Independent School Registration no. 305/6080 Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Head Teacher: 76 Freelands Road Bromley, Kent, BR1 3HY 020 8460 0181 Option 2 020 8290 0117 Julia Low INFORMATION HANDBOOK THE PROPRIETORS ARE:JULIA LOW CONTACT DETAILS:76 Freelands Road Bromley Kent BR1 3HY 020 8460 0181 Email:- You may contact us during holiday time. What are the aims of the Tutorial Foundation? At The Tutorial Foundation we offer a nurturing, caring family environment for our students. We have very small classes and offer individual programmes for each child to bring out their potential. While strengthening their basic skills, we enable them to develop confidence in themselves and their abilities. We want pupils to: Enjoy their time at The Tutorial Foundation Feel valued Acquire a desire for knowledge and learning Achieve their best The Curriculum We aim for our curriculum to be broad and balanced. KS1/KS2: These children follow the National Curriculum KS3/KS4: These children follow the AQA Unit Award Scheme and we offer students the opportunity to achieve 5 GCSEs or equivalent in the following subjects; English, Mathematics, Core Science, Citizenship, PHSE and ICT The Curriculum enrichment is provided through Art, Music, P.E. and Life Skills. Individual Learning Programmes Following a baseline Assessment, the teacher identifies the areas of learning and topics, which will best meet the educational needs of the student. The teacher then selects the Units of Work from the Curriculum Plans to form the Schemes of Work. These Schemes of Work are the foundation blocks of the Individual Learning Programmes and courses. Students are able to move from one curriculum level to another as the need arises. Each core curriculum subject plan is divided into four levels of attainment, Foundation, Intermediate, Higher and Higher Plus. Higher and Higher Plus are designed to allow student to follow a course leading to GCSE. Intermediate is aimed at Entry Level Certification and Foundation is accredited through the AQA Unit Award Scheme and Entry Level 1. The Tutorial Foundation is an examination centre and all exams can be taken on site. The younger children broadly follow the National Curriculum. They have highly individualised programmes which include play activities and learning to follow routines. We also offer individual counselling sessions, drugs counselling, Rolling Sound music lessons, Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, Art, PE, school trips and specialist interactive lessons for children struggling with English. Reporting To Parents Reports are sent to parents termly, giving details of academic performance and attendance. Parents are also able to contact The Tutorial Foundation at any time throughout the year including weekends, school holidays and bank holidays. How are children admitted to The Tutorial Foundation? Pupils are admitted by referral from local education authorities. We have the capacity to take up to 6 children up to the age of 11 years and 20 children up to the age of 16 years. Parents/carers are encouraged to make a preliminary visit with their child and providing we have the capacity, we will offer a place with a 2 week trial period. Our policy on discipline and exclusions is explained at the initial interview during the visit and parents are given an admittance pack. If children have a statement we will request for as much information as is available, including details of the statement. What is our policy on discipline and exclusions? We aim to ensure that education takes place in a disciplined atmosphere, providing a safe and secure working environment for staff and students to allow teaching and learning to take place. We use a variety of rewards to encourage and motivate pupils to achieve success and to enjoy their time here and their activities to the maximum. We aim to diffuse difficult situations as they arise. Sanctions are clearly explained to the children and parents/carers before they attend. For the younger children, a chart is compiled on an hourly basis and they are awarded a mark based on their behaviour. A copy of this is sent home daily informing parents/carers of all positive behaviour and any sanctions put in place by The Tutorial Foundation e.g. loss of playtime etc. Consistent behavioural concerns will be addressed with the introduction of an individual behaviour compliance program including targets and loss of privileges which will be discussed with parents/carers. A similar system is in place for the older children, but they are also marked on attendance and punctuality. They are given three warnings, after the second warning we will phone home and if on the final warning they have not complied then they are sent home and may be excluded for the following day, depending on what they have done. If a child is in possession of, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol they will be excluded. There will also be excluded if they smoke on the premises. If a child of any age is physically violent or verbally abusive to another person, they will also be excluded. The local authority and parents/carers are informed as soon as the exclusion takes place. We may permanently exclude children in exceptional circumstances. Full details of our policy are in our Behaviour Management Policy. How do we meet the needs of children with statements or for whom English is an additional language? If children have a statement we liaise closely with all outside agencies to ensure their needs are met. We have full details of all pupils’ statements and each child is given an Individual Education Plan which gives targets for English, Mathematics and behaviour/work habits. These always follow the recommendations on the statement. We will provide a differentiated curriculum if we have a child for who English is a second language and we also have the use of a specialised interactive computer system designed specifically for English lessons. What is our policy on bullying? We believe that bullying is totally unacceptable behaviour and that no child deserves to be bullied. We aim to create a safe, caring environment where all of our pupils can learn, can talk about their worries, confident that an adult will listen and will offer help. The Tutorial Foundation will endeavour to eliminate bullying should it rise. Pupils are encouraged to inform their teacher if they are aware of bullying taking place. Parents and carers should contact us immediately if they have any concerns. A confidential bullying box is used by pupils who wish to raise concerns. Full details of our policy and procedures are available on request. Health and Safety issues The fire escapes and all roofs are strictly out of bounds for all children. A full copy of our Health and Safety Policies is available from our administration office. Policies Copies of all our policies are available from the Local Authority office located within the school. Staffing Full details of staff employed at The Tutorial Foundation are included in this booklet. There is also a separate page detailing their qualifications. The number of staff employed at the school, including temporary staff, and a summary of their qualifications. A copy of our safeguarding policy is provided to parents of pupils and of prospective pupils on request. Attendance The Tutorial Foundation maintains an admission and an attendance register in accordance with the Education (Pupil Registration England) Regulations 2006. Pupils, carers or parents must inform The Tutorial Foundation of any absence by 10:00am on the day of absence. The Tutorial Foundation will ring the pupils parents/carers if the pupil has not arrived within half an hour of his/her start time. Attendance records for each pupil are sent to the local authority on a weekly basis and attendance welfare will be involved of necessary. Dress Code Pupils are allowed to wear their own clothes; however we ask all pupils to dress in a manner appropriate to a school environment and representing The Tutorial Foundation. Mobile Phones We ask all pupils to turn their mobile phone off during lessons. In the event of an emergency, parents and carers are able to leave messages with the school office, which will be passed to your child. Food We are able to buy food for you from the local shop or we suggest that the students bring in a packed lunch. Confiscation of Property Policy Should there be an occasion when a student is found in possession of an article which contravenes the school rules, e.g. weapons, alcohol, IPOD, mobile phone (if used inappropriately), a member of staff may confiscate anything that they consider undesirable but never with the intention of depriving the student of it permanently. They will never dispose of or destroy anything. If the student refuses to hand over property the matter must be referred to either Julia Low. No matter how valueless the item may appear, it is and always will remain the student's property. The item will be labelled with the name of student, date and time. It will be returned to the student in due course and at the discretion of Julia Low or Karen Turner. If more serious article is found e.g. knives, alcohol, etc. we will inform the student that parents/carers, and possibly the police will be notified. The item will be again passed to Julia Low. Worries and Complaints There may be times when a pupil feels he/she has been unkindly, unfairly or inappropriately treated. A full and comprehensive procedure is in place, in accordance with the Children Act, and Bromley Social Services guidelines. Pupils should not be afraid to complain or express their worries or fears. They have a right to be heard and sympathetically listened to. The Tutorial Foundation believes that children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our school and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of The Tutorial Foundation. We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concerns. Aim We aim to bring all concerns about the running of The Tutorial Foundation to a satisfactory conclusion for all of the parties involved. Methods To achieve this, we operate the following complaints procedure. How to complain Stage 1 If a parent feels uneasy about any aspect of The Tutorial Foundation’s provision, they are very welcome to freely discuss his/her worries and anxieties with the Head Teacher. If a satisfactory outcome is not obtained within one week, move to Stage 2. Stage 2 If this does not have a satisfactory outcome, or if the problem recurs, the parent moves to Stage 2 of the procedure by putting the concerns or complaint in writing to the Head Teacher and the owners. Most complaints should be able to be resolved informally at Stage1 or at Stage2. If however a satisfactory outcome is not obtained within two weeks move to Stage 3. Stage 3 The parent requests a meeting with The Tutorial Foundation’s Head Teacher and Director. Both the parent and the Head Teacher should have a friend or partner present if required. An agreed written record of the discussion is made. All of the parties present at the meeting sign the record and receive a copy of it. This signed record signifies that the procedure has concluded. If however a satisfactory outcome is not obtained within two weeks move to Stage 4. Stage 4 If at the Stage 3 meeting the parent and centre cannot reach agreement. Three people who have not previously been involved in hearing the complaint are invited to help to settle the complaint. At least one person on this panel should be independent. These people should be acceptable to both parties, listen to both sides and offer advice. The people on the panel have no legal powers but can help to define the problem, review the action so far and suggest further ways in which it might be resolved. At this meeting the parent and teacher may be accompanied. The members of the panel will keep all discussion confidential. They can hold separate meetings with the centre personnel (Head Teacher and Director) and the parent, if this is decided to be helpful. The panel will keep an agreed written record of any meetings that are held and of any advice they give. Stage 5 At this meeting the parent and teacher may be accompanied. When the panel have concluded their investigations, a final meeting between the parent, the Head Teacher and Director is held. The purpose of this meeting is to reach a decision on the action to be taken to deal with the complaint. The panel's advice is used to reach this conclusion. The panel is present at the meeting if all parties think this will help a decision to be reached. A record of this meeting, including the decision on the action to be taken, is made. Everyone present at the meeting signs the record and receives a copy of it. This signed record signifies that the procedure has concluded. All parties within complaint will be sent a copy of findings and recommendations and these will be available for inspection on the school premises. Records A record of complaints against The Tutorial Foundation and/or the children and/or the adults working in our centre is kept, including the date, the circumstances of the complaint and how the complaint was managed. All correspondence, statements complaints are kept confidential. and records of MEMBERS OF STAFF HEAD TEACHER Julia Low – First Aid ADMINISTRATION STAFF Chris Renew – First Aid Katy Harris TUTORS OF MATHS Mary Josephine Furness Paul Trew Katy Harris TUTORS OF ENGLISH Lynne Robertson– Head of English Aimee Mill TUTORS OF SCIENCE Marion Veal – Head of Science Mary Josephine Furness PHSE/ CITIZENSHIP Emma Clyde ICT Ana Vodeva FOREIGN LANGUAGES Sharon Oakes PE Paul Trew Business Studies Sharon Oakes Food Technology Katy Harris GCSE Results June 2015 Number of students A*-C Pass rate D-G Pass rate A-G Pass rate Mathematics 5 20% 80% 100% English Language 2 100% - 100% English Literature 2 100% - 100% English iGCSE 1 100% - 100% Biology 2 50% 50% 100% Physics 1 - 100% 100% Chemistry 1 - 100% 100% Additional Science 1 - 100% 100% Combined Science 2 - 50% 50% Business Studies 4 25% 75% 100% History 1 100% - 100% Citizenship 4 - 100% 100% ICT 1 - 100% 100% French 2 50% 0% 50% Geography 1 - 100% 100% RE 1 - 100% 100% Preparation for Working life Level 1 5 100% - 100% Preparation for Working life Level 2 (1/2 GCSE) 4 100% - 100%