Lincoln Elementary School - Cuyahoga Falls City School District

Welcome to Lincoln
Lincoln Elementary School, dedicated in 1930, is the only elementary school in
Cuyahoga Falls named after a president of the U.S.A It was a “twin” to Grant School
(Quirk Cultural Center) until 1957 when an additional hallway was added. In 1961
another addition was added to the building. Lincoln is the largest of the six
elementary buildings in size and population with an average enrollment of 500 students.
Lincoln Elementary School
3131 Bailey Rd.
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221
Mrs. Rose Heintz: Principal
Mrs. Dee Madonia: Secretary
Board of Education
431 Stow Ave.
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221
Mrs. Therese Dunphy: President
Dr. Edwin Holland: Superintendent
School Day
Breakfast Program
All other students enter the building
Tardy Bell/Classes begins
A.M. Kindergarten dismiss
PM Kindergarten session begins
Student dismissal
Arrival and Dismissal Doors and Procedures
Kindergarten: Front Door (Near Office)
or Parking Lot Door
Grades 1&2: Front Door (Near Office)
Grade 3
Center Playground Door
Grades 4&5 South Door (Main Building)
Kindergarten: Parking Lot Door
Grades 1 & 2: North Door (Orville)
Grade 3
Center Playground Door
Grades 4 & 5 South Door (Main Building)
Students arriving before the first bell (8:35 a.m.) must line up and enter at the doors listed above.
Those students who arrive after the first bell has rung, may enter the building at the parking lot
Parents of Kindergartners may choose to bring their children to either the front door, or the back
parking lot door. However, all kindergarten students will be released at the back parking lot door.
5th grade students (Peacemakers) will be assigned to both doors at arrival and dismissal times to
help the children.
To prevent problems from developing on school grounds, please do not have your child arrive
before 8:25. We cannot provide supervision of students before that time. Parents will be
notified if an unsafe situation is present.
Important: If you plan to have someone other than those listed on the Emergency Medical Form
pick up your child, please send written permission before hand. Students who ride after school
busses or vans will always be required to ride the bus, unless a parent sends a note or calls the
office before 3:00 PM.
Parents are not permitted to wait for their children in the hallways or by the classroom.
Please wait for your child at the outside exit doors.
Please reinforce to your child each day to go directly home or to their babysitter at dismissal,
before going anywhere else in the afternoon, so that needless anxiety can be avoided.
Parents must call the Lincoln office (330-926-3803) before 9:00 a.m. each day their child is
absent. The phone system will prompt you to a call-off line where you can leave your message at
any time. Please call as early as possible, to help our office staff. To insure the whereabouts and
safety of every child, parents will be called at home or at work if an absence has not been
In the case of excessive absences and/or continuous non-reporting, a letter will be mailed to your
home indicating the number of absences/tardies and requesting written verification. Continued
absences and excessive tardiness will be referred to the Cuyahoga Falls Schools Attendance
If an extended period of absence is involved, the daily phone call can be waived. Please let the
secretary know. If your student is to be excused or have any limitations from classroom
activities, physical education or outdoor recess, a written doctor’s excuse is required. The note
must include the number of days excused and the reason.
Any student coming late to school must report to the office upon arriving.
If children need to be excused early from school for doctor or dentist appointments, or other
serious family considerations, the office must be notified by phone or note with the reason and
the time the student is to be picked up in the office. A parent must come into the office and sign
the student out of the building. No student will be dismissed to an adult/parent at the classroom
door. Students will be called down to the office when the parent arrives. Students returning to
school during the same day must be signed in at the office by a parent or guardian.
Work may be requested when students are absent. Each teacher will set his/her make-up work
policy. Students will be given the number of days absent, plus an additional day to make up
Much teacher preparation goes into individualizing the absent students’ assignments, so please
give teachers ample time to prepare. If you wish to pick up make-up assignments at the end of
the day, you must request this by early morning. Students are responsible for completing and
turning in all assigned work.
Due to the danger of traffic accidents, elementary students are not permitted to ride bicycles to
and/or from school. In addition, skateboards, scooters, or rollerblades are also prohibited during
school hours.
Lincoln offers a breakfast program for any interested students. Breakfast will be served from
8:20-8:45 am, and children must enter the school through the back parking lot door, and go into
the gym through the inside hallway. PLEASE do not drop children off before 8:20 am. See
“Lunch and Recess” section below for details about payment options. Approval for Free or
Reduced Meal Benefits includes both lunch and breakfast.
Bus riders will be released from class at 3:15 in order to be checked onto the correct bus. In
order to secure the whereabouts of all of our students, children who have been designated as bus
riders will be required to ride the bus at dismissal each school day, unless a written note (or
phone call, in emergencies) is sent to the office before 3 PM. For the safety of all children,
NEVER take your child out of a bus line without signing him/her out in the office. Monitors are
instructed not to allow children to be taken without prior permission.
Grooming guidelines are necessary to promote discipline, maintain order, and secure the safety
of students. School clothing should be neat, clean, and in good taste. Students may not wear
clothes that attract attention and disrupt the educational process. The Board of Education
discipline policy will be strictly followed. (This policy is detailed in the District Elementary
School Parent Handbook.) The following guidelines will help parents make good choices for
school attire.
• Clothing should not promote drugs, alcohol, smoking, profanity or inappropriate or
violent behavior.
• Shorts (and/or mini skirts) are permitted, weather permitting, but shall be no shorter
than mid-thigh length.
• Sunglasses are not permitted to be worn during school hours (unless deemed necessary
by a physician).
• No flip flops, or backless shoes are permitted. Sandals with straps are permitted if worn
with socks.
Examples of inappropriate apparel are: tank tops, halter or muscle shirts, clothes made of
spandex (or spandex-type) material, baggy pants that drag on the floor, or any clothing
that reveals bare midriffs, waistlines, or undergarments.
Each student must have this form completed, updated, and on file in the office. For emergency
purposes, it is extremely important that the office have an up-to-date address, phone number
(both home and work), and reliable contact person on file. Please notify the school immediately
if you have an address or phone number change during the school year.
(See Elementary Handbook for Complete Policy)
If your child must take any type of prescription medication at school, forms must be signed by
the doctor and parent and retained on file in the office. Over the counter medicines such as
Tylenol, Advil, or cough medicines can be administered in certain situations, with the
appropriate form signed by a parent/guardian. Medication cannot be given until the signed form
is in our possession. Parents must drop off medication in the office. Do not give it to your child
to bring to school.
Students with asthma or severe allergies, who are old enough to responsibly handle the use of an
inhaler, may carry it with them. This also requires written permission by parents and physician.
A medical assistant is on duty at Lincoln for the majority of each day. A registered nurse is also
available on-call to handle emergencies or confer with parents. You may call the office to
contact either of these people with questions concerning health issues
We believe that homework is a valuable component of learning when it is appropriate, limited
and designed to be completed independently by children. Collaboration between home and
school is a crucial part of this success. Lincoln teachers have committed to the following
guidelines, which support these beliefs.
• Homework will be limited to no more than 15 minutes in the primary grades (K-2) and
30 minutes in the intermediate grades.
•Homework will be designed to be review and practice, which students can and should do
• In grades where students have different teachers for different content areas, teacher will
agree not to assign major tests on the same day.
•Long term projects for intermediate grades will be limited to 1 per semester
• All students should be encouraged to read at home for a dedicated amount of time,
based on age and ability level.
We ask that parents support our homework policy by giving children a place to do work,
and making it clear that you will not do the work for them. Be available to answer
questions, but do not hover, or give unsolicited help. Allow your child to choose the time
he/she wishes to do homework, but set a reasonable completion time to provide for
family time. Monitor for homework completion and support consequences for incomplete
or missing assignments. (This can be done through the Progress Book on-line system, or
by contacting teachers).
Students in grades K, 4, & 5 are assigned a locker to use. Lockers are school property and are
loaned to students. Lockers may be randomly searched at any time. Valuables should never be
left in lockers.
Each year, many personal articles are lost and never claimed. A lost and found table is located to
the right of the front door, behind the school store. It is recommended that parents check this area
periodically. To facilitate the return of these items, each child’s name should be permanently
marked inside boots, hats, mittens, lunch boxes/bags, gym shirts, notebooks, and any item that
may become misplaced. All unclaimed articles are donated to charity after a reasonable length
Students (grades 1-5) may choose to buy or pack their lunches. We are very concerned with the
amount of waste at lunchtime. Please try to pack only what you know your child will eat. It is
also important to limit the number of sweets and sugar-laden foods to help him/her cope with
afternoon expectations. We ask that you do not pack soda pop. ALL LUNCH BOXES OR
Lincoln uses an electronic ID payment system for meal purchases. To receive a school breakfast
or lunch, students will enter an assigned 5-digit ID number into a small keypad near the cashier.
Students can still pay cash each time they come through the line, but we encourage pre-payments
as the lines move quickly if students have money “on account”. In order to put money on
account, you will need to send cash or a check with your child’s name and ID number clearly
marked on the check. You may also go on-line through the EZ PAY system, if you wish to pay
by credit card ( You can pay as far ahead as you wish, as the computer keeps
precise track of the payments. The money will be immediately deposited into your child’s
private school account. If you send cash, please place the money in an envelope accompanied by
the student’s name and ID number. Your child’s ID number and account stays with him/her
through high school.
If a student forgets to bring money or a packed lunch, an attempt will be made to contact a
parent/guardian early in the morning. If no one can be reached, students will be provided with a
sandwich and milk. The lunch program is not equipped to loan money or allow students to
“charge” their lunches.
If your child is allergic or unable to drink milk with a school plate lunch, juice may be purchased
upon parent and doctor request. The form to be signed is available by calling the school.
Limited “extras” of available menu items are sold to 4th & 5th graders each day (2nd lunch period
only). Prices ranges from 25-75¢. Extra milk may also be purchased.
Parents/grandparents are welcome to come and eat lunch with their child. You must call the
office before 9:00 a.m. if you want to order a lunch from the cafeteria. For those not ordering a
lunch, you need only to sign the visitor’s book in the office and check in with the lunch monitor
on duty. We ask, however that you DO NOT bring in fast food lunches for your child to eat in
school. This is as much a concern for good manners, and being sensitive to the other children at
the table, as it is for health and wellness benefits. Also, if you stay to eat lunch with your child,
please understand that visitors are not permitted on the playground during recess for safety and
security reasons.
Applications for free or reduced cost meals are available in the office for any family that
qualifies. Applications are easy to complete (only 1 per family is needed) and we encourage
you to apply for this benefit, as it also helps subsidize our Title 1 Math and Reading program.
Children will be outside during their lunch recess as often as weather permits. Please make sure
your child is dressed appropriately. Students are not permitted to remain unsupervised in
classrooms, during this time. Unauthorized adults are not permitted within the fenced area of the
playground during recess times.
Messages being called in by parents for their students will only be processed for emergencies.
Please understand that we have only one school secretary and she cannot possibly serve as a
private secretary for all 500 students. Plan ahead and make after school arrangements before
your child leaves in the morning. Also, make sure your child knows what to do if inclement
weather occurs at dismissal time. Emergency calls will always be priority.
Messages to teachers will be directed to their voice mailboxes. Understand that teachers may not
get to these messages until the children are dismissed at 3:20. Therefore, emergency messages
need to be left with the school secretary. Teachers will do their best to contact parents before
school starts, during their planning times, or after school. Voice mail extensions and e-mail
addresses can be found on our school web site, and will be published in the Lincoln Log.
Parents who wish to discuss the progress of their child are encouraged to do so at any time
during the year. Please call the office/teacher to schedule an appropriate time.
Parent conferences are scheduled yearly in mid-November for all students, and in early October
and mid-winter for academically at-risk students. These conferences are held during the day and
evenings, or by appointment. Sign-ups for conference dates/times will be sent home 2 weeks
prior. Conference dates will also be published in the newsletter, and on the yearly school
The following items are not to be brought to school: CD/MP3 players, radios, cameras,
skateboards, electronic toys, collectibles, or other valuable personal articles. These are disruptive
to the educational process and may get lost or stolen. If brought to school, they will be
confiscated. By district policy, cell phones are permitted, but they must be kept in book bags, and
turned off during the school day. We do not recommend that elementary- age children bring
phones to school. The school assumes no liability for these articles. Phones used inappropriately
will be confiscated for parent retrieval.
Parents picking up their children may park in the school parking lot or on the south side of
Orrville Avenue. Do not park in the area reserved for school busses or at the businesses across
from the school. Cars will be ticketed by the Cuyahoga Falls Police for these violations.
Parents who chose to drop-off or pick-up their child by the parking lot door may do so by driving
in a single file line along the curb, up to the orange cones. (Drivers must remain in their cars, if
they choose this option.) Please do not stop in front of the safety patrol to pick up your child.
This is extremely dangerous, and will not be allowed.
Parents who choose to park their cars in the lot must escort their children through the parking lot.
No child (K-5) will be permitted to walk through the parking lot unescorted. Again, this is for the
safety of all of our children.
Lincoln PTA is an integral part of the total school program. To be effective, it needs volunteer
workers with a broad range of talents and skills. Please consider giving some of your time to the
school. There are many opportunities, some of which can be done at home, and by those who
work during the day. More specifics will be published in the Lincoln Log, our monthly
All faculty and staff will be identified with a permanent photo badge. Anyone else entering the
building must report directly to the office, sign in, and receive a visitor pass if they are to remain
in the building. Anyone not displaying a badge will be approached in a courteous manner and
escorted to the office. No visitors (including parents) will be allowed to wait for children in
hallways or outside of classroom doors. After the first week of class, we ask that parents DO
NOT walk their children to the classrooms in the mornings. Parents who have a need to pick up
a child during school hours must come to the office, and the student will be called down from
class. Children will not be called from class until the parent/guardian arrives.
Students from other schools cannot be accommodated as visitors in the building during school
The Cuyahoga Falls City Safety Forces are collaborating with our district and with each Building
Safety Committee to provide the safest environment possible for your children. We ask that you
cooperate with these measures for the benefit of our entire school.
Our safety patrol is directed by a staff member and is a part of the Cuyahoga Falls Schools
Safety Program. Respect and obedience of patrol rules are expected at all times. Parents are
asked to reinforce all safety precautions with their child.
Throughout the year, you will be asked to participate in a school magazine sale and other fund
raising activities. Although we hope that all families will contribute in any way they can,
participation is voluntary. These fundraisers allow us to provide special events, equipment, and
materials that could not otherwise be provided with school district funds.
The Cuyahoga Falls Board of Education permits us to have three parties for students in K - 5
during the school year. Teachers and PTA room parents plan the parties with a limit of 3 parent
helpers per party. Parties are created and planned as a classroom activity for the children.
Therefore, no other guests (including siblings, grandparents, etc.) will be permitted to attend.
There is a nominal cost for each child, which is requested at the start of the school year by the
PTA. This is voluntary. Parents will be contacted regarding food donations for each party.
Fifth grade students provide a valuable service, as Peacemakers, for Lincoln. Responsible
students are chosen each year to help supervise younger students before and after school, and
during lunch recess. They provide positive role models for primary children, organize games and
activities, and help staff keep track of their assigned students. They are not permitted to
discipline children.
The PTA provides a school store at the center hallway, supplying school needs (e.g., paper, pens,
crayons, etc.). Cost of each item is comparable to retail store prices. Our school store is open
mornings for 10 minutes from 8:35 to 8:45 a.m. There is also a pencil machine at the same
location for 25¢ per pencil.
In order for us to live, work, and learn together in a productive, safe environment, appropriate
behavior is necessary. The Board of Education discipline policy will be strictly followed. This
policy is detailed in the District Elementary School Parent Handbook.
Together Lincoln students and faculty have created a building Code of Conduct which supports
the district policies and is appropriate to youngsters in our elementary grades. Our day-to-day
discipline plan supports this code, and we ask parents to discuss these documents with their
children and support our efforts to hold each student responsible for his/her behavior. (See
Lincoln Elementary School
Code of Conduct
1. I promise to be honest and
2. I promise to be respectful and
cooperate with others.
3. I promise to be responsible for
what I say and do.
4. I promise to be fair and treat
others the way I want to be
5. I promise to come to school
each day prepared to learn and
to do my best.
6. I promise to be kind and act in a
peaceful way.
7. I promise to help keep Lincoln a
clean and safe place.
In order for us to work and learn together in a productive, safe school environment, appropriate
behavior is necessary and expected of all students. School rules are taught and reinforced
continuously, and each student must take responsibility for his/her own behavior.
The following discipline plan will be in effect for the current school year:
Conduct Reports are issued after repeated verbal warnings by teachers for a variety of
infractions of the School or District Code of Conduct. Such rule violations may include, but are
not limited to:
• disrespectful behavior to adults or other students
• not following instructions, or completing work
• inattention, or lack of participation
• disruption of the learning environment
• poor behavior in the classroom, lunchroom, playground, hallways, etc.
• unsafe behavior
• lying, cheating
• stealing
• using profane language or gestures
Conduct reports will be signed by the teacher and student and sent home for the parent to sign
and return. Signature by a parent indicates that they have been notified of the situation.
For more serious situations, or for any type of physical conflicts, detentions will be issued at the
discretion of the teacher and/or principal.
A 3rd conduct report will result in a lunch detention being issued. Lunch detentions are served
from 11:50-12:30, and result in the student eating lunch in the detention room and remaining
there during the recess period.
After the 2nd lunch detention has been issued, subsequent violations will result in an afterschool detention being issued and the student being referred to the principal’s office.
After- school detentions will be served from 3:20-4:20 p.m., and parents (guardians) will be
responsible to provide adequate and safe transportation home. Parents will be contacted by the
principal and given 24 hours notice for after-school detention.
After a student serves 2 after-school detentions, or in the case of more serious infractions that
jeopardize the safety and well-being of students, additional detentions or suspensions may be
issued in accordance with the Cuyahoga Falls District Code of Conduct.
Any actions or behavior by students that threaten the safety of themselves or others on the
playground will result in immediate disciplinary consequences to be determined by the
playground monitor or principal. Such actions as jumping off stationary equipment or swings,
throwing objects, tripping, tackling, pushing, or unusual roughness are not permitted on the
playground. No student may leave the playground without permission of the playground
The Cuyahoga Falls District Calendar and the Lincoln School Events Calendar will also be sent
home with students early in the school year. Always watch for announcements during the year,
as changes often occur as the year progresses. The district calendar can also be accessed through
the Cuyahoga Falls City Schools Web site at:
When school is closed, families who complete a messaging application will be notified by phone
through our parent messaging system. In case of severe weather or possible school closing, do
not call the school. The following local radio stations broadcast school closing information:
WAKR: 1590 AM WKDD: 98.1 FM
WMMS: 100.7 FM
WNIR: 100F
In the event of a (2 hour) delayed start, no morning kindergarten will be held.
Families who move from the school/district during the school year, need to notify the office and
sign the appropriate transfer forms. Without this formal withdrawal, students will remain on our
attendance roles.
Please check the Lincoln web site at: Follow the school link to Lincoln. It will
provide you with additional information, calendars, school forms, and news about Lincoln Elementary.
You can also access the SPS EZPAY on-line account system, to manage your child’s meal account and
pay school fees.
Lincoln Elementary School
Information for 2010-2011
Grade One
Grade Two
$ 9.00
Grade Three
Grade Four
Grade Five
All 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders will also be required to purchase an assignment notebook from the school at a
cost of $3.50
Students must be prepared for gym each day. Gym shirts and shorts are required for students in grades
three through five. You may purchase a T-shirt from the Phys. Ed. Department. Regulation gym shorts
are not required by the district. Students may wear any dark/plain shorts. If a shirt needs to be purchased,
forms are available from the P.E. teacher or office. The cost this year for a T-shirt is $3.45.
• If you have more than one child at Lincoln, please write separate checks for each child.
• You may combine all fees (including gym clothes) on one check for each child.
• Checks should be made out to the Cuyahoga Falls Board of Education.
• To pay by credit card, go to and click on the EZ Pay Logo
In the case of financial hardship, please notify the office Families who qualify for Free Lunch can obtain
a fee waiver form in the office.
Teachers will provide supply lists for their classrooms. These may include specific items, including a
small fee to cover weekly or monthly current event magazines. General supply lists for each grade level
are also posted on the Lincoln Web Site, or available in the office.
Student Breakfast Price:
Student Lunch Price:
Reduced Breakfast
Reduced Lunch Price: 45¢
Milk: 50¢
We highly recommend that you prepay for your child’s meals, either by the week, month, or year.
You may do this by credit card through the SPS EZ Pay System (see attached letter), or by cash or
check. Please make sure that your child’s name and ID number is recorded on the check. If you
send cash, it must be sent in an envelope, clearly labeled with your child’s name and ID number.
Lincoln has a breakfast program available for students, from 8:20-8:35 a.m. No loans will be made for
breakfast or lunch. If your child forgets his/her lunch or lunch money, and no one can be reached at home
during the morning, he/she will be provided with a sandwich and milk. The cafeteria is not equipped to
loan money or give credit.
If your child is allergic/unable to drink milk with a school meal, juice (45¢) may be purchased upon
parent and doctor request. The form to be signed is available by calling the school.