Sample course documents include the following

Title: It’s all in the Details
Creator’s name: Denise Marchionda
Suggested Timeframe: two full class periods/back-to-back
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Practice professional-level oral and written communication skills
Practice professional business etiquette and protocol
Core Student Success Skills/ISLOs:
Oral and Written Communication and Critical Thinking Skills
Context within the Course and MCCWDTA Modules:
In the Literacy Module “What’s the Right Code?” there is an example activity:
When working with this scenario in the classroom, consider having students first view the video “What
is Medical Coding” for a short overview of the responsibilities and career path of a medical coder.
As described in the scenario, medical coders sometimes need to write rebuttals to insurance companies
who have denied insurance claims. In this capacity, they need to use clear, professional language to
answer questions from the insurance company and/or defend the reason for billing for a specific service.
Assign students to write a sample rebuttal to one or more of the following types of insurance denials:
a. The proper pre-authorization was not received for the service provided.
b. The claim is pending the receipt of medical records documenting the need for the service provided.
c. Services were rendered at a different location than the one that is registered by the provider.
Alternately, students can write a letter related to an insurance denial that has happened in their lives such
as a doctor’s visit or hospitalization where an insurance company denied them or someone else benefits.
Remind students that a good appeal letter is factual, objective, clear, specific, grammatically correct, and
provide adequate supporting documentation.
Lesson Procedure:
Day One:
1. View the above suggested video.
2. Assign students the task of writing “a letter related to an insurance denial that has happened in
their lives such as a doctor’s visit or hospitalization where an insurance company denied them or
someone [else’s] benefits.” This can be nonfiction or fiction.
3. Homework assignment: Develop a professionally prepared letter to the insurance company
based on in-class activity.
Day Two:
1. Collect homework assignments. Redistribute letters to other students. Students then have to
develop a rebuttal letter as if they worked for the insurance company. This can be done
individually or in teams.
2. Homework assignment: Develop a professionally prepared rebuttal letter in response to a
student prepared complaint reviewed in class.
Module Support and Review:
In the Literacy Module “What’s the Right Code?” there is a contextualized project that would support
this lesson as a follow-up:
Possible ideas for a research project:
2. Outside of class, have students interview someone who is a medical coder to learn more about what is
involved in the work on a daily basis, transcribe the interview and synthesize/summarize the findings to
share with the class.
Follow-up Assignment:
Marchionda’s Interview My Future Self Lesson (see next page)
Title: Interview My Future Self
Creator’s name: Denise Marchionda
Suggested Timeframe: 50 minutes
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Practice professional-level oral and written communication skills
Practice professional business etiquette and protocol
Core Student Success Skills/ISLOs:
Personal Development, Oral and Written Communication, and Critical Thinking Skills
Handout: Interview Questions Assignment and Specifications Checklist
Context within the Course and MCCWDTA Modules:
This can be used in any course that addresses professional exploration.
In the Literacy Module “Knowing What is What” there is a contextualized project that would support
this lesson as a preview:
Research a Career of Interest
Have students research a career in the medical field that is of interest to them on the Virtual Career
Network website. Ask students to present the career to the rest of the class using PowerPoint and
including the skills required and types of tasks done a day in the life of this profession. Students could
also interview someone with this career in their community and add those anecdotes and data to their
In the Literacy Module “Translating from Content to Product” there is a contextualized learning activity
that would frame this lesson:
Ask students to interview someone who works in the information industry about how they use
communication in their jobs. If they will interview tech team members in the local organization, you
might want to assign small groups to do this to avoid using too much of the tech team’s time. Remind
students to organize their thoughts and develop questions ahead of time.
Procedure: (NOTE: Marchionda’s “It’s All in the Details” lesson could be done prior to this lesson.
Lesson included at the end of this document.)
4. Students will be placed in small groups according to their career interests.
5. In the groups, students will be asked to brainstorm the career field that they are interested in for
potential positions.
6. Using this brainstorming sessions, students will then be assigned the following handout as
Interview Questions Assignment and Specifications Checklist
For this assignment, you will need to interview someone working in the career field that you aspire to.
The interview questions will focus on what types of writing that person does in his or her job, as well as
the level of professionalism of writing that is needed while working in that career field.
Here are some interview questions to get you started:
What types of writing do you do during the course of your work? Please list and describe each.
How professional does your writing have to be? Discuss the quality and quantity of writing
required for your job.
Are your writing skills proficient? If so, where did you learn to be a good writer?
Are your writing skills rusty? Do you wish that your writing skills were better?
Now, prepare at least three more specific questions about writing in your career field:
1) Prepare a MLA formatted document and use this format for the information listed below:
Name and job title of the person to be interviewed:
Date and time of interview:
Questions to be asked at the interview: (the four above, plus three writing-specific questions)
Module Support and Review:
In the Literacy Module “Translating from Content to Product” there is a contextualized learning activity
that would support this lesson as a follow-up:
Invite a representative from the campus IT department into the class to talk about their work. After the
representative makes a short talk about the work of the IT department, students will interview the person
and learn more specifically how oral communication is used in a daily way within the industry. Be sure
that students have organized their thoughts and prepared questions ahead of time. Remind them to listen
carefully to the IT representative so that they do not ask a question that has already been answered.
Remind them also to take notes to be sure they have heard and understood the information.
Follow-up Essay Assignment:
Career Writing Essay How-To
What this essay IS NOT:
It is not about the person being interviewed
It is not a history of the profession
It is not about the interview itself
What this essay IS:
- A five paragraph, MLA Formatted academic essay
The framework includes:
Three body paragraphs with specific examples
An essay framework to get started:
Writing and ___________
In the career field of _______________, professional writing skills and abilities are very
important to be successful. Some specific writing skills needed are ______________________,
__________________________, and __________________________. When it comes to writing, both
professionals and guidebooks suggest that if a person is interested in this career path, he or she should…
Writing is __________________.
To succeed and advance in this career field, here are some specific skills one must
According to _______________________, who is a ___________________, and has
worked for __________________ years in the field of ____________________, writing is…
Many career guidebooks are available in the field of _________________. One book,
_____________________, by __________________, explains that…
In conclusion, if one is pursuing a career in __________________ he or she must…
Assessment: Instructor will assess each essay by predetermine rubric that includes style, technique, and
correct Standard Written English and grammar.
Adaptation based on curriculum developed as part of the Massachusetts Community Colleges and Workforce
Development Transformation Agenda (MCCWDTA) which s 100% funded by a $20 million grant from the U.S.
Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration TAACCCT. Grant Agreement #TC-22505-11-60-A25