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Delphine Kellera, Christian Dechellea, Louis Doceula, Sylvain Madeleinea,
Jean-Pierre Martinsa, Yvan Meassonb, Julien Wagreza
CEA, LIST, Interactive Robotics Unit, 18 route du Panorama, BP6, FONTENAY AUX ROSES, F- 92265 France
In the context of ITER, CEA/IRFM has participated to the design and integration of several components in the
Equatorial Port Plug region. Particularly, in the framework of the grant F4E-2008-GRT-09-PNS-TBM, CEA/IRFM
has contributed to the Test Blanket Module System (TBS) design and robot access feasibility study in the Port cell.
Simulations of the maintenance procedure were studied and fully integrated to the design process, enabling to
provide space reservation for human and robotic access. For this mean, CEA/IRFM has used a CEA LIST virtual
reality simulation software directly integrated to the Solidworks CAD software. The feasibility to connect/disconnect the pipes in front of the Bioshield by a set of potential standard industrial arms was demonstrated.
Aiming to give more realism to maintenance scenario and CAD models, CEA IRFM has decided to build a
Virtual Reality platform in the institute, integrated to the design office. With the expertise of CEA LIST, this
platform aims to provide the nearest possible links between design and remote handling needs.
This paper presents the outcome of the robot access study and discusses about the Virtual Reality tools that are
being developed for these applications.
Keywords: ITER, Equatorial Port Plug, maintenance, Test Blanket Module System, Remote Handling, Virtual
1. Introduction
2.1 TBS layout [1,2]
In the context of the grant F4E-2008-GRT-09-PNSTBM, between F4E and TBM Consortium of Associates,
CEA/IRFM has contributed to the design and
maintenance scenario that prepares the bases for the
TBM systems maintenance sequence taking into
consideration ITER space requirements versus
interfaces. The objectives of the task were to study the
accessibility to the working zone located in front of the
Bioshield and the feasibility to connect/dis-connect pipes
by means of a set of standard industrial arms.
Figure 1 shows the integration of the TBS in the
ITER environment and figure 2 the overall dimensions
of the TBS and general layout. A minimum of 4
interfaces have been identified to enable TBM
Interface 1 (IF1) is located between the
TBM boxes and shield block.
Interface 2a (IF2a) is located between the
Port duct and the Port extension.
Interface 2b (IF2b) is located behind the
Bioshield and in the front side of the
Ancillary Equipment Unit (AEU).
Interface 3 (IF3) is located between the
Ancillary Equipment Unit and the shaft of
the Port Cell.
2. TBS in Equatorial Port Plug #16
2.2 TBS maintenance needs
Fig.1 View of the Equatorial Port #16 in the installation
author’s email: delphine.keller@cea.fr
A specific ALARA analysis concerning intervention
in the Port extension will define if qualified operators
can operate in this region. Anyway, at the conceptual
design stage, the feasibility to perform this operation by
means of robotic system has to be validated. Thus, the
design has to cope with both scenarios: human and
robotic access constraints to interface IF2a (see figure 2).
Fig.2 TBS layout inside Equatorial Port #16 and overall dimensions
2.3 Accessibility to IF2a interface
Outside the TBS maintenance period, the RH system
is parked outside the Port Cell. For the present study, the
starting point is considered at the Port Cell door.
In order to reach IF2a interface, the RH system has to
cross several entities taking into account RH
accessibility requirements. The different entities are:
AEU, Bioshield, Entities in the Port extension.
2.4 Assumptions for the simulation
Robotic arm (1), Deployable carrier (2), Tool rack (3),
Container for pipes insulation (4), Cable reel (5),
Controller (6), Ancillary equipment (ex : plasma torch
source) (7), Standard AEU frame (8).
Maintenance corridor
Due to biomechanical norms, the first maintenance
corridor was 500mm wide in order to allow human
access. Simulation will show the limitations.
The cutting task is the task that is simulated. Indeed,
cutting task is the most critical operation regarding
tritium contamination risks and tools generating heat and
chips during operation.
Several components are positioned:
RH Platform Unit
2.5 Sequence of operation
A first assessment of the sequence of operation allowed
to identify the step of the full operation, the type of task
(hands-on or RH) and the phases that need to be
Two solutions were studied:
1. empty the pipes
- The possibility to integrate RH unit on the AEU
2. solutions to avoid contamination (confinement)
- A dedicated RH unit
3. disconnect the AEU and the exterior systems
A preliminary integration concept of the platform has
been made for space reservation (figure 3).
4. cut the pipes at IF3 interface
5. cut the pipes at the IF2b interface
6. remove the AEU
7. bring the RH cutting module
8. open the Bioshield window
9. deploy the RH cutting module in the interspace
10. solution to avoid contamination (confinement)
11. Remove the insulation from the pipes
12. cut the pipes between the pipe forest and the TBM
Fig.3 First assessment of the RH Unit
This platform could use the same platform that
supports the AEU.
13. remove the RH cutting module
14. open/remove the Bioshield
15. remove the sealing device on the Port
16. fit the docking flange on the Port
17. Remove the Port Plug
Steps 1 to 6 and steps 10 and 14 are hands-on or are not
studied yet.
Steps 15 to 17 are standard ITER operations.
Steps 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 were studied in the simulations and
are presented in this paper.
3. Robotic accessibility studies
3.1 Objective
The objective of the simulations is to validate early in
the design phase that a standard industrial robot can
reach every pipes without difficulties. These simulations
permit to point out difficulties and enable to make
proposals to the design in order to simplify the access.
Feedbacks from Fission installations show that if
dismantling contraints are not taken into consideration
into the design phase, it leads to technical challenges in
terms of RH system with long R&D programs [2].
3.2 Simulations
A set of industrial robotic arms have been selected to
perform the task. The maintenance scenario described in
section 2.4 has been simulated with the
MAGRITTEWORKS software from CEA LIST (figure
3.3 Results and feedbacks for design changes
The main results of the first simulation are:
The corridor has to be larger to use most
standard industrial robotic arms.
The circular arrangement is a good idea but
it has to be much more open on the robot
The aperture from the corridor to the pipes
has to be larger.
The first simulation enables to better understand the RH
requirements that have to be taken into account for the
TBS design. Criteria of reliability, minimization of
connection / disconnection time, cost and maintenance
easiness were taken into account and lead to the choice
of more common industrial robot for the task. For
example, an optimization of pipes arrangements allow to
simplify the robot supporting structure and the robot
itself as less degree of freedom are needed to reach the
The last design takes into consideration these
requirements (figure 5).
500 mm
700 mm
Fig.5 Design evolutions after RH simulation
A last simulation has been built and permits to validate
that the scenario is feasible by a standard robotic system
supported by a simplified platform (figure 6)
Fig.4 Simulation of the cutting task at interface IF2a
These simulations enable to verify the RH
compatibility assessment and tools that have been
designed for the purpose. Particularly, we verify that the
kinematics is suitable with the task to perform. Thus,
specific tools, like the RH compatible pinch to remove
the insulation were tested to verify if all insulation can
be removed by RH means.
These simulations require specific preparation work
which consist to simplify CAD models and to reorganize
the areas where evolve the RH tools for optimal TBS
components manipulability.
Fig.6 Last simulation for insulation removal
4. Virtual Reality tools for design
4.1 Interest
The use of such Virtual Reality tools integrated to
CAD software enables to provide synergy between the
design and Remote Handling needs. The aim is to be
able to build the maintenance scenario during the design
process of a component. This way, any changes needed
in the design could be immediately taken into account
into the VR simulation and the new maintenance
procedure can be updated.
4.2 CAD models
The most important step for VR simulation is model
preparation. The design model in native format is
unsuitable for the VR simulation tool. As a compromise
as to be found between real time simulation and realism,
the initial CAD model has to be simplified to optimize
CPU charge with enough details for the simulation.
4.3 Loop between simulation and design
In the context of ITER, maintenance and RH
operation is an important issue. Sooner the design takes
maintenance requirements into consideration, easier will
be the development (feasibility, reliability, time and
It is a dedicated room equipped with peripheral
devices which enable to render feeling which are
interesting for the operators regarding the task to
The objective of the Virtual Reality platform at
IRFM is to simulate maintenance scenario with masterslave manipulators, the operator is immersed in the scene
as if he had to do it in real. This mean could help to
validate RH compatibility assessment for ITER
operation maintenance and to optimize the design
process in a context of an experimental machine which
design is daily evolving.
This platform could be used in fine for maintenance
scenario validation, design review and also for operator
4.4 Magritteworks
CEA LIST is developing a Virtual Reality simulation
software directly integrated to the Solidworks CAD
software for RH applications. The operator can interact
with the virtual environment in real time through a 6D
space mouse or a haptic device with force feedback. A
robotic toolbox integrated to MAGRITTEWORKS
enables to simulate various kinematics, direct and
Remote tasks are not repetitive, often undefined since
work depends on observations during the interventions.
Most of the time, the operator does not have direct vision
on the operation workplace. Sometimes he does not even
have video feedback. Robots are not always very
accurate and the operator must compensate for this
inaccuracy to execute tasks in the safest way preserving
the environment and the equipment. MAGRITTEWORKS
offers graphic assistances, making easy robots
programming and control. It interfaces to robots and
tools through an execution controller, allowing updating
model state according to the real situation. In
MAGRITTEWORKS, specific processes functions like tool
changer can be simulated [3].
Fig.6 Example of a Virtual Reality platform in CEA LIST.
This work has been performed with the expertise of CEA
LIST and under an agreement for the use of
MAGRITTEWORKS simulation tool.
This work was supported within the framework of the
grant F4E-2008-GRT-09-PNS-TBM.
Virtual Reality platform
Aiming to give more realism to the maintenance
scenario and CAD models, CEA IRFM decided to build
a Virtual Reality platform in the institute, integrated to
the design office. CEA IRFM has 20 years of expertise
in integration of system on Tokamak, design of Fusion
component and Fusion. With the expertise of CEA LIST
which has 20 years of experience in the field of Virtual
Reality, Remote Handling and software development,
this platform aims to provide the nearest possible links
between design and remote handling needs.
The Virtual Reality platform at CEA IRFM shows a
great potential to succeed in our design and integration
activities in a complex environnement like ITER. It has
been financed by French funds.
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