Experiment 3 Forces Aleksandr Shpiler Section E2 Abstract The objective of this lab was to analyze the forces which occur during collisions. Collision is an isolated event in which each colliding particle exerts a force on the other particle for a relatively short period of time. Collisions happen every time one object comes into contact with another and either kinetic or potential are altered. Collisions can be grouped into elastic collisions, inelastic collisions, and perfectly inelastic collisions. Elastic collisions are such collisions that the kinetic energy and the momentum of the system are conserved. Inelastic collisions are such collisions where only momentum is conserved. A perfectly inelastic collisions is one after which the objects stick together and move with one velocity as one unit. The two types of collisions observed in this experiment were elastic and perfectly inelastic collisions. In the first part we had to see if the collisions that happened were really elastic. For the elastic collision we proved that the kinetic energy and momentum were conserved. For the perfectly inelastic collision we had to show that there was no conservation in the kinetic energy but only momentum conservation. Data Part A (General raw data) Part A xb1 xb2 m1 Delta x Delta t 65.9 66.2 305.3 0.05 0.001 cm cm g cm s xub1 xub2 m2 Delta m 68.3 68.6 204.8 0.05 cm cm g g 0.683 0.686 0.2048 0.00005 m m kg kg General data converted into SI units. Part A xb1 xb2 m1 Delta x Delta t 0.659 0.662 0.3053 0.0005 0.001 m m g m s xub1 xub2 m2 Delta m Part A Obtained Data Trial tb1i tb1f tb2f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.043 s 0.045 s 0.043 s 0.047 s 0.047 s 0.045 s 0.045 s 0.047 s 0.047 s 0.047 s 0.266 s 0.264 s 0.256 s 0.259 s 0.248 s 0.256 s 0.258 s 0.264 s 0.254 s 0.256 s 0.041 s 0.041 s 0.041 s 0.041 s 0.041 s 0.041 s 0.041 s 0.041 s 0.041 s 0.041 s Part B (General raw data) Part B m1 Delta m 305.5 0.05 g g m2 Delta t 204.8 0.001 g s 0.2048 0.001 kg s General Data converted to SI units. Part B m1 Delta m 0.3055 0.00005 kg kg m2 Delta t Obtained Data Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tb(1i), s 0.073 0.074 0.075 0.072 0.073 0.073 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 tb(1&2 f), s 0.123 0.131 0.129 0.125 0.127 0.125 0.131 0.127 0.129 0.127 Analysis 1) Flag width flag wid.1 flag wid.2 xub1 - xb1 xub2 - xb2 0.683 – 0.659 = 0.686 – 0.662 = 0.024 m 0.024 m 2) tbs, standard deviation, and uncertainties in tbs w = tb1i xb1+ xb2 = 0.0005+ 0.0005 = 0.001 m 0.0739s σ tb1i 0.000994s deltaTB1I t b1i 0.000994 2 0.0012 0.00141s tb1f 0.33s σ tb1f 0.005598s deltaTB1F t b1 f 0.0055982 0.0012 0.005686s tb2f 0.0644s σ tb2f 0.000516s deltaTB2F t b 2 f 0.000516 2 0.0012 0.001125s 3) Velocities v1i v1i = w1 t b1i 0.024 m 0.324763 0.0739 s v1 f v1f = w1 v2 f tb 2 f 0.024 m 0.072727 0.33 s v2f = w2 tb2 f 0.024 m 0.372671 0.0644 s 4) v uncertainties in the velocity w 1 v v tb w = 2 tb + ∆w tb tb w tb V=1/tb1i* W1+W1/tb1i^2* tb1i deltaTB1I = Squareroot(uncert^2+.001^2) dv1i dv1f dv2f 0.019729 0.004283469 0.022041 ∆v1i = 0.024 1 m 0.00141 0.001 = 0.019729 2 s 0.0739 0.0739 ∆v1f = 0.024 1 m 0.005686 0.001 = 0.00428347 2 0.33 s 0.33 ∆v2f = 0.024 1 m 0.001125 0.001 = 0.022041 2 0.0644 s 0.0644 5) Initial and Final momentum Pi m1v1i Pf m1v1 f m2 v 2 f 0.09915 0.098527 Pi m1v1i = 0.3053 kg * 0.324763 Pf m1v1 f m2 v 2 f = 0.3053 kg * 0.072727 m kg m = 0.09915 s s m m kg m + 0.2048 kg * 0.372671 = 0.098527 s s s 6) Uncertainty in the momentums partial derivative of p delta Pi=V1i*dM1+M1*dV1i Delta Pf=V1f*dM1+M1*dVf1+V2f*dM2+M2*dV2f delta Pi = delta Pf = 0.006039642 0.005843968 Pi +/- dPi Pf +/- dPf (+) 0.10519 0.104371 (-) 0.093111 0.092683 pi pi p m1 i v1i = v1i m1 m1 v1i m1 v1i pi = 0.324763 0.00005 0.3053 0.019729 = 0.006039642 p f p f m1 m1 p f v1 f v1 f p f m2 m2 p f v 2 f kg m s v 2 f = v1 f m1 m1v1 f v2 f m2 m2 v2 f p f = 0.072727 * 0.00005 + 0.3053 * 0.004283469 + 0.372671 * 0.00005 + 0.2048 * 0.022041 = 0.005843968 kg m s The results clearly indicate that momentum (p) was conserved during these collisions. P 0.006039642 ∆ Pi / Pi = ∆ i = = 0.06091 0.09915 Pi Pf 0.00584396 8 ∆ Pf / Pf = ∆ = = 0.0593134 0.098527 Pf 10) Kinetic Energy Ki=1/2M1V1i^2 0.0161 Ki Kf m1v12f 2 m2 v22 f 2 = Kf=1/2M1V1f^2+1/2M2V2f^2 0.015029 m1v12i 0.3053 0.324763 2 kg m 2 = = 0.0161 2 2 s2 0.3053 0.072727 2 0.2048 0.3726712 kg m 2 = 0.015029 2 2 s2 11) Uncertainty in Kinetic Energy partial derivative of k delta Ki=dM1(V1i^2)/2+dV1iM1V1i delta Kf=dM1(V1f^2)/2+dV1fM1V1f+dM2(V2f^2)/2+dV2fM2V2f (+) delta Ki= 0.001958817 Ki+/- dKi= 0.018059 delta Kf= 0.001780932 Kf+/- dKf= 0.01681 (-) 0.014319 0.013248 v K i K i K i m1 v1i = 1i m1 m1v1i v1i 2 m1 v1i 2 Ki = (0.3247632 * 0.00005)*0.5 + (0.019729 * 0.3053 * 0.324763) = 0.001958817 K f K f m1 K f v1 f v2 f Kf Kf v1 f m2 v2 f = m1 m1v1 f v1 f m2 m2 v2 f v2 f v1 f m2 v2 f 2 2 2 m1 kg m 2 s2 2 K f = (0.00005* 0.0727272 )* 0.5 + (0.004283469*0.3053*0.072727) + (0.00005*0.3726712)*0.5 + kg m 2 (0.022041*0.2048*0.372671) = 0.001780932 s2 The results clearly indicate that kinetic energy was conserved during these collisions. Fractional Uncertainties K 0.001958817 ∆ Ki / Ki = ∆ i = = 0.1217 0.0161 Ki Kf 0.00178093 2 ∆Kf /Kf = ∆ = = 0.1185 Kf 0.015029 Part B 1) w = tb1i xb1+ xb2 = 0.0005+ 0.0005 = 0.001 m 0.0728s σ tb1i 0.001033s deltaTB1I t b1i 0.0010332 0.0012 0.001438s tb(1+2)f 0.1274s σ tb1f 0.002633s deltaTB1F t b1 f 0.0026332 0.0012 0.002817s 2) v1i v1 = w1 t b1i 0.024 m 0.32967 0.0728 s v1 f v2 = w1 tb 2 f 0.024 m 1.8838 0.1274 s Uncertainties in the velocity w 1 v v tb w = 2 tb + ∆w tb tb w tb v V=1/tb1i* W1+W1/tb1i^2* tb1i deltaTB1I = Squareroot(uncert^2+.001^2) dv1i dv1f 0.02025 0.01201 ∆v1 = m 0.024 1 0.001438 0.001 = 0.02025 2 0.0728 0.0728 s ∆v2 = m 0.024 1 0.002817 0.001 = 0.01201 2 0.1274 0.1274 s Initial and Final momentums Pi m1v1i Pf (m1 m2 )v 2 0.10065 0.9609 Pi m1v1 = (0.3053) 0.32967 m kg m = 0.10065 s s Pf (m1 m2 )v 2 = (0.3053 + 0.2048) 1.8838 m kg m = 0.9609 s s 6) Uncertainty in the momentums delta Pi = delta Pf = 0.006198 0.006 Pi +/- dPi Pf +/- dPf (+) (-) 0.106848 0.9669 0.094452 0.9549 pi v1 m1 m1 v1 = 0.32967 0.00005 0.3053 0.020246 = 0.006198 kg m s p f v 2 m1 v 2 m2 (m1 m2 )v 2 = 0.32967 0.00005 0.188383 0.00005 0.5101 0.012014 =0.006 The results clearly indicate that momentum (p) was conserved during these collisions. P 0.006198 ∆ Pi / Pi = ∆ i = = 0.06158 0.10065 Pi Pf 0.006 ∆ Pf / Pf = ∆ = = 0.006244 Pf 0.9609 ) Kinetic Energy Ki 0.01659 Kf 0. 00905 m1v12i 0.3053 0.32967 2 kg m 2 = = 0.01659 Ki 2 2 s2 (m1 m2 )v22 0.5101 0.188383 2 kg m 2 = = 0.00905 . Kf 2 2 s2 11) Uncertainty in Kinetic Energy delta Ki= delta Kf= 0.002 0.00116 Ki+/- dKi= Kf+/- dKf= (+) 0.01859 0.01021 (-) 0.01459 0.00789 The results clearly indicate that kinetic energy was not conserved during these collisions. kg m s v1 kg m 2 m1 m1v1 v1i = 0.329672x 0.5x0.00005 + 0.32967 x 0.3053 x 0.02025 = 0.002 2 s2 2 K i 2 2 v v K f 2 m1 2 m2 (m1 m2 )v 2 v 2 =0.1883832x 0.5x0.00005+0.1883832x 0.5x0.00005 + 0.5101 x 2 2 kg m 2 0.188383 x 0.012014= 0.00116 s2 Fractional Uncertainties K 0.002 ∆ Ki / Ki = ∆ i = = 0.12055 0.01659 Ki Kf 0.00116 ∆Kf /Kf = ∆ = = 0.1282 Kf 0.00905 Results Part A Velocity m m 0.019729 s s m m v1f = 0.072727 0.004283469 s s m m v2f = 0.372671 0.022041 s s v1i = 0.324763 Momentum kg m kg m . 0.006039642 s s kg m kg m P f 0.098527 0.005843968 s s Pi 0.09915 ∆ Pi / Pi = 0.06091 ∆ Pf / Pf = 0.0593134 Kinetic Energy kg m 2 kg m 2 0.001958817 s2 s2 kg m 2 kg m 2 K f = 0.015029 0.001780932 s2 s2 K i = 0.0161 Fractional Uncertainties: ∆ K i / K i = 0.1217 ∆ K f / K f = 0.1185 Part B Velocity m m 0.02025 s s m m v2 = 1.8838 0.01201 s s v1 = 0.32967 Momentum kg m g cm . 0.006198 s s g cm kg m Pf = 0.9609 0.006 s s Pi = 0.10065 Fractional Uncertainties: ∆ Pi / Pi = 0.06158 ∆ Pf / Pf = 0.006244 Kinetic Energy: kg m 2 kg m 2 K i 0.01659 0.002 s2 s2 kg m 2 kg m 2 K f 0.00905 0.00116 s2 s2 Fractional Uncertainties: ∆ K i / K i = 0.12055 ∆ K f / K f = 0.1282 Conclusion The momentum was conserved in part A of this experiment because there is an intersection between the two ranges of values. Likewise, the kinetic energy is also conserved because there is an intersection between the two ranges of values. From both the conservation of momentum and kinetic energy we come to the conclusion that the collisions in part A were elastic collisions. For part B the Momentum was conserved there is an intersection between the two values and therefore the momentum is conserved. The kinetic energy obtained showed that there is no intersection between the two answer sets and therefore kinetic energy was not conserved. This proves that the collisions performed in part B are non-elastic and contrariwise.