Bradford Roma Traveller Achievement Project Objective 1

Bradford Roma Traveller Achievement Project
Objective 1 – Awareness & Ascription
Extent to which teachers and other adults create a positive climate for learning in which pupils are interested and engaged. (OfSTED Sept 2012 : Quality of teaching in the school)
How well the gaps are narrowing between the performance of different groups of pupils, both in the school and in comparison to those of all pupils nationally.
(OfSTED Sept 2012 : Achievement of pupils at the school)
Objective 2 - Use data to target groups and track progress
How well the gaps are narrowing between the performance of different groups of pupils, both in the school and in comparison to those of all pupils nationally.
(OfSTED Sept 2012 : Achievement of pupils at the school)
Objective 3 – Improve quality first teaching
Extent to which the teaching in all key stages and subjects promotes pupils’ learning and progress across the curriculum. (OfSTED Sept 2012 : Quality of teaching in the school)
Objective 4 - Develop parent / carer and community partnerships
Extent to which leaders engage parents in supporting pupils’ achievement, behaviour and safety and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
(OfSTED Sept 2012 : Quality of leadership and management of the school)
Objective 5 - Attendance
Consider pupils’ attendance and punctuality at school and in lessons. (OfSTED Sept 2012 : Behaviour and safety of pupils at the school)
Objective 6 – Raise Aspirations
Extent to which teachers and other adults create a positive climate for learning in which pupils are interested and engaged. (OfSTED Sept 2012 : Quality of teaching in the school)
Objective 7 - Transfer & Transition
How well pupils are prepared for the next stage of their education, training and/or employment. (Ofsted Sept 2012 : Achievement of pupils at the school)
Copyright Bradford Education Service for New Communities and Travellers September 2012
School Self Evaluation
1. Awareness & Ascription – Improve awareness of cultural background of Roma/Travellers for all school staff and increase ascription rates of Roma/Traveller
Well established
Awareness – Regular cycle of CPD
in awareness training (whole school),
including induction for new staff (inc
Ascription – Awareness of key
issues regarding under ascription of
Roma and Traveller CYP (whole
school especially admin staff)
Systems and processes are
embedded in admin procedures. (inc.
work with parents)
Knowledge/location on data systems
of GRT categories
An understanding of the impact on
achievement data if Roma and
Travellers ascribe to “White other” or
other ethnic categories
OFSTED – compare with national results
There is a positive environment in
which CYP feel confident to ascribe
their ethnicity
Impact on achievement of CYP.
Staff are aware that ascription can
be retrospective
Ascription can be changed on data systems.
Copyright Bradford Education Service for New Communities and Travellers September 2012
Not yet in place
2. Use data to target groups and track progress – Collect, analyse and interpret data (attainment, progress,attendance and exclusions)
Well established
The school has robust systems for
collecting contextual data including
ethnicity, first language, country of origin
and previous schooling.
The school has an established pupil
tracking system for the collection and
analysis of achievement data.
The school analyses attainment and
achievement data by ethnicity.
The school monitors attendance and
exclusions by ethnicity.
Negative patterns are identified and
targeted for action.
Copyright Bradford Education Service for New Communities and Travellers September 2012
Not yet in place
3. Improve quality first teaching - Ensure quality first teaching; provide access to evidence based interventions based on analysis of data; evaluate impact of
Well established
For pupils arriving outside the normal admission
times assessment is quick, accurate and effective.
New to English pupils are assessed using the
NASSEA “STEPS” assessment tool.
Teachers use a range of strategies to engage,
motivate and accelerate progress in order to “close
the gap.”
The curriculum is culturally sensitive and provides
opportunities for pupils to discuss issues of identity
and ethnicity and celebrate their culture.
The curriculum provides opportunities for addressing
issues of stereotyping and racist bullying.
A range of support and intervention programmes are
used to accelerate progress.
NTE/EAL strategies are reflected throughout the
whole school, including subject and class teaching.
All staff have high expectations of Roma and
Traveller CYP and ensure they are engaged in active
and appropriate learning.
Children should be grouped
according to ability not
necessarily level of English.
Copyright Bradford Education Service for New Communities and Travellers September 2012
Not yet in place
4. Develop parent/carer and community partnerships - Engage parents in their children’s education, promote access to family learning and improve
involvement of parents in the life of the school.
Strategies are in place to build trust &
engage Roma and Traveller parents.
Social events eg. coffee mornings; home
visits, parent classes, documentation in
parents’ home language etc.
Parents are helped to gain an
understanding of the English education
system (inc. school policies and
procedures) and their responsibilities
within it.
Induction activities make parents aware of
their responsibilities.
Parents feel empowered to support their
children’s learning.
Projects and initiatives to help build
confidence amongst parents.
The school actively seeks the views of
Roma & Traveller parents/carers and can
provide examples of actions taken based
on their responses.
Are parental opinions sought in an
accessible way, such as home language or
Are parents properly informed in an
easily understandable way about their
child’s progress?
Interpreter, translated documents, visual
interpretation, pie charts etc.
Well established
All parents have access to the Education
Today DVD
Are these easily understandable?
Copyright Bradford Education Service for New Communities and Travellers September 2012
Not yet in place
5. Attendance - Develop further strategies to improve attendance
The school monitors the attendance and
exclusions of Roma and Traveller CYP
as a group.
Are there systems in place to monitor
attendance and exclusion data by ethnicity?
Negative trends targeted for action.
Are there barriers which might be relevant
to these groups e.g. deprivation, lack of
knowledge about the education system.
Well established
What strategies are in place to address any
issues e.g.
1. Engaging parents, translated
material etc
2. Attendance challenges – prizes
3. Clock in and clock out strategy with
coloured chart of who attends the
4. Seek parent and pupil voice about
attendance issues.
Are you aware of current legislation
regarding attendance of Roma and
Traveller pupils?
Copyright Bradford Education Service for New Communities and Travellers September 2012
Not yet in place
6. Raise Aspirations – Develop/enhance existing strategies to raise aspirations of families
Parents are informed about what
job/career opportunities are available for
their children
Well established
Links between educational attainment and
job prospects.
Parent/carer events with employers
Visits to university/college/employers to see
career possibilities.
Career events
Roma and Traveller CYP have high
Successful Roma and Traveller role models
Career and vocational guidance is
available to Roma and Traveller CYP as
well as parents and carers
Copyright Bradford Education Service for New Communities and Travellers September 2012
Not yet in place
7. Transfer & Transitions - Improve transfer and transition at key points
Parents are supported at key times in
their child’s transition stages
Early years, primary, secondary,
employment and training.
Schools have systems in place to
monitor that parents have filled in
relevant forms
School support families to complete
application forms where transition deadlines
have been missed.
Well established
Parents/carers are actively encouraged
to attend open evenings/key meetings to
help inform choice and ease transition
Primary and secondary schools work in
partnership to identify and support
families of vulnerable children in danger
of not transferring
Schools have procedures in place to help
families with appeals where applicable
Primary and secondary schools work in
partnership to support extensive
transition activities for vulnerable children
Copyright Bradford Education Service for New Communities and Travellers September 2012
Not yet in place