06:13 29Oct09 -PLATTS: Platts Crude Oil Marketwire - 28OCT09 (resend) PLATTS CRUDE OIL MARKETWIRE NEW YORK, 28OCT09, VOL: 30, NO: 212 COPYRIGHT (C) 2009 THE MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES MAKES NO WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OF INFORMATION, OR RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM USE. NO PORTION OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED, REPRODUCED, RETRANSMITTED, PUT INTO A COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHERWISE REDISTRIBUTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM PLATTS. PLATTS IS A TRADEMARK OF THE MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES INC. EDITORIAL: Houston/Esa Ramasamy +1 713 658 3292; New York/Sheela Tobben + 1 212 904 4919; London/Joel Hanley +44 20 7176 6142, Walid Kurdi +44 20 7176 6683, Elzbieta Rabalska +44 20 7176 6114, George Johnson + 44 20 7176 6059; Singapore/Daniel Booth +65 6530 6575, May Tham +65 6530 6550; Houston/Richard Capuchino +1 713 658 3207, Matt Cook + 1 713 658 3236. CLIENT SERVICES INFORMATION: North America: 800-PLATTS8 (800-752-8878); direct: +1 212-904-3070 Europe & Middle East: +44-20-7176-6111 Asian Pacific: +65-6530-6430 ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATIONS are available at www.platts.com SPOT CRUDE ASSESSMENTS effective October 28, 2009 NORTH SEA, WEST AFRICAN, MEDITERRANEAN spot assessments: BRENT(NOV) 75.47-75.51 DUBAI(DEC) 76.86-76.88 BRENT(DEC) 76.18-76.20 DUBAI(JAN) 76.83-76.85 BRENT(JAN) 76.76-76.80 DUBAI(FEB) 76.99-77.01 BRENT/WTI 1st NA/NA OMAN(DEC) 77.07-77.09 BRENT/WTI 2nd -1.66/-1.64 OMAN(JAN) 77.32-77.34 BRENT/WTI 3rd -1.68/-1.66 OMAN(FEB) 77.47-77.49 BRENT/DUBAI 0.45-0.47 MEC (DEC) 76.86-76.88 MEC (JAN) 76.83-76.85 MEC (FEB) 76.99-77.01 Brent and Brent/WTI are assessed at the London market close. Dubai and Oman, as well as the Asia Brent/Dubai spread, are assessed at the Singapore market close. BRENT(DTD) 75.08-75.09 CAN DTD STRIP 75.82-75.83 DTD NSL 75.08-75.09 OMAN (DEC) MOG 3.59/3.63 NS BASKET 75.74-75.77 OMAN (JAN) MOG 0.11/0.15 NS DTD STRIP 75.36-75.37 OMAN (FEB) MOG 0.13/0.17 MED DTD STRIP 75.45-75.46 MOG SWP DIFF (OCT) 0.19/0.23 BTC DTD STRIP 75.50-75.52 MOG SWP DIFF (NOV) 0.47/0.51 WAF DTD STRIP 75.71-75.73 MOG SWP DIFF (DEC) 0.46/0.50 ANGOLA DTD STRIP 75.65-75.66 MOG SWP DIFF (JAN) 0.49/0.53 DUBAI SWP(NOV) 76.82-76.86 DUBAI SWP(DEC) 76.98-77.02 MOG SWP(NOV)77.31-77.35 MOG SWP(DEC)77.46-77.50 DUBAI SWP(JAN) 77.27-77.31 BNB FORTIES EKOFISK STATFJORD OSEBERG FLOTTA BONNY LT QUA IBO FORCADOS AGBAMI ESCRAVOS BRASS RV CABINDA NEMBA DALIA GIRASSOL HUNGO KISSANJE WTI (DEC) WTI (JAN) WTI (FEB) LLS (DEC) LLS (JAN) Mars(DEC) Mars(JAN) MOG SWP(JAN)77.78-77.82 spread vs fwd DTD Brent 75.70-75.73 0.34/0.36 75.07-75.10 -0.29/-0.27 76.05-76.08 0.69/0.71 75.95-75.98 0.59/0.61 76.15-76.18 0.79/0.81 74.40-74.43 -0.96/-0.94 76.96-77.03 1.25/1.30 76.96-77.03 1.25/1.30 76.31-76.38 0.60/0.65 75.81-75.88 0.10/0.15 76.41-76.48 0.70/0.75 76.51-76.58 0.80/0.85 75.05-75.11 -0.60/-0.55 75.25-75.31 -0.40/-0.35 74.10-74.16 -1.55/-1.50 75.25-75.31 -0.40/-0.35 74.20-74.26 -1.45/-1.40 75.25-75.31 -0.40/-0.35 77.83-77.85 78.44-78.46 79.04-79.06 78.87-78.91 79.48-79.52 74.77-74.81 75.63-75.67 -0.01/0.01 -0.01/0.01 -0.01/0.01 1.04/1.06 1.04/1.06 -3.06/-3.04 -2.81/-2.79 spread vs fwd DTD Brent URALS(RDAM) 75.03-75.08 -0.42/-0.38 URALS(MED) 75.00-75.06 -0.45/-0.40 URALS(EX-NOVO) 73.73-73.79 -1.72/-1.67 URALS NOVO 80KT 73.82-73.88 -1.63/-1.58 URALS(EX-BALTIC) 74.23-74.28 -1.22/-1.18 URALS(PRIMORSK) 74.18-74.23 -1.27/-1.23 URALS (RCMB) 74.63-74.69 SIB LT CIF 75.70-75.76 0.25/0.30 CPC BLEND CIF 75.73-75.78 0.28/0.32 AZERI LT CIF 76.75-76.82 1.25/1.30 CPC BLEND FOB 74.65-74.70 -0.80/-0.76 CPC FOB 80KT 74.79-74.84 -0.66/-0.62 BTC FOB CEYHAN 75.92-75.99 0.42/0.47 SUEZBLEND 72.19-72.25 -3.26/-3.21 ESSIDER 75.82-75.88 0.37/0.42 KIRKUK 75.07-75.13 -0.38/-0.33 ILT(SIDI) 75.13-75.20 -0.32/-0.26 IHVY(SIDI) 74.78-74.85 -0.67/-0.61 SAHARAN BL 75.90-75.96 0.45/0.50 ZARZAITINE 76.05-76.11 0.60/0.65 KUMKOL 75.70-75.76 0.25/0.30 SYRIAN LT FOB 76.40-76.46 0.95/1.00 SYRIAN HVY FOB 72.60-72.66 -2.85/-2.80 AZERI LT FOB 75.72-75.79 0.22/0.27 Urals CFD assessments Urals Med CFD 1st mth (Nov) Urals Med CFD 2nd mth (Dec) Dtd Brent swap -74.41-74.46-0.67/-0.63 -74.41-74.46+-0.67/-0.63+ Russian crude oil (Ruble/bbl) Urals FOB Novorossiysk 2155.13 - 2156.88 Urals FOB Venspils 2169.74 - 2171.20 Urals FOB Novorossiysk 80kt 2157.76 - 2159.51 Urals CIF Mediterranean 2192.25 - 2194.00 Urals CIF Rotterdam 2193.13 - 2194.59 Ruble/US$ forex rate:29.2300. Platts Russian Ruble-denominated crude oil assessments are based on market values and a Ruble/US$ forex rate at 4:30 PM local London time. spread vs fwd DTD Brent TERRA NOVA 75.92-76.03 0.10/0.20 WHITE ROSE 75.92-76.03 0.10/0.20 HIBERNIA 76.32-76.43 0.50/ 0.60 The published spreads for several crudes including North Sea, West African, Mediterranean and Canadian cargo assessments reflect the market value at which these grades are trading versus dated Brent around loading time. The spreads and fixed price assessments reflect typical forward loading windows for these grades: North Sea 10-21 days, West Africa 15-45 days, Mediterranean 10-25 days, Canada 28-42 days forward. For further explanation see web-link: www.platts.com > Oil > Specifications > Crude oil specifications. Brent EFP (NOV) NA/NA Brent EFP (DEC) -0.11/-0.09 Brent EFP (JAN) -0.27/-0.25 WTI EFP (DEC) -0.01/0.01 WTI EFP (JAN) -0.01/0.01 WTI EFP (FEB) -0.01/0.01 Brent CFD assessments (at 4:30 PM local London time) Dtd Brent swap Dtd Brent swap CFD 1wk Oct 26/30 CFD 2wk Nov 02/06 (DEC) -1.11/-1.09 75.07/75.11 (DEC) -0.94/-0.92 75.24/75.28 CFD 3wk Nov 09/13 CFD 4wk Nov 16/20 (DEC) -0.87/-0.85 75.31/75.35 (DEC) -0.74/-0.72 75.44/75.48 CFD 5wk Nov 23/27 CFD 6wk Nov 30/04 (DEC) -0.59/-0.57 75.59/75.63 (DEC) -0.44/-0.42 75.74/75.78 CFD 7wk Dec 07/11 CFD 8wk Dec 14/18 (DEC) -0.29/-0.27 75.89/75.93 (DEC) -0.14/-0.12 76.04/76.08 US DOMESTIC, DELIVERED US GULF and LATIN AMERICA spot assessments: WTI (DEC) 77.35-77.37 P-PLUS WTI 2.61/2.63 WTI (JAN) 77.92-77.96 P-5 WTI 74.01 WTI (FEB) 78.54-78.56 WTI-DELTA -0.77/-0.75 MARS (DEC) 74.25-74.27 Mars/WTI (DEC) -3.11/-3.09 MARS (JAN) 74.91-74.97 Mars/WTI (JAN) -3.01/-2.99 MARS (FEB) 75.73-75.77 Mars/WTI (FEB) -2.81/-2.79 WTI(MID) WTS EUGENE BONITO SGC POSEIDON spread vs 1st line WTI 77.01-77.05 -0.34/-0.32 75.29-75.33 -2.06/-2.04 76.09-76.13 -1.26/-1.24 76.24-76.28 -1.11/-1.09 73.34-73.38 -4.01/-3.99 74.29-74.33 -3.06/-3.04 LLS 78.46-78.50 1.11/1.13 HLS 76.94-76.98 -0.41/-0.39 WYO SWT 70.64-70.68 -6.71/-6.69 Thunder Horse 76.64-76.68 -0.71/-0.69 ACM* (DEC) 73.35-73.37 ACM* (JAN) 74.03-74.05 ACM* (FEB) 74.84-74.86 Americas Dated Brent 74.61-74.63 ICE Brent Dec US Close 75.83 ICE Brent Jan US Close 76.57 *Americas Crude Marker Platts assessments of crude oil futures values prevailing exactly at 3:15 pm Eastern Time follow: NYMEX light sweet crude Dec 77.36 Jan 77.94 Feb 78.55 NYMEX Crude 3:15 pm ET Minute-Markers DEC 77.41 JAN NA spread vs 2nd line WTI spread vs 3rd line WTI BASRAH LT 75.16-75.22 -2.76/-2.74 CANO LI 78.22-78.36 0.30/0.40 WTS (2nd month) 75.86-75.92 -2.06/-2.04 LLS (2nd month) 79.03-79.09 1.11/1.13 HLS (2nd month) 77.51-77.57 -0.41/-0.39 CALIFORNIA CRUDE ASSESSMENTS LINE 63/HYNES 74.09-74.13 KERN RIVER 71.15-71.17 THUMS/LONG BEACH 71.35-71.37 P-PLUS LINE 63 -1.50/-1.45 spread vs 1st line WTI ANS/LONG BEACH 75.99-76.03 -1.39/-1.37 Platts Crude Oil Marketwire continues on page 818 PLATTS CRUDE OIL MARKETWIRE NEW YORK, 28OCT09, VOL. 30, NO. 212 Continued from page 817 CANADIAN SPOT CRUDE ASSESSMENTS C$/CM USD/BBL spread vs Canada basis Lloyd Blend 439.68-439.82 64.99-65.01 -13.16--13.14 Mixed Sweet 505.64-505.78 74.74-74.76 -3.41--3.39 Light Sour Blend 495.50-495.63 73.24-73.26 -4.91--4.89 Condensates 512.41-512.54 75.74-75.76 -2.41--2.39 Syncrude Sweet Blend 518.50-518.63 76.64-76.66 -1.51--1.49 WCS 441.37-441.51 65.24-65.26 -12.91/-12.89 Cold Lk Bld 430.55-430.68 63.64-63.66 -14.51/-14.49 Canada basis: explanation at http://www.platts.com/oil/guidetospec/index.shtml Daily Canadian Crude Posting Averages. C$/CM USD/BBL PAR CRUDE 521.00-523.00 77.01-77.31 MIXED LT SR 473.00-475.00 69.91-70.21 BOW RV/HDISTY LT/SR CROMER SR - EDMONTON MIDALE CROMER 471.00-473.00 69.62-69.91 509.50-511.50 75.31-75.61 514.33-516.33 76.02-76.32 499.00-501.00 73.76-74.05 LATIN SPOT CRUDE ASSESSMENTS (USD/Bbl--FOB) Crude Marker Differential Price Escalante WTI (JAN) -5.20 /-5.10 -72.72 -72.86Roncador WTI (JAN) -4.90 /-4.80 -73.02 -73.16Santa Barbara WTI (JAN) 0.70 /0.80 -78.62 -78.76Loreto WTI (JAN) -8.00 /-7.90 -69.92 -70.06Oriente WTI (JAN) -8.25 /-8.15 -69.67 -69.81Napo WTI (JAN) -10.75 /-10.65 -67.17 -67.31Marlim WTI (JAN) -7.40 /-7.30 -70.52 -70.66Castilla Blend WTI (JAN) -8.05 /-7.95 -69.87 -70.01Cano Limon WTI (JAN) 0.30 /0.40 -78.22 -78.36Vasconia WTI (JAN) -3.80 /-3.70 -74.12 -74.26Mesa 30 WTI (JAN) 0.25 /0.35 -78.17 -78.31PACIFIC RIM SPOT CRUDE ASSESSMENTS ($/barrel) (Condensate) Diff to API Assessment Marker Diffs Dated Brent Assessment Gravity (Asian MOC) (Asian MOC) (Asian MOC) (London MOC) NW Shelf 61.9 73.61-73.65 NWS -1.90/-1.80 * -2.80 72.29 Ras Gas 57.0 75.78-75.82 Dubai -1.25/-1.15 -0.63 74.46 Qatar LSC 56.9 +75.68-75.72+ Dubai -1.35/-1.25 -0.72 74.37 South Pars 57.4 +73.98-74.02+ Dubai -3.05/-2.95 -2.43 72.66 Senipah 54.4 73.92-73.96 ICP 1.30/1.40 ** -2.49 72.60 (Light) Diff to API Assessment Marker Diffs Dated Brent Assessment Gravity (Asian MOC) (Asian MOC) (Asian MOC) (London MOC) Griffin 55.1 78.75-78.79 Tapis -0.65/-0.55 2.35 77.44 Gippsland 48.7 77.75-77.79 1.35 76.44 Cossack 47.7 77.65-77.69 Tapis -1.75/-1.65 1.25 76.34 Tapis 45.2 79.20-79.24 Tapis -0.20/-0.10 2.80 77.89 Belida 45.1 77.35-77.39 ICP 0.35/0.45** 0.95 76.04 Kutubu 44.3 78.65-78.69 Tapis -0.75/-0.65 2.25 77.34 Handil Mix 43.9 76.76-76.80 ICP 0.35/0.45 0.36 75.45 Attaka 42.3 78.29-78.33 ICP 0.45/0.55** 1.89 76.98 Vityaz Blend 41.6 +78.53-78.57+ Dubai 1.50/1.60 * 2.13 77.22 Ardjuna 38.0 76.90-76.94 ICP 0.95/1.05** 0.50 75.59 Sokol 39.7 80.27-80.31 OM/Dub 3.00/3.10 * 3.87 78.96 Kikeh 34.9 79.15-79.19 Tapis -0.25/-0.15 ** 2.75 77.84 Miri Light 32.3 79.25-79.29 2.85 77.94 Labuan 32.0 79.32-79.36 2.92 78.01 *Differential to NWS,**Differential to ICP,,***Differential to Bach Ho formula (Medium) Diff to API Assessment Marker Diffs Dated Brent Assessment Gravity (Asian MOC) (Asian MOC) (Asian MOC) (London MOC) Nanhai 40.0 77.30-77.34 Tapis -2.10/-2.00 0.90 75.99 Su Tu Den 36.8 +77.00-77.04+ OSP 0.60/0.70 * 0.59 75.68 Minas 35.3 79.85-79.89 ICP 0.65/0.75 3.44 78.53 Nile Blend 33.9 75.68-75.72 ICP -1.85/-1.75 -0.73 74.36 Bach Ho 40.7 77.26-77.30 OSP -0.60/-0.50 *** 0.85 75.94 Widuri 33.2 74.34-74.38 ICP 0.55/0.65 -2.07 73.02 Daqing 32.2 74.49-74.53 -1.91 73.18 Cinta 31.1 74.24-74.28 ICP 0.45/0.55 -2.17 72.92 (Heavy) Diff to API Assessment Marker Diffs Dated Brent Assessment Gravity (Asian MOC) (Asian MOC) (Asian MOC) (London MOC) Dar Blend 25.0 +68.81-68.85+ -7.60 67.49 Shengli 24.2 70.11-70.15 -6.30 68.79 Stybarrow 22.8 +78.23 1.80 76.89 Enfield 22.0 +79.23 2.80 77.89 Duri 20.8 70.01-70.05 ICP 2.65/2.75 -6.40 68.69 Vincent 18.3 +77.63 1.20 76.29 MURBAN 78.34-78.38 -0.15/-0.05 LOWER ZAKUM 78.19-78.23 -0.05/0.05 UPPER ZAKUM 76.85-76.89 -0.05/0.05 UMM SHAIF 77.94-77.98 -0.05/0.05 QATAR LAND 77.23-77.27 -0.35/-0.25 QATAR MARINE 76.97-77.01 -0.35/-0.25 BANOCO ARAB MED 76.67-76.71 -0.15/-0.05 Al Shaheen 76.88-76.92 -0.15/-0.05 PAP. TAPIS(NOV) 78.75-78.79 PAP. TAPIS(DEC) 79.35-79.39 ASIA close Brent and WTI spot price assessments: BRENT(NOV) 76.61-76.65 WTI(DEC) 79.06-79.10 BRENT(DEC) 77.31-77.35 WTI(JAN) 79.63-79.67 BRENT(JAN) 78.05-78.09 WTI(FEB) 80.21-80.25 $/barrel Interim Diff to Final Asian Close Dated Brent London Close Asian Dated Brent (ADB) 76.43 Asian Crude Index (ACX) 77.37 Asian Heavy Sweet (AHS): 78.36 1.93 77.02 Dated Brent: 75.09 ADB reflects the value of Dated Brent at Asian market close (0830 GMT). It accounts for the rise or fall in value of Dated Brent from its assessment at the prior trading day's European market close (1630 hours London time), via assessment of the cash BFOE instrument from Brent futures and EFP values at Asian market close. ACX reflects the overall pricing exposure of a typical Asian refiner. The index composes a weighted average of spot physical cargo assessments for crude grades Oman, Upper Zakum, Murban, Tapis, Minas, Duri, Bonny Light, Forcados, Cabinda and Asian Dated Brent(ADB), all assessed daily by Platts at Asian market close. AHS composes an arithmetic average of assessments at Asian market close (0830GMT) of Australian heavy sweet crude grades Enfield, Stybarrow and Vincent. An interim assessment is determined by applying the differential of AHS to Asian Dated Brent (ADB) at Asian close. A final flat price assessment is determined by applying the differential to the mid-point of Dated Brent low-high assessments later in the same trading day at European market close (1630 hours London time). Platts Crude Oil Marketwire continues on page 819 PLATTS CRUDE OIL MARKETWIRE NEW YORK, 28OCT09, VOL. 30, NO. 212 Continued from page 818 MARKET NOTES: Subscriber note: Platts plans to cease publication of all Griffin crude oil price assessments from October 30, 2009. Assessments of Australia's Griffin crude, published as an outright price and with Tapis-related and Dated Brent-related differentials, are currently found on real time service Platts Global Alert (PGA) page 165 and in Platts Crude Oil Marketwire. The product codes affected are PCAGW00, PCAHE00 and AAPAA00. The Griffin oil fields off Western Australia ceased production on October 23, 2009. The fields are owned 45% by BHP Billiton, 35% by ExxonMobil and 20% Inpex. For comments or questions, please contact pricegroup@platts.com and asia_crude@platts.com. Subscriber note: Platts will not publish any Americas oil, petrochemicals, gas, power, coal, or emissions assessments on Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27, 2009, due to the US Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Americas oil and petrochemical assessment processes will close at 1:30 pm Eastern Time on Wednesday, November 25 ahead of this holiday weekend. Platts also invites market feedback to determine its holiday schedule for the 2010 US Thanksgiving holidays and beyond. Please contact Suzanne Evans, suzanne_evans@platts.com, with a cc to pricegroup@platts.com for questions or comments. Subscriber note: Platts to stop assessing Tapis swaps, cracks. Platts plans to discontinue its Asian price assessments of all Tapis paper swaps, including swaps for cracks between Tapis crude and naphtha, gasoil and jet fuel basis FOB Singapore. These assessments appear on Platts Forward Curve-Asia, an add-on to Platts Global Alert. The last assessments of these derivatives will be published March 31, 2010. Platts currently publishes a Tapis swaps forward curve on page 640, naphtha-Tapis crack swaps on 657, jet fuel/kero-Tapis crack swaps on 658 and gasoil-Tapis crack swaps on 659. These assessments also are in Platts Dispatch. Platts has observed an almost total collapse in the liquidity of paper swaps trading of Tapis and derived instruments, in tandem with a decline in the spot availability of physical Tapis crude cargoes to near zero. Based on subscriber demand, Platts will continue to publish fixed price assessments and Dated Brent-related differentials for physical Tapis crude, as published on PGA page 165, in Platts Crude Oil Marketwire and in Platts Dispatch. Platts will also continue to publish the monthly Tapis official selling price (OSP) and Tapis premium, as currently published on PGA page 334. Methodology for Platts' daily assessment of Tapis crude is available at http://platts.com/IM.Platts.Content/MethodologyReferences/MethodologySpecs/crud eoilspecs.pdf. Please email comments or questions to asia_crude@platts.com and pricegroup@platts.com. News Indonesia offers 3 mil barrels crude stocks Nov-Dec to up revenue Indonesia is offering a total of 2-3 million barrels of crude oil from its stockpile for November and December in order to boost its revenue, oil and gas director general at the energy and mines ministry, Evita Legowo, said Wednesday. "We will sell a total of around 2-3 million barrels of crude oil by the end of this year. About 1 million barrels will be sold in November, while the [balance will be sold] in December," Legowo said. In October, Indonesia sold 1 million barrels of crude stocks, chairman of upstream regulator BPMigas R. Priyono said earlier, without giving further details. The Indonesian government had earlier planned to sell 4-5 million barrels of crude this year, in a bid to meet the state budget's revenue target for 2009, but its total sales for the year from its stockpile will now likely be just around 4 million barrels as it has not been able to meet its daily output target, Legowo said. The country's crude output has decreased because of natural decline at aging fields. However, the country met its 2008 target for oil and condensate output of 977,000 b/d, pumping 988,060 b/d. Meanwhile, Indonesia's crude oil output increased 1.3% to 830,133 b/d in September from 819,473 b/d in August. The country pumped 122,075 b/d of condensate in September, up 1.5% from 120,239 b/d in August. Combined crude and condensate increased 1.33% to 952,208 b/d in September. Indonesia targets producing 960,000 b/d in 2009, and has averaged 950,367 b/d over January-September. The country's oil and condensate output is expected to increase by 0.52% to 965,000 b/d in 2010. ConocoPhillips Q3 crude output rises to 829,000 b/d ConocoPhillips Wednesday reported that its worldwide crude oil production rose to 829,000 b/d in the third quarter, from 781,000 b/d in the third quarter of 2008. In its latest quarterly earnings report, the US-based major also said that its average realized prices for oil in the latest quarter dropped sharply from the year-ago period. In the US, its average realized price was $66.22/barrel, compared with $118.90/b a year ago. Its realized price for crude oil it produced outside the US was $65.74/b, compared with $107.99/b. Tariff on Russian crude for Belarus may be lifted in 2010:diplomat Russia is likely to continue levying a tariff on Russian crude exported to Belarus in 2010, but probably only for the first half of the year, a Russian diplomat said Wednesday. The existing export duty on crude oil supplied to Belarus "most likely... will be for half of the year," Russia's ambassador to Belarus, Alexander Surikov, said, as quoted by Russian news agency Prime Tass. Surikov's comments imply that the duty may be lifted midway through next year. At present, Russia levies a duty on crude exported to Belarus, although the duty is less than the duty for crude supplied to other countries, a spokesman with Belarus' Customs Committee told Platts Wednesday. "The export duty is calculated at a lower rate than for other countries," the spokesman said, declining to disclose the rate. Russia's crude export duty is set monthly according to a formula and derived from an average Urals price. As of November 1, Russia's crude export duty for countries other than Belarus will be fixed at $231.2/mt ($31.67/barrel). Surikov's comments indirectly confirmed Belarus' hopes that the introduction of a planned customs union by Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus would do away with the export duty for crude supplied to Belarus altogether, reported Prime Tass. --- ------Platts Crude Oil Marketwire continues on page 827 PLATTS CRUDE OIL MARKETWIRE NEW YORK, 28OCT09, VOL. 30, NO. 212 Continued from page 819 Market Notes The December cash BFOE contract was assessed at $76.19/barrel Wednesday reflecting the last trade in the Platts Market on Close assessment process. Sempra and ConocoPhillips offered the contract to $76.10/b and Mercuria lifted Sempra's offer. ConocoPhillips retreated following the trade to $76.19/b and traded here with Mercuria. No reoffer was shown. The January cash BFOE contract was assessed at $76.78/b. Shell offered the contract to this level, traded with Total, reoffered and traded with Mercuria. Despite a rise in the underlying crude complex the January cash BFOE value appeared to remain steady. Hetco remained bid at $76.69/b on the close. In the CFD market, Vitol offered the November 16-20 week and traded 200 lots with StatoilHydro at January minus $1.32/b and 100 lots at January minus $1.30/b. The contract went out January minus $1.34/b at January minus $1.26/b with StatoilHydro bidding at Phibro. On the November 9-13 week, Vitol sold 200 lots to JP Morgan, 100 lots at January minus $1.40/b and 100 lots at January minus $1.45/b. Vitol sold a further 100 lots to Koch at January minus $1.45/b. The contract went out bid at January minus $1.46/b by Total. Key data for Wednesday's BFOE/Brent assessment were derived as follows: December cash BFOE/Brent assessed at $76.19/barrel. North Sea CFD average for 10-21 days out: $75.365/barrel. BNB assessment 10-21 days out: NS Dated Strip plus $0.35 = $75.715/barrel. Forties assessment 10-21 days out: NS Dated Strip minus $0.28 = $75.085/barrel. Oseberg assessment 10-21 days out: NS Dated Strip plus $0.80 = $76.165/barrel. Ekofisk assessment 10-21 days out: NS Dated Strip plus $0.70 = $76.065/barrel. Liquidity was concentrated in the first half of the day Wednesday but there was still 3,900 b/d of December delivery crude traded during the Platts Market on Close assessment process. Sunoco reported selling Midland WTI to ConocoPhillips at the December cash WTI minus 33 cents/b. The volume was reported as the standard 1,000 b/d lot. They also reported selling LLS to ConocoPhillips at December plus $1.12/b for 700 b/d. Sunoco last deal saw them selling 2,200 b/d of WTI postings plus to Marathon at $2.62/b. ----- --North Sea NORTH SEA: Sentiment across the market was bearish Wednesday with demand for Forties viewed as sluggish with supply ample. "Forties is not very strong because there are still some cargoes around," one trading source said. The spike in the gasoline and naphtha crack spreads was thought to have little immediate impact on the market with refiners preferring to have a sustained period of improved refining margins before raising throughput and crude oil demand. Economics supporting a build of floating storage and arbitrage to the US were also absent, sources said. The support recently seen in the November 2-6 versus November 9-13 roll fell back with the roll valued at minus $0.07/barrel, $0.05/b lower on the day. Trading sources had expressed some surprise at the support seen on the prompt CFDs through the day. "I don't get the strength in the November 2-6 [CFD week]," one trading source said earlier in the day. "I don't see much oil placed so there should be decent availability. I am a bit perplexed." Physical activity in the Forties market meanwhile was relatively subdued as Vitol withdrew selling interest in the MOC process leaving Nexen offering the November 15-17 Forties stem at Dated Brent minus $0.05/b. Other North Sea grades meanwhile appeared to have cleared steadily. Some offers were shown at levels above trades last heard in what seemed a response to higher refining margins, but no further trades were heard. An Ekofisk offer was heard to have been shown at Dated Brent plus $0.85/b and a cross month Oseberg was offered at Dated Brent plus $0.95/b. A November 29 Statfjord stem was offered by StatoilHydro at Dated Brent plus $0.65/b. Mediterranean MEDITERRANEAN LIGHT: Saharan premiums were supported by the recent improvement in the gasoline and naphtha cracks, refining sources said Wednesday. Premiums were reported to be around Dated Brent plus $0.50/barrel with good demand seen from US and Asian buyers, trading sources said. Most of the November barrels were placed and Sonatrach started selling December cargoes, sources said. India's Bharat Petroleum Corp bought three million barrels of Saharan crude for December loading in a tender that closed Tuesday October 27, trading sources said. The price was kept P&C. This was BPCL's second tender for December-loading crudes. In it first tender it also bought a Suezmax cargo of Saharan Blend [Algeria] and a cargo of Espoir Norrein [Ivory Coast]. However, this tender result was not confirmed. Cepsa placed its Saharan Suezmax loading November 16, market sources said. The details of the buyer and the price were kept P&C. CPC premiums were seen supported with rising interest from refiners and few Aframax stems left as oil products cracks generally improved, refining sources said. In the Platts Market on Close assessment process, Gunvor offered and withdrew an offer for CPC Blend at Dated Brent plus $0.45/b scheduled loading November 15-19, 85,000 mt ex-Novorossiisk CPC terminal. However, Azeri remained under pressure with second and third-decade barrels available from a number of major sellers, according to market sources. Socar is expected to release a tender for Azeri loading early December. No more tenders for November barrels were expected, one market source said. Platts Crude Oil Marketwire continues on page 828 PLATTS CRUDE OIL MARKETWIRE NEW YORK, 28OCT09, VOL. 30, NO. 212 Continued from page 827 MEDITERRANEAN SOUR: Urals differentials rose again Wednesday with the substantial shortage of supply in Northwest Europe having an impact on the market. Rumors of a VLCC loading for a Chinese refiner added to bullish sentiments in the region. "With thinner export programs and rumors of a potential VLCC loaded in the North, sellers are holding back again," one European refiner said. In the Platts Market on Close assessment process, Glencore bid for a Urals cargo in NWE at Dated Brent minus $0.45/barrel scheduled loading November 12-16 ex-Primorsk or Gdansk. In the Med, Shell offered a Urals cargo down to Dated Brent minus $0.35/b scheduled loading November 14-18, ex-Novorossiisk or Yuzhny, 80,000 mt. The relative improvement in refining margins helped support Urals. "Not much alternatives for medium grades," a refiner said. There were reports of limited Iranian and Iraqi crude barrels available. The strength in the Urals market and weakness in grades like Azeri and Siberian Light raised the prospects of an increase in the intake of sweet barrels by refiners. "Sweet margins are improving, Saharan yield is better and Azeri is really good," a European refiner said. Sytrol rolled over its October official selling price of Syrian Heavy crude to November, a source at Sytrol said. The OSP for next month was set at Dated Brent minus $3.40/b, said the source, the same level that Sytrol proposed last week. Societe Du Pipeline Sud Europeen (SPSE) aims to restart the crude flows through the 40-inch pipeline linking France to mainland Europe by the end of December, a source at SPSE said. "The 40-inch pipeline is expected to restart end of December if the planned inspection plan and resistance tests are successful," a SPSE operations manager said in a statement. --West Africa WEST AFRICA: Around half of the December Angolan program had cleared by Wednesday, while trading in the December Nigerian programs was steady, trading sources said. Some December cargoes were tied-up in the CPC tender which was reducing the number of cargoes on offer to the market, trading sources said. In Angola all eight cargoes set to load December had been sold, sources said. What was the ninth end-December Dalia cargo had slipped into January, sources added. Total reportedly sold the December 24-25 Dalia cargo to Shell. Total declined to comment on the reported trade, Shell was unavailable for comment. Sonangol sold Unipec the December 16-17 Cabinda cargo and the December 12-13 Hungo cargo, sources said. Value for both grades has fallen as demand for Angolan cargoes from refiners remains lackluster, sources said. Moreover, the first-port VLCC restriction on Cabinda and Nemba in December continued to weigh on value for the grades, a trader said. In Nigeria there were a few reported trades. ExxonMobil reportedly sold the December 15-16 Qua Iboe cargo to Glencore with the cargo then being sold to Eni. The cargo was reportedly last offered by ExxonMobil at Dated Brent plus $1.50/barrel, although this offer and the were not confirmed. Total sold the December 6-7 Amenam cargo to ConocoPhillips, sources said, however this trade was not confirmed. StatoilHydro reportedly sold the December 10-11 Agbami cargo to Petrobras, StatoilHydro declined to comment on the reported trade. Unipec were offering the December 5-6 Brass River cargo around Dated Brent plus $1.40/b, sources said. PG/Asia Pacific Rim Middle East crudes continued to trade at a narrow spread to Brent, as Dubai and Oman hung on to their relative strength despite the fuel oil crack against Dubai weakening in recent days. The cash Brent/Dubai spread, which measures the Brent premium over Dubai, was at plus 46 cents/b Tuesday, compared with plus 69 cents/b at the start of the month. More significantly, the intermonth contango in Dubai has narrowed through October, signaling spot cargoes for Middle East sour crudes continued to be snapped up by refiners. But the high flat prices for sour crudes have eaten into refining margins, and this could prompt more refiners in Asia to reduce refinery runs. In Japan, Idemitsu Kosan plans to process 2.10 million kiloliters of crude (13.21 million barrels or 440,300 b/d) in November, down 5% from the same month last year on sluggish demand for gasoil. Similarly, Nippon Oil has also planned to reduce its crude runs to 4.82 million kiloliters (30.32 million barrels or 977,962 b/d) in November, down 1% from a year ago in the face of sluggish demand for oil products. Steady to firmer differentials seen for Vietnam's Su Tu Den and Rang Dong underpinned regional medium sweet grades Wednesday, though news that Indonesia would continue to offer crude from the country's stockpile dampened the market, particularly for heavy sweet grades. Traders said PV Oil sold one cargo each of Su Tu Den loading in December to Shell and Vitol at Platts/APPI Minas plus $3-3.26/b, marginally higher than premiums of $2.80-3.20/b in November. PV Oil also sold two cargoes of December Rang Dong to ExxonMobil at Platts/APPI Minas plus $3.40-3.71/b, traders said. Meanwhile, Indonesia would release another 2-3 million barrels of crude from the country's stockpile over November and December, a senior official from the energy and mines ministry said Wednesday. In October, Indonesia sold 1 million barrels. While the official did not elaborate what grade Indonesia would sell, Pertamina has sold around 600,000 barrels of heavy sweet Duri loading end October in a physical swap trade with Chevron. Platts Crude Oil Marketwire continues on page 850 PLATTS CRUDE OIL MARKETWIRE NEW YORK, 28OCT09, VOL. 30, NO. 212 Continued from page 828 Americas US GULF COAST Light Louisiana Sweet crude cash differentials finished the day unchanged at the December cash WTI plus $1.12/b. The Heavy Louisiana Sweet crude came off another 30 cents/b with deals done at the December cash WTI minus 40 cents/b. Thunder Horse was done at December minus 70 cents/b, a 10 cent/b slide. The Midland WTI was done at minus 33 cents/b. Bonito was pegged at minus $1.1/b and Eugene Island was pegged at minus $1.25/b. Mars crude was slightly weaker Wednesday, coming off 10 cents/b. The market finished at the December cash WTI minus $3.1/b. The Poseidon was pegged 5 cents/b stronger than Mars. Southern Green Canyon was seen trading at minus $4/b, a 40 cent/b decline. The West Texas Sour crude was pegged at minus $2.05/b, a 30 cent/b negative shift. CANADA Terra Nova was offered stronger Wednesday on the back of healthy demand for residual fuel oil, market sources said. Terra Nova was offered at Dated Brent plus 30 cents/b, up from prices talked earlier in the week at Dated Brent minus 10 cents/b. "Resid fuel values are very strong," one source said. "The big knock on Terra Nova is the resid content." Market sources said there were no Hibernia cargos currently being shown, though notionally Hibernia was talked at Dated Brent plus 70 by 80 cents/b. Canadian pipeline crude differentials were stable Wednesday as trade remained thin. Market sources said Syncrude was talked at the front-month NYMEX calendar month average minus $1.75/b by minus $1.25/b, a slightly tighter range than Tuesday's minus $1.95/b by minus $1.05/b. Western Canadian Select was talked at minus $13.25/b by minus $12.60/b, also nearly unchanged from Tuesday's levels. Nexen and OPTI, owners of the Long Lake oil sands joint venture, said bitumen production at the site has ramped up to 10,000-12,000 b/d following planned maintenance in the third quarter. The upgrader is expected to come back online soon, the companies said. The facility is expected to hit design rates of 60,000 b/d synthetic crude production in 2011, the companies said in earnings Wednesday. Platts Crude Oil Marketwire continues on page 852 PLATTS CRUDE OIL MARKETWIRE NEW YORK, 28OCT09, VOL. 30, NO. 212 Continued from page 850 US WEST COAST ConocoPhillips sold Wednesday 300,000 barrels of Alaska North Slope crude at an average of the front-month NYMEX crude settlement price minus $2.00/barrel, according to a transaction report provided by the seller. ConocoPhillips does not disclose the buyer of its cargoes. ConocoPhillips sold 300,000 barrels of ANS on October 14 at an average of the month's front-month NYMEX crude settlement price minus $2.00/barrel. Valero was said to be the buyer of that volume. On October 13, Chevron was heard to have purchased a total of 900,000 barrels of ANS from ConocoPhillips at that same price. Refinery runs on the US West Coast have caused sellers to reduce the price of ANS to reluctant buyers. Differentials for ANS alternatives from South America to the US West Coast have also weakened in recent weeks. LATIN AMERICA A Panamax-sized cargo of Ecuadorean Napo was sold Wednesday to a US Gulf Coast refiner for delivery in the first week of December at the equivalent of January cash WTI minus $8.50/b, said market sources. Freight from Esmeraldas to the Houston-area was called at about $3.00/b for a free on board equivalent of January cans WTI minus $11.50/b, said market sources. Platts did not fully reflect the trade as confirmation with Shell was not possible. Trader Castor Petroleum sold to Shell for delivery to the 340,000 b/d Deer Park, Texas refinery, which is a joint venture between Shell and Mexico's state oil company Pemex. Napo has a gravity of 19 API and 2% sulfur content. Shell Deer Park consumes volumes of contractual Maya, with a gravity of 22 API and 3.3% sulfur content. The price for Maya on Wednesday for loading in October was $7.63/b below front month WTI. The contango spread between December and January cash WTI on Wednesday was 58 cents/b. At last report there were still two Panamax-sized cargoes of Napo for loading in late November that remained unsold. Refining rate cuts have diminished the demand for heavy, sour grades of crude in both the US on all coasts, report market sources. There was also talk that another Napo cargo was being offered at January cash WTI minus $7.00/b on a delivered basis for delivery in the first half of December, but no trade was heard done at those levels. There was no confirmation Wednesday on talk earlier in the week that refiners were looking to resell volumes of Colombian Castilla Blend, 19 API and 2% sulfur, due to the cutbacks in refining rates. Although no trade for Castilla Blend was confirmed, market sources called it between cash WTI minus $7.50/b and minus $8.50/b on an FOB basis. Reported Spot market transactions European window deals: BFO window 28/10 November 9 13 Brent CFD done Jan -1.45 100,000 Vitol JP Morgan 28/10 November 9 13 Brent CFD done Jan -1.45 100,000 Vitol Koch 28/10 November 9 13 Brent CFD done Jan -1.40 100,000 Vitol JP Morgan 28/10 November 16 20 Brent CFD done Jan -1.32 200,000 Vitol StatoilHydro 28/10 November 16 20 Brent CFD done Jan -1.30 100,000 Vitol StatoilHydro 28/10 December Cash BFOE done 76.10 100,000 Sempra Mercuria 28/10 December Cash BFOE done 76.19 100,000 ConocoPhillips Mercuria 28/10 January Cash BFOE done 76.78 100,000 Shell Total 28/10 January Cash BFOE done 76.78 100,000 Shell Mercuria North Sea, Mediterranean and West African deals: NSMedWaf 28/10 December 1 31 Saharan Blend heard P&C 3,000,000 Sonatrach BPCL * 28/10 November 2 6 Brent CFD reported Dec -0.73 100,000 Glencore Unipec 28/10 November 9 13 Brent CFD reported Jan -1.40 100,000 Phibro JP Morgan 28/10 November 9 13 Brent CFD reported Jan -1.44 100,000 Chevron StatoilHydro 28/10 November 2 6 9-13 Brent CFD reported -0.07 200,000 Phibro Chevron 28/10 November 9 13 16-20 Brent CFD reported -0.15 600,000 Phibro Chevron 28/10 November 9 13 16-20 Brent CFD reported -0.15 200,000 Shell OMV Asia/pacific deals: Asia 28/10 Su Tu Den: FPSO Cuu Long: December: 300-450kb: PV Oil heard sold one cargo each to Shell and Vitol at Platts/APPI Minas plus $3-3.26/b 28/10 Rang Dong: FSO Rang Dong: December: around 400kb: PV Oil heard sold two cargoes to ExxonMobil at Platts/APPI Minas plus $3.40-3.71/b Platts Crude Oil Marketwire continues on page 853 PLATTS CRUDE OIL MARKETWIRE NEW YORK, 28OCT09, VOL. 30, NO. 212 Continued from page 852 US domestic window deals: 10/28 December WTI P-Plus reported 2.62 68,200 Sunoco - Marathon ; 10/28 December LLS reported Dec 1.12 21,700 Sunoco - ConocoPhillips ; 10/28 December Midland WTI reported Dec -0.33 31,000 Sunoco - ConocoPhillips ; ----CRUDE FUTURES settlements: NYMEX: DEC 77.46 -2.09; JAN 78.06 -2.09; FEB 78.65 -2.10; MAR 79.14 -2.12; Total volume, 506420; DME Oman Asia: DEC 77.12 -0.01 Total volume, 1044; DME Oman: DEC 76.00 -1.94; JAN 76.06 -2.03; FEB 76.21 -2.12; MAR 76.53 -2.12; Total volume, 5787; ICE/IPE WTI: DEC 77.46 -2.09 ; JAN 78.06 -2.09 ; FEB 78.65 -2.10 ; MAR 79.14 -2.12 ; Total volume, 150262; ICE/IPE BRENT: DEC 75.86 -2.06; JAN 76.60 -2.06; FEB 77.32 -2.07; MAR 77.96 -2.08; Total volume: 270756; ICE/IPE Mideast Crude:DEC 75.29 -2.06; JAN 75.59 -2.06; FEB 75.87 -2.06;MAR 76.23 -2.06; Totoal volume 0 ICE/IPE BWAVE: DEC 77.51; ICE/IPE BWAVE: JAN 78.30; PRODUCTS FUTURES settlements: NYMEX RBOB UNLEADED GASOLINE: NOV 198.64 -8.41; DEC 198.18 -8.54; JAN 199.64 -8.06; FEB 201.42 -7.61; Total volume: 8172; NYMEX NO. 2 NOV 199.69 -5.82; DEC 202.12 -5.80; JAN 205.22 -5.80; FEB 207.66 -5.66; Total volume: 99716; NYMEX NATURAL GAS: NOV 4.289 -0.27; DEC 5.066 -0.22; JAN 5.419 -0.21; FEB 5.478 -0.20; Total volume: 183831; ICE/IPE GASOIL: NOV 624.75 -16.00; DEC 631.75 -16.00; JAN 640.25 -16.00; FEB 646.75 -16.00; Total volume: 108910. Please note that all total volumes reflect prior day's data, except for the IPE crude trade-weighted average. BWAVE = trade-weighted average of all electronic trades from 1:00 AM to 11:00 PM local London time. BWAVE data refer to the previous business day. Currently, NYMEX volume summaries refer only to trading floor and not to electronic transactions. DAILY OPEC BASKET PRICE: (data are retroactively published for the previous business day): 27Oct 76.43 -0.27 Effective March 11, 2008, the daily OPEC basket price represents an index of the following 13 grades: Algeria's Saharan Blend, Angola's Girassol, Ecuador's Oriente, Indonesia's Minas, Iranian Heavy, Iraq's Basra Light, Kuwait's Export, Libya's Es Sider, Nigeria's Bonny Light, Qatar's Marine, Saudi Arabia's Arab Light, Murban of the UAE and Venezuela's BCF 17. Daily US$ vs EURO exchange rate (Forex rate at 4:30 PM local London time) 28Oct 1.4741 Daily Ruble vs US$ exchange rate (Forex rate at 4:30 PM local London time) 28Oct 29.2300 ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATIONS are available at www.platts.com ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Arab Light (Most recent FOB spot: N.A.) CRK 77.48 1.21 76.27 75.19 0.65 74.54 79.27 1.28 77.99 79.03 2.41 76.62 COK 78.42 1.28 77.14 80.90 2.41 78.49 VIS 75.38 1.21 74.17 73.01 0.65 72.36 Arab Medium (Most recent FOB spot: N.A.) CRK 76.63 1.23 75.40 74.14 0.66 73.48 77.86 1.31 76.55 COK 77.38 1.31 76.07 VIS 74.28 1.23 73.05 72.14 0.66 71.48 Arab Heavy (Most recent FOB spot: N.A.) CRK 75.89 1.26 74.63 73.82 0.68 73.14 77.62 1.34 76.28 COK 76.53 1.34 75.19 VIS 73.60 1.26 72.34 72.45 0.68 71.77 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Arab Berri (Most recent FOB spot: N.A.) CRK 81.01 1.26 79.75 81.52 2.38 79.14 COK 80.24 1.26 78.98 82.95 2.38 80.57 Attaka (Most recent FOB spot: 78.31) CRK 76.92 1.39 75.53 VIS 75.51 1.39 74.12 Azeri Light (Most recent FOB spot: 78.34) CRK 81.20 1.38 79.82 VIS 77.91 1.38 76.53 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Basrah Light (Most recent CIF Gulf Coast spot: 75.19) CRK 77.77 1.25 76.52 79.02 1.31 77.71 79.33 2.42 76.91 COK 78.41 1.31 77.10 81.20 2.42 78.78 VIS 75.23 1.25 73.98 BCF 17 (Most recent FOB spot: N/A) CRK 75.32 0.70 74.62 COK 74.65 0.70 73.95 BCF 22 (Most recent FOB spot: N/A) CRK 77.39 0.68 76.71 COK 77.27 0.68 76.59 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk BCF 24 (Most recent FOB spot: N/A) CRK 78.12 0.67 77.45 COK 78.08 0.67 77.41 79.94 1.70 78.24 Bonny Light (Most recent FOB spot: 77.00 ) CRK 83.83 1.23 82.60 84.15 2.66 81.49 Bow River (Most recent FOB spot: 69.77 ) COK 80.71 1.84 78.87 Brass (Most recent FOB spot: 76.55 ) CRK 80.41 1.50 78.91 81.07 1.10 79.97 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Brent (Most recent FOB spot: 76.66 ) CRK 79.41 0.53 78.88 81.63 1.01 80.62 COK 80.76 1.01 79.75 VIS 76.73 0.53 76.20 Cabinda (Most recent FOB spot: 75.08 ) CRK 80.85 1.50 79.35 80.05 2.60 77.45 COK 80.69 1.50 79.19 83.39 2.60 80.79 Cano Limon (Most recent FOB spot: 80.49 ) CRK 81.44 0.60 80.84 80.74 1.70 79.04 COK 81.05 0.60 80.45 83.13 1.70 81.43 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Dubai (Most recent FOB spot: 76.22 ) CRK 75.93 0.61 75.32 VIS 73.23 0.61 72.62 Duri (Most recent FOB spot: 69.62 ) CRK 72.06 0.74 71.32 VIS 67.19 0.74 66.45 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Ekofisk (Most recent FOB spot: 76.07 ) CRK 79.66 0.42 79.24 VIS 76.69 0.42 76.27 Escalante (Most recent FOB spot: 72.79 ) CRK 78.01 3.42 74.59 COK 78.66 3.42 75.24 Flotta (Most recent FOB spot: 74.42 ) CRK 78.35 0.48 77.87 VIS 75.48 0.48 75.00 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Forcados (Most recent FOB spot: 76.35 ) CRK 84.64 1.19 83.45 83.71 2.51 81.20 Forties (Most recent FOB spot: 75.09 ) CRK 78.64 0.53 78.11 VIS 75.52 0.53 74.99 Gullfaks (Most recent FOB spot: N/A) CRK 81.05 0.51 80.54 VIS 77.79 0.51 77.28 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Iran Heavy (Most recent FOB spot, Sidi Kerir: 74.82 ) CRK 77.70 1.00 76.70 VIS 74.97 1.00 73.97 Iran Light (Most recent FOB spot, Sidi Kerir: 75.17 ) CRK 78.70 0.99 77.71 VIS 75.79 0.99 74.80 Isthmus (Most recent FOB spot: 76.84 ) CRK 80.61 0.36 80.25 COK 79.52 0.36 79.16 Kirkuk (Most recent FOB spot: 76.56 ) CRK 77.78 0.75 77.03 Platts Crude Oil Marketwire continues on page 854 PLATTS CRUDE OIL MARKETWIRE NEW YORK, 28OCT09, VOL. 30, NO. 212 Continued from page 853 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Kuwait (Most recent FOB spot: 75.74 ) CRK 76.74 1.25 75.49 74.43 0.69 73.74 78.17 1.30 76.87 COK 77.58 1.30 76.28 VIS 74.15 1.25 72.90 72.28 0.69 71.59 LLS (Most recent FOB spot: 78.48 ) CRK 82.84 0.65 82.19 83.63 0.78 82.85 COK 82.31 0.65 81.66 84.64 0.78 83.86 Mars (Most recent FOB spot: 74.26 ) CRK 78.32 0.63 77.69 COK 77.97 0.63 77.34 Marlim (Most resent FOB spot: (70.59 ) CRK 77.82 0.69 77.13 COK 79.04 0.69 78.35 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Maya (Most recent FOB spot: 71.75 ) CRK 76.37 0.36 76.01 COK 73.59 0.36 73.23 113.33 1.50 111.83 Merey (Most recent FOB spot: N/A) CRK 75.25 0.71 74.54 COK 75.30 0.71 74.59 Mesa (Most recent FOB spot: 78.24 ) CRK 79.98 0.65 79.33 79.51 1.68 77.83 COK 79.69 0.65 79.04 81.56 1.68 79.88 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Minas (Most recent FOB spot: 79.87 ) CRK 75.01 0.68 74.33 VIS 69.20 0.68 68.52 Mixed Light Sour (Most recent FOB spot: 70.06 ) CRK 79.72 1.84 77.88 COK 80.74 1.84 78.90 Mixed Light Sweet (Most recent FOB spot: 77.16 ) CRK 82.90 1.66 81.24 COK 83.87 1.66 82.21 Murban (Most recent FOB spot: 78.33 ) CRK 79.42 1.16 78.26 76.13 0.61 75.52 VIS 73.61 0.61 73.00 Qatar Dukhan (Most recent FOB spot: 77.12 ) CRK 75.75 0.66 75.09 VIS 73.57 0.66 72.91 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Qatar Marine (Most recent FOB spot: 76.68 ) CRK 76.06 0.66 75.40 VIS 73.36 0.66 72.70 Umm Shaif (Most recent FOB spot: 77.57 ) CRK 75.32 0.61 74.71 VIS 72.87 0.61 72.26 Zakum(Lower) (Most recent FOB spot: 78.00 ) CRK 75.45 0.61 74.84 VIS 73.30 0.61 72.69 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Olmeca (Most recent FOB spot: 76.42 ) CRK 81.23 0.35 80.88 81.99 1.50 80.49 COK 80.38 0.35 80.03 82.87 1.50 81.37 Oman (Most recent FOB spot: 77.08 ) CRK 75.27 0.57 74.70 VIS 73.00 0.57 72.43 Rabi (Most recent FOB spot: N/A) CRK 83.16 1.24 81.92 COK 83.31 1.24 82.07 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Saharan Blend (Most recent FOB spot: 77.06 ) CRK 78.65 0.36 78.29 Statfjord (Most recent FOB spot: 75.97 ) CRK 79.92 0.53 79.39 81.95 1.01 80.94 COK 81.17 1.01 80.16 VIS 77.10 0.53 76.57 Soyo/Palanca (Most recent FOB spot: N/A) CRK 82.68 1.39 81.29 COK 81.75 1.39 80.36 Syncrude (Most recent FOB spot: N/A) CRK 83.40 1.53 81.87 Tapis (Most recent FOB spot: 79.22 ) CRK 77.22 0.54 76.68 VIS 73.75 0.54 73.21 ARA Singapore US Gulf Coast US Midcontinent Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Yld Frt Nbk Troll (Most recent FOB spot: N/A) CRK 83.50 1.09 82.41 COK 84.15 1.09 83.06 Urals (Most recent CIF ARA spot: 75.06 ) CRK 78.33 0.59 77.74 79.84 0.88 78.96 COK 79.62 0.88 78.74 VIS 75.46 0.59 74.87 WTI (Most recent FOB spot: 77.36 ) CRK 81.12 0.94 80.18 81.88 0.43 81.45 COK 80.56 0.94 79.62 83.08 0.43 82.65 WTS (Most recent CIF spot: 75.29 ) CRK 80.92 0.65 80.27 COK 82.25 0.65 81.60 Zuetina (Most recent FOB spot: 76.81 ) CRK 80.38 0.53 79.85 Platts publishes yields and netbacks produced by Platts Daily Yield, a joint venture between Platts and the consulting engineering firm of Turner, Mason & Co. All yields and netbacks in Platts Crude Oil Marketwire will be produced using Platts product assessments and Turner, Mason's TMMS refinery modeling platform, configured to represent actual processing capabilities in specific regional centers based on a survey of operating refineries to be updated annually. Beginning January 2, 2002, Platts Crude Oil Marketwire will run daily yields and netbacks for Singapore, ARA (Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp), and the US Gulf Coast. A fourth refining center will be available on the following schedule: Monday, US East Coast; Tuesday, Caribbean; Wednesday, US Midcontinent; Thursday, Italy; and Friday, US West Coast. However, yields and netbacks produced for all those cities are available daily through Platts Global Alert and Platts Dispatch. For further questions, please go to www.platts.com, click on the Oil tab and look for the link to Platts Daily Yield. --End of Wire--