Storage Portal Architecture and Design Storage Portal Architecture and Design Draft Authors: Team IBM Customer: ETH Status: Draft Version: V0.5 Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 1 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design Document History Document Location This is a snapshot of an on-line document. Paper copies are valid only on the day they are printed. Refer to the author if you are in any doubt about the currency of this document. Revision History Revision Number V0.1 V0.2 V0.3 V0.4 V0.5 Revision Date 11.11.11 17.11.11 22.11.11 23.11.11 01.12.11 Summary of Changes Editor Initial Creation Add Design decisions for phase 1 Add TPC information Incorporate changes from Jörn Siglen Incorporate changes from meeting with ETH from 29.11.11 G. Rieker J Thomann B. Steiner J. Thomann J. Thomann Distribution This document has been distributed to Date 23.11.2011 Document Version V0.4 Name Tilo Steiger Company ETH 01.12.2011 V0.5 Tilo Steiger ETH Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 2 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design Contents 1. Architecture Overview............................................................................................. 5 1.1 Phase 1: Metering & Accounting ..................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Phase 2: Storage Cloud Management Portal ................................................................................. 6 2. Functional Requirements ........................................................................................ 7 2.1 Phase 1: Metering & Accounting ..................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Phase 2: Storage Cloud Management Portal ................................................................................. 7 2.2.1 Base Functions ........................................................................................................................ 7 2.2.2 Individual Functions and Use Cases ....................................................................................... 7 3. Non-Functional Requirements ................................................................................ 9 3.1 Phase 1: Metering & Accounting ..................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Phase 2: Storage Cloud Management Portal ................................................................................. 9 4. Solution Design .................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Phase 1: Metering & Accounting (TUAM) ..................................................................................... 10 4.1.1 Roles ...................................................................................................................................... 10 4.1.2 Reports .................................................................................................................................. 10 4.1.3 Metering ................................................................................................................................. 11 4.1.4 Account structure ................................................................................................................... 11 4.1.5 Account association ............................................................................................................... 11 4.1.6 Storage Tier ........................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.7 Billing Rates ........................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.8 Required Metering Data ......................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Phase 1: Performance Measurement (TPC) ................................................................................ 13 4.3 Phase 1: Physical Design ............................................................................................................. 13 4.3.1 4.4 5. Hardware ............................................................................................................................... 13 Phase 2: Storage Cloud Management Portal ............................................................................... 15 Glossary ............................................................................................................... 16 Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 3 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design Table of Figures Figure 1: Main components and planned schedule for the 2 phases ...........................................................5 Index of Tables Table 1: Roles and Access Rights ............................................................................................................. 10 Table 2: Account structure of ETH ............................................................................................................. 11 Table 3: TPC ordered hardware ................................................................................................................. 14 Table 4: TUAM ordered hardware .............................................................................................................. 14 Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 4 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design 1. Architecture Overview ETH decided to modernise its existing storage infrastructure to satisfy the increasing demand of their internal customers regarding amount of available capacity, flexibility and cost transparency in the storage area. With the renewal of its storage landscape ETH also pursues the goal to offer a Storage Portal to their customers, where they can choose between different Service offerings and request them in a self service manner. This document provides the design specification for the Storage Portal and the underlying components. The implementation of these components is divided in 2 main phases. Metering and Accounting Storage Cloud Management Portal The main components for these 2 phases are displayed in the following graphic: Phase 1: Metering & Accounting Phase 2: Final Solution ISDM (Metering & Accounting) ISDM (Portal) TSAM TSAM User Metering & Accounting TPM SVC/V7000 Managment Performance Data, etc. TUAM ITM Metering Data Integration CLI User Storage Portal TPM TUAM ITM Storage Administrator SMAC API SoNAS & SVC/V7000 Managment Performance Data, etc. TPC Storage Administrator TPC SoNAS SVC SVC SoNAS V7000 V7000 V7000 Phase 1 Start Setup 10/2011 V7000 Phase 2 Installation ETH 12/2011 Solution Design Q1/2012 Beta Program 04/2012 Portal GA 06/2012 Figure 1: Main components and planned schedule for the 2 phases 1.1 Phase 1: Metering & Accounting The implementation of the Storage Portal will start with the design, implementation and configuration of 2 independent software products from the IBM software portfolio, Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager (TUAM) and Total Storage Productivity Center for Disk (TPC for Disk). TPC for Disk will be used as a performance measurement tool to provide ETH performance information about their installed storage Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 5 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design hardware. The TPC software will be connected to the SVC where it gets its data from. This information will help ETH to better understand the usage of the current environment and help them to tune the different storage resources to increase performance and accessibility. Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager collects metering data from 2 different sources. In the first phase it collects metering data via command line from the SONAS system to get information about the file storage. A second command line interface collects metering data via SVC about block storage. Based on the collected data reports are generated and provided to the different ETH Departments and ETH Institutes. The reports include the amount of used storage for a defined timeframe and in a second step the billing data for the used or reserved resources. 1.2 Phase 2: Storage Cloud Management Portal The planned start for Phase 2 is Q1/2012. Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 6 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design 2. Functional Requirements 2.1 Phase 1: Metering & Accounting The following list is a collection of the functional requirements, which are related to Metering and Accounting: Regular collection of metering data from SONAS and SVC (Quotas/allocated storage) Periodically generating reports for different timeframes Generating reports for each scientific working group Automatic delivery of the generated reports via mail Allow customers to generate predefined ad-hoc reports Access rights are based on a role model User authentication is based on the ETH Directory Service Rate codes can be included and used to regular generate bills Different storage tiers can be reflected in the system Billing is done based on the different storage tiers 2.2 Phase 2: Storage Cloud Management Portal 2.2.1 Base Functions End User Portal Service Administrator Portal Service Catalog Service Request Management Metering & Accounting for entries in the Service Catalog Automatic Service Instance Provisioning, Management/Configuration, Deprovisioning Integration with Corporate Directory (AD) for authentication and access – one single repository for all actors (consumers, administrators) 2.2.2 Individual Functions and Use Cases Storage Service Consumer – via Portal Browse Storage Services View restricted depending on role Request Storage Services View restricted depending on role Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 7 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design Optional assigning of specific permissions (read, write to other organizational units or individuals) Request Storage Services on behalf of individual or group assigning of specific permissions (read, write to other organizational units or individuals) Storage Service Administrator – via Portal View Storage Services Create Storage Services – various types Manage Storage Services Service Request Process / Service Catalog Modular service request processes – re-usable process elements (e.g. approval) Service Portfolio: Active / inactive Services User Management – based on Directory, via Portal or Admin Portal Manage User Security – role based, central one-stop management User Self-Registration Create / Modify / Delete User – Global User (AD integration), Local User (not in AD) User permission based on roles User to role assignment based on AD group membership (assuming multiple roles per user possible) Identity Management at ETH is done with different tools. One of the main tools is “nethz”. This in-house developed application could be an integration point to manage the role based access to the Storage Cloud environment. Metering, Reporting, Billing Measure consumption of defined Resource Units – (Quotas, allocated storage) Request / View Usage Reports Respecting organizational model Access depending on role and organization Request / View Billing Reports Respecting organizational model Access depending on role and organization Automatic/Scheduled report generation and distribution (email, website) Monitor/Trend Capacity; monitor capacity and derive trends for proactive service capacity management Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 8 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design 3. Non-Functional Requirements 3.1 Phase 1: Metering & Accounting There are no non-functional requirements defined. 3.2 Phase 2: Storage Cloud Management Portal The following listing specifies points which could influence the design of the Portal implementation during phase 2: Service Catalog Definition for Quality of Service Response times Legal aspects Requirements regarding data Maintenance and Support Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 9 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design 4. Solution Design 4.1 Phase 1: Metering & Accounting (TUAM) 4.1.1 Roles The following table shows 3 roles with its assigned rights, which are required for the access of the Metering and Accounting application. Role Name Administrator ETH Specific Name of Group SGA Access Rights Full control TUAM Full control Reports (TCR/Cognos) Department-Administrator (Decentral Admin) ISG No access to TUAM Read-only access to Reports Execute Ad-hoc Reports Assign permissions to reports for IK Users IK (Informatik Koordinator) No access to TUAM Read-only access to Reports Table 1: Roles and Access Rights The user assignment to the different roles is administrated using groups in the Active Directory of ETH. 4.1.2 Reports We distinguish between 3 different reports. Scheduled reports Ad-hoc reports Custom reports Scheduled reports Scheduled reports are based on fixed report templates and generated automatically with the following frequency: Monthly Quarterly Yearly The reports are automatically sent via mail to the IK (Informatik Koordinator) of each Department, Institute or Scientific Working Group. Ad-hoc reports Ad-hoc reports can be generated on demand by each Department Administrator. Ad-hoc reports are based on predefined report templates. Within these report templates the start- and end-date and the Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 10 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design Department or the Scientific Working Group are parameters, which can be freely changed by the requestor. Custom reports Custom reports can only be generated by users belonging to the Administrator group. These are mainly the group SGA and other knowledgeable users. Creating and running a report requires good know-how about the data structure in the underlying database. Reports for ETH For ETH 5 reports are generated. These are: 1 scheduled report on Department level 1 scheduled report on Institute or Scientific Working Group level 1 ad-hoc report with freely adjustable parameter “Department” and parameter start/end date 1 ad-hoc report with freely adjustable parameter “Scientific Working Group” and parameter start/end date 1 custom report in cooperation with ETH 4.1.3 Metering The metering data is collected from 2 data sources SONAS SVC/V7000 The interfaces to these systems are both realized using the CLI interfaces they provide. The collection of the metering data is a scheduled job, which runs every 24 hours. The collection is triggered by TUAM. 4.1.4 Account structure The account structure represents ETH’s organization structure within TUAM. ETH defines 3 different organization layers. The bottom layer is the smallest entity on which reports can be generated in TUAM. With help of identifiers collected metering data is associated to an entity. The following table shows the account structure for ETH: Level Organization Name String Length 1 Department 8 2 Institute 16 3 Scientific Working Group 8 4 Identifier 32 Table 2: Account structure of ETH 4.1.5 Account association Based on the metering data collected from the 2 data sources, this data must be mapped to the ETH organization. The mapping for each data record uses identifiers to do the correct mapping. Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 11 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design Identifiers and order for matching are: 1. File system name 2. Fileset name 3. IK technical (means a technical user, belonging to a Department, Institute or Scientific Working Group) 4. Hostname There are 2 sources defined for doing the match between a metering data record and an organization entity. The sources are: 1. Lookup table (used as an exception table e.g. for Block Storage account association) 2. ETH’s Active Directory The lookup table is a manually administrated table, where an association between an identifier and an organizational unit can be defined. The table resides on the TUAM server. The administration is done using a standard text editor. The Active Directory information is automatically extracted from ETH’s Active Directory on a scheduled basis. Every 24 hours all the needed information is pulled out of the AD and stored locally on the TUAM server. The account association is based on a string comparison between the identifier and the 2 tables (lookup table and AD). First the lookup table is checked by the automatic account association process to find a matching string. If there is no entry, the AD information is searched to find matching data. If no adequate match can be found, the metering data record will be reported to the TUAM administrator. To generate as less as possible unmatched metering data records, the fileset name must contain the name of the organization unit it belongs to. 4.1.6 Storage Tier ETH provides different storage tiers to their customers. The storage tiers differ from each other in the quality of Service. Therefore the different tiers must be rated separately. TUAM gets information from SVC about the different storage groups (mdisk). To decide which storage tier the storage group belongs to, a naming convention for the storage groups must be followed. In SVC 2 types of storage pools are created. Static pools and “easy tiering” pools. The easy tiering pools will do an automatic allocation of the data on different storage classes depending on its access rates. For TUAM it is not possible to analyze individual data allocation per customer within this data pool. Therefore this pool will be handled like other static pools. SONAS does also know a concept like easy tiering within SVC and can have different storage pools belonging to different storage tiers. Like for SVC the storage pool names need to follow a naming convention, so that the pools can be allocated to the correct storage tier. The storage tier with the easy tiering function can not be analyzed individually per customer by TUAM, so this pool will be handled like other static pools (same as for SVC). 4.1.7 Billing Rates ETH plans to bill their storage consumers according to the reported usage of the storage infrastructure. The bill rates are based on the following parameters: User Quota + Storage tier (SONAS) Allocated LUN + Storage tier (Block) Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 12 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design The bills will be structured in the same way as the reports. The lowest organization infrastructure for receiving a bill is a Scientific Working Group. The bill contains the identifier for each record, so that a further split by the Scientific Working Group itself is possible (e.g. according to hostname or user). 4.1.8 Required Metering Data The following data records must be collected to be able to do a usage reporting: From ETH’s Active Directory Hostname and the appropriate Scientific Working Group (or it can read from the lookup table (see chapter 4.1.5)) User and the appropriate Scientific Working Group Scientific Working Group and the appropriate Institute (or instead it can be derived from the Scientific Working Group name) Institute and the appropriate Department (or it can be derived from the Institute name) From SONAS for each metering data record: User Quota Usage Directory (which must contain Department name or Scientific Working Group name) Storage Tier From SVC for each metering data record: SAN Volume Size SAN Volume Name WWPN Alias (which must contain appropriate hostname) Storage Tier (derived from the Storage Pool Name) 4.2 Phase 1: Performance Measurement (TPC) Design Description 4.3 Phase 1: Physical Design 4.3.1 Hardware There are 4 physical boxes available where the software stack for phase 1 is installed on. The specification for the 4 physical boxes is the following TPC Server infrastructure: Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 13 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design Quantity Product 2 x3690 X5, Xeon, 4C E7520 95W 1.86 GHz/18MB L3, 2 x 4GB, O/Bay 2.5 in HS SAS, SR M1015, 675W p/s Rack 2 Intel Xeon 4C Processor Model E7520 95W 1.86 GHz/18MB L3 4 4GB (1x4GB, Quad Rankx8) PC3-8500 CL7 ECC DDR3 1066MHz LP RDIMM 4 IBM 300 GB 2.5in SFF Slim-HS 10K 6Gbps SAS HDD 2 ServeRAID M1000 Series Advance Feature Key 4 QLogic 8Gb FC Single-port HBA for IBM System x 2 Intel Ethernet Quat Port Server Adapter I340-T4 for IBM System x 2 Dual Port 1Gb Ethernet Daughter Card 2 IBM 675W Redundant Power Supply 2 4 Year Onsite Repair 24x7 4 Hour Response 2 IBM UltraSlim Enhanced SATA Multi-Burner Table 3: TPC ordered hardware TUAM Server infrastructure: Quantity Product 2 x3690 X5, Xeon, 4C E7520 95W 1.86 GHz/18MB L3, 2 x 4GB, O/Bay 2.5 in HS SAS, SR M1015, 675W p/s Rack 2 Intel Xeon 4C Processor Model E7520 95W 1.86 GHz/18MB L3 4 4GB (1x4GB, Quad Rankx8) PC3-8500 CL7 ECC DDR3 1066MHz LP RDIMM 4 IBM 300 GB 2.5in SFF Slim-HS 10K 6Gbps SAS HDD 2 ServeRAID M1000 Series Advance Feature Key 2 Intel Ethernet Quat Port Server Adapter I340-T4 for IBM System x 2 Dual Port 1Gb Ethernet Daughter Card 2 IBM 675W Redundant Power Supply 2 4 Year Onsite Repair 24x7 4 Hour Response 2 IBM UltraSlim Enhanced SATA Multi-Burner Table 4: TUAM ordered hardware Additional there are 2 Management Consoles (SSPC) available in locations “Zentrum” and “Hönggerberg”. These SSPCs have TPC basic version installed and can be upgraded to any version of TPC by adding a license key. Also they can be used for Support tasks by IBM and customer. Installation specifics for TPC server TPC can be installed on: Windows 2008 (R2) or 2003 (R2) standard or enterprise version, 32 or 64bit Linux RedHat Enterprise 5 or 6 64bit Virtualized on VMWare 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1 with above guest OS Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 14 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design AIX Additionally there has to be installed DB2 as collection Database version 9.7 fp4 (at least) On the SSPC TPC and DB2 is installed on Windows 2008 (R2) To work with attached devices TPC may require additional agents (SMI-S) to collect information (SVC and v7000 has agents included) Whole list of supported configurations: xt=SS8JB5&context=SS8JFM&uid=swg21386446&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en Installation specifics for TUAM server Both servers (see table above) are the basis for a virtual environment in which the TUAM software will be installed. One of the servers is the productive server; the second one is for test and development purpose. The software can run in a virtualized environment. The virtualization can be VMWare based. The virtualization layer and the necessary licenses are provided by ETH. The specification for the TUAM server is as follows: Windows Parameter Value Production Value Development OS Windows 2008 x86 or x64 Windows 2008 x86 or x64 Hard drive space 100 GB 40 GB Memory 8 GB 4 GB Linux Parameter OS Value Production Value Development Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4 and 5 for IA32 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4 and 5 for IA32 RHEL 5 and 6 for x64 (AMD64/EM64T) RHEL 5 and 6 for x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Hard drive space 100 GB 40 GB Memory 8 GB 4 GB Details can be found under the following link: dware_and_software.html 4.4 Phase 2: Storage Cloud Management Portal Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 15 of 16 Storage Portal Architecture and Design 5. Glossary The following abbreviations are used in the document: Abbreviation Full name TUAM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager SONAS Scale Out Network Attached Storage TCR/Cognos Tivoli Common Reporting based on Cognos TPC Tivoli Productivity Center Document: Status: S: ubject: 106758705 Draft Storage Portal Architecture and Design Date: 23.11.2011 Version: V0.5 Page 16 of 16