SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS TERRA TOPIA - FUN DAY SERIES - 2015 (Note: This is a WOMZA sanctioned Fun Day. All competitors must complete an entry/indemnity form.) (Non-license holders must make provision for own medical insurance. YOU RIDE AT OWN RISK.) 1. DURATION/VALIDITY OF THE REGULATIONS: 2015 Terra Topia Fun Race Day Series Only. 2. CONTROLLERS Controller of the Series is the Terra Topia Dirt Bike Club committee & associate sponsors. 3. AIM OF THE SERIES The Club Committee, in conjunction with the sponsors has recognized the need for organized racing where FUN & AFFORDABILITY must be the primary driving factors. Accordingly, the club has decided to offer the “Fun Race Day” experience to all dirt bike riders whether licensed/non-licensed, from all disciplines, young & old. This will be at an affordable entry fee, whilst still maintaining high track preparation & safety standards on both the Snr & Jnr motocross tracks. The format for the day will be much simplified & offers shorter race duration. It is mainly targeted at the lesser experienced riders, although all are invited to join in on the fun as there are separate classes for all levels of riders from pro experts to weekend warriors. The focus is also on promoting the revival of 2 stroke bikes. These events will primarily be about racing for fun with the added focus to be on multiple, short, more exciting sprint races so the day can finish early & the party fun can commence. The day will end with our famous “Butchers Picnic/Open Challenge” where all riders on the day will be invited to race together from a handicapped & staggered start, all in the name of FUN & for individual bragging rights. There is no championship on offer. The Ladies will race with the men in a class for their own choosing, as long as the individual specifications/eligibility is adhered to. The new format does not allow for cross riding of classes. Competitors may forthwith only enter one class. The race distance has been increased to 5 laps. There will be a minimum of 3 x heats p/class with an optional Open Fun Challenge (Butcher’s Picnic) at the end that is open to all Snr track bikes from 65cc upwards. Classes Offered: 4. - 50cc Jnr & Pro – Combined (Possible split start) 50cc Peewee & Novice/Support MX3–Vets/Masters/Grand Masters – Open Class Open A – Expert – Open Class Open 2 Stroke - Two Stroke Motorcycles ONLY Pro Mini/85cc/65cc – Combined (Possible split start) Open B – Support/Club/Enduro - Open Class RULES AND REGULATIONS These regulations are to be read in conjunction with the WOMZA 2015 MXRR’s (Motocross Race Regulations) & Standing Supplementary Regulations for MX Racing available on the World Of Motorsport (WOMZA) web site These regulations must be read and understood by all Competitors to ensure a safer & better racing experience. Page 1 of 7 5. ELIGIBILITY OF MOTORCYCLES These FUN DAYS are open to all dirt bikes of any capacity, size & year. The main focus is on fun & safety. Therefore, all motorcycles must be in race worthy condition. The responsibility to present a bike to the start line in a race worthy condition remains that of the competitor. Specific regulations/specifications per class are as listed below. For increased safety & to eliminate unnecessary intimidation, cross riding in the Snr classes is no longer allowed. Please carefully select the correct class to race in. The faster MX riders will no longer be allowed to cross-ride in the other classes. The Snr MX classes have been separated into Open MX3, Open A, Open B & Open Two Stroke. However, these OPEN classes may be combined if the entry numbers are low in the interest of saving time & continued entertainment value. The decision remains at the discretion of the organizers. The same applies to all Jnr classes. 6. NUMBER OF HEATS & RACE DISTANCE: Refer to ORDER OF EVENTS. Minimum 3x 5 lap heats per class + the optional Open Challenge/Butchers Picnic. Should classes be combined there may be more heats offered, subject to popular request. This offers a total 40+ minutes of race time for each class. 7. POINT-SCORING 7.1 As this is a fun event only, no scoring will be done for the Snrs. All heats will be manually scored for the Jnrs because the kids will race for trophies. Points will be allocated for each heat. This is part of their skill development. No points will carry forward to next event. The rule of “one podium position for every three entries” will apply for trophies. 7.2. There must be a minimum of 20 starters for any class to run separately. Failing this, the organizers may elect to combine suitable classes. This will save time. A split start may be employed. 7.3 7.4 Points scoring, if any, will be in accordance with the standard Motocross points system. Classes and Technical Specifications are as listed below 8. SEPARATION OF TIES A tie in the points will be resolved in favour of the competitor having the greater number of first place wins. If the tie is not resolved, then the greater number of seconds will count, failing this, thirds and so on. If this is not effective the Organizers shall declare a winner on any basis it may deem fit. 9. DECLARATION OF CHAMPIONS There will be no champions declared as this is not an official championship series yet. Only the winners of the day in each Jnr class will be declared. 10. COMPETITION NUMBERS Although not enforced, any number/s on the motorcycle in a suitable size, on all 3 number boards is encouraged for manual scoring, recognition & for announcements. No number – NO SCORING POSSIBLE! Page 2 of 7 11. PROGRAMME OF EVENTS, RACING ORDER AND RACE DISTANCE 11.1 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 07h30 – 08h30 - Documentation 08h30 - Riders Briefing 09h00 – 09h45 - Practice 10h00 – Last Heat - Racing 11.2 ORDER OF EVENTS Practice: (09h00) – As per Time Limits MX 50cc Pro + Jnr Max 10 min (These Jnr classes may be combined & will race on MX 50cc Peewees & Novice Max 10 min (a specially adapted shortened version of the Snr track) Open Snr Practise Max 20 min (Open practice for ALL big wheel bikes) Pro Mini + 85cc Jnr + 65cc Max 10 min (Total time + - 1hr00) First Heat: (10h00) – As per Total no. of laps. (The 65/85cc classes will complete the full Snr track distance) MX 50cc Pro + Jnr 7 Laps (Special shortened version of Snr Track) MX 50cc Novice & Peewees 7 Laps (Special shortened version of Snr Track) These classes may be combined MX 3 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) This class may be combined with any open class MX Open A 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) This class may be combined with any open class MX Open 2 Stroke 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) This class may be combined with any open class MX Pro Mini/85cc/65cc 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) (Split start if requested) MX Open B 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) (Split start if requested) This class may be combined with any open class (Total time + - 1hr30) Second Heat: (11h30) – As per Total no. of laps. (The 65/85cc classes will complete the full Snr track distance) MX 50cc Pro + Jnr 7 Laps (Special shortened version of Snr Track) MX 50cc Novice & Peewees 7 Laps (Special shortened version of Snr Track) These classes may be combined MX 3 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) This class may be combined with any open class MX Open A 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) This class may be combined with any open class MX Open 2 Stroke 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) This class may be combined with any open class MX Pro Mini/85cc/65cc 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) (Split start if requested) MX Open B 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) (Split start if requested) This class may be combined with any open class (Total time + - 1hr30) LUNCH BREAK – Half Hr (13h00 – 13h30) Third Heat: (13h30) – As per Total no. of laps. (The 65/85cc classes will complete the full Snr track distance.) MX 50cc Pro + Jnr 7 Laps (Special shortened version of Snr Track) MX 50cc Novice & Peewees 7 Laps (Special shortened version of Snr Track) These classes may be combined MX 3 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) This class may be combined with any open class MX Open A 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) This class may be combined with any open class MX Open 2 Stroke 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) This class may be combined with any open class MX Pro Mini/85cc/65cc 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) (Split start if requested) MX Open B 5 Laps (MX Snr Track) (Split start if requested) This class may be combined with any open class (Total time + - 1hr30) BREAK – 15 min (15h00 – 15h15) Open Challenge/Butcher’s Picnic/Fun Parade: (15h15) – As per details discussed during rider’s briefing. Page 3 of 7 Prize Giving: LET THE PARTY GET STARTED: + - (16h00 or earlier) – Music, Drinks & Food etc. 11.3 Start times and/or the program of events may be altered to accommodate numbers or conditions on the day. To save time, the Pro & Jnr 50cc, plus the Jnr novice classes may be combined. Similarly, the Pro Mini, 85cc & 65cc classes will be combined. Subject to entry numbers, any of the Open Snr classes may be combined with any/all the other. A split start may be employed. The decision will be at the discretion of the organizers/COC. All Jnr classes will always score separately. If telemetry is used, all Snr classes will also be scored separately – JUST FOR FUN!! 11.4 The OPEN CHALLENGE/BUTCHER’S PICNIC if/when offered at the end of the day is open to ALL classes/bikes except 50cc & PeeWees. A split start system will be used to separate riders according to their respective classes with the slowest classes to be set off first. All capacities from 65cc – 450cc & open will be allowed. This is a fun race that is aimed at entertaining the spectators & is a good way of ending a Fun Day. The Snr competitors & especially the more accomplished riders must show caution & respect all other competitors. If there is a theme for the particular Fun Day – details will be discussed at the rider’s briefing. 12. DOCUMENTATION & SCRUTINEERING 12.1 Documentation opens at 07h30 and closes just before riders briefing. Due to time constraints on race days and to follow the international norm for MX, Self Scrutineering will apply unless the organizers of the event, who retain the right, direct the proceedings differently. A separate scrutineering form must be completed for spare/second motorcycles. Compliant forms will be available on line, at registration or as part of the entry forms package and they must be returned completed to the race secretary. If a motorcycle does not comply fully with ALL primary safety standards, it is pursuant on the competitor NOT to enter/compete in the event unless the fault has been rectified. The responsibility to ensure that the motorcycle used on the day will pass all safety requirements, remains solely that of the competitor. In addition, failure/omission to also openly and verbally declare a technical shortcoming/infringement whether minor or temporary, may lead to suspension on the day plus further disciplinary steps being taken against same competitor. 12.2 A proof of registration/scrutineering sticker/wrist ink stamp will be given to the rider on successful completion of the registration process on the morning of the event. This sticker must be self-applied/fixed to any one of the control cables on the handlebar of the motorcycle so it can be clearly seen. Competitors are warned that action will be taken against a competitor should the motorcycle fail a sample spot check by the authorized scrutineer. This safety inspection may take place in the pre-race paddock before any session during the day. (The organisers will decide the appropriate action on the day). 13. PRACTICE & RACE DURATION All classes will practice as per the practice schedule or may be altered/combined, subject to the discretion of the Clerk of the Course. The race order & duration will be as per the program unless altered by the COC. 14. MULTIPLE CLASSES For the Fun Days, competitors may no longer enter additional multiple classes. This is to ensure safety & eliminate unnecessary sense of intimidation. To compensate, the 3 x heat race duration has been increased from 4 – 5 laps, plus there is the Open Challenge race at the end of the day that will be open to all Snr track competitors from 65cc upwards. A split start system will be used. This is more than 45 minutes total race time in one day. Page 4 of 7 15. 15.1 CLOSURE OF CIRCUIT The circuit will generally be open during the week up to the Thursday prior to the Fun Day. The track is closed for preparation every Friday of every week. However, there may be machinery/plant & equipment present on the track on any other day prior to an event. Those areas of the track where the machinery is working will be off limits & practicing riders must heed to caution or all will be temporarily rerouted. The risk remains yours! The responsibility for establishing if a circuit is open remains that of the Competitor. 16. TROPHIES & PRIZES All 50cc riders will receive participation medals. Trophies will be awarded to 3rd place in the following Jnr classes subject to one trophy for every 3 entries received – 50cc, 50cc Jnr, 65cc, 85cc/Pro Mini combined. There will be random booby awards/product gifts from sponsors if/when donated. In order to receive gifts & trophy etc, the competitor must attend the prize giving at the end of the day. NO Snr winner trophies or prize money will be on offer. However, if a Fun Day series sponsor is secured the situation may very well be different in the future. The following Fun Trophies will be presented for the Snr classes: 1) Crash Of The Day 2) Pass Of The Day 3) Rider Of The Day 4) Desperate Dan 5) Clutch Plate Award 6) Cross Rutt Of The Day The fastest rider of the day will receive an all-expenses paid holiday for 2 people to nowhere. The slowest rider of the day will get a pat on the back & free drinks from his buddies to lessen the pain. 17. ENTRIES & FEES Entries open generally when the entry forms are posted on the website (many weeks before) & close at the end of documentation in the morning. Competitors are encouraged to pre-enter as an expected courtesy, so that the caterers can plan the food & beverage quantities accordingly. Therefore, please don’t be disappointed should we run out. Due to the current economic climate it is important to find new ways to keep both the organizer & the competitor’s costs low. The TOTAL individual entry fee for the TT Fun Days will be R350 + the one event license fee of R40. The one event license fee will be waived if you are already a holder of at least a basic WOMZA Social License. (1 x Rider’s assistant/mechanic enters for free). The spectator fee will be R30 to help cover housekeeping costs etc. Special Note: All WOMZA licenses are valid until the 31st January of the following year. To promote the sport & make racing more appealing to non-license holders/new competitors, the fees will be as follows: one event, Fun Day only liability registration - (R40) or optional WOMZA annual Social Licenses - (R320) to cover all the Fun Day events for the year. All will be available at documentation. One event competitors/non license holders will be allowed a special dispensation in that they will be allowed to compete without proof of private medical insurance. It must be noted however that in the event of extenuating medical circumstances where a competitor requires further attention at a hospital, the likelihood is very high that the patient will be admitted to the nearest State Hospital. The personal safety & degree of quality medical care remains solely that of the competitor in this instance. Terra Topia will provide an ambulance with ALS & ILS medics, plus first aiders on the day. 17.1 17.2 17.3 The entry fee for all FUN DAY classes in 2015 is R350 per competitor. This excludes the cost of time keeping/telemetry that may be introduced in other future events: Pre-entry is encouraged so the organizers can plan better. Tele-entries will not be accepted. Terra Topia may send promotional emails/Facebook posts as reminders preceding this & other upcoming events. Please send FB friend request to be included in TT instant info group. (The full Terra Topia events/race calendar will be published on the web site 17.4 17.5 Documentation will generally close at 08h30 or when the first call for riders briefing is made. The submission of a pre-entry in any acceptable written format before the event will be acceptable as a commitment to attend. Entries are accepted on a first come basis. (Late entries / registration disrupt preparation & proceedings. It has an overall negative effect on the success of an event. PLEASE PLAY THE GAME!! Rather be angry at self for being late, not the secretary.) Page 5 of 7 18. 18.1 FIRE EXTINGUISHER, ENVIRONMENTAL MATS & SOUND LEVELS For the sake of safety & the environment, Terra Topia encourages compliance to basic rules. 19. CLASSES & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Depending on the number of entries received, all Snr track riders/bikes may race together to create more excitement, closer racing and also to shorten the day. . 19.1 MX 50cc Jnr & Pro - Open to riders 4 – 9yrs. (Jnr or adapted Snr Track) The Pro class is for the more advanced/competent rider. Generally, both classes will race together but will be scored separately. Once a Jnr rider finishes in the top 3 overall regularly in any season, he/she must move up to the Snr class. This should be a natural progression as skill levels improve. Should combined entry numbers not meet the required minimum 20 p/class, all Jnrs will race together. - 19.2 Engine capacity not exceeding 52cc 2x Stroke Wheel Diameter – 10” rear and 12” front Water and Air-cooled – 4x stroke and 2x stroke engines MX 50cc & 80cc PeeWee + 65cc/85cc Novice Riders 4–11yrs. (Jnr or adapted Snr Track) This combined beginners class is for the less accomplished, novice rider. Generally, all the different size bikes will race together & a split gate start may be used. Once a rider becomes more proficient, he/she will be encouraged to move to the Snr class. This should be a natural progression as skills improve. Should combined entry numbers not meet the required minimum 20 p/class, all Jnrs will race together. 19.2 MX 65cc - Engine capacity not exceeding 85cc Wheel Diameter – Maximum 14” rear and 17” front Water and Air-cooled – 4x stroke and 2x stroke engines - Open to riders 7 – 11yrs. (Clutch lever with gears) - (Snr Track) Generally, the 65cc class will race together with the 85cc Jnrs & the Pro Minis. Should the entry numbers meet the required minimum 20 p/class, a split start gate may be used. 19.3 MX 85cc Junior - Engine capacity not exceeding 65cc 2x stroke Wheel Diameter – 12” rear and 14” front - Open to riders 8 – 13yrs. (Clutch lever with gears) - (Snr Track) Generally, this small wheel 85cc class will race with the 65cc Jnrs & the Pro Minis. Should the entry numbers meet the required minimum 20 p/class, a split start gate may be used. 19.4 MX Pro Mini - Engine capacity not exceeding 85cc 2x stroke Wheel Diameter – 14” rear and 17” front - Open to riders 10 – 15yrs. Generally, this big wheel class will race together with the 65cc & 85cc Jnrs. Should the entry numbers meet the required minimum 20 p/class, a split start gate may be used. 19.5 MX Open A - Engine capacity 85cc - 105cc 2 stoke and 150cc 4x stroke Wheel Diameter – 14” rear and 17” front or 16” rear and 19” front - Open to riders 13 years and older This class is for the more accomplished MX competitor that holds a formal racing license. It is also for any fast MX Open B riders that have been recommended to move up to this class. Should entry numbers not meet the required minimum 20 p/class, it may be combined with any of the other Open classes. A delayed, split start gate may be used with the faster riders set off first. - Engine capacity not exceeding 126cc 2x stroke - Open to riders 15 years and older on 250cc 4x stroke. - Open to riders 16 years and older-unrestricted capacity 2/4 stroke. Competitors may not enter additional multiple classes – No cross riding is allowed. Page 6 of 7 19.6 MX Open B - Open to riders 13 years and older This class is for the weekend warrior/novice & the older, lesser accomplished MX competitor that may/may not hold a regional license. At the discretion of the organizers/COC, the regular fast top 3 riders/winners of this class will be advised to move up to the more expert MX Open A class. The decision will be final & no appeals will be entertained. Should the entry numbers not meet the required minimum 20 p/class, it may be combined with any other Open classes. A delayed, split start gate may be used with the faster riders set off first. - Engine capacity not exceeding 126cc 2x stroke - Open to riders 15 years and older on 250cc 4x stroke. - Open to riders 16 years and older-unrestricted capacity 2/4 stroke. Competitors may not enter additional multiple classes – No cross riding is allowed. 19.7 OPEN 2x Stroke - Open to riders 13 years and older Should the numbers meet the required minimum 20 entries, this Snr class will run on its own. This Snr class will be run as a combined capacity exclusive 2x Stroke class. The idea is to promote more affordable racing for 2x stroke enthusiasts. The different two stroke capacity classes may be separated once the numbers increase. Should the entry numbers not meet the required minimum 20 p/class, it may be combined with any other Open classes. A delayed, split start gate may be used with the faster riders set off first. - Engine capacity not exceeding 126cc 2x stroke ONLY - Open to riders 15 years and older - unrestricted capacity 2x stroke. Competitors may not enter additional multiple classes – No cross riding is allowed. 19.8 MX4 Ladies - Open to riders 10 - 15yrs Ladies will be allowed to compete only in any one of the similar capacity Men’s classes. - Engine capacity not exceeding 85cc 2x stroke and 150cc 4x stroke - Open to riders 13yrs and older Engine capacity not exceeding 125cc 2x stroke - Open to riders 15yrs and older - Engine capacity not exceeding 250cc 4x stoke - Wheel Diameter – Mixed sizes as per manufacturers Competitors may not enter additional multiple classes – No cross riding is allowed. 19.9 VMX - Open to any riders on qualified vintage bikes. Should the total numbers meet the required minimum 20 entries, each class will run on its own. As an alternative choice, VMX bikes will be allowed to compete in any one of the MX Open classes. Competitors may not enter additional multiple classes – No cross riding is allowed. 19.10 MX3 - Open to riders 30 years and older-unrestricted capacity 2/4 stroke. Should the entry numbers not meet the required minimum 20 p/class, it may be combined with any other Open classes. A delayed, split start gate may be used with the faster riders set off first. In future, should scoring be introduced, the separate age related groups within the MX3 class will be distinguished by age in multiples of 5 yrs. The first group is the 30-34yrs group, followed by the 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+. The class allocation is based on the rider’s age as at 1st January every year. Competitors may not enter additional multiple classes – No cross riding is allowed. Page 7 of 7