008 Court Baron
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
Josephine of Bergental
11/19/2005 Award of Arms
Josephine de Tracey
03/09/1996 Award of Arms
*Joshua of Allendorf
07/27/1991 Companion of
06/23/1990 Award of Arms
01/06/1990 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Joshua Blackwolf
06/08/1991 Award of Arms
*Joshua ibn Eleazar ha-Shalib,
see John Elys
*Joshua Redhawk
01/24/1998 Award of Arms
Joshua Stewart
04/08/2000 Award of Arms
05/02/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Joss the Tall
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
07/28/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Jost von Aichstadt
01/25/2003 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
01/03/2004 Queen's Order of
09/??/2002 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Jotun-Eiríkr Bjarnason
01/28/1995 Award of Arms
*Jovonne d'Espirit
04/09/1994 Grant of Arms
04/09/1994 Court Baroness
04/14/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/23/1982 Award of Arms
04/06/1985 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
09/29/2007 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/01/1995 Queen’s Cypher
09/24/2005 King's Cypher
(Gaufred Kelson II)
09/29/2007 Queen's Cypher
Jozef Ludwiczck
08/14/2002 Award of Arms
*Juan Lázaro Ramirez Xavier
06/14/2003 Baron of
06/14/2003 Grant of Arms
01/29/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/06/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
09/01/2001 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Juda the Many-Named
08/06/2008 Golden Lyre
Judith the Gray of Hunter's
04/17/1993 Award of Arms
*Judith le Alefondere
07/06/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
12/28/1991 Award of Arms
Julia of Carillion
09/26/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella II)
Julia Gendreau
11/03/2007 Award of Arms
Julia (of Glenn Linn)
07/03/1999 Queen’s Honor
of Distinction (Moruadh II)
Julia Goodmunsdottir
04/03/2004 Award of Arms
Julia MacGyver
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
Julia mal Gardee
10/05/1985 Award of Arms
Julia Palotay Szent Gyorgyi, see
*Kolosvari Arpadne Julia
*Julian of Bergental
02/03/1990 Award of Arms
08/09/1979 Award of Arms
*Julian Ridley
Judith of Barren Sands
*Julian le Scot
06/06/1998 Companion of the
Tyger's Cub
09/16/2000 Master of the
09/18/1999 Grant of Arms
04/04/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/18/1999 Court Baron
07/20/1996 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 King’s Cypher
01/23/1999 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/14/2007 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/26/1998 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
09/12/1998 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
09/30/2006 Royal
Augmentation of Arms
Judith the Confused
07/18/2009 Grant of Arms
09/29/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/18/2009 Court Baroness
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
12/06/2003 Order of the
Salamander's Tear (Bhakail)
??/??/???? Order of the Horse
Judith of Five Branches
03/27/1982 Award of Arms
Judith of Northumbria
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
*Judith the Uncertain (called
Judith Fitzhenry)
08/06/2009 Companion of the
04/03/2004 Award of Arms
12/11/2004 Companion of the
10/26/2002 Award of Arms
*Juliana d’Antioche
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
Juliana d'Aragon
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Juliana d’Avignon
01/28/1995 Award of Arms
11/28/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Juliana de Essex
08/15/2005 Award of Arms
12/06/2008 King's Cypher
(Darius IV)
Juliana the Helpful
07/20/1996 Award of Arms
02/10/1996 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Juliana da Mestre (“Julleran”)
07/27/2002 Mistress of the
03/12/1994 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/25/1998 Companion of the
03/01/1980 Award of Arms
*Juliana Osborne
04/30/2006 Award of Arms
*Juliana Stafford
01/20/1996 Companion of the
09/26/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/29/1992 Award of Arms
Juliana von Altenfeld
11/22/2008 Mistress of the
11/22/2008 Mistress of the
11/19/2005 Grant of Arms
11/22/2003 Companion of the
09/27/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/12/1996 Leaf of Merit
11/19/2005 Court Baroness
08/25/1990 Award of Arms
12/08/2007 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/10/2010 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
??/??/???? Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
??/??/???? Order of the Horse
*Julien Lapointe
07/17/2004 Master of the
07/20/2002 Companion of the
01/26/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/03/2009 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
03/24/2007 Order of Artemis
03/06/2010 King's Esteem of
04/10/2010 Queen's Cypher
(Brenwen II)
11/30/2002 Golden Lyre
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
08/05/2008 Golden Lyre
*Julienne de La Rochelle
07/16/2000 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 Companion of
the Manche
04/15/1989 Award of Arms
02/17/1990 Companion of
11/04/1989 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
03/02/1991 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
10/11/1992 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Justin of Seven Oaks
05/21/1994 Award of Arms
*Justin Turner
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Justina Elizabeth Vigilant
03/06/2004 Award of Arms
*Justine Hart
01/26/1991 Award of Arms
Justine of the Free Companions
??/??/???? Award of Arms
*Justinian the Sluggard
10/01/1994 Award of Arms
*Justinian Timagenes
Justin Blackthorne of Malagentia
08/14/1999 Defender of the
White Scarf (Atenveldt)
08/14/1999 Grant of Arms
01/02/1999 Fleur de Soleil
10/30/1999 Queen's Grace
09/29/1990 Solar Phoenix
03/29/2008 Companion of
the Manche
11/04/1989 Award of Arms
11/23/2002 Companion of
09/23/2006 Companion of
the Sable Compass (Iron Bog)
07/14/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Kacie Camshronach an
*Justin du Coeur
03/27/1999 Award of Arms
(An Tir)
Julienne Marguerite la Grande
11/19/2005 Award of Arms
Jullien le Grand
12/15/2007 Order of the Horse
*Julyan Lyttleton
12/11/1993 Award of Arms
04/09/1994 Queen's Cypher
Jung Meh
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
*Juraj z Bratislavi
01/06/1990 Award of Arms
Justin Bardwell
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
05/01/2004 Companion of the
05/02/1992 Master of the
06/21/2003 Master of the
10/05/1991 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
Kady of Wolf’s End
12/10/1994 Award of Arms
Kafira atte Maledon
11/19/2005 Award of Arms
Kai Detharsson
12/01/2001 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Kali Harlansson of Gotland
*Kai Maclane
07/17/2004 Master of the
07/30/1983 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/06/1987 Companion of the
04/01/1978 Award of Arms
07/11/2009 Companion of the
01/25/1997 Queen’s Order of
10/23/1982 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
02/05/1988 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
03/09/2002 Knight
09/01/2001 Baron of Bergental
12/10/1994 Companion of the
09/27/1997 Companion of the
07/04/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/23/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/17/2005 Court Baron
09/17/1994 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 Queen’s Order of
09/29/2001 Queen's Cypher
Kai O'Kai
08/18/1988 Award of Arms
*Kai de Ravenglas
10/09/1993 Count
08/19/1990 Knight
03/14/1987 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/07/1990 Companion of
03/14/1987 Award of Arms
08/13/1997 Augmentation of
Arms (Atlantia)
09/09/1995 Companion of the
Undine (Atlantia)
10/22/1988 Companion of the
06/06/1992 Sigil of
Kaia Shantarra
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Kaila Fitzgerald
03/28/2009 Award of Arms
Kailein of Drachenwald
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Kaitlyn Niamh nic Ardry
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
Kaitlyn O’Shea
02/20/1999 Award of Arms
Kaji Katana
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
Kajiyama Shinobu
07/22/2006 Award of Arms
Kalf Sigurdsen
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
Kalina Tiger Tamer
07/17/1999 Award of Arms
Kalinda (of Eisental)
07/27/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Kalisfena Greenwood d'Mer
03/05/2005 Award of Arms
*Kalliera Laskarina
12/11/2004 Award of Arms
Kaltenbjorn Bowen (was "Iron
08/16/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
09/18/1993 Award of Arms
Kamaitachi Taiko
01/06/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
01/26/2008 Companion of
Kambreda Spicer
06/25/1994 Award of Arms
Kamilah men al Sudan
08/18/1999 Companion of the
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
04/10/1999 Companion of
03/16/2002 Companion of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
*Kamilla van Anderlecht
06/21/2003 Mistress of the
10/06/1990 Grant of Arms
10/06/1990 Court Baroness
the Manche
Companion of
Award of Arms
Queen’s Order of
King's Order of
Kamini (of Ostgardr)
04/12/2008 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella)
Kamitaichi Taiko
04/18/2009 Award of Arms
Karel von Orly
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
*Kari Stormeye
07/03/1994 Award of Arms
Karina Neuwald
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
*Karl Aerdigwidder von
Zauberberg (“Fum”)
08/21/1982 Knight (Middle)
02/12/1994 Master of the
Pelican (Middle)
02/17/1990 Baron of
Andelcrag (Middle) (retired)
02/19/1977 Court Baron
02/08/1992 Companion of
the Dragon’s Heart (Mid.)
02/10/1996 Companion of
the Willow (Mid.)
10/08/1988 Award of the
Purple Fret (Mid.)
03/06/2004 Companion of
the Manche
01/06/1973 Award of Arms
04/21/2001 Companion of
the Troubadour
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane)
Karl Erikson
05/30/1993 Award of Arms
*Karl Haraldsson
06/26/1982 Award of Arms
*Karl Klauezhan
11/22/2003 Award of Arms
Karl of Meerstapa (*Karl of
12/08/2001 Grant of Arms
08/07/2008 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
01/06/2007 Court Baron
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
08/18/1999 Queen’s Order of
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
07/27/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/21/1998 Award of Arms
*Karl Rasmussen of Tvede
10/05/1996 Mistress of the
08/17/1995 Companion of the
02/27/1993 Award of Arms
01/23/1999 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
12/10/1994 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
09/03/1995 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
04/21/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/10/1988 Award of Arms
05/09/1998 Queen's Order of
10/12/2002 Golden Lyre
*Karl von Süssen
01/05/1991 Viscount
08/17/1990 Knight
09/27/2003 Master of the
01/04/1988 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/15/1988 Companion of the
10/05/1991 Companion of the
07/05/1986 Award of Arms
06/20/1992 Principality
Company of Sojourners
04/03/2004 King's Cypher
(Balfar IV)
Karoline Rosenkruzen
01/20/1996 Award of Arms
Karrah the Mischievous
09/24/2005 Award of Arms
06/03/2006 Companion of the
White Oak (Beyond the
*Kasimir of Ostgardr
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
*Kassandra Aiantide
07/20/2002 Grant of Arms
09/18/1999 Award of Arms
Kassandra Lundgarten
03/08/1997 Award of Arms
Katalin McCartney
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
*Katarina von Freiburg
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
07/30/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Katarina la Juste
Katarina Zuvovolok
10/24/2009 Award of Arms
*Katarine Sichling von Nürnberg
*Kataura Hachirô
08/14/2002 Award of Arms
*Kataura Kagehira
08/14/2002 Award of Arms
Katazyna Zelka
07/02/2005 Award of Arms
Kate Cattiva of Eastwood
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
Kate McPhee ("Crimson Kate")
08/08/2008 Award of Arms
Kate of Owlsherst
08/16/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Kate Wood
11/15/1975 Award of Arms
*Kateline Hicch
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Katerina of Amerium
12/09/2000 Award of Arms
*Katerina la Bisbetica
10/15/1994 Award of Arms
09/16/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/21/2001 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
07/17/2004 Queen's Order of
Katerina Montgomerie
05/03/2003 Award of Arms
Katerina die Pherde Heilerin
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
Katerina von Vosburg auff
09/16/1989 Award of Arms
*Katerine FitzWilliam,
formerly *Aikaterine
Lukanina, formerly *Katerina
09/29/2007 Countess
09/29/2007 Patent of Arms
09/29/2007 Lady of the Rose
04/08/2000 Grant of Arms
08/17/2005 Companion of
the Manche
04/08/2000 Court Baroness
09/27/1997 Award of Arms
12/06/1997 Queen’s Order of
09/24/2005 Queen's Cypher
(Geneviere II)
09/30/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Anna II)
04/12/2008 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella)
Katerine of Mirkwood
03/22/2008 Award of Arms
*Katerinka Lvovicha
07/04/2009 Award of Arms
*Katharine Slough
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
Katerina de la Bere (was:
Katerina de Mer)
*Katharine Tuscher
06/23/1990 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
04/10/2010 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
*Katharine Whytton
Katerina Iliovna Vladimirov
02/02/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/15/2005 Companion of the
08/14/1996 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
05/28/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/25/2002 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Katharynne Reede
08/16/1990 Award of Arms
*Katherine Ashewode
10/19/2002 Award of Arms
03/10/2007 Companion of
the Troubadour
*Katherine Aylwyn de Chaliers
11/27/2004 Companion of the
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
*Katherine Barr of Cumberland
04/03/2004 Mistress of the
06/06/1998 Grant of Arms
03/18/2006 Baroness Iron Bog
06/06/1998 Court Baroness
09/26/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/15/1991 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Queen's Order of
02/21/2009 Companion of the
Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
10/03/2009 Queen's Cypher
(Gabriella II)
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
09/24/2005 Tyger of the East
02/21/2009 Royal
Augmentation of Arms
Katherine of Cheshire
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
Katherine Flannery
02/26/2000 Court Baroness
05/11/1991 Award of Arms
*Katherine Fletcher of
07/09/1988 Award of Arms
*Katherine Gilliesfleur
03/05/1988 Mistress of the
07/22/2000 Mistress of the
01/05/1980 Vicereine of
03/13/1982 Companion of the
08/12/1987 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/13/1982 Court Baroness
12/21/2002 Queen's Order of
06/01/1991 Sigil of
04/21/2001 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella)
09/09/2006 Augmentation of
09/09/2006 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Katherine of House Silver Dragon
07/05/2003 Award of Arms
*Katherine Jade of Bayley
04/12/2003 Mistress of the
09/27/1986 Grant of Arms
09/27/1986 Court Baroness
08/18/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/15/1991 Companion of the
06/16/1990 Companion of the
08/15/1991 Companion of the
12/21/1985 Award of Arms
03/12/1992 Companion of the
03/26/1994 Sigil of
10/06/1990 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
08/13/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
*Katherine of Kells
10/13/1979 Mistress of the
Laurel (Middle)
06/17/1978 Companion of the
Willow (Middle)
06/11/1977 Award of Arms
*Katherine Kyle
03/05/1994 Award of Arms
*Katherine la Lionesse
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
Katherine Long
03/28/2009 King's Cypher
(Darius IV)
Katherine of Lyndhaven
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Katherine Makefriend
01/20/1996 Award of Arms
*Katherine Meade
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
Katherine Montclair
11/21/1998 Companion of
the Manche
03/08/1997 Award of Arms
11/06/1999 Order of the Pine
Katherine Morrigan
06/15/2002 Award of Arms
02/26/2000 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Katherine O'Brien
03/06/2010 Award of Arms
04/10/2010 King's Cypher
(Konrad II)
*Katherine de Shortall
08/14/1991 Award of Arms
*Katherine Stanhope
10/05/1991 Duchess
04/15/1989 Countess
04/15/1989 Lady of the Rose
01/02/1993 Mistress of the
09/22/2001 Mistress of the
07/21/1990 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/15/1995 Companion of
the Manche
05/31/1997 Companion of
the Sagittarius
11/15/1986 Award of Arms
04/16/1988 Companion of
the Troubadour
07/05/2003 Queen's Order of
09/25/1999 Queen’s Cypher
(Moruadh II)
09/27/2003 King's Cypher
(Darius II)
09/29/2007 Queen's Cypher
08/12/2002 Augmentation of
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
01/05/2008 Royal
Augmentation of Arms
10/25/2008 Tyger of the East
*Katherine de Staverton
03/05/2005 Award of Arms
05/25/2008 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
Katherine of Thameside
01/08/2000 Award of Arms
Katherine Thompson of Melton
11/27/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
*Katheryne aff Kringskiep
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
05/28/2006 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Katherynne Driscoll
10/03/1987 Award of Arms
Kathleen of Bergental
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
*Kathleen Conant of Dunbar
10/03/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
12/03/1988 Award of Arms
03/08/1992 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Kathrine Delong (Fern)
11/19/2005 Award of Arms
*Kathryn of Brookshyre
10/04/1975 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Kathryn Elizabeth Lyons Ramsey
11/14/2009 Award of Arms
*Kathryn Fontayne
01/17/2009 Award of Arms
09/21/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
09/27/2008 Queen's Cypher
*Kathryn Goodwyn
01/06/1979 Mistress of the
12/12/1981 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/11/1975 Court Baroness
10/11/1975 Award of Arms
06/17/1979 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
06/17/1979 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
10/16/1993 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Kathryn of Pinkie Cleugh
01/05/2008 Award of Arms
*Kathryn Morgan see *Emma la
Rousse d’Argentan
Katri Carillon of Devereaux
01/08/1994 Award of Arms
Katrina de Mer
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
03/29/2008 Queen's Order of
Katrina MacAulish
04/26/2003 Grant of Arms
04/26/2003 Court Baroness
07/21/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/10/2001 Award of Arms
09/26/2009 Queen's Order of
12/09/2000 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
09/28/2002 Queen's Cypher
03/25/2006 Queen's Cypher
(Roxane III)
10/03/2009 Queen's Cypher
(Gabriella II)
11/17/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
09/26/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
06/08/2008 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
*Katrina of South Tower
11/21/1992 Companion of the
Willow (Middle)
07/21/1984 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
08/29/1981 Award of Arms
Katriona MacDhomnuill
06/17/2006 Award of Arms
*Katriona Silverswan
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
Katrusha the Skomorokh
05/23/2009 Award of Arms
01/24/2009 Companion of the
05/24/2009 Friend of
*Katryne Blak, see Catherine de
Sant Marti
*Kat’ryna Neblaga Volchkova
06/15/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/21/2003 Companion of
the Manche
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
Katryne Seagrave
05/25/2002 Award of Arms
Katy the Obscure
03/11/2000 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
Katya of Fenmere
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
Katya Garlicwielder
01/08/1994 Award of Arms
12/11/1993 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Katya Nachtraven
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
Kawaguchi no Ryutaro
11/06/2004 Award of Arms
*Kathryn Fontayne
01/17/2009 Award of Arms
Kay Fontayne, see Sandrine de
*Kay Leigh Drake
07/22/2000 Countess
07/22/2000 Lady of the Rose
08/13/2003 Mistress of the
01/11/1997 Grant of Arms
01/11/1997 Court Baroness
08/07/1999 White Scarf
09/22/2001 Star of Merit
03/16/2002 Iris of Merit
04/24/1997 Thistle
08/14/1998 Crane
07/15/1996 Award of Arms
01/05/2002 Queen's Glove
(Larissa, Ansteorra)
08/03/1996 Queen's Rapier
12/27/1996 OWCB
10/26/2002 Golden Lyre
Kayla, see Cellach ingen
Kayla di Vis see Olga Kaf'skaia
Kayleigh McWhyte, see *Cellach
Kaylyn mac Pharláin
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
*Kazdoya Ruslander
08/14/1991 Award of Arms
Kazuki of Settmour Swamp
05/29/2005 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Kazunori Tetsahara
06/01/1991 Award of Arms
Keagan Bingler
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
*Kean Gryffyth
03/12/2005 Award of Arms
Keara MacTavish
10/03/1992 Award of Arms
Keara (of Nordenhal)
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Keara of Oakenwode
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
Keegan MacNaughton
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Keelia of the Four Winds
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
Keeley Catanzaro
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
Keeti the Wolf
04/16/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/11/1985 Award of Arms
Kefira atte Maledon
01/14/2006 Award of Arms
*Kein MacEwan
08/12/1987 Award of Arms
Keja Ruvni
10/22/1994 Award of Arms
Kellan called "Cat" see Coalan
an Panga Dubh
*Kellemetlen Árpád
07/18/1998 Companion of the
07/20/1996 Award of Arms
Kelli of Whispering Oaks
01/28/2006 Award of Arms
02/21/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Kellie of Rusted Woodlands
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
11/11/1995 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Kelson ap Llewllyn
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
Kelvin MacGregor
09/30/2006 Grant of Arms
09/30/2006 Court Baron
10/25/1997 Award of Arms
06/24/2006 Queen's Order of
09/29/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Aikaterine)
Kendra Fey Choinski
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Kendra of the Holly Oak, see
*Avice de Haliach
Kendra the Indecisive
12/19/1981 Award of Arms
04/12/1986 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Kendra Legh
03/??/1992 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Kendra Uiukinne
03/18/1995 Award of Arms
Kendric the Wanderer
01/28/1995 Award of Arms
Kendrich Kennethson, called
11/14/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
Kendrick of Owlsherst
09/26/2009 Award of Arms
Kendrick of Saxon Shore
07/24/1993 Companion of the
07/24/1993 Award of Arms
*Kenelm of Tintagel
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
*Keneweard de Musgraue
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
*Kennard of Bath
05/30/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/25/1998 Companion of the
11/07/1987 Award of Arms
Kenneth of Anglespur
11/11/2006 Award of Arms
Kenneth of Gryphon
01/21/1984 Award of Arms
03/26/1984 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Swamp)
Kenneth the Glass Painter
03/29/2003 Companion of
the Manche
Kenneth McCartney
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
Kenneth the Smith
06/30/2001 Award of Arms
*Kenric Burn of Northampton
(Kenric of Warwick)
03/09/2002 Knight
11/07/1998 Companion of
the Sagittarius
09/25/1999 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
11/18/2000 Companion of
the Manche
07/21/2001 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
09/24/1994 Award of Arms
08/14/2003 Valiant Tyger
12/07/1996 Pillar of the
Bridge (Bridge)
04/08/2000 King's Cypher
(Lucan V)
04/06/2002 King's Cypher
(Lucan VI)
04/14/2007 King's Cypher
(Lucan VII)
02/28/1998 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Caitlin)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Kerry Johnston
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
Kerstin von Lindholm
06/16/1990 Award of Arms
Keryan Kincaid
05/06/1989 Award of Arms
03/03/1990 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
Kete Mac Laomain
11/14/1998 Award of Arms
Ketil of Mountain Freehold
05/26/2007 Award of Arms
Ketilfastr Thorkilson
11/03/2007 Award of Arms
*Ketill Errickson
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
Kettil Svarte-Skaning
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
Keturah (of Carolingia)
04/10/1982 Award of Arms
Kevin Tremayne
09/05/1987 Award of Arms
Khavi bint Rozakii ("Khatife")
01/21/1995 Award of Arms
06/02/2007 Companion of the
Sable Compass (Iron Bog)
02/21/2009 Companion of the
Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
02/21/2009 Baroness's Silver
Ring (Iron Bog)
12/12/2009 Baroness's Silver
Ring (Iron Bog)
*Khioniya Nikolaevna Ryseva
02/28/2009 Mistress of the
07/14/2007 Companion of the
10/10/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/31/2002 Harp Argent
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
11/06/2004 Baronial Label
(Palatine Baroness) (Western
Seas, Caid)
01/04/2003 Sable Clarion
(Western Seas, Caid)
04/12/2008 Queen's Cypher
04/11/2009 Queen's Cypher
04/10/2010 Queen's Cypher
(Brenwen II)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Kiaya of Stonemarche
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
01/31/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Kiena Stiward
09/30/2006 Grant of Arms
08/07/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/15/2007 Court Baroness
06/11/2005 Award of Arms
05/06/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Anna II)
09/29/2007 Queen's Cypher
02/01/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/03/1987 Award of Arms
04/26/1998 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Kiena the Wanderer
*Killian Brock
10/25/2003 Award of Arms
10/03/1987 Award of Arms
*Kiera Loch Beldragon
Killian of Serpentius
09/14/1996 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Kimberly ferch Cadell
*Kiera Lann Haden
10/22/1994 Companion of the
10/15/1988 Award of Arms
*Kieran Bren of Bannockburn
01/08/2005 Master of the
08/16/2004 Grant of Arms
06/16/2001 Companion of the
11/03/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/16/2004 Court Baron
03/04/1995 Award of Arms
12/09/1995 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
09/29/2001 Queen's Cypher
*Kieran Longstrider
07/17/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/15/1994 Award of Arms
07/17/1999 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Kieran MacCrimmin
05/27/1989 Award of Arms
Kieran of Narrenbeck, the
04/11/1992 Award of Arms
Kieranne ferch Lloyd
04/18/1998 Award of Arms
Kierowyn Longstrider
07/20/1996 Award of Arms
Kiersten of Bhakail
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
Kieru na Aldwyn
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
Kihou of Carolingia
09/27/2008 Award of Arms
09/12/2009 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Kilin of Carolingia
11/22/2008 Award of Arms
11/01/1997 Award of Arms
09/07/1996 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
*Kinborough Lyons
05/18/1996 Award of Arms
Kinhail de Fernworth
04/24/1988 Award of Arms
Kin-Ryu Arashi
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
Kira of Stonemarche
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
Ki'Rin Miata
03/04/2006 Award of Arms
*KirkRobyn of the Forest
02/25/1978 Award of Arms
Kirkwald of Uhl
11/05/1988 Award of Arms
*Kirstyn Mansfeld
08/16/2004 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Kirsten of Bergental
09/30/1995 Award of Arms
*Kirsten Munro
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
*Kis Mária (called Kis Marike)
08/14/2002 Mistress of the
09/21/2008 Baroness of
04/28/2001 Companion of
the Manche
11/13/2004 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/24/2009 Queen's Order of
02/21/2009 Baroness's Silver
Ring (Iron Bog)
03/25/2006 King's Cypher
(Darius III)
09/27/2008 Queen's Cypher
03/28/2009 King's Cypher
(Darius IV)
03/29/2003 Golden Lyre
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Kisbet of the Golden Hoarde
09/30/1995 Award of Arms
Klaus Winterhalter
10/03/2009 Award of Arms
*Kobayashi Yutaka
10/25/1980 Master at Arms
10/30/1993 Master of the
05/12/1979 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
12/12/1981 Companion of the
10/05/1985 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/20/1982 Queen's Order of
10/02/1982 Companion of the
12/06/1980 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
05/05/1984 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
10/12/1991 Companion of the
Perseus (Carolingia)
Kofryna the Goatherd
06/19/1999 Companion of the
Golden Dolphin (Atlantia)
06/19/1999 Companion of the
Pearl (Atlantia)
06/21/1997 Award of Arms
*Koga Yoshitsune
08/18/1995 Knight
08/19/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
11/11/1992 Award of Arms
08/06/2009 Queen's Order of
Kokemori of Iron Bog
05/30/2008 Companion of the
Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
*Kolozsvári Árpád
01/11/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
*Kolosvári Arpádne Julia
06/28/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
06/15/1991 Award of Arms
07/28/2001 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Silver Crescent
04/21/2001 Court Baron
01/23/1993 Award of Arms
09/11/2004 King's Cypher
(Gaufred Kelson)
12/08/2001 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
Konrad Gabriel Haas
Kral Igorrevitch Averkii
*Konner MacPherson
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
*Konrad Lockner of Idelberg
06/13/1981 Award of Arms
*Konrad von Altorff
03/05/2005 Award of Arms
*Konrad von Ulm
04/10/2010 Duke
09/27/2008 Count
03/16/2002 Knight
04/13/1996 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/29/1994 Award of Arms
09/29/2001 Queen's Order of
04/12/2003 Tyger of Valor
04/12/2003 King's Cypher
(Andreas II)
10/03/2009 King's Cypher
(Andreas IV)
04/06/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Yana III)
Konrad von Kunkelsels see
*Conrad MacAllyn
Korgan the Young, called the
05/17/2003 Award of Arms
03/22/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Korial ap Llnwlyn
07/05/1986 Award of Arms
Korin of Thunder Mountain
10/28/2000 Award of Arms
Kovar the Black
02/03/1990 Award of Arms
03/06/1993 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
Krakken Gnashbone
02/01/1997 Master of the
06/??/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/16/1994 Companion of the
04/13/1996 Companion of the
03/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Kresenz von Württemberg
08/14/1996 Award of Arms
12/09/1995 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Krey Macleod
03/01/1997 Award of Arms
Krisha von Halstern
04/19/1980 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Kristell of the Armerie
07/20/1996 Grant of Arms
07/20/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/20/1996 Court Baroness
06/26/1993 Award of Arms
*Kristen Ahearn
09/26/1987 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/21/1979 Award of Arms
09/26/1987 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
12/02/1984 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
04/12/1986 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
*Kristen de Kennett
02/03/1990 Award of Arms
03/03/1990 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
Kristen Spinster
06/10/2006 Companion of
the Manche
10/26/2002 Award of Arms
09/01/2002 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
Kristiana de Barton
03/23/2002 Award of Arms
*Kristin Ailbe Anmclaid
05/14/1988 Award of Arms
Kristina Schling
02/23/2008 Award of Arms
Kristina Trencherwoman
11/05/1994 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
09/01/2002 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Kristinia le Fay
Kyttle the Lazy
01/11/2003 Companion of the
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
05/28/2005 Golden Tyger
*Kristof the Towhead
06/23/1984 Award of Arms
Krya of Carolingia
09/18/1999 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
04/02/2005 Award of Arms
*Labhruinn MacMhicheil
06/03/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
Lachlan MacAlpin
07/16/2005 Award of Arms
*Lachlan Mac an Toisich of
01/15/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
06/30/2007 Baron of
11/29/2008 Court Baron
11/29/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
05/01/2004 Companion of
Krystiana Nikoliovna Vladimirov
*Lachlann mac Lachlainn
10/15/2005 Award of Arms
07/18/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
09/29/2007 King's Cypher
Krystl von Sussen
Lachlann of Sterling
Kryimsson Aghxford Draco
Feuerdrachen, called Aghx
11/21/2009 Award of Arms
Krystan Foljambe
11/05/1989 Award of Arms
Kseniia Smol’nyanina
01/23/1999 Award of Arms
*Kurt Michael Meyer Wittman
von Altenstein
10/25/1986 Award of Arms
*Kusunoki Yoshimoto
08/15/2005 Companion of the
Kyleah Dragonseeker
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
Kynar ap Llantwit
01/31/2004 Companion of the
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
Kyran O’Conghaile
03/08/1997 Award of Arms
01/13/2001 Companion of the
Kyrian Thaeborne see Merewyn
Kyrnn Wyndsong, see Ciarán
mac Gáeth
Kythe Szubielka, called Jester of
02/21/1998 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Queen's Order of
09/28/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
06/12/1999 Award of Arms
Lada of the Silver Horde
06/21/2008 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
*Lain Alfanez de la Roca
05/20/1973 Award of Arms
Lakev of Stonemarche, see Lucien
de Pontivy
Lakshmi Amman of Sri
Ranganatha Temple
08/17/2005 Mistress of the
08/13/2003 Grant of Arms
01/05/2002 Companion of the
08/13/2003 Court Baroness
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of
06/08/2002 King's Order of
04/29/2007 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*Lalage la Peregrina
02/01/1997 Award of Arms
Lang Pingm ("Sam")
01/28/2006 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Lara Kveldulfdatter ("Lara the
08/17/2005 Award of Arms
Larisa iz Kieva
11/14/1981 Award of Arms
12/06/1980 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
*Larissa the Shrew
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
Larissa of Swanmere
11/02/1996 Award of Arms
07/14/2001 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
Lariztka von Eisfalc
08/14/1991 Award of Arms
Lark of Esherwood
12/08/1979 Award of Arms
02/20/1982 Queen's Order of
*Larrion Oaksbane
10/07/1984 Award of Arms
Laryk of Silvercrest
09/13/1986 Award of Arms
*Lassar ingen Aeda
11/10/2007 Baroness of An
11/10/2007 Grant of Arms
03/27/2010 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
12/21/2002 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
01/13/2001 Companion of
the Manche
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
*Laura della Francesca
04/23/1988 Baroness of
01/02/1993 Companion of
the Manche
01/16/1999 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/28/1996 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
08/15/1991 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
04/12/2003 Queen's Cypher
(Isabella II)
Laura of the Haven
09/28/1991 Award of Arms
09/28/1991 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Laura Hawkwood
02/20/1982 Mistress of the
04/24/1976 Award of Arms
07/26/1980 Queen's Order of
01/11/1985 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
*Laura Serafina
10/03/1992 Award of Arms
*Laure Aleire de Laon
06/30/2001 Grant of Arms
06/30/2001 Order of the
Desert Flower (Outlands)
10/07/2000 Companion of the
Argent Hart (Outlands)
08/03/2003 Court Baroness
08/22/1999 Award of Arms
03/23/2002 Queen's Cypher
(Cainnleach, Outlands)
04/17/1999 Popular Company
of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
10/07/2000 Dragon's Blood
(Barony of Dragonsspine,
Laurel of Devon
07/16/2000 Award of Arms
Laurel O hAodha
07/06/1996 Award of Arms
03/27/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
04/04/1998 Queen's Cypher
Laurelhelena of An
09/19/1998 Award of Arms
02/22/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
05/30/2008 Baroness's Silver
Ring (Iron Bog)
Laurena Mouchot
09/12/2009 Award of Arms
*Laurence Munro
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
*Laurencia of Carlisle
11/11/2006 Baroness of
Concordia of the Snows
11/11/2006 Grant of Arms
01/26/2008 Court Baroness
11/06/2004 Companion of the
04/03/2004 Award of Arms
*Laurens de Vitrolles
06/13/1998 Grant of Arms
06/13/1998 Court Baroness
06/05/1993 Award of Arms
10/03/1998 Queen’s Cypher
(Gabrielle II)
04/21/2001 Queen's Cypher
Laurensa de Chambord
04/26/2003 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Laurensa (of Owls Reste)
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor of
Lauretta diMondragon
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
Lavena of Drake's Hill
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
Lavinia (of Northern Outpost)
02/27/2005 Award of Arms
Lawrence Savage
04/27/2002 Award of Arms
*Lawrence Thornguard
10/15/1988 Master of the
10/11/1986 Grant of Arms
03/18/2006 Baron Iron Bog
10/11/1986 Court Baron
09/26/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/08/1983 Award of Arms
10/15/1988 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/06/1990 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/21/2009 Companion of the
Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
11/13/2004 Augmentation of
Arms (Kingdom)
*Layla of Shadowwoods see
*Arabella Radcliffe
Layli Nuri
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
*Lazar ben Yoal
04/20/1985 Award of Arms
*Lazaro Bettencourt de Vega
09/28/2002 Queen's Order of
*Lea Grarvargr
04/07/1990 Countess
04/07/1990 Lady of the Rose
04/16/1988 Award of Arms
Leah Anne of Belmont, see
*Clara Beaumont
*Leah Hundemann
09/29/2007 Award of Arms
*Leandra du Bois
05/30/1993 Award of Arms
*Leandra de León
01/28/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
*Leandra Plumieg
12/05/1992 Award of Arms
Leannan MacGowan
06/02/1996 Award of Arms
12/13/1997 Companion of
Leceabh merch Ouain, see
Lucien de Pontivy
Lehoric Silverwater du Mer
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
03/20/2004 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
Leif Bingler
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Leif Tuborgsson
11/19/1988 Award of Arms
*Leifr rella
07/05/2008 Award of Arms
*Leiftameon Carlsefnisson
10/08/1977 Master of the
12/04/1977 Queen's Order of
02/10/1979 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
Leila O'Mordha
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
Leilah Kallendah MacDougalls
06/24/1989 Award of Arms
*Lena Solway
03/05/1994 Award of Arms
*Leo Winthrop of the Torn
06/03/2006 Companion of
the White Oak (Beyond the
Leod O'Sky
11/05/1988 Award of Arms
Leod Raffle Dudh
07/17/1999 Award of Arms
Leodolf of Ruantallan
06/30/2007 Award of Arms
*Leofric æt Couæntréé
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Leofwenn of Wytleseie
02/14/2009 Award of Arms
*Leofwin Collinson
09/24/1994 Award of Arms
Leon the Navigator
02/12/2000 Award of Arms
Leonard One Leg
09/30/2006 Award of Arms
Leonete d'Angely, see *Nicola
*Leonhard Schuwert
06/24/2000 Award of Arms
§*Leonus de Rotund
03/06/1977 Award of Arms
03/19/1977 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Leopold Reinmar von
08/21/1988 Award of Arms
Leorigild Donnerhof
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
*Leovigild of Aralia
02/26/2000 Companion of the
04/01/1995 Award of Arms
Lienhar Fischer von Torum
(was: Tor of Mercia)
Lev of Whyte Whey
*Liesl Lüder
01/14/1978 Award of Arms
01/12/1980 Companion of the
Pearl (Atlantia)
03/29/2008 Grant of Arms
01/13/2001 Companion of
the Manche
10/03/2009 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/29/2008 Court Baroness
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Queen's Cypher
(Gabriella II)
Leya sher Kimmer (was: Leah
*Liliana Michaella of
Cinnamon Grove
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
Lewin of Owles Rest
04/28/2001 Award of Arms
*Lewin de Partone
01/14/2006 Award of Arms
*Lewis MacGregor
10/15/1994 Award of Arms
Lhubrinn MacMhikeal
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
*Li Kung Lo
02/21/1998 Master of the
01/04/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/03/1993 Companion of the
12/13/1986 Award of Arms
04/15/1989 Companion of the
07/06/1991 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
11/02/1996 Companion of the
Perseus (Carolingia)
08/16/1985 Award of Arms
12/13/1986 Companion of the
Sun and Soil (BBM)
??/??/1986 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Liadin O'Faoilbhe
Lerwin Ysbrand O'Choda
Liam O’Connor
05/21/1988 Companion of the
04/27/1985 Award of Arms
05/10/1997 Companion of
10/04/1987 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
§Lester of Rive Rouge
06/09/2007 Award of Arms
02/05/2000 Companion of
the Manche
10/03/1987 Award of Arms
Liliana Wind
06/04/2005 Award of Arms
*Lilias de Cheryngton
03/25/2006 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
09/22/2001 Award of Arms
06/25/2005 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Geneviere II)
*Lilie Dubh inghean uí Mórdha
07/04/2009 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
06/18/2005 Award of Arms
09/09/2006 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
§Liam McHaley
*Lilie of Eastham
11/25/2000 Companion of the
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
09/18/1999 Award of Arms
09/02/2007 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
Liam O'Cormick
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
Liam O’Fiaranghan
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Liam O’Rourke
11/27/1999 Award of Arms
06/13/1971 Master of the
Liam St. Liam, see *William O
Donovan of Monmouth
Liam of Tarragon
*Lettice Peyton of Ashdown
05/30/1999 Award of Arms
09/27/2003 Mistress of the
11/25/2000 Award of Arms
*Liana vom Schwarzwald
01/15/1994 Award of Arms
Lilith of Salamander's Keep
02/25/1989 Award of Arms
05/23/1992 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Lillia de Vaux
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Lillian Lyttle
10/06/2007 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
*Lillian Stanhope
01/28/2006 Award of Arms
02/05/2000 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
05/26/2007 Order of Gawain
05/26/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane I)
07/03/2004 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere)
*Lillian atte Valeye
09/21/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
10/12/2002 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
Lillie Redtowers
03/24/2007 Award of Arms
Lillith LeBlanc
06/27/1992 Award of Arms
Lily of Penhill, see *Lylie of
Linden of Corleiss Arche
09/14/2002 Grant of Arms
09/07/1996 Companion of the
09/14/2002 Court Baroness
11/02/1991 Award of Arms
09/25/1999 Queen’s Order of
02/22/1997 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
03/20/1999 Queen’s Honor of
Distinction (Anna)
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
Linden of Mirror Lake
04/15/1989 Award of Arms
Linea McGill
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
*Linette de Gallardon
08/16/2000 Mistress of the
08/12/1998 Companion of the
10/30/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/22/1993 Companion of the
09/30/1989 Award of Arms
05/11/1991 Companion of the
08/16/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/27/2002 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
01/06/1990 Companion of the
Silver Comet (BMDL)
Link Wulfsbane
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Linnet MacHardy
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
*Liosliath of Donnelly
01/18/1975 Award of Arms
Lisa of Carillion
02/26/2000 Award of Arms
§*Lisa Golden Star
02/14/1976 Award of Arms
Lisabetta Medalia
11/08/2008 Award of Arms
Liscia Della Rocca
05/06/2006 Award of Arms
Lisonna of the Arctic Winds
11/10/2001 Award of Arms
Lissa of Leatherwood
08/16/2004 Award of Arms
Livia Claudia Secunda
06/19/2004 Award of Arms
*Livia Petralia
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
Livia of Vindolanda
Longhill Thomas Monroe, see
*Thomas Monrow of Longhill
Loralynn Dagenhardt
01/04/1988 Award of Arms
*Lorcan Dracontius
07/22/2006 Master of the
08/13/2003 Baron of Bhakail
09/28/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
06/28/2008 Court Baron
06/05/1993 Award of Arms
10/17/1993 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
*Lorenz Greylever
06/22/1991 Award of Arms
*Lorenz der Jäger
09/15/1990 Award of Arms
04/06/2002 Queen's Order of
Lorenza Bredani
12/10/2005 Award of Arms
*Lorenzo della Rocca
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
01/15/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Lorenzo Dragone della Grotta
Llann the Seeker
09/30/2000 Companion of
the Sagittarius
03/20/1999 Companion of
the Sea Stag (Atlantia)
06/21/1997 Award of Arms
06/21/1997 Companion of
the Yew Bow (Atlantia)
08/19/1999 Order of the
Mountain Hawk (Highland
Foorde, Atlantia)
03/22/2008 Award of Arms
Lleucu ferch Robert
07/01/2006 Award of Arms
09/15/2007 Queen's Order of
Llewellyn of Lyndhaven
05/17/2003 Award of Arms
Llewelyn ap Goddodin
11/19/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
Llewyllen ap Rhys
07/23/2005 Award of Arms
*Llywelyn Chwith
05/31/1997 Award of Arms
Lochlan O'Conaill
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
Lochleven Army
08/14/2003 Blue Tyger Legion
Logan de Londres
10/03/1992 Award of Arms
Logan Mc Tavish
11/02/1996 Award of Arms
Logan Smith
01/26/2008 Companion of
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
*Lorenzo il Confuso
*Lorenzo Gorla
08/17/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
06/02/2007 Companion of
the Silver Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Geneviere II)
*Lorenzo Orsini
10/19/1991 Award of Arms
*Lorenzo Quintain
05/21/1988 Award of Arms
Lori MacFarlane
02/21/1998 Award of Arms
Loric the Serf
Lothar Zorn
03/06/1982 Award of Arms
*Loric of Winteroak
Louis-Arle Reish de L'oc
04/27/1985 Award of Arms
Lorillin of Allendorf
09/12/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Lorimel the Gentle
12/12/1981 Award of Arms
04/10/2010 Award of Arms
07/18/1992 Award of Arms
Louisa of Carolingia
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Louise LaMotte
11/21/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
12/30/1989 Award of Arms
02/22/1986 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*Lourençao Coelho
*Lorin of the Dual Masque
*Luc de Montnoir
02/10/2001 Companion of the
06/21/1986 Award of Arms
04/27/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
Lorin the Not Much (see
*Eleanor Lebrun)
*Lorita de Siena
05/24/2003 Award of Arms
09/15/2007 Companion of the
11/03/2007 Companion of
Loriwynn the Harper
11/23/1996 Companion of the
04/24/1988 Award of Arms
04/24/1988 Companion of the
05/26/1996 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
03/29/2003 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Lorraine of the Lily Pad
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
Lorraine of Smoking Rocks
06/18/2005 Companion of the
Lodestone (Smoking Rocks)
Lothaire of Isle du Dragon
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
*Lothar the Wanderer
08/15/2002 Knight
06/30/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/08/2000 Award of Arms
Lothar von Halstern
09/30/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
03/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Lucan von Drachenklaue
10/01/1994 Duke
04/03/1993 Count
01/11/1992 Viscount
08/19/1988 Master at Arms
08/18/2000 Knight
01/26/2008 Master of the
01/04/1988 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
06/23/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
03/04/1995 King’s Order of
08/18/1999 Queen’s Order of
11/23/2002 King's Order of the
Tyger of Valor
09/30/2006 Valiant Tyger
09/27/2008 Tyger of the East
05/27/1995 Queen's Award of
Courtesy (Atlantia)
09/27/1997 King’s Cypher
04/04/1998 Queen's Cypher
04/12/2003 King's Cypher
(Andreas II)
09/24/2005 King's Cypher
(Gaufred Kelson II)
09/27/2008 King's Cypher
10/03/2009 King's Cypher
(Andreas IV)
12/02/1995 Companion of the
Pillar (Bridge)
04/06/2002 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Yana III)
Lucas Blackbowe
04/01/2000 Award of Arms
Lucas von Dhum
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
*Lucasta della Canzona
08/17/1984 Companion of
the Manche
07/25/1981 Award of Arms
06/26/1982 Companion of
the Dragon's Tear
08/22/1981 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
Luchise Olafson
07/03/1994 Award of Arms
*Lucia Francesca de Valencia
06/30/2001 Mistress of the
11/21/1998 Baroness of
Concordia of the Snows
11/21/1998 Grant of Arms
11/08/1997 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/03/1999 Companion of
the Manche
11/11/2006 Court Baroness
12/29/1990 Award of Arms
08/18/2004 Queen's Order of
Lucia di Salerno
02/03/1996 Award of Arms
*Lucien de Pontivi
09/27/2008 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/31/2009 Companion of
the Manche
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
01/26/2008 Companion of
the Troubadour
10/04/2008 Golden Lyre
Lucien de Winter
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
Lucienne de Salina
11/06/2004 Award of Arms
*Luciliana de Castilla
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
Lucius Aurelius Varus
01/29/2005 Knight
08/19/1999 Order of
Thorbjorn’s Hammer
08/19/1999 Grant of Arms
11/03/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
11/28/1987 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
08/17/1996 Order of the Red
Company (Middle)
08/14/1997 Order of the
Dragon’s Tooth (Middle)
01/11/1986 Award of Arms
08/15/1995 Award of the
Wolf’s Tooth (Princip. of
08/14/1996 Award of the
Wolf's Tooth (Princip. of
06/29/1997 Ord of the
Peregrine (Princip. of
11/25/1989 Award of the
Chalice’s Crystal
01/05/1991 Order of the
Golden Chalice
01/23/1993 Award of the
Warriors of the Chalice
05/30/1998 OPC
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Lucius Cassius Pilumnus Scipio
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
Lucrezia of Blak Rose
04/25/2009 Award of Arms
Lucrezia dell'Acqua (called Lia)
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
08/17/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Lucrezia Franceschina Andreini
04/10/1999 Mistress of the
01/04/1997 Companion of the
08/16/1994 Award of Arms
12/14/1996 Companion of the
04/26/1998 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
*Lucrezia Malatesta
03/05/1994 Award of Arms
*Ludwig von Eisenburg
01/20/2007 Master of the
02/09/2002 Companion of the
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
10/26/2002 Ordre de Mai
(Havre des Glaces)
11/13/2004 Ordre du Meritum
Martialis (Havre des Glaces)
04/10/2010 Queen's Order of
12/10/1988 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
09/23/2003 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
12/03/2005 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
Luke Tarr
11/29/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Alethea)
08/13/2002 Grant of Arms
03/25/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/13/2002 Court Baron
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
03/12/2005 Queen's Order of
Lugh-as Loch
Luke Tarr the Younger
Luetfried Ansbach
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
Lugg of Ruantallan
06/12/1993 Award of Arms
Luigi Vascili
08/12/2003 Grant of Arms
08/12/2003 Court Baron
04/01/1995 Award of Arms
06/13/1998 Queen's Order of
03/18/2000 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Luis de Castilla
07/21/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere II)
*Luke Knowlton (was: *Freydis
03/16/1996 Master of the
01/29/2005 Master of the
07/03/1994 Companion of the
02/20/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/08/2003 Court Baron
04/20/1991 Award of Arms
04/20/1991 Companion of the
02/08/2003 King's Order of
09/29/2007 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
07/24/2004 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Luna Athanwulf
04/13/1996 Duchess
04/04/1992 Countess
04/04/1992 Lady of the Rose
03/09/2002 Mistress of the
07/03/1994 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
10/01/1994 Queen’s Cypher
09/27/1997 Queen’s Cypher
09/29/2001 Queen's Cypher
12/09/1995 Companion of
the Sun & Soil (BBM)
04/03/2004 Augmentation of
Luncanne Di Giovanni
09/14/2002 Award of Arms
Luned Gwyn
05/09/2009 Award of Arms
*Lyanna of Bergental
03/21/1998 Mistress of the
Laurel (Atlantia)
04/01/1995 Companion of
the Pearl (Atlantia)
10/05/1991 Award of Arms
Lyanna ferch Gwynhelek see
*Lyanna of Bergental
*Lyanna of Kerneough
11/27/1993 Mistress of the
10/01/1988 Founding
Baroness Ruantallan
01/31/1987 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/18/1989 Companion of the
11/24/2001 Court Baroness
08/17/1984 Award of Arms
11/30/1996 Queen’s Order of
10/24/2001 Ordre du Pèlerin
(Havre des Glaces)
Lydia FitzWaulter
08/07/2008 Companion of
11/21/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
*Lyralyn du Lac Noir
12/12/1981 Award of Arms
*Lys d'Arras
02/10/1979 Companion of the
07/03/1982 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/06/1979 Companion of
01/23/1982 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Lysander Varingon
08/12/1992 Award of Arms
Lysandra of Morgandy Hill
10/10/1981 Award of Arms
*Lydia Oenothera
Lysken die Waeyer
03/26/1983 Award of Arms
03/31/1984 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Macha MacArthur
Lydia Rayn Watson
09/25/1999 Award of Arms
Lydushka of Northpass
09/07/1991 Award of Arms
*Lyle FitzWilliam
04/02/2005 Master of the
01/14/2006 Master of the
08/17/2005 Baron of Bergental
04/15/1989 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/13/1996 Companion of the
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
06/03/2006 Companion of the
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
??/??/19?? Fountain
??/??/19?? Sable Bear
*Lylie of Penhyll (was: Lily of
01/17/2009 Grant of Arms
08/17/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/17/2009 Court Baroness
10/26/2002 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Award of Arms
03/26/2005 Golden Tyger
Maddamee of Poland
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
*Maddalena Salutati
01/13/2001 Companion of
the Manche
Madeline Olafsdottir
04/08/2000 Court Baroness
*Madelyn Catherwood
11/27/1993 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
01/13/1991 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
06/28/1992 Companion of
the Iceburg (Ruantallan)
Madhbh inghean Bdaire
04/01/2006 Award of Arms
Madog Bathier
10/01/1994 Award of Arms
07/22/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Madog ap Caradog
*Macha ni Phadraiga
*Madog Tellier
07/02/1983 Award of Arms
11/22/2008 Award of Arms
07/11/1998 Award of Arms
Macha the Phoenix
Maebhe Mac Carthaigh
06/15/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
Maegeathe Artema Leonides
Macha Rotislav
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
Macha of Wyspering Wude
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
Macken of Mordshoard
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
MacSeamus o'Eamonn
08/19/1993 Award of Arms
08/13/2006 Companion of the
Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
*Macsen Felinfoel
06/16/2001 Master of the
11/19/1994 Companion of the
11/11/1995 Companion of the
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/22/1986 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Companion of the
*Macsen ap Rhys of Wyvern Hall
06/13/1992 Award of Arms
Madalena da Vignovo
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
05/12/1984 Award of Arms
03/08/1996 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Maegwyn the Profane
12/03/1988 Award of Arms
Mael Eoin MacEochidh
09/09/2006 Award of Arms
08/04/2008 Companion of
the Seadog (Ostgardr)
*Maeldune von Drachenzahne
04/07/1979 Award of Arms
*Maelpadraig MacConmara
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
Maelwyn Silvermoon
01/09/1988 Award of Arms
*Maerwen Aelfscinu
07/15/1989 Award of Arms
Maeryk the Rogue
04/28/2001 Award of Arms
*Maeve of Abbeydorney
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
02/16/2002 Companion of
the Seadog (Ostgardr)
Maeve of Malagentia
07/18/1992 Award of Arms
*Maeve Mayfair
11/12/1994 Award of Arms
Maeve of Panther Vale
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
Maeve the Seer
11/01/1986 Award of Arms
Maeve of York
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
Mafety Magas
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
Magdalena del Acqs
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
*Magdalena d'Arzenta
11/19/2005 Award of Arms
*Magdalena Gdanska
04/28/2007 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor of
*Magdalena Geertruidis van den
11/11/1989 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/18/1987 Award of Arms
Magdalena Kestrel
06/24/1995 Grant of Arms
01/18/1997 Court Baroness
01/22/1994 Award of Arms
*Magdalena von Kirschberg
08/16/2004 Award of Arms
Magdalena Kurriene des Todes
07/19/2008 Award of Arms
Magdalena van der Brugghe
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
*Magdalena von Regensburg
07/15/2006 Companion of the
06/10/2007 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Magdalena Winter
10/06/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
12/16/2000 Award of Arms
03/29/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/12/2008 Queen's Cypher
10/03/2009 Queen's Cypher
(Gabriella II)
11/11/2006 Companion of the
Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
Magdalene of the Unicorn
10/14/1978 Award of Arms
10/14/1978 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Magdelena die Zugvogelerin
09/12/2009 Award of Arms
Maggdalena of Fennbrycg
05/02/1992 Award of Arms
Maggie Basketmaker, see
*Margarita Kofinopoia
Maggie MacPherson
Mahmoun of Beyond the
08/08/2007 Award of Arms
Mahr of Concordia
12/06/2006 Companion of
the Friends (Concordia)
Maida Bebbington
06/12/2004 Award of Arms
Maighread ni Loingsigh
09/15/2007 Award of Arms
??/??/???? Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Maire ni Sheaghdha
03/23/2002 Award of Arms
05/30/2004 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Maire nic Ardhghail
Maggie Morlys
*Mairéad of Dairbhre
01/13/1996 Award of Arms
Maggie O'Sullivan
07/23/2005 Award of Arms
Maghnus an Doire mac Tuathail
06/28/2008 Award of Arms
Magnus of Bergental
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
*Magnus Blödax
03/16/1985 Knight
01/29/1983 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/21/1989 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/03/1992 Court Baron
07/03/1982 Award of Arms
Magnus of House Bedford
03/09/1991 Award of Arms
Magnus Lucius Casius (Magnus
Casius Lucius)
08/17/2005 Master of the
06/14/2003 Companion of the
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
Magnus the Oarman
03/03/1990 Award of Arms
Magnus Sigurdsson
04/22/2006 Award of Arms
Magnus Sverre Haakonson de
12/09/2000 Award of Arms
*Magnus Wolfhunte
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
Mahalia Elizabeth Winthrop
10/14/1989 Award of Arms
03/20/1999 Award of Arms
07/25/1992 Award of Arms
Mairghread of Carillion
05/09/2009 Award of Arms
Mairghread MacCuinnegain
09/19/1987 Award of Arms
*Mairghread NicNeachdainn
06/08/2002 Companion of
the Manche
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
*Mairghread of Ryvel
07/20/1991 Award of Arms
10/09/1993 Queen's Order of
*Mairgret of Carrigart
01/13/2001 Mistress of the
11/09/1991 Baroness of An
11/09/1991 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/02/1998 Companion of
the Manche
01/26/2002 Court Baroness
05/21/1988 Award of Arms
10/06/1990 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
10/03/1998 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
05/13/2000 Queen's Order of
04/13/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
Mairi Crauford O’Morain
08/29/1998 Award of Arms
*Màiri inghean mhic an Toisich
11/14/1998 Award of Arms
*Màiri ni Raghallaigh
08/19/1995 Grant of Arms
04/25/1992 Companion of the
10/09/1993 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/19/1995 Court Baroness
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
04/??/1989 Companion of the
08/16/1996 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/03/1998 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
08/16/1996 Companion of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
*Mairi Rhianna nam Beanntan
10/03/1981 Founding
Baroness Mountain Freehold
02/06/1982 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/11/1986 Companion of the
01/05/1980 Award of Arms
Mairi of Ruantallan
10/01/1988 Award of Arms
Mairwen ferch Morien
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
Malachi Olthursson Veasslurd
02/11/1989 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
Malagrog Badgeron Veasslurd
02/11/1989 Award of Arms
*Malcolm Bowman
02/27/2010 Grant of Arms
01/27/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/14/2006 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
11/08/1997 Award of Arms
01/25/2003 Queen's Order of
03/20/2004 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
05/29/2005 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
09/11/2004 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere)
04/12/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
04/10/2010 Queen's Cypher
(Brenwen II)
Malcolm Leslie
07/21/2007 Award of Arms
Malcolm Molesworth
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
*Malcolm Og MacDonald
08/16/1989 Award of Arms
*Malcolum de Bruis
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
Malise Braigh Laird
01/28/2006 Award of Arms
Maliusha Kralika Zhera
03/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Malkin Grey
12/03/1983 Mistress of the
Pelican (Atlantia?)
12/03/1983 Grant of Arms
10/09/1982 Companion of the
Golden Dolphin (Atlantia)
01/08/1983 Companion of the
Pearl (Atlantia)
04/01/1978 Award of Arms
01/05/1980 Companion of the
??/??/?? Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
*Malkyn of Glenhaven
05/11/1985 Award of Arms
*Maluk ibn Maymun
01/??/1984 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Manawidd of Myrrdinstor
07/12/1986 Award of Arms
*Manfred Albrecht von Halsstern
03/16/1985 Knight
06/21/2003 Master of the
12/04/1982 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/06/1990 Court Baron
11/19/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/03/1982 Award of Arms
01/29/1983 Queen's Order of
(Darius II)
(Darius III)
King's Order of
Valiant Tyger
Queen’s Cypher
King's Cypher
King's Cypher
Manfred of Ruantallan
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
*Manus O'Kean
08/17/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
Mappindren Farengorn
05/27/1989 Award of Arms
Mar Kottr
11/11/2006 Award of Arms
Mar Sondernthuys
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
Mara Roche
12/11/1982 Award of Arms
*Mara Teodora Kolarova
10/08/1983 Countess
10/08/1983 Lady of the Rose
09/24/1994 Mistress of the
10/20/1984 Companion of
the Manche
02/10/1979 Award of Arms
10/06/1979 Companion of
05/03/1980 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
11/04/1989 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
Mara Wischart
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
*Marared Llangarron
07/17/1999 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/18/1996 Award of Arms
01/16/1999 Queen's Order of
*Marcel d’Armand
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
*Marcele de Montsegur
01/03/2004 Mistress of the
06/15/2002 Companion of
the Manche
07/22/2000 Award of Arms
Marcella Neyn Gylys
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
Marcellus Flavius Corinium
05/25/2002 Award of Arms
Marcellus McDowell
01/25/1992 Award of Arms
*Marco Massimi
06/22/1985 Award of Arms
*Marco Palladio di Soncino
12/14/1991 Award of Arms
07/15/1995 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Marcus of An Dubhaigeainn
11/22/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Marcus Atheniou
10/09/2004 Award of Arms
12/15/2007 Order of the Horse
*Marcus Blackaert
10/28/2000 Award of Arms
Marcus del Cancello Rosso
(Marcus Redgate)
04/18/2009 Award of Arms
Marcus Chandernos
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
Marcus de Londres
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
*Marcus mac Pharláin
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
*Marcus d'Orleans
05/19/2001 Award of Arms
Marea Veronica d'Estoile of
05/26/1985 Award of Arms
Mared Caradwen ap Penllyn
11/20/1999 Award of Arms
Marek O'Brien
07/14/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
Margaret Beauchamp du Monde
12/10/2005 Award of Arms
*Margaret Elizabeth Peyton de
11/07/1987 Award of Arms
Margaret Gresham
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
*Margaret of Highbridge
04/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Margaret Holmwood
09/18/1999 Companion of the
03/02/1996 Award of Arms
12/19/1998 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Margaret Lucienne d'Ischie
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
03/24/2001 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/03/2001 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
05/24/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane II)
Margaret of Lochleven
*Margery Coulano de Tracey of
05/26/2007 Award of Arms
09/29/2007 Queen's Cypher
Margaret de Mey
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
*Margaret of Rochester
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
*Margaret the Rueful of Pevensey
04/01/1995 Companion of the
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
12/05/1992 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Margaret of Rusted Woodlands
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
Margaret Twygge of Skye Hill
05/06/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
11/26/2005 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
11/28/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
*Margarete of Stirlingshire
01/13/2001 Mistress of the
10/10/1998 Companion of the
Dragon's Heart (Middle)
05/04/1996 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
10/31/1987 Award of Arms
04/30/1990 Award of the
Scorpion of al-Barran (Outlands)
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Margarethe von Haewengraes
01/07/1984 Award of Arms
*Margarita Alegria Gonzalvo
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
*Margarita Kofinopoia (called
Maggie Basketmaker)
01/31/2004 Mistress of the
02/01/1997 Mistress of the
12/09/1989 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/06/1991 Companion of
the Manche
04/04/1992 Court Baroness
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
09/24/1994 Queen’s Order of
04/12/1986 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
04/13/1996 Queen’s Cypher
*Margita z Oponice
02/22/1986 Award of Arms
Margot von Ramstein
12/03/1988 Award of Arms
*Margreta Oaksbane
10/07/1984 Award of Arms
*Marguérite de Bordeaux
10/01/1994 Award of Arms
Marguerite Bouvier
07/05/2003 Award of Arms
*Marguerite Chartier
07/22/1995 Award of Arms
Marguerite von Elfenau
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
*Marguerite la Folle
10/11/1975 Award of Arms
08/22/1981 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
Marguerite de Fougère
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
Marguerite ingen Lachlainn
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
07/14/2007 Queen's Order of
09/29/2007 Queen's Cypher
*Marguerite de Saint Nazaire
09/30/2006 Grant of Arms
09/29/2007 Court Baroness
05/05/2001 Award of Arms
01/14/2006 Queen's Order of
11/08/2003 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Mari Anna deLacey (called
"Blackheart", was: Marianna
Blackheart de Lacey)
10/11/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/21/1996 Award of Arms
05/10/1998 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Maria Alegreza Nicoletti
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
*Maria Allesandra delle Tre
Torri Alte
Daystar (Carolingia)
12/13/1986 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
*Maria Pagani
06/14/2003 Baroness of
06/14/2003 Grant of Arms
01/29/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/12/1997 Award of Arms
09/02/2000 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
09/30/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Anna II)
Maria von Truix
09/09/2006 Award of Arms
§*Marian of Edwinstowe
*Marian O'Liam
02/22/1986 Award of Arms
09/21/1986 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Mariana Christina
*Maria Beatrice del Mare
Mariane de la Tour
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
09/20/1986 Award of Arms
06/08/2002 Companion of the
08/??/1996 Award of Arms
*Marianna Donofrey
*Maria of Oxenford
Marianne de Lachevrotière
04/19/1980 Award of Arms
Maria Elisabeta Gonzaga
09/22/2001 Companion of the
01/25/1997 Award of Arms
04/27/2003 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*Maria Erika von Ossenheim
02/10/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/25/1992 Award of Arms
06/27/1987 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
09/19/1998 Companion of the
*Maria de Miranda
07/11/1998 Award of Arms
11/02/1996 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Maria von Morgenrote
02/21/1987 Companion of the
12/12/1981 Award of Arms
03/16/1984 Companion of the
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
04/14/1984 Award of Arms
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
Marie d’Orleans
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
*Marie Jose de Champain
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
03/25/2000 Companion of
03/25/2000 Companion of the
Marie MacPherson
05/10/2008 Award of Arms
*Marieke van de Dal
04/08/2000 Duchess
10/10/1987 Countess
10/10/1987 Lady of the Rose
04/06/1991 Mistress of the
01/25/1992 Mistress of the
08/18/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/28/1989 Companion of the
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
10/15/1988 Queen's Order of
05/18/1991 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
07/11/1992 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
10/26/2002 Augmentation of
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
03/31/2000 Ordre du Pèlerin
(Havre des Glaces)
10/30/2004 Tyger of the East
Marielle de Chalon
06/14/2003 Award of Arms
Marietta Angelica de Felice
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
11/02/1996 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
11/04/1989 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Marietta Aurelia da Bari
11/07/1998 Award of Arms
07/10/2005 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Marietta da Firenze
10/08/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
*Mariette de Bretagne
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
*Mariette Cantrell
01/21/1989 Award of Arms
Marika of Carillion
11/17/2007 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Marika az Keves
01/16/1999 Award of Arms
Marina Francesca Giovanna de
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Marion DeLora
02/25/2006 Award of Arms
*Marion Howard
02/29/1992 Award of Arms
*Marion ferch Llewelyn
01/20/1996 Companion of
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
02/04/1995 Companion of
the Sable Bell (Carillion)
*Marion del Okes (was: Marion
of Oaken Glen)
07/18/2009 Mistress of the
02/21/2009 Grant of Arms
03/23/2002 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
01/12/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/21/2009 Court Baroness
06/06/1998 Award of Arms
06/06/1998 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/11/2004 Queen's Order of
09/26/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/01/2006 King's Cypher
(Darius III)
08/03/2008 Companion of the
Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
02/21/2009 Companion of the
Silver Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
*Marion of Preston
12/08/1990 Award of Arms
10/21/1989 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Marion of York
12/08/1990 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Queen's Order of
06/21/1996 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
10/31/1998 Companion of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
*Mariot de Berwic
09/02/2007 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Mariot Carllein
08/17/2005 Companion of the
02/10/1996 Award of Arms
Mariota Fitzgerald of Kildaire
04/26/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen)
Marisa Merewood
01/19/1991 Award of Arms
Mariska of Ruantallan
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
*Marius Lugotorix Delenitor
12/10/1988 Award of Arms
Marius Lycaeus Germanicus
06/19/2004 Award of Arms
*Marius Phillipus Barbarus
03/26/1977 Award of Arms
*Marius del Raut
03/13/1982 Award of Arms
03/??/1981 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Marjorie of Ruthiemurches
01/08/1977 Award of Arms
08/07/1976 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Mark of Concordia
05/24/2008 Award of Arms
05/24/2008 Companion of
*Mark Feuergeist
12/08/2007 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Marsha of Blackwood
07/02/2005 Award of Arms
11/25/2000 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Marta of Lindisfarne
07/01/2000 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 Queen's Cypher
(Luna III)
*Martha the Well-Loved
02/27/1982 Award of Arms
Martin l'Ange Lié
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
Martin of Bohemia
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
08/13/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
*Martin de Montriere sur Mer
Mark of Red Hand
*Martin Diaz
06/16/2007 Award of Arms
Mark Squirrelsbane
04/21/2001 Master of the
04/13/1996 Companion of the
11/07/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/02/2009 Court Baron
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
10/24/2009 Queen's Order of
01/30/2010 Kingdom
Augmentation of Arms
Mark Viere
08/08/2007 Award of Arms
04/10/2010 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
Marlena of Felding
11/15/2003 Award of Arms
Marlene Smithyswife
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
11/29/2008 Companion of the
Iceberg (Ruantallan)
*Marria Theresa LeCalm
07/19/1986 Award of Arms
Marrum Graham
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Marsaili inghean an Ghobhainn
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
*Marsaili inghean Lachtnáin
10/11/2003 Award of Arms
*Marsaili ingheann Loughhaidh
08/12/1978 Award of Arms
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
Martin Nutcrusher
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Martin Quicksilver
10/07/2000 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
11/15/2003 Companion of
the Manche
03/28/1998 Award of Arms
05/01/1999 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Martin van der Rowe
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
Martin der Wasserpeier
04/18/2009 Award of Arms
Martine de Picardy
08/29/1998 Award of Arms
Mártoni Szarvas Kató
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
Martyn de Halliwell
09/29/2007 Award of Arms
Mary, called Mouse
03/20/1999 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Mary Ann MacGregor
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
Mary Caitlin MacCleod
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
Mary Elizabeth Ryan
06/30/2007 Award of Arms
*Mary Theophania Hunn
01/15/2005 Baroness of
03/23/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/21/2008 Court Baroness
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
02/04/1995 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
03/29/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
*Mary of Montvale
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
Mary of the High Hills
07/17/1999 Award of Arms
*Mary Phillipa of Berwick
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
Mary Rua
12/14/2002 Award of Arms
Maryam Jules of the Dragon’s
05/26/1996 Award of Arms
Maryatilda of Beldings Border
04/16/1977 Award of Arms
Mata a' Bheithir
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
*Matatias filius Lie Blunde
01/25/2003 Award of Arms
Matfei Andreyevich
09/12/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Mathew Underell de Warewic
05/03/2003 Award of Arms
Mathgamain gun Kava
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
*Mathgamain O'Brien
12/30/1995 Knight
01/02/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
11/21/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/24/2000 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
12/30/1989 Award of Arms
03/11/2000 Queen's Order of
Mathias, formerly Erik Mathias
Eclipea-Blackhart D'Mer
09/26/1998 Grant of Arms
Mathias van der Meer
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
Mathias von Stauffenbach
11/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Mathilda von Lindenwald
10/19/1991 Award of Arms
*Mathilde Eschenbach
Mistress of the
Companion of the
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
*Matteo Alessandro Ulisse
08/??/1995 Award of Arms
*Matteo Pesci
Companion of
Award of Arms
Golden Tyger
Golden Lyre
Mathurin Kerbouchard see Ragi
Bjarnylr "Ragi warm bear"
Matilda of Carolingia
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
03/06/2010 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Matsuyamaji no Mokurai
01/08/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/14/1996 Award of Arms
07/23/2005 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere II)
09/25/2005 Grant of Arms
09/25/2005 Companion of
the White Scarf (AEthelmearc)
02/28/2009 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
08/17/1999 Companion of
the Golden Alce
07/10/2004 Companion of
the Keystone
*Matteo Sassetti
07/12/1986 Award of Arms
03/22/1986 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
Matthäus Plattnersohn (was:
Matt the Mail Maker)
04/21/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
02/14/2009 Master of the
07/15/2006 Companion of
the Manche
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Matthew Cameron de Buchanan
*Maucolum de Duueglas
Matthew of BBM
07/18/2009 Award of Arms
Matthew of Carillion
11/22/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Matthew of Concordia
05/24/2003 Award of Arms
Matthew Fitzgerald
12/21/1985 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Matthew Marshall
11/14/1998 Award of Arms
Matthew Moraveous Avdenmork
01/16/2010 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/02/2005 Award of Arms
03/24/2007 Queen's Order of
Matthew of Wiltshire
08/29/2009 Award of Arms
Matthias von Drachenfang
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
Matthias Greenway
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
Matthias Pogner Webel
07/22/2006 Award of Arms
Matthias Tiberius, the Weasel
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
Maud of Dawnfield
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
*Maureen ha-Ivriah
07/08/1972 Countess
Max Elgin Nacrobie
08/14/1996 Companion of
the Manche
01/08/1994 Award of Arms
05/29/1999 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Maximillian of Blak Rose
10/26/1991 Award of Arms
*Maximilian Delmonico
08/08/2007 Knight
07/26/2003 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
12/22/1996 Stag's Blood
09/21/1996 Award of Arms
Maximillian Abendroth
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
01/13/2007 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Maximillian von Halstern
04/28/2001 Grant of Arms
04/28/2001 Court Baron
01/21/1989 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/21/1989 Award of Arms
09/27/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane II)
Maxton Gunn
09/14/2002 Award of Arms
*Medb ingen Muiredaich
09/10/2005 Award of Arms
08/12/1992 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/27/1985 Award of Arms
Mederic de Lancroix
*Meghan MacIan of Loch Awe
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
*Medhbh o Armaigh
04/06/1982 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Medhbh inghean Cheallaigh
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
Meg Sergavich
05/26/2002 Award of Arms
Companion of the
*Megan Douglas
Companion of the
*Megan Kyle
Award of Arms
Golden Tyger
Mayomi Saito
06/02/1996 Award of Arms
McMurdo the Tinker
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
Meabh am Fitcheach Dubh
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
Meadhbh ni hAilin
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
*Meadhbh Cnoc na Rea
04/03/1993 Companion of the
11/02/1991 Award of Arms
09/18/1993 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/16/1994 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Meadhbh Eoghann
09/05/1998 Award of Arms
*Meadhbh ni Loingsigh
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
Meadhbh inghean
02/23/2008 Award of Arms
*Meadhbh Ó Suileabhain
07/13/1996 Award of Arms
Meaghan of Silver Rhylle
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
*Meaghann Avice Dulon
11/22/1986 Award of Arms
Meara of Havre des Glaces
02/09/2002 Award of Arms
01/20/2007 Companion of
Mebd na Lilidh
10/19/1985 Award of Arms
02/28/1987 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/03/1988 Companion of
the Manche
04/24/1982 Award of Arms
01/15/1983 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/11/1987 Queen's Cypher
*Meghan the Pitiful
12/30/1989 Award of Arms
06/15/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/05/1994 Award of Arms
§*Megitha of the Green
*Megan Laine
*Megwen ferch Rhys o Wynedd
08/19/1989 Mistress of the
08/17/1996 Mistress of the
10/03/1987 Founding Baroness
05/16/1987 Companion of the
01/25/1992 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/14/2003 Court Baroness
11/01/1986 Award of Arms
04/06/1991 Queen's Order of
02/10/1996 King’s Order of
06/14/2003 Augmentation of
09/01/2003 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Megan MacGowan
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
*Megan O'Donnelly
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
*Megan of Westfield
11/08/1986 Award of Arms
Meggie inghean Lachlainn, see
Marguerite ingen Lachlainn
*Meghan of Caer Graeme
09/22/1984 Award of Arms
Meghan Fitzgerald
03/03/1990 Companion of the
12/06/1981 Award of Arms
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
Mei the Faire
06/21/2008 Award of Arms
Meitheamh O'Failain
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
Melanie of Endewearde
01/25/1992 Award of Arms
*Melanie de la Tour
08/14/2002 Award of Arms
Melchior Kriebel
02/21/2009 Award of Arms
02/21/2009 Companion of
the Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
§*Melina Argente Chercheuse
06/05/1993 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/26/1985 Award of Arms
12/??/1989 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
Melina de la Berge
03/07/2009 Award of Arms
Melinda of Bristol
03/16/1996 Award of Arms
Melinda of the Weresheep
10/03/1992 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/17/1990 Award of Arms
09/28/1991 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
10/09/1993 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Meliora Cnox
09/29/2007 Grant of Arms
09/29/2007 Court Baroness
08/16/2004 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Order of
Meliora Coeur de Azure
06/16/1990 Award of Arms
*Melisande of the Gryphon
Wood ("Plunder")
11/22/2008 Companion of the
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
*Melisande of Hali
06/12/1976 Award of Arms
*Melisande de Palma
07/27/2002 Companion of the
08/12/2002 Court Baroness
10/27/1984 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
09/11/2004 King's Cypher
(Gaufred Kelson)
08/09/2007 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Meredith de Witte, see Caitriona
Bennett inghean Niall
Meredydd Brigid ferch Caradawc
09/17/1988 Award of Arms
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
01/13/2001 Companion of the
03/15/1986 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Merelaine Kaerlist
*Melisande de Tours
Merewyn MacQuarrie
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
Melisande de Turenne
02/05/2000 Award of Arms
*Melissa of Waldren
03/26/1994 Sigil of
Melissande d'Iona
12/08/2001 Award of Arms
08/15/2005 Companion of the
*Mellilah bint Yassar
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
Melodia Makepeace
10/18/2003 Award of Arms
*Melodia de Westbrok
07/22/2006 Award of Arms
Melodie de l'Ours Blanc
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Melwyn de Ferra
08/15/2003 Award of Arms
Menhard of Dragon Dormant
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
*Mercedes de Califia
07/26/2003 Mistress of the
08/12/2002 Grant of Arms
08/12/1998 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
01/27/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/20/1986 Award of Arms
*Merewyn del Grenewode
04/22/2006 Award of Arms
*Merewyn Harding
05/01/1988 Award of Arms
06/04/1994 Award of Arms
Mergriet van Wijenhorst (was: de
la Voye )
11/27/2004 Companion of the
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
09/27/2008 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Meriadoc Annoeth of the Towers
02/17/1990 Award of Arms
Merionfa y Gwynfydedig
07/16/1988 Award of Arms
*Merlynia of Rivenoak
09/20/1998 Mistress of the
03/18/1995 Baroness of
Settmour Swamp
03/10/1990 Grant of Arms
08/17/1985 Companion of the
03/10/1990 Court Baroness
04/04/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/03/1976 Award of Arms
03/18/1995 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
07/26/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/19/1977 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
03/26/1983 Companion of
the Silver Tower (Swamp)
07/26/1986 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Swamp)
Merlynna of the Bryn Mawr
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
Merrick McCracken
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
Merrick of Winterbourne
04/28/2007 Award of Arms
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane III)
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Alethea)
Meruit Kieransdottir of
Dragon's Aerie
01/05/2008 Companion of
the Sagittarius
06/04/2005 Award of Arms
Metal Smiths' Guild
04/14/2007 King's Cypher
(Lucan VII)
04/14/2007 Queen's Cypher
(Jana IV)
*Meuris of Antioch
08/??/1996 Award of Arms
Mevanou Arianrhod
12/11/2004 Award of Arms
Mhairi nic Coll
01/16/1999 Award of Arms
*Micaela Annunziata
01/24/1998 Award of Arms
Micaela of the Borough of
10/03/1998 Award of Arms
Micah of Brighton Manor
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
*Michael Acrensis
03/20/1999 Award of Arms
*Michael of the Amethyst
05/23/1992 Award of Arms
Michael of the Belt Pouch
01/05/1985 Award of Arms
*Michael Caithness
12/17/1983 Award of Arms
*Michael de Calais
07/06/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
06/12/1993 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
02/01/1997 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
Michael Cliffson
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
Michael of Devonshire
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
Michael Drachewut
01/14/2006 Companion of the
09/21/1996 Award of Arms
08/18/2005 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Michael Finn
09/30/1995 Award of Arms
Michael of House Bloodguard
10/03/2009 Award of Arms
*Michael McGoun
10/15/2005 Award of Arms
*Michael Mac Ian
03/05/1988 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Queen's Order of
Michael McQuayde
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
Michael of Riversbend
02/10/1996 Award of Arms
09/30/1995 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Michael Sevastos
09/17/1994 Award of Arms
Michael Stewart Graham
03/28/2009 Master of the
04/12/2003 Companion of the
Michael of Stonemarche
04/11/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Michael Wernsdorf
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
*Michael of Winterskeep
02/20/1982 Award of Arms
03/16/1984 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*Michael of York
01/18/1975 Knight
05/02/1992 Companion of the
02/17/1990 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
10/12/1991 Companion of the
Perseus (Carolingia)
Michaela of Clann O'Choda
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
*Michaela ní Duibhne Uí
09/13/1986 Award of Arms
10/22/1988 Meridian Cross
Michaela Hrelgarsdottir
12/11/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Michaela Rosana Mirandola
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
06/13/1987 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Michaelies Canus Bel Amnderon
12/13/1986 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Michal Almond de Champagne
07/21/2001 Mistress of the
10/15/2005 Mistress of the
10/05/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/12/1998 Companion of the
04/06/2002 Court Baroness
03/04/1995 Award of Arms
02/21/1998 Queen’s Order of
04/04/1998 Queen's Cypher
10/02/2004 King's Cypher
(Gaufred Kelson)
04/14/2007 Queen's Cypher
(Jana IV)
09/11/1993 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
10/05/1996 Queen’s Honor of
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
12/05/1998 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
*Michal of the Water
10/29/1988 Award of Arms
Michalene MacLain
09/01/2001 Baroness of
08/17/2005 Court Baroness
10/25/1997 Award of Arms
*Micheal Fledermus
04/03/1993 Companion of
the Manche
02/20/1993 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
*Micheal Mor O'Faolain
06/30/1990 Award of Arms
*Micheil, Younger of An Alltan
05/30/1981 Companions of
the Leaf of Merit (West)
09/13/1981 Award of Arms
01/24/1982 Companion,
Oerthan Order of Grace
12/27/1980 Companion
Estoile (West)
*Michel l'Espiegle
08/15/2001 Master of the
08/12/1992 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
12/16/2000 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/18/1988 Award of Arms
Michel de Flambard
09/19/1992 Award of Arms
Michel de la Rivoi du Bois
01/23/1982 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Michel Wolffauer
01/17/2009 Master of the
01/11/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/17/2005 Companion of
the Manche
11/10/2001 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
12/15/2007 Order of the
Horse (Bhakail)
Michele of Andoris
03/24/1979 Award of Arms
Michelle Ezzillini
04/28/1984 Award of Arms
Mickael Duquesne
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
Mickel von Salm, see *Anne
Meckil von Salm
*Migel Gneuyle de Normandie
10/24/1987 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/04/1980 Award of Arms
08/15/1987 Queen's Order of
10/04/1986 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
10/16/1993 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Mihangel Caer Myrddin
01/25/2003 Award of Arms
Mikael Cruickshank
04/23/1994 Award of Arms
*Mikael McCue (“Kael”)
07/27/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/24/2007 Companion of the
06/10/1995 Award of Arms
*Mikhail Gregorievich of Kiev
10/19/1985 Award of Arms
05/25/1986 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
*Mikhail Reubenovic
03/22/1997 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/21/1989 Award of Arms
Mikhaila Kerbouchard
06/14/1996 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Queen's Cypher
Mikkel the Builder
11/08/2003 Award of Arms
11/23/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Mikulaj von Meissen
10/03/2009 Award of Arms
Miles of Eisental
07/24/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Miles of Stanway
07/17/1999 Award of Arms
*Miles of Whitewood Hall
01/28/2006 Master of the
08/12/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/16/1996 Award of Arms
09/18/1999 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/16/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Tygers Cub
*Milesanda de Bourges
04/28/1984 Founding
Baroness Starkhafn (Caid)
06/01/1985 Court Baroness
09/04/1982 Award of Arms
06/14/2003 Award of Arms
Milesha Vodnikova
10/25/2003 Award of Arms
Millicent Heath
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
Duchess Mina, see Zinoviia
Mina Ain Al’Rahman of Dragon’s
03/22/1997 Award of Arms
*Mina de Lis
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
01/15/2005 Companion of the
Minna Gantz, wife of Warren
01/16/1999 Award of Arms
*Minna of Tintagel
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
Miquel d'Avinhon
11/07/2009 Award of Arms
Mira Foxrun
07/03/1999 Award of Arms
*Mirabel Belchere
(Marieke II)
Mistress of the
Companion of the
Award of Arms
Queen's Cypher
Queen's Honor of
01/07/1995 Award of Arms
Miranda Fitzgerald
12/21/1985 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Miranda Flamekeeper
05/04/1991 Award of Arms
05/04/1991 Companion of the
*Mirella Rieti
04/23/1988 Award of Arms
12/??/1988 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Miron d'Allaines-sur-Comte
01/06/2007 Companion of the
Miryha na Halla Lan
03/15/1986 Award of Arms
*Miscell of Lyonesse
Mistral de Tramecourt
10/01/1988 Award of Arms
*Mitchell MacBain
08/18/1995 Knight
03/28/2009 Master of the
01/13/1990 Grant of Arms
10/06/1990 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/09/1993 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
01/13/1990 Court Baron
07/26/1986 Award of Arms
01/05/1991 Queen's Order of
10/06/1990 Queen's Cypher
09/28/2002 King's Cypher
03/28/1987 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Swamp)
05/26/2002 Companion of
the Silver Tower (Swamp)
03/20/2004 Companion of
the Iron Tower (Swamp)
Mitchell mac Ian of Clan
Mitchell, see *Michael Mac Ian
Mitchell McClaw
04/13/1991 Award of Arms
Mithgiladun the Herald
09/17/1988 Award of Arms
02/??/1991 Companion of
the Sable Bell (Carillion)
Mithis Volseug
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
Mithradates Tarius Britannicus
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
Mitsuin Neko-ashi
01/28/2006 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Mjothvitnir the Large
11/28/1981 Award of Arms
*Moira Fennor of Argyll
01/31/2009 Mistress of the
07/20/2002 Companion of the
11/16/1996 Court Baroness
12/03/1994 Companion of the
Pearl (Atlantia)
03/11/1989 Companion of the
Sable Thistle (Ansteorra)
03/11/1989 Award of Arms
*Moira Hawthorne
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
*Moira MacDonald of
02/27/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
*Moire nic Greagair
03/29/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
03/16/2002 Companion of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
Molly [of Settmour Swamp]
04/03/2004 Award of Arms
Molly Blythe
06/20/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
*Molly inghean ui Raighallaigh
07/24/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/06/1998 Award of Arms
12/08/2007 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/17/2007 Companion of the
Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
05/30/2008 Companion of the
Sable Compass (Iron Bog)
Molly Schofield
04/11/2009 Grant of Arms
04/11/2009 Court Baroness
10/03/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
Mongo Chinua
09/09/2006 Award of Arms
07/19/2008 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Montague Harcourt de Pomeroy
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
Moose Guard
09/07/1996 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Mor ni Dhonnchaidh
06/24/1989 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/12/1987 Award of Arms
Mor of House Ostrov
11/22/2008 Award of Arms
Morag ni Folidas
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
*Morag MacPharlain
01/04/1986 Grant of Arms
04/11/1987 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
*Mord Hrutson the Green
04/03/1993 Knight
01/14/2006 Master of the
11/12/1988 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/27/1996 Companion of the
07/18/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/25/1998 Court Baron
06/01/1985 Award of Arms
03/21/1992 Queen's Order of
01/02/1993 Companion of the
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
Mordecai Drummond
06/03/2000 Award of Arms
Mordecai of Ty Llanberis
05/??/1980 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Mordred Celt
03/15/1980 Award of Arms
Mordred McCarthy
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
*Mordred Mjothvitner
08/19/1989 Knight
01/09/1982 Companion of the
10/08/1983 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/05/1988 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
06/14/1980 Award of Arms
10/??/1982 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Mordred Watson, see *Arthur
Moresca of An Dubhaigeainn
07/22/2006 Award of Arms
Moreta att Birchwode
07/06/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/02/1995 Award of Arms
Morg of Northumbria
01/10/1998 Award of Arms
Morgaine de Beaumont
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Morgaine ferch Cadwr
02/21/1998 Mistress of the
12/10/1994 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
10/05/1996 Companion of
the Manche
07/06/1991 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 King’s Cypher
05/02/1993 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
02/25/1995 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
06/17/1995 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
*Morgaine á Bheithir
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
06/06/1998 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
03/23/2002 Companion of
10/23/1988 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/18/2000 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
05/25/2008 Companion of
the Silver Tower (Settmour
*Morgaine Lynn
07/27/1996 Award of Arms
Morgaine of Skye
11/25/2000 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Morgan Arianblaidd, see Ailis
inghean Muirgen
*Morgan Charbonneau
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
Morgan de l'Ile du Dragon
10/14/2006 Award of Arms
*Morgan Deorcwulf
09/07/1991 Award of Arms
Morgan of Elladan
01/15/1983 Award of Arms
*Morgan Faraday
07/16/2005 Award of Arms
*Morgan FitzGerald
02/06/1988 Companion of the
04/27/1985 Award of Arms
Morgan Four Farthing
09/07/1991 Award of Arms
Morgan Gil Liunmir
08/16/1989 Award of Arms
Morgan Hawkwind
11/25/2000 Award of Arms
*Morgan MacDougal
05/27/1995 Award of Arms
Morgan MacGowan, see Al-Faris
Mohammad Sevim Oglu Gowan
*Morgan MacLean
01/10/1981 Award of Arms
*Morgan MacLeod
04/11/1987 Mistress of the
10/08/1983 Grant of Arms
08/17/1984 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/08/1983 Court Baroness
04/24/1982 Award of Arms
01/15/1983 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Morgan of Malagentia
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
Morgan O'Laithlann
02/14/1998 Award of Arms
Morgan Pferdzuchter, called
01/10/1981 Companion of the
*Morgan ap Rhys ap Bran
03/09/2002 Master of the
09/11/1999 Grant of Arms
09/11/1999 Court Baron
08/18/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
04/03/2004 Queen's Order of
09/30/2000 Queen's Cypher
(Luna III)
09/29/2001 King's Cypher
(Hanse III)
09/27/2003 Queen's Cypher
(Roxane II)
04/??/2002 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Morgan of Surrey
05/09/1987 Award of Arms
*Morgan de Villarquamada, see
*Adhemar de Villarquemada
*Morgana Devereux
10/01/1994 Queen’s Cypher
08/??/1990 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
*Morgiane de Provence
04/19/1980 Mistress of the
07/10/1976 Founding
Baroness Bridge
01/10/1976 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/20/1974 Award of Arms
10/06/1979 Companion of
the Troubadour
07/27/1981 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
Morgoth the Suicidal
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
12/28/1991 Companion of the
05/27/1989 Award of Arms
09/28/1996 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Mori Nagahide
Morgana Eressea
04/10/1982 Baroness of
Beyond the Mountain (retired)
09/15/1973 Award of Arms
Moriah of Kildare
Morgana Filla Draconia
01/23/1999 Award of Arms
Morgana the Missing
01/03/2004 Award of Arms
Morgana O’Seanasaigh
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
Morganna de Londres of Griffin
07/27/1996 Award of Arms
*Morgen Duvall
10/05/1996 Countess
11/02/1991 Mistress of the
10/05/1996 Lady of the Rose
01/05/1991 Grant of Arms
01/07/1984 Companion of the
09/22/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/05/1991 Court Baroness
03/27/1982 Award of Arms
04/03/1993 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/24/1994 Queen’s Order of
08/14/2002 Award of Arms
*Moriagh Teige
09/28/1985 Award of Arms
04/17/1982 Award of Arms
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
Morrigan DeWinter see
*Cassandra la Sable
Morty of Malagentia
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
07/11/2009 Companion of
the Silver Rapier
Moruadh of An Tir Caillte
the Manche
Lady of the Rose
Companion of
Award of Arms
*Morwenna Durward
10/23/1981 Award of Arms
04/11/1987 Companion of
the Troubadour
01/??/1986 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Morwenna Westerne
02/08/2003 Mistress of the
09/12/1998 Companion of
the Manche
12/10/1994 Award of Arms
01/05/2002 King's Order of
12/19/1998 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
05/02/2004 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*Morwydd Fyngwen
11/12/1983 Founding
Baroness Concordia of the
Snows (retired)
01/26/2002 Court Baron
05/21/1988 Award of Arms
02/17/2007 Silver Feather (An
§Murad al-ben Muhammed ibn
Muirdoch McNeil of House
*Muriel de Chimay
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
Muireadhach of Mucky Heath
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
Mullen McHaley
11/30/2002 Golden Lyre
*Morwyn Edain
*Muiredach O’Siadhail
06/25/1988 Award of Arms
12/14/2002 Queen's Order of
Morwyn ferch Gruffyd, see
*Aleksei Dmitriev
*Morwynna Cryw
04/09/1994 Mistress of the
04/04/1992 Companion of the
09/18/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/03/2001 Court Baroness
01/13/1990 Award of Arms
08/12/1992 Companion of the
??/??/1995 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
04/21/2001 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella)
§*Moses ben Eldad
11/01/1975 Award of Arms
09/10/1983 Companion of the
08/03/1981 Companion of the
Pillar (Bridge)
*Moshe Pantera del Fuego Negro
03/06/1982 Award of Arms
*Motogoshi Sumiko
12/19/1981 Award of Arms
Muchad Coleman
04/12/1997 Award of Arms
Muighean Hewitt
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
Companion of the
Award of Arms
Queen’s Order of
King’s Cypher
Muirenn Echluath ingen airt
05/30/1999 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Anna II)
Muirghen Mawr
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
Muirghiall Macleod
11/08/1997 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Queen's Cypher
Muirne ni Cormaic
01/08/2005 Mistress of the
06/03/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/01/2001 Companion of the
02/05/2000 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
06/13/1971 Count
07/26/1970 Knight
07/26/2003 Mistress of the
01/27/2001 Companion of
the Manche
09/05/1998 Award of Arms
Murin ni Clerigh
05/28/2006 Award of Arms
Murron McHaley
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
07/20/2002 Golden Lyre
03/22/2003 Golden Lyre
10/26/2002 Ordre de Mai
(Havre des Glaces)
Murshida bint Safia al Andalusi
05/24/2003 Mistress of the
02/03/2001 Companion of
the Manche
11/07/1998 Award of Arms
01/03/2004 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
03/07/1998 Companion of
the Fountain (Bergental)
*Murtagh MacKenzie
02/10/1996 Award of Arms
Musano Miamusu
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
*Mustapha al-Muhaddith ibn
10/15/1988 Award of Arms
??/??/1993 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Mutsura Ishikago no Ishido
03/27/1999 Award of Arms
(An Tir)
10/30/2004 Knight
04/08/2000 Court Baron
03/22/2003 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
01/15/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Mulle y Gwerrunadd
*Mwynwen in le Willewys
Muirrin Camshronach an
07/26/1980 Award of Arms
*Muirdeach of Carrigart
Munemasa Kosempu
01/05/1991 Knight
11/09/1991 Baron of An
01/13/1990 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/13/1990 Award of Arms
03/12/1994 King's Order of
Munenaga Soiichiro, see
*Baltasar Mondragon
06/08/2002 Award of Arms
Mychel Hebenstreit
09/23/2006 Award of Arms
*Mylisant Grey
01/08/2005 Grant of Arms
05/28/2006 Companion of
the Manche
01/08/2005 Court Baroness
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
04/02/2005 King's Cypher
Myndroh Hibernius
02/08/2003 Award of Arms
*Myrddin o'r Afon
01/23/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/23/1989 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 Queen’s Order of
09/27/1997 King’s Cypher
*Myrddin ap Elspeth
11/08/1986 Award of Arms
Myree by the River
04/08/1995 Award of Arms
09/30/1995 Queen’s Cypher
Myrielle of Canterbury
07/11/1998 Baroness Beyond
the Mountain
05/18/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/03/2006 Court Baroness
05/28/1994 Award of Arms
06/19/1993 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
12/07/1996 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
*Nan Neillillian of Skara Brae
10/05/1985 Award of Arms
*Nancy of Woodstock
10/01/1994 Award of Arms
Nanosh Curraco
10/30/1999 Award of Arms
*Naomi bat Avraham
06/28/2008 Award of Arms
Naomi of Dartmouth, see *Eva
Nasija Sofija
07/28/2001 Award of Arms
05/06/2006 Award of Arms
Myrok of the Open Hand, of the
Great Dark Horde
*Nasim al-Rashid ibn Khalil alKhatteb al-Medinawayyi
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
09/19/1992 Award of Arms
10/03/1992 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Myron Duxippus Draco
05/07/1988 Award of Arms
05/07/1988 Queen's Order of
Myrrdin bok Amwin
09/07/1991 Award of Arms
Myrwyn of Dragon Dormant
01/13/1996 Award of Arms
Mytoy Jester of House
08/17/2005 Award of Arms
*Nachum Avram ben Benjamin
ben Meir
08/21/1976 Award of Arms
Nadezhda Voronova, see
Symonne de Villeneuve
Nahla, called Trixie
05/26/2002 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
08/??/2004 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Naima of Havre des Glaces
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
*Nakamura Yuki
04/21/2001 Mistress of the
*Nastassiia Ivanova Medvedeva
07/15/2006 Companion of the
01/31/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/15/1999 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 King's Cypher
(Brion II)
09/29/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Aikaterine)
Natalia Nikolaeva
07/18/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Natalia Sevestiiana Patrova
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
*Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova
Sviatoslavina vnuchka
07/06/2002 Mistress of the
09/07/1996 Grant of Arms
07/04/1998 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
01/23/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/05/2008 Companion of the
09/07/1996 Court Baroness
12/09/1995 Award of Arms
09/27/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
09/29/2007 Valiant Tyger
12/09/1995 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
12/05/1998 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
06/08/2002 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
03/24/2001 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella)
03/24/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Natasha Ekaterina Bierlovna
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
Natavia de Cadenet (was:
Natavia Basia Rostropokova)
11/22/2008 Grant of Arms
11/22/2008 Court Baroness
02/25/2006 Award of Arms
Nathan of Bhakail
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
12/15/2007 Order of the
Horse (Bhakail)
Nathaniel Wyatt
10/25/2008 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
08/07/2008 Companion of
the Silver Rapier
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella II)
Neckthin McGiver
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
*Nest verch Tangwistel
01/16/2010 Mistress of the
08/16/2004 Companion of
the Sagittarius
04/30/2006 Companion of
the Manche
01/05/2008 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
04/22/2006 Order of the
Quadrant (Smoking Rocks)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Nesta ferch Meriadoc Hartley
12/10/1994 Award of Arms
Ng Jung Mihn
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
Nia Catrin nic Teamhain
08/19/1993 Grant of Arms
08/19/1993 Court Baroness
07/29/1995 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/22/1991 Award of Arms
10/05/1991 Queen's Order of
Niadh O’Flint
10/22/1994 Award of Arms
Niall Dirkmyer
02/24/1979 Award of Arms
Niccolo Drogo
07/27/1991 Award of Arms
Niccolo Giovanni
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
*Niccolo Mancini
04/25/1998 Award of Arms
Niccolo de Verona
10/29/1988 Award of Arms
*Nicetas Lecapenus of Antioch
02/26/2000 Court Baron
03/10/1990 Companion of the
04/04/1992 Companion of the
02/04/1995 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/17/1988 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Nicholas Bleumert
04/20/1974 Award of Arms
Nicholas the Gifted
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
*Nicholas de Harrington
11/03/2007 Award of Arms
Nicholas of Losthaven
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
*Nicholas Merrick
04/13/1996 Award of Arms
Nicholas le Noir
04/21/2007 Award of Arms
*Nicholas of the North
04/01/2006 Grant of Arms
08/18/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/01/2006 Court Baron
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
01/11/2003 Queen's Order of
01/28/2006 Companion of the
Nicholas Poissonier
11/14/2009 Companion of
04/21/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Nichole of Concordia
05/30/1999 Companion of the
Snow Hare (Concordia)
Nick of Nordenhal
09/24/2005 Award of Arms
*Niccolo di Palermo
08/17/1995 Award of Arms
*Nicola Angelini
02/28/2009 Grant of Arms
07/16/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/28/2009 Court Baroness
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
05/23/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
01/22/2005 Queen's Order of
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
08/07/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen)
Nicolaa le Petit Lutin
04/12/2008 Award of Arms
Nicolas de Olivares
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Nicolette Bonhomme
06/24/1995 Mistress of the
04/27/1991 Companion of the
12/09/1989 Award of Arms
12/10/1994 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
06/17/1995 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Nicolette Marguerite la Gentille
07/30/1988 Award of Arms
Nicolette Nacrobie
01/08/1994 Award of Arms
*Nicolette von Zweiberge
07/19/1997 Award of Arms
*Nige of the Cleftlands
06/06/1981 Viscountess
10/05/1985 Mistress of the
10/24/1982 Companion of
the Lindquistrings
02/19/1977 Award of Arms
10/14/1981 Companion of
08/20/1982 Lady of the
Nigel of Castle West
02/21/2009 Barone of Iron
02/21/2009 Grant of Arms
03/24/2001 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
08/16/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
06/06/1998 Award of Arms
09/27/2003 Queen's Cypher
(Roxane II)
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane III)
08/13/2006 Companion of
the Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
08/04/2007 Companion of
the Silver Cattail (Iron Bog)
*Nigell Tarragon
09/30/2006 Award of Arms
Nightingale of Stonemarche
01/06/1990 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Niklaus Sichling von Nurnberg
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
Nikolai Vladimirov
02/02/2002 Master of the
07/18/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/16/1996 Award of Arms
04/08/2000 Queen's Order of
09/16/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Nikolaia Iosifovna de
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
05/30/1988 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Swamp)
*Nils Rixon
04/24/1976 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/12/1980 Award of Arms
N'Kante of Serpentius
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
03/29/2008 Golden Lyre
07/11/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
12/29/1990 Award of Arms
*Noel Lenginnur
Nina van Galen
Nokolai of Nordenhal
10/10/1987 Award of Arms
Nineve du Marais
03/07/1992 Award of Arms
Niniae of Witch’s Oak
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
*Ninian Ende
11/11/1995 Fleur de Soleil
01/16/1993 Esprit de Soleil
(Princip. of the Sun, Atenveldt)
01/18/1992 Palm of Barony
Atenveldt (Atenveldt)
10/28/1995 Honor of
SunDragon (Barony of Sun
Dragon, Aten.)
04/22/1995 Dragon's Scale
(Barony of Sun Dragon, Aten.)
11/11/1995 Rainbows Gold
(Barony of Sun Dragon, Aten.)
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
11/05/1999 Queen's Cypher
09/23/2006 Companion of the
Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
11/09/2002 Golden Lyre
Ninion Verminsson Veassllurd
01/15/1994 Award of Arms
Nisaa Karahisari
09/18/1999 Award of Arms
Nissim aven Darmon
06/28/2008 Baron of Bhakail
06/28/2008 Grant of Arms
Nissim the Wanderer
03/27/1999 Award of Arms
Nivashi the Gypsy
04/17/1982 Award of Arms
*Njall of Fur
06/03/2000 Award of Arms
*Njall Randvesson
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
05/26/2007 Order of Gawain
*Njorbjorn Jorgesson
09/05/1998 Award of Arms
06/03/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Nomar Firekeeper
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
*Nona ferch Morgan ap Iefan
01/23/1999 Award of Arms
*Norric Warnock
03/05/1988 Award of Arms
03/28/1987 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Swamp)
*Novia the Widow
12/10/1994 Award of Arms
Nujala Woodsrover
03/06/1982 Award of Arms
Nuneh Irazan
07/04/2009 Award of Arms
Nyfain merch Coel
04/11/2009 Award of Arms
Nyla of Woodlyn
03/26/1983 Award of Arms
*Nyven Fiak
10/25/1997 Award of Arms
06/14/2003 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
§*Octa Bluetooth
12/05/1987 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/13/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
10/10/1987 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
07/03/1988 Queen's Order of
04/04/1992 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Octavia Rosa di Bari see
*Thorkatla Herjolfsdottir
Odbald Leofa
01/06/2007 Companion of the
12/11/2004 Award of Arms
Odette Taglioni
10/03/1998 Award of Arms
Oenghus Mac Eoghanan
11/27/1999 Award of Arms
*Ogedei Becinjab
10/25/2008 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
07/03/1999 Award of Arms
09/27/2008 Companion of
the Silver Rapier
Oglesby Armstrong Smythe
04/04/1992 Companion of
the Manche
06/13/1987 Award of Arms
*Ohashi Katsutoshi (now
Iheronimus Brückner)
10/05/1996 Master of the
09/12/1998 Master of the
08/17/1994 Companion of
the Manche
07/11/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/05/2002 Companion of
the Sagittarius
09/29/2001 Court Baron
05/02/1992 Award of Arms
11/02/1996 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
01/25/1997 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
06/27/1999 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
*Oksana Goncharova
02/01/2003 Companion of
the Manche
11/23/1996 Award of Arms
04/01/2006 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
03/12/2005 Golden Tyger
Olaf Guettletenge
12/05/1992 Award of Arms
Olaf Haraldson inn orvi (was
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
*Olaf of Trollheimfjord
the Manche
Court Baron
Companion of
Award of Arms
Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
09/27/1992 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Oleg von Drachenklaue
10/01/1994 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
Oleysa of Settmour Swamp
05/29/2005 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Ol'ga Kaf'skaia
04/13/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
02/10/2001 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
09/28/2002 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
12/09/2000 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
12/06/2003 Master of Horse
Olivia de la Paz
03/08/1997 Award of Arms
Olivia Rose de Borough
01/17/2009 Award of Arms
05/24/2009 Friend of
*Olrik van Lubbeke
06/15/2002 Award of Arms
??/??/???? Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
02/06/1982 Award of Arms
07/27/1996 Award of Arms
Olwen merch Siegfried of Ty
05/??/1980 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Olwynn ni Chinnéidigh
07/23/2005 Mistress of the
09/24/2005 Mistress of the
11/03/2001 Companion of the
09/13/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Omelan the Left
01/06/2007 Companion of the
07/04/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
*Oralea Giddian
03/26/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/23/1983 Award of Arms
01/04/1986 Companion of
03/31/1984 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Oren Y Maen
09/23/2006 Award of Arms
*Oriana of Basingstoke
06/20/1987 Award of Arms
06/20/1987 Companion of the
Dragons Tear
Oriana Chorlton
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
*Oriana Greycloak
11/04/1989 Award of Arms
05/12/1990 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/??/1990 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Swamp)
Orianna of Grey Fog
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Orien Wenderson see Toriijima
Tsuru Tohaku
Origon Tvan de Dannon
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
04/05/1986 Companion of the
*Orlando dei Medici
11/15/2003 Companion of the
11/07/1998 Award of Arms
07/14/2007 Companion of
11/16/2002 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
03/15/2003 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Orlando Sforza
03/28/1998 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
03/27/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/01/1997 Award of Arms
*Ormgeirr Ormarrsson
12/11/2004 Award of Arms
Orrin the Scop
06/14/2008 Award of Arms
Orvarg Elkenskelg
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
08/18/2005 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Settmour
Orzel of Dragonship Haven
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
Oscad de Segovia
08/16/2002 Order of the
Gold Mace (Middle)
08/16/2002 Grant of Arms
04/18/1992 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
04/13/2002 Award of the
Doe's Grace (Middle)
06/14/1997 Order of the Red
Company (Middle)
08/14/1997 Order of the
Dragon's Tooth (Middle)
03/19/2004 Order of the
Dragon's Tooth (Middle)
05/30/1987 Award of Arms
04/15/2000 Award of the
Sapphire (Middle)
05/15/2004 Order of the
Royal Vanguard (Middle)
03/27/2010 King's Esteem of
Osgrim Schrokeisen
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
Oskar der Drachen auf
05/24/2003 Award of Arms
*Oskar of the Wood
01/08/2005 Knight
04/20/2002 Grant of Arms
10/12/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
08/17/2004 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/20/2002 Court Baron
07/09/1988 Award of Arms
08/13/2003 Valiant Tyger
09/30/2000 King's Cypher
(Balfar III)
09/27/2003 King's Cypher
(Darius II)
04/03/2004 Queen's Cypher
(Luna IV)
03/22/1986 Principality
Company of Sojourners
02/??/2000 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Osmond de Berwic
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
06/10/2007 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Osnah Rachel bat Eleazar haLevi
04/08/1995 Award of Arms
08/16/1989 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Osric Byrnwiga
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
*Osric the Confused
12/03/1983 Award of Arms
*Osric Stanislaus Ivyarovich of
Pripyat and Zhjest
03/27/1976 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Oswald von dem Grünwald
10/05/1996 Master of the
01/13/1990 Grant of Arms
08/18/1988 Companion of the
01/21/1989 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/12/1990 Companion of the
01/13/1990 Court Baron
03/22/1986 Award of Arms
10/15/1988 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/01/1995 Queen’s Cypher
Oswyn aet Maeldun
03/25/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Otgon the Bemused
03/27/1999 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Othon Hohenstauffen von Salza
07/01/2000 Award of Arms
Otto Goldkopf
12/05/1998 Award of Arms
Otto Mueller
11/18/2000 Award of Arms
*Otto the Obscure
10/01/1994 Knight (Outlands)
??/??/???? Baron of Black
Diamond (Atlantia)
09/10/1988 Grant of Arms
08/20/1988 Companion of the
Golden Dolphin (Atlantia)
10/18/1986 Companion of the
Sea Stag (Atlantia)
05/03/1997 Argent Hart
11/09/1996 Stag's Heart
09/10/1988 Court Baron
10/20/1984 Award of Arms
12/31/1985 Sable Blade
05/01/1988 Shark's Tooth
12/31/1986 Fettered Crane
(Black Diamond, Atlantia)
01/01/1989 Silver Chalice
(Black Diamond, Atlantia)
*Otto von Mergenthal
06/13/1992 Award of Arms
Otto von Schubertus von Koln
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
03/25/2000 Companion of the
Otto von Schwartzwolfe, called
11/06/2004 Award of Arms
Otto Ulm
04/21/2001 Grant of Arms
08/17/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
02/24/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/21/2001 Court Baron
12/16/2000 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
*Ousa Stefan Llan Llyr
06/20/1987 Award of Arms
Owain y Gwier
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
Owaine of the Idle Woods
04/24/1976 Award of Arms
Owen ap Dafydd o Llyn
01/16/2010 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Owen de Hudelesdun
08/02/2009 Companion of
the Sagittarius
08/15/2005 Award of Arms
*Owen ap Robert “the Blind”
07/29/1995 Companion of
the Manche
10/26/1985 Award of Arms
*Owen the Mad
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
Owyn Clarwynn
03/06/2010 Award of Arms
Owyn y Crwydryn
05/12/1984 Award of Arms
10/26/1985 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
*Owyn Greenwood
02/27/2010 Grant of Arms
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
06/06/2009 Companion of
the Silver Rapier
06/06/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
09/21/2008 Queen's Cypher
04/10/2010 Queen's Cypher
(Brenwen II)
08/18/2004 Award of Arms
Pacita of the Caravanserai
08/06/2009 Award of Arms
08/06/2009 Companion of
*Padair Mac Gille Ruaidh
11/04/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
Padraig ne Kilkenny
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
Padraig MacHail
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Alethea)
*Pádraig Ó Gealagáin
09/12/2009 Grant of Arms
10/09/2004 Companion of
the Sagittarius
08/07/2008 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/12/2009 Court Baron
*Padraig Ó Riain
09/26/1987 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Queen's Cypher
*Padraig Dubh MacEanruig
03/02/1996 Master at Arms
01/06/2007 Master of the
10/03/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
06/21/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/23/1991 Award of Arms
09/13/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/02/1991 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
Padric Kilirn O'Ryan
06/15/1991 Award of Arms
*Padruig Wulfstan
06/06/1987 Award of Arms
*Pagan Graeme
08/18/2004 Mistress of the
07/11/1998 Companion of the
09/30/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
06/03/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/11/2009 Queen's Cypher
*Pagan Mahon
01/21/1984 Baron Carillion
04/20/1985 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/09/1982 Award of Arms
01/05/1991 Companion of the
03/24/2007 Court Baroness
03/14/1987 Award of Arms
07/24/2004 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/07/1990 Queen's Cypher
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/24/2007 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Pål Abjörnsson Lo
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
*Palotzi Marta
08/08/2007 Companion of the
05/28/2005 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Pamelina of Avon
10/03/1998 Companion of the
08/16/1994 Award of Arms
01/25/1997 Companion of the
Pandaulf of Fenmere
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
07/14/2001 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
12/01/2007 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Pandora of Settmour Swamp
03/24/2007 Award of Arms
*Pascal Foljambe
06/12/1993 Award of Arms
*Pascual de la Mar
09/30/2006 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Anna II)
08/17/2005 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
03/05/2005 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Paigan Crawford
*Passchyer Bisscop, called Pasha
Pai Wei Lung
08/18/1999 Award of Arms
Paidric Dana
03/23/2002 Baroness of
Settmour Swamp
10/06/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/22/2008 Award of Arms
§*Patri du Chat Gris
05/05/1972 Knight
08/10/1975 Master of the
04/11/1992 Master of the
03/11/1978 Baron of
10/14/1978 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/12/1992 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
01/05/1974 Court Baron
10/06/1979 Companion of
03/02/1996 Queen’s Order of
03/11/1978 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
03/11/1978 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
03/14/1992 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Patric de Grey
01/03/1998 Knight
07/16/1994 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
12/05/1992 Award of Arms
*Patric de la Rose
02/24/2001 Grant of Arms
11/12/1994 Award of Arms
Patricia of Bergental
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
Patricia Rose
06/08/1991 Award of Arms
05/22/1993 Companion of
the Troubadour
Patricia Roxborough
11/26/1994 Award of Arms
04/26/2008 Companion of
Patricia of the Tangled Wilds
01/11/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/18/1999 Award of Arms
09/11/2004 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Patricio de Cordoba
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
Patrick of BBM
04/21/2001 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Patrick of Bergental
02/22/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
05/01/2005 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Patrick Dennis O'Garrity
Pellandres dit le Frère see *Paul
André Jacques
*Penelope Bowmaker
05/11/1985 Award of Arms
*Patrick McConville
08/14/2002 Grant of Arms
04/21/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
04/21/2001 Queen's Cypher
04/12/2003 Queen's Cypher
(Isabella II)
*Patrick Ravensclaw
03/12/1988 Award of Arms
Patrick of Silver Rhylle
10/11/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Patricus Peter mons Montis
06/03/2006 Award of Arms
*Paul André Jacques
03/05/2005 Baron of L'Ile du
Dragon Dormant
03/05/2005 Grant of Arms
07/17/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
05/08/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
03/22/2003 Queen's Order of
Paul Ash
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
05/29/2005 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Paul the Pleasant
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
Paul Spearman
11/19/2005 Award of Arms
11/11/1995 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Pavel Kolodziej
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
Payne Sutherland
04/25/1992 Award of Arms
Peaches of Rusted Woodlands
07/21/2007 Companion of
Pedro Gonzalez
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
Pelgrin de Mann
11/15/2003 Award of Arms
08/14/1991 Award of Arms
Penelope de Plympton
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
*Penelopee of the Quill
09/19/1992 Companion of the
11/26/1994 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
11/27/1993 Companion of
06/27/1992 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
Penndale of Isle du Dragon
08/19/1993 Award of Arms
Pennsic 23 Unbelted Champions
08/18/1994 Award of the
Dragon's Teeth (Middle)
Pennsic 27 Unbelted Champions
10/03/1998 Blue Tyger Legion
Pennsic 35 Unbelted Champions
09/30/2006 Blue Tyger Legion
Pennsic 36 Rapier Champions
09/29/2007 Blue Tyger Legion
Peppin a'Bhethir
03/10/2001 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Percival Gower
03/22/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
*Percival de Courcie
01/31/1987 Award of Arms
Perdita of Brook-Lyn
09/26/1971 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
*Peregrine de Caerleon
01/29/1994 Award of Arms
*Peregrine the Illuminator
08/16/2006 Master of the
09/29/2001 Grant of Arms
09/29/2001 Order of the
Evergreen (Middle)
07/13/1996 Order of the
Willow (Middle)
12/11/2004 Companion of
the Manche
09/14/1991 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
03/06/1993 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
03/24/1990 Award of Arms
11/09/1996 Order of the
Northshield Cross
11/10/2001 Order of the
Aegis (Northshield)
02/11/1989 Order of the
Baronial Broom(Nordskogen,
11/04/1989 Order of the
Heavy Cross (Nordskogen,
07/04/1993 Award of the
Heliotrope (Nordskogen,
04/23/1994 Award of the
Baton Gules (Nordskogen,
04/23/1994 Order of the
Rouge Bend (Nordskogen,
11/16/1996 Award of the
Baton Gules (Nordskogen,
04/18/1998 Award of the
Baton Gules (Nordskogen,
12/16/2006 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
*Peregrynne Wyndrider
11/17/1979 Companion of
the Manche
07/05/1980 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/01/1978 Award of Arms
01/05/1980 Companion of
the Troubadour
04/28/1990 Award of Arms
*Peridot of the Quaking Hand
04/01/1978 Mistress of the
10/11/1975 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
??/??/?? Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
Perizad ya bint al Hawa
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Petr Petrovich Chekrygin
08/??/1995 Award of Arms
Petra of House O'Niall
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
Petra of Winding Waters
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
01/27/2001 Companion of
Petriric von Trier
Perley of Malagentia
Petronia the Romani
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
07/20/1991 Award of Arms
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
12/14/1996 Companion of
04/03/2004 Queen's Order of
07/18/1992 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
*Philip de Bouillion
05/06/2000 Award of Arms
Philip Capenaros
08/18/1999 Award of Arms
Philip the Firstborn
04/12/2003 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Perote Campbell
Petru Cel Paros Voda
03/27/2010 Award of Arms
07/28/2001 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
05/13/1989 Award of Arms
10/23/1988 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Swamp)
01/20/2007 Companion of the
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
03/05/2005 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
06/07/2003 Ordre du Pèlerin
(Havre des Glaces)
Petenera Perera
§*Petrus filius Silvein
*Philippa Grey
02/22/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
12/11/1993 Award of Arms
Philippa Ferraria
Persephone de la Mer
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
*Peter Bog
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Queen's Order of
01/28/2006 Valiant Tyger
02/17/2007 Silver Feather (An
*Phelan ab Emrys
*Philip of Stryer
11/28/1981 Award of Arms
Philip of the Furrowed Fields
02/14/1998 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Order of
Philip of York
09/05/2009 Award of Arms
10/30/1993 Award of Arms
11/10/2007 Companion of
the Manche
01/16/1988 Companion of the
Willow (Middle)
02/26/1983 Award of Arms
05/04/1991 Companion of
*Philippe Attaignant
11/22/2003 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Queen's Order of
Phelan MacBrennan
Philippe le Grand
*Peter the Red
10/22/1988 Companion of
09/19/1987 Award of Arms
*Peter of Hawkwood
11/07/2009 Grant of Arms
01/05/1991 Companion of
09/22/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/17/1990 Award of Arms
02/16/1991 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
03/02/1996 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*Peter Wesminster du Feu
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
*Petr Aleksivich of Novgorod
08/15/1998 Companion of the
03/13/1982 Award of Arms
03/27/1976 Companion of the
09/28/1996 Award of Arms
*Phelan MacDermott
Phelippe du Marais
03/23/2002 Award of Arms
Pherrous Meytals
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
04/05/1986 Companion of the
*Phiala O’Ceallaigh
05/14/1994 Award of Arms
*Philadelphia Brown
02/24/2007 Grant of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/24/2007 Court Baroness
04/23/1988 Award of Arms
01/28/1989 Award of Arms
04/06/1991 Companion of
the Guardsman
Philippe de Cherbourg
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
02/09/2002 Award of Arms
*Phillip Reed, called the
08/08/2007 Master of the
01/14/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/17/2009 Companion of
the Sagittarius
06/03/2000 Award of Arms
05/29/2005 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/29/2008 Companion of
the Silver Tower (Settmour
*Phillip of the Golden Stag
08/12/1992 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
01/30/1988 Award of Arms
06/15/1991 Companion of the
Phillipe du Souage
04/09/1994 Award of Arms
Phillippe Balthazar le Moreau
10/08/1984 Award of Arms
Phillippe de Lamperiere
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Phillippe Provost
05/24/2008 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Companion of the
Leviathan (Smoking Rocks)
Philomène de Narbonne
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
Phinion ap Llewelyn
*Pierre de Tours
08/14/2002 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
11/03/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/08/2000 Award of Arms
05/23/2009 Queen's Order of
Pierre d'Ussef
01/16/1993 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
12/10/1988 Award of Arms
Pierre-Alexandre des Montagnes
12/05/1992 Award of Arms
*Piers Campbell
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
11/23/1996 Companion of the
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
Piotr Neusichin
Phinneas Flarg
04/05/1997 Companion of the
08/08/2008 Award of Arms
08/??/1995 Award of Arms
Pompinea Beatrice Andreini
Phoebe ni Tighearnaigh
Pookah Larasdotter
03/04/1995 Award of Arms
09/10/1994 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
08/17/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
The Phoenix Consort
04/11/1987 Companion of the
04/12/1986 Companion of the
Sun and Soil (BBM)
Piccanina the Incongruent (called
Poulet Gauche Tavern,
Proprietors of
05/18/1996 King’s Order of
*Preston of Aschehyrst
09/29/2001 Award of Arms
07/10/2005 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
07/18/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/04/1995 Award of Arms
05/30/2008 Companion of the
Sable Compass (Iron Bog)
02/21/2009 Companion of the
Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
09/26/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
02/21/2009 Baroness's Silver
Ring (Iron Bog)
*Prudence the Curious
*Pierre d’Abbéville
Pyotr Yvgenovich Nikon
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
Pierre des Grieux
03/26/2005 Award of Arms
Pierre le Gros
03/22/2003 Golden Lyre
09/26/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
10/09/1993 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/21/2001 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella)
12/14/2002 Golden Lyre
*Pryder mab Aurddolen
09/24/1994 Award of Arms
09/28/1996 Award of Arms
Pyra de Belasko
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
Pierre de Pradet
*Qadagin-u Jajiradai (called Jaji)
03/22/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
02/24/2007 Master of the
04/20/2002 Companion of
the Manche
06/03/2006 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/03/1990 Award of Arms
01/03/2004 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
05/23/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane III)
Queen Roxane's Guards
09/27/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane II)
Quella of Greyledge
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
*Quentin of Malagentia
10/28/2000 Award of Arms
Quentin de Soissons
03/31/2001 Grant of Arms
Quentus Quintillius Mortis
01/26/2008 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
Quinn of Lyndhaven
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
Quinn the Mighty
09/20/1998 Award of Arms
05/30/2004 Companion of
the Iron Tower (Settmour
*Quintin Brilliant (was: Quinn
01/26/2008 Companion of
the Golden Rapier
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
09/27/2008 Companion of
the Silver Rapier
04/30/2006 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
*Quintius Clavus, see *Giceline
de Molay
Quintius Marcus Flavian
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
01/31/1991 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Quintus ben Suba al-Hadid
07/19/2008 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Quintus Claudius Taurus
10/02/2004 Award of Arms
Qutudei Ba'Arin, see *Sancha
de Flores
Rachel of Barony Bhakail
*Raedwulf of Gryphonwald
08/16/2006 Companion of the
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
03/??/1992 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Swamp)
*Rachel the Goatwoman (was:
Rhea of Alexandria )
06/26/1993 Award of Arms
09/24/1994 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Rachel of Gwynedd
04/04/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/05/1988 Award of Arms
03/28/1987 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Swamp)
03/??/1989 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Swamp)
Rachel of Hartshorn-dale
05/28/2005 Award of Arms
*Rachel Kathleen Cundiff
03/09/1991 Mistress of the
Laurel (Trimaris) f
09/12/1987 Companion of the
Argent Palm (Trimaris)
02/02/1985 Companion of the
Meridian Cross
02/02/1985 Award of Arms
02/02/1985 Companion of the
Trident Keype (Darkwater,
05/12/1990 Companion of the
Acorn's Glade (Darkwater,
Rachel of Rochester
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
Rachel of Ynys y Gwaed
11/25/2000 Award of Arms
11/25/2000 Companion of the
Radagast of Bridge
06/23/2007 Companion of the
09/??/2002 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Radegund von Feuchtenstadt
02/02/1991 Award of Arms
Radu of Tornroshu
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
Raed Milne
12/08/2001 Award of Arms
*Raesean Allmhaidh ni Ruairidh
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
Raevil Bloodaxe
06/19/2004 Award of Arms
*Raffaella Mascolo
05/14/1994 Award of Arms
Ragnon Erikson
12/03/1994 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
Ragnveig Snorradottir
01/26/2002 Award of Arms
03/27/2010 Golden Lyre
10/03/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/13/2004 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Queen's Cypher
01/15/2005 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Svava)
Ragus of Revelwood
*Raffaella da Napoli
Raimundo de Cabrera de la
04/22/2006 Award of Arms
Ragi Bjarnylr "Ragi warm bear"
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
*Ragnar Arason of Vinland
08/16/1990 Award of Arms
Ragnar Dragonheart
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
03/18/2000 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
05/25/2003 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Ragnar Freydisarson
03/16/2002 Companion of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
*Ragnar of Silverlake
12/14/1996 Award of Arms
*Ragnar MacHardy
03/11/1989 Award of Arms
§*Ragnar the Wolf
07/26/1997 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/30/1993 Award of Arms
*Ragnarr Two-Axe of the Swamp
04/27/1985 Companion of
11/02/1996 Companion of the
04/21/1979 Award of Arms
09/29/1984 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
05/??/2001 Companion of St.
Martin (Dragonship Haven)
02/22/2003 Golden Lyre
Ragnhild the Monier
07/27/1996 Companion of the
01/11/1986 Award of Arms
Raimund Torwynsson
03/11/1989 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Raimundo Alejandro de la Rosa
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
04/22/2006 Award of Arms
*Raimundo Gutierrez
11/19/1994 Award of Arms
*Rainillt Leia de Bello Marisco
the Manche
Grant of Arms
Court Baroness
Companion of
Award of Arms
Queen's Cypher
Queen's Cypher
King's Order of
Golden Tyger
Golden Lyre
Raistlin the Quiet
05/26/2007 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Rakkurai of Kamakura
07/08/1972 Count
01/??/1969 Knight
06/13/1971 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
Ralph the Carter, see *Azelin
Cola of Wishford
Ramos da Vida
Baron of
Grant of Arms
Court Baron
Companion of
09/20/1998 Award of Arms
*Ranalt MacFirbis
12/19/1992 Award of Arms
08/16/1995 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Randal of the Dark
04/15/1989 Duke
10/10/1987 Count
08/18/1985 Master at Arms
01/07/1995 Master of the
10/20/1984 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/07/1990 Companion of the
04/11/1992 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/06/1982 Award of Arms
08/19/1993 Queen's Order of
09/30/2006 Tyger of the East
09/29/2007 King's Cypher
*Randall Brock
04/12/1997 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Randall of Clann O’Choda
07/11/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
05/18/1996 Award of Arms
04/??/2002 Companion of St.
Martin (Dragonship Haven)
Randall Vihar Farkas
Mistress of the
Companion of
Companion of the
Award of Arms
Queen’s Order of
Randr Wolfson
07/02/2005 Award of Arms
Ranuccio Farnese
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
Raphaella de Lyon
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
Rashid al-Gyanji (was: *Richard
de Chalfont)
01/05/1991 Master of the
01/09/1982 Companion of the
01/03/1981 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
08/??/1988 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
12/06/2003 Order of the
Harlequin (Bhakail)
*Ratanavati Bai
07/21/2007 Award of Arms
Ratburc Castus
11/03/2007 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Queen's Order of
*Raùl MacLaren
12/02/1989 Award of Arms
Raven Diamont, see *Brannat
Raven MacKinnon
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
Raven of Rusted Woodlands
11/19/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
Raven of Skye
11/25/2000 Award of Arms
*Ravenild Frogenhall
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Ravyn MacKay
04/11/2009 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Alethea)
*Raymond Crus Hummer
02/26/2000 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Rebecca of Concordia
05/25/2003 Award of Arms
11/21/1998 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Rebecca of Dragonship Haven
06/23/1990 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Rebecca Greylever
06/22/1991 Award of Arms
Rebecca Gwlad y Haf
11/27/1999 Award of Arms
*Rebecca of Lancaster
04/20/1996 Mistress of the
Laurel (Outlands)
12/19/1987 Companion of
the Argent Hart (Outlands)
05/26/1986 Companion of
the Leaping Stag (Pr. of
11/21/1987 Companion of
the Russian Thistle (Al-Barran,
04/02/1994 Companion of
the Trefoil (Outlands)
11/22/1997 Companion of
the Scorpion of Al-Barran (AlBarran, Outlands)
05/25/1986 Award of Arms
*Rebecca of Preston
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
12/08/1990 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Rebecca bat Reuven
12/08/1990 Award of Arms
12/06/1975 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Rebecca Rotkelchen Perle
Raymond Silverfox of Blackwood
Rebekah of Barren Sands
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
Raymond of Tadcaster
03/18/1995 Award of Arms
*Raymond the Gruesome
04/24/1976 Award of Arms
Raymonda the Second
07/27/1996 Award of Arms
06/06/1998 Companion of
the Tyger's Cub
Rebekkah Wallace
11/11/2006 Award of Arms
Redhawk Clemont
03/05/1983 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Reed of Mountain Freehold
Rays of Revelwood
Regina of Blak Rose
03/30/1985 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Swamp)
Rebecca of Carillion
05/27/2001 Award of Arms
10/26/1991 Award of Arms
Reichert of Bloodguard
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
*Reina Crystaldale
04/16/1988 Award of Arms
*Reina fille Calixte
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
Reiner Verplanck
09/07/1996 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Reinhardt von Berchtesgaden
08/14/1996 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
*Reinhardt Tuscher
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
*Reinholdt von Trollenhagen
07/20/1985 Award of Arms
Rema the Sharp
04/17/1982 Award of Arms
Renard de Cadillac
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
Renatta of Concordia
06/30/2001 Award of Arms
01/24/2009 Companion of the
Rene Hount Schwartz de
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
*Rennata MacDougall
09/07/1996 Mistress of the
10/03/1992 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/24/1993 Companion of the
12/09/1989 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/11/1992 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*Renne Michaeline
11/14/1981 Award of Arms
Renne Wyrm
03/28/2009 Mistress of the
08/16/2000 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
01/06/2007 Companion of the
08/14/2003 Queen's Order of
06/24/2000 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
05/??/2001 Companion of St
Martin (Dragonship Haven)
08/05/2008 Golden Lyre
*Rennewief van Grunwald
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Retepert the Barbarian
09/08/1984 Award of Arms
07/26/1986 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Swamp)
03/??/1992 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Swamp)
03/??/1992 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Swamp)
*Reya nam Beanntan
01/21/1984 Award of Arms
04/06/1982 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Reynard des Montaignes
01/08/1994 Companion of
the Iceburg (Ruantallan)
Rhiannon the Eccentric
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
*Rhiannon de Carreg Cennen
(was: Rhiannon du Licorne)
03/24/2007 Baroness of
Settmour Swamp
04/04/1998 Companion of
the Manche
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
03/23/2002 Companion of
07/26/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
03/24/2007 Companion of
the Silver Tower (Settmour
10/05/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/20/1982 Award of Arms
07/28/1984 Queen's Order of
12/10/1983 Companion of the
Windmill (Delftwood)
Rhiannon ap Llewellyn
Rhea of House Nonesuch
*Rhiannon Rhyl
07/27/1991 Award of Arms
Rhedeanna (of Owl’s Reste)
04/25/1998 Award of Arms
Rhialle the Wanderer
10/05/1985 Award of Arms
*Rhianna ferch Gwynedd
10/08/1977 Award of Arms
Rhianna of Owl’s Reste, see
Constancia Aelfwine
Rhiannan Bassett (was:
Silverwheel, Ravensong), see
*Gwenllian Bassett
Rhiannon Blaecstan
11/21/2009 Award of Arms
04/28/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Rhiannan Dhubh
09/05/1999 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Rhiannon the Anonymous of
Silver Rhylle
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
*Rhiannon y Ddraig
11/27/1993 Award of Arms
11/26/1994 Companion of the
04/12/1980 Award of Arms
04/19/1980 Queen's Cypher
Rhiannon Macha Kilrea ni
01/19/1991 Award of Arms
09/12/1987 Award of Arms
Rhiannon (of Settmour Swamp)
03/15/1986 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Swamp)
*Rhiannon verch Tegan
07/20/1996 Award of Arms
Rhianun McGreggor
09/29/2001 Award of Arms
*Rhithyn yr Gwlad yr Hav
06/18/1975 Award of Arms
*Rhodri ap Elydyr of Killanin
12/19/1981 Award of Arms
*Rhodri Ewias
08/12/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/10/2004 Court Baron
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
07/21/2001 Queen's Order of
01/05/2002 Companion of
the Troubadour
08/19/2004 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
12/09/1995 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
04/06/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Yana III)
*Rhonwen Glyn Conwy
10/03/2009 Court Baron
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Queen's Order of
04/12/2003 Mistress of the
01/05/2002 Companion of the
09/27/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
01/19/2002 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Rianna Whirlwind
Rhys Aiden Bifjord
Richard Blackmoore
07/06/2002 Award of Arms
*Rhys Breatnach
10/08/1984 Award of Arms
*Rhys of Harlech
04/06/1991 Count
01/13/1990 Knight
11/07/1987 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/12/2003 Companion of the
12/21/1985 Award of Arms
12/21/1985 Companion of the
04/05/1997 King’s Order of
09/27/1997 Queen’s Order of
Rhys ap Ieuan
02/26/2000 Award of Arms
Rhys ap Joseph
10/03/2009 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
06/27/2009 Friend of
Rhys ap Nudd
10/05/1991 Award of Arms
*Rhys Vaughn Gowers
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
*Rhys Woolf
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
*Ríán Mac Faoitigh (called Ryan
09/26/2009 Master of the
03/29/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/11/1992 Award of Arms
Ricardo del Costa Verde
03/24/2001 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
01/25/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/18/1999 Award of Arms
Richard of Anglespur
10/10/1987 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
05/27/1995 Knight
05/23/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
02/29/1992 Award of Arms
09/19/1998 Queen’s Order of
*Richard Blayborne
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
Richard of Caer Adamant
10/06/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Richard de Chalfont, see Rashid
*Richard Crowe
10/15/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/16/2000 Award of Arms
*Richard del Hauke
01/08/2005 Award of Arms
10/17/2009 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Richard Just Richard
01/04/1986 Companion of
06/24/1989 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/07/1990 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/21/1981 Award of Arms
03/21/1984 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Richard Leviathan
06/18/2005 Award of Arms
*Richard of Locksley
01/03/1976 Award of Arms
Richard of Lough Ree
01/13/2001 Grant of Arms
01/13/2001 Court Baron
02/27/1993 Award of Arms
04/04/1998 Queen's Order of
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
Richard Magnusson
11/22/2003 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Richard the Poor of Ely
04/13/1996 Master of the
07/03/1994 Companion of
the Manche
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
06/20/1987 Award of Arms
01/05/1991 Companion of
12/13/1986 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
09/15/1990 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
06/29/1991 Companion of
the Oar (Dragonship Haven)
02/23/2002 Companion of
the Seadog (Ostgardr)
*Richard of Ravensglenn, the
10/06/1990 Award of Arms
*Richard of Rideja
01/09/1982 Master of the
01/22/1977 Award of Arms
Richard the Righteous
07/22/2000 Award of Arms
*Richard Stanley Bowmaker
08/18/1988 Companion of
the Sagittarius
*Richard von Alaricsberg
01/15/1994 Companion of
the Manche
02/10/1996 Companion of
the Sagittarius
07/18/1992 Award of Arms
Richard of Woodbridge
08/07/2007 Companion of
08/07/2007 Award of Arms
*Richenda de Cameron
08/16/1996 Mistress of the
10/08/1983 Companion of the
11/14/1981 Award of Arms
*Richenda de Honneflo
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
08/09/2007 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
*Richenza the Confused
04/08/2000 Award of Arms
*Richild la Gauchere
01/25/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/21/2002 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
Richildis von Gerresheim
04/11/2009 Award of Arms
*Robert Abeille
09/19/1998 Companion of the
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
04/21/2001 Queen's Order of
*Robert Blackwood, the Pirate
12/09/1989 Award of Arms
Robert Corpach
09/14/2002 Award of Arms
Robbie von Halstern
09/15/1990 Award of Arms
*Robert de Bardoulf
08/17/2006 Queen's Order of
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
Robert of Stonemarche
*Robert Fairfax
01/08/2000 Award of Arms
Robert Hawkwood
03/28/2009 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
*Robert atte Quill
10/31/1992 Award of Arms
09/17/1994 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
11/26/1994 Companion of the
09/27/1991 Award of Arms
01/31/1991 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
01/08/1994 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
07/18/1993 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
Riordan of Settmour Swamp
01/28/1989 Award of Arms
*Robert the Doubtfull
*Robert of Glasgow
08/01/1988 Award of Arms
07/17/1993 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
01/31/1987 Award of Arms
*Robert de Rostok
§*Riobard mac Seosaimh ui
*Ríoghnach of Ruantallan
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
Robert de Quelquepart
Robert FitzThomas
10/19/1991 Award of Arms
Robert of Narrenbeck, see
Wulfric Alemaker
§*Robert of Northwood
03/07/2009 Award of Arms
*Robert Bury atte Okeforde
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
Rinehart von Gustan
Rikki-Lynn Choinski
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Robert du Bourg
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Alethea)
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
Robert Midnicht
*Robert Peregrine de Maricage
07/22/2006 Companion of the
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
Rifka the Gypsy
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
Robert MacMinn, Treepusher
12/11/2004 Award of Arms
12/09/2000 Award of Arms
*Robert Hildreth
04/03/2004 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Queen's Cypher
Robert Howys of Morningthorpe
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
01/25/1997 Award of Arms
07/14/2007 Companion of
the Manche
07/16/2005 Award of Arms
06/10/2007 Keeper of the
Lamp (Stonemarche)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
08/06/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella II)
*Robert Stonor
04/13/1991 Award of Arms
Robert of Sugar Bush
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
Robert of Sugar Grove
08/12/1998 Companion of
the Manche
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
03/29/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
*Robert the Illuminator (of
Robert Terrill
05/04/2002 Companion of the
10/01/1988 Award of Arms
05/01/2004 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere)
Robert Toxophilus of
*Robert Kirkpatrick
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
Robert Kyleshold
03/18/1995 Award of Arms
Robert of Loigh Re
11/09/1991 Award of Arms
Robert MacLaren
06/03/2000 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Robert of Two Cliffs
08/17/1985 Master of the
Laurel (Middle)
07/21/1984 Companion of
the Willow (Middle)
01/09/1988 Companion of
the Purple Fret (Middle)
10/28/1978 Award of Arms
04/13/1985 Companion of
the Queen's Favor (Middle)
*Robert Whitcome of
07/06/1985 Master of the
02/21/1981 Companion of the
Pearl (Atlantia)
06/07/1980 Award of Arms
??/??/???? Companion of
Boreas (Windmaster's Hill,
Robert of Winding Waters
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
Robert Zeno
03/24/1979 Award of Arms
*Robin Argyll du Coeur Ailé
07/25/1992 Master of the
11/04/1989 Companion of the
01/11/1986 Award of Arms
07/??/1989 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Swamp)
Robin [of Carillion]
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
Robin Crosspatch
04/20/1974 Award of Arms
Robin of Deer Run
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Robin dit Dessaint
10/19/2002 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Robin of Forrestgate
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
*Robin Gallowglass
03/29/2008 Master of the
07/21/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/07/1991 Award of Arms
Robin Goodfellaugh ("Puck")
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
*Robin MacLaine
11/18/1989 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Robin McLaren of Nordenhalle
11/12/1994 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Queen's Order of
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/01/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
08/13/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane II)
05/??/2001 Companion of St.
Martin (Dragonship Haven)
Robin Merriweather
*Roderick of Hastings
10/05/1991 Award of Arms
*Robin Clarian
01/12/1985 Award of Arms
Robin de Saint Michel
03/22/2003 Golden Lyre
Robin of Stonemarche
06/12/1993 Award of Arms
RobRoy MacThorfynn
07/09/1988 Award of Arms
*Robyn the Sharpe
09/15/1990 Award of Arms
Robyn the Strider
12/03/1988 Award of Arms
*Rocco d'Argento
04/08/1995 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/15/1988 Award of Arms
Rockfort de Barton
03/23/2002 Award of Arms
Rodair Ruske
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
Rodderick Vorhuter von das
03/17/1984 Award of Arms
*Roderick of Basing
04/08/2000 Master of the
01/29/2005 Master of the
01/30/1988 Grant of Arms
07/30/1988 Companion of the
09/30/1995 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
09/07/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/20/1979 Award of Arms
04/16/1988 Companion of the
03/28/1998 King's Order of
09/30/2000 King's Cypher
(Balfar III)
02/21/1979 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
03/01/1986 Companion of the
Raven's Feather (Thescorre)
*Roderick Ian O'Connell
06/15/1991 Award of Arms
08/13/1998 Award of Arms
*Roger of Blackmoore
11/20/1993 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Roger de la Grande Marche
10/03/1992 Award of Arms
Roger de Guillaume
11/02/1996 Award of Arms
11/11/1989 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
*Roger Stockton
04/12/2008 Grant of Arms
07/21/2007 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
04/12/2008 Court Baron
10/27/1990 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 King's Cypher
(Andreas IV)
Rogiere Mailloux
09/30/1995 Award of Arms
*Rohais of Wolfhill
05/??/1984 Award of Arms
Roibhlin MacDomnial
01/31/2004 Master at Arms
05/04/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
Roku Ishimeru
03/09/1996 Award of Arms
Roland Agricola
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
Roland d’Cunnynhalm
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
*Roland de Endeweard
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
*Roland Ganneth
01/16/1993 Award of Arms
*Roland de Poitier
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
Roland of Wells
10/24/1981 Award of Arms
Rolanda Justine
12/09/2000 Award of Arms
*Rolf Gunnarson
10/03/1992 Master of Arms
01/05/1991 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
03/16/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/07/1989 Award of Arms
10/09/1993 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/12/1991 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Silver Crescent
07/23/2005 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
08/18/2004 Court Baron
03/10/2001 Award of Arms
06/02/2002 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
04/06/1991 Award of Arms
07/08/1995 Companion of
04/11/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
12/13/1997 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
01/08/1994 Knight
08/13/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
Rooke Pendragon
Ron of Hartshorndale
01/03/1981 Baron of
04/20/1974 Award of Arms
04/16/1977 Queen's Order of
11/13/2004 Companion of
the Manche
01/30/1988 Award of Arms
03/25/2006 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Settmour
Rollo y Rover
05/09/1981 Award of Arms
*Romulus Paxton
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
*Ronald Wilmot
10/14/1986 Duke
08/25/1984 Count (West)
05/14/1983 Viscount (Mists)
10/04/1983 Knight (West)
08/14/1998 Master of the
04/02/2005 Master of the
07/25/1992 Companion of the
01/03/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/13/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
??/??/1982 Companion of the
Leaf of Merit (West)
11/22/1981 Companion of the
Corolla (Mists)
05/03/1980 Award of Arms
09/27/2003 Queen's Order of
08/25/1984 Queen's Cypher
09/27/2003 Royal
Augmentation of Arms
08/16/2002 Augmentation of
*Rónán Mór mac Carthaig
02/27/2005 Award of Arms
*Ronan Maeblach (was: Ronan
Oberon Lynceus)
08/18/2004 Grant of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of the
11/11/1989 Award of Arms
*Rorik Harcourt of the Axe
Rory MacKinnon
03/24/2007 Award of Arms
Rosa de Cavallo, called Briar
Rosamund of the Raven Hair
01/28/1995 Award of Arms
*Rosamund von Schwyz
Rose Alessandro de Firenze
08/16/1994 Award of Arms
Rose d'Amberville
08/16/2000 Award of Arms
Rose le Marinier
07/18/2009 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 Companion of the
*Rose Mary Goodheart
*Rosa da Murano
*Rose Otter
01/29/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/16/2000 Award of Arms
08/17/2005 Companion of the
08/18/2000 Mistress of the
10/05/1996 Companion of
the Manche
02/03/2001 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
02/08/2003 Queen's Order of
09/27/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
01/25/1997 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
04/??/1997 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
04/26/1998 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
Rosa of Isle du Dragon Dormant
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
*Rosalie of Rosethorne Castle
06/05/1993 Award of Arms
*Rosalind atte Rylle
01/25/1997 Award of Arms
*Rosalinda la Mal Guardee
04/07/1979 Award of Arms
Rosaline di Petrantonio
02/05/2005 Award of Arms
Rosaline Wright
01/28/2006 Award of Arms
06/10/2007 Companion of the
Furison (Stonemarche)
*Rosalys Ashmund
12/06/1981 Award of Arms
Rosamond Mableswin
09/06/1980 Award of Arms
*Rosamund d'Alwareton
10/07/1995 Companion of the
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
Rose Red
05/24/2003 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Rose the Riotous
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
Rose Storie MacTherion
05/24/2009 Friend of
Roseline de Montpellier
06/02/1996 Award of Arms
Roselyne de Beau-Port
03/22/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
Rosemielia de Lanora
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
*Rosette de Rhiems
01/06/2007 Award of Arms
*Rosina von Schaffhausen
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
09/27/2008 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
09/12/2009 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
*Rosskeen of the Silverbark
02/28/1987 Award of Arms
*Roswitha Scirwuda
01/28/1989 Award of Arms
04/06/1991 Companion of
*Rouland Carre
01/13/1990 Companion of the
Dolphin (Caid)
10/27/1990 Companion of the
Harp Argent (Caid)
06/04/1983 Award of Arms
06/02/1990 Signum Regina
10/31/1992 Honneur de la
Chanson (Caid)
03/10/1990 Illuminated Tower
07/??/1988 Tower
Rowan de Beauchamp
12/11/2004 Companion of the
07/01/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
Grant of Arms
Companion of the
Companion of the
*Rowena ni Dhonnchaidh
Award of Arms
Queen’s Cypher
Rowan Fergus
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
Rowan Greenwolf
04/01/2006 Award of Arms
*Rowan Greyfeather, see
Ruadhan Cleitelith ui Neile
Rowan Gwinyth Daigon
05/26/2007 Order of Gawain
Rowan Kalkin
09/22/2001 Mistress of the
09/12/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/17/1990 Award of Arms
07/06/1991 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Rowan McKane
09/20/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Rowan MacSith
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
Rowan Orr
01/05/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Rowan of the Quintain
11/27/1993 Companion of the
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
06/27/1992 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
Rowan of Dragon's Heorth
Rowan of Westwood, called The
01/31/2009 Companion of
*Rowan Woodring
*Rowan Elayne of Kendal
10/27/1990 Court Baroness
??/??/???? Halberd of Bryn
Gwlad (Ansteorra)
07/01/1984 Award of Arms
*Rowan Elvesham
05/26/2001 Mistress of the
Burdened Tyger
04/30/2005 Queen's Order of
09/29/2007 King's Cypher
07/23/2005 Award of Arms
11/07/1987 Award of Arms
*Rowen Cloteworthy (was:
Tzigan Volchkovich)
09/30/2006 Grant of Arms
01/03/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/30/2006 Court Baron
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
03/29/2003 Companion of the
06/24/1989 Companion of
the Manche
10/21/1989 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/23/1987 Award of Arms
03/18/1989 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
03/26/1994 Sigil of
Rowena of the Hundred Acre
07/27/1996 Award of Arms
*Rowena Longstrider
09/17/1994 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Isabella II)
07/17/1999 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Rowena MacLeod
01/21/1984 Award of Arms
*Rowena Moore
08/17/1995 Award of Arms
09/16/2000 Sigil of
*Rowena Robusta of Charryng
07/18/1987 Award of Arms
Rowena of Wessex Manor
09/19/1987 Award of Arms
Roxane Farabi
09/27/2003 Duchess
09/28/2002 Countess
09/28/2002 Lady of the Rose
07/24/2004 Mistress of the
11/10/2001 Companion of
the Manche
05/21/1988 Award of Arms
08/14/2002 Valiant Tyger
09/30/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/02/2005 King's Order of
04/02/2005 Queen's Cypher
*Roxanne von Halstern
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
Royal Artillery Company
10/15/1988 Queen's Cypher
Ruadh Cruid McFroude
07/16/2000 Award of Arms
10/26/2002 Companion of the
06/09/2007 Companion of
04/23/2004 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Ruadh-Mairi Asan T'Eilean
Sgithenech (*Mary of Skye)
10/02/2004 Grant of Arms
10/02/2004 Court Baroness
03/09/2002 Award of Arms
09/21/2002 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
07/10/2004 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
Ruadhan Cleitelith ui Neile
(*Rowan Greyfeather)
07/02/1995 Award of Arms
Ruadhan Muir
02/21/2009 Award of Arms
Ruadhnait ingen Ruaidhri
03/26/2005 Companion of the
05/27/2000 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Ruaidhri an Cu
02/07/1998 Award of Arms
08/12/1998 Companion of the
Ruairidh MacCormac
08/14/2003 Award of Arms
Ruairidh MacEanruig
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
03/08/1986 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Ruby Hart
11/17/2007 Award of Arms
Ruby (of Northpass)
10/21/2000 Award of Arms
*Rudth of Ruthin
02/06/1982 Award of Arms
05/23/1998 Companion of
Ruedy MacChristian
11/23/2002 Companion of the
Rufina Cambrensis
07/22/2000 Mistress of the
03/30/1985 Companion of the
Willow (Middle)
05/02/1998 Companion of the
07/05/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/05/1982 Award of Arms
07/27/1991 Companion of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
01/22/2000 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
12/??/1984 Order of the
Rivenstar (baronial, Middle)
Rufus Bowie
01/30/2010 Award of Arms
Rufus Fletcher
05/01/2004 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
06/19/1993 Award of Arms
*Rufus the Short of Burgundy
08/15/1981 Master of the
02/02/1980 Companion of the
Willow (Middle)
02/02/1980 Award of Arms
*Rufus Thorhall
08/12/1998 Master of the
09/16/1995 Companion of the
12/11/1982 Award of Arms
Ruger von Heilbronn (formerly
Batujin Negan)
03/29/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
08/18/2005 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Ruiseart MacEth na Strathnaver
04/20/1974 Award of Arms
Rukkayah (of Quintavia)
06/24/2006 Award of Arms
*Rundaeg von Trier
07/11/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
12/29/1991 Award of Arms
*Rupert Maxwell
11/26/1994 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/28/1991 Award of Arms
*Rupert the Unbalanced
06/06/2009 Master of the
09/24/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
06/05/2004 Companion of
the Sagittarius
06/17/2006 Companion of
the Manche
08/16/2000 Award of Arms
06/06/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
10/24/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Brenwen II)
Ruskin Thayes
01/26/1991 Award of Arms
*Ruslan Novgorodcev
10/03/1992 Count
07/06/1991 Master at Arms
08/17/2001 Master of the
08/17/1990 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
03/01/1997 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
05/19/1990 Award of Arms
09/29/2001 King's Cypher
(Hanse III)
10/02/2004 King's Cypher
(Gaufred Kelson)
*Rüdiger Lutz
03/08/1997 Award of Arms
*Ruth Baraskaya
10/04/2008 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/20/1982 Award of Arms
03/20/1999 Companion of
the Pine (Concordia)
Ryan of Montvale
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
Ryanne of Blackwood
04/26/2008 Award of Arms
11/26/2005 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Ryataro, see Kawaguchi no
Ryggr Kveldulfsson
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
Ryushkin Nikkokuro
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Ryutsume no Kazoku Ishioka
Tora no Botsume see Alpin
*Sabatina da Valle
10/11/2003 Award of Arms
10/08/2005 Queen's Order of
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
*Sabel Saer ferch Maredudd ap
10/31/1992 Award of Arms
04/04/1998 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Sabina Appalonia Weber
03/07/1998 Companion of the
Fountain (Bergental)
Sabina of Concordia
05/26/2001 Award of Arms
12/11/1999 Order of the
Feather (Concordia)
*Sabina Portinari
02/01/1997 Award of Arms
Sabina of Stonemarche
01/23/1999 Award of Arms
Sabina Tracy
07/06/2002 Award of Arms
*Sabina Wüterich
06/12/1999 Award of Arms
*Sabine Berard (was: von
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
*Sabine de Kerbriant (was:
*Sabine Kerbriant de Lanvaux)
06/28/2008 Baroness of
06/28/2008 Grant of Arms
09/29/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
01/13/2001 Companion of
02/25/2006 Companion of the
02/22/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
08/??/2005 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Sabrina MacHail
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Alethea)
Sabrina of Rusted Woodlands
07/28/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Sachir of Clan Blackhart
08/17/2005 Award of Arms
*Sadhbh Samhioldanach
06/23/1990 Award of Arms
*Sadhbha ni Ruaidhri
08/??/1996 Award of Arms
Sadyra of Egypt
01/10/1998 Award of Arms
Saerlaith ingen Cinneide
02/01/2003 Companion of the
06/18/1999 Award of the Orion
06/16/1990 Order of the
Willow (Middle)
05/22/1993 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
04/17/2010 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/21/1989 Award of Arms
08/13/1998 Order of the
Golden Otter (Prin. of
11/25/1989 Award of the
Chalice's Crystal
06/20/1993 Award of the
11/20/1999 Award of the
Baroness' Favour
05/27/2000 Order of the
Golden Chalice
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Safia al-Khansaa
04/02/2005 Mistress of the
11/10/2001 Companion of the
09/21/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/01/2006 Court Baroness
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
08/16/2005 Companion of
05/10/2008 Queen's Order of
05/12/2007 King's Order of
02/21/2009 Baroness's Silver
Ring (Iron Bog)
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Safira al-Muffadiddiya
08/17/2005 Award of Arms
Safiya Shirazi
10/15/2005 Award of Arms
10/15/2005 Queen's Order of
10/18/2008 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
Safiya of the Shifting Sands
09/07/1996 Companion of
the Manche
01/23/1993 Award of Arms
07/15/1995 Companion of
Safronergy of Thornkreek
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
Sage of Nordenhal
06/03/2006 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Saikhan Saran
11/19/2005 Award of Arms
08/13/2006 Companion of
the Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
*Salaamallah the Corpulent
01/07/1978 Master of the
10/03/1981 Master of the
01/04/1986 Baron Beyond
the Mountain (ret.)
11/01/1975 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/11/1998 Companion of
the Manche
07/11/1998 Court Baron
02/09/1980 Queen's Order of
10/06/1979 Companion of
04/15/1978 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
12/02/1984 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
Sally MacGowan
03/31/2001 Award of Arms
*Salvatore del Rosposcuro
07/25/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Samantha Cassidy
11/23/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Samantha the Faire
09/13/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Samantha of Silver Rhylle
02/24/2007 Queen's Order of
Samira Wulfgarsdottir
08/12/1987 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Samirah al Mansur
08/15/1992 Mistress of the
06/13/1987 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
12/21/1985 Award of Arms
Samuel de Bianco
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Samuel Lewis of Fenton
*Sándorfia Miklós
11/27/1993 Companion of the
11/10/1990 Award of Arms
06/19/1993 Companion of the
06/19/1993 Companion of the
Sandra Louise
05/03/2003 Award of Arms
Sandrine de Berry
01/17/2009 Award of Arms
08/06/2009 Queen's Order of
*Santiago de Montoya
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
Saorsha of Coldwood
02/27/2005 Award of Arms
*Sapphira the Navigator
05/12/1990 Award of Arms
10/31/1992 Companion of the
Sara Fraskin
11/22/2003 Award of Arms
Sara Johnson
08/08/2007 Award of Arms
02/24/2007 Queen's Order of
*Sarah bas Mordechai
*Samuel le Medier
*Sara Rebecca Archer
04/22/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
Samuel Peter DeBump
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
*Samuel of Yorkshire
05/19/2001 Award of Arms
06/15/2002 Award of Arms
08/12/1998 Award of Arms
Sara of Stonelay
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
Sara the Younger
02/27/1993 Companion of the
*Sancha de Flores
*Sarah Davies of Monmouth
04/03/2004 Companion of the
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Companion of the
03/13/2004 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
01/28/2006 Mistress of the
09/07/1996 Companion of the
09/17/1994 Award of Arms
05/24/2003 Golden Tyger
11/27/2004 Golden Tyger
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Sancia di Cozar
01/07/1995 Award of Arms
Sandor (of Barren Sands)
06/12/1999 Award of Arms
§Sandor Asvender of House
Three Skulls
11/13/2004 Award of Arms
Sandor Szekely
06/18/1988 Award of Arms
Sarah de Witte
09/13/1997 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Sarah Elizabeth Dubh Sidhe (The
03/25/2006 Mistress of the
03/29/2003 Companion of
the Manche
01/27/2001 Award of Arms
11/09/2002 Golden Lyre
Sarah Ingridsdottir
07/30/1994 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Sarah Langetoft
04/13/1996 Award of Arms
Sarah of Tarbagon
12/11/2004 Award of Arms
Sarah the Wanderer
11/05/2005 Award of Arms
Sarah of Whyt Whey
01/17/2009 Award of Arms
Saraid O’Saideahain
04/13/1996 Award of Arms
Sárán mac Imair
05/20/2006 Grant of Arms
(Gleann Abhann)
01/28/2006 Order of the
Onyx Chalice (Gleann
09/29/1990 Award of Arms
11/05/2005 Forget-Me-Not
(An Tir)
08/27/2005 Marble Chalice
(Gleann Abhann, Meridies)
Sarant the Myopic
12/07/1996 Grant of Arms
12/07/1996 Court Baron
01/05/1980 Award of Arms
12/06/1981 Queen's Order of
10/01/1994 Companion of
09/24/1984 Companion of
the Pillar (Bridge)
03/08/1986 Companion of
the Sun and Soil (BBM)
*Sarolta Hunyadi
01/24/1987 Companion of
the Manche
05/27/1984 Award of Arms
04/11/1987 Companion of
the Troubadour
*Sarra Elisabeth Graeham of
08/17/1991 Mistress of the
Laurel (Middle)
02/12/2005 Mistress of the
Pelican (Ealdormere)
04/07/1990 Companion of the
Dragon's Heart (Middle)
04/07/1990 Grant of Arms
11/08/2003 Order of the Wain
04/21/1990 Order of the Hare
Salient (Ealdormere)
08/17/1990 Order of the
Golden Otter (Pr. of
03/26/1998 Companion of the
Willow (Middle)
05/13/1989 Companion of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
08/29/2009 Court Baroness
05/26/1985 Award of Arms
01/31/1987 Companion of
11/12/2005 Award of the
Queen's Favor (Ealdormere)
*Sarra Fina MacDonald
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
*Sarra the Lymner
07/22/2006 Mistress of the
11/19/2005 Grant of Arms
03/29/2003 Companion of the
10/09/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/19/2005 Court Baroness
03/23/2002 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Golden Lyre
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Sasha Verminsdottir Veassllurd
07/21/1990 Award of Arms
Satya Stormwulf
04/09/1994 Award of Arms
Satyra of House Myrddin
07/15/1978 Award of Arms
Sawnee of Blackwood
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
Scaramax Bearcatcher, see
*Derfel Malory
*Scheherazade al-Zahira
07/22/2006 Mistress of the
08/13/2003 Baroness of
07/27/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/28/2008 Court Baroness
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
04/27/2002 Companion of
03/01/2003 Queen's Order of
10/02/2004 King's Cypher
(Gaufred Kelson)
09/24/2005 Queen's Cypher
(Geneviere II)
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
03/29/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
12/05/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
Schlomo Elchunan ben
03/04/1995 Award of Arms
Schmuel ben Israel
05/25/2002 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Scholastica de Chalons
05/21/1979 Award of Arms
Seamus Langstaff
04/13/1985 Award of Arms
Seamus Maguidhir an Rua
07/02/2005 Award of Arms
07/01/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Anna II)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Seamus McKinley
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
Seamus O'Corcrain
12/06/2008 Award of Arms
*Seamus O’Doghartie
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
Seamus the Shameless
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
*Seamus the Shameless Ó
10/22/1994 Award of Arms
Seamus Tableburner
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
Sean O Choda
05/12/1984 Award of Arms
Sean of Caer Cinniuint
07/03/1998 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Sean Cuchullain
06/06/1987 Award of Arms
11/14/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
Sean Denis O'Connell
*Sciath ingen Chaennaig
03/09/1996 Companion of
the Manche
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Séadach Dubháilceach (see
*Gianetta Lucia Alegretta)
Sealey in le Wyllowes
11/04/2006 Award of Arms
Seamus of Arindale
03/24/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/25/1998 Award of Arms
Seamus Conal
11/12/1994 Award of Arms
*Seamus Donn
02/??/1997 Master of the
Pelican (Drachenwald)
12/18/1993 Companion des
Lindquistrings (Drachenwald)
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
Seamus Dubhghlas MacSeamus
03/06/1982 Award of Arms
Sean Dunn
*Sean Farspach
06/02/1990 Award of Arms
*Sean Gobha
05/28/1988 Award of Arms
04/12/1986 Companion of
the Sun and Soil (BBM)
10/17/1987 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Sean Hopringill the
02/23/2008 Award of Arms
*Sean de Londres
the Manche
Master of the
Grant of Arms
Companion of
Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/03/1992 Court Baron
02/26/2000 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Sean MacCahan
08/19/1993 Award of Arms
Sean MacGowan, see Svein de
Sean mac Pharlain
04/11/2009 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Sean McDuff
05/06/2006 Award of Arms
*Sean the Mad
02/06/1982 Award of Arms
02/06/1982 Queen's Order of
Sean O'Ceallaigh Ui Maine
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
Sean O'Duinne
08/18/2004 Grant of Arms
08/18/2004 Court Baron
04/04/1992 Award of Arms
Sean O'Hagen
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
*Seán Ó Móráin
06/05/1993 Award of Arms
*Seán Ó Súilleabháin Beirre
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
Sean of Quintavia
03/27/1999 Award of Arms
*Sean Ruabarua
09/15/1973 Master at Arms
Sean o Wode
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
05/25/2003 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
05/28/2006 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/25/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
Sebastian Gregor Thorne
09/11/1999 Award of Arms
*Sebastian Nightwind
04/11/1987 Count
05/10/1986 Knight
04/13/1996 Master of the
01/16/1982 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
12/10/1983 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/24/1987 Companion of the
07/04/1981 Award of Arms
07/23/1988 Queen's Order of
01/14/1981 Companion of the
Red Comet (BMDL)
05/11/1983 Companion of the
Gold Comet (BMDL)
02/16/1991 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
10/11/1992 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
05/02/1993 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
05/29/1999 Companion of the
Sebastian Page
Seana Whitehawk
Sebastian Roland fils de Marek
06/07/1997 Award of Arms
*Seanan an Chasur
10/06/1979 Count
08/15/1987 Knight
07/23/1988 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
11/05/1978 Award of Arms
11/23/1996 Queen’s Order of
Seanevar of Boise Ardent
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
*Sebastian Estevan de Xavier
08/06/2007 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
02/21/2009 Award of Arms
09/19/1992 Award of Arms
*Sebastiano Manetti
07/28/2001 Award of Arms
*Sebastiano da Pachino
08/14/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
05/04/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
03/07/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Alethea)
*Sebastien de la Main Gauche
02/25/1984 Award of Arms
02/21/1987 Queen's Order of
05/01/1988 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Sedalia MacNare
10/15/1988 Duchess
04/14/1984 Countess
04/14/1984 Lady of the Rose
09/08/1984 Mistress of the
04/04/1992 Mistress of the
08/21/1982 Grant of Arms
01/03/1981 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/24/1987 Companion of
the Manche
08/21/1982 Court Baroness
10/18/1980 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/07/1990 Queen's Cypher
10/06/1990 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
10/05/1991 Queen's Cypher
09/26/1998 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
01/29/1994 Sigillum
Coronae (Drachenwald)
10/27/1979 Companion of
the Peacock (BMDL)
01/14/1981 Companion of
the Gold Comet (BMDL)
02/21/2009 Baroness's Silver
Ring (Iron Bog)
08/19/1993 Augmentation of
*Segnat ingen Dhonnchada
07/13/2002 Award of Arms
??/??/???? Bearer of the
Burdoned Bouchet (Far West,
??/??/???? Empty Shell (Far
West, West)
Seigrit Elsa von Zagrafen
01/20/1996 Award of Arms
Selena Just Richard
12/14/1991 Award of Arms
Selene Just Richard
11/21/1981 Award of Arms
03/21/1987 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Selene of An Dubhaigeainn
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
Selene Vereneau
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
Perseus (Carolingia)
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
Serafina de Laurentis
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
*Seraq Barok's Penance
04/21/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/02/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/12/1985 Award of Arms
11/20/1999 Queen’s Order of
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/01/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
05/28/2005 Golden Tyger
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
Seonaid MacPhie
Serego deVarone
*Selima Dragonheart
Court Baroness
Award of Arms
Queen's Cypher
Queen's Order of
09/15/1979 Award of Arms
Senseki Taro Hirotsune
05/24/2008 Award of Arms
*Seoras Dubh mac Gordon
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
*Seosamh Ó Chóda
02/10/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/05/1983 Award of Arms
10/09/1982 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
01/23/1993 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
10/16/2004 Award of Arms
06/30/2007 Court Baron
02/22/1997 Goute de Sang
(An Tir)
06/11/1993 Award of Arms
(An Tir)
*Severio Santangelo
04/22/2006 Award of Arms
Sextus Rufus Dio Sebastianus,
see *Diomedes Sebastianus
Seymour le Grange
05/26/1985 Award of Arms
Sfandra Dmitrieva iz
the Manche
Grant of Arms
Court Baroness
Companion of
Award of Arms
King's Order of
Serena (of Bhakail)
Shadia bint Barro
08/29/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
07/20/2002 Companion of
Serena bint Suba al-Hadid
07/19/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Shaitan of the Tuchux
Serena Caterina di Tomasso
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
Serena (of Dragon Dormant)
Shaka of Campbell
10/16/2004 Award of Arms
*Seosamh Tadhg an Crúca
Serena von Weldick
09/07/1996 Master of the
09/27/2008 Knight
05/28/2005 Gauntlet (Caid)
08/12/1992 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
04/17/1993 Doe's Grace
07/10/1993 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/13/1997 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/27/1991 Award of Arms
05/18/2002 Baronial Label
(Palatine Baron) (Western Seas,
04/03/1999 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
10/12/1991 Companion of the
Serene Brilliant
07/23/2005 Award of Arms
09/27/2008 Award of Arms
*Serric der Grimmige
10/01/1994 Companion of the
05/13/1989 Award of Arms
05/20/1988 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Swamp)
07/??/1989 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Swamp)
05/30/2004 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Swamp)
*Seumas Camshronach an
02/22/1997 Grant of Arms (An
11/24/2001 Baron of
11/27/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/17/2005 Valiant Tyger
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
*Shamus O'Carolan
08/16/1992 Grant of Arms
08/16/1992 Court Baron
04/07/1990 Award of Arms
*Shane Patrick
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
Shann O’Niall
11/20/1999 Award of Arms
*Shannon inghean Bhriain uí
01/15/2005 Award of Arms
09/23/2006 Companion of
the Opal (Atlantia)
09/23/2006 Companion of
the Blasted Oak (Lochmere,
08/07/2007 Order of the
Eagle's Feather (Lochmere,
08/07/2007 Baronial Award
of Excellence (Lochmere,
01/19/2008 Princess's Riband
(Oertha, West)
06/28/2008 Order of the Silver
Bough (Eskalya, West)
09/21/2008 Order of the
Wandering Wolves of Oertha
(Oertha, West)
*Sibán Gallowglass (called
02/24/2007 Mistress of the
07/28/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
12/15/2007 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
Shannon the Lost
04/24/1999 Award of Arms
Shannon of Ruantallan
11/27/1993 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Shara MacKenzie
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
10/01/1994 Companion of
Sharon Dunmore
02/10/2001 Award of Arms
*Shauna Branwen
06/22/1991 Award of Arms
01/11/2003 Companion of
Shauna MacKenzie O'Dowd
05/11/1991 Award of Arms
Shaunna of Smoking Rocks
05/29/2004 Award of Arms
Shelby of Blakrose
04/04/1992 Award of Arms
*Sheldon the Just
11/08/1997 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/29/1988 Award of Arms
06/30/2001 Companion of
05/24/2003 Queen's Order of
03/20/1999 Companion of the
Sapphire (Concordia)
Sheldon ben Maccabee
09/20/1986 Award of Arms
Shento Shunyata
10/30/2004 Award of Arms
Sheppa Badgeron Veasslurd
04/06/1991 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/20/1987 Award of Arms
Shera nicIan MacCaluim
07/11/1987 Award of Arms
Sherre of Seaford
07/29/1995 Companion of
the Manche
04/04/1992 Award of Arms
10/03/1992 Queen's Order of
*Sidonia Zaridina
05/03/2003 Award of Arms
Siegfried the Rover
08/06/2009 Award of Arms
02/20/2010 Companion of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
Siegfried von Wolfenhaussen
Shevski the Wanderer
Sif Bjornsdotter
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
11/25/2000 Award of Arms
09/16/1989 Award of Arms
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
Shi Hua Fu
Sif Goodwin
06/08/2002 Award of Arms
01/31/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
05/01/2005 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
09/26/1998 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Shila M’Lanaghan
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
Shi-lung (of Dragon’s Aerie)
*Sigebeorht Aethelbrand
04/20/1991 Award of Arms
*Sigfrid Hake
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
Sigfried Herrman
03/07/2009 Award of Arms
12/06/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
Sigfried stor Jonson
Shisai Chizuko
08/12/1987 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
01/28/1989 Award of Arms
*Shlomo ben Shlomo
04/20/1974 Award of Arms
Shoshanna Simcha bat Reuven
05/24/2003 Award of Arms
Siana Reed
01/17/2009 Award of Arms
*Sibley of Nethercerne
11/04/1995 Award of Arms
Sibon of the Bridge
12/19/1992 Award of Arms
Sibylla (of Glenn Linn)
07/06/2002 Award of Arms
*Sichelgaita von Halstern (die
01/17/2009 Knight
04/20/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
09/05/1998 Award of Arms
04/06/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana III)
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
Sidnie Fraser
04/06/2002 Mistress of the
02/14/1998 Award of Arms
Sigis Wulfgarsson
*Sigismund von Alsenz
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
*Sigismund von Altenstad
09/29/1984 Award of Arms
*Sigismund Vasa Care
06/30/1979 Master of the
07/01/1978 Companion of
the Manche
04/24/1982 Court Baron
01/03/1977 Award of Arms
12/11/1982 Companion of
the Troubadour
04/??/1988 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
Sigmund Orcmund
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
*Sigmundr Ulvr
10/06/1990 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/18/1978 Award of Arms
03/26/1983 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Swamp)
*Signagroulph of Kenmore
02/14/1976 Award of Arms
*Signi Bjornsdottir
01/12/1985 Award of Arms
Sigrid Brudahar
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
Sigrid de Lorraine
04/07/1990 Award of Arms
Sigrid Wolffardattir
01/16/1982 Award of Arms
Sigridr Thorvaldsdottir
09/22/2001 Award of Arms
Sigtyr Olfsson
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
Sigurd Danski
06/20/2009 Award of Arms
Sigurd the Hunter
10/25/20007 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
Sigurgh Sheafing
08/18/1999 Award of Arms
Sigurthr Vigahamarr het
02/01/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/14/2007 King's Cypher
(Lucan VII)
Sile Bowie
04/10/2010 Award of Arms
*Sile of Oldenfeld
05/24/1998 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
05/28/1988 Award of Arms
*Simon Fisc
03/12/2005 Award of Arms
*Simon Gwyn
01/30/2010 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
09/29/2007 King's Cypher
*Simon Kenric
11/02/1996 Award of Arms
Simon Red Beard
12/13/2008 Award of Arms
09/26/2009 Companion of
*Simón Santiago de Córdoba
10/30/1993 Award of Arms
Simona bat Leon
04/11/2009 Award of Arms
*Simric Mailweaver
02/05/2000 Companion of the
12/29/1990 Award of Arms
Sincgiefu Waerfest see *Cynthia
Sine Fuar Ortagan
05/04/1991 Award of Arms
Sine Ruadh Fresal
12/30/1995 Award of Arms
09/01/2002 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Sinjin McAllister
02/14/1998 Award of Arms
Sileas Ni Dhomhnaill
Sinora of the Later Hours
03/05/2005 Award of Arms
08/29/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
01/13/2001 Companion of the
04/12/1986 Award of Arms
04/07/1990 Queen's Cypher
Silent Red
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
Silus Gordonson
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
*Silvia Wilkinson
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
*Simon von Beckum
01/05/2002 Award of Arms
Simon Demonte
11/03/2007 Award of Arms
Simon of L'Ile du Dragon
03/05/2005 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Svava)
*Simon Dubh Mac Brian O Glen
Siobhan inghean Cormaic
Distinction (Isabella II)
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane III)
08/13/2006 Companion of
the Silver Compass (Iron Bog)
*Siobhan Forbeis of Lonachan
see *Gianetta Lucia Allegretta
Siobhan Gordon
04/10/1982 Award of Arms
Siobhan Lisuadh Forbes of
Kernathy Green see *Seadach
§Siobhan Macampmahaoil
(Siobhan MacWilliams)
03/06/2004 Court Baroness
04/19/2003 Award of Arms
10/15/2005 Augmentation of
Arms (Kingdom)
Siobhan MacConmara
08/06/2009 Companion of
the Manche
05/28/2000 Award of Arms
Siobhan MacRoberts
03/22/2008 Award of Arms
Siobhan Moira Sin
03/11/1989 Award of Arms
Siobhan O'Brien
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
Siobhan Sutherland
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
Siobhan Ysbrand O'Choda
06/24/1989 Award of Arms
02/05/1989 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Siofra Crea of Regnesfolke
05/24/2003 Award of Arms
*Sion Gwyrddcalon ap
04/12/1980 Award of Arms
06/20/2009 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
*Sion ap Llyelwyan, see
*Symon de Poitiers
*Siona Storm
*Siobhan inghean ui
Sionead MacPhie
04/03/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/15/2005 Companion of the
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
02/22/2003 Companion of the
02/22/2003 Queen's Honor of
07/25/1992 Award of Arms
05/24/2009 Friend of
Sioned of Fenmere
11/15/2003 Award of Arms
Sirenus Corlutte Ruhamme
02/17/1990 Award of Arms
*Sirhan al Siani (ibn Atai Akar
08/19/1993 Knight
03/03/1990 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/06/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/12/2003 Court Baron
08/16/1985 Award of Arms
03/16/2002 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Sirillian Amber Tallin
Lady of the Rose
Companion of the
Award of Arms
Sirriah MacKenzie
02/10/1996 Award of Arms
*Siubhan ni Coinneach
02/13/1982 Award of Arms
05/23/1987 Companion of the
*Siubhan nic Cruimein
02/02/1991 Award of Arms
04/29/1996 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Siusaidh Loineag
07/11/1998 Award of Arms
*Skafte Waghorne
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
Sky of Winding Waters
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
Skye del Sol
10/25/1997 Award of Arms
02/23/1991 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
03/07/1998 Companion of the
Sable Bear (Bergental)
Skye na Ruadh
07/05/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/28/2006 Companion of the
05/04/1996 Award of Arms
Skye St. Andrews
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
Snarfi Snorrison
06/30/2007 Award of Arms
Snorri Sealfu*ker
05/15/2004 Award of Arms
08/16/1985 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Sof'ia Zhirinskaia
08/07/2008 Companion of the
06/23/2007 Award of Arms
05/25/2008 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Sofia Staritskaia
01/14/2006 Mistress of the
07/27/1996 Grant of Arms
09/26/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/23/2002 Companion of the
07/27/1996 Court Baroness
05/29/1993 Award of Arms
04/13/1996 Queen’s Cypher
(Luna II)
Sofonisba della Rosa
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
Soiichiro (*Waki Souichirou
Munenaga) see *Baltasar
Sol la Cantor, see *Esmeralda la
Solak Vaslovic
03/20/1982 Award of Arms
??/??/?? Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Solange de Luneville
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
Solomon Cordoza
05/23/1992 Award of Arms
*Solomon Gerdawr
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
02/22/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
Solskinn of Smoking Rocks
07/22/2006 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Sonja Ryzaja (was: Sonja of
the Lakes)
01/15/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/11/1998 Award of Arms
10/03/1998 Queen's Cypher
(Gabrielle II)
09/11/2004 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Geneviere)
*Sophia Alleghieri Borghese
07/02/1983 Award of Arms
01/15/1983 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Sophia von Eisental
07/18/2009 Award of Arms
02/09/2008 Companion of
07/28/2001 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Sophia Karaszkiewicza
01/12/2002 Award of Arms
01/12/2002 Companion of
the Eagle's Feather (Lochmere,
05/26/2001 King's Award of
Excellence (Atlantia)
*Sophia Magdalena of Mataria
07/11/1987 Award of Arms
Sophie Catherine de Montnoir
03/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Sorcha ar Menez
11/14/1981 Award of Arms
*Sorcha Chathasach
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
06/18/2005 Companion of the
Leviathan (Smoking Rocks)
Sorcha nic Aoidh
Solvig of Rusted Woodlands
07/06/1996 Award of Arms
03/27/1993 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
04/04/1998 Queen's Cypher
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
Sonia del Bosque
07/05/2003 Award of Arms
*Sonja Dolgorukaja
09/17/1994 Grant of Arms
09/17/1994 Baroness of
09/07/1996 Court Baroness
Sonja, called Mama Ougley
07/05/2003 Award of Arms
Sonja of Eisental
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
Sorcha O hAodha
*Sorcha of Stonegrave
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Queen's Order of
? Silvanus Doke (An
Sorcha of House O'Niall
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
Sorcha of Mountain Freehold
10/14/2000 Award of Arms
*Sorcha Ruadh
11/11/2006 Award of Arms
Sorchea Larsdatter
08/17/2005 Award of Arms
08/17/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Sorka Bohannon
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
Sorka the Red of Blackwood
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
Sorsha an Mara cu
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
Spurius Genucia Rutilus
08/29/2009 Award of Arms
Stalgrim Svithbidr
10/05/1991 Award of Arms
*Starulf Haraldsson of
04/01/1978 Award of Arms
Starzy Jan
01/24/1998 Award of Arms
Steaphon mac Seumus
09/19/1992 Award of Arms
*Stefan Alexsander Bärenreiter
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
Stefan Brianovitch Rotteshar
04/12/1980 Award of Arms
*Stefan Hochreiter
01/23/1999 Award of Arms
§*Stefan Locke
11/25/1995 Companion of the
06/12/1993 Award of Arms
*Stefan Skywatcher
11/02/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/07/1992 Award of Arms
04/30/1995 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Stefana Maria Wand
02/23/1991 Award of Arms
Stefek Olszewski
05/15/2004 Award of Arms
*Steffan ap Cenydd of Silverwing
08/17/1984 Master of the
08/18/2004 Master of the
10/03/1981 Grant of Arms
02/20/1982 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/03/1981 Court Baron
09/18/1999 Companion of the
08/04/1979 Award of Arms
12/12/1981 Queen's Order of
12/06/1980 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
12/02/1984 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
12/05/1998 Pillar of the Bridge
06/26/2004 Companion of the
Lodestone (Smoking Rocks)
Steffan von Dresden
08/13/1998 Knight
08/??/1995 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/11/2003 King's Award of
Excellence (Atlantia)
Steffan Joseph
09/25/1999 Award of Arms
07/20/2002 Queen's Order of
05/31/1997 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
06/15/2002 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Stefano Ricciuto
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
01/15/2005 Companion of the
Steingrim Fafnirsson
06/11/2005 Award of Arms
*Steinhard Helmschrot
11/13/2004 Award of Arms
*Stephan of Silverforge
07/21/1990 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
??/??/???? Award of Arms
04/30/1994 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Stephan von Hapsburg
03/31/2001 Award of Arms
Stephan Nosca Personae
03/04/2006 Award of Arms
Stephanie Hrelgarsdottir
11/23/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Stephanie MacGregor
08/06/2009 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
08/06/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella II)
Stephanie of Vestfell
05/23/2009 Award of Arms
Stephanous Tuner
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
01/13/2001 Companion of
the Troubadour
*Stephen Alexeivitch Adashev
02/18/1978 Award of Arms
Stephen of Berkley
04/24/1976 Award of Arms
*Stephen Caithnes
01/04/1988 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
03/21/1984 Award of Arms
*Stephen of Falworth
06/30/1990 Grant of Arms
06/30/1990 Court Baron
06/30/1984 Award of Arms
01/29/1994 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Stephen Grandchamp
10/03/1992 Knight
01/13/1996 Master of the
07/13/1991 Grant of Arms
01/04/1988 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
08/16/1990 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/13/1991 Court Baron
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
10/03/1992 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
*Stephen Haroldson
04/??/1985 Award of Arms
Stephen Mundfuss
03/04/1989 Award of Arms
*Stephen de Raymond
04/05/1986 Grant of Arms
04/05/1986 Court Baron
02/25/1978 Award of Arms
10/09/1982 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Stephen Renwald
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
08/14/2003 Queen's Order of
Stephen the Salacious
09/16/1995 Grant of Arms
01/07/1995 Companion of the
09/16/1995 Court Baron
02/27/1993 Award of Arms
12/10/1994 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Sterling de la Rosa
04/02/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
03/27/2010 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
02/10/2001 Companion of
03/29/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/29/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
08/13/2006 Companion of the
Silver Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
05/30/2008 Companion of the
Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
Sternwulf von Drachenwyck
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
11/02/1991 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Steuen de Sheffield
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
Steven the Wanderer
02/14/1976 Award of Arms
Stevyn Voroshazi
11/02/1991 Award of Arms
04/20/1991 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Stienn Karlsson
06/30/2001 Award of Arms
Stonewall de Punstar
03/03/1990 Award of Arms
03/03/1990 Companion of the
*Strykar Geirhaldsson
10/18/1980 Queen’s Cypher
Stuart Martin MacDonnell
01/30/1999 Queen’s Honor of
Distinction (Anna)
12/30/1995 Award of Arms
*Su'ad al-Raqqasah
08/12/1998 Mistress of the
09/07/1996 Companion of the
07/24/1993 Award of Arms
07/08/1995 Companion of
09/30/1995 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Suba al-Hadid, see *Jamila of
Suikazura, see Ann of Bright
Suleen Skye
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
*Suleiman ibn Ghazi abdal
Rahim al Andalusi
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
Sulis Bandru
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Sunnifa Heinreksdóttir
08/08/2007 Award of Arms
*Sunniva Ormstung
02/02/2002 Mistress of the
02/05/2000 Companion of the
02/01/1997 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
04/12/2003 Golden Lyre
*Sunny of Somerset
04/07/1979 Award of Arms
Suppililiumas of Gongor
11/14/1987 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
06/01/1985 Award of Arms
*Susan MacGregor
04/09/1994 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/23/1994 Companion of the
01/04/1986 Award of Arms
01/04/1986 Companion of
04/11/1992 Baroness of AlBarran (Outlands)
05/23/1992 Grant of Arms
05/25/1997 Court Baroness
12/16/1995 Argent Heart
01/02/1988 Stag's Heart
08/16/1986 Award of Arms
11/06/1993 Cordon Royale
(Leif II, Outlands)
11/05/1994 Queen's Cypher
(Aziza II, Outlands)
05/30/1993 Radiant Rose
11/14/1987 Dragon's Blood
(Dragonsspine, Outlands)
12/16/1989 Russian Thistle
(Al-Barran, Outlands)
04/11/1992 Scorpion (AlBarran, Outlands)
*Susana del Lago
08/14/1998 Mistress of the
04/05/1997 Grant of Arms
11/02/1996 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/03/1993 Award of Arms
09/29/2007 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
10/05/1996 King’s Cypher
09/27/1997 Queen’s Cypher
09/27/1997 King’s Cypher
11/02/1996 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
04/05/1997 Queen’s Honor
of Distinction
*Susana Marie of Palermo
10/23/1981 Award of Arms
04/16/1983 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Susan the Midwife
Susanna la Fleur
07/24/1993 Mistress of the
Pelican (Outlands)
10/07/2000 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
12/15/2007 Queen's Order of
*Susanna Lockheart
Companion of the
01/03/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/10/1990 Award of Arms
12/01/1990 Sigil of
*Svava Þorgeirsdóttir
Award of Arms
Golden Tyger
Golden Lyre
Susanna Mahieu
04/21/2007 Award of Arms
Sutr of Silver Horde
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
Suzanne de Chalons
02/23/1991 Award of Arms
*Suzanne Neuber de Londres
08/18/1999 Mistress of the
08/06/2009 Mistress of the
06/17/1995 Companion of the
05/02/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/21/2001 Court Baroness
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
09/30/1995 Queen’s Cypher
04/13/1996 King’s Cypher
(Balfar II)
04/12/2003 Queen's Cypher
(Isabella II)
09/27/2008 Queen's Cypher
09/27/2008 King's Cypher
04/10/2010 Queen's Cypher
(Brenwen II)
03/21/2009 Silvanus Doke (An
*Suzanne de l'Ouest
08/14/2002 Award of Arms
Svala von Kegger
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
Svana Sölgadóttir (was: Ariane
de Meursault)
11/15/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
01/30/2010 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
*Svanhildr Karlsdottir
04/02/2005 Countess
04/02/2005 Lady of the Rose
08/13/2003 Grant of Arms
08/13/2003 Court Baroness
09/18/1999 Award of Arms
09/14/2002 Queen's Order of
08/06/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
*Svea the Shortsighted
09/16/1995 Companion of the
07/19/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/25/1988 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Svein de Falaise
11/14/1998 Award of Arms
Sven Aelfrickson
08/18/1999 Award of Arms
Sven the Red
06/07/2008 Award of Arms
Sven Svensson
07/06/1991 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
02/17/1990 Award of Arms
*Sviatoslav Borisov
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
Svipdag Helgisson
04/06/2002 Award of Arms
*Swannoc Walter
01/03/2004 Award of Arms
Sweyn Edmundson
03/10/1990 Award of Arms
Sybilla atte Blakeley
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
*Syele von Heidelberg
06/10/2006 Award of Arms
Sylva of Armenia
02/20/1993 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Sylvan Elkinson
11/30/1996 Award of Arms
11/25/1995 Companion of the
11/25/1995 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
*Sylvana Dagfinsdottir
09/06/1980 Award of Arms
Sylvester des Monts Chantants
12/05/1992 Award of Arms
*Sylvia du Vey
03/06/2010 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/20/1999 Award of Arms
Symon of Barnesdale
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
*Symon de Poitiers
09/28/1996 Award of Arms
Symonne de Bellefort
04/10/2010 Award of Arms
Symonne de Villeneuve
05/23/2009 Grant of Arms
01/24/2009 Companion of
the Maunche
05/23/2009 Court Baroness
11/03/2007 Award of Arms
10/31/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/11/2009 King's Cypher
(Darius IV)
05/24/2009 Order of the
Sapphire (Concordia)
Synthal of the Sands
10/29/1988 Award of Arms
Szczepin of Fennbrycg
04/20/1991 Award of Arms
*Szerena Fehér the Indecisive
06/27/1987 Award of Arms
*Szeven za Daemon
07/08/1972 Companion of
the Windblown Leaf
Szika (of Havre des Glaces)
03/31/2001 Award of Arms
Tabitha of Citte del Mughetto
03/17/1984 Award of Arms
Tabitha of Johnstone
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
Tabitha Katherine O’Kelly
01/20/1996 Award of Arms
Tacharan MacGowan
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
*Tadatsune of Carolingia
06/08/2002 Award of Arms
*Tadg in Sinnach
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
*Tadg ui Duinn of Isle Magee
08/14/2002 Grant of Arms
05/13/1989 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/04/1989 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/04/1998 Companion of the
08/16/1985 Award of Arms
01/11/2002 Queen's Order of
06/22/1985 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
03/16/2002 Companion of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
Tadgh of Stonemarche
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
01/30/2010 Companion of the
Furison (Stonemarche)
*Tadhg ua hlcidhe An-Artuil
04/16/1988 Award of Arms
Tadpole of Ruantallan
03/22/2008 Award of Arms
03/22/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
05/28/2005 Queen's Honor of
Talen Tyrsson
07/28/2001 Award of Arms
Tamsin of Avoca
*Taliesin of Carreg Cennen
08/21/1988 Award of Arms
Taliesin Dylyn map Meredudd see
*Marius Lugotorix Delenitor
Taliesin ap Talon
04/14/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Talmar called Fester
05/25/1998 Award of Arms
Talorc McTaran
07/04/2009 Award of Arms
*Talon of Blackoak
06/16/1990 Award of Arms
Talon of the Bridge
10/05/1991 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
11/05/1988 Award of Arms
*Talon of the Shadowed Loch
06/02/1990 Award of Arms
Tamao Warkine
05/11/1991 Award of Arms
Takamatsu Rumiko
06/15/2002 Award of Arms
*Takashina Nichiro
12/09/1995 Award of Arms
12/09/1995 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Takechi no Musashi
08/19/1990 Master at Arms
06/06/1987 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/03/1983 Award of Arms
Taki Usagi
03/04/2006 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Talan Gwyllt (was: Gwydion ap
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
11/30/2002 Golden Lyre
08/08/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
01/30/1999 Companion of the
09/17/1988 Award of Arms
Tammius Velgadus
*Tamsin Averil
Talya of Clan Sutherland
Tairis de te Maireanaichte
07/18/2009 Award of Arms
*Talen Hackewrist (was:
*Tahira of Carolingia (was:
Tahira bint Ibrahim al Fenmeri)
Tain of Greentree
*Temair ingen Muiredaich
Tamitha of Ostgardr
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
07/07/1990 Award of Arms
*Tamar bas Reuven
09/22/2001 Award of Arms
*Tamar Walshman
01/14/2006 Mistress of the
08/16/2004 Grant of Arms
07/11/1998 Companion of the
02/12/2000 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/16/2004 Court Baroness
03/04/1995 Award of Arms
04/16/1994 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
§*Tamara de Bretagne
03/16/1996 Award of Arms
Tamara MacPherson
06/12/1999 Award of Arms
Tamara of Montvale
06/30/1990 Award of Arms
Tamarrion di Sidana, see
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
01/29/1994 Award of Arms
Tamsin Whitlock
01/17/2009 Mistress of the
01/23/1999 Companion of
the Sagittarius
04/14/2007 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/02/2009 Court Baroness
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
*Tanaka Raiko
05/30/1993 Knight
09/29/2001 Master of the
06/25/1988 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
11/11/1995 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
07/26/2003 Court Baron
06/06/1987 Award of Arms
11/19/1994 Queen’s Order of
*Tanczos Ilona
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
*Tanczos Istvan
08/07/2008 Master of the
01/13/2001 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
06/15/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/08/2007 Companion of
the Manche
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
01/11/2002 Queen's Order of
*Tanna-Kormakr Makansson,
was Cormac the Teeth
12/29/1990 Award of Arms
11/07/1992 Queen's Order of
Tanniscent Rhiannon
05/17/2003 Mistress of the
02/20/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/19/1992 Award of Arms
07/16/2000 Queen's Order of
Tanya von Grunwald
06/21/2003 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Tanya von Sussen
01/23/1993 Grant of Arms
01/23/1993 Court Baroness
11/05/1988 Award of Arms
Tara of Montrose see Atarah of
Tara Ann of Marwick
04/07/1990 Award of Arms
Tara Gabrielle
06/24/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Tarah MacGowan
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
§*Taran of Windy Hill
02/09/1980 Award of Arms
02/17/1990 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Taran the Unwashed
09/10/1994 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Taras the Unwashed, Scourge of
08/14/2002 Award of Arms
Taras Volgsdottir
08/16/1980 Award of Arms
Tarazed of Ruantallan
07/16/2005 Companion of the
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
Tarian Veassllurd
06/22/1991 Award of Arms
07/03/1988 Award of Arms
*Tassilo d'Auxerre
11/04/1989 Award of Arms
Tatiana Iarekova
05/26/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Tatiana Ivanovna
07/10/1982 Companion of the
Willow (Middle)
12/04/1982 Queen's Favor
09/27/1980 Award of Arms
Tatiana Maria Consuello
Esperanza Figueron di Vivar
10/10/1987 Queen's Cypher
(Marieke I)
10/09/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/23/1991 Award of Arms
09/13/2003 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Tedmundai Chagan
*Tat'iana Negoshka Danilova
02/27/2005 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
09/15/2007 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/07/2008 Companion of the
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
05/06/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Anna II)
08/06/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
09/30/2006 Queen's Cypher
(Anna II)
09/29/2007 King's Cypher
*Tatjana vom Hülst
07/11/1992 Award of Arms
§Tatjiana Irina Aleksandrova
11/07/1987 Award of Arms
Tauna Aelswith
03/10/1990 Companion of the
04/25/1988 Award of Arms
10/22/1994 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Tausaret Seteptemhathor
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
09/29/1984 Award of Arms
Teagara Angelus
11/25/2000 Award of Arms
03/01/2008 Companion of the
02/21/1987 Award of Arms
*Tearlach the Profane
10/19/1985 Master at Arms
09/24/1994 Master of the
02/06/1982 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/04/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/06/1991 Companion of the
07/26/1980 Award of Arms
03/27/1976 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Tegan Dragonsblood ni
Tegan of y Grosefan
09/22/2001 Award of Arms
*Tegan Silverwolf
04/07/1990 Award of Arms
Tehgen of Iron Bog
06/23/2007 Award of Arms
08/08/2007 Companion of
the Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
*Teleri Barod
03/10/2001 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Settmour
Teleri the Well Prepared
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
Telger Augustsson
11/11/2006 Award of Arms
*Temair ingen Muiredaich
09/24/2005 Mistress of the
04/20/2002 Grant of Arms
09/27/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/09/2004 Companion of
the Manche
04/20/2002 Court Baroness
05/18/1996 Award of Arms
09/27/2003 Queen's Cypher
(Roxane II)
04/03/2004 King's Cypher
(Balfar IV)
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
06/05/1999 Companion of
the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Temair of Stonemarche
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
Temair nic UiNiann
05/14/1988 Award of Arms
Tempest of Fennbrycg
09/24/1994 Award of Arms
11/05/1994 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Temu Kirghiz
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
Tenchisaikai (of Eisental)
07/22/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Tennequay of Settmour Swamp
09/08/1984 Award of Arms
Teofilia Karaszkiewicz, see
*Sophia Karaszkiewicza
Teofio Cole Amici
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
Teragram of Carker
03/06/1982 Companion of the
05/26/1985 Court Baroness
10/18/1980 Award of Arms
§Teran O’Raghaillaigh of Bar
08/29/1998 Award of Arms
*Terence the Arcane
08/19/1993 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
09/19/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/11/1991 Award of Arms
*Teric Gwynedd
08/17/1991 Knight
03/23/2002 Baron of Settmour
08/16/1990 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/24/2007 Court Baron
04/07/1990 Award of Arms
10/01/1994 Queen’s Order of
03/24/2007 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
03/29/2008 Companion of the
Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
06/06/1998 Award of Arms
10/03/1998 Queen’s Cypher
(Gabrielle II)
03/18/2000 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
Tessa de Canossa
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
Tessa Martini D'Agostino
01/08/2005 Award of Arms
10/17/2009 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Tetsu (of Stonemarche)
Tessa the Amnesiac
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
*Tessa Boncheval
12/16/1995 Award of Arms
*Tevis MacBrodie
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
12/03/1994 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
Theodore of Haddington
Thaddeus of Stonemarche
Theodore Ursus
02/05/2000 Award of Arms
03/16/1985 Award of Arms
05/12/1984 Award of Arms
03/09/1996 Award of Arms
08/12/1998 Award of Arms
Thadeo d'Este
*Theodore the Wanderer
04/14/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
10/31/1992 Knight
04/16/1988 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
Thailyn MacAusland
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
10/21/2000 Queen's Order of
09/11/2004 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Thalia of Malagentia
05/31/1997 Award of Arms
03/26/2005 Golden Tyger
Thallos of Brighton Manor
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
*Thea von Bayern
08/16/1992 Grant of Arms
08/16/1992 Court Baroness
05/12/1990 Award of Arms
03/18/1978 Companion of the
Leaf of Merit (West)
08/13/1977 Award of Arms
01/15/1983 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
12/01/1988 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
*Theodora of Dragonship
*Theodore Digenes Ducas
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
01/30/2010 Companion of the
09/24/2005 Award of Arms
03/08/1986 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
*Theodora di Lupita
*Thelin von Kallenbach
Tescotickle flint Aterrimus
*Theoderick Orbus
01/26/2008 Companion of
Terren of Tir
§Terry the Black
01/16/1999 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
11/04/1989 Award of Arms
08/18/2005 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Settmour
*Theobald Hauoc
12/10/2005 Award of Arms
*Theoden the Oarsman
07/10/1993 Companion of the
Theodoric the Clueless
10/05/1991 Award of Arms
*Theodur of Bucharest
06/20/1987 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
12/21/1985 Award of Arms
*Theodwine of Falconbridge
04/03/1993 Award of Arms
Theotime de Poitiers
11/27/1999 Award of Arms
03/31/2001 Companion of
the Troubadour
Thereon Colosa
07/12/2008 Companion of
Thibeau de Montfort
03/05/2005 Master of the
05/04/2002 Companion of
the Manche
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
03/31/2001 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
06/10/2000 Ordre de la Rose
de Glaces (Havre des Glaces)
04/06/2001 Ordre de Mai
(Havre des Glaces)
Thierry de Malicorne
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
Thokdar of Leatherwood
08/16/2004 Award of Arms
11/29/1975 Award of Arms
*Thomas Alexander of Hastings
02/25/1989 Award of Arms
*Thomas de Castellan
01/16/1999 Master of the
04/12/2008 Grant of Arms
10/01/1994 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
08/19/1995 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/12/2008 Court Baron
08/16/1992 Award of Arms
09/12/2009 Queen's Order of
04/12/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
12/05/1992 Companion of the
order of Fence of Bhakail
*Thomas delbroc
04/03/2004 Companion of the
Golden Rapier
06/06/1998 Award of Arms
06/06/1998 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Thomas Evan Claybrook
06/15/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Thomas Graham
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
06/23/2007 Companion of the
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
Thora Raving Enge
*Thomas MacAndrew
08/12/1992 Mistress of the
03/09/1991 Companion of
the Manche
04/03/1993 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/12/2005 Court Baroness
07/11/1987 Award of Arms
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
03/26/1983 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
07/01/1989 Companion of
Thomas MacVarish
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
*Thomas Monrow of Longhill
10/02/2004 Award of Arms
Thomas of Northpass
01/11/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/26/1996 Award of Arms
04/21/2001 Queen's Order of
10/31/1998 Order of the
Seadog (Ostgardr)
Thomas of Paulus Hook
08/13/1998 Award of Arms
*Thomas of Ravenhill
03/17/2001 Knight (Middle)
04/13/1996 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
08/14/1997 Dragon's Tooth
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
12/09/1995 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
Thomas the Unnamed
01/25/1997 Award of Arms
*Thomas de Winterwade
06/26/1993 Award of Arms
02/14/2009 Queen's Order of
Thomas Greycloak (of
Thomas of Wirth
02/01/2003 Companion of the
05/24/2003 Golden Tyger
*Thomé de Laurent
*Thomas Hickson
11/18/1989 Award of Arms
*Thomas der Kreuzfahrer
04/12/1997 Award of Arms
Thomas Lake
11/12/1988 Award of Arms
*Thomas of Linlithgow
10/14/1978 Award of Arms
*Thomas Loch, called Tomaloc
11/06/2004 Award of Arms
04/27/1991 Award of Arms
Thor Poleski
04/04/1981 Award of Arms
*Þóra Eiríksdóttir (called Thyra)
07/10/2004 Companion of the
Keystone (AEthelmearc)
02/21/2004 Award of Arms
Thora Ravenhair
04/03/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
*Þóra Sharptooth
Thoran of Quintavia
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
*Thorfinn inn Einaugi
04/20/1996 Award of Arms
*Thorfinn Jarlsson
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
Thorgar the Smith
11/29/2008 Companion of
the Iceberg (Ruantallan)
Thorgar of Ynys y Gwaed
11/25/2000 Award of Arms
*Thorgeirr Bollason
07/06/1991 Knight
08/17/1990 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
09/07/1996 Companion of
the Manche
10/07/1989 Award of Arms
06/17/1995 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
03/04/2000 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Thorgrim Defender
11/18/2000 Award of Arms
Thorkal Voldarson
07/10/1993 Award of Arms
*Thorkatla Herjolfsdottir (was
*Octavia Rosa di Bari)
09/28/1996 Mistress of the
11/07/1998 Mistress of the
12/09/1989 Companion of
the Manche
11/20/1993 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
12/10/1988 Award of Arms
03/??/1992 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Swamp)
Thorkatla Ulfsdottir
09/15/2007 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
Perseus (Carolingia)
*Thorkel of Neville's Cross
*Thorvald the Indomitable
09/29/1984 Award of Arms
*Thorkell Óláfsson
09/05/1998 Award of Arms
*Þórlæifr hvitskegg
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
05/27/2007 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Settmour
03/28/2009 King's Cypher
(Darius IV)
04/10/2010 King's Cypher
(Konrad II)
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Alethea)
Thorlakr Meinaettr
04/19/2008 Award of Arms
*Thormond the Short
11/07/1987 Award of Arms
*Thorold Hawke
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
*Thorolf Egillsen
04/04/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
10/03/1998 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Thorstein fra Agnefit
03/05/1988 Award of Arms
Thorulf Haraldsfostery
08/20/1989 Award of Arms
05/14/1994 Queen’s Order of
Thorvaaldr Frirsverth
08/13/1992 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
05/06/1989 Award of Arms
*Thorvald of Bungay
07/10/1993 Award of Arms
04/23/1983 Award of Arms
Thorvald Klaufland
11/02/1991 Master of the
11/19/1988 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/12/1984 Award of Arms
04/13/1996 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
??/??/1985 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Thorvaldr Olafsson
07/31/1993 Award of Arms
Thorwald Thorbjornsson
10/02/1976 Award of Arms
Thrace (of Stonemarche)
01/26/2008 Companion of
Thyra of Thingvellir
02/11/1989 Award of Arms
Tibbot of Ballyoughtera
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
Tiberious Artorious
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
*Tiberius Erikson
01/18/1986 Award of Arms
*Tiberivs Ivlivs Rvfvs
01/31/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
05/28/2006 Award of Arms
01/12/2008 Companion of the
05/26/2007 King's Order of
Tiberius Nautius Maximus
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
Tiberius Tarius Britannicus
10/05/1996 Grant of Arms
10/30/1993 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/05/1996 Court Baron
02/12/1987 Award of Arms
08/20/1999 Iren Fera
10/09/1993 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
03/14/1992 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Tiecia O'Scanlan
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Tiernan ni Cearnaigh
07/13/1996 Award of Arms
Tiernan MacAlpine
07/06/1996 Award of Arms
*Tiernan Shepherd
07/17/2004 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
*Tigar of Toddington
12/09/1989 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
10/09/1993 Companion of
the Manche
04/04/1992 Court Baron
07/18/1987 Award of Arms
04/13/1996 King’s Cypher
04/12/1986 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
*Tigellen der Auslander
05/09/1992 Companion of
the Manche
08/20/1989 Award of Arms
Tim the Humble
05/09/2009 Award of Arms
Tim of the Regnesfolc
06/08/1996 Award of Arms
Thorvald Halversson
03/05/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
Tim, der Zeidelmeister
04/02/2005 Count
08/14/1998 Knight
10/05/1996 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
06/25/1994 Award of Arms
05/08/1999 Queen’s Order of
09/28/2002 Queen's Cypher
05/04/2008 Companion of
Tibicen Blackmane
*Timothy of Arindale
09/07/1996 Companion of the
04/27/1991 Award of Arms
02/05/1994 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
03/04/2000 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
09/30/1995 Duke
11/07/1992 Count (Caid)
08/18/1990 Knight (Atlantia)
01/16/1999 Companion of
the Manche
08/15/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
07/08/1989 Companion of
the Sea Stag (Atlantia)
*Tibor of Rock Valley
07/20/2002 Master of the
10/30/2004 Award of Arms
08/19/1995 Order of the
Dragon’s Heart (Middle)
08/19/1984 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Companion of the
Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
03/29/2003 Companion of the
Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
02/09/1991 Vanguard of
Honor (Caid)
Timothy of Owl's Reste
04/27/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Tina of An Dubhaigeainn
01/08/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Tiphane of Burgundy
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
*Tiphaine de Montaigne
06/17/1995 Award of Arms
*Tirza bithe Reaboughes
09/24/2005 Mistress of the
08/13/1996 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
08/12/1998 Companion of the
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
04/04/1992 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
11/04/2000 Queen's Order of
08/??/1996 Prince's Cypher
Titus Claudius Sylvanus
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
Titus Fidelis Longinius
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
Tiurdach ic Erc
02/26/2000 Award of Arms
Tjolnir of Vinland
06/30/2007 Award of Arms
Tobias de Baku
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
Tobias of Rome
10/06/2007 Award of Arms
*Tobin Swann
06/22/1991 Award of Arms
*Tobyn Kembold
01/03/2004 Companion of the
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
10/25/2008 Companion of
*Toi Poisson de Mortagne
01/30/2010 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/28/2006 Award of Arms
10/31/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
*Toki Redbeard
08/13/2006 Master of the
03/12/2005 Companion of the
07/05/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/14/1981 Award of Arms
05/24/2003 Companion of the
02/20/2010 Queen's Order of
??/??/???? Companion of the
Snowflake (Concordia)
Tokigata Tajima
11/14/1998 Award of Arms
03/25/2000 Queen's Order of
*Tola knytir
03/01/1997 Award of Arms
Tomas MacLaren
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
*Tomas Wormwood
05/28/2005 Award of Arms
Tombo no Tanaka
11/22/2008 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Tomislaus Torvaldsman
11/11/2006 Award of Arms
*Tommaltach MacFhiachach
12/11/2004 Knight
09/07/1996 Baron of Bergental
09/01/2001 Grant of Arms
09/01/2001 Court Baron
09/01/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
12/06/2008 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/23/1991 Award of Arms
07/11/1998 Companion of the
06/03/2006 Companion of the
Sun and Soil (Beyond the
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Roxane)
*Tommaso Valeriano
07/22/2000 Award of Arms
Tomyris of the Sauromatae
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor
of Distinction
Toqtamish Kokejin
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
11/29/2008 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Alethea)
Tor of Mercia, see Lienhar
Fischer von Torum
Torbjorn Ragnvaldsen
04/25/2009 Award of Arms
*Torcail O’Maonaigh
06/10/1995 Award of Arms
*Toriijima Tsuru Tohaku
02/16/1985 Award of Arms
02/21/1998 Companion of
the Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Torin Ertheshert
the Manche
Master of the
Companion of
Award of Arms
*Torin Ironbrow
07/24/2004 Companion of
the Manche
Torin MacKinnon
03/24/2007 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
Torlei Pipare
09/17/1988 Award of Arms
*Torquil ban MacNeil
02/26/2000 Award of Arms
*Torrin the Wanderer (Torrin
O'Cuin, the Wonderer)
08/13/1997 Knight
05/23/1992 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
01/19/1985 Award of Arms
05/??/2001 Companion of St.
Martin (Dragonship Haven)
Torvald Sigurdsson
Tucker of Iron Bog
10/03/1992 Master of Arms
06/24/1989 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
03/11/2000 King's Order of
Tristan the Harper
08/04/2007 Companion of
the Iron Punk (Iron Bog)
Torwulf Waldemarsson of Krak
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
*Torrwyn Campbell of Cornwall
03/11/1989 Award of Arms
*Tovah bat David
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
Travis of Malagentia
10/28/2000 Award of Arms
Travis of Montvale
05/09/1998 Companion of the
Tyger's Cub
Treacaigh O Suilleahbhain of
08/06/2009 Award of Arms
08/06/2009 Companion of
Treannah Theodora Brennanoif
03/24/2007 Award of Arms
Trentus Nubianus
06/08/2002 Award of Arms
10/09/2004 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Triffin of Ty Llanberis
05/??/1980 Companion of the
Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Triona MacCaskey
04/03/2004 Award of Arms
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane III)
Tristan de Chanticleer de
08/16/2006 Companion of the
08/16/2000 Award of Arms
11/06/2004 Companion of the
Tristan de la Valière
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
Tristan Fisher
07/04/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Tristan Macdonald
02/01/1997 Award of Arms
*Tristan van Groningen
10/27/1990 Award of Arms
06/01/1991 Sigil of
01/23/1999 Award of Arms
02/05/2000 Companion of the
*Tristan von Lausanne
06/20/1992 Award of Arms
*Tristan le Sauvage
06/19/2004 Award of Arms
03/06/2010 Companion of the
Silver Rapier
06/20/2009 Companion of the
Lodestone (Smoking Rocks)
Tristan of Thunder Mountain
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
Tristan de Warrell
04/21/2007 Companion of the
06/24/2000 Award of Arms
04/??/2002 Companion of St.
Martin (Dragonship Haven)
11/??/2002 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
11/20/2004 Worshipful
Company of Artificers
(Dragonship Haven)
11/14/2009 Golden Lyre
Tristan Winter
11/17/2007 Award of Arms
*Tristen of Lochmor
10/06/1990 Knight
06/15/1991 Baron of Bhakail
01/11/2003 Court Baron
10/10/1987 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
01/11/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/30/1984 Award of Arms
01/13/2001 Augmentation of
*Trygge fråm Holmgård
05/22/1993 Award of Arms
*Tryphena Locke of Wolfswood,
see *Tyrvi rotinn
Tsukino Sakura
02/21/2009 Award of Arms
Tsurunaga, see *Kai de Ravenglas
*Tuathal mac Catcheirn (called
11/08/1997 Award of Arms
The Tuchux
08/20/2004 Blue Tyger Legion
03/27/1982 Award of Arms
Turc MacKinnon
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
Turek Alfelo Faege
08/08/2007 Award of Arms
Turi mac Kinnon
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Turlough MacArt the Red
Wolf, see *Emrys y Crwydryn
Turlough O'Rourke
10/06/1990 Master at Arms
06/06/1987 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
01/14/2006 Companion of
the Manche
09/08/1984 Award of Arms
Tuya of the Silver Horde
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
Ty Kieva
08/02/2009 Award of Arms
*Tybalt Seagrim
03/06/1993 Award of Arms
03/06/1993 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Tygger of Settmour Swamp
03/28/1987 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Swamp)
03/05/1994 Award of Arms
Tyna of Concordia
05/28/2000 Award of Arms
Tyrum Volundsson (was:
Thrym Volund)
07/23/1994 Award of Arms
11/11/2006 Companion of
the Silver Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
08/13/2006 Baroness's Silver
Ring (Iron Bog)
04/20/1996 Popular
Company of Sojourners
*Tyrvi rotinn
02/05/2000 Award of Arms
Tyrvold of Mountain Freehold
05/26/2001 Award of Arms
Tyssyn the Sneaky
12/16/1995 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Tyzes Sofia
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
Tzigan Volchkovich, see *Rowen
Tzitzakion of Atil see Saerlaith
inghen Cinneide
*Udalrich Schermer
02/08/2003 Award of Arms
10/??/2007 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
*Ugo Gonzaga, see *Uther
Uileag mac Amhairghin
03/29/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/06/1998 Award of Arms
Uiliam O'Fiaranghan
11/25/2000 Companion of the
Uilleam mac Lennan called Liam
01/31/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor of
09/30/2006 Foreign Tyger
10/25/2008 Companion of
*Uilleam MacLeòid
01/24/1998 Award of Arms
*Uilliam MacMathgamna of
11/25/1995 Award of Arms
*Uilliam Twit of Witlow
08/13/2003 Master of the
01/28/2006 Master of the
04/04/1998 Grant of Arms
09/24/1994 Companion of the
04/06/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/04/1998 Court Baron
12/08/1990 Award of Arms
07/17/2004 Queen's Order of
04/21/2001 King's Cypher
04/06/2002 Queen's Cypher
(Yana III)
09/24/2005 King's Cypher
(Gaufred Kelson II)
04/12/2008 King's Cypher
(Andreas III)
Ulf Bjornson
10/25/2003 Award of Arms
*Ulf Njalsen
10/01/1988 Award of Arms
Ulf Ulfson
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
Ulfarr Craeftig Bikkjusonr
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
Ulfr Stinson
05/23/2009 Award of Arms
*Ulfr Thorfinnsson
05/26/2001 Award of Arms
Ulric von Beck
06/02/1990 Award of Arms
*Ulric von der Insel
01/11/2003 Master of the
02/28/1998 Grant of Arms
08/12/1998 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/28/1998 Court Baron
12/19/1992 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 Queen’s Order of
12/03/1994 Pillar of the Bridge
03/31/2000 Ordre du Pèlerin
(Havre des Glaces)
Ulrica of Iron Bog
01/20/1996 Award of Arms
*Ulrich von Adlerberg, see
*Michael of Exeter
Ulrich Abendroth
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
Ulrich Bryars (of An
11/13/2004 Award of Arms
*Ulrich von Dunkelberg
05/06/2006 Award of Arms
Ulrich von Eisenfaust
05/06/1989 Award of Arms
*Ulrich Jarman
03/??/1991 Award of Arms
Ulrich Lawlis
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
*Ulrich von Rothenburg
05/10/2008 Grant of Arms
*Ulrich Vikingsjäger
10/17/1981 Award of Arms
*Umbar in Harchiral Dandachi
04/19/1980 Award of Arms
Umm Salamagulina-na ibnat
asuman-dukht Al Basrai yyatun
Mah huly
01/25/1997 Award of Arms
Una Glor-Airgid, called Una
the Harper
07/22/2000 Award of Arms
*Una Logan
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
Uncas Deerslayer
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
Urho of the Pines see *Bjorn
Urho of the Pines
Ursel Fredricka Kalweit
04/15/1989 Award of Arms
Ursion de Gui
03/05/2005 Companion of
the Manche
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
06/07/2003 Ordre de Mai
(Havre des Glaces)
03/22/2003 Golden Lyre
*Ursula von Mönchwald
06/14/1986 Companion of
the Manche
02/23/1985 Award of Arms
*Ursula of North Woods
01/30/1982 Baroness of
Settmour Swamp
01/09/1982 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
03/12/1994 Companion of
the Manche
05/13/1978 Award of Arms
05/09/1981 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
05/12/1990 Companion of
03/25/2006 Queen's Order of
03/28/1987 Companion of
the Silver Tower (Swamp)
03/05/1988 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Swamp)
*Ursula de Santiago y Galiciano
01/24/1987 Award of Arms
??/??/1986 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Ursulla Karlsdottir
07/08/1989 Award of Arms
*Ursus Arkuda
07/05/2008 Award of Arms
Valdis of Gotland
09/30/2000 Companion of the
04/27/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
10/??/1982 Companion of the
Valdis von Saxony
*Ursus of the River
Valdr Greenway
04/07/1990 Award of Arms
*Uta von dem Lindenwald
04/29/1995 Award of Arms
*Uther Hardwin
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
*Uther McDermot
10/16/2004 Award of Arms
*Uther Pendarien ap Dufglas
01/10/1998 Award of Arms
*Uther Shieldbreaker
08/17/2005 Grant of Arms
07/06/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/24/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
08/17/2005 Court Baron
12/08/1990 Award of Arms
04/03/1993 Queen's Order of
04/01/2006 Queen's Cypher
(Roxane III)
06/??/2000 Companion of the
Silver Feather (An
04/??/2001 Companion of the
Silver Feather (An
03/??/2002 Companion of the
Sea Star (Ostgardr)
Uust MacSkelton
07/04/2009 Award of Arms
Vadim Sajir
08/08/2008 Award of Arms
Vairavi, see Irayari Vairavi
Val of Arx Ventus
11/22/2003 Award of Arms
Valdain Jensine
01/07/1989 Award of Arms
Valdaric of Esdraelon
04/24/1976 Award of Arms
Valdimarr Thorbane
03/27/2010 Grant of Arms
07/15/1988 Award of Arms
05/26/2007 Award of Arms
*Valentina Barrow
09/24/2005 Grant of Arms
09/24/2005 Court Baroness
07/23/2005 Award of Arms
Valeria Laskaris
03/05/2005 Baroness L'Ile du
Dragon Dormant
03/05/2005 Grant of Arms
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
Valerian of Somerset
01/31/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/11/1998 Award of Arms
04/28/2002 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Valerie del Varra
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
Valerin of Ayer
09/22/2001 Award of Arms
*Valerius Fidelis Camerinus
Knight (Ansteorra)
Iris of Merit
King's Gauntlet
Award of Arms
Sable Falcon
Lion of Ansteorra
Court Baron
Sable Thistle
*Valery Eugenia Fitzgerald
03/10/1990 Award of Arms
10/09/1993 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/23/1988 Companion of the
Bronze Tower (Swamp)
08/13/2006 Baroness's Silver
Ring (Iron Bog)
08/04/2007 Companion of
the Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
*Valgard Northern
07/22/1995 Award of Arms
*Valgard Stonecleaver
08/27/1994 Jarl (West)
05/18/1991 Viscount (Mists)
07/07/1990 Knight (West)
12/14/1985 Leaf of Merit
05/02/1987 Rose Leaf
03/21/1981 Award of Arms
06/22/1991 Commendabilis
08/23/1997 Knight
Bannerette (West)
07/04/1987 Order of Valor
06/23/1990 Wreath of
Chivalry (West)
09/24/2005 Queen's Order of
Courtesy (East)
05/04/1991 Muckin’ Great
Clubbe (West)
04/30/1988 Queen’s Cypher
(Anastacia, West)
??/??/1983 Queen’s Guard
(Lachlin, West)
01/04/1986 Queen’s Guard
(Verena, West)
06/24/1989 Queen’s Guard
(Sophie, West)
06/23/1998 Queen’s Guard
(Verena, West)
05/05/1985 Pied d’Argent
11/17/1990 Golden Branch
05/18/1991 Princess' Favor
(Megan, Mists)
11/01/1986 Lord Defender of
11/02/1985 Black Swan
07/16/1983 Cynaguan Guard
01/28/1984 Cynaguan Guard
08/20/1983 King's Huscarls
08/17/2000 Defender of the
Valgeirr of the Mountain
05/04/2002 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/10/1993 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Roxane)
Valonia McMagan
11/26/1994 Award of Arms
Valrick the Wanderer
02/09/2008 Companion of
*Valtaire Cromis of Morganwind
03/20/1982 Award of Arms
Vern Foxworthy
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
Verona Winter
06/06/2009 Award of Arms
Veronica Celeste Rosso
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
Veronica de Mornay
09/24/2005 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Veronica of Malagentia
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
*Veronica of Manchester
01/13/1990 Award of Arms
Vetorrio Antonello
03/04/2006 Award of Arms
Vibeke Dejlie Steinnsdottir
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
Vanda bint Kian
*Victor of Shrewsbury
01/03/2004 Companion of the
04/03/2004 King's Cypher
(Balfar IV)
Victoria de Witte
Vanessa de la Poste du Fouet
10/29/1983 Award of Arms
01/14/1984 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Vanessa Silverstar
08/25/1984 Award of Arms
Vanye Stonebreaker
10/10/1981 Award of Arms
Varakii Varenko Vlkavich
11/26/2005 Companion of the
*Vardak Mirceavitch Basarabov
of Iloi
07/12/1970 Court Count
07/12/1970 Grant of Arms
Vashti Morgansdottir
05/28/1994 Award of Arms
09/25/1993 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*Vasilisa Fedorova
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
Veleda of Malagentia
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
Venturi Carozzoni
02/08/1986 Award of Arms
*Vera z Czezecze
10/23/1982 Award of Arms
Verminard von Shrakenburg
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
07/22/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
09/13/1997 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Victoria Harryson
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
*Victoria la Picarde
09/24/2005 Grant of Arms
09/24/2005 Court Baroness
05/03/2003 Award of Arms
09/29/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Aikaterine)
Victorie de Florette
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
Vidar the Greater
05/27/2001 Award of Arms
*Viennet de la Mer
01/26/2008 Court Baroness
01/26/2008 Grant of Arms
07/22/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/31/2009 Companion of the
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
04/10/2010 Queen's Order of
04/12/2008 Queen's Cypher
03/28/2009 King's Cypher
(Darius IV)
04/10/2010 Queen's Cypher
(Brenwen II)
03/29/2008 Golden Lyre
09/27/2008 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Brenwen)
§Vigolfr Agnarsson
10/02/2004 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 King's Cypher
(Brion II)
*Vika Grigina z Prahy
01/16/1999 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
*Viktor von dem Kleinflüsse
08/12/1998 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
Viljahelm of Hartshorn-dale
10/15/1994 Award of Arms
Vincent Garmallon
06/08/1991 Award of Arms
03/31/2001 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Vincent of Dragon's Heorth
01/31/2009 Companion of
Vincent of Leicester
01/28/1995 Award of Arms
*Vincent of Wildwood
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Vincenzo Martino Mazza
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Violet Coleson
11/10/2001 Award of Arms
09/26/2009 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Gabriella II)
Violetta di Montepulciano
01/03/1998 Award of Arms
*Vissevald Selkirksson
10/08/1983 Duke
04/19/1980 Count
04/04/1981 Knight
09/30/1995 Master of the
05/12/1990 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
01/03/1976 Award of Arms
04/24/1982 Companion of
the Troubadour
07/01/1989 Queen's Order of
04/19/1997 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
10/21/1989 Queen's Cypher
*Vitalia la Soleil
05/26/2001 Award of Arms
Vittorio Antonello
02/17/2007 Award of Arms
Vivianne de Pibreu
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
*Viviene la chandeliere
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
Vixen Alexandra Finney
08/12/1998 Award of Arms
Vladk Drugov Syn Izmaragdov
01/05/2002 Award of Arms
*Vladimir Báthory
04/21/2001 Award of Arms
08/16/2006 Queen's Order of
*Vladimir z Devina
04/04/1992 Award of Arms
12/??/1992 Companion of the
Salamander (Bhakail)
*Vladimir Ivanovitch Kazakov
04/20/1985 Award of Arms
*Vladimir the Transparent
01/26/1991 Award of Arms
*Vladimir Zaschchitovskii
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
Vladislav of Carolingia
01/15/1994 Award of Arms
03/02/1996 Companion of
*Vladislav the Purple
05/16/1987 Companion of the
02/20/1982 Award of Arms
06/01/1985 Companion of the
*Volf of Novgorod, the Ignitor
04/05/1986 Grant of Arms
04/06/1984 Court Baron
03/07/1992 Award of Arms
Waldemar Eriksson
04/13/1985 Award of Arms
*Walter de Montagne
10/09/1976 Award of Arms
*Walter de Witte
10/15/1988 Companion of the
01/25/1992 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/15/1983 Companion of the
Willow (Middle)
05/08/1982 Award of Arms
04/15/1989 Queen's Cypher
??/??/???? Companion of the
Gilded Reed (Middle)
*Wanda von Halsstern
Lady of the Rose
Queen's Order of
Wantelet FitzNigel
02/20/1982 Award of Arms
*Warin Sørenssen Smith
12/11/1993 Award of Arms
Warren of Hartshorndale
Wende of Caer Adamant
09/29/2007 Award of Arms
*Vratislav Netopier
10/07/2000 Award of Arms
05/22/1993 Companion of the
05/27/1995 Award of Arms
05/27/1995 Queen's Order of
*Wilhelm van Utrecht
06/23/2007 Award of Arms
05/30/2004 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
05/27/2007 Companion of
the Ivory Tower (Settmour
*Wilhelm von Freiburg
01/20/1996 Companion of
the Manche
03/13/1982 Award of Arms
Wilhelm of Northpass
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
09/13/2008 Companion of
*Wilhelm von Ostenbrücke
Wilhelm der Wannensig
12/03/1988 Award of Arms
Wendolyn the Sparrow
*Waki Souichirou Munenaga, see
*Baltasar Mondragon
Waldar Warfuegal
02/07/1987 Award of Arms
§*Wilhelm Baumhecker, was:
Wilhelm von Stumpbrucher
Waylin Adir Dragonsbane
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
01/13/2001 Companion of the
12/05/1991 Award of Arms
04/15/1989 Award of Arms
Wilfrid Altmarker av Knusslig
04/26/2008 Award of Arms
01/30/2010 Companion of the
Washa of Tir
Wendel Alexander
Waatchu de Vissimark
Widfara Unwis
08/18/2005 Knight
07/27/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
04/12/2008 King's Cypher
(Andreas III)
01/16/1999 Award of Arms
Volodimir Aleksandrovich
Guslyar iz Novgoroda
09/07/1991 Award of Arms
03/29/2008 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
07/09/1988 Award of Arms
04/28/1990 Award of Arms
*Wentlian Harper
*Wentliana Bengrek
11/15/2008 Award of Arms
*Werner der Fromme
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
*Werner Josef son of Dietrich
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
Weronika Bogdanska
08/17/2005 Award of Arms
Wilhelm Ziegler
09/14/2002 Award of Arms
Will of Avon
06/08/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Will of Carolingia
09/27/2008 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Will Foy
04/19/2008 Award of Arms
Will of Rusted Woodlands
11/19/1994 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Willaum d'Arteis
05/17/2003 Award of Arms
William the Alchemist see
*Fujimoto Saburou Masamune
William of Arindale
04/24/1999 Award of Arms
William Barker
07/22/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*William of Barnsdale
11/02/1991 Companion of the
07/06/1991 Award of Arms
09/18/1993 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/16/1994 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
William of Bedford
08/17/2006 Queen's Honor of
William Benedict
11/22/1986 Award of Arms
*William of the Black Fletch
08/20/1988 Master of the
08/17/1985 Grant of Arms
01/10/1982 Companion of the
01/29/1983 Companion of the
03/17/1984 Companion of the
07/??/1985 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
William Blackthorn
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
*William Blackwing
03/27/1993 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 Queen’s Order of
12/02/1995 Pillar of the Bridge
*William Blaise
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
01/08/1994 Companion of the
Iceburg (Ruantallan)
William de Clarence
04/13/1996 Grant of Arms
04/13/1996 Court Baron
04/04/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/24/1993 Award of Arms
11/06/1993 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
William the Crippler
01/08/2000 Award of Arms
(Luna III)
*William O Donovan of
Monmouth, called Liam St. Liam
*William FitzGerald
06/14/2003 Master of the
11/10/1997 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/28/2009 Court Baron
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
09/07/1996 Queen’s Order of
03/29/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
04/12/2008 King's Cypher
(Andreas III)
09/27/2008 Queen's Cypher
04/10/2010 King's Cypher
(Konrad II)
01/16/2010 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
04/10/2010 Tyger of the East
12/02/1995 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
12/09/1995 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
*William Percival de
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
09/29/2007 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
10/03/1981 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
06/30/1984 Companion of
the Manche
01/19/1985 Court Baron
10/14/1978 Award of Arms
10/06/1979 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
12/11/1982 Companion of
the Troubadour
11/17/1979 Companion of
the Salamander (Bhakail)
William of Essex
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
*William Keith FitzGaranhir
01/13/1990 Award of Arms
*William FitzBubba
01/05/2002 Master of the
10/12/1996 Grant of Arms
10/12/1996 Star of Merit
05/05/2001 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/24/1996 Sable Crane
05/14/1994 Heart of the Sable
Storm (Namron, Ansteorra)
10/10/1992 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 Queen's Cypher
*William Fitzwater
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
*William Forester
07/23/2005 Award of Arms
William Graham
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
William the Grey
05/07/1988 Award of Arms
*William James Foxworthy
09/19/1992 Award of Arms
04/24/1993 Companion of
the Iceburg (Ruantallan)
*William of Jutland
01/08/1971 Baron
Myrkwood (retired)
William de Lancton
08/29/2009 Grant of Arms
11/27/2004 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
08/29/2009 Court Baron
11/27/1999 Award of Arms
05/17/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
William McAndrews
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
*William MacCrimmon
07/29/1995 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
04/29/1995 Award of Arms
William McComb
11/17/2007 Award of Arms
*William MacKay
04/28/2001 Award of Arms
*William MacQueen of
03/20/1982 Award of Arms
*William the Mariner
10/01/1988 Award of Arms
04/01/2006 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
05/03/2003 Award of Arms
*Wilthein Wisbram
03/27/1999 Award of Arms
Wilwaric Weaponstopper
06/30/1984 Award of Arms
William McHaley
Winnifred Willoughby
William Marshal of Nordenhal
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
*William Montagu du Vert
(Timothy II)
Grant of Arms
Court Baron
Award of Arms
King’s Cypher
William Morgan von Constanz
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
William O’Reily
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
William O'Ryan
02/03/1990 Award of Arms
William Ravenhair
06/30/2001 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
04/19/1997 Award of Arms
09/11/1993 Companion of the
White Oak (BBM)
04/24/2004 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
William Sebastian Nighthawke
11/08/1986 Award of Arms
05/26/2002 Award of Arms
*Wladislaw (Poleski) of
04/19/1980 Grant of Arms
06/30/1979 Queen's Order of
01/21/1978 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Wolf of Eastwood
12/09/2000 Award of Arms
Wolf Greywind
12/16/1995 Award of Arms
*Wolf of Ulster
08/17/1990 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
02/17/1990 Award of Arms
*Wolfe Thoraldsson
04/13/1991 Award of Arms
Wolffrem Mikosevaar
04/24/1999 Award of Arms
Wolfgang Adler Hertz
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
Wolfgang von Faust
05/14/1994 Award of Arms
*William of St. Ives
*Wolfgang Krieger
10/23/1981 Award of Arms
10/09/1982 Companion of the
Yale (Dragonship Haven)
08/15/1992 Knight
08/14/1991 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
10/15/2005 Queen's Order of
*Wolfgang der Sucher
09/24/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
William the Silent
04/13/1996 Award of Arms
William Sinclair of Bergental
04/10/2010 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*William the Subtle
03/28/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
01/26/1991 Award of Arms
William the Swift
02/26/2000 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Willow of the Cliffs
12/08/1984 Award of Arms
*Willow of the Dancing Heart
05/09/1987 Award of Arms
Willum Goldenhawk of
Wolfgar of L'Ile du Dragon
10/16/2004 Award of Arms
*Wolfger von Wolkenheim
07/07/1990 Award of Arms
Wolfleda de Berwick
11/04/2006 Award of Arms
Wolfrith the Black
06/03/2000 Award of Arms
Woolly of Bhakail
02/24/2007 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Wren of Wyrmwood
05/10/1997 Award of Arms
*Wulf Darkstalker
11/11/2006 Court Baron
02/13/1982 Award of Arms
05/06/1979 Companion of
the Silver Snowflake
*Wulfbrand Weigand
08/17/2004 Master of Arms
06/24/1995 Grant of Arms
04/06/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
01/18/1997 Court Baron
03/13/1993 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
Wulfgaar Silverbraid
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor
of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Wulfgar Longaxe
06/22/1991 Award of Arms
*Wulfgar Thorfinnsson of
04/28/1990 Award of Arms
*Wulfgar of the Wood
03/18/1989 Master at Arms
10/24/1987 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
10/03/1992 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
04/01/1995 Companion of
the Manche
05/09/1987 Award of Arms
07/06/1991 Queen's Order of
Wulfhere se Treowrytha
12/11/2004 Award of Arms
*Wulfhere of Stonemarche
("Wulfhere the Saxon")
01/28/2006 Grant of Arms
01/28/2006 Companion of
the Tygers Combattant
01/28/2006 Court Baron
02/21/1998 Award of Arms
09/16/2000 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
Wulfric Alemaker
03/24/2001 Companion of
the Manche
07/13/1991 Award of Arms
05/23/1998 King's Order of
Wulfric the Black
09/30/2006 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/02/2004 Queen's Order of
09/21/2002 Pillar of the Bridge
*Wulfric Ferreter
03/04/1995 Award of Arms
*Wulfstan Thorhallsson
Companion of the
Award of Arms
Queen's Order of
*Wulfstan the Unshod
11/03/2007 Master at Arms
06/10/1989 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
06/08/1991 Companion of the
Golden Alce (AEthelmearc)
11/12/1988 Award of Arms
05/24/2009 Award of the
Ram's Horn (Concordia of the
*Wulstan of Ravenswood
04/12/2003 Grant of Arms
02/22/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
01/25/2003 Queen's Order of
04/12/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella)
*Wulfwinn of Goblintooth Gap
04/23/1983 Award of Arms
Wulfwyn Nir Iriosol
03/07/2009 Award of Arms
Wulfwyn aet Maeldun
06/23/2007 Companion of
11/19/2005 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
Wyatt (of Beyond the Mountain)
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
*Wynfriđ æt Huntandune
Yagyu no Kagetoki
11/30/2002 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/15/2006 Companion of the
11/25/1995 Award of Arms
05/01/2004 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere)
05/25/2008 Companion of
the Bronze Tower (Settmour
Wynn Yasselman
Yamamoto Tora Gozen
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
Wystan Healfdene
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
*Yamaguchi Yukio Matsutaro
Futoshii no Suo
04/04/1976 Award of Arms
07/18/1987 Award of Arms
*Yamata Jirou Hisatsura
10/05/1996 Award of Arms
Xandra Rozina Xiberras Galea
Yambushi Ushuhi
02/08/2003 Companion of the
07/05/2003 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
07/01/2000 Award of Arms
02/08/2003 Queen's Order of
07/14/2001 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
03/03/2002 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
03/08/1986 Companion of
the Sun and Soil (BBM)
Xavier, see *Juan Lázaro
Ramirez Xavier
Xavier the Eccentric
09/11/1993 Award of Arms
08/16/1996 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
03/22/1997 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Xavier Matejka, see *Sebastian
Estevan de Xavier
Xavier Ordonez
05/23/1992 Award of Arms
05/23/1992 Companion of
Xavier Ramiriz
02/01/1997 Award of Arms
Xavier the Sinister
10/14/2006 Award of Arms
Yaacov ish Eleph
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
02/22/2003 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella II)
*Yaakov Avraham ben Obadiah
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
*Yaacov ben haRev Elieser
12/03/2005 Award of Arms
07/09/2006 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Yang SuGyong
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Yansuf ben Nathan, see
*Avram ben Yakov ha-Yansuf
of Stonemarche
Yasmine de Conti-Mercia de
Cordoba, see Alida de Conti
Yasmine bint Rasheed
11/08/2003 Companion of
the Silver Crecent
06/24/2000 Award of Arms
04/19/2003 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/03/2004 Queen's Cypher
(Luna IV)
12/09/1995 Companion of
the White Oak (BBM)
Yelena Ayzenshtat
06/24/2000 Award of Arms
*Yelizaveta Medvedeva
02/21/1998 Companion of
the Manche
10/26/2002 Companion of
the Silver Crescent
02/08/2003 Companion of
the Sagittarius
06/04/1994 Award of Arms
01/25/1997 Companion of
the Troubador
01/31/2009 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
04/26/1998 Companion of
the Moon (Carolingia)
05/01/1999 Companion of
the Daystar (Carolingia)
06/27/1999 Companion of
Perseus (Carolingia)
Yen Lui Targi
09/09/2006 Award of Arms
09/09/2006 Queen's Order of
Yesfir Gilarovna
09/12/1998 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Yesugai ibn Akbar ibn Murad
10/11/1975 Award of Arms
04/24/1982 Companion of the
Tygers Cub
*Yesunge Altan
02/17/2007 Knight
05/01/2004 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
11/27/2004 Companion of the
Tygers Combattant
07/02/2005 Companion of the
06/15/2000 Iren Hirth
03/??/2000 Green Cord
(Barony of Vatavia, Calontir)
12/15/1999 Leather Mallet
(Barony of Forgotten Sea,
05/15/1999 Torse (Calontir)
05/16/1998 Iren Fyrd
12/15/1997 Award of Arms
11/29/2008 Companion of the
Iceberg (Ruantallan)
Yezdigurd Houzyafal Olad
Ezdicang, see Hrut
Ygerne d'Annot
01/07/1978 Award of Arms
04/30/1977 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
Ygor Rotislav see Igor
*Ygraine of Kellswood
Mistress of the
Mistress of the
Companion of the
Companion of the
06/24/1995 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
10/07/1989 Award of Arms
10/05/1991 Queen's Order of
04/27/1991 Companion of the
Moon (Carolingia)
11/02/1996 Companion of the
Perseus (Carolingia)
09/13/1997 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
04/12/2003 Golden Lyre
04/02/2005 Queen's Cypher
Ygraine de Llannfairre
09/18/1999 Award of Arms
*Ygraine of Preston
05/04/1996 Mistress of the
04/03/1993 Grant of Arms
05/12/1990 Companion of the
01/07/1995 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
04/03/1993 Court Baroness
04/24/1988 Award of Arms
12/08/1990 Companion of the
03/02/1991 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
02/29/1992 Queen's Order of
10/09/1993 Queen's Cypher
10/05/1996 Augmentation of
04/21/2001 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Isabella)
Yisrael Adam ben Laser
02/10/2001 Award of Arms
*Yitzhak ibn Yoshua
02/01/1997 Award of Arms
09/05/1999 Companion of the
Millstone (Stonemarche)
Yngvar Grimstormer
11/28/1992 Award of Arms
*Ynyr ap Rhys Mefusen
09/15/1990 Award of Arms
Yogi of Ynys y Gwaed
06/30/2007 Award of Arms
06/30/2007 Queen's Order of
*Yon de la Sèle
09/14/2002 Companion of
the Tygers Cub
Yorgon of Lion’s End
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
*Yosef Alaric
08/20/1983 Master of the
01/14/1978 Court Baron
10/05/1979 Companion of
the Tempered Steel (Meridies)
07/10/1976 Sheriff of the
Smoking Rocks
11/01/1975 Award of Arms
12/12/1981 Companion of
the Troubadour
04/05/1986 Companion of
the Burdened Tyger
06/19/2004 Kingdom
Augmentation of Arms
10/14/1989 Companion of
the Oar (Dragonship Haven)
12/02/1984 Freedom of the
Bridge (Bridge)
10/05/1979 Companion of
the Dwarven Hammer
02/25/1978 Companion of
the Battered Wrench
(Hammerhold, Mer)
*Yosef ben Lazar
12/29/1990 Award of Arms
03/16/2002 Companion of
the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Yoshihara Kojirou Munemasa
05/28/1995 Companion of
the Bloody Tower (Settmour
03/20/2004 Companion of
the Silver Tower (Settmour
*Ysabeau de Lorigne (was:
Yseault Solaine de Loriage)
04/12/2003 Grant of Arms
02/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Ysabeau de Mortagne (was:
Ysabeau de Taurion)
07/20/2002 Companion of
the Manche
06/26/1993 Award of Arms
*Ysabeau de Saint Wanderielle
02/24/2007 Grant of Arms
07/24/1999 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
02/24/2007 Court Baroness
07/30/1994 Award of Arms
Ysabeau de Viste
06/03/2006 Award of Arms
Ysabel de Saint-Malo
07/18/2009 Award of Arms
*Ysabella de Draguignan
09/13/2003 Grant of Arms
09/13/2003 Court Baroness
02/05/2005 Companion of the
08/13/2002 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
11/14/2009 Golden Lyre
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
Ysabelle Agnes de la Noue (was
Ditabell Lanoue)
11/15/2008 Award of Arms
09/26/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Gabriella II)
Ysabeth la Fée
03/31/2001 Award of Arms
Ysabetta di Cesare
07/05/2008 Award of Arms
*Ysemay Sterlyng
07/05/2008 Companion of the
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
Ysemay of Ynys Y Gwaed
03/22/2008 Award of Arms
Ysmay de Lynn
03/27/2010 Award of Arms
*Ysolde of Summerhall
06/13/1987 Award of Arms
Yuki Nakamura see *Nakamura
Yul of Winding Waters
07/11/2009 Companion of
*Yusef of South Tower
03/26/1983 Companion of the
Silver Oak (Middle)
07/21/1984 Award of the
Purple Fret (Middle)
05/02/1981 Award of Arms
Yvain du Verger
11/04/2006 Award of Arms
*Yvaine Catlin d'Acley
08/01/1987 Award of Arms
*Yvan Wolvesbane
04/17/1982 Award of Arms
Yvonne of Blakrose
04/04/1992 Award of Arms
*Zacharias Flamebeard of
11/14/1992 Award of Arms
§*Zachary Wolfhunter
10/03/2009 Companion of the
Silver Crescent (presented
10/26/1996 Award of Arms
02/03/2001 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
Zakinzzah (of Settmour Swamp)
03/29/2003 Award of Arms
Zannas Autumn Amentet Ka
08/03/2008 Grant of Arms
08/06/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
*Zaneta Angiolieri (called
09/13/2008 Mistress of the
06/30/2007 Grant of Arms
11/26/2005 Companion of the
Silver Crescent
06/30/2007 Court Baroness
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
07/17/2004 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
11/27/2004 Companion of the
04/01/2006 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
05/01/2004 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Geneviere)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Jana IV)
04/26/2008 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen)
04/02/2005 King's Cypher
11/29/2008 Companion of the
Iceberg (Ruantallan)
Zarabeth Eclipea Blackhart
D'Mer Ravenhall Badilamenti
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
Zarifa (of Carillion)
09/21/1996 Award of Arms
Ze'ev ben Arye
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 Companion of
the Troubadour
Zelina Silverfox of Blackwood
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
Zena al-Raks Beledi
02/04/1995 Award of Arms
06/10/1995 Companion of
09/17/1994 Companion of
the Sable Bell (Carillion)
*Zenobia Blake (Zea)
09/07/1996 Companion of
the Sagittarius
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
Zenzi see *Kresenz von
Zhang Zixiu
10/20/2007 Award of Arms
*Zinoviia Mikulina doch'
Korabel'nikova zhena (called
11/13/1999 Duchess
11/08/1997 Countess
03/10/2001 Mistress of the
Laurel (Outlands)
04/25/1998 Flower
08/12/2000 Stag (Outlands)
10/12/1996 Stag's Heart
01/28/2006 Scales of
Dragonsspine (Dragonsspine,
06/16/2007 Dragon's Blood
(Dragonsspine, Outlands)
10/23/1993 Award of Arms
11/11/1995 Queen's Cypher
(Madigan, Outlands)
04/13/1996 Queen's Cypher
(Aziza III, Outlands)
05/11/2002 Queen's Cypher
(Cainnleach, Outlands)
11/08/1997 Lady of the Rose
09/21/2003 Augmentation of
Arms (Outlands)
Zipporah Qirah
07/05/2008 Award of Arms
Zoe Anastasia of Carillion
07/26/2003 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Order of
02/21/2004 Companion of the
Sable Bell (Carillion)
10/24/2009 Queen's Honor of
Distinction (Brenwen II)
Zoe the Chataoyat
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
Zohane Faber, called Eletarius
06/08/2002 Award of Arms
02/14/2009 Companion of the
Burdened Tyger
04/30/2006 Companion of the
Daystar (Carolingia)
Zophia Kedzinska
01/29/2005 Companion of the
Zoura (of Dragon Dormant)
03/05/2005 Award of Arms
Zsofia Tzyes, see *Tyzes Sofia
Zulaika des Bedouines-Anizas
12/21/1985 Award of Arms
Zyll ni Padraigh
11/11/2006 Award of Arms