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Hello staff,
In an effort to streamline information, I thought about creating a one page
document that you can use to get great resources. Please save page 2 of this
document to your desktop for easy reference. Just hit ctrl and click on the icon or
the web address to access these sites. If you go to the library website and log in,
most of these resources will allow access without entering a user name and
password when you are in school. For reasons unknown, accessing outside of the
building becomes a challenge sometimes! Like all technology, nothing is perfect
and there are ALWAYS issues and glitches. I hope this document helps in making
your lives a little easier. Also attached is a resource list for your students. Please
print a copy and give to each of your students. I will send you a list of user names
for them and the password is “welcome”. They should be using these resources
for research and not “googling it”. We can all minimize potential problems if we
steer them in the right direction when doing research. In order to make them
“college and career read”, we need to teach them how to access and use
databases to find information. If you would like to set up a visit to the library with
your class to work on research skills, please let me know and I will schedule a
session in the library ASAP or I can also visit your class. I would love to teach them
how to use the resources we have available to find information.
Quick Guide for Library Resources:
Add this document to your desktop. Hit (Ctrl + click) on the icon or the web address to go to each site.
1. Grolier (Scholastic)
Website address:
User name: novel200
Password: novel
2. Gale Database
Website address:
Password: empirelink
*Enter from school library
site and you do not need a
user name and password.
4. E-Library NYC
Website address:
User name: 17-89766
Password: bigchalk
5. Kids Infobits
Website address:
3. My LibraryNYC
Website address:
User name: barcode
Password: 2012
(You can create a new user name and
password after initial setup)
6. Teaching
Website address:
Login: Just put in your doe email
address for access.
Should automatically login.
7. Sweet Search
Website address:
Just type in a question for
Website address:
User name: novel200
Password: novel
8. Brain Pop and Jr.
Website address:
User name: ps197
Password: brain
9. P.S. 197 Library
Website address:
User name: firstinitial last name
Password: 1111
**If link gives you trouble, just type and then search for
kings highway and then click on our
Quick guide to all resources:
1. Grolier Scholastic Go. – 8 excellent reference databases with a wealth of
information. You can print the articles and do ELA lesson using science and
social studies content.
Highlights of each database in Grolier:
In addition to the databases, there are great teacher resources like lesson plans and
***ELL support!!! – you can click on “read aloud” and it will read the text to your
students while they follow the print!!!
Three general reference resources
The New Book of Knowledge: biographies and timelines.
The Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia: Great research starters
The Encyclopedia Americana:
Two science intensive resources
o Amazing Animals of the World: Excellent for research on all types of animals.
o The New Book of Popular Science: Excellent science resource.
Two Social Studies intensive resources
America the Beautiful: US topics, timelines, games, maps and atlases
and great teacher resources
Lands and Peoples: An online resource of countries, cultures. Great
for compare and contrast.
 La Nueva Enciclopedia Cumbre
A comprehensive resource for Spanish speakers and Spanish-language
2. Gale Database
Many databases that are for teachers to gather resources for class. Once you
learn how to navigate one of the databases, all of them have the same
navigation style.
 Academic One File Database:
o This data base is mostly for teachers to gather resources for
class instruction. What is really great about this database is
that the articles can be printed, read and translated into
other languages!!! This is a great resource for our evergrowing ELL population. The database can also be used by
students, but they will need training on how to use. I am
available for sessions in the library on how to use.
 Opposing Viewpoint database:
o Great database to gather resources for opinion/persuasive
reading and writing units of study.
o Articles can be translated, printed and read aloud.
o Students can also highlight and save notes!
3. My Library NYC
Use this to gather books for units of study to supplement your classroom
library. You can order between 50-100 books at a time. There are no late fees
except for dvd’s. This is linked to the Brooklyn public library and you can get
so many books. There are tutorials online or I can help you navigate. There are
many teachers in the building who are using this resource so you can also ask
them to help navigate. Please take advantage of this valuable resource. You can
have baskets of books on each table when you are doing a unit of study. Please
note: At this time bins are arriving in school that have more than one
classroom’s books. There is a packing list inside the bin that lists which book is
for which class. I have been taking to the library and delivering, but you can
also take, sort and deliver if time is an issue and you need the books fast. I am
trying to deliver ASAP.
4. E-library database
Similar to the other databases. The visual search is a nice feature, but it can be
overwhelming sometimes. You can get a lot of information from this database.
5. ***Kids Infobits***
Excellent resource for information and very easy to navigate. It gives you a
great interface once you put in a search. It shows books, photos, news,
magazine articles in a very user friendly screen. I really like this database!
 Reads and translates articles! You can even modify the speed of the
 In teacher tools, there are resources to help with research and creating
topic sentences.
 Many topics to search and multiple ways to search.
 Students can highlight, create, save and print notes.
6. ** **
Another great website for gathering resources. You can share book information
with teachers and get great lesson plans and activities for books. They have
author videos and it is a great way to promote books and the love of reading.
7. Sweet Search
Nice addition research tool. Just type a question and you will get a list of articles
related to your question. Simple and easy to use. Again, a nice alternative to
Google search.
8. Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr.
Excellent resource to engage learners on a topic. Great lesson starters and the
activities and quizzes are nice.
9. P.S. 197 Library website
A work in progress that is a one-stop shop for all your research needs in the
classroom. Keep an eye out for new updates and features. All of the above
mentioned resources are available on the website in addition to a list of additional
websites for teachers, students and parents to gather information. The library
computer card defaults to the library website when students open “Chrome”.
Please encourage students to use Chrome as their default web browser.
Name: _______________________________
Quick Guide for Library Resources: Student Version
Add this document to your desktop. Hit (Ctrl + click) on the icon or the web address to go to each site.
10. Grolier (Scholastic)
11.Kids Infobits
Website address:
User name: novel200
Password: novel
Website address:
*Enter from school library
site and you do not need a
user name and password.
Password: empirelink
Should automatically login.
12.P.S. 197 Library
Website address:
*Please write your user name*
User name:
Password: welcome
**If link gives you trouble, just type and then search for
kings highway and then click on our
13.E-Library NYC
Website address:
User name: 17-89766
Password: bigchalk
*Enter from school library
site and you do not need a
user name and password.
2. Sweet Search
Website address:
Just type in a question for
14.Gale Database
Website address:
Password: empirelink
*Enter from school library site
and you do not need a user
name and password.
1. Brain Pop and Jr.
Website address:
User name: ps197
Password: brain