Chapter 15 Review Questions (Word)


Database Processing, Ninth Edition


Sharing Enterprise Data

True-False Questions


Teleprocessing systems split all processing between the server and the user’s computer.

Answer: False

Page: 542

Level: moderate


Teleprocessing systems generally have a graphical user interface.

Answer: False

Page: 542

Level: easy


In a client-server system, there may be many database servers but each one processes a separate database.

Answer: True

Page: 543

Level: moderate


In a client-server system, the server processes the application programs.

Answer: False Level: moderate

Page: 543


With a file-sharing system, each user’s computer contains the DBMS.

Answer: True Level: moderate

Page: 543





A file-sharing system generates more traffic on the network than does a client-server system.

Answer: True Level: easy

Page: 544

In a partitioned, distributed database system, a vertical fragment refers to a table that is broken into two or more sets of columns.

Answer: True

Page: 546

Level: hard

A distributed database may be broken into vertical or horizontal partitions, but not both.

Answer: False

Page: 546

Level: hard

Of the different types of distributed database systems, the partitioned, replicated distributed database tends to offer the greatest flexibility.

Answer: True Level: moderate

Page: 547

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data


The simplest type of distributed database processing is to allow multiple computers to update the data but designate one computer to resolve any conflicts.

Answer: True Level: hard

Page: 546


Downloaded data are typically downloaded, updated, and uploaded back to the database.

Answer: False Level: moderate

Page: 548


One potential problem with downloaded data is providing control against inconsistencies resulting from local updates.

Level: easy Answer: True

Page: 550


An OLAP cube is limited to three dimensions.

Answer: False

Page: 553

Level: moderate


OLAP uses extensions to SQL to define and process its data structures.

Answer: True

Page: 555

Level: hard


In OLAP processing, a snowflake schema is faster but requires more storage space than a star schema.

Answer: False

Page: 558

Level: hard


MOLAP is the term for the Microsoft solution to OLAP storage available in SQL Server.

Answer: False Level: moderate

Page: 559


The role of the data warehouse is to store extracts of operational data and make them available to users.

Answer: True

Page: 560

Level: easy


Some of the data in a data warehouse could have been purchased from other organizations.

Answer: True Level: moderate

Page: 560


It is not necessary to store any metadata in the data warehouse.

Answer: False

Page: 561

Level: easy


The term drill down refers to the capability of seeing the data in smaller and smaller units.

Answer: True

Page: 562

Level: moderate

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data


All data in the data warehouse are made consistent in timing and domain in the process of extraction.

Answer: False Level: moderate

Page: 564


Users generally want the capability of graphical output from a data warehouse.

Answer: True Level: easy

Page: 562


The term data mart is another name for the term data warehouse .

Answer: False Level: moderate

Page: 566


A data mart may contain several data warehouses.

Answer: False Level: easy

Page: 544


Data are an organizational resource, as are plant, equipment, and financial assets.

Answer: True Level: easy

Page: 567


Organizational data consists only of text and numeric data.

Answer: False Level: moderate

Page: 567


The scope of data administration is the same as that of database administration.

Answer: False

Page: 568

Level: hard


The data administration group is usually responsible for defining and maintaining the official organizational standard for all data items in the organization.

Answer: False Level: moderate

Page: 570


Data administration is responsible for defining data security policies.

Answer: True

Page: 570

Level: easy


In general, data administration has the responsibility to resolve conflicts between user groups concerning data needs.

Answer: True Level: easy

Page: 571

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data

Multiple Choice Questions

31. Which of the following is not a type of multi-user database architecture? a.) b.) c.) teleprocessing data warehouse file-sharing d.) e.)

Level: hard

Page: 542 client-server distributed database

32. A teleprocessing system is a multi-user database architecture in which . a.) b.) dumb terminals transmit data to a centralized computer one computer processes the database, and other computers in the network process c.) d.) e.) application programs the DBMS as well as the application programs are stored on the users’ computers part or all of the database is duplicated on more than one computer parts of the database are stored on more than one computer

Level: moderate

Page: 542

33. Which of the following is characteristic of teleprocessing systems ? a.) It uses interactive graphical user interfaces. b.) All processing is performed on a single computer. c.) The DBMS is on a local computer. d.) e.)

Level: easy

Different columns of a table may reside on different computers.

All of the above.

Page: 542

34. A client-server system is a multi-user database architecture in which . a.) dumb terminals transmit data to a centralized computer b.) one computer processes the database, and other computers in the network process c.) d.) application programs the DBMS as well as the application programs are stored on the users’ computers part or all of the database is duplicated on more than one computer e.) parts of the database are stored on more than one computer

Level: moderate

Page: 543

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data

35. Which of the following is true of client-server systems? a.) b.)

Client-server systems make extensive use of dumb terminals.

Client-server systems only request file-level services from the server. c.) Client-server systems execute applications on the server. d.) Client-server systems may have multiple database processing servers but each one e.) processes a different database.

All of the above.

Level: hard

Page: 543

36. A file-sharing system is a multi-user database architecture in which . a.) dumb terminals transmit data to a centralized computer b.) c.) d.) e.) one computer processes the database, and other computers in the network process application programs the DBMS as well as the application programs are stored on the users’ computers part or all of the database is duplicated on more than one computer parts of the database are stored on more than one computer

Level: moderate

Page: 544

37. A partitioned system is a multi-user database architecture in which . a.) b.) dumb terminals transmit data to a centralized computer one computer processes the database, and other computers in the network process application programs the DBMS as well as the application programs are stored on the users’ computers c.) d.) e.)

Level: moderate

Page: 544-545 part or all of the database is duplicated on more than one computer parts of the database are stored on more than one computer

38. A vertical fragment or partition refers to . a.) a table that is broken into two or more sets of rows b.) a table that is broken into two or more sets of columns c.) a database downloaded in a file-sharing system d.) the data measures held constant in a data cube the data elements sliced in a data cube e.)

Level: easy

Page: 546

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data

39. A horizontal fragment or partition refers to . a.) b.) a table that is broken into two or more sets of rows a table that is broken into two or more sets of columns c.) d.) e.) a database downloaded in a file-sharing system the data measures held constant in a data cube the data elements sliced in a data cube

Level: easy

Page: 543

40. The greatest disadvantage of distributed databases is the . a.) b.) availability security risk c.) cost/complexity d.) difficulty of control and possible integrity problems e.) flexibility

Level: moderate

Page: 547

41. The greatest advantage of distributed databases is the . a.) b.) availability security risk c.) d.) e.) cost/complexity difficulty of control and possible integrity problems flexibility

Level: moderate

Page: 547

42. Which of the following is the simplest type of distributed database processing? a.) downloading read-only data b.) c.) d.) distributed update conflict teleprocessing allow updates on multiple computers with a single computer for conflict resolution e.) allow updates on multiple computers with multiple computers for conflict resolution

Level: moderate

Page: 547

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data

43. Read-only data downloaded from a distributed database processing system is called a(n)

in Oracle. a.) distributed read b.) c.) d.) e.) snapshot distributed view read view materialized view

Level: hard

Page: 547

44. Read-only data downloaded from a distributed database processing system is called a(n)

in SQL Server. a.) b.) distributed read snapshot c.) d.) e.) distributed view read view materialized view

Level: hard

Page: 547

45. Which of the following is an advantage of downloaded data? a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) data consistency is improved coordination of updating and downloading data is improved data is closer to the user less opportunity for computer crimes easier to control access to data

Level: easy

Page: 548

46. If downloading data occurs in the morning, which of the following is most likely to be true in the afternoon? a.) the organizational database is current and downloaded data are current b.) the organizational database is current and downloaded data are out of date c.) the organizational database is out of date and downloaded data are current d.) the organizational database is out of date and downloaded data are out of date e.) it depends on the method used for downloading

Level: moderate

Page: 548

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data

47. In an OLAP cube, the attributes on an axis are called . a.) b.) levels dimensions c.) d.) e.) measures members slices

Level: hard

Page: 553

48. The dimension(s) that are held constant in an OLAP cube are called . a.) b.) c.) d.) e.)

Level: hard

Page: 555 axes levels measures members slices

49. The values of a dimension in an OLAP cube are called . a.) b.) axes levels c.) d.) e.)

Level: hard

Page: 555 measures members slices

50. The OLAP schema in which every dimension table is adjacent to the table storing the measure values and the tables may or may not be normalized is called a(n) _____________. a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) snowflake network star tree ring

Level: moderate

Page: 558

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data

51. Which of the following is an OLAP storage alternative that advocates the use of both relational

DBMS products and specialized OLAP engines? a.) HOLAP b.) c.) d.) e.)





Level: moderate

Page: 559

52. Which of the following OLAP storage alternatives provides the fastest performance? a.) HOLAP b.) c.)


MOLAP d.) e.)

Level: moderate



Page: 559

53. A data warehouse is a store of enterprise data designed to . a.) support transaction processing b.) facilitate management decision making c.) hold backup files in case the system needs to be recovered d.) hold test data for developers to use when creating new applications hold old data that may be used for long-term analysis e.)

Level: easy

Page: 560

54. The term drill down means the user wants to . a.) b.) c.) summarize data get older data sort d.) get more details e.) aggregate data

Level: easy

Page: 562

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data

55. Data in a data warehouse may be inconsistent because of differences in the . a.) b.) attributes domains c.) d.) e.) indexes rows tables

Level: moderate

Page: 563

56. A data mart differs from a data warehouse in that the . a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) data mart has a smaller scope data mart may be restricted to a particular type of data data mart may be restricted to a particular business function data mart may be restricted to a particular business unit or location

All of the above.

Level: easy

Page: 566

57. Protecting and ensuring effective use of the entire organization’s data is the responsibility of the . a.) b.) c.) d.) e.)

Level: easy

Page: 567 office of data administration database administrator developers end users vendors

58. Which of the following is not within the function of data administration? a.) conflict resolution b.) c.) d.) data policies data standards marketing data administration services e.) All of the above are within the function of data administration.

Level: moderate

Page: 569

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data

59. A data proponent is in charge of . a.) b.) developers data administration c.) d.) e.) data items the database the database administrator

Level: moderate

Page: 570

60. Resolving conflicts among user groups about data is the responsibility of . a.) developers b.) data administration c.) d.) e.) data items users database administrator

Level: easy

Page: 569

61. Data administration should have a(n) ____________ attitude towards information management. a.) b.) ad hoc authoritative c.) d.) e.) managerial proactive reactive

Level: easy

Page: 571

Fill in the Blank Questions

62. A(n) teleprocessing system is a multi-user database system that uses one computer and one


Level: moderate

Page: 542

63. A system in which one computer processes the database and other computers in the network process application programs is called a(n) client-server system.

Level: moderate

Page: 542

64. A system in which the DBMS as well as the application programs are stored on the users’ computers is called a(n) file-sharing system.

Level: moderate

Page: 543

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data

65. A system in which part or all of the database is duplicated on more than one computer is known as a(n) replicated distributed database system.

Level: hard

Page: 544

66. A system in which parts of the database are stored on more than one computer is known as a(n)

partitioned distributed database system.

Level: hard

Page: 546

67. A(n) vertical fragment refers to a table that is broken into two or more sets of columns.

Level: moderate

Page: 546

68. A(n) horizontal fragment refers to the rows of a table when they are divided into pieces.

Level: moderate

Page: 546

69. SQL Server uses the term snapshot to refer to read-only data that has been downloaded.

Level: hard

Page: 547

70. Downloaded read-only data that is sent to multiple computers for processing is referred to as

materialized views by Oracle.

Level: hard

Page: 547

71. To address the problem of providing atomic transactions in a distributed environment, an algorithm called two-phased commit is used to provisionally commit updates pending notification from the distributed transaction manager.

Level: moderate

Page: 548

72. Downloaded data typically cannot be updated because once they are removed from the operational database they are no longer subject to concurrency control .

Level: easy

Page: 548

73. When a user changes downloaded data, the data is no longer consistent with the corporate database and also with other users who have downloaded the data.

Level: easy

Page: 551

74. Downloading creates problems with access control , meaning it necessitates placing restrictions on which data each employee may create, delete, read, or update.

Level: moderate

Page: 551

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data

75. Since OLAP places no limits on the number of axes an OLAP cube can have, the term OLAP

hypercube is sometimes used instead of “cube.”

Level: easy

Page: 553

76. Both the columns and the rows of an OLAP cube are called axes .

Level: moderate

Page: 553

77. The attributes that appear on an axis of an OLAP cube are called dimensions of the cube.

Level: hard

Page: 553

78. The cells of an OLAP cube represent the measures of the cube, which are the data values to be displayed.

Level: moderate

Page: 553

79. The values of a dimension of an OLAP cube are called members .

Level: hard

Page: 555

80. The position of a dimension in its hierarchy is called its level .

Level: moderate

Page: 555

81. An OLAP star schema has every dimension table adjacent to the table storing the measure values and the tables may or may not be normalized.

Level: hard

Page: 558

82. An OLAP snowflake schema can have multilevels of tables and all the tables will be normalized.

Level: hard

Page: 558

83. ROLAP is an OLAP storage alternative that uses relational DBMS products.

Level: easy

Page: 559

84. A(n) data warehouse is a store of enterprise data that is designed to facilitate management decision making.

Level: easy

Page: 560

85. Getting more detailed information, or disaggregating, from a data warehouse is called drilling down .

Level: easy

Page: 562

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data

86. Summarizing or grouping data is known as data aggregation .

Level: easy

Page: 562

87. Ad hoc queries are those that are not of a regular, recurring, pre-planned nature.

Level: moderate

Page: 566

88. A(n) data mart is a facility like a data warehouse but for a much smaller domain.

Level: easy

Page: 566

89. Data are an important organizational asset, as are plant, equipment, and financial assets.

Level: easy

Page: 567

90. The scope of the office of data administration is the entire organization .

Level: moderate

Page: 567

91. A(n) data proponent is the organizational unit in charge of managing the standard for a specific data item.

Level: moderate

Page: 570

92. The office of data administration must have a(n) proactive attitude toward information management.

Level: moderate

Page: 571

Essay Questions

93. Distinguish among teleprocessing systems, file-sharing systems, client-server systems, and distributed database systems.

Teleprocessing systems perform all database and application processing on a single computer with the use of a dumb terminal to display results to the user. File-sharing systems place the database on a shared storage device, but all database and application processing take place on the user’s computer. Client-server systems split the processing between the client and the server.

In this architecture, the server processes the database and the client processes the application.

Finally, the distributed database system processes the application on the client computer, and distributes the processing of a single database among a number of different database servers.

94. Briefly describe the different types of distributed database systems and the continuum of advantages and disadvantages.

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Chapter 15 – Sharing Enterprise Data

The different types of systems – nonpartitioned/nonreplicated databases, partitioned/nonreplicated databases, nonpartitioned/replicated databases, and partitioned/replicated databases – create a continuum. A partitioned database has tables or parts of tables split up across a number of different sites. A replicated database has copies of tables or parts of tables spread across a number of different sites. Along the continuum of distributed databases, systems toward the nonpartitioned/nonreplicated database end are the least flexible, provide the least data availability, and the least independence. Systems on the partitioned/replicated database end have the highest cost, pose the greatest security risks, and are the most difficult to control.

95. Briefly describe the three distributed processing techniques.

The simplest type of distributed processing is the download of read-only data. This downloaded data can be used for queries and reports only. The next type of distributed processing is to allow multiple computers to make requests to update data, but a single computer within the system performs all of the actual update processing. With this technique, updated data is periodically forwarded back to all of the distributed systems to synchronize the databases. Finally, a distributed processing alternative is to allow multiple computers to handle the update processing.

In this case, a single computer is designated to resolve conflicts that may arise.

96. Distinguish among ROLAP, MOLAP, and HOLAP.

ROLAP, MOLAP, and HOLAP describe alternative methods for OLAP storage. ROLAP, or relational OLAP, is the application of traditional relational DBMS technology to OLAP storage.

MOLAP, or multidimensional OLAP, is the development of specially designed engines to handle the specific requirements of OLAP. HOLAP, or hybrid OLAP, is the use of both relational DBMS products and specially designed OLAP engines. ROLAP takes advantage of existing technologies and uses the least storage, but provides the slowest performance. MOLAP provides the fastest performance but requires the most storage. HOLAP is a compromise between ROLAP and

MOLAP and provides fast performance for high-level processing but is slower on detail processing.

97. Distinguish between data warehouses and data marts.

The primary difference between data warehouses and data marts is one of scope. Data warehouses have an organization-wide scope. Data marts are more restrictive. Data marts can be restricted to a specific type of data, a specific business function, or a specific business unit or geographic location. The smaller scope of data marts simplifies several issues regarding data inconsistencies and management.

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