Art 2, Test 1 slide list

Art 2 Test 1 slide list
Please learn the artist, title and stylistic period with the following general dates- (exact
dates are unnecessary!)
Proto Renaissance- late 13th, 14th c. (Chapter 19 for ebook, same image numbers)
G14-3 Nicola Pisano, The Annunciation and Nativity, detail of pulpit
G14-6 Cimabue, Madonna Enthroned
G14-7 Giotto, Madonna Enthroned
G14-8 Giotto, Lamentation, Arena Chapel
G14-13 Simone Martini, Annunciation
G14-14 Pietro Lorenzetti, The Birth of the Virgin
Early Italian Renaissance- 15th c. (ebook Chapter 21)
G16-2 Brunelleschi, Sacrifice of Isaac
G16-3 Ghiberti, Sacrifice of Isaac
G16-12 Donatello, David
G16-13 Verrocchio, David
G16-18 Gentile da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi
G16-19 Masaccio, Tribute Money
G16-20 Masaccio, Expulsion of Adam and Eve
G16-21 Masaccio, Holy Trinity
G16-22 Fra Angelico, Annunciation
G16-24 Fra Filippo Lippi, Madonna and Child
G16-30 Pollaiuolo, Battle of the 10 Nudes
G16-29 Sandro Boticelli, Birth of Venus
G16-37 Bartolommeo, Façade of Palazzo Medici-Riccardi
G16-41 Perugino, Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter
G16-45 Alberti Façade of Church of Sant’ Andrea
G16-49 Andrea Mantegna, ceiling of the Camera degli Sposi (Room of the Newlyweds)
Northern Renaissance- 15th c. (ebook Chapter 20)
G15-15 Limbourg Brothers, January, Book of Hours for the Duke of Berry
G15-4 Robert Campin, Merode Altarpiece (open)
G15-6 Jan van Eyck, Arnolfini Wedding (Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride)
G15-7 Jan Van Eyck, Man in a Red Turban
G15-8 Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition (Descent from the Cross)
G15-11 Dirk Bouts, Last Supper
G15-12 Hugo van der Goes, Portinari Altarpiece
READ THESE QUESTIONS CAREFULLY! Prepare at home, to be written in class, and
include specific examples (artist, title, style, general dates) and fully explain how your
example supports your point!
1. Define patronage in the arts during the Proto Renaissance and Early Renaissance in Italy and Northern
Europe. Include info on the people and groups that sponsored art and the way the art market functioned
during this era. Please use at least one example, and describe it well, from each area (Proto Renaissance,
Early Italian Renaissance and Northern Renaissance) to illustrate your points.
2. Discuss and define the term Humanism. How does it relate the art of the Renaissance? Give well
described examples from each area of art studied- Proto Renaissance, Early Italian Renaissance and
Northern Renaissance.
3. Discuss the elements and characteristics of the 15th century Flemish style of painting using at least 3
specific examples. What three artists were the leading painters of this style?
4. Describe/define how linear/mathematic perspective works in contrast to the way Northern Renaissance
artists create their own illusion of space. Describe the use of space in at least three Northern Renaissance