Reading Week of February 25 – March 1, 2013 Reading I Can: I can use a variety of reading strategies when I read. I can reread to locate information in the text. Word Work Objective: I can determine the meaning of an unknown word using context clues. I can identify the base word when a prefix or suffix has been added. Word Work MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Prefix/Suffix Task Cards (Word Walk) Prefix/Suffix Projectable Task Cards Base Word Theme Skills Test Prefix/Suffix/Bas e Word Theme Skills Test Prefix/Suffix/Base Word Assessment I have who Has? Synonyms/Antony ms Context Clue Task Cards Context Clue Powerpoint Spelling PreAssessment Context Clue Reading Passage Context Clue Reading Passage Reading Minilesson Fact and Opinion - Students will identify facts and opinions using clue words/identify ways of verifying facts - Review fact/opinion with connections activity Main Idea/Details - Introduce and connect with board game example - Display projectable “ Unusual Birds.” Read aloud the 1st Vocabulary Context Clues ISAT Reading Passage Spelling Assessment Author’s Point of View - Introduce and connect. Discuss how authors have different attitudes, or points of views, about their topics. Relate to Making Inferences/Drawi ng Conclusions - Introduce and connect with Tortoise and the Hare. - Explain when readers making Making Inferences/Drawing Conclusions - FOG – Biography - Dr. Seuss - Discuss opinion words (should, best, super, favorite, delicious) - Complete fact/opinion matching game with partners. - Model finding facts/opinions with article “Nuts About Peanut Butter.” sentence and have students tell what they know about penguins. Model how to identify the main idea (underline) and highlight the details. Discuss how there are two paragraphs and each paragraph may have a main idea. Independent Reading Time Students will read “Strong Little Animals” and mark facts, opinions and clue words. Students will read “For Your Health” – underline the main idea of each paragraph and highlight the supporting details. Reading Workshop Wrap-Up Discuss facts, opinions and clue words found in article. Project on projector Share out the main idea and details highlighted in practice passage. Then guide the class to develop one opinions. - Read aloud bear paragraph. Model completing 3 column chart (Topic, Clue Words, Point of View) - Model with Projectable “Save the Manatees” – complete Author’s Point of View Chart. inferences they make connections between the text and what they already know. - Model with the projectable “Treasures from Nature.” Complete making inferences graphic organizer Have students Students will read “Nests for All read “The Birds” - Students Anasazi” and will determine complete making author’s point of inference graphic view based on organizer at the evidence from the end of each text – circle clue paragraph. words Discuss author’s Create class viewpoint and making examples that inferences support viewpoint anchor chart Students will read Dr. Seuss and respond to ISAT Format questions using the test-taking strategies Review test-taking strategies . sentence that expresses the main idea of the whole passage. Writing Week of February 25 – March 1, 2013 I Can: I can write for a variety of purposes. Writing Minilesson MONDAY K – 2 Musical Dress Rehearsal Writing Work Time K – 2 Musical Dress Rehearsal Writing Workshop Wrap-UP K – 2 Musical Dress Rehearsal TUESDAY Have students write one paragraph about real or made-up restaurant (favorite eating place). Paragraph should include two facts and two opinions about the place. Students will write fact/opinion paragraph. Encourage students to use clue words. Students will exchange papers with their partners and mark facts, WEDNESDAY Author’s Point of View. Have students choose a topic they know about. Discuss point of view from reading minilesson. THURSDAY Author’s Purpose: Topic Snow – Read aloud example paragraph. Students will determine author’s purpose based on text clues. FRIDAY Dr. Seuss Writing Activities - And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street. Students will write a paragraph about pets/recess giving details that help the reader understand author’s point of view. Students will exchange paragraphs and complete point of Students will write about topic snow – picking author’s purpose (inform, entertain, or persuade) Dr. Seuss Writing Activities Students will exchange paragraph with a partner. Partner Dr. Seuss Writing Activities opinions and clue words in the their partner’s paper view chart for their partner’s paragraph. will highlight text clues that helped them determine author’s purpose. Math Week of February 25 – March 1, 2013 I can: I can describe the weight of a object in ounces and pounds. I can draw a picture to help solve a problem. I can measure the length of objects using centimeters and meters. Basic Facts Math Lesson MONDAY Master the Facts with Square Numbers Topic 14.5 E.Q: What customary units describe how heavy something is? Vocabulary: weight, ounce, pound Interactive Learning: Students will estimate the weight of objects in comparison to other objects. They will use a pan balance to check their estimations. V. Learning Bridge, Guided Practice, TUESDAY Square Number Flashcard with Deck of Cards Topic 14.6 E.Q: How can you act out and use reasoning to solve problems? Interactive Learning: Students will build models of figures when given different views of the figures. WEDNESDAY Square Number Quick Check Topic 14 Math Test ISAT Format #11/12 THURSDAY Square Number Division Flashcards FRIDAY Square Number Partner Practice with Flashcards Topic 15.1 Topic 15.2 E.Q: How can you E.Q: How can you estimate and estimate and measure in metric measure length? units? Vocab: meter Materials: Interactive centimeter rule Learning: Vocabulary: Students will use centimeter, meter sticks to decimeter, millimeter measure a variety Interactive Learning: of objects varied Students will in length. measure a variety of V. Learning, objects using the Guided Practice, centimeter rule. Independent V. Learning, Guided Practice Practice, Independent Independent Practice Practice