Teacher Page Objectives: General Outcome 4.2 The Stories, Histories and Peoples of Alberta Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the role of stories, history and culture in strengthening communities and contributing to identity and a sense of belonging. Recognize how stories of people and events provide multiple perspectives on past and present events (I, TCC) Recognize oral traditions, narratives and stories as valid sources of knowledge about the land, culture and history (CC, I, TCC) Recognize how the diversity of immigrants from Europe and other continents has enriched Alberta’s rural and urban communities (CC, I, TCC) What movement or migration within Canada contributed to the populating of Alberta? (LPP, TCC) In what ways did Francophones establish their roots in urban and rural Alberta (i.e., voyageurs, missionary work, founding institutions, media, politics, commerce)? (CC, I, LPP, TCC) How did the European immigration contribute to the establishment of communities in Alberta in the late 19th century and early 20th century? (CC, GC, I, TCC) How did the arrival of diverse groups of people determine the establishment and continued growth of rural and urban communities? (CC, GC, LPP) ICT Outcomes, Division 2 C.1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. Specific Outcomes 2.1 access and retrieve appropriate information from the Internet by using a specific search path or from given uniform resource locations (URLs) 2.2 organize information gathered from the Internet, or an electronic source, by selecting and recording the data in logical files or categories; and by communicating effectively, through appropriate forms, such as speeches, reports and multimedia presentations, applying information technologies that serve particular audiences and purposes C.2 - Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies. Specific Outcomes 2.1 seek responses to inquiries from various authorities through electronic media relevance for the purpose used C.3 - Students will critically assess information accessed through the use of a variety of technologies. Specific Outcomes 2.1 identify and distinguish points of view expressed in electronic sources on a particular topic 2.2 recognize that information serves different purposes and that data from electronic sources may need to be verified to determine accuracy or relevance for the purpose used Grade 4 S.S. Outcomes (The Stories, Histories and People of Alberta) 4.3.3 Students will critically examine Alberta’s changing cultural and social dynamics by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues from 4.3.3 4.S.7 Students will apply the research process. 4.S.8 Students will demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy. 4.2.1 Students will appreciate how an understanding of Alberta’ history, people and stories contributes to their sense of belonging and identity. 4.S.1 Students will develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking. 4.S.2 Students will develop skills of historical thinking. 4.S.8 Students will demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy. 4.S.9 Students will develop skills of media literacy. 4.S.1 Students will develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking. 4.S.2 Students will develop skills of historical thinking. 4.S.4 Students will demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving. 4.S.7 Students will apply the research process. 4.S.9 Students will develop skills of media literacy. C.5 - Students will use technology to 4.2.2 Students will critically assess how the aid collaboration during inquiry. cultural and linguistic heritage and diversity Specific Outcomes 2.1 retrieve data of Alberta has evolved over time by exploring from available storage devices, such as and reflecting upon the questions from 4.2.2 a shared folder, to which a group has 4.3.1 Students will appreciate the factors contributed 2.2 record group contributing to the quality of life in Alberta. brainstorming, planning and sharing of 4.S.1 Students will develop skills of critical ideas by using technology 2.3 extend thinking and creative thinking. the scope of a project beyond 4.S.5 Students will demonstrate skills of classroom collaboration by using cooperation, conflict resolution and communication technologies, such as consensus building. the telephone and email 4.S.7 Students will apply the research process. 4.S.8 Students will demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy. C.6 - Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems. Specific Outcomes 2.1 select and use technology to assist in problem solving 2.2 use data gathered from a variety of electronic sources to address identified problems 2.3 use graphic organizers, such as mind mapping/webbing, flow charting and outlining, to present connections between ideas and information in a problem-solving environment 2.4 solve problems, using numerical operations and such tools as calculators and spreadsheets 2.5 solve problems requiring the sorting, organizing, classifying and extending of data, using such tools as calculators, spreadsheets, databases or hypertext technology 2.6 solve issue-related problems, using such communication tools as a word processor or email to involve others in the process 2.7 generate alternative solutions to problems by using technology to facilitate the process 4.S.1 Students will develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking. 4.S.3 Students will develop skills of geographic thinking. 4.S.4 Students will demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving. C.7 - Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning. 4.S.1 Students will develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking. 4.S.5 Students will demonstrate skills of cooperation, conflict resolution and consensus building. 4.3.4 Students will examine recreation and tourism in Alberta by exploring and reflecting upon the questions and issues from 4.3.4 Specific Outcomes 2.1 use a variety of technologies to organize and synthesize researched information 2.2 use selected presentation tools to demonstrate connections among various pieces of information F.3 - Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology. Specific Outcomes 2.1 comply with the acceptable use policy of the school and school authority for Internet and networked services, including software licensing agreements 2.2 work collaboratively to share limited resources 2.3 use appropriate communication language and etiquette 2.4 document sources obtained electronically, such as web site addresses 2.5 respect the privacy and products of others 2.6 use electronic networks in an ethical manner 2.7 comply with copyright legislation F.4 - Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information. Specific Outcomes 2.1 recognize that graphics, video and sound enhance communication 2.2 describe how the use of various texts and graphics can alter perception 2.3 discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound P.1 - Students will compose, revise and edit text. Specific Outcomes 2.1 create and revise original text to communicate and demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques 2.2 edit and format text to clarify and enhance meaning, using such word 4.S.2 Students will develop skills of historical thinking. 4.S.7 Students will apply the research process. 4.S.8 Students will demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy. 4.3.4 Students will examine recreation and tourism in Alberta by exploring and reflecting upon the questions and issues from 4.3.4 4.S.7 Students will apply the research process. 4.S.9 Students will develop skills of media literacy. 4.3.3 Students will critically examine Alberta’s changing cultural and social dynamics by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues from 4.3.3 4.S.8 Students will demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy. 4.2.1 Students will appreciate how an understanding of Alberta’ history, people and stories contributes to their sense of belonging and identity. 4.S.8 Students will demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy. processing features as the thesaurus, find/change, text alignment, font size and font style 2.3 convert digital text files by opening and saving them as different file types P.3 - Students will communicate through multimedia. Specific Outcomes 2.1 create a multimedia presentation, incorporating such features as visual images (clip art, video clips), sounds (live recordings, sound clips) and animated images, appropriate to a variety of audiences and purposes 2.2 access available databases for images to support communication P.4 - Students will integrate various applications. Specific Outcomes 2.1 integrate a spreadsheet, or graphs generated by a spreadsheet, into a text document 2.2 vary font size and font style, and placement of text and graphics, in order to create a certain visual effect 4.S.3 Students will develop skills of geographic thinking. P.5 - Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources. Specific Outcomes 2.1 create and navigate a multiple-link document 2.2 navigate through a document that contains links to locate, copy and then paste data in a new file 2.3 navigate the Internet with appropriate software 4.S.8 Students will demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy. 4.S.4 Students will demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving. 4.S.8 Students will demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy. 4.S.4 Students will demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving. 4.3.3 Students will critically examine Alberta’s changing cultural and social dynamics by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues from 4.3.3 4.S.7 Students will apply the research process. P.6 - Students will use communication technology to interact with others. Specific Outcomes 2.1 select and use the technology appropriate to a given communication situation Lesson Progression: 1. Introduce the students to Alberta’s history by watching videos and reading through the appropriate chapters in the Social Studies text to develop background knowledge. 2. Share the Webquest. Divide students into groups and decide which cultural group/specific person they will be responsible for researching. 3. Guide each group through the set-up of their storage files. Be sure to explain that every file (including pictures) must be stored in their historical journal file. 4. Allow students time to research. 5. Introduce how to use Movie Maker and how to storyboard. 6. Ensure students get approval at each stage of the process to ensure they do not encounter difficulties later on! 7. Complete projects. 8. Share historical journals with the class. 9. Have audience complete the jigsaw so that they can develop a deeper understanding of Alberta’s early settlers. 10. Students will complete the self/peer evaluation. 11. Complete rubric on each project. I have limited the number of websites available to the students so as not to overwhelm them. However please use the CARC website for additional sites if needed: http://www.carc.reddeer.com/social/webresources/gr4.html Evaluation/Rubrics: Benchmark and student planning template Rubric Self and Group Evaluation Digital Story Telling Sites: Learn about The Art of Digital Story Telling: http://www.digitales.us/ Be sure to look at the 7 steps of Digital Story Telling Getting started with Digital Story Telling: http://www.coe.uh.edu/digital-storytelling/gettingstarted.htm Be sure to look at Storyboarding ‘Getting Started’ is worth looking at Look at and share the examples with your students Movie Maker Information: Using Windows Movie Maker tutorial: http://clerccenter.gallaudet.edu/TecEds/training/shortsessions/2006/moviemakerdigstory.pdf