March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday Come Celebrate the Renewal of Our Covenant With Our God Holy Thursday, April 2 Morning Prayer - 9:00am in Church Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7:30pm With visits to the Repository until Midnight Good Friday, April 3 Morning Prayer – 9:00am in Church Confessions – from 1:30pm until 2:30pm Liturgy with Veneration of the Cross and Communion at 3:00pm in church Stations of the Cross – 7:30pm Holy Saturday, April 4 Morning Prayer – 9:00am in Church Confessions – 3:30-4:30pm Easter Vigil Mass – 7:30pm THERE IS NO 5:00PM MASS TODAY Easter Sunday, April 5 Masses are 7:00am, 9:00am and 11:00am MUSIC MINISTRY A “Lenten Gift” from the Music Ministry family at St. Helena’s and the choir of Salesianum and Ursuline! Come experience the joy of God’s love for each and every one of us through “His” gift of music. “Lenten Sketches” will take you on a spiritual journey through the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accompanied by Alyssa Schulteis and a chamber orchestra and a 60 member choir, this is something you don’t want to miss! TODAY, March 29th at 3pm here at St. Helena’s. HELP IS NEEDED: On 4/1 at 6:30pm to decorate for Holy Thursday and then again on 4/4 at 10am to help prepare the Church for Easter. All are welcome to help. Bring a friend! Celebrate Holy Week and prepare for Easter with EWTN. Tune in for live coverage of Masses, events and the finest Easter programming available. Get full details by going to: and learn how to access EWTN: We share in the mystery of the Cross by our fasting and abstinence on Good Friday. For all Catholics over the age of 14: no meat on Good Friday and for those 21 to 59 only one full meal. This is only a minimum; we are encouraged to do more, real selfdenial and penance. On Good Friday, our parish will take up the annual collection for the Holy Land. We ask you to be generous. Your financial contribution will support the works of the Catholic community in the Middle East and to protect the Holy Places and Christian Shrines. Pray for the children preparing for the Easter Sacraments of Initiation-Confirmation and Eucharist. We celebrate these sacraments during the 50 days of the Easter Season. Pray, too for those who have wandered away from the Lord and His Church that they may come home in the Sacrament of Penance and experience the forgiveness and peace of our God. Is there someone you know--in your family, a neighbor or friend--whom you can encourage to come home? Someone may be waiting for the invitation to come and find peace. The Lord needs You to extend the invitation. CAN YOU HELP YOUR PARISH? On the weekend of April 18/19, at all Masses we will again be asking you to submit names of people who might be candidates for membership in Parish Council. To help parishioners know who would be willing to serve a 3-year term, we would ask if you or someone you know is willing to be a candidate, please submit their name now to the Rectory. We know also many folks are named each year and, when contacted, are unwilling to be a candidate. It will help in the process if you would let us know now. ____Yes, if my name is submitted, I am willing to be one of the candidates in the Parish Council election. _____No, if my name is submitted, I will not be able to be a candidate in the Parish Council election. Name:_______________________________________ Phone (H):_______________ (C)_______________ Email:_______________________________________ Council meets each month (except July, August, December) on the 3rd Tuesday at 7:30pm in Masci Hall. Members are expected to be on one of the Council Committees. Page 1 – 311 WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, March 28-Palm Sunday 5:00pm(SR)Dorothy Fry Sunday, March 29 7:00am(WR)Deceased Members of the Lutcavage and Blaska Families 9:00am(SR) Janet and Edgar Obenchain 11:00am(KN)People of the Parish Monday, March 30 7:00am(WR)Hugo Hartman 9:00am(WK)Sara McDaniel Noon (SR) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carroselli (Living Intention) Tuesday, March 31 7:00am(WR)Gerard Abad 9:00am(WK)Dorothy Grow and John Grow, Sr. Noon (SR) Victor Capodanno Wednesday, April 1 7:00am(WR)Margaret J. Seitz 9:00am(WK)Michael Darmanin Noon (SR) Linda M. Fedena Thursday, April 2-Holy Thursday 9:00am: Morning Prayer 7:30pm (SR)Mass of the Lord’s Supper Friday, April 3-Good Friday 9:00am: Morning Prayer 3:00pm(SR)Veneration of the Cross 7:30pm: Stations of the Cross Saturday, April 4-Holy Saturday 9:00am: Morning Prayer 7:30pm(SR) Easter Vigil Sunday, April 5-Eater Sunday 7:00am(WR)People of the Parish 9:00am(SR) People of the Parish 11:00am(KN)People of the Parish PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY The Urban Way of the Cross: Join Sts. Andrew and Matthew Episcopal Church and other churches from the city, as they journey through the streets of Wilmington on Good Friday, 4/3. Time: 3pm; Place: 501 N. Madison Street—Hick’s Anderson Community Center. Stations of the Cross will be outside. Each Station will be a location where a person was murdered in the city. There are 14 Stations in all. If interested, call Dorothy Medeiros at 764-0325 Ext. 104. A ride will also be available. FOOD CLOSET: Canned fruit & meat, small jelly, syrup. NO pasta, pasta sauce, cereal, beans. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education: Grades 2, 7 & 8 will be reporting to Masci Hall and then leave school and going to Church for our Lenten Prayer Service and Confession tomorrow night (Monday). All other classes will be reporting to their classrooms as usual. Many thanks to the Youth Group and Confirmation Candidates for their help with the Parish Annual Easter Egg Hunt. These fun programs would never be able to be offered without their help. Children’s Liturgy of the Word will be held at the 11:00am Liturgy on Easter Sunday! DON’T FORGET-Fr. Kevin will be coming this Tuesday, March 31st to speak to us about preparing ourselves for Easter. Soup and macaroni & cheese will be served in Masci Hall at 6pm. If you forgot to sign up, please email Ms. Hummy at or call her at 762-4280 so we know the number of those who will be eating. Make this night a priority as we enter Holy Week. WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU: Many of our parishioners have made pledges in the Campaign to contribute in making repairs to preserve our Church and facilities. We thank all who have already been contributing to this effort. We are counting on you to keep your word and fulfill your pledges. Obviously we need a lot of money to repair the driveway between the Rectory and Church! GET YOUR TICKETS: Join us on Thursday, 6/4, at 7pm. Through our special sale, we have great seats in Section 418 behind home plate! Tickets can be purchased for only $30 per seat, and best of all--$15 will be donated to our Parish Social Ministry for every ticket purchased! Our 2014 sale raised $2,000, so join us for a good cause and a great time! Email Jim Clark: with your name, phone number or email address and the number of tickets you would like. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY-meets on the & 4th Wednesdays of the month. Join us! If you have questions, call Carmela, 762-9057. 2nd Page 2 – 311 ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Thursday, 4/2-Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:30pm Molly, Jared, Margaret, Will, Liz, Emily Friday, 4/3-Good Friday Veneration of the Cross 3:00pm Maria, Gavin, David Friday, 4/3-Stations of the Cross 7:30pm – Liz, Emily Saturday, 4/4-Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass 7:30pm – Chris, Tommy, Liz, Emily, Daniella, Noah Sunday, 4/5-Easter Sunday 7:00am – Joyce, Cathy 9:00am – Nate, Grace, Max 11:00am – Alaina, Maria The Columbiettes are ordinary women reaching out to help those less fortunate and to address the religious needs of our Church and community & are committed to preserving family life and to work with their Brother Knights to promote faith and unity. For info, call Judy Wilbank, 792-0641 or chapter recruiter, Tony Ritter, 239-9222. Grief Meeting: Grief can be a long journey. Join others traveling this path. Share or just listen as we sort through emotions and find some solutions. We follow the book: “A New Day”. The fee is $20. Sessions begin on 4/19 at 7pm in the Convent, 610 Philadelphia Pike. Enter the door facing the church. Sr. Dorothy Prettyman and Eileen Denis will facilitate the meetings. To add your name to our list of attendees, call Eileen, 764-0915. Our most recent Faith, Family and Fun event was a great success!! Approximately 50 bowlers of all ages joined us for a fun afternoon! Our next event will be the St. Helena’s Olympics on May 17!! Mark your calendars to join us for this communitybuilding event promising great fun and laughs for all ages! We need participants who can “compete” volunteers who can help in various ways and spectators to cheer us all on, so sign up to play, volunteer or to cheer at the following website… or call the rectory to sign-up. We look forward to continuing to share faith, family and fun with you! Spreading the Word: You may have noticed our parish trying new methods of communication this year and we’d be interested to hear what you think: In addition to this bulletin, do you like to get info from our website? Is it helpful to get an occasional email? Are there any other ways you’d like us to get the word out about Masses, celebrations and events? Thanks for your patience as we try some new things plus we’re always looking for help spreading the word. Whether you’re an amateur graphic designer, photographer, writer, please email: if you’re interested in volunteering your time or services! HEAR YE, HEAR YE Princesses and Knights are invited to welcome-in Spring with a FROZEN “Thaw Ball” on Saturday, April 11th, 11:30-1:30pm, Bellevue Community Center, Room 302. Dress in your costume and enjoy the festivities! Cost is $7. Sponsored by “Be A Princess” and The Movement Workshop. More for the community beginning in April in the same location: Classes in Country Line Dancing, Yoga, Family Zumba, Mommy & Me. Visit: or you may email: or call: 762-5500. WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, March 29-Palm Sunday 2nd Collection- Rice Bowl Offering 11:00am Child. Liturgy of the Word-Church Monday, March 30 5:30pm Youth Choir-Church 6:30pm Religious Ed 6:30pm Bible Study Tuesday, March 31 6:00pm Lenten Meal & Speaker-Masci Hall Wednesday, April 1 NO Parish Social Ministry Meeting Tonight. The next meeting is May 6, 2015. Thursday, April 2, Holy Thursday Rectory closes at 2:00pm Friday, April 3, Good Friday Rectory Closed Rectory re-opens on Tuesday, April 6 Page 3 – 311 CARNIVAL NEWS! TIRED OF THE SNOW? THINK CARNIVAL!!! Monday, April 27 through Saturday, May 2 Advance weekly admission passes, advance ride tickets and Mega-passes will be sold after all the Weekend Masses starting NEXT weekend, March 28 & 29. They are also available at the Rectory! Makes a great Easter gift! JOIN US FOR A FUN-FILLED, FAMILY-FRIENDLY CARNIVAL! Time to start your Spring Cleaning! The Carnival Attic Treasures booth needs your treasures: jewelry, CD’s, videos, knick-knacks, kitchen items, etc. (NO CLOTHES, PLEASE) The BOOK NOOK needs your gently used books (NO TEXT BOOKS, PLEASE) CARNIVAL ADMISSIONS Ages 12 & under are FREE! (Must be accompanied by adult) Ages 60 & over are FREE! MEGA-PASS holders are FREE! Nightly admission: for ages 13-59 is $5. ~ Or ~ Buy a Weekly Admission pass for $10 in advance/$15 at the gate Spread the word! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Purchase your Mega-passes and weekly admission passes now and save $5.00! WE NEED YOU! YOUR EFFORTS MAKE THE CARNIVAL A SUCCESS! IT’S FUN! PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY! VOLUNTEERS WORK A NIGHT, GET ANOTHER NIGHT FREE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I want to work at the Carnival: Name____________________________________ Phone # __________________________________ Age (Under 20)_______ Email: ___________________________________ Available: Monday, 4/27 { } Thursday, 4/30 { } Tuesday, 4/28 { } Friday, 5/1 { } Wednesday, 4/29 { } Saturday, 5/2 { } Remember: Megas are good for unlimited rides all week and FREE ADMISSION TO THE CARNIVAL! WE ALSO NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR SET-UP: Saturday, 4/25 { } Sunday, 4/26 { } CARNIVAL QUESTIONS?? Call Sue or Doug Garrett: 762-6568 AFTER CARNIVAL CLEAN-UP: Sunday, 5/3 { } Page 4 – 311