8th Grade Science Periodic Table of Elements Element Project The purpose of this project is for the students to expand their knowledge of a particular element while reinforcing the concepts we learned about the periodic table in class. Each student will choose an element from the Periodic Table of Elements (elements must be approved by teacher so there are no repeats) and showcase that element however they wish (newspaper article, haiku poem, missing element ad, interview, etc.). Despite the method the student chooses to showcase their element, the following information must be included about the element: chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, period and group number, special properties of group (including category), discovery of the element, and examples for use of the element. The project may be typed or neatly hand-written. Students must also include a list of sources aside from the textbook used to gather information. The sources can, but don’t have to, be submitted using Symbaloo. The final project is due on Friday, October 9th. Five points will be deducted from the final grade each day the project is late! The project will be counted as a test grade and will be broken into the following categories: Accuracy: Key Information (Number, Mass, Symbol) Period and Group Special Properties of Group (category) Discovery (who and year) Example of use Innovation: Presentation (Title, Name, & Neatness): Spelling List of sources 60 points 15 points 10 points 20 points 10 points 5 points 20 points 10 points 5 points 5 points Total Points: 100 points Suggested websites: http://www.chemistryexplained.com/elements/index.html http://education.jlab.org/qa/discover_ele.html 8th Grade Science Periodic Table of Elements Name: ________________________________ Class: ___________ Date: _____________ Element Project Rubric Area Element Key Information (15 points) Location on Table (10 points) Group Properties (20 points) Discovery (10 points) Element Use (5 point) Innovation (20 points) Presentation (10 points) Spelling (5 points) List of sources (5 points) Strong Atomic number, chemical symbol, and atomic mass are accurate. Student shows knowledge of each in own words. (15) Correctly locates element using period and group number. Student shows knowledge of each term. (10) Student identifies category and group (family) name and includes multiple features characteristic to group. (20) Student accurately identifies discovery of element and compares to another element discovery. (10) Identifies three uses for element that are unrelated. (5) Element is presented in a well-thought and creative manner that shows originality. (20) Project is neat with no smearing or markings, etc. (10) No spelling errors (5) Uses more than three sources. (5) Your Final Grade: ________ Proficient Atomic number, chemical symbol, and atomic mass are accurate. Below Average One area (atomic number, chemical symbol, atomic mass) not accurate. Poor More than one area (atomic number, chemical symbol, atomic mass) not accurate. (13) Correctly locates element using period and group number. (12) Either element period or group number not accurate or not mentioned. (10) Neither element period nor group number is accurate or mentioned. (9) Student identifies category and group (family) name and includes some features characteristic to group. (18) Student accurately identifies year and person who discovered element. (7) Student identifies category and group (family) name but some features characteristic to group are incorrect. (6) Student does not correctly identify category and group (family) name. OR Many features of family are incorrect. (15) Student accurately identifies only one feature of discovery. (10) Student does not accurately identify either feature of discovery. (7) Only identifies one use for element. (5) Does not identify use for element. (3) Element is presented in a creative manner (0) More thought could be put into the presentation of element. (16) Project has some smearing or markings, etc. (8) Some (3 or 4) spelling errors (3) Uses less than three sources. (3) (14) Project has multiple markings, etc. (9) Identifies two uses for element that are unrelated. (4) Element is presented in a well-thought and creative manner (18) Project is neat with few smearing or markings, etc. (9) Few (1 or 2) spelling errors (4) Uses three sources. (4) (6) Multiple spelling errors (1) Does not turn in list of sources. (0)