Are You suprised

Wallace, Edgar. Terror Keep. Pan Books, 1964.
Wallace, Edgar. The Fellowship of the Frog. Black Dagger Crime, 1989.
Wallace, Edgar. Sanders of the River. Tom Stacey, 1972.
Wallace, Edgar. Bosambo of the River, Tom Stacey, 1973.
…The Ringer. Hodder and Stoghton, 1961.
…The Man at the Carlton. Pan Books 1964.
… The Keepers of the King’s Peace. Ward, Lock, and Co. No date.
… The Avenger. Arrow Books, 1967.
… The Clue of the Twisted Candel. Pan books, 1967.
…The Flying Squad. Pan Books, 1963.
…The India-Rubber Men, Pan Books, 1964.
…The Green Archer. Hodder and Stoughton,
…The Joker, Hodder and Stoughton, 1950.
…Red Aces, Pan Books, 1961.
…Terror Keep. Pan Books, 1966.
…The Mind of J. G. Reeder, Pan Books, 1967.
…The Three Just Men. Hodder and Stoughton, 1966.
…The Square Emerald, Pan Books, 1955.
…The Squeaker, Hodder and Stoughton, 1960.
…The Forger, Hodder and Soughton, 1952.
…The council of Justice, Brown, Watson, ltd. 1963.
…A King by Night, Arrow Books, 1961.
…The Man from Morocco, Arrow Books, 1961.
…the black, digit books. No date.
…room thirteen, arrow, 1967.
…the valley of ghosts, Hodder and Stoughton, 1967.
…the clue of the silver key, Hodder and Stoughton, 1961.
…flat 2, arrow, 1967.
…the joker, pan, 1962.
…lietenant bones, ward, lock, co. 1958.
…the hand of power. Arrow, 1961.
…the yellow snake, Hodder and Stoughton, 1968.
…the dooor with seven locks, pan books, 1960.
…the crimson circle, Hodder and Stoughton, 1962.
…the woman from the east, Brown, Watson, ltd, No Date.
…Sandi the king maker, Brown, Watson, ltd. No Date.
…silinski master criminal. Avon book co, 1942.
…again the ringer, Pan Books, 1962.
…Bigfoot, Arrow Books, 1967.
…the calendar, Pan Books, 1962.
…the flying fifty-five, Arrow Books, 1974.
…the clue of the twisted candle, Pan Books, 1956.
…terrible people, Hodder and Stoughton, 1967.
…the mixer, Arrow Books, 1973.
capon, alan r. prince. Edward county: information book, no publication information.
Andrew, Christopher and Oleg Gordievsky. KGB: The inside story, HarperCollins 1990.
Kalmar, Ivan. The Trotskys, Freuds, and Woody Allens: Portrait of a Culture. Viking
Quennell, Peter, John Ruskin, The portrait of a prophet, Viking, 1949.
Woodley, E.C. The Bible in Canada, JM Dent, 1953.
Day, Oowen T. With Nacy C. Thomas, The Hallelujah hole, the story of a frontier
preacher, Judson Press, 1976.
-Kendrick, martyn, Advantage Canada, Tennis Canada, 1995, 5.
-hemingway, ernest, in our time, scribner’s 1970.
-Katchadourian, herant a. and Donald t. lunde, fundamentals of human sexuality, holt,
reinhart, Winston, 1972.
-burton, Anthony, remains of a revolution, cardinal, 1973.
-no author, historical glimpses of lennox and addington, no publication info.
-shaw, Bernard, nine plays, dodd, mead, and co, 1935.
-o’hara, john, the ohara generation, randomhouse, 1969.
-ullman james ramsay, Americans on eversest, lippincott, 1964.
-hick, john, the existence of god, Macmillan, 1970.
-grygier pat sandiford: a long way from home
inscrip in AP’s hand: al purdy/-used form and aricle on tb among the inuit at
mountain hospital in Hamilton, mcgill queen’s 1994, signed al purdy, may 1994.
-swettenham, john mcnaughton vol 3, Ryerson p 1969.
-vol one, 1968, vol 2, 1969
-allen, charlotte vale, dream train, ivy books, 1988.
-christie, peter, reptiles and amphibians of prince Edward county, 1997, pamphlet, no pub
-feldman, gene, the beat generation and the angry young men, dell 1959.
-trueman, john, the enduring past, Ryerson, 1964.
-homer, the iliad, penguin, 1985.
-atwood, Margaret, ed. barbed lyers, Canadian venomous verse, illus by aislin, key
porter, 1990.
-ondaatje, Michael, The cinnamon peeler, McClelland & Stewart, 1989.
-hunter, j paul the Norton intro to literature, Norton 1973.
-shapiro, karl, selected poems random house, 1968.
-atwood Margaret, survival, anansi 1972.
-seyffart, oskar, a dictionary of classical antiquities, mythology, religion, and art, William
glaisher, no date.
-musgrave, susan, when my boots drive off in a caddilac, league of Canadian poets, no
date, pamphlet.
-moore Gerald, seven African writers, oxford u p, 1962.
-chesterton, gk, wine water and song, mehuen, 1945.
-west, nathanel, miss lonely hearts and the day of the locust, new directions, nodate 22nd
-levine, Norman, why do you live so far away deneau, 1984.
-gall, sally m. ramon guthrie’s maximum security ward: an American classic, univ of
Missouri press, 1984.
-young, scott, o’brien: from waterboy to one million a year, Ryerson, 1967.
-lunn, Richard. J.M. Dent press, short story 17, 1966.
-white, howard, the ghost in the gears, harbour, 1993.
-cohen, Leonard, the favourite game, secker and Warburg, 1996.
-Pritchett, V.S. the camberwell beauty and other stories, random house, 1974.
-Vollmann, William t. the ice shirt, Viking, 1990.
-james, clive, unreliable memoirs, picador, 1980.
-heaney, seamus, the redress of poetry, faber, 1995.
-sutherland, fraser, Jonestown, typescript.
-purdy, al, sex and death, McClelland & Stewart
-grey, zane, wanderer of the wasteland, Musson, 1923.
-rennie, William, successful farming. William Rennie’s sons, 1908.
-simpson, george Gaylord, the meaning of evolutiuon, yale UP, 1950.
-creighton, Helen, bluenose ghosts, Ryerson 1957.
-harris, Thomas, the silence of the lambs, st martins Press, 1988.
-franke, wolfgang, e. merriton wakes up, inscribed, to al in admiration, june 1998. Lugus
publications, 1994.
-stewart, george r. earth abides. Random House, 1949.
-russell, w. Clarke, an ocean free-lance. Sampson, lowe, marston, no date.
-morrell, david, first blood. Lippincott, 1972.
-biggers, earl derr, keeper of the keys: a Charlie chan story, grossett and dunlap, 1932.
-hinton, a cherry. The Yukon, Ryerson 1954..
-mundy, Talbot, tros of samothrace, appleton’s-century, 1934.
-mitchell, B.W., trail in the Canadian rockies, Macmillan, 1924.
-pinney, peter, the lawless and the lotus, angus and robertons, 1964.
-renault, mary, the praise singer, john murray, 1978.
-miller, walter m. jr, a canticle for leibowitz, bantam, 1988.
-buckles, jane, historic pickering illustrated, no pub info.
-no author, picturesque waterton, pamphlet.
-nichols, roger, greek everyday life, Longman, pamphlet, no date.
-lowie, Robert h, Indians of the plains, garden city, 1963.
-dumas alexandre, adventures in spain, anchor, 1959.
-kennedy clide c, the upper Ottawa valley, Renfrew county council, 1970.
-bourjaily, vance, the hound of earth, bantam, 1970.
-canning, victor, the rain bird pattern, award books, 1976.
-orczy, baroness, the elusive pimpernel, Copp Clarke, 1998.
-hitsman, j mackay, the incredible war of 1812, u of t p 1966.
-smith, Wilbur, river god, Pan Books, 1993.
-stefansson vilhjalmur, discover: the autobiography, mcgraw hill, 1964.
-nichols, john the wizard of loneliness, Putnam’s, 1966.
-prokosch, Frederic, the wreck of the Cassandra, W.H. allen, 1966.
-miller, Russell, bunny: the real story of playboy holt, rienhart, Winston, 1984.
-rogers, Norman, Mackenzie king, george n morang, 1935
-fry alan, come a long journey, doubleday, 1971.
-ambler, eric, doctor frigo, widenfeld and Nicolson, 1974
-creighton, Douglas sunburned: memoirs of a newspaper man little, brown, little, and co,
-england, george, cursed small, Maynard & co, 1919.
-derso and kelen, united nations sketchbook, funk and wagnall’s, 1950.
-no author, longer poems for upper school, Ryerson, 1965.
-smith, harry james, cape Breton tales, atlantic monthly p 20.
-thompson, d p, gout gurley international book co, owner’s inscrip-1898.
-documents and proceedings of the Halifax commission 1877, Washington gov printing
of 1878, three volumes..
-pushkin, Eugene onegin, Dutton, 1981.
-eiseley, Lauren, darwin’s century, doubleday 1961.
-mcqueen, rod, the money spinners, Macmillan 1983.
-roget and mosson, the new thesaurus, current literature publishing, 1911.
-saxon, lyle, Lafitte the pirate the century company, 1930.
-murphy, Arthur l., the story of medicine, Ryerson, 1954.
-lustbader, eric van, the ninja evans, 1980.
-thompson, hunter s, generation of swine, summit books, 1988.
-parkman, francis, the conspiracy of Pontiac, collier 1962.
-leakey, Richard e., the people of the lake, anchor 1978.
-bacque, james, just raoul, prima publishing, 1992.
-warrington c j, chemical Canada the chemical institute of Canada, 1970.
-nietzsche, the portable Nietzsche, penuin, 1976.
-astel, david the Babylonian woe, signed, private edition, 1975.
-rantzen, mj, little ship astro-navigation, Herbert Jenkins 1952.
-day, martin s, history of English lit to 1660, doubleday 1963.
-vallieres, Pierre, white niggers of America, McClelland and Stewart, 1971.
-mannix, Daniel p, the killers, Dutton 1968.
-schaller, george b, stones of silence: journeys in the himalaya, Viking 1980.
-balzac, honore de, the novels of Balzac, 7 volume set, gebbie pub co, 1897.
-schele, Linda, a forest of kings, the untold story of the ancient maya, morrow, 1990.
-berkow, ira, beyond the dream, athaneum, 1975.
-arts and crafts in the schools of Ontario Ryerson, 1949.
-conklin, geoff, treasury of science fiction, bonanza books, 1980.
-calder, marshall, Arthur Havelock ellis, Rupert harte-davis, 1989.
-seale, Patrick, abu nidal: a gun for hire, random house, 1992.
-ontario teachers’ manuals: art, briggs, 1918.
-fraser, Sylvia, the emporer’s virgin, McClelland & Steward, 1980.
-adler, warren, trans-siberian express, g.b. putnam’s sons, 1977.
-hoy, Claire, friends in high places, key porter 1987.
-asch, sholem, the apostle, gp putnam’s sons, 1943.
-bury, jb, history of Greece, Macmillan, 1959.
-le may, alan, painted ponies, doubleday, 1927.
-de Camp, L, Sprague, rogue queen, dell,1951.
-lightner, am, the day of the drones, bantam, 1970.
-weinbaum, Stanley g, the black flame, harlequin, no date.
-smith, cordwainer, you will never be the same, regency books, 1963.
-clarke, Arthur c, expedition to earth, ballantine, 1953.
-simak, Clifford d, first he died, dell, 1951.
-brackett, leigh, the best of leigh bracket, 1977.
-Collins, Jackie, lucky, pan, 1985.
-wobig, ellen, the youth monopoly, ace, 1968.
-chandler, a betram, nebula alert, ace, 1967.
-herbert, frank, the heaven makers, avon, 1968.
-knight, damon, hell’s pavement, lion books, 1955.
-lovecraft, hp, the colour out of space, lancer, 1964.
-dixon, Gordon r, wolf and iron, tom Doherty associates books, 1990.
-synge, m b, a book of discovery, tc jack, no date.
-reynolds, mac, mercenary from tomorrow, ace, 1968.
-disch, Thomas m, mankind under the leash, ace, 1966.
-macdonald, john d, soft touch, Fawcett, 1968.
-salter, james, a sport and pastime, bantam, 1968.
-howard, Robert e, Solomon cain, no pub, 1968.
-herbert, james, the fog, signet, 1975.
-thomas, ross, briarpatch, penguin, 1984.
-allbeury, ted, the girl from addis, panther, 1982.
-carr, terry, the best science fiction of the year number 5, ballantine, 1976.
-kline, otis, adelbert the swordsman of mars, ace, 1960.
-christopher, john, the white mountains, collier, 1967.
-kempis, Thomas a, the imitation of Christ, Collins, 1979.
-follett, ken, a dangerous fortune, island books, 1993.
-thomas, leslie, onward virgin soldiers, pan, 1971.
-asimov, Isaac, the search for the elements, Fawcett, 1962.
-moore, cl, earth’s last citadel, ace, 1943.
-macdonald, john d, clemmie, Fawcett, 1958.
-…the beach girls, fawcewtt, 1959.
-anonymous, me, bantam, 1976.
-playboy’s ribald classics, playlboy press, 1966.
-stevens, john, ten Canadian short plays, laurel-leaf, 1980.
-bourjaily, vance, brill among the ruins, bantam, 1971.
-burroughs, edgar rice, savage pellucidar, ace, 1963.
-parrish, Richard, the dividing line, onyx books, 1994.
-zec, Donald, the colonel, star, 1980.
-harvey, james neal, painted ladies, st martin’s paperbacks, 1992.
-lewinsohn, Richard, the history of sexual customs, Fawcett, 1956.
-card, orson scott, ender’s game, tom Doherty associates book 85 mpb 4
-kuttner, henry, fury prestige books, 1947.
-macdonald, john d. on the run, Fawcett, 1963.
-brand, max, stolen stallion. Pocket books 61.
-moore, brian, the luck of ginger coffey, McClelland & Stewart, 1972.
-segev, tom, soldiers of evil, Berkley book, 1991.
-baroja, pio, the restlessness of shanti andia, signet, 1962.
-trebich, willi, the broken swastika, futura publishers, 1973.
-thomas, ross, the port-choppers, pocket, 1973.
-simak, Clifford d, mastodonia, del rey, 1978.
-duggan, Alfred, count bohemond new English library, 1975.
-macdonald, john d, Fawcett, 1961.
-aldis, brian w., helliconia spring, berkely books, 1982.
-french classical romances, set, hardback- same pub for all, same condition
sand, georges, mauprat, pf collier, 1902.
Hugo, victor, notre dame de paris.
Merimee, prosper colomba and Carmen.
-The Columbia encyclopedia
-doyle, a conan, the hound of the Baskervilles, eveleigh nash and grayson, no date.
-7 copies of horizon magazine, 5.
-elgin-grey papers, four vols.
-The Canadian encyclopedia 3 volumes, hurtig.
-Gaitskell, Charles D. Children and their art. Harcourt, brace, and world, 1958.
-doerkson, Margaret, jazzy, general public, 1981.
-gibbon, john, murray magic of melody, jm dent, 1933.
-finney, jack, time and again, simon and Schuster, 1970.
-palmer, Geoffrey, archaeology, a-z, Frederick warne, 1968.
-engel, howard, suicide murders, st martins’ press, 1980.
-porter, Katherine anne, the collected stories of kap, 1951.
-wouk, herman, the caine mutiny, doubleday, 1951.
-mailer, Norman. The naked and the dead. Holt reinhart Winston, no date.
-corcoran, terance, public money private greed, Collins, 1984.
-josephson, matthew, the politicos, Harcourt brace, no date.
-mansergh, Nicholas, survey of british commonwealth affairs, Oxford U P, 1953.
-cohen, William s, one-eyed kings, doubleday, 1991.
-kroetsch, Robert, what the crow said, general, 1978.
-buck, pearl s. the three daughters of madame liang, john day, 1992.
-white, eb, one man’s meat, harper and row, 1982.
-chesterfield, earl of, letters to his son. Willey book, 1901.
-hemingway, ernest, islands in the stream, scribner’s, 1970.
-…the hemingway reader, scribner, 1953.
-6 volume set of hemingway’s fiction from collier, 1940.
-o’shea, Katherine, charles stewart parnell: his love story and political life. Cassell & co
1914, 2 vols.
-wright, Richard, native son, harper and brothers, 1940.
-huneker, james, chopin, dover, 1966.
-cole, toby, playwrites on playwriting. Hill and wang, 1980.
-bissoondath, nei,l a casual brutality. Penguin, 1989.
-burroughs, edgar rice, a princess of mars, first ed, grosset and dunlap, 1917.
-mcmurtry, larry, Comanche moon, Simon and Schuster, 1997.
-lea, tom. The hands of cantu, little, brown, co, 1964..
-mcmurty, larry, the evening star, simon and Schuster, 1992.
-McMurtry, Larry, buffalo girls. simon and Schuster, 1990.
- McMurtry, Larry, Some can whistle, simon and Schuster, 1989.
-newton, and others, travel and travelers of the middle ages. Kegan paul, 1930.
-low, charles. A memoir of sir garnet j. wolseley. Richard Bentley and son, 1878.
-kilmer, joyce, trees and other poems, doubleday, 1914.
-wilson, angus, anglo-saxon attitudes. Secker and Warburg, 1956.
-russell betrand, auto of br, atlantic monmthly press book, 1967.
-carey, joyce, an American visitor, Michael joseph, 1933.
-geddes, gary, fifteen Canadian poets plus five, signed by al purdy, oxford up, 1978.
-lewis, cs all my road before me. Harcourt brace Jovanovich, 1991.
-paasson, Pierre van the number our days, charles scribner’s sons, 1964.
-haley, alex, queen, morrow, 1993.
-wilson, ethel, the equations of love, mcmillan, 1952.
-fawcett, brian, public eye, grove widenfelf, 1990.
-maclean Alistair, athabaska, Collins, 1980.
-ambler, eric, the light of day the reprint society, 1968.
-calder, Nigel, robots. Phoenix house, 1958.
-glassca, john, the fatal woman, anansi, 1974.
-faulkner, William, requiem for a nun Random House, 1963.
-Faulkner, William, knight’s gambit, Random House, 1966.
-thomas, ross, the fourth Durango, myserious press, 1989.
-salinger, jd, raise high the roofbeam, carpenters, little brown, 1959.
-sjowall, maj, the man on the balcony, victor gollancz, 1969.
-household, Jeffrey, thing to love atlantic monthly, 1963.
-clark Eleanor baldur’s gate pantheon books, 1970.
-fowles, john, the collector, little brown, 1963.
-hough, Richard, the raging sky, futura, 1989.
-palgrave, francis, the golden treasury, Macmillan, 1903.
-wentworth, patricia ladies’ bane, lippincott, 1952.
-gatenby, rosemary, deadly relations, William morrow, 1970.
-gerson, noel, all that glitters doubleday 1975.
Westlake, Donald e, who stole sassi manoon, RH, 1969.
-armstrong, charlotte, a dram of poison, coward-mcCann, 1956.
-armstrong, charlotte, the balloon man, coward-McCann, 1968.
-laverty, maura, never no more, virago, 1985.
-berthold, will, inferno one: blitzkrieg, sphere books, 1984.
-lives of the saints, john j crawley, 1954.
-canning, victor, th limbo line Heinemann, 1963.
-bemelnals, Ludwig, tell them it was wonderful, Viking, 1985.
-irving, david, the war between the generals, penguin, 1981.
-mcluhan, marshall, the guttenberg galaxy, u of t p, 1967.
-sayers, Dorothy l. great short stories of detection mystery and horror, victor gollancz,
-rogers, paul, Spanish for the first year. Macmillan, 1964.
-ivanov, v. freedom and the tragic life a study in Dostoevsky, the noonday press, 1962.
-hillerman, tony, finding moon, harperCollins, 1995.
-mellow, james r. charmed circle, Avon, 1974.
-dickie, james, to the white sea, delta, 1993.
-myhill, henry, the canary islands, faber, 1968.
- cahill, susan, new women and new fiction, new American library, 1986.
-gardener, earle Stanley, pass the gravy, pocketbooks, 1971.
-ashe Jeffrey king arthur’s Avalon Collins, 1973.
-dresser, Christopher, popular manual of botany. Adam and charles black, 1860.
-leasor, james. They don’t make them like that anymore. Pan, 1969.
-roth, david, the girl on the grass, Fawcett juniper, 1982.
-robbins, tom, still life with woodpecker, bantam, 1981.
-shelby, Philip, this far from paradise, penguin, 1989.
-haig-brown, Roderick, salt water summer, Collins, 1964.
-ashforth, albert, murder after the fact, st martin’s press, 1984.
-bagby, george, the tough get going, doubleday and co, 1977.
-antique shops of country Ontario
-henshaw, Julia w. wildflowers fo the north American mountains. Robert m mcbride and
co, 1917.
-puig, manuel, pubis angelical faber,1986.
-huxley, Elspeth, murder at government house, Viking, 1988.
-prokosch Frederic voices: a memoir FSG, 1983.
-greene, graham, the honororary consul, penguin, 1973.
-faessler, Shirley, everything’s in the window, m&s, 1979.
-vizinczey, Stephen in praise of older women, contemporary Canada p, 1965.
-gordimer, Nadine, my son’s sotry, penguin, 1990.
-rossen, carol, counterpunch, ep Dutton, 1988.
-longfellow, the poetical works of l oxford, 1928.
-pynchon, Thomas, vineland, penguin, 1991.
-doyle, Arthur conan, conan doyle’s stories, platt and monk, 1960.
-spark, Muriel, territorial rights, granata, 1980.
-reinhart, Melanie, Chiron and the healing journey, arcane, 1989.
-reed john ten days that shook the world, penguin, 1977.
-conrad, joseph lord jim, penguin 1965.
-lindros, eric, fire on ice, harper, 1991, pb 5
-brewitt, ross, into the empty net, stoddart 1994.
-..-last minute of play, Stoddard, 1993.
-smith, red. To absent friends. Athaneum, 1982.
-ferguson, Trevor, onyx john, m&s, 1985.
-moore, john, you English words, john moore, 1964.
-ghnassia, Maurice, arena: a novel of sparticus and crassus, Viking, 1969.
-marmor, Arnold, abnormal desire, a merit book, 1960.
-chandler, Raymond, the little sister, Houghton Mifflin, 1949.
-kealey, Linda, a not unreasonable claim, women’s press, 1979.
-francis, dick, comeback, putnams, 1991.
-…-10-lb penalty, Michael joseph, 1997.
-churchill, Winston s. a history of the English speaking peoples, 4 vols McClelland &
Stewart, 1956.
-tranter, Nigel, gold for prince Charlie, haughter and Stoughton, 1962.
-berlin, isiah, karl marx, time, inc, 1963.
-edmunston, wayne e, Nathan cohen the making of a critic, lester and orpen ltd, 1977.
-holstein, William j. the Japanese power game, plume books, 1991.
-maclean, Norman a river runs through it, u of Chicago p, 1976.
-foster, tony, murder on rue du bac, signed, Methuen, 1987.
-thomas, clara our nature our voices, new press, 1972.
-hoffer, abram, how to live with schizophrenia, citadel p, 1979.
-mcSherry, frank d. ed. Detectives A-Z, bonanza books, 1985.
-percy, h.r. flotsam, signed by author, breakwater books, 1978.
-vassanji, m.g. amriika m&s, 1999.
-macdonald, john d. the empty copper sea, lippincott, 1978.
-canning, victor, the python project, pan books, 1967.
-tyler, anne, earthly possessions, knopf, hb 1977.
-carfax, Catherine, to die a little, Robert hale & co, 1972.
-trumble, david, the road to saint ola, dent, 1978.
-leonard, elmore, riding the rap, delacourt press, 1995.
-Cannell, steven j. king con, morrow, 1997.
-collier’s encyclopedia, 1949, 20 vols.
-conrad, joseph. Doubleday, complete works, kent editions, 22 vols.
-roberts, edgar v., literature, an introduction. Prentice hall, 1998.
-coughlan, joseph, inside the Vatican, bison group, 1990.
-levinson, david, charles and Diana visit Canada, Collins, no date.
-leopold, aldo, a sand county almanac, tamarack press, 1977.
-caulder, Ritchie, from magic to medicine, rathbone, 1957.
-manos, Constantine, a greek portfolio, Viking, 1972.
-hillborn, james d. duster’s and gushers, pitt pub, 1968.
-the gree nantional museum catalog, no date.
-sotriffer, kristian printmaking history and technique, mcgraw hill, 1968.
-downs, art, paddle wheels on the frontier, grey’s publishing, 1972.
-Hamilton, Louis, Canada, verlag Ernst wasmuth, no date.
-the larousse encyc of modern history, 1967.
-kirszner, laurie literature tonson, 2003.
-hannon, leslie f. maclean’s Canada, McClelland & Stewart, 1960.
-freemantle, ann, Europe: a jouirney with pictures, studio pub, 1953.
-bruemmer, fred, the life of the harp seal, optimum pub, 1977.
-jefferys, charles w canada’s past in pictures, Ryerson, 1934.
-ruskin, john, readings in modern painters, george allen, 1927.
-hardy, h Reginald Mackenzie king of Canada oxford, 1949.
-sandall, Robert, history of the salvation army, Thomas nelson and sons, 1956.
-robin, martin, pillars of profit, McClelland & Stewart, 1973.
-michener, james a. Iberia, random house, 1968.
-key, Alexander, the wrath and the wind, bobbs-merrill, 1949.
-morton, Anthony, deaf dumb and blonde, doubleday, 1961.
-rendall, ruth, death notes, pantheon, 1981.
-st Augustine, confessions, penguin, 1960.
-kruickshank, john, albert camus, oxford up, 1968.
-eddison, e r mistress of mistresses, ballantine books, 1935.
-pirenne, henri, economic and social history of medieval Europe harvest books, 1937.
-trachtenberg, peter, the Casanova complex, Poseidon p, 1988.
-schem, Samuel, fine. Sst martin’s p, 1985.
-conrad, joseph, heart of darkness, Norton, no date.
-chamber’s etymological English dictionary.
-miller, walter, a canticle for leibovitz, bantam, 1980.
-ballard, jg, chronopolis, berkely books, 1971.
-moore, brian, the mangan inheritance, penguin, 1980.
-ford, Richard, rock springs, vintage, 1987.
-freeling, Nicolas, gun before butter, penguin, 1965.
-oldenbourg, zoe, the awakened victor golanz, 1957.
-williams, jack, the story of unions in Canada, jm dent, 1975.
-bird, will r, judgment glen, Ryerson, 1947.
-ruell, Patrick, the long kill, foul play press, 1986.
-kgositsile, k, the word is here, poetry from modern Africa, anchor, 1973.
-wittmer, Margaret, floreana, Michael joeseph, 1959.
-mccarthy, david, killing at the big tree, doubleday, 1960.
-horwood, harlold Newfoundland, Macmillan, 1969.
-third edition of columbika Viking desk encyclopedia.
-desbarats peter, rene, McClelland & Stewart, 1976.
-russell foster, ink in our soul, mika, 1983.
-davies, Robertson, hunting stuart and other plays, new press, 1972.
-sheldon, Sidney, memories of midnight. Morrow. 1990.
-hemingway, ernest, the fifth column, bantam, 1970.
-baugh, albert c, a literary history of England Appleton century crofts, 1948.
-cottrell, leanoard, realms of gold, new york graphic society, 1963.
-chandler, Raymond, playback, Houghton Mifflin, 1958.
-leonard elmore, double dutch treat, arbor house, 1980.
-ten of the best, reader’s digest, 1985.
-fournier, alain, the wanderer Macmillan, 1928.
-binchy maeve, the glass lake, delacourt, 1995.
-klass, perri, other women’s children, random house, 1990.
-the new English bible, no date.
-perry, ann, highgate rise, Fawcett, 1991.
-grafton, sue, n is for noose, holt, 1998.
-sanders, dennis, the agatha Christie companion, Avenel books, 1982.
-christie, agatha, five complete hercule poirot novels, avanel, 1980.
-de la roche, mazo, finch’s fortune, little brown, 1931.
-mackay intl encyclopedia
-sanders, Lawrence, four complete novels, avanel, 1984.
-sheldon, Sidney, the stars shine down, morrow, 1982.
-vincenzi, penny, an outrageous affair, orion, 1993.
-lochte dick, laughing dog, arbor house, 1988.
-berton, Pierre, hollywood’s Canada, McClelland & Stewart, 1975.
-bourassa, Robert, power from the north, prentice hall, 1985.
-deighton, lenn, violent ward, harper Collins, 1993.
-huxley, aldous, Adonis and the alphabet, hb shadow and windis, 1956.
-underwood, Michael, death in camera, no date.
-watson, Sheila, double hook, mclelland and steward, new Canadian library, 1966.
-darwin, charles, origin of species, penguin, 1984.
-carmer, carl, the tavern lamps are burnin,g david mckay, 1964.
-galbraith, jk, ambassador’s journal Houghton miff, 1969.
-turnbull, Patrick, the hotter winds, the adventuruer’s club, 1961.
-block, anton, the mafia of a Sicilian village, harper and row, 1974.
-ariosto, Orlando furioso, Italian edition, lascuola, 1968.
-lacey, Robert, Arabia and the house of saud, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981.
-kissinger, henry, years of upheaval, little brown and company, 1982.
-mcmurtry, larry, streets of Laredo, pocket books, 1993.
-chaucer, Geoffrey, a selection of his works, Macmillan, 1966.
-ritchie, charles, the siren years, Macmillan, 1974.
-lieber, fritz, the wanderer, ballantine, 1969.
-halliday, brett, she woke to darkness, dell, 1962.
-patten, louis b, death of a gunfighter, signet 1968.
-doctor chase’s recipies, 1862 edition, no pub
-tolkein, jrr, the return of the king, unwin, 1979.
-tolkein, jrr, the two towers, unwin, 1966.
-highsmith, patricia, the talented mr ripley, penguin 1983.
-mcdonale, Norris, the morning smile collection, globe and mail, 1997.
-richards, I. A., principles of literary criticism, kegan paul, 1925.
-yevtushenko, selected poems, penguin, 1967.
-fishman, hal, flight 902 is down, Fawcett crest, 1982.
-payne, Robert, ancient Greece, Norton, 1964.
-paretsky, sarah, women on the case, delacourt, 1996.
-doyle, Richard, deluge, Arlington books, 1976.
-Christie, agatha, an autobiography, Fontana, 1978.
-strong, roy, cecil beaton the royal portraits, Simon & Schuster, 1988.
-auboyer, jeannine, the art of Afghanistan, paul hamlyn, 1968.
-hanula, monica ed. The discoverers, pitt publishers, 1982.
-parke, davis and co, great moments in medicine, northwood institute press, 1966.
-MacEwan, Gwendolyn, Il Geroglifico finale (the last heiroglpyh), Longo Editore, 1997.
-Page, PK Rosa dei venti (compass rose), longo editore, signed, dedicated from AP 1998.
- Layton, Irving, il cacciatore sconcertato (the baffled hunter), longo editore, 1993.
-Universal Anthology ed by Richard Garnett, Leon Vallee, Alois Brandel. London. The
Clarke Company, 1899, 33 vols.
-Encyclopedia Canadiana, Ottawa, The Canadiana Co Ltd, 1965, 9 vols.
-Peters, Ellis, St Peter’s Fair, Futura, 1981.
-Rand, Christopher, Grecian Calendar, NY, Oxford, 1962.
-Colins, Norman, Black Ivory, Toronto, Collins, 1948.
-Knight, Phyllis and Rolf, A Very Ordinary Life, Vancouver, New Star Books, 1974.
-Newman, Peter C, Home Country, Toronto, McLelland & Stewart,1973.
-Andrus, C. H. An Olympian Adventure. Saskatoon, Modern Press, 1981.
-Tennyson, Poems of T, Jerome H Buckley, ed. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1958.
-LaPierre, Dominique, Beyond Love, London Century, 1990.
-Myers, Gustovos a history of Canadian wealth, Toronto, james lewis, 1972.
-Walker, Barbara, amazon, san Francisco, harper, 1992.
-Ormshaw, Peter, the purity of arms, Saskatoon,thistle down press, 1993.
-caspery, vira, the secrets of grown ups, new york, mcgraww-hill, no date.
-Roxborough, Henry, The Stanley Cup Story, Toronto, Ryerson, 1967.
-armstrong, Margaret, trelawny, ny, macmillian, 1948.
-jusserand, jj, English wayfaring life in the middle ages, ernest benn, 1931.
-wagner, Gordon, from my window, Campbell river, BC flying-w-publishing, 1988.
-dryberg, tom, guy burgess, London ,widenfeld and Nicholson, 1956.
-gunn, james, the end of dreams, ny, scriberner’s sons, 1975.
-watros, george a three narrative poems, boston, allyn & bacon, 1946.
-gould, alan, the great wiped-out north. Toronto, stoddart, 1989.
-ashford, daisy, the young visiters, London, chatto and wandous, 1977.
-chen, jack, a year in upper felicity. New York, Macmillan, 1973.
-straub, peter, koko, New York, ep Dutton, 1988.
-hancock, lyn, love affair with a cougar, Toronto, doubleday, 1978.
-street, brian Jeffrey, the parachute ward, lester and orpen dennis, 1987.
-runyon, damon, the bloodhounds of broadway, new york, William morrow, 1981.
-tidyman, ernest, tablestakes. Toronto: little, brown, &co, 1978.
-papazoglou, orania, sanctity, ny, crown publishers, 1986.
-humphries, rolfe, the aeneid of virgil, ny scribner’s, 1961.
-lamparski, Richard, whatever became of: third series. Ny, crown, 1971.
-Le Carre, John, the looking glass war, ny, coward-mccann, no date, first edition.
-nicol, eric, Vancouver, ny, doubleday, 1970.
-mosley, Leonard, Lindbergh: a bio, doubleday, NY, 1976.
-Eccles, WJ, Canada under Louis XIV, 1663-1701, Toronto, M&S, 1964.
-Poe, Edgar Allan, Tales, NY, Dawd Mead, 1952.
-Douglas, Lloyd, The Robe, Chicago: JG Ferguson, 1942.
-Keeble, John, Yellowfish, NY, Harper and Row, 1980.
-Eckstein, Gustav, the body has a head, NY, Harper, 1970.
-Walker, Walter, The Immediate Prospect of being hanged, ny, Viking, 1989.
-lee, c y, the second son of heaven, ny, morrow, 1990.
-hartnoll, Phyllis, ed. the oxford companion to the theatre. Ny Oxford UP, 1957.
-masters, john. Now, god be thanked. Ny, mcgraw hill, 1979.
-Purdy, Al. A Splinter in the heart. Toronto m&S, 1990, signed, 30 pages missing.
-Thayer, Steve, the weatherman, ny, Viking, 1995.
-hurtig, mel, the betrayal of Canada, Toronto, stoddart, 1991.
-victor, Barbara, absence of pain, NY, Harper, 1988.
-sullivan, Eleanor, ed. tales from Ellery queen. NY, Harcourt brace Jovanovich, 1986.
-roth, Philip. Patrimony. NY, Simon & Schuster, 1991.
-campbell, Marjory freeman, the mountin and a city: the story of Hamilton. Toronto
M&S, 1961.
-carson, Rachel, the edge of the sea. Ny Houghton Mifflin, 1955.
-kennedy, ludovic, the trial of Stephen ward, London, victor gollancz, 1964.
-baker, Arthur e., London george routledge and sons. A Tennyson dictionary. No date.
-knight, damon, science fiction of the thirties. Indianapolis, the bobs-merril co, 1975.
-macdougalll, Malcolm, the kingmaker. Ny, Clarkson Potter, 1978.
-guthrie, tyrone and Robertson davies, reknown at Stratford. Toronto, Clarke Irwin and
co, 1953.
-ferro, Robert, the blue star, NY, new American library, 1985.
-roberts, charles gd, kings in exile. Toronto ryperson, 1947.
-stephansson, vilhjalmur. My life with the Eskimos. London george g harrop, 1924.
-deverell, William, needles, Toronto, McLelland & Stewart, 1979.
-nordhoff, charles and james Norman, hall the bounty trilogy boston: little, brown, co,
-greene, graham, getting to know the general, NY, Simon & Schuster, 1984.
-baldwin, hames, the devil finds work. Ny the dial press, 1976.
-berton, Pierre, the great depression, Toronto, McLelland & Stewart, 1990.
-hassett, William d. off the record with FDR 42-45. New Bruns, NJ, Rutgers UP, 1958.
-livingstone, wp, mary slessor of calibar pioneer missionary. London, hodder and
Stoughton, no date.
-housser, fb, a Canadian art movement: the story of the group of 7, Toronto, mcmillan,
-plotz, Helen, untune the sky, poems of music and the dance. NY Thomas y crowell,
-smith, logan pearsoll, unforgotten years, boston, little brown co, 1939.
-bonis, Robert r., a history of scarborough, scarbourough public library, 1968.
-matthews, hazel c, oackville and the 16, the history of an Ontario port. U of Toronto P,
-dawber, diane, lifting the bull: overcoming chronic back pain. Kingston quarry health
books, 1997. Signed.
-dawber, diane. Reading to heal. Kingsotn quarry, 1999. Signed.
-silverber. Robert. Mammaoth mastodons and man, ny, mcgraw hill, 1970.
-updike, john, hugging the shor, ny vintage, 1983.
-fitsell, bill. Fitsell’s guide to the Old Ontario strand. Kingston, Quarry P, 1994. Signed.
-Cooper, Edmund, a far sunset, ny, Berkley medallion, 1967.
-beaty, david.,, excellency. London, magnum books, 1977.
-dunning john, the bookman’s wake. Ny, pocket star books, 1995.
-facaros dana, meditteranean island hopping London, sphere, 1981.
-wallace, archer, boys who made good. Toronto, musson book, 1930.
-johnston and Johnston history of perth county municpal corp of county of perth, 1967.
signed by AP.
-Lipking, Laurence, the life of the poet: beginning and ending poetic careers, U of
Chicago P, 1981.
-higgins, jac, the dark side of the island, London, pan, 1963.
-belloni, jian guido, art of the western world,. Prehistoric to classical painting, ny, golden
-harris, bess, ed. lawren harris, Toronto, Macmillan, 1969.
-tunis, Edwin, the tavern at the ferry, ny Thomas y crowell, 1973.
-mika, nick Ontario of yesterday: pictorial record. Belleville mika silkscreening ltd,
-ingpen, Robert, marking time, australia’s abandoned buildings. Adelaide rigby ltd,
-Hills, EC, brief Spanish grammar for colleges, boston, dc heath and co, 1949.
-cano, juan, ed. easy Spanish plays boston, dc heath, 1938.
-bodsworth, w. cuentos modernos, London, a and c black, 1954.
-coward noel, future indefinite: a second vol of autobio, London William heinemen,
-griffin, web, the investigators, gp putnam’s sons, 1977.
-duff, gayle, the countryside yearbook. NY, van nostren reinhold co, 1982.
-Mag—city and country home, (a Canadian art colony in mexico-feat) march 1990
-barr, Alfred h. junior painting and sculpture in the MoMA, NY MoMA, 1948.
-Lansdowne, JF, birds of the northern forest,Toronto, M&S, 1966.
-Pleva, EG, The Canadian oxford school atlass, Toronto, Oxford UP, 1963.
-Gibson, Graeme, 5 legs: communion, Toronto, anansi, 1979.
-dixon, Gordon r. the chantry guild. NY, ace books, 1989.
-lowry, Malcolm, ultramarine, harmonsworth: penguin, 1975.
-fast, howard, the last supper and other stories, ny blue heron, 1955.
-kilbourn, William, pipeline, Toronto: Clarke Irwin and co, 1970.
-careless, jms. Columnists canadiennes 1760-1867, Toronto Mcmillan, 1971.
-sinclair keith, a history of NZ, harmonsworth: penguin, 1959.
-no author, brewing in Canada, brewers’ assoc of Canada, 1965.
-ross, Malcolm, man and his world, Toronto, JM Dent, 1961.
-fidler, leslie a, nude croquet, London: secker and warbourg, 1969.
-benford, Gregory, if the stars are gods, NY berkely pub corp, 1977.
-crichton, Michael, the great train robbery, NY Alfred A Knopf, 1975.
-sutcliff, rosemary, the flowers of Adonis, London, hodder and Stoughton, 1969.
-Spilane, mickey, the killing man, ny, ep Dutton, 1989.
-nabakov, Vladimir, Lolita, gp putnam’s sons, 1955.
-morrell, david, first blood, ny, m evans and co, 1972.
-lothar, Ernst, beneath another sun, ny doubleday, 1943.
-horwood, Harold, Joey, Toronto: Stoddard, 1989.
-winchester, simon: the professor and the madman, Toronto, harper, 1998.
-abbate, fracesco, roman art London, octopus books, 1972.
-intourist, Novgorod, [tourist guide, pb]
-kielty, Bernardine, a treasury of short stories, NY Simon & Schuster, 1947.
-kelleher, victor, the master of the grove, NY puffin books, 1983.
-hodson, peregrine, under a sickle moon, London, abacus, 1986.
-Harvey, Andrew, a jounney in ladach, London: flamingo, 1983.
-bagley, desmond, landslide, London: Collins, 1967.
-dick, Philip k, the golden man, ny Berkley, 1980.
-lighthall, William douw, songs of the great dominioin, London, walter scott, 1889.
-o’neill, Ralph j. a dream of eagles, boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1973.
-tucker, Wilson, the long loud silence, NY, reinhart, 1952.
-russell, Bertrand, human knowledge, its scope and limits, London, george allen and
unwin, 1948.
-boccaccio, Giovanni, the decameron, trans Richard aldington, ny international collectors
library, 1930.
-saint exupery, Antoine de. Airman’s odessey, NY Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1967.
-steele, Danielle, mixed blessings ny, Dell, 1992.
-steele, Danielle, Daddy, ny, Dell, 1989.
-inoguchi, rikihei, the divine wind. Ny, ballantine, 1958.
-cookson, Catherine, the house of women, NY corgi books, 1993.
-synge, john Millington, the playboy of the western world. Pb arlngton heights ill ahm
pub, 1966.
-gregory, philippa, mrs Hartley and the growth centre, harmonsworth, penguin, 1992.
-cassell’s French-english dictionary, 1968.
-robinson, peter, final account. Harmonsworth penguin, 1995.
-mortimer john, titmuss regained harmons penguin, 1992.
-gillman, Dorothy, the unexpected mrs. Polifax, ny, Fawcett cress, 1966.
-michener, james a. literary reflections. Ny, tom Dougherty association, 1993.
-lucas, alec. Great can short stories, ny, dell, 1978.
-o’connor, flannery, three by FOC, ny, signet, 1983.
-faulkner, William, light in august, ny vintage, 1987.
-joyce, james, Ulysses, harmons, penguin, 1977
-upfield, Arthur w. wings above the diamantine, mcmillian, collier, 1986.
-gilbert, Michael, petrella at Q. London, mysterious P, 1988.
-leroux, gaston, the phantom of the opera, ny, harper row, 1987.
-banks, Russell, affliction, Toronto, McLelland & Stewart, 1989.
-cox, josephene, a time for us, London, headline, 1996.
-martini, steve, the list, ny jove books, 1997.
-proust, marcel, swann’s way, London, chaddo and wyhndis, 1976. Two volumes.
-higgins, gack, the violent enemy, London: pan books, 1966.
-moore, brian, cold heaven, harmons penguin 1983.
-giman, Dorothy, a poem for mrs polifax, Greenwich, conn, Fawcett crest, 1973.
-linscott, Gillian, crown witness, NY warner books, 1996.
-demesse, Lucien, quest for the babingas. London the adventurer’s club, 1958.
-haycraft, howard, a treasurey of great mysteries, ny, Simon & Schuster, 1957.
-koestler, Arthur, the ghost in the machine, London, picador, 1976.
-visser, Margaret. Much depends on dinner. Toronto. McLelland & Stewart, 1989.
-tyler, anne, breathing lessons, harmons, penguin 1989.
-van hirk, Aritha, Judith, Toronto, Seal books, 1979.
-mcmurtry, larry, some can whistle, ny, pocket, 1990.
-harris, steve, black rock. London, vista, no date.
-rowe, francis, the surgeon, ny signet, 1994.
-Mccullough, Colleen, the grass crown, NY, Morrow, 1991.
-homel, david, rat palms, TO, harper, 1992.
-foster, peter, the master builders, Toronto key porter, 1986.
-newman, peter c. the establishment man Toronto, McLelland & Stewart, 1982.
-Jenkins, Dorothy, a fortune in the junk pile. Ny, crown, 1963.
-rustrum, calvin, north American canoe country. Toronto, Macmillan, 1969.
-ward, norman, government in Canada. Toronto, gage, 1964.
-henderson bill ed. the pushcart prize 93/93 wainscott, pushcart p, 1992.
-mixter, george w. primer of navigation. Princeton, d. van nostrand., 1967.
-keller, w. phillp, canada’s wild glory. Toronto, nelson, foster, and scott, 1961.
-o’leary, grattan, recelloections of people, press, and politics. Toronto, Macmillan, 1977.
-creighton, Donald, the forked road: Canada 1939-1947, Toronto, M&S, 1976.
-mennen, Aubrey, ny mcgraw-hill, the space within the heart, 1970.
-maturin, charles Robert, melmoth the wanderer, Lincoln, u of nebrask p, 1961.
-lovell, mary s. straight on til morning: the life of beryl markham. London. Arena, no
-prescott, h. f. m. the lost flight. Ny, dodd, mead, and co. 1956.
-mcnichols, charles l. crazy weather. Ny, Macmillan, 1944.
-duncan, Dorothy, bluenose: the portrait of NS, Toronto, Collins, 1946.
-barbin, herculine, BH: being the recently discovered memoirs of a nineteenth-century
French hermaphrodite. NY pantheon books [intro by michel Foucault], 1980.
-The New Canada, London, the times, no date.
-fischer, lewis, the life of Lenin. NY harper and row, 1964.
-skvorecky, Josef, the swell season, Toronto, lester and orpen dennis, 1982.
-dickie, james. Alnilam, garden city ny, doubleday, 1989.
-turow, scott, pleading guilty, NY, FSG, 1993.
-sawatsky, john, for services rendered. Toronto. Doubleday, 1982.
-donaldson Gordon, fifteen men. Canada’s PM’s macdonald to trudeau: Toronto:
doubleday, 1969.
-smith: Harvey H shelter bay. Toronto: M&S, 1964.
-Kahn, Roger: the boys of summer. NY, harper and row, 1972.
-munro ross gauntlet to overlord, Toronto, macmill, 1945.
-moore, brianne, the statement, Toronto, Dutton, 1996.
-stone, irving, the origin, London, cassell, 1980.
-nelson, edna deu pree. O’higgins and don bernardo, ny, Dutton, 1954.
-pei, meg, salary man. Ny, penguin, 1992.
-morton, h.v. in the steps of st paul, London, rich and cowan, 1936.
-james, henry, short stories of HJ, NY, Modern library, 1945.
-lyle, garry, let’s visit Greece, London, burke, 1983.
-lambert, Edward c. modern medical mistakes, to: fitzhenry and whiteside, 1978.
-boccaccio, the decameron: harmons: penguin, 1981.
-the greenlander’s saga, george johnston, penumbra, 1976.
-huntford, roland, the last place on earth. London, pan, 1981.
-hall, h. r. unwritten history, London, Thomas nelson, no date.
-sartre, JP , the age of reason, harmons, penguin, 1972.
-maclennan, hugh, barometer rising, Toronto, Collins, 1941.
-keneally, Thomas, schindler’s list, ny, Simon & Schuster, 1991.
-wyndham, john, rebirth, ny, ballantine, 1955.
-low, d.m., eds. A century of writers 1855-1955, London, chatto windis, no date.
-chatwin, bruce, what am I doing here. Ny, Viking, 1989.
-creighton, helenn, a life in folklore, Toronto, mcgraw hill, 1974.
-clampett, amy. The kingfisher, ny, knopf, 1983.
-young, gavin, return to the marshes, harmons, penguin, 1989.
-mccrone, john the ape that spoke, ny, morrow, 1991.
-livingston, john a. rogue primate, Toronto, key porter, 1994.
-york, Thomas, and sleep in the woods. Toronto, doubleday, 1978.
-porter, Katherine anne, collected essays, ny, delta books, 1970.
-crosbie, lynne, Dorothy l’amour, inscribed, Toronto, harper flamingo, 1999.
-thomson, Rupert, the insult, London, Bloomsbury, 1996.
-asimov, Isaac, the caves of steel, greenwhich conn Fawcett crest, 1954.
-clark, joan, the dreamcarvers, inscribed, Toronto, puffin, 1995.
-edgar, Wallace, bosambo of the river, London, ward lock and co, 1952.
-de camp, l. Sprague, the ancient engineers, garden city, ny, doubleday, 1963.
-westheimer, david, the olmec head, boston, little, brown, co, 1974.
-poor, henry varnham, an artist sees Alaska, ny, Viking, 1945.
-rimanelli, giosi, modern Canadian stories, Toronto, Ryerson, 1966.
-matthiesson peter, sand rivers: photographs by hugo van lawick, Toronto, bantam, 1974.
-taylor, francis henry. 50 centuries of art, ny, harper and brothers, 1954.
-series: the great artists: 11 volumes: Picasso, da vinci, Renoir, van gogh, michelangelo,
degas, tichin, winslow homer, rembrant, elgreco, tolouse Lautrec, NY funk and
wagnall’s. [original series has 25 volumes]
-lorant, Stephan, the new world: the first pictures of America, ny duell, sloan and pearce,
-Zichmanis, Zile, Flowers of the wild: Ontario and the great lakes region. Toronto:
Oxford UP, 1982.
-highsmith, patricia, a suspension of mercy, harmons, penguin, 1965.
-macdonald john d., a deadly shade of gold, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1965.
-macdonald john d., where is Janis gantry, 1961.
-macdonald john d., you live once, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1956 pb 1, same pub
-macdonald john d., the cross-roads, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 59 pb 2
-macdonald john d., one Monday we killed them all, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1961.
-macdonald john d., please write for details, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1959.
-macdonald john d., the scarlet ruse, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1973.
-macdonald john d., the girl, the gold watch, and everything, greenwhich conn., Fawcett,
-macdonald john d., a man of affairs, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1957.
-macdonald john d., april evil, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1956.
-macdonald john d., judge me not, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1951.
-macdonald john d., the deceivers, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1958.
-macdonald john d., one fearful yellow eye, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1966.
-macdonald john d., border town girl, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1956.
-macdonald john d., cry hard, cry fast, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1955.
-macdonald john d., deep blue good-bye, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1964.
-macdonald john d., the damned, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1952.
-macdonald john d., death trap, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1957.
-macdonald john d., a key to the suite, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1962.
-macdonald john d., seven greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1971.
-macdonald john d., april eveil, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1956.
-macdonald john d., murder in the wind, greenwhich conn., Fawcett, 1956.
-millar, Margaret, taste of fears, London, Penguin, 1988.
-Maclean’s reader Toronto: Collins, 1950.
-swift, graham, out of this world, Toronto, penguin, 1988.
-condon, Richard, death of a politician, ny, ballantine books, 1978.
-rice, craig, 8 faces at 33, NY, international polygonics, 1967.
-block, Lawrence, the devil knows you’re dead. No more info.
-potter, Margaret. At home on the range. No more info.
-peterson, roger tory, a field guide to the birds. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1963.
-pough, frederck h. a field guide to rocks and minerals. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1960.
-engel, howard. Murder in montparnasse, Toronto, Penguin, 1993.
-Clark, Mary Higgins, all around the town, NY, Pocket 1991.
-hill, Robert h, a dictionary of difficult words, London, arrow, 1961.
-gentile, gary, track of the gray wolf, ny, avon books, 1989.
-schmidt, h w., with rommel in the desert, Ny, ballantine, 1967.
-Sagar, Keith, DHL and New Mexico. Alyscamps P, London, 1995.
-Greece and Rome builders of our world. National geographic society, NGS book
service, 1968.
-sagar, keith. Life of DHL. London metheun, 1980.
-sendey, john. The nootkan Indian. Port alberney, alberney valley museum, 1977.
-schreider, Helen and frank. Exploring the amazon. NGS, no date.
-Hillborn, James D, ed. dusters and gusters, Toronto, pitt, 1968.
-Welty, eudora, one time, one place, ny, random, 1971.
-holland vyvyan. Oscar wilde. London, thames Hudson, 1960.
-dante, the divine comedy, Lawrence grant white trans. Ny, pantheon, 1948
-daniels, guy, the falkan under the hat. Ny, funk and wagnalls, 1969.
-eisley, loren, the immense journey, ny, random house, 1957.
-winchester, simon, their noble lordships, ny, random house, 1982.
-marshall, joyce, presently tomorrow, boston, Little Brown, 1946.
-henderson, larry. Journey to samarkand, Toronto, Longmans green co, 1960.
-osborn, henry Fairfield, men of the old stone age. NY, Scribner’s, 1916.
-verne, jules, 3 novels. Ny, octopus, 1978.
-macdonald, john d. the green ripper, ny, jb lippincott, 1979.
-gorky, maxim, my childhood, ny, garden city,1915
-edmonstone, wayne e. Nathan cohen: the making of a critic, Toronto, lester and orpen,
-anderson, chester g. james joyce and his world, London, thames Hudson, 1967.
-laycock, george, the mountain men, Danbury CT, outdoor life books, 1988.
-rasky, frank, the north pole or bust, TO, Mcgraw hill, 1977, signed by AP.
-cockerill, a.w. sons of the brave, London, secker and Warburg, 1984.
-jacobs, William h. this violent land, ny Frederick fell, 1959.
-laycock, george the hunters and the hunted, outdoor life books, 1990.
-berton, Pierre, the invasion of Canada, Toronto, M&S., 1980.
-layton, aviva, nobody’s daughter, Toronto, M&S, 1982.
-Grisham, John. The Brethren, NY doubleday, 2000.
-deutermann, p.t. official privilege, ny, st martin’s p, 1995.
-montanari, Richard, devient way, ny, simon, 1995.
-hills, l. rust great esquire fiction anthology, NY Penguin, 1983.
-westlake, Donald e. the ax. Ny: mysterious press, 1997.
-cussler, clive, the sea hunters, ny, Simon & Schuster, 1966.
-callahan, david, state of the union. Toronto, Little, Brown, 1997.
aldis, brian, the penguin science fiction omnibus, harmondsworth, penguin, 1973.
harmondsworth, penguin=HP
-orwell, george, decline of the English murcder, harmondsworth, penguin, 1975.
-Gunn, the road to sci fi #3, NY: new American library, 1979.
-mundy, Talbot, trek east, ny, royal no date.
-mei, chin p’ing, the harem of hsi (sic) men, ny, royal books, no date.
-macarthur Arthur, aprodite’s lover, ny, universal, 1953.
-vance, jack, the anome, ny, dell 1973.
-garfield, leon, the apprentices, Toronto: puffin, 1982.
-beal, Merrill d. I will fight no more. Ny, ballantine, 1963.
-kazin, Alfred, the portable blakke, ny, penguin books, 1976.
-huett, foster, his own story, Toronto, Ryerson, 1967.
-gustafson, Ralph, the penguin book of Canadian verse, penguin Toronto, 1980.
-crosby, Sylvester s. the early coins of America, NY, bert franklin, 1970.
-service, Robert, the complete poems, NY, dodd, mead, and co, 1940.
-dennison, Merrill, boobs in the woods, Ottawa, the graphic publishers, 1927.
-gordon, walter m., humanist play and belief. Toronto: u of toronto press, 1990.
-connell, john, the celestial omnibus, London, richard’s press, 1963.
-williams oscar, ed/ a little treasury of modern poetry, NY scribner’s, 1952.
-carrington, charles, Rudyard kipling, London, Macmillan, 1955.
-digby, bassett, the mammoth, London, h.f.&g. witherby, 1926.
-stone, irving. Clarence darrow for the defence, garden city, ny: garden city pub, 1943.
-grigson, Geoffrey, ed. the concise encyclopedia of modern world lit, ny: hawthorn
books, 1963.
-energy: the power of Canada: Toronto: fitzhenry and whiteside, 1988.
-ceram, c.w. the first American. Ny: Harcourt brace Jovanovich, 1971.
-ludington, townsend, john dos passos, a twentieth century odyssey. Ny, Dutton, 1980.
-scott, Eugene. Tennis; a game of motion. Ny: crown, 1973.
-ellis, frank. H. canada’s flying heritage. Toronto, u of toronto p, 1954.
-stevens, james, the crock of gold, London, Macmillan, 1926.
-seward, desmon, prince of the renaissance, London, constable, 1973.
--Manwaring, g.e. the floating republich, harmondsworth, penguin, 1937.
-winbold, s.e. Britain under the romans, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1945.
all below are british penguin unless noted otherwise
-webb, Beatrice my apprenticeship, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1938.
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-power, Eileen, medieval people. , Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1939.
-kropotkin, price petr, mutual aid, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1939.
-woolf, the second common reader, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1944.
-n/a the great Victorians 2 vols, ed by h. j. massingham,, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1938.
-childe, Gordon, the prehistory of euro society, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1958.
---. What happened in history, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1971.
-woolley, sir Leonard, digging up the past, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1937.
-perry, w.j. the growth of civilization. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1937.
-fabre, j.h. social life in the insect world, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1937.
-huxley, julian, essays in popular science, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1938.
-pallottino, the Etruscans, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1956.
-laming, Annette, lascaux, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1959.
-hampshire, steward Spinoza, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1951.
-mason, j. alden, the ancient civs of peru, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1957.
-steinberg, sh, five hundred years of printing, Harmondsworth, Penguin, no date.
-romer, as man and the vertebrates 2 vols, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1957.
-barnett, the human species, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1957.
-woolley, sir Leonard, a forgotten kingdon, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1953.
-lloyd, seton, early Anatolia, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1956.
-gurney, o.r. the Hittites, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1954.
-parrinder, Geoffrey, witchcraft, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1958.
-edwards, e.i.s. pyramids of Egypt, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1957.
-holmyard ej alchemy, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1957.
-huizinga, j. the waning of the middle ages, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1955.
-albright, w.f. the archaeology of palesting, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1954.
-bryant, Arthur, the age of elegance, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1958.
-rousseau, j.j. the confessions, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1963.
-homer. The odyssey. E.v. rieu trans, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1972.
-herodotus, the histories, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1972.
-plutarch, fall of the roman republic, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1972.
-rouz, georges, ancient iraq, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1964.
-sallust, jugurthine war conspiracy of cataline, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1963.
-tacitus, the histories, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1964.
-pliny, letters of younger pliny, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1963.
-tacitus, the annals of imperial rome, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1971.
-virgil the aneid, w.f. Jackson knight, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1964.
-diaz bernal, the conquest of new spain, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1963.
-aint Augustine, confessions, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1961.
-passmore, john, 100 years of philosophy, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1966.
-atkinsonn, rjc, Stonehenge, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1960.
-rhodes, f.h.t. the evolution of life, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1962.
-taylor, ajp, Europe: grandeur and decline, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1967.
-hrafnkel’s saga and other stories, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1970.
-the epic of Gilgamesh, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1972.
-the epic of giglamesh, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1972.
-njal’s saga, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1960.
-caesar, the conquest of gaul, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1982.
-the song of roland, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1965.
-plato- last days of Socrates, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1980.
-lucan, pharsalia, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1957.
-plato, last days of Socrates, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1957.
-qhitelock, Dorothy, the beginnings of English society, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1965.
-zarate the discovery and conquest of peru, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1968.
-darwin, the origin of species, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1968.
-malory, sir Thomas, le morte darthur 2 volumes, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1969.
-halevy, elie, ths history the English people 2 vols, Harmondsworth, Penguin, no date.
-tawney, r h the religion and the rise of capitalism, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1940.
-adam, leonhard, primitive art, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1949.
-hargraeves, f.j. the size of the universe, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1948.
-allegro, jm the dead sea scrolls, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1956.
-jeans sir james, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1939.
-bisson, laurene, a short history of French life, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1945.
-carcopino, Jerome, daily life in ancient rome, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1956.
-vaillant, gc. the Aztecs of mexico, Harmondsworth, Penguin, no date.
-cowell, f.r. Cicero and the roman republic, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1956.
-allen, walter, the English novel, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1958.
-haskell Arnold, ballet, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1938.
-bowra, c.m. the greek experience. Ny, mentor books, 1957.
-childe, v. Gordon, man makes himself. Ny, mentor books, 1952.
-payne, Robert, the gold of troy, ny, funk wagnell’s, 1959.
-cosentine, frank. Canadian football, Toronto, musson, 1969.
-turner, john peter, the NW mounted police, Ottawa, 1950, bookplate: from the library of
-clancy, tom. Debt of honor, ny, putnam’s sons, 1994.
-muir, Kenneth, ed. john keats: a reassessment, Liverpool UP, 1969.
-sachs, paul j. the pocket book of great drawings. Ny, pocket books, 1951.
-lawrence, dh, selected literary criticism, ny, Viking, 1966.
lawrence, dh, Selected essays, Harmondsworth, penguin, 1950.
lawrence, dh, etruscan places, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1950, signed by AP.
lawrence, dh, sea and Sardinia, new york, anchor books, no date.
-moore, harry t. life and work of dh lawrence. London, unwin, 1963.
-dhl sons and lovers ed. moynahan, julian, ny, Viking, 1968.
-lewis, cs, till we have faces, ny, time life books, 1966.
-aldis, brian billion year spree, London, corgi books, 1973.
-alvarez, a the savage god, Toronto, bantam, 1972.
-legman, g, the intimate kiss, ny, paperback library, 1971.
-connolly, Cyril, enemies of promise, ny, anchor, 1960.
-wright, Judith, the nature of love, Melbourne, sun books, 1968.
-ageee, james, colleted poems of James Agee, ny, ballantine, 1970.
-smart, elizabeth, by grand central station I sat down and wept, London, granata, 1966.
-ortega y gasset, jose, the origin of philosophy. Ny, ww Norton, 1967.
-Wilson, Edmund, the wound and the bow, ny, Oxford UP, 1965.
-ross, alan, poetry 45-50. british council, London, 1951.
-drew, Elizabeth. Poetry a modern guide to its understanding and enjoyment, ny, dell,
-lorre, Goodrich, norma, the ancient myths, ny, mentor, 1960.
-rouse, whd, gods heroes and men of ancient Egypt, ny, signet, 1966.
-ceram, cw.gods graves and scholars, Toronto, bantam,1972.
-mitchell. j leslie, Spartacus, London, jarrolds pub, 1937.
-Lawrence, DH, the woman who rode away, new york. Berkely, 1956.
-frost, Robert, a new enlarged anthology of Robert frost’s poems, ny, Washington square
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-barnstone, willis, greek lyric poetry, London, bantam, 1967.
-auden, wh, wh auden: a selection by the author, penguin, 1967.
-yeats, wb, selected poetry Toronto Macmillan, 1967.
-same, London: pan books, 1976.
-kipling, Rudyard, a choice of kipling’s verse (made by ts eliot) London: faber, 1976.
-jeffers, robinson, selected poems, NY, vintage, 1965.
-brodie, Bernard, and fawn from crossbow to h-bomb, ny, dell, 1962.
-housman, ae, the collected poems of AEH, London, jon cape, 1979.
-thompson, john, the penguin book of Australian verse, 1958.
-hanson, henny, constume cavalcade, London Methuen, 1960.
-carrighar, sally, icebound summer knopf, ny, 1953.
-stevenson, francis, Lloyd george: a diary, ny, harper 1971.
-young, desmond, all the best years, ny, harper, 1961.
-algren, nelson, the man with the golden arm, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1977.
-ovid, metamorphosis, Harmondsworth, Penguin, no date.
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-bennett, lerone, jr. before the mayflower. Baltimore, penguin, 1966.
-huxley aldous, after many a summer, London, chatto and wyhdis, 1968.
-capote, Truman, music for chameleons, London, sphere, 1981.
-hasek, jaroslave, the good soldier schweik, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1958.
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-fowles, john, the collector, London: reprint society, 1964.
-barnes, eric, the lady of fashion. Ny, charles scribner’s sons, 1954.
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-lang, Andrew, tales from the Arabian nights, montreal, reader’s digest, 1991.
-verne, jules, around the world in 80 days, reader’s digest, 1988.
-hilton, hames, lost horizon, reader’s digest, 1990.
-wouk, herman, the caine mutiny, reader’s digest, 1992.
-london, jack, to build a fire and other stories, reader’s digest, 1994.
-proust marcel, remembrance of things past, vol 2, new york, Random House, 1970.
-haig-brown Roderick, captain of the discovery, Toronto, Macmillan, 1974.
-stark freya, the journey’s echo, London: murray, 1963.
-colombo, john Robert, how do I love thee?, Edmonton: m g hurtig, 1970.
-mcleod, grace dean, stories of the land of Evangeline, boston: d lothrop, 1891.
-gallenkamp, charles maya, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1981.
-jones, ernest, the life and work of sig frued, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1961.
-mongait, al, archaeology in the USSR, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1961.
-wheeler, Mortimer, archa from the earth, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1968.
-boardman, john, the greeks overseas, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1968.
-wilson, Edmund, the triple thinkers, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1962.
-richmond, i.a. roman briatain, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1967.
-andrewes Anthony, greek society, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1967.
-chesteron, gk, manalive, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1947.
-forster, em, passage to India, penguin, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1936.
-forbes, rj, history of science and technology vol 2, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1963.
-ford boris, ed. the age of Shakespeare, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1964.
-frankfort, henri, before philosophy, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1954.
-katz, david, penguin animals and men, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1953.
-laver, james, nostradamus, penguin, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1952.
-mcburney, cbm, the stone age of northern Africa, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1960.
-chadwick, john, the decipherment of linear b, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1961.
-cole, sonia, prehistory of east Africa, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1954.
-russel,l betrand, mysticism and logic, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1954.
-daniel, glyn, the idea of prehistory, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1964.
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-walter, alan, the English novel, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1973.
-warmington, bh, carthage, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1964.
-nylander, carl, the deep well, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1969.
-davidson, h r ellis, gods and myths of northern Europe, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1964.
-suetonious,12 caesars, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1957.
-thucydides, peloponesian war, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1956.
-eliot, t.s., selected prose, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1955.
-livy, early history of rome, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1961.
-dark, Eleanor, the timeless land. Ny, Macmillan, 1941.
ritter, Erika, ritter in residence, Toronto, M&S, 1987.
-jenkins, alan c, ed. escape! an anthology of action stories. London, blackie and son,
-wallace, w. stewart, the memoirs of the rt. hon. Sir george foster, Toronto, Macmillan,
-tute, warren, the rock, London, cassell and co, 1957.
-turner, William o. call the beast thy brother. Garden city, new york, doubleday, 1973.
-arden, Harvey, dreamkeepers, ny, harper, 1994.
-zeno, the four sergeants, London, Macmillan, 1976.
-chandler, Raymond, the long goodbye, ny, ballantine, 1953.
-vergil, the aeneid, trans by Patrick Dickinson, ny, mentor, 1961.
-woodham-smith, cecil, the reason why, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1973
-cottrell leanord the bull of minos, London, pan, 1969.
---. The anvil of civilization. NY, mentor, 1957.
---. Wonders of antiquity, London, pan books, 1964.
-markham, sir clement r. the incas of peru, lima, librerias abc, 1969.
-cottrell, Leonard, lost cities, London, pan books, 1957.
-rilke, selected poems, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1964. signed AP, and annotated.
-smith, AJM, on poetry and poets, Toronto, M&S, 1977.
-ross, Malcolm, ed. poets of the confederation, Toronto, M&S, 1960.
-carruth, hayden, ed. the voice that is great within us, NY, Bantam, 1971.
-alvarez, a. ed. the new poetry. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1962.
-barnstone, willis, modern euro poetry, ny, bantam, 1966.
-green, peter, Alexander of macedon, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1974.
-xeneophones, anabasis, ny, mentor, 1964.
-thesiger, Wilfred, the marsh arabs, penguin, 1967.
-finley, m.i. the portable greek historians Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1983.
-mackendrick, paul the greek stones speak, NY, mentor, 1962.
-weisbort, Daniel, ed. post-war Russian poetry. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1974.
-frankfort, groenewegen h.a., ed. the ancient world. Ny, mentor, 1967.
-kafka, franz, the basic kafka, ny, pocketbooks, 1967.
-cottrell, Leonard, the tiger of ch’in, London: pan, 1962.
---.enemy of rome, London: pan, 1964.
---.mountains of pharaoh, pan, 1963.
---the lion gate, pan, 1963.
---. The bull of minos, pan, 1966.
---the lost pharos, pan, 1964. under the pharaohs, pan, 1957.
---the great invasion, pan, 1958.
-Harrer, heinrich, severn years in Tibet, Ny, Dutton, 1954.
-macdougall, rl, our living tradition. U of Toronto P, 1959.
-scammell, ar, my Newfoundland, montreal, harvest house, 1966.
-highsmith, patricia, the story-teller, garden city, ny, doubledday, 1965.
-burnett, whit, ed. this is my best. Garden city: doubleday, 1970.
-mansion, j.e., ed. harrap’s shorter French and English dictionary. London george g
harrop and co, 2 vol, 1944.
-sissons, ck, john kerr, toronto, oxford up, 1946.
-salverson, laura Goodman, immortal rock, Toronto, Ryerson, 1954.
-homer, the odyssey, Samuel butler translation, Rosalyn, ny, walter j black, inc. 1944.
-homer, iliad, Samuel butler translation, Rosalyn, ny, walter j black, inc. 1942.
-colbert, Edwin h. the age of reptiles, Norton, ny, 1965.
-ungerer, tomi far out isn’t far enough, London, Methuen, 1984.
-scott, wb, freshwater fishes of Canada, fisheries research board of Canada, 1973.
-mcgillan, pete, outdoors, torontoL: Ryerson, 1955.
-george, uwe, in the deserts of this earth, ny, Harcourt brace Jovanovich, 1977.
-wissner, bill the complete guide to salt and freshwater fishing equip. ny service
communications, 1976.
-richey, david, how to catch trophy freshwater game fish, crown, ny, no date.
-the shorter OED, 2 vols, London, Oxford UP, 1964.
-no author, mysteries of the ancient world, National geographic society, 1985.
-bowering, george, quarters, self-published broadsheet, unsigned.
-cogniat, Raymond, pissarro, NY, crown, 1975.
-brown, William robinson, the horse of the desert, ny, Macmillan, 1947.
-share the flame: the official retrospective book of the Olympic torch relay. Murray/love
productions, 1988.
-wiebe, rudy, Alberta, a celebration. No publication information.
-keirstead, james lorimer, keirstead’s Canada, glen burnie, Ontario by JLK.
-bryan, cdb. National Geographic Society--100 years of adventure and discovery. NY,
harry n ambrams, 1987.
-black, mary. American folk painting. Ny. Bram hall house, 1966.
-schoonover, frank e. the edge of the wilderness. Toronto: Methuen, 1974.
-conrad, joseph, a Conrad argosy, ny, doubleday, 1942.
-prideax, tom, the world of delecroix, NY, time inc, 1966.
-mcdowell, bart, the revolutionary war, NGS, no date.
-ivinskaya, olga, a captive of time. Garden city: doubleday, no date.
-reed, Herbert, cons ed. the thames-hudson encyclopaedia of the arts, London thameshudson, 1966.
-bradford, Robert d., historic forts of Ontario. Belleville. Mika pub, 1988.
-Alex, JF, Ontario Weeds, Guelph: U of Guelph P, no date.
-bernet, parke bernet, art at auction, 1979-80, London: SPB, 1980.
-neuburg, Frederic, ancient glass, U of Toronto P, 1962.
-voyage through the universe: the far planets, Alexandria va, time life books, no date.
-stuart, gene, america’s ancient cities. Washington: National geographic Society, 1988.
-vanishing peoples of the earth. Washington: National geographic Society, 1968.
-godfrey, w. earl. The birds of Canada. Ottawa: national museum of Canada, 1966.
-chase, james Hadley, the soft centre, london: corgi, 1974.
-tolstoy, the Cossacks, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1971.
---.resurrection, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1966.
---.childhood, boyhood, youth, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1972.
-.Dostoevsky, rime and punishment, London, heineman, 1967.
-schwartz, delmore, successful love, ny Corinth, 1961.
-greene, graham, may we borrow your husband, ny, Viking, 1967.
-leapman, Michael, eyewitness travel guides: London, London, dorling Kindersley, 1993.
-macluhan, marshall, counterblast Toronto, M&S, 1969.
-Campbell, Joseph, the hero with a thousand faces, Princeton UP, 1968.
-berton, laura Beatrice, I married the Klondike, boston: little brown co, 1954.
-balzac, honore de, pere goriot, garden city: doubleday, 1951.
-ptitchett, vs, collected stories, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1982.
-vallejo, cesar, twenty poems of CV, Madison, minn, the sixties press.
-patton, brian, parkways of the Canadian rockies, Banff summerthought.
-engel, paul, ed. poet’s choice, ny, time inc, 1962.
-wagner, Gordon, from my window, Campbell river BC, the flying-W publishing, 1987.
signed by GW.
-Allan, ted, love is a long shot, Toronto, M&S, 1984.
-o Crohan, Tomas, the island man, London, chatto and whyndas, 1934.
-smith, ajm masks of poetry, Toronto, M&S, 1962.
-wilson, Edmund, I thought of daisy, ny, avon library, 1967.
-dick, Philip k, ubik, bantam books, 1977.
-hardon garrett, nature and man’s fate, ny, mentor, 1959.
-payne, Robert, the whie pony: an anthology of Chinese poetry, ny, mentor, 1947.
-wool,f Virginia, between the acts, London, granata, 1984.
-creighton, Donald, the story of Canada, London, faber and faber, 1965.
-thomas, Dylan, the doctor and the devils, ny, time inc, 1964.
-michelet, jules, Satanism and witchcraft, secaucus, lyle stewart incorporated, 1939.
-chekhov, the major plays, ny, signet, 1964.
-camus, albert, the myth of syssiphus, ny vintage, 1955.
-carver, Raymond, fires, ny, vintage, 1982.
-symons, julien, mortal consequences, ny, schocken books, 1973.
-train, Arthur, tutt and mr tutt, ny bantam books, 1946.
-pritchett, vs. the living novel and later appreciations, ny, vintage books, 1964, some AP
-Wilson, Angus, the strange ride of Rudyard kipling, London, granata, 1979.
-klink, carl f, ed. lit his of Canada Toronto, u of toronto p, 1965.
-beecroft, john, ed. kipling: a selection of his stories and poems. Garden city, doubleday,
-beecroft, vol 2.
-frison-roche, roger, the last migration, ny, harper and row, 1967.
-faulk, odie b. crimson desert. Ny, oxford UP, 1974.
-shelley, pb the complete poetical works of percy bysshe shelley, London Oxford UP,
-barthes, roland, mythologies, London, granata, 1982.
-knightly, phillip, the first casualty, London, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975.
-gray, zane, twin sombreros, Toronto: musson book co, 1943.
-caron, roger. Bingo! Toronto, Methuen, 1985.
-hunt, morton, sexual behavuiour in the 1970s, the playboy press, 1974.
-rougement, denis de, love in the western world , ny pantheon, 1956.
-lawrence, dh., sons and lovers, ny, Viking, no date.
-lawrence, dh., women in love, NY, Viking, no date.
-lawrence, dh., lady chatterley’s lover, NY, Viking, no date.
-selsam, Millicent e., land of the giant tortoise. Ny, four winds p, 1980.
-sissons, jack, judhe of the far north. Toronto, M&S, 1986.
-moody, joseph p., arctic doctor, NY, dodd mead co, 1955.
-levey, Michael, a history of western art, NY, Frederick a priager, 1968.
-lewis DB Wyndham, doctor Rabelais, sheed and ward, 1957.
-avey, albert e. handbook in the history of philosophy. NY, barnes and noble, 1961.
-prebble, john, mutiny, penguin, 1975.
-the nibelungenleid, Harmondsworth, Penguin. 1979.
-lenssen, heidi, art and anatomy, barnes and noble, 1961.
-dick, Philip k. the man in the high castle boston, gk hall, 1979.
-macewan, grant, the battle for the bay Saskatoon, western producerbook service,
Harcourt brace, 1975.
-de Camp, L. Sprague, h.p. lovecraft, a biography, NY, barnes and noble, 1996.
-scherman, Katharine, spring on an artic island, boston: little brown, co, 1956.
-strunk and white, eb. Elements of style, Macmillan, 1963.
-writers at work: the paris review interviews second series. Ny, Viking, 1966.
-knight david, farquharson’s physique, London, houghton Stoughton, 1971.
-wolfe, betram d., the fabulous life of diego rivera, ny, stein and day, 1963.
-york, Thomas desireless, ny, Viking, 1988.
-pugsley, William h. saints, devils, and ordinary seaman, Toronto: Collins, 1946.
-davidson, james west, great heart, Viking, Toronto, 1988.
-jaeger, werner, paideia: the ideals of greek culture. NY, Oxford UP, 1962.
-darwin, charles, the voyage of the beagle, ny pf collier and son, 1937.
-leonard, john, ed. 7 centuries of poetry in English, oxford, Oxford UP, 1988.
-mcclung, Nellie l. the stream runs fast. Toronto: Thomas allen, 1945.
-schull, joseph 100 years of banking in Canada, Toronto, the copp clark publishers,
-moskowitz, sam. Strange horizons, ny scribner’s, 1976.
-sackville-west, v. pepita. Garden city doubleday, doran and co, 1937.
-callaghan, morley, the many-colored coat, Toronto, Macmillan, 1960.
-harkness, ross, je Atkinson of the star. Toronto, u of Toronto P, 1963.
-card, orson scott, Alvin journeyman, ny, tom Dougherty associates books, 1995.
-sholomir, jack, sholomir’s journey, London, secker and Warburg, 1958.
-mccarthy, mary, how I grew, NY, Harcourt brace jovanovich, 1987.
-bickel, lennard, mawson’s will, ny, stein and day, 1977.
-barber, joseph, good fences make good neighbours, Toronto, M&S, 1958.
-harvison, c.w. the horseman, Toronto, M&S, 1967.
-thorwald, jurgen, crime and science, new york, Harcourt brace and world, 1967.
-bergren, myrtle, tough timber, Toronto, progress books, 1967.
-cook, bruce, Dalton trumbo, ny, scribe, 1977.
-edberg, rolf, the dream of Kilimanjaro, NY, pantheon 1976.
-sutton, g. glacier island, London, the travel book club, 1958.
-bowering, george, ed. fiction of contemp Canada, Toronto, coach house, 1980
-pfeiffer, john e. the emergence of man. New york, harper row, 1969.
-garcia marquez, Gabriel 100 years of solitude, ny, harper row, 1970.
-robinson, bart, Banff springs, Banff, summerthought, 1973.
-campbell, gg, ed. ensign prenties’s narrative a castaway on cape Breton. Toronto
Ryerson, 1968.
-russell, betrand, basic writings of betrand Russell, NY, Simon & Schuster, 1961.
-nicol, cw, the white shaman, boston, little brown co., 1979.
-aitken, kate never a day so bright, n,y longman’s, 1957.
-friedlaender, walter, david to delecroix, ny, schocken books, 1971.
-van Gulik, Robert, the emporer’s pearl, NY, scribner’s, 1963.
-styron, William, the long march, ny, vintage, 1952.
-golding, William, sometime never, ny, ballantine, 1967.
-mulvihill, William, sands of the Kalahari, Fawcett publishing, greenwhich conn, 1960.
-waugh, evelyn, a handful of dust, peng, 1970.
-matthes, oliver, cinque ports, London, town and county books, 1984.
-rexroth, Kenneth, 30 spanish poems of love and exile, san Francisco, city lights books
n/d, signed by andy suknaski.
-Reid, BL, the man from NY: john quinn and his friends. NY, Oxford UP, 1968.
-fairless, Michael, the roadmender, London, duckworth and co, 1914.
-garner, hugh, death in don mills, Toronto, mcgraw-hill-ryerson, 1975.
-button, billy, I married an artist, Toronto, Ryerson, 1951.
-eliot, ts old possum’s book of practical cats, London, faber, 1982.
-seltman charles women in antiquity, London, pan, 1956.
-fuchs, Vivian and Edmund hillary, the crossing of Antarctica penguin, 1960.
-symmons, r.d. the broken snare, Toronto, doubleday and co. 1970. 2 hb.
-lawrence, DH. the compelte poems of DH Lawrence, NY, Viking, 1971, signed by AP.
-oldenbourg, zoe, the crusades, ny, pantheon, 1966.
-carefoot, GL, famine on the wind. Toronto, longman’s Canada, 1967.
-kahn, Joan, ed. the edge of the chair, NY, harper and row, 1967.
-de Sade, Marquis, the complete Marquis de Sade, 2 vols. Los angeles, Holloway house,
-zamiatin, Eugene, we. New York, Dutton, 1952.
-hallett, jean-peirre, congo kitabu, Fawcett, greenwhich, 1965.
-barker, clive. Books of blood, London, sphere books, 1988.
-king, rh. Classical mythology in song and story. Toronto, copp clark, 1939.
-schroeder, andreas, dustship glory, Toronto, doubleday, 1986.
-rushdie, salman, imaginary homelands, penguin, 1991.
-feffer, jules, ackroyd, new york, dell, 1977.
-campbell, james, the bombing of Nuremberg, London, futura, 1973.
-trapido, Barbara, temples of delight penguin, London, 1990.
-bowen, Marjorie, dickon, London Collins, 1953.
-brite, poppy z. love in vein, ny, harper, 1995.
-neill, Robert, mist over pendle, London arrow books, 1981.
-anderson, paul, brain wave, new york, ballantine, 1954.
-plath, Sylvia, letters home. Ny bantam, 1977.
-balikci, asen, the netsilik Eskimo, garden city the natural history p, 1970.
-burns, mary, the suburbs of the artic circle, moonbeam Ontario, penumbra press, 1986.
-stevens, gr, the incompleat Canadian. No pub, no date.
-bowes, Gordon e. peace river chronicles, Prescott pub, Vancouver, 1963.
-durant, will and ariel, the reformation, NY, Simon & Schuster, 1957.
---. Rosseau and revolution, NY, Simon & Schuster, 1967.
-behan, Brendan, hold your hour and have another. Boston, little brown and co, 63 hb 3.
-wallace, george, sailing ships, to, holt reinheart Winston , 1972.
-stone, irving, sailor on horseback, boston, hogh miff, 1938.
-cary, joyce, selected essays, London, Michael joseph, no date.
-davies, dv. Elizabethans errant, Ithaca, ny, cornell up 1967.
-gordimer, Nadine, a sport of nature, knopf, NY, 1987.
-souster, Raymond, as is, toronto oxford up, 1967.
-wilson, j. tuzo, unglazed china, ny, Saturday review press, 1973.
-cowley, Malcolm, the flower and the leaf, ny, Viking, 1985.
-anderson, Sherwood, the SA reader, boston, hough Mifflin, 1947.
-Hubbell, Webb, friends in high places, new york morrow, 1997.
-riasanovsky, nicholas v a history of Russia, New York, Oxford UP, 1963.
-poolman, Kenneth. Illustrious. London. William kimber, 1955.
-bonisteel, roy, all things considered. Toronto, doubleday Canada, 1997.
-bagley, desmond, bahama crisis, ny, summit books, 1980.
-kienzle, William x. marked for murder, Kansas city: Andrews and mcmeel, 1988.
-braymer Marjorie, the walls of windy troy. NY, Harcourt brace and world, 1960.
-colum, padraic, the children’s homer, ny, macmill, 1968.
-campbell, john w. jr. the astounding science fiction anthology, ny, Simon & Schuster,
-allan, Andrew. AA: a self-portrait. Toronto, Macmillan, 1974.
-putnam, Donald f. a regional history of Canada, j.m. dent and sons, 1965.
-heer, friedrich, the medieval world., ny, mentor books, 1961.
-hale, james. Branching out, royal Canadian legion, 1995.
-holt, edgar, protest in arms, coward-mccann, 1961.
-mencken, hl, the American language: supplement one. NY, Knopf, 1945.
-leasor, james. Who killed sir harry oakes. Boston: houghtou Mifflin, 1983.
-benet, William rose, the reader’s encyclopedia, NY, Thomas y crowell, 1965.
-collins modern encyclopedia in colour. London, book club associates, 1976.
-woodcock, george. Mordecai richler. Toronto, M&S, 1971.
-meyer, karl e. the plundered past, ny, athaneum, 1973.
-miller, Russell. Bare-faced messiah, Toronto, key porter, 1987.
-leacock, stpehen sunshine sketches. Toronto, M&S, 1960.
-Writers at work the paris review interviews second series new york, Viking, 1965.
- Writers at work the paris review interviews, third series—ed by Plimpton, 1967.
-aristophenes, the birds, Dudley fitts, trans. New york, Harcourt brace and co.
-watson, Patrick, the struggle for democracy, Toronto, lester and orpen dennis, 1988.
-aldiss, brian w. greybeart. London, faber and faber, 1964.
-farmer, Philip jose, the lovers, new york, ballantine books, 1981.
-dickie, d.j., ed, the Canadian poetry book: a book of modern verse, Toronto, j.m. dent
and sons, 1924.
-sturgeon, Theodore, venus plus x, London, cordi, 1972.
-baring-gould, w.s. the lure of the limerick, London, panther, 1977.
-van gulik, Robert, the Chinese bell murders. Chicago. U of Chicago p, 1977.
-heinlin, Robert a. assignment in eternity, ny, signet, 1953.
-branch, Pamela, the wooden overcoat, penguin books, 1959.
-van gulik, Robert, poets and murder, ny, scribner’s, 1968.
-camus, albert, the plague, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1967.
-stewart, george r. ordeal by hunger ny, pocketbooks, 1971.
-pender, laura, hit and run, Toronto, harlequin, 1987.
-the pacific war research society, the day man lost, Hiroshima 6 august 1945, Tokyo
kodansha international ltd, 1981.
-fraser, john, telling tales, Toronto, a totem book, 1987.
-kornbluth, cm, not this august, ny, tom Doherty assoc book, 1981.
-kennedy, William, ironweed, new york, peguin, 1988.
-fast, howard, agrippa’s daughter, ny, pocketbooks, 1966.
-brossard, chandler, the bold saboteurs, ny, lancer, 1962.
-kazin, Alfred, starting out in the thirties, ny, vintage books, 1980.
-dean, amber, encounter with evil, ny, pocketbooks, 1962.
-lanham, Edwin, politics is murder, ny, bantam, 1950.
-puig manual, kiss of the spider woman, ny, vintage, 1980.
-kundera, Milan, the book of laughter and forgetting, ny, penguin, 1980.
-govier, Katherine, before and after, Toronto, penguin, 1990.
-rowse, al the expansion of Elizabethan England, London, cardinal, 1973.
-weston, Stanley, the heavyweight champions, ny, ace books, 1970.
-lamb, dana and ginger, quest for the lost cty, new york, grosset and dunlap, 1964.
-lamb, charles and mary, tales from Shakespeare, puffin, London, 1994.
-forester, cs, death to the French. London, pan books, 1969.
-highsmith, patricia, this sweet sickness, penguin, ny 1972..
-berman, Richard, hostile witness, ny, avon books, 1996.
-grahame, Kenneth, the golden age and dream days, new york, signet, 1964.
-crawford, max, lords of the plain, Toronto, paperjacks, 1987.
-carr, Emily, klee wyck, Toronto, Irwin pub, 1962.
-clarke, Arthur c. the view from serendip, ny, ballantine, 1977.
-new world writing, fourth mentor selection ny, new American library, 1953.
-restak, Richard m. the brain: the last frontier, new york, warner books, 1979.
-powell, john Wesley. Down the Colorado. promonotory press, no info,.
-schapiro, meyer, Vincent van gogh, ny, harry m. Ambrams, 1952.
-burbank, Addison, Guatemala profile, new york, coward-mccann, 1939.
-woolf, Virginia, night and day, ny, george h doran, 1920.
-woolley, sir Leonard, Abraham: recent discoveris and Hebrew origins, London, faber
and faber, 1936.
-chandler, Raymond, killer in the rain, new york, ballantine books, 1964.
-gallant, mavis, my heart is broken, Toronto, general pub, 1983.
-russell, betrant, the autobiop of BR, 1872-1914, NY, bantam books 1968.
-christopher, john, a wrinkle in the skin, London, sphere books, 1978.
-burroughs, edgar rice, the land of hidden men, ny, ace books, no date.
-mann, Thomas, confessions of felix krull, ny, signet, 1955.
-beerbohm, max, zuleika Dobson, penguin, 1981.
-gates, henry louis, ed. the classic slave narratives. NY, mentor, 1987.
-sykes, Christopher, evelyn Waugh, a bio, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1977.
-greene, graham, the honorary consul, Harmondsworth, Penguin no date,
-wyndham john, trouble with lichen, Harmondsworth, Penguin 1972.
-bowen, Elizabeth, the demon lover, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1966.
-davies, Robertson, leaven of malice, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1980.
-garner, Helen, monkeygrip, 87, Harmondsworth, Penguin.
-birch, Cyril, ed. anthology of Chinese literature, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1967.
-moliere, the miser and other plays, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1966.
-keene, Donald, ed. anthology of Japanese lit. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1968.
-moliere, the misanthrop and other plays. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1968.
-beaumarchais, the barber of Seville, the marriage of Figaro, Harmondsworth, Penguin,
-racine, andromache and other plays, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1967.
-moorcock, Michael, the traps of time, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1970
-fortune, dion, the goat-foot god, London, star book, 1976.
-wollheim, Donald, the nineteen ninety annual world’s best SF. NY Daw books, 1990.
-dunsany, lord. At the edge of the world. New york. Ballantine. 1970.
-clement, hal. Close to critical. Ny, ballantine books, 1964.
-the science fiction hall of fame volume one, two A, two B, NY Avon Books 1970, 1973,
-barnes, julian, the porcupine, London, picador, 1992.
-montrose, david, the body on mount royal, harlequin, Toronto, 1953.
-piper, h. beam, federation, new york, ace books, 1981.
-lawrence, t.e. seven pillars of wisdom, NY, Dell, 1967.
45 max brand titles.