Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales APPLICATION TO REGISTER AS A VOLUNTARY ADOPTION AGENCY PART 2 Name of Voluntary Adoption Agency: Name of provider: Name of proposed responsible individual: Name of proposed registered manager: Name and status of person completing this form: Part 2 of the application form to register as a Voluntary Adoption Agency (VAA) is your opportunity to demonstrate that you have understood the principles and requirements of the Regulations, National Minimum Standards and Welsh Government Guidance that underpin the provision of a VAA. VAA registration part 2 08/2012 Page 1 of 22 To complete this application, you will need to obtain a copy of the relevant Regulations, National Minimum Standards and Guidance. These are: The Registration of Social Care and Independent Health Care (Wales) Regulations 2002 The Voluntary Adoption Agencies and The Adoption Agencies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003 as amended by The Voluntary Adoption Agencies (Amendment ) Regulations 2005 The Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regulations 2005 The Access to Information (Post Commencement Adoptions) (Wales) Regulations 2005 and supporting WAG guidance issued in 2006 The Independent Review of Determinations (Adoptions) (Wales) Regulations 2006 The Restrictions on the Preparation of Adoption Reports Regulations 2005 The Adopted Children and Adoption Contact Registers Regulations 2005 The National Minimum Standards for Voluntary Adoption Agencies and Local Authority Adoption Services in England and Wales 2003 Where you plan to provide inter-country adoption services you will need a copy of The Adoptions with a Foreign Element Regulations 2005 and The Welsh Assembly Inter-Country Adoption Guidance and Information on Process issued in 2006 Where you plan to provide intermediary services you will need a copy of The Adoption Information and Intermediary Services (Pre-Commencement Adoptions) (Wales) Regulations 2005 and The Welsh Assembly Guidance supporting these regulations issued in 2006. Where you plan to provide adoption support services you will need a copy of The National Minimum Standards for Adoption Support Agencies which came into force from December 30th 2005 The Regulations can be obtained from HMSO; either down loaded from their website or, on payment of a fee, provided in hard copy. The National Minimum Standards are available from Welsh Government, either the Child Health and Social Care Division or Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales via the respective websites: At this stage, CSSIW are looking to be assured that the arrangements and resources that you are proposing to deploy in your voluntary adoption agency will result in the regulations and standards being consistently met or exceeded. VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 2 of 22 This document requires you to provide evidence to demonstrate this and in some sections asks for specific information / evidence. In other places it makes suggestions as to what evidence might be appropriate. It is helpful if you provide the information requested but your application will not be disadvantaged if you use other sources of evidence. As indicated in other documents, a well thought out and clearly presented Statement of Purpose for the proposed agency is an essential starting point for working through all aspects of the agency’s operations. It will also be the starting point for CSSIW's evaluation of your proposals. It is essential that your application demonstrates that you are familiar with the Regulations, National Minimum Standards and WG Guidance, including their appendices and the sources of information informing them (usually listed in the bibliography). We will expect you to have considered the legal and best practice aspects of the service you propose to register. To help us to process your application as efficiently as possible, please list and mark each document you submit by reference to the regulation, national minimum standard and/or guidance to which it relates. Although not a requirement, CSSIW would find it helpful if you would submit your documents in a file with an index of sections and contents. We are happy to accept copies of this form by e-mail and accompanying documents on a CD Rom. Contents: Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Section 11 Policies, Procedures and Information Safeguarding Children Working with Prospective and Approved Adopters Working with Birth families Management and Staffing of the Agency Including Complaints and Notifications Adoption Panel and Agency Decisions Premises and Records Provision of Inter-country Adoption Services Provision of Intermediary Services (access to information and contact) Provision of Adoption Support Services Declaration and Signature(s) Please note that throughout this document the regulatory references refer to ‘the Voluntary Adoption Agencies and the Adoption Agencies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003’ and the National Minimum Standard references are ‘the NMS for Voluntary Adoption Agencies and Local Authority Adoption Services in England and Wales 2003’ unless stated otherwise. VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 3 of 22 Section 1 – Policies, Procedures and Information Statement of Purpose & Children's Guide Relevant Regulations 3, 4, 24B & 24C & Schedule 1 Linked NMS 1 This table links each regulation to the most relevant NMS; this does not preclude other National Minimum Standards being linked to each regulation. Please describe the voluntary adoption agency service that you are proposing to provide: VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 4 of 22 Please submit copies of your following procedures and other information as requested below. Procedure Tick if enclosed Statement of Purpose (Regulations 3 and 24B and 3 Schedule 1) Children’s Guide (Reg. 24C) The agency’s safeguarding policy and procedure (Regulation10) Staff recruitment and selection policy and procedure (Regulation 15) Staff disciplinary procedure (Regulations 16 & 24J) Written procedure for considering complaints (Regulations 11, 12 & 24H) Adoption panel policies and procedures (NMS 10) Written plan of your agency's strategy to recruit adopters (NMS 2) Written eligibility criteria for adopters NMS 3.2 Written information for birth parents / guardians about the procedure in respect of both placement for adoption and adoption including the Adoption Register for England and Wales and legal implications of giving consent. (Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regulations 2005 Reg. 14) Written information about the adoption process and the legal implications of adoption for prospective adopters (Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regulations 2005 Reg. 21 and NMS 3, 4, 5 & 6) Panel member confidentiality agreement (NMS 11.3) Staff grievance policy (NMS 20) Staff job contract/conditions of service (Reg. 15 and NMS 20) Staff training plan (Reg. 15 and NMS 23) Equal Opportunities Policy (NMS 20) Health and safety procedures (NMS 20) Confidentiality of adoption information procedure (NMS 27) Case recording policy (NMS 27) Access to records policy (NMS 27) Whistle blowing policy Evidence of your public liability and professional indemnity insurance and insurance of the premises. Please list any other documents that you feel demonstrates your compliance with the Regulations and National Minimum Standards listed above. VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 5 of 22 Section 2 - Safeguarding children Relevant Regulations Linked NMS 10 The Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regs 2005 Reg. 13 2 This table links each regulation to the most relevant NMS; this does not preclude other National Minimum Standards being linked to each regulation. Please describe how you intend to ensure that the service meets the requirements of the above Regulations and National Minimum Standards and that you have a robust system in place for the protection of children. Please can you ensure you cover the following in your response The background / reference documents you used to write your policy Dealing with historical allegations Your links with local child protection agencies How staff and service users are made aware of the policy The training you provide for prospective adopters and staff at induction and ongoing Ascertaining the wishes and feelings of the child You have been requested to submit a copy of your agency’s safeguarding policy and procedure in section 1 of this form. VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 6 of 22 Section 3 – Working with Prospective and Approved Adopters Relevant Regulations The Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regs 2005 Reg. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Linked NMS 3,4, 5, 6, This table links each regulation to the most relevant NMS; this does not preclude other National Minimum Standards being linked to each regulation. Please describe how you intend to ensure that the service meets the requirements of the above Regulations and National Minimum Standards. Please can you ensure you cover the following in your response Arrangements for assessment of suitability and preparation of prospective adopters, Matching Support groups Provision of a counselling service for prospective adopters Please list and attach copies of any additional documents that you feel demonstrate your compliance with the Regulations and National Minimum Standards listed above: - VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 7 of 22 Section 4 - Working with Birth Parents Relevant Regulations The Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regs 2005 Reg. 14,16, 7 Linked NMS 7, 8, 9 This table links each regulation to the most relevant NMS; this does not preclude other National Minimum Standards being linked to each regulation. Please describe how you intend to ensure that the service meets the requirements of the above Regulations and National Minimum Standards. Please can you ensure you cover the following in your response Your strategy for working with and supporting birth parents and birth families both before and after adoption Links with local/national support groups for birth relatives Provision of a counselling service for birth parents Obtaining information from parents about the child’s heritage Ascertaining birth relatives wishes and feelings Please list and attach copies of any additional documents that you feel demonstrate your compliance with the Regulations and National Minimum Standards listed above: - VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 8 of 22 Section 5 - Management and staffing of the service including complaints and notifications Registered providers, responsible individuals and managers. Relevant Regulations 5, 6, 7, 8, Schedules 2 and 3 Linked NMS 16, 17, 18, and 30 This table links each regulation to the most relevant NMS, this does not preclude other National Minimum Standards being linked to each regulation NB. Many aspects of this section are covered in part 1 of the application but please complete the following: Please confirm the persons who will fulfil the following roles: Role Name Responsible individual Registered manager Please describe how you intend to ensure that the service meets the requirements of the Regulations and the National Minimum Standards as referred to above. Please can you ensure that in your submission you include details of the systems you are putting into place to Monitor and evaluate the provision of your services to ensure quality and keep your trustees / management committee up to date with the management and outcomes of your service; Arrangements for service user input into quality assurance and continuous improvement Maintain a financially viable service Maintain the necessary skills for carrying on and managing the agency / training opportunities VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 9 of 22 Please list and attach copies of any additional documents that you feel demonstrate your compliance with the Regulations and National Minimum Standards listed above Staffing proposals Relevant Regulations 13, 14, 15, 24I, & Schedule 2 Linked NMS 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28 This table links each regulation to the most relevant NMS; this does not preclude other National Minimum Standards being linked to each regulation. Please outline how you propose the agency will be staffed: Posts (positions) Number Proposed hours per post Level of qualification and experience Please provide the following documents, (a) (b) Organisational chart Job descriptions for each grade of post Attached Attached Please provide a copy of the documents you are proposing to use to record all the details set out in Schedule 3 to the Voluntary Adoption Agencies and The Adoption Agencies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003. Attached VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 10 of 22 Staffing - employment, deployment and support Relevant Regulations 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Schedule 3 Linked NMS 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 This table links each regulation to the most relevant NMS, this does not preclude other National Minimum Standards being linked to each regulation Please describe how you intend to ensure that the service meets the requirements of the above Regulations and National Minimum Standards. Please can you ensure you cover the following in your response How you will manage workloads and adjust numbers of staff over time Links with appropriate training providers Arrangements for induction, training, supervision and appraisal of staff VAA registration part 2 08/2012 Page 11 of 22 Complaints and representations Relevant Regulations 11, 12 Linked NMS 24 This table links each regulation to the most relevant NMS, this does not preclude other National Minimum Standards being linked to each regulation Please describe how you intend to ensure that the service meets the requirements of the above Regulations and National Minimum Standards Please can you ensure you cover the following in your response The background / reference documents you used to write your policy / procedure How complaints will be investigated and by whom How staff and service users will be made aware of it The training you will provide for staff at induction and ongoing training Recording and monitoring arrangements VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 12 of 22 5.5 Notifications Relevant Regulations 9, 19, 21, 22, 23 (No NMS) Please confirm that you have read and understood the range of notifications that you are required to make Yes No Please outline the systems or processes that you plan to put in place to meet the requirements of the above Regulations. Please list and attach copies of any other documents that you feel demonstrate your compliance with the Regulations listed above: VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 13 of 22 Section 6 – Adoption Panel and Agency decisions Relevant Regulations The Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regulations 2005: - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28 Linked NMS 10, 11, 12, 13 This table links each regulation to the most relevant NMS, this does not preclude other National Minimum Standards being linked to each regulation Please describe below how you intend to ensure that the service meets the requirements of the Regulations and the National Minimum Standards as referred to above. Please include specifically details about your proposed panel and agency decision making arrangements and how you will access specialist advisers VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 14 of 22 Section 7 – Premises and Records Relevant Regulations Linked NMS 10(2)(e), 12(3), 17 & Schedule 3, 18, 24G The Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regs 2005 Reg. 12 2.2, 5.3, 17.3, 24.7, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31.4 This table links each regulation to the most relevant NMS, this does not preclude other National Minimum Standards being linked to each regulation Please describe how you intend to ensure that the service meets the requirements of the Regulations and the National Minimum Standards as referred to above. In particular, please include detail about – the suitability of the premises you intend to use for the purpose of the VAA your arrangements to maintain all the records required by regulation and the NMS and to monitor the quality and adequacy of these records the arrangements you have in place for the secure storage of records both on and away from the premises, your arrangements for the safety and confidentiality of records including who can access them and how how staff will be advised about their role in the management of records VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 15 of 22 Section 8 – Provision of Inter-country Adoption Services NB. This section may not apply to all voluntary adoption agencies. If these services are provided this must be reflected in your service’s statement of purpose. Agencies not providing these services do not need to complete this section of the application form please proceed to section 9. Relevant Regulations The Adoptions with a Foreign Element Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No 392) Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regulations 2005 The Restrictions on the Preparation of Adoption Reports Regulations 2005 NMS 3.2 Welsh Assembly Guidance Inter-country Adoption Guidance and Information on Process issued September 2006 There are no specific NMS attached to Inter-country adoption services but the NMS which apply to VAAs are relevant Please describe the inter-country adoption service you intend to provide and how you intend to ensure that your agency will meet the requirements of the Regulations and the WG guidance as referred to above. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 16 of 22 Additional information related to an inter-country adoption service If there is information or policies and procedures that relate specifically to the inter-country adoption services that you intend to provide that you do not refer to elsewhere in this application, please list here and send them in with your application: VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 17 of 22 Section 9 - Provisions of Intermediary Services (access to information and help with contact) NB. This section may not apply to all voluntary adoption agencies. If these services are provided this must be reflected in your service’s statement of purpose. Agencies not providing these services do not need to complete this section of the application form; please proceed to section 10. Decision to proceed, consents and vetos in the provision of information and provision of counselling Relevant Regulations WAG Guidance The Adoption Information and Intermediary Services (pre-commencement Adoptions) (Wales) Regulations 2005 WAG guidance in respect of Intermediary Services issued in December 2006 There are no NMS linked to these regulations Please describe how you intend to ensure that your VAA meets the requirements of the above Regulations and WAG guidance that supports these regulations: VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 18 of 22 Please can you ensure you cover the following in your response: How and who will determine whether requests for Intermediary services should proceed Any systems or processes that will be in place to support this decision making including any review processes How you will operate within these Regulations Your arrangements for keeping and accessing records of vetos Systems and processes for managing & monitoring requests for counselling Arrangements for the provision of counselling whether within or outside of the agency. Please provide a copy of the following document/s, ensuring that the contents meet the full requirements of the Regulations and Welsh Government Guidance (a) (b) (c) Statement / policy and procedure for deciding whether to provide an intermediary service as stated in regulation 6. Attached Staff guidance Attached Written information for service users Attached VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 19 of 22 Section 10 – Provision of adoption support services NB. This section may not apply to all voluntary adoption agencies. If adoption support services are provided this must be reflected in your Statement of Purpose. Agencies not providing these services do not need to complete this section of the application form; please proceed to the final section which requires your signature. Relevant Regulations The VAA & AA (MA) Regs 2003 amended by the VAA (Amendment) Regs 2005: 24A to 24K Linked NMS NMS for Adoption Support Agencies This table links each regulation to the most relevant NMS, this does not preclude other National Minimum Standards being linked to each regulation Please describe how you intend to ensure that your adoption support service meets the requirements of the above Regulations and National Minimum Standards: Please can you ensure you cover the following in your response Provision of Children’s Guide How you plan to manage referrals for service, including links with any agencies that refer to you Your procedure for managing applications for adoption support services How you plan to determine and monitor the appropriate service for individuals, including meeting a range of specific needs Maintaining the required records VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 20 of 22 Additional information related to adoption support services If there are information or policies and procedures that relate specifically to your adoption support services that you do not refer to elsewhere in this application, please list here and send them in with your application. VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 21 of 22 Section 11 - Declaration and Signature Declaration The information we/I have provided in this application form and in any attached documents is, to the best of our/my knowledge and belief, true and complete. We/I understand that the discovery of any deliberate concealment or omission of information could lead to any registration which may be granted as a result of this application being cancelled and may also render us/me liable to prosecution. Signature of person(s) completing this form 1) Name Status 2) Name Status VAA registration Application Part 2 08/2013 Page 22 of 22