The Wikipedia article on the Shroud cites Dr

The Lord spoke to me several years ago and told me
that if he had not had type AB blood that all of mankind
would be lost. I had not thought much about it until I
was studying about the Shroud of Turin and research
has shown that the person on the shroud had type AB
blood. Because Jesus had said that all of mankind of
would be lost if he had not had type AB blood I began a
study on the blood types. You can read about the blood
types the history of the offerings of blood from the Book
of Genesis to the Blood of Revelation. You need to order
this book and study it.
Blood Transfusions
Blood transfusions will work if a person who is going to
receive blood has a blood group that doesn't have any
antibodies against the donor blood's antigens. But if a
person who is going to receive blood has antibodies
matching the donor blood's antigens, the red blood cells
in the donated blood will clump.
Blood group AB
If you belong to the blood group AB, you have both A
and B antigens on the surface of your red blood cells
and no A or B antibodies at all in your blood plasma.
The reason Jesus in could receive the sins of all
mankind was because he had type AB+ blood and no
antibodies in his blood to prevent his receiving all the
blood of mankind. I am speaking about types that are
found throughout the word of God from the book of
Genesis to the Book of Revelation.
Notice in chart below that people with type AB Rh+
blood can receive blood from all the blood types
Antigens Antibodies
A, B and
AB Rh+
AB Rh A Rh+
A Rh B Rh+
B Rh 0 Rh+
0 Rh -
Psalms 51:5
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my
mother conceive me.
David was saying that when he was conceived in his
mothers womb he received the sins of Adam passed on
down through the blood.
Notice in the article below from the Wikipedia
Encyclopedia they are questioning the fact that even
though the figure on the shroud had AB blood there may
have not been any type AB blood at the time of Christ.
What they do not realize is the fact that Jesus, like the
first man Adam did not receive his blood from any
earthly father, but from God himself!!! If he had received
his blood from the Virgin Mary we would all be lost
because Jesus would have received the sins passed on
down from Adam. Read the article below.
The Wikipedia article on the Shroud cites Dr. 'Adamo's
Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia to establish that the
blood type AB, which is found on the Shroud, hasn't
been found in any samples taken from humans who
lived earlier than 700 AD. This claim would certainly
tend to discredit the Shroud. Yet another purported
relic from the death of Jesus, the Sudarium of Oviedo,
Spain, also has blood type AB. It has a history that goes
back more than one thousand years--at least as early as
700 AD. Finally, a third purported miracle relating to the
blood of Jesus--The miracle of Lanciano Italy, is also of
blood type AB. Is it possible that type AB blood would
be found in Europe in 700 AD (as would have to be the
case with the Sudarium if it were a fake)? In Italy in the
middle ages? Also, On what basis does a serologist
maintain that it is unlikely that such a blood type
existed b?
Quote from a book from M.R. Dehaan, M.D. entitled “The
Chemistry of the blood.”
“Conception by the Holy Ghost was the only way the
virgin birth could be accomplished. Mary nourished the
body of Jesus and he became the seed of David,
according to the flesh. The Holy Spirit contributed the
blood of Jesus. It is sinless blood, for there has never
been any other like it”
Erythroblastosis Fetalis
This is a disorder caused by incompatibility between a
mother’s blood and her unborn baby’s blood. Because of
the incompatibility, the mother’s immune system may
launch an immune response against the baby’s red
blood cells. As a result, the baby’s blood cells are
destroyed, and the baby may suffer anemia (deficiency
in red blood cells), brain damage, or death. In this
disorder the mother’s blood can mix with the blood of
the fetus. If this had happened with the Virgin Mary
while she was pregnant with Jesus we would all be
lost. This would have polluted the innocent blood of
Wikipedia encyclopedia has reported that the figure on
the Shroud of Turin is about 5 Foot nine inches tall. I
have always said that Jesus was about 5 foot and 9
inches tall.
Several years ago I was reading a book by a medical
doctor named Richard E Eby, who was physician and a
surgeon. He had a horrible fall from a balcony. He was
in such a terrible condition that the ambulance
attendants thought that he was dead. He wrote that at
that time he was taken to heaven and reports of the
wonderful things that he saw there. Many years later as
he was touring Lazarus’s tomb in Israel, he was taken
into hell and saw many horrible things. He was able to
see Jesus in both places. He said that after these two
great events he was walking through his home and he
glanced over at the television, and he became very
excited. When his wife asked him what was wrong, he
told her that he had seen many pictures of Jesus, but
none of them looked like Jesus. He said the face that
he saw on the television was the same face that he saw
in heaven and in hell. The picture on the television was
the Shroud of Turin, the burial cloth of Jesus.
I can agree with Doctor Eby because the face I saw
over the city of Jerusalem is the same face that is on
the Shroud. His face was not swollen when I saw him,
but it was the same face.