March 6 - Edmonton Seniors' Council

The Link-Letter March 6, 2009
v. 4-09
For more information click on the links
provided or check out Resources for
Agencies and Event Details.
New items are highlighted.
1. The ESCC has launched its new and improved website. Go to to view and download Mobilizing for Action: A
Report to Create Culturally Responsive Pathways for Isolated Immigrant
Seniors, and watch Come On In, an information video on seniors centres
in Edmonton. Some of the website’s new features are still in the
construction stage. We will soon be able to accept on-line registrations
for the Seniors Services Conference 2009, to be held Sept. 24-25; our
“find a ride” feature will enable seniors, their family members, and
senior-sector staff to search for information on transportation service
providers; and our restricted “for members only” section will enable
groups to access minutes of their meetings and discuss issues and
concerns through a blog feature. We welcome your feedback.
2. Free hard copies of Mobilizing for Action: A Report to Create Culturally
Responsive Pathways for Isolated Immigrant Seniors are available at the
ESCC office, #308, 10310 Jasper Avenue, for pick-up. Please phone or
email in advance to arrange a suitable time. The number of hard copies
available is limited so don’t delay in emailing or
calling 780-423-5635. If you wish us to mail you the report, we will have
to charge $10/copy due to the cost of sending out the 280+ page
document. If reprinting is required due to demand, the unbudgeted cost
of production and mailing will necessitate a charge of $25/copy.
3. The ESCC has completed its mileage reimbursement rate survey and
the results can be viewed here. We extend our thanks to all those who
participated. We now have a request to survey senior-sector staff about
their agency’s Christmas closure and vacation policies. To
participate, email and tell us whether you close
during the Christmas holiday season (for example, “closed noon Dec. 24
to Jan. 2”), how much vacation time staff get (for example, “three weeks
after one year of employment”), and whether you have an unpaid leave
policy (for example, “staff may take up to three weeks of unpaid leave
per year at the discretion of the executive director”). The deadline for
replies is noon on March 10 and we will report the results March 13.
4. Registered non-profit organizations that haven’t applied for grant
funding during the past year through Alberta’s Community Facility
Enhancement Program (CFEP), Major Community Facilities Program
(MCFP) or Community Initiatives Program (CIP) still have a few weeks to
get in their 2008 applications. Organizations can submit one application
per facility/project/initiative per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31). For
Alberta Lottery Fund grant foundation guidelines, requirements and
considerations, go here. For information about other sources of funding,
go here. Application deadlines for Minerva Foundation and Wild Rose
Foundation grants are also coming up March 31/April 1).
5. Over the past two months, senior nonprofit sector staff and other key
stakeholders have met as a steering committee to develop the
foundations for a Workforce Strategy for Alberta’s Nonprofit and
Voluntary Sector. One of the first tasks of the project’s Workforce
Council will be to gain a fuller understanding of the workforce and
workplace initiatives currently underway. “We would like to create an
inventory of initiatives to help facilitate developing connections and
building synergies. If you have a workforce, HR, workplace, leadership,
advocacy or related initiative currently (or soon to be) underway, please
forward a summary and contact information.” For information, to submit
the details of your workforce initiative or to discuss becoming a member
of the Workforce Council, contact Mike Grogan, Director, Workforce
Development, Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations, at To read an update on the initiative, go here.
For more information on the council’s goals and objectives, go here.
1. The 2009 Board Leadership Conference on Saturday, March 21, at
Grant MacEwan College, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., is geared for both
beginner and experienced board members of nonprofit/voluntary
organizations. Learn about media relations, fundraising, board
recruitment and succession planning, generative governance, cultural
diversity and more. For information, check the program schedule, FAQs
and conference poster. Registration is $55.30 per person. Register at For more information, call the
Resource Centre for Voluntary Organizations at 780-497-4780 or email
2. You are Not Alone: A Workshop for Seniors Who Care for Seniors
will be presented March 23, 10 a.m. to noon (with lunch to follow), at
the Edmonton General, 3Y, 11111 Jasper Avenue. The free session will
enable caregivers to meet others who share their experience, and learn
new ways of handling difficult situations. Presenter Maureen Osis is also
willing to coach those who want to become workshop leaders, and will
meet with them right after the workshop. To attend You are Not Alone,
RSVP to Penny Olsen at 780-482-8625 by March 13. Lunch is free. The
workshop is sponsored by the Adult Learning Knowledge Centre, an
initiative of the Canadian Council on Learning.
3. Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton (SAGE) will hold a free
Senior Friendly ESL Workshop on Friday, March 27 from noon to
1:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided. As part of the association’s
Multicultural Seniors Outreach Project, it receives funding from ECALA for
ESL classes for immigrant and refugee seniors in a number of
communities. ESL teacher Lesley Lambert has spent the past year
developing “a curriculum and resources for teaching ESL to seniors that
addresses their unique learning needs. We will be talking about the
classes we offer as well as viewing her teaching video. If this would be
helpful to you in your work please join us for some mutual sharing and
learning!” RSVP to Debby by email or phone 780701-9018 by March 20.
4. The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and
Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) is delivering a free Physical
Activity Opportunities and Challenges for Women 55-70 workshop
in Edmonton on March 27. “Women 55-70 realize that they need to
invest in their health now to stay healthy as they age. However, reaching
these women can be difficult. And current physical activity and sports
programming could do more to attract these women and keep them
involved.” The Alberta Centre for Active Living is co-hosting this
event. For more information, go here. To RSVP, provide your name and
job title, the name of your organization, your phone number and e-mail
address to Lynda Matthews-Mackey at 780-427-6949 or
5. Linda Graff will present two half-day community workshops on
Tuesday, April 7, on behalf of Volunteer Edmonton. Workshop #1,
from 9 to 11 a.m., is on Emerging Trends and Best Practice in
Volunteer Management. Cost: $80. Workshop #2, from 1 to 4 p.m., is
on Volunteer Job Design: It’s a Privilege to Volunteer Here. Cost:
$80. Both workshops will be held Santa Maria Goretti Community Centre,
11050-90 Street (by Commonwealth Stadium). Click here to view a map.
Free parking is available on the street, behind the centre or across the
street at the Commonwealth Stadium LRT parking lot. Lunch is also
included if you register for both workshops. To register, visit For information call 780-7326655.
1. A City of Edmonton and University of Alberta pilot project is
demonstrating the use of a citizen panel to gain public input on city
planning and budgeting. The Edmonton Citizen Panel brings together
50 residents to develop a fuller understanding of the city’s vision and
strategic goals, and to discuss how to best use city resources to realize
these goals. To view the first (9 to 10 a.m.) and last (3 to 4 p.m.) hour
of the sessions, go to Seniors can also
join a Facebook group and take part in a moderated discussion at The sessions are March 7,
14, 21 and 28, and April 25.
2. Edmonton Mayor Stephen Mandel has launched a Taskforce on
Community Safety and is inviting seniors and the agencies that work
with them to provide input. To gather this input on a “strategy and 10
year implementation plan to result in reduced crime and improved
safety,” attend a March 9 session from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Strathcona
Place Senior Centre, 10831 University Avenue. Space is limited so preregistration is advised. Register by contacting Michelle at or by calling 780-499-2752. For more
information, visit
3. The Edmonton 104 Street downtown outdoor market will be
opening up in May. It welcomes new vendors and is particularly
interested in those from different ethno-cultural communities who
would offer different types of food and crafts. Seniors interested in a
workshop on "how to be a vendor" are asked to contact Teressa
Johnson, multicultural liaison coordinator for Edmonton Community
Services, by emailing by March 11. If
there is enough interest, she will make arrangements for someone from
the market to run the session. “They would talk about the health
regulations, insurance, cost of renting a booth etc.”
4. ElderCare Edmonton is hosting a free Income Tax Information for
Seniors and Caregivers of Seniors event on March 11. Two sessions,
at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., will be held at Lifestyle Options Terra Losa, 17203
- 99 Avenue, in the private dining room. Presenters from Canada
Revenue Agency will be in attendance. For information, contact Katrina
Damer at 780-434-4747 ext 2 or
5. Jeff Allen Gallery at Strathcona Place Senior Centre, 10831 University
Avenue, presents an exhibition of the work of Millard Foster and
Magdalene Ungstad until April 2. An open house reception will be held
March 11 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Foster uses papier tole and decoupage
to create his art, while Ungstad is a master potter. Best viewing hours
are 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 and 4 p.m. The centre is open Monday
through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For information call 780-433-5807.
6. The Healthy Living Therapies Alberta Association, a non-profit
organization committed to making the services of wholistic therapists
available to the community, will hold a Wholistic Fair and Silent
Auction on March 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Allen Gray
Continuing Care Centre, 5005 - 28 Avenue, Edmonton. The fair will
include 30-minute health sessions, raffles and door prizes. For more
information call David at 780-504-6457, email;
or Marion at 780-988-7211, email
7. CARP Edmonton is inviting seniors with concerns about the Alberta
Pharmaceutical Strategy to attend “an important general meeting
on March 17, from 1 to 3 p.m., at Barnett House, 11010 - 142 Street.
The meeting will provide an opportunity for the expression of concerns
and suggestions. A forum “made up of several knowledgeable people
from seniors’ organizations” will share information and discuss
suggestions for CARP's proposal to the government. “This is your chance
to be heard. Seating is limited, so register early. To register call 780455-9727 or e-mail
8. The Seniors Assisted Transportation Society of Greater Edmonton
will hold its third annual Walker-a-thon on March 25 at Londonderry
Mall from 8 to 9:30 a.m. The event is a casual one or two kilometre walk
that raises funds to help SATS help walking older seniors by providing
volunteer driving support. “People using walkers are extra welcome but
everyone is welcome.” Participants raise funds through pledges of
support from co-workers, friends or family members. Tax receipts will be
issued for “any support over $10”. Pledge sheets are available by going
to, emailing or by
calling 780-732-1221.
9. The Seniors Assisted Transportation Society of Greater Edmonton
wants to know what seniors do when they do nothing. The focus of SATS’
Senior Idle trademark televised event isn’t a talent competition or
contest, however, it’s socializing. For a “request to participate” form and
more information, go to, email or call 780-732-1221.
10. Make Tax Time Pay (MTTP) is willing to provide low income seniors
with free volunteer assistance to prepare their taxes. To find the
MTTP site nearest to you, call 2-1-1. All MTTP sites offer tax preparation
services at no charge. There are 24 sites throughout Edmonton open
March through April. The sites take appointments but also welcome drop
offs and walk ins, and offer assistance in Spanish, French and other
languages. Some sites are wheelchair accessible. Click here to see if you
qualify for free assistance. Assistance in completing tax forms is also
provided by the Seniors Assisted Transportation Society of Greater
Edmonton (SATS), the Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton
(SAGE) and The Salvation Army Edmonton.
11. If you are keen on exploring healthy eating, join Edmonton Meals on
Wheels’ registered dietician for a lively monthly discussion. The first
session, Colour Your Plate, will be April 7 and will include tips on the
benefits of brightly coloured vegetables and fruit. Samples will be
provided. “Bring your questions and ideas so you can learn, share, laugh
and enjoy. Bring your own bag lunch or enjoy our meal of the day for
only $2.25. Tea and coffee is complementary.” The session runs from
noon to 12:45 p.m. at Edmonton Meals on Wheels, 11111-103 Ave.
Parking is free. Register or receive more information by calling 780-4292020. Each session is limited to 15 people.
1. The Alberta Equestrian Federation is inviting seniors to volunteer
with its Annual Horse Showcase on Sunday, May 24, at the Strathcona
Olympiette Centre (Fultonvale). “Horse experience is not required, just a
willingness to come out and have fun! Volunteers are needed for a variety
of positions, including the kids colouring area, handing out draw prizes,
displaying photo contest entries, as well as working directly with our
exhibitors and horses.” For more information, call 780-446-9932 or email
2. The Salvation Army Edmonton Community and Family Services is
looking for volunteers to prepare income tax returns for low-income
families and individuals taxes at the Stanley Milner Branch of the
Edmonton Public Library. Hours and days are flexible between 9 a.m. and
3 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. If there is enough
interest, extending the program into evening hours and/or Saturdays will
be considered. “There will be loads of training beforehand.” For more
information, contact volunteer coordinator Stacy Diggle-Krawchuk by
calling 780-412-2635 or emailing
3. Seniors are being invited to make a difference in the life of a child by
becoming volunteer Big Brothers and Big Sisters for as little as one
hour a week. “Bigs and Littles meet in their community to share fun
activities, stories and a little bit of themselves.” Or they meet once a
week or every other week at the Little’s school “to talk and have fun. It’s
not about being a tutor, it’s about being a friend.” For more information,
call 780-424-8181 or go to
4. STARS Air Rescue’s Edmonton base is looking for enthusiastic seniors to
join its volunteer team. “Volunteers assist the STARS Foundation with
special events, casinos, administration, merchandise sales and base
tours.” Volunteers contribute to keeping fundraising costs low and enable
as much money as possible to be directed toward STARS’ patient care
program. “We provide a complete orientation and many opportunities for
personal growth.” If you are interested in volunteering, contact STARS
Edmonton volunteer manager Nafisa Taimuri by phone at 780-732-3002,
fax at 780-447-5493 or email at For more information
about STARS, go to