Achievement Chart Category

Prepared By: Jennifer MacFarlane & Suzette McLean-Fletcher
Metabolic Processes Unit Test
Name: _________________________________
Date: __________
Student #:________________
TIME ALLOWED: 1 hour 15minutes
This paper assesses your understanding of the Metabolic Processes in plants and humansrespiration and photosynthesis.
It consists of three sections/parts: A, B, C, D & E. Answer ALL of Parts A, B, C and D. Answer
ONE question in Part E.
Test Break-down
Achievement Chart
Part A: Multiple Choice
Knowledge & Understanding
Part B: True & False
Knowledge & Understanding
Part C: Diagrams
Investigation &
Part D: Short Answer
Part E: Essay
Thinking & Inquiry
Part A: Multiple Choice [K&U
Prepared By: Jennifer MacFarlane & Suzette McLean-Fletcher
Instructions: Answer ALL questions in this section. Circle the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is the primary reactant for glycolysis?
a. H20
b. glucose
c. ATP
d. CO2
2. If a molecule is oxidized, it always?
a. loses a proton
b. gains a proton
c. gains an electron
d. loses an electron
e. combines with oxygen to form water
3. How many ATP are produced in Krebs cycle alone per pyruvate?
a. 0
b. 2
c. 6
d. 4
e. 3
4. One important contribution of water to the light-dependent reaction is that it:
a. Provides hydrogen ions to PI
b. Provides hydrogen ions to PII
c. Provides electrons to PII
d. Provides carbon dioxide to PI
e. All of the above
5. Photophosphorylation specifically refers to the :
a. synthesis of glucose via carbon fixation
b. splitting water as a result of light
c. synthesis of ATP by photolysis
d. reduction of NADPH by electron transport
e. synthesis of ATP using light
6. When does the process of splitting water to release hydrogen ions, electrons, and oxygen
occur in photosynthesis?
a. during the light reactions
b. during the Calvin cycle
c. during photorespiration
d. during carbon fixation
e. during (b) and (d)
7. How many ATP are produced during glycolysis?
Prepared By: Jennifer MacFarlane & Suzette McLean-Fletcher
8. Which of the following is a product of lactate fermentation?
b. NAD+
c. Ethanol
d. Carbon dioxide
e. Acetaldehyde
9. At the end of glycolysis, most of the energy originally found in glucose is located in
molecules of:
a. ATP
b. Lactate
c. Reduced NAD
d. Pyruvate
e. Phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL)
10. How many carbon dioxide molecules must be fixed in the Calvin cycle to produce 1
molecule of glucose?
a. 6
b. 8
c. 12
d. 3
e. 24
11. The three hydrogen carriers involved in aerobic respiration are:
a. COA, ATP , cocarboxylase,
b. COA, cocarboxylase, FAD
c. NADP, Cytochromes, ATP
12. The complete oxidation of a glucose molecule produces _____molecules of ATP.
a. 6
b. 12
c. 36
d. 38
e. 42
13. Why are most plants green?
Prepared By: Jennifer MacFarlane & Suzette McLean-Fletcher
Chlorophyll a reflects green light
Chlorophyll a absorbs green light
Chlorophyll b primarily uses green light as a source of energy for photosynthesis
Green helps plants blend into their environment as a sort of camouflage
All photosynthetic pigments are coloured green.
14. The dark reaction in photosynthesis limited by
a. CO2, temperature and light
b. CO2, light and water
c. Water, temperature and CO2
d. Oxygen, water, temperature
e. Oxygen, temperature,CO2
15. During photosynthesis photons raise electrons to higher energy levels. These excited
electrons belong to what compound
a. H2O
c. ATP
d. Glucose
e. Chlorophyll
Part B: True/False [K&U /5]
Indicate whether the statement is true or false in the space provided.
____ 1. Light energy is principally transferred by chlorophyll b.
____ 2. The first stage of the Calvin cycle is carbon fixation.
____ 3. Photosynthesis is a redox process; that is, H2O is reduced and CO2 is oxidized.
____ 4. Pyruvate is the key reactant in the Krebs cycle.
____ 5. The products of alcohol fermentation are CO2 + 2 ethanol + 2 ATP
Part C: Diagrams [I; C
Prepared By: Jennifer MacFarlane & Suzette McLean-Fletcher
Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided.
1. (a) Clearly draw a labeled diagram of a mitochondria and a labeled diagram of a
chloroplast. [C /11]
(b) On the diagrams you have drawn, show where the Calvin cycle, glycolysis, Krebs
cycle, and the ETC take place. [C /4]
Prepared By: Jennifer MacFarlane & Suzette McLean-Fletcher
2. Two groups of white mustard plants, Sinapis alba, were grown, one group under high
illumination, the other under low illumination. When fully grown, the effect of increasing
light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in the two groups of plants was measured.
Figure 1 shows the results.
Figure 1. [Source: A-Level Biology (Topical) Worked Solutions 2005 Ed. Topic 7 pg.1 question1]
(a) With reference to Figure 1,
Explain the effect of light intensities above 200X10-4 Jcm-2s-1 on the rate
of photosynthesis in plants grown in high illumination [2]
State two ways in which the two curves differ at light intensities below 75
X 10 -4 Jcm-2s-1 [1]
(b) From the results of this investigation, suggest why plants growing in the shade on the
forest floor are able to survive [2]
Part D: Short Answer [Application /20]
Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided.
Prepared By: Jennifer MacFarlane & Suzette McLean-Fletcher
1. Aruna is training to run a half marathon. She finds that if she runs at a slow,
steady pace, she doesn’t fatigue as easily and her muscles are not as sore afterwards.
Today, Aruna has been jogging for about 45 minutes and is still full of energy. But
Aruna can see that a thunderstorm is on its way and she begins to run at top speed to
avoid getting wet. She starts to breathe heavier and heavier, eventually she gets so short
of breath she has to stop. Explain why Aruna has to stop running. Use chemical changes
and energy conversions to support your answer. [A /5]
2. Complete the table below to show four major differences between the Krebs cycle and
the Calvin cycle
Krebs cycle
Calvin cycle
electron/hydrogen carrier (s)
carbon dioxide
[A, 4]
3. Phosphofructokinase (PFK) is an important enzyme which is thought to control
the rate of glycolysis. The graph in Figure 2 shows PFK activity at increasing substrate
Prepared By: Jennifer MacFarlane & Suzette McLean-Fletcher
concentration at two levels of ATP.
Figure 2.
[Source: A-Level Biology (Topical) Worked Solutions 2005 Ed. Topic 7 pg.4 question3]
With reference to Figure 2, describe the effect of high levels of ATP on PKF activity. [2]
Explain how the rate of glycolysis may be regulated by this enzyme [4]
4. Without photosynthesis, cellular respiration would not occur and without cellular
respiration, photosynthesis would also not occur. Explain [A /5]
Prepared By: Jennifer MacFarlane & Suzette McLean-Fletcher
Part E: Essay Question [Thinking & Inquiry, Application /10]
Choose ONE of the following questions and answer on the answer sheet
1. Mature human red blood cells do not have any mitochondria, yet they live for weeks.
Predict which respiration processes red blood cells most likely use. List the metabolic
products you would expect to find in red blood cells that would support your prediction.
Explain why this makes red blood cells good oxygen carriers. [10]
2. Mary has a rare potted plant which she got for her birthday. She loves it but her father
seems to be allergic to it as every time he passes it he sneezes. So she puts the plant in her
closet far away from her father. She waters the plant (water contains added nutrients)
often but notices that it is not growing and looks unhealthy. She is sad as she does not
know why it will not grow and asks your opinion. With your knowledge of the
photosynthesis and the importance of light explain to her what she needs to do and why.