1 Running Head: The limitations and good results of preaching in Taiwan for christian foreign missionaries — take Taipei Gospel Church for Shopworkers' foreign missionaries for example. The limitations and achievements of preaching in Taiwan for Christian foreign missionaries — take Taipei Gospel Church for Shopworkers' foreign missionaries for example. A Research Proposal Submitted by Lauren Chen Submitted to Dr. Aiden Yeh Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages November 17th, 2015 1 2 Proposed Research Topic: The limitations and achievements of preaching in Taiwan for Christian foreign missionaries — take Taipei Gospel Church for Shopworkers' foreign missionaries for example. Purposes: In this project, I will find out what achievements and limitations have done by foreign missionaries from Taipei Gospel Church for Shopworkers(TGCS) and the way it growth for eleven years. The research will be focused on the foreign missionaries’ personal experiences on evangelization in Taiwan and how the TGCS has been developed stably since 2004. I will also explore the potential shortcomings in the TGCS and the shopworkers’ impression to foreign missionaries. The research would be useful to the TGCS and also the good material to those foreign missionaries who want to evangelize in Taiwan. Background: The Taipei Gospel Church for Shopworkers is established by a German missionary, Elisabeth Weinmann, who has evangelized with Taiwanese co-workers for 29 years. Elisabeth Weinmann is dispatched by a mission, Overseas Ministry Fellowship International(OMF). According to “ Scaffolding: OMF in Taiwan” (Yi-Deh, Yao, 2015), Hudson Taylor(1832-1905) had established “China Inland Mission(CIM)” since 1865. He dedicated his whole life to evangelize Christian in 2 3 inland of China and built lots of churches. In order to get closer and evangelize to Chinese people, his strategy is turning his behaviour into a native. For example, wear Chinese clothes, change a Chinese style hair and so on. However, as CIM had being grown gradually, the Chinese Civil War burst out. It forced CIM have not to be evacuate from China in 1952.Then after being prayed for God’s direction for a long time, they decided keep evangelizing going through others Asia area such as Thailand, Singapore, Philippine, Japan and so on. The mission has moved their headquarters to Singapore and changed their name into OMF International because their mission is evangelizing to Asis. Elisabeth Weinmann is a missionary from OMF. She has come to Taiwan for 29 years. In the beginning of her life in Taiwan(Weinmann, n.d.), she faced a lot of tasks, such as language, cultural shock, homesick. Also, she had a time for hesitating whether she could able reach her goal in future. However, there is a belief in her mind. For instance, “God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply, (James Hudson Taylor quotes, n.d.).” said Hudson Taylor. There are many evangelizing principles passed from Hudson Taylor are very encourage to missionaries. Then Weinmann moved into Taipei City and established the Taipei Gospel Church for shopworkers(TGCS) at Liuzhangli in 2004. She has started working and evangelizing to Shopworkers especially the department stores around Taipei 101. She found that 3 4 there are many mothers or single mothers working as shopworkers and their working times are around 12 hours which make them have no extra time to accomplish their family. So those mothers have lots of problems. Besides, their sales target makes them miserable in life. Weinmann now has helped many shopworkers. She always said it is God turned their life into bright, living with hope and love. But she might leave for Taiwan someday. So she has to train Taiwanese co-workers to do the Church works. The research is not only focused on Weinmann’s works but also the development of TGCS. In order to know the TGCS operates with local co-workers, I will interview co-workers who represent the TGCS and Weinmann. Scope: In order to know the foreign missionaries’ achievement, personal experiences and how the TGCS has been developed, I will interview the missionaries in the TGCS and the people who understand how the TGCS has been operating. The period of interview will take about three hours. Also, to make my research questions about achievement and limitation more concrete and accurate, this research will be conducted by quoting these two books, One Size Doesn’t Fit All (McIntosh, L. G., 1999) and ADVANCED STRATEGIC PLANNING (Malphurs, A., 1999) for my model for church. 4 5 Theoretical framework: The research will be discussed on the foreign missionaries’ personal experiences and how they have developed successfully the TGCS with Taiwanese co-workers. According to Li,Yuan-Hsiung states(as cited in McIntosh, 1999/2001, p. 14) in preamble of the book, One Size Doesn’t Fit All is indicated that in order to reach church’s goal, every size of churches have to understand their cultural structure, procedure of making decision and executive custom. Through McIntosh(2001) the proposals has raised about planting church in this book, I can examine the TGCS step by step whether their planting ways are similar as McIntosh’s proposals. If yes, I can certainly believe the TGCS is a successful church then I will analyse it and find out the answers. Another material for examining a successful church is ADVANCED strategic planning(Malphurs, 1999/2005) which Malphurs(2013, p. 30) raised the proposals of preparation and process of strategic planning for church and ministry leaders which gave me a general direction of solving problems existed in a church. After I interviewed the people in the TGCS, I will analyse their solution based on Malphurs’ work. I will consider some questions and find out the answers, such as what is the TGCS’s strategic planning? 5 6 Method: 1. Prepare questions by reading related books of this topic. I have found some several books which are very helpful for me to understand my topic. By reading Scaffolding: OMF in Taiwan (Yao, Y. D., 2015) and Hudson Taylor and Maria (Pollock, C. J., 1976/1977), I can understand basic background of Overseas Mission Fellowship(OMF) and what services foreign missionaries from OMF have done in Taiwan until now. Also, I can figure out what kinds of problems and experiences foreign missionaries have faced by reading The story of Martin & Angela Symonds (Cheng, I. C., 2014) which makes me to have some basic ideas to interview the TGCS missionaries. Then I can analyse the development of the TGCS and support my points by quoting ADVANCED STRATEGIC PLANNING (Malphurs, A. 1999) and One Size Doesn't Fit All (McIntosh, L. G. 1999). 2. Interview those interviewees to conduct this topic. For foreign missionaries of the TGCS, I will ask their personal experiences for evangelizing in Taiwan, what achievements, limitation and tasks, and how the TGCS has been developed with co-workers. Besides, to concrete the definition of achievements and limitation, I will find out some arguments such as the people in the TGCS growth number and what kinds of bad characteristic make shopworkers to not be a Christian easily. Then interview some deacons to know the TGCS operation. 3. Then I could organize this research with the interview and analyse the TGCS 6 7 operation by the regulation of successful church mentioned in ADVANCED STRATEGIC PLANNING (Malphurs, A. 1999) and One Size Doesn't Fit All(McIntosh, L. G. 1999). Limitations: First, I am not a professional from religious area. As an university student, I cannot create some new ideas on my own self. I just can find out some surface data and know some information from books given. Besides, there are not many researches about foreign missionaries’ results in Taiwan. Therefore, it will take me more times to find out relevant information. However, this research paper has a time limitation. Third, the credibly of some interviews may be questionable. The deacons of TGCS may qualify their words about church operation. References: 程亦君(2014)‧老英之歌:英國宣教士石明理與安莉的故事‧新北市:校園書 坊。[Cheng, I. C. (2014). Ordinary people, extraordinary lives: The Story of rtin & Angela Symonds. Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC: Campus Evangelical Fellowship.] 饒以德(2015) ‧鷹架任務—內地會在台灣‧台灣:校園書坊。[Yao, Y. D. (2015). Scaffolding: OMF in Taiwan. Taiwan, ROC: Campus Evangelical Fellowship.] Malphurs, A. (2005)‧教會大計:策略性計畫的九個步驟(顧華德譯) ‧ 臺北市: 7 8 中華福音神學院。(原著出版於 1999) [McIntosh, L. G. (2005). ADVANCED STRATEGIC PLANNING: A 21st-Century Model for Church and Ministry Leaders. (Ku, H. E., Trans.). Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC: China Evangelical Seminary. (Original work published 1999)] McIntosh, L. G. (2001)‧以一不能蓋全(胡加恩譯)‧臺北市:中華福音神學院。 (原著出版於 1999) [McIntosh, L. G. (2001). One Size Doesn't Fit All: Bringing Out the Best in Any Size Church. (Hu, C. E., Trans.) Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC: China Evangelical Seminary. (Original work published 1999)] Pollock, C. J. (1977)(顏彩琇譯) ‧ 臺北市:校園書坊。(原著出版於 1976) [Pollock, C. J. (1977). Hudson Taylor and Maria (Yen, T. H., Trans.). Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC: Campus Evangelical Fellowship. (Original work published 1976)] James Hudson Taylor quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved on Nov 16, 2015, from https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/4693730.James_Hudson_Taylor Malphurs, A. (2013). ADVANCED STRATEGIC PLANNING: A 21st-Century Model for Church and Ministry Leaders, Edition3. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books. McIntosh, L. G. (1999). One Size Doesn't Fit All: Bringing Out the Best in Any Size Church. Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A: Fleming H. Revell. Weinmann, E. (n.d.). From Black Forest to Taipei’s department stores. The history of 8 9 Taipei Gospel Church For Shopworkers. Retrieved on Nov 16. 2015 from https://tswchurch.wordpress.com/ 9