October 24, 2013 Present were: Bob Stoll, Mike Halvorson, Lauren Fox, Randy Kaskin, Robert Gehring, Gerry VanderZee, Nancy Kemp, Bruce Melling, George Bailitz, Paula Soderman, Charlie Gitzinger, Barbara Reynolds and Phyllis Kaskin. Absent were: Val Lass and Bob Meyer. 1. Meeting called to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with a quorum of supervisors and commissioners present. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Stoll led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. A moment of silence was held in memory of Tom Brown. 3. Approval of minutes. A motion by Gehring/Halvorson to accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried. 4. Reports: a. Committees and reports from the floor. Matt Gronke - The fire house was inspected by the State. Five violations were noted and most have been corrected. The ladders have been removed and the cabinets purchased. b. Building Inspector. For September the estimated cost of improvements was $256,700, permit fees were $5,707.60 and the maintenance fees were $480.00. c. Clerk. Received a letter from Governor Walker thanking us for sending him the resolution supporting the casino. Attended the treasurer’s meeting at the County Center last night. d. Treasurer. None. e. Supervisors: Ms. Fox – Updated the web site. Posted a remembrance for Tom Brown. The hall painting is done. Mr. Gehring – Talked with the Building Inspector. Contacted the property owner on 344th and that building has been there for some time. Mr. Halvorson – Did some tree trimming for winter. Has followed up on the farm lease. Mr. Kaskin – Was contacted by the electric company. They are installing new poles in the right of way on 119th Street and wanted to get direction about trimming or cutting the trees. The landscaping is done at the fire house. f. Chairperson: Mr. Stoll – Received the official disposition of David Sturdevant. Discussed with our insurance agent about switching to a different company for the workers comp insurance. Received from SEWRPC a summary of the proposed amendments to their 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program. 5. Citizen comments. Charles Gitzinger – Has not heard anything on the 2 projects in the Knolls that was to be checked out. George Bailitz – No progress is being made on the property next door. AJ Johnson – The Board should keep a close eye on things that are purchased by the Fire Department. Quotes should be requested and received before buying things. He would be happy to give suggestions. The meeting was turned over to the Plan Commission Chairman Charles Gitzinger. 6. Business: a. Sam Agam Living Trust, 1953 N. Royal Birkdale Drive, Vernon Hills, IL 60061 (owner), John M. Herda, 216 E. North ST., Silver Lake, WI (Agent), requesting a variance (Section V.A. 12.27-6(c): which states that there shall be a maximum two large detached accessory buildings limited to a total of 1,800 square feet in area in the C-2 Upland Resource Conservancy Dist.) to construct a 70’ x 30’ detached accessory structure to allow two large detached accessory structures totaling 2,890 square feet in area (required 1,800 sq. ft. in total area) on Tax Key Parcel #60-4-119-134-0511, SE ¼ Section 13, T1 N, R19E, Town of Randall. Sam Agam came before the Boards stating he needed the additional building for storage of equipment to maintain his property. Discussion followed. A motion by Soderman/Bailitz to send a favorable recommendation to the Town Board for the accessory building on Tax Parcel #60-4119-134-0511. Motion carried. Chairman Stoll abstained. A motion by Halvorson/Fox to send a favorable recommendation to the County Plan Commission for Sam Agam detached accessory building, 2,100 square feet located on Tax Parcel #60-4-119-134-0511. Motion carried. Chairman Stoll abstained. b. Dennis and Dawn Ketterhagen, 8810 – 352nd Avenue, Burlington, WI request to divide their property into 3 lots. Dennis and Dawn Ketterhagen came before the Boards requesting direction before going to the County. The zoning will need to be changed on two lots however, the larger lot will remain A-2 as presently zoned. Discussion followed. c. Bid for additional painting of the town hall. The bid was presented and reviewed for finishing some outside painting. A motion by Halvorson/Gehring to accept the bid of $550.00. Motion carried. 7. Bills. A motion by Kaskin/Fox to pay the bills in the amount of $45,526.08 check numbers #33277 through #33306. 8. Adjourn. A motion by Kaskin/Fox to adjourn. The motion was carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. Phyllis J. Kaskin Town Clerk