3.1 Lesson DNA Discovery - idealnmcoursedeveloperresources

Biology I Unit Three-The Gene
Lesson 3.1
DNA Discovery and Structure
Students willExplain the chromosome theory of inheritance.
Describe the first bacterial transformation experiments, performed by Griffith.
Describe the transformation experiments performed by Avery and MacLeod that
identified DNA as the transforming agent.
Describe the Hershey-Chase experiment, which used viruses to provide additional
evidence that DNA is the genetic material.
Describe the evidence that enabled Watson and Crick to correctly determine the
structure of DNA.
Describe the structure of DNA.
Explain the relationship between DNA structure and DNA replication.
1. Visit the sites provided. Be sure and take notes so you can study for your test.
For help on taking class notes, visit Taking Good Class Notes Website.
2. Visit the site DNA from the Beginning. In your journal, describe the experiments
performed by Avery and MacLeod that identified DNA as a transporting agent.
Be sure and include what happened to the mouse! Your complete journal entry
will gain you 30 points.
3. Visit the site Animations and chose Hershey-Chase experiment. Watch the
animation and view the slideshow. Why you are at this site, find information
about the other scientists from the list on the Role of DNA Timeline Handout.
Complete the assignment as describe on the worksheet. The complete assignment
is worth 35 points.
4. In your journal, make an entry that explains the structure of DNA. Include in
your entry the relationship between DNA structure and DNA replication. Use the
above sites or this DNA Interactive site for a reference. This journal entry is
worth 10 points. The entry will be graded according to the journal rubric.
Assessment-Lesson 3.1
This module will be graded on the following:
Avery and MacLeod Journal Entry
Role of DNA Timeline Assignment
Structure of DNA Journal Entry
Total Points for Lesson 2.1
Total Points Possible
30 Points
35 Points
10 Points
80 Points