Study Guide

US History Honors Review for Quest: Manifest Destiny and Sectionalism
Don’t forget to review your reading notes!
Manifest Destiny Notes
 What is the definition? What was it used to support or justify? When was the phrase
first used? By whom?
 Texas Independence
o When did the Mexican Republic become independent from Spain? Why did
they make their generous colonization offer? /What was that offer? What did
they promise, besides land? What did they demand from colonists? What were
the organizers of the American settlement of Texas called? By 1830, how many
Americans were in Texas?
o Who was Santa Anna? How did he speed up or slow down colonization in
o What were the stated reasons for Texas’ declaration of independence from
Mexico? What did they establish, similar to America? What was Santa Anna’s
reaction? What happened at the Alamo? What happened at Goliad? What
happened at the Battle of San Jacinto? What was the name of the winning
o What were the terms of the Treaty of Velasco? Why did Mexico later refuse to
honor the treaty? What was the Republic of Texas’ nickname?
o In the US, what groups supported annexing Texas in 1836? Who opposed the
annexation? What was President Jackson’s position? Martin Van Buren’s
position? President Harrison’s position? What was President Tyler’s position?
What happened to the treaty he negotiated with Texas, in the Senate? When did
TX finally become a State?
 Tyler and the Election of 1844
o What was significant in President Tyler’s presidency? What happened to Tyler
after he opposed the Congressional Whig’s programs?
o What happened in the Election of 1844?
o Know about Polk! What was Polk’s Program?
 Oregon Country
o The OC was claimed by what four countries? What happened to two of those
countries’ claims? What countries’ claims were strongest?
o What tipped the balance in America’s favor? Know the names and why each of
the following men were important: Rev. Jason Lee; Rev. Dr. Marcus Whitman;
Father Pierre Jean De Smet
o How did people travel overland to Oregon? What were the terms of the 1846
Oregon Treaty?
 Mexican American War (1846-48)
o What were the causes of the war (Mexico refused to recognize TX
independence, claimed it as a breakaway republic; TX claimed Rio Grande as
its southern border, while Mexico claimed southern border was Nueces river)
o How did Polk provoke war with Mexico?
o Who opposed the war? Why? Who supported the war? Why?
o What were the “Spot Resolution”? Who sponsored it?
o What was the result of the Mexican American War? What were the terms of
the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo? What was the Mexican Cession? What was
the Gadsen Purchase? What was its significance, to Mexico, in terms of its
 CA and UTT
o In what part of California was gold discovered? What were the people engaged
in the Gold Rush nicknamed? How did they reach CA? When did CA become
a state?
o Who was Joseph Smith? Why did he and his followers move from NY to OH,
etc? Why were the Mormons terribly persecuted? Why was Smith so
controversial? What happened to Joseph Smith? Who was his successor to
leadership of the Mormons? What did he decide to do? Why? What did the
success of the Mormons show the rest of America?
 Election of 1848 & Zachary Taylor’s Presidency
o Who did the Whigs recruit for its candidate? Why was he a unique pick? What
happened to the Democratic party? Who did each faction choose? Who won
the election?
o What was Taylor’s chosen career? Where did he serve? What was his view on
slavery? What was his nickname?
 Mexican Cession and Slavery
o What were the four proposals addressing slavery in the Mexican Cession?
What issues complicated the Mexican Cession question? What triggered the
 Great Debate and Compromise of 1850
o What was Senator Seward’s proposal? What was the South’s reaction? Who
were the “fire eaters”? What was Senator Clay & Senator Douglas’
compromise offer? What was the southerners’ view? Northerners’ view? Who
favored the compromise?
o What major development occurred that allowed Compromise to go forward?
What was Millard Fillmore’s view of the compromise? What was the effect of
the Compromise?
 Election of 1852 and Franklin Pierce
o Who did the Whigs nominate? The Democrats? Who won the election of
o From what region of the country was Franklin Pierce? Why was he considered
one of the worst presidents ever?
 Issues aggravating sectionalism
o Ostend Manifesto: what did southerners wish to do? How would that
strengthen the slave based economy? What did the manifesto consist of? Why
did northerners freak over the Manifesto?
o Fugitive Slave Law of 1850: what did the constitution require? How had the
northern states treated the law? What did the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850
increase? What did slave owners need to do under the new law to get the help
of authorities? What rights did suspected runaway slaves have?
o Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854: What did Senator Douglas believe? Why did he
repeal the Missouri Compromise? What effect did the repeal have? What
formed to fight this Act? What happened in Kansas as a result of this Act?
Who were the clashes between? What did pro and anti slavery organizations
do, in Kansas? What side did Kansas ultimately vote for? Who was John
 Election of 1856
o Who did the Democrats nominate? Republicans? For what party did Millard
Fillmore run? What were their beliefs? Who won?
o Who was James Buchanan? What did he vow? What did he advocate? What
was his position on southern secession, after Lincoln was elected in the 1860
election? What was his position on northerner military efforts against the
seceding southern states? What did he do, as a result? What was he