Teenage Dating - Mr. Dan's Classes

Teenage Dating
Directions: You and your group are responsible for reading your assigned section
and completing the tasks below. Work together on all parts of the assignment; do not separate
the work for different individuals. While completing these tasks, you should be able to
answer the following Guiding questions:
1. How did dating develop as a form of social interaction?
-Dating developed within romantic engagement. Date also helps people to choose
the marriage partner.
2. Why is it found in industrial and post industrial societies?
-Because of the technology. Telephone makes easier to communicate each other.
3. Why not pre-industrial societies?
-Because there are not enough technology that helps to communicate. So they
cannot have romantic relationship.
4. What functions does dating fulfill?
-Dating fulfill function of conversation. Conversation helps to know about each
Everyone is responsible for completing and submitting this document on the topic’s
page as shown in class.
Dating through the Ages
Read pages 131 to 134 and complete the chart below. Write the main ideas on the left
and write the details and examples on the right. Use the 5WH question words to
complete the details column.
Adolescent Dating
Main Ideas
Reasons for Dating
1. Dating is a form of entertainment. Dating allows young
people to get together to simply have fun..
2. Dating is a mechanism for socialization. It teaches
individuals about member of the opposite sex.
3. Dating fulfills certain basic psychological needs such as
conversation, companionship.
4. Dating helps individuals attain status.
5. In the later stage of dating, spouse selection becomes an
important issue.
Traditional Dating
Traditional dating can still be found in small towns in U.S.
Under the traditional dating system, responsibility for
arranging a date fell to the man.
Modern Dating
Young man and woman interact with each informally.
They can select their partner by themselves.
Different Types of
Modern Dating
-People having line, makes good impression.
-Starting relationship with friendship.
Causes/Effects of Dating
Directions: Read pages 127 to 129 in the text book and complete the following chart.
You will find five causes that contributed to the development of dating in American
society. List the cause and then explain the effect that this cause had on dating life in
the United States.
-The timing of marriage was determined by the age at which an
acquired the property necessary to support a family.
-Helped to pave the way for dating.
-Public schools were coeducational, which meant that young men and
women spent a good portion of their day with one another.
-Gave young people added freedom of movement.
-The interaction between single adult men and single adult women
- Technological developments gave young people add freedom of
It makes easier to communicate each other.
Equality of
Women entered the workforce and took active roles in the community.