Directions - APE LIT Survival Guide

Directions for
Multiple Choice
Learning about different kinds of logic:
1.Multiple choice questions can be maddening, but there is a specific process for their
construction. By practicing the invention of complex, content-specific questions and then
comparing your system of logic with other students’ logic, you will learn about different ways of
solving problems and using logic.
.2. For each chapter of EYES, select a reading passage (1-4 paragraphs) that is suitable
for a close reading. Then write one multiple choice (similar to Wordmasters questions) question
for that reading passage.
3. Use the stems below. (stem = question)
About multiple choice construction:
1. Make answer choices parallel in structure and approximately equal in length.
2. Make one answer option clearly incorrect (called a distracter).
3. Make one answer option a misreading or literal response.
4. Make one answer option dependent on careful reading of stem (the question part before the answer options).
5. Make two answer options similar to each other, but one of them will be slightly “righter” than
the other and inclusive of information in both options.
6. Make sure the stem (question part) is clear.
7. Do not repeat words in the options that could be included in the stem.
8. Offer five answer choices per question.
9. Use a variety of stems.
10. Capitalize, bold, and underline words such as “best,” “least,” “always,” “except,” “not,”
“never,” “all.”
1. The most significant irony in the passage involves . . .
2. The final four sentences of the passage provide information that identifies “x” as being a . . . .
3. The allusion to (x) is primarily intended to . . .
4. In the context of the passage, the meaning of the word (x) is BEST interpreted as . . . .
5. The denouement of the passage suggests that . . . .
6. Which of the following does NOT contribute to the tone of ______ that pervades the entire selection?
7. The “she” in the paragraph on p. __ refers to . . . .
8. All of the following are images which appear in the passage EXCEPT . . . .
9. The attitude of (a character) in paragraph __ is . . . .
10. The BEST equivalent for the word “x” in line y is . . . .
11. In the third section of the selection, the speaker is most concerned with . . . .
12. Lines _______ primarily satirize the . . . .
13. The primary contrast between the beginning and the end of the passage is between . . . .
14. The phrase (xxxxxxx) is an example of (a) hyperbole (b)metaphor (c) paradox (d)overstatement (e)allusion.
(answers will vary)
15. The diction of the opening lines illustrates . . . .
16. Which of the following words is used ironically in the passage?
17. The chief irony of the selection is . . . .
18. The passage is best described as (a) expose (b) apology (c) satire (d) paean (e) parody.
19. In the passage the speaker draws a distinction between all of the following EXCEPT . . . .
20. The passage implies . . . .
21. When the reader considers the entire selection, the speaker’s viewpoint must be perceived as (a) genuine (b)
obsequious (c) justified (d) perfunctory (e) sardonic --may substitute other adjectives --
Directions for
Multiple Choice
22. Which of the following is NOT a literary feature of the passage?
23. The most accurate interpretation of the phrase “xxxxxxxx” is . . . .
24. Paragraph __ on page __ introduces
(a) a change of perspective (b) natural images (c) change of themes (d) change in the intended audience (e) change of
imagery ( these are just examples of answers)
25. The theme concerns the . . . .
26. The description of (character) in the passage characterizes him as all of the following EXCEPT . . . .
27. Which of the following is most frequently used to dramatize (xyz)?
28. All of the following are used by the author to augment the intensity of the ____ EXCEPT
(a) repetition (b) onomatopoeia (c) exclamations (d) oxymoron (e) understatement
29. Which of the following does NOT contribute to the passage’s pervasive irony?
30. Which of the following does LEAST to portray (xxxxx)?
31. The rhetorical questions in the selection ask all of the following EXCEPT . . . .
32. The subject of the verb in the closing sentence is . . . .
33. All of the following are accurate observations EXCEPT . . .
34. The phrase “xxxx” is BEST classified a(n) (a) hyperbole (b) metaphor (c)apostrophe (d) paradox (e)metonymy.
35. Which of the following is NOT a stylistic trait of the selection?
36. In describing (x), the speaker uses all of the following stylistic devices EXCEPT . . .
37. The phrase “xxxxxx” reflects the author’s adept use of which literary device?
38. Which of the following contributes the LEAST to (___) at the end?
39. Which of the following is NOT used in paragraph__?
40. The (character’s) assertion on page __ BEST exemplifies which of the following?
(a) irony (b) euphemism (c) personification (d) foreshadowing (e) hyperbole (answers may vary)
41. The direness of the speaker’s situation is stylistically intensified by all of the following EXCEPT
(a) imperative mode (b)apostrophe (c) inversion (d)simile (e) repetition.
42. Which of the following words, given the context in which it appears in the passage, could NOT be taken
43. All of the following are stylistic traits of the passage EXCEPT
(a) local color
(b) colloquialisms (c) figurative language (d) stream of consciousness (e) irony. (answers may vary)
44.The voice established in this paragraph is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT . . .
45. The central metaphor in lines x – y suggests that . . .
46. According to this passage, the main difference between x and y is that . . .
47. The frequent use of nature imagery emphasizes . . .
48. In this characterization in this passage, Hurston employs of the following EXCEPT
49. Janie’s grandmother has a sermon to deliver. What is the message of that sermon?
50. The most prominent stylistic device of this passage is
51. The main purpose of using folk tale allusions at this point is
52. All of the following words amplify the mythic hero’s journey EXCEPT
53. The reactions of the townspeople to Janie’s return can best be described as
54. “I ain’t satisfied with myself no more” is Pheoby’s way of telling Janie that
55. The use of (a literary or rhetorical strategy) suggests that
56. Lines ___ and ___ are best understood to mean which of the following?
57. Which of the following occurs because “____________” happened?
58. The speaker’s description of _____ demonstrates that the speaker
59. Lines ___ and _____ suggest that
60. In line ___, the phrase _____ modifies which of the following?
61. In paragraphs 2 and 3, the speaker compares
62. It can be inferred that the speaker’s attitude toward _______ is one of
63. Which of the following images from the passage most strongly suggest ________?
64. What is inappropriate about the appearance of ________ in this passage?
65. Why is ______ disturbed about the _______?
(also see sample questions at