CHV2OH – Culminating Activity “Global Citizenship” Welcome to the global village. Not only are you a citizen of your municipality, your province and your country, but you are also a global citizen. Communities, whether they are families, towns, provinces, nations or even organizations, have always passed on to the next generation, what it means to be a responsible community member. The past few months have involved various aspects of community life, such as government and your role as a citizen. This final assignment will combine various aspects of the course and will involve 15% of your final grade. Due Dates: Work Periods will be: Wed. December 16th Tuesday January 5th, Room 525 Thursday January 7th Room 521 Mon. January 11st Room 525 Presentations will be on: January 13th or January 15th, 2016 Task: You must choose one category from the following choices: An individual A group or an organization (NGO) A human rights issue Assignment Activities: A 2.5-3 page report on your topic, 12 point font, double-spaced. A Presentation to the class, 3-5 minutes long on your topic. (See the following page for expectations). A half page summary of an article on your topic. You should discuss all background to the article. The article must be cut out or printed off, and attached. A power point which summarizes the important points about the topic you have chosen. You can use this during the presentation if you would like. A Bibliography, in MLA format which lists all of the sources used. Go to our school Library page, and select Citation Machine. Then select MLA. . This will guarantee that you have the Bibliography in correct format. Presentation Requirements: In order to achieve a “Level 4” on your presentation, it is expected that you will demonstrate the following: Effective introduction and explanation of your topic Clear connection to global citizenship Good eye contact Strong use of visuals Well-rehearsed Clear, convincing voice Information Who is the organization or person? What is the central issue, mission statement, or goal? Where is the issue occurring or where is the organization or person located? When did the issue or organization begin? How is the issue being solved or how is the person or organization trying to achieve their goals? Why is this such an important issue to examine? Explain the connection to global citizenship. Is there something that we can do as a global citizens to help with this mission/goal? Possible Topics David Suzuki Mahatma Gandhi Nelson Mandela Nellie McClung United Nations UNICEF Amnesty International Red Cross Child Labour CARE Optimists International Human Rights Abuse Consumer Rights – BBB Advertising in Schools Doctors without Borders MADD Greenpeace Kiwanis Awards – Order of Canada Privacy Issues Environmental Issues Aboriginal Issues World Vision International Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) Project Ploughshares WWF Genetic Research Canadian Feed the Children Make a Wish Foundation Sweatshops Kinsmen TOMS Shoes Shelters – Anselma House Other Local Service Clubs OXFAM Discrimination Issues The above examples make up a very small fraction of the possible choices that you may make for your assignment but they will give you a guideline as to appropriate choices. CHV2OH – Culminating Activity Rubric Category Level 1 (1 Mark) 3 classes late Materials not brought to class Consistently off-task Level 2 Level 3 (3 Marks) (2 Marks) (4 Marks) 2 classes late 1 class late Materials not always Materials present present most of the time Frequently off-task Mostly on-task Creativity Little to no creativity 1 source or less not in MLA format Creative elements are present and add to the presentation 3-5 sources in MLA format Bibliography/Resource Page Presentation (Information) Little to no background provided No mention of global citizenship Explanation is unclear Some creative elements but inconsistent Only 2 sources in MLA with minimal errors Some background present Brief but unclear mention of global citizenship Topic is clear but lacks focus Global citizenship issue is present and accurate Presentation (Style and Format) No eye contact Presentation is read and unrehearsed No visual aids Seldom uses eye contact Presentation is read Little visual elements used Report (Information) Little depth or understanding of issue No reference to global citizenship Little to no opinion expressed Spelling/grammar errors are prevalent Style of assignment is poorly adhered to Little depth or understanding of issue No reference to global citizenship Little to no opinion expressed Spelling/grammar errors are prevalent Style of assignment is poorly adhered to Little depth or understanding of chosen topic No reference to global citizenship Little to no opinion expressed Many Spelling or grammar errors Style of assignment is poorly adhered to Some understanding of the issue Vague reference to global citizenship Weak opinion Occasional eye contact Visuals present but not strong Some evidence of rehearsing the presentation Good understanding of the issue Opinion is unclear at times Global citizenship element explained Some spelling/ grammar errors Style consistent but lacks insight Good understanding of the issue Opinion is unclear at times Global citizenship element explained Some spelling/ grammar errors Style consistent but lacks insight Good understanding of the topic Opinion is unclear at times Global citizenship element explained Effective introduction of topic Connection to global citizenship is clear and students are told how to get involved Good eye contact Strong use of visuals Well-rehearsed Clear convincing voice On Time Use of Class Time Report (Style and Format) News Article (Information) News Article (Style and Format) Power Point (Information) Power Point (Style & Format) Overall Evaluation / 60 Many spelling/ grammar errors Style tends to be inconsistent Some understanding of the issue Vague reference to global citizenship Weak opinion Many spelling/ grammar errors Style tends to be inconsistent Some understanding of the topic Vague reference to global citizenship Weak opinion Some spelling or grammar errors Style tends to be inconsistent Few spelling or grammar errors Style consistent but lacks insight Level 4 (5 Marks) On time Materials brought consistently Effective use of class time Exceptional creative element Innovative More than 5 sources, MLA format Elements of global citizenship are presented Clear understanding of the issue with opinion Few spelling errors Style is creative and consistent with assignment Elements of global citizenship are presented Clear understanding of the issue with opinion Few spelling errors Style is creative and consistent with assignment Clear understanding of the topic with opinions Elements of global citizenship are presented No spelling or grammar errors Style is creative and consistent with assignment