University Question Paper

University Questions
Part –A
1. With the block diagram, discuss briefly the various levels of data
abstraction. [Nov’2002 & May 2007]
2. Distinguish between physical and logical data independence. [May 2003,
Nov2006 & Nov 2007]
3. What is a data dictionary? What are the information stored in the data
dictionary? [May 2003, May 2004, Nov 2006 & Nov 2007]
4. What for logical level is used in the data abstraction? [Dec 2003]
5. Define schema and instance. [May 2004 & Nov 2005]
6. Define database management system [May 2005 & May 2003]
7. Define data abstraction. [May 2005]
8. List the function of database administrator. [May 2005 & Dec 2005]
9. Define data manipulation language. [Nov 2006]
10. What are the problems in data redundancy? [May 2005]
11. What is the purpose of buffer manager? [May 2005]
12. Define the term data-independence [May 2006]
13. Define Meta-data [May 2007]
14. Define subschema [May 2007]
15. What are the major disadvantages of processing system? [Nov 2007]
16. List five responsibilities of the DB manager. [May 2007]
17. List any two advantages of database systems. [ Nov 2007]
18. Explain briefly about E-R data model [Nov 2003]
19. Compare network model with hierarchical model [May 2005]
20. What does data model mean?
21. Differentiate a weak entity set from a strong entity set. [May 2007 & Nov
22. Name the different types of attributes that occur in the ER model [May
23. What is a derived attribute? Give an example. [Nov 2004]
24. Summarize various data models and highlight its feature. [Nov 2005]
25. Summarize the ER model notations [May 2006]
26. Give example for multi-valued attribute and composite attribute. [Nov
27. What do you mean by weak entity set? Explain its purpose with an
example. [Nov 2007 & May 2008]
Part –B
1. Explain in detail the major disadvantages of keeping organizational
information in a file –processing system [8] [Nov 2002, Nov 2005, May
2006 & May 2007]
2. What are the components used in storage manager of a database system?
What are their tasks? [8] [Nov 2003]
3. In what way data – manipulation languages are different from conventional
procedural languages? Explain [8] [Nov 2003]
4. With the help of a block diagram explain the basic architecture of a
database management system. [8] [Nov 2006, May 2007, Nov 2004 &
May 2005]
5. What is meant by a schema? Distinguish between external, conceptual and
internal schema. [8] [Nov 2005]
6. Explain the data manipulation language and data description language in
detail. [12] [Nov 2005]
7. Explain the data dictionary in detail [4] [Nov 2005]
8. Draw the three schema architecture of database systems and explain in
detail. [10] [May 2003, Dec 2006 & May 2006]
9. Compare logical data independence and physical data independence. [6]
[May 2003]
10. Illustrate database system structure with suitable block diagram. [12] [May
2005, Nov 2007 & Nov 2006]
11. List out the functions of a DBA. [4] [Nov 2006 & May 2008]
12. What are the data models and how are they grouped? [6] [May 2003 &
May 2008]
13. Explain in detail any two data models with sample databases. [10] [May
2003 & May 2008]
14. How to represent strong entity sets using table? Explain with example. [8]
[Nov 2003]
15. Explain the logical structure of a database with the help of a sample ER
diagram. [8] [Nov 2004]
16. Discuss in detail two of the most important types of mapping constraints
with respect to an ER enterprise schema. [8] [Nov 2004]
17. Construct an ER diagram for bank transactions. [8] [May 2005 & Nov
18. What is meant by recursive relationship type? Give some examples of
recursive relationship types. [6] [Nov 2005]
19. Construct an ER diagram for a hospital with a set of patients and a set of
medical doctors. Associate each patient with a log of the various tests and
examinations conducted. [8] [May 2006 & Nov 2007]
20. Differentiate between hierarchical, network, relational model with example
[8] [Nov 2007]
21. Draw the ER diagram for the above given employee company relation. [8]
[Nov 2007]
22. Discuss about the following
a. Multi-valued attribute
b. Derived attribute
c. Null values and key attribute
d. Weak entity
[4][May 2005]
23. List the possible types of relations that may exist between two entities.
How would you realize that into tables, for a binary relation? [8] [May
2007 & Nov 2005]
24. Define the following terms
Entity, Types, Entity sets, Attributes and keys [8] [May 2007 & Nov 2005]
25. Discuss the main categories of data models [12] [Nov 2006]
26. Illustrate the issues to be considered while developing an ER diagram [8]
[Nov 2006]
a. Construct an ER diagram for a car insurance company that has a set
of customer, each of whom owns one / more cars. Each car has
associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents. [8]
b. Construct appropriate tables for the above ER diagram. [8] [May
University Questions
Part –A
1. Specify with suitable example, the different types of keys used in database
management system. [Nov’2002]
2. Why is a key essential? Write the different types of keys. [Dec’2004]
3. Define the term tuple. [Nov 2005]
4. What is the difference between primary key and foreign key [Nov 2005]
5. What is the difference between a key and super key. [May 2003]
6. Give the distinction between primary key, candidate key and super key.
[Nov 2006]
7. Distinguish between primary key and candidate key. [May 2008]
8. What is a rename operation in relation algebra? IIIustrate your answer with
examples. [Nov 2002]
9. How “Natural – Join’ operation is performed? [Nov 2003 & May 2006]
10. List the various join relations [May 2005]
11. State the various operations in relation algebra. [May 2005 & Nov 2006]
12. Define Query language. Give the classification of query language. [Mary
13. Explain the basic structure of an SQL expression. [Nov 2002]
14. What is a view and how is it created? Explain with an example. [May 2003
& Nov 2005]
15. In what way is an Embedded SQL different from SQL? Discuss. [May
16. What is embedded SQL? Explain briefly. [Dec 2003, May 2005 & May
17. List reasons why null value might be introduced into the database. [May
2006 & Nov 2007]
18. Name the different types of joints supported in SQL. [Nov’2005, May
19. Write a short note on aggregate functions in SQL. Give examples. [Nov
20. Write a SQL statement to find the names and loan numbers of all customers
who have a loan at Chennai branch. [Nov 2006]
21. What is static SQL? How does it differ from dynamic SQL? [Nov 2007]
22. Which condition is called referential integrity? Explain its basic concepts.
[May 2003, Dec 2003, May 2004 & Nov 2006]
23. What is triggers in SQL? [May 2005 & Nov 2007]
24. Write about Assertions [May 2007]
25. What are the different types of integrity constraint used in designing a
relational database? [Nov 2007]
26. With an example explain referential integrity [May 2008]
27. What are entity integrity constraints?
28. What are entity Integrity constraints?
29. Mention the different level of security.
30. List out the form of authorization on parts of the database.
31. Mention the forms of authorization to modify the database schema.
32. Briefly explain any one commercially available database system. [Nov
33. What are the two approached to store a relation in the distributed database?
[May 2004]
34. What are the advantages of distributed database? [Dec2004 & May 2008]
35. List out the reasons for the development of distributed database. [May
36. Differentiate Homogenous and heterogeneous databases with reference to
distributed databases. [Nov 2006]
37. State the advantages and disadvantages of data replication [May 2007]
38. What are data fragmentations? State the various fragmentations with
example. [Nov 2007]
39. Define Local Transaction and global transaction.
40. Mention the disadvantages of distributed databases.
41. Draw a neat sketch to indicate the architecture of a distributed system.
[May 2003]
Part –B
1. Explain the distinction among the terms primary key, foreign key and super
key with a suitable example. [8][Nov 2007]
2. Discuss the fundamental operations in the relation algebra. [8] [May 2003]
3. With example, explain the cartesion product operation in details. [8]
4. How to perform “outer join” operation in a relational algebra operation?
Explain with example.
5. Explain all join operations in relation algebra. [8] [May 2005]
6. Discuss the various relational operations with suitable examples. [12] [Nov
2006,Nov 2005, May 2003 &Nov 2007]
7. Write about query languages [4] [May 2007]
8. Differentiate between Domain relation calculus (DRC) and tuple relation
calculus (TRC) [6] [Nov 2007].
9. A Supplier part shipment project database is given by the following table
names and field names.
Supplier Table S (S#Sname, Status, city)
Part Table P(P#, PNAME, color, weight, city)
Project Table J(J#, JNAME,CITY)
Shipment Table J(S#, P#,J#,QTY)
i) Prepare a sample database for the above tables with a minimum of three
records in each table.
Formulate appropriate SQL statements for following queries:
ii) Get the part number for parts such that no other part has a smaller weight
value. Use appropriate aggregate function if necessary.
iii) Get S# values for suppliers who supply both projects J1 and J2.
iv) Change the color of all red parts to orange. [4x4 =16] [Nov 2002]
10. Assume a sample database, and explain how to add, remove or change
information in the database. [16]
a. SQL language has several parts. What are they? [4]
b. How many clauses are there in the basic structure of an SQL?
Explain. [12] [May 2003, Nov 2003 & Nov 2004]
12. What is embedded SQL? What are its advantages? [4] [Nov 2004, May
2005 & Nov 2005]
13. Write short notes on DDL statement with an example. [4] [Nov 2004]
14. Explain the DML and DDL in detail. [8] [Nov 2005]
15. Discuss the various relational operations with suitable examples. [8] [Nov
16. Explain nested query statement using SQL with suitable example [8] [Nov
2005, May 2003, Dec 2006]
17. Discuss the substring comparisons, arithmetic operators and ordering
features of SQL. [8] [May 2003]
18. Discuss about triggers. How do triggers offer a powerful mechanism for
dealing with the change to a database with suitable example? [10] [Dec
19. What are the relational algebra operations supported in SQL? Write the
SQL statement for each operation. [8][May 2007 & Nov 2005]
20. Consider the following tables :
Employee (emp_no,name,emp_city)
Company (emp_no, company_name, Salary)
Write a SQL to display Employee name and his company name.
Write a SQL to display the company name which is giving
highest average salary.
Write a query to display the employee
Write a query to display the total number of employees of each
company. [4 X4=16] [May 2005].
21. Consider the employee database where the primary keys are underlined.
employee (person_name, street, city)
works (person_name, company_name, salary)
Company (company_name,city)
manages (person_name, manager_name)
Consider the relation database, where the primary keys are underlined. Give
an expression in relational algebra, SQL query of the following
a) Find the names of all employees who work for First Bank Corporation
b) Find the names and cities of residence of all employees who work for First
Bank Corporation
c) Find the names, street address, cities of residence of all employees who
work for bank and earn more than Rs. 10,000 per annum.
d) Find the names of all employees in this database who live in the same city
as the company for which they work.
e) Find the names of all employees who live in the same city and on the same
street as do their managers.
f) Find the names of all employees in this database who do not work for First
Bank Corporation
22. With relevant examples discuss the following in SQL.
a. DDL
b. DML
c. DCL
d. Views
23. Write a short note on advanced SQL features.
24. Discuss about Triggers. How do triggers offer a powerful mechanism for
dealing with change to a database with suitable example
25. Discuss the entity integrity and referential integrity constraints. Why are
they important? Explain them with suitable examples. [Nov 2006, May
2006 & May 2003]
26. Explain the security features provided in commercial query languages. [8]
[Nov 2005 & May 2007]
27. Discuss the strengths and weakness of the trigger mechanism. Compare
triggers with other integrity constraints supported by SQL. [8] [Nov 2007]
28. Explain the different approaches used to store a relation are in the
distributed database with a suitable example. [Nov 2002 & Nov 2004]
29. Explain the basic failure types in a distributed environment. [4][May 2003]
30. What are the basic issues while implementing distributed databases?
Explain. [Nov 2003 & Nov 2006]
31. Explain the design of distributed database. [May 2005]
32. Write a detailed note on distributed databases. [8] [Nov 2005, Nov 2007 &
May 2008]
33. What are data fragmentations? Explain the various approaches for
fragmenting a relation with example. [8] [May 2006 & May 2007]
1. Describe briefly any two undesirable properties that a bad database
design may have. [Nov 2002]
2. Define Boyce – codd Normal form and describe a relation which is in
DCNF. [Nov 2002 & May 2005]
3. Explain with a simple example, the lossless – join decomposition. [May
4. Define Functional Dependency. [Nov 2004 & May 2005]
5. What are the desirable properties of decomposition? [Nov 2005]
6. State the various pitfalls in relational database. [May 2006, Nov 2006 &
May 2007]
7. What is the need for normalization? [Nov 2005]
8. What is the difference between 3NF and BCNF? [May 2006]
9. Define 3rd Normal Form [Nov 2006]
10. What is Multi-valued dependency? [Nov 2006]
11. Why it is necessary to decompose a relation? [May 2007]
12. Define 4NF.
13. Define 5NF.
14. What is meant by joint dependency?
1. Explain the basic concepts of functional dependencies with example. [4]
[Nov 2002]
2. Discuss the various pitfalls in a relational database design using a
sample database. [8] [May 2003]
3. Explain atleast two of the desirable properties of decomposition. [8]
[May 2003]
4. How to provide closure of attribute sets? Explain necessary algorithm
with example. [8] [Nov 2003]
5. What are the advantages of 3NF over BCNF from for relation database
schemas. [8][Nov 2003]
6. Why is a relation that is in 3NF generally considered good? Define
BCNF with an example. [8] [Nov 2005]
7. State the goal of decomposition / normalization. Explain the different
level of normalization with example. [8][may 2006 & Nov 2007]
8. Discuss the process of normalization used in designing a database
system. Explain the various normal froms for relational schemas. [May
9. What is normalization? Give the various normal forms of relational
schema and define a relation which is in BCNF and explain with
suitable example. [12] [Nov 2006 & Nov 2007]
10. Compare BCNF versus 3NF [4] [Nov 2006 & Nov 2007]
11. What is normalization? Explain the role of FD in the process of
normalization. [8] [May 2007]
12. What is FD? Explain the role of FD in the process of normalization.
13. Justify the need for normalization with example [8] [May 2007]
14. What is normalization? Explain normalization techniques using
functional dependencies with relevant examples. [May 2008]
15. Explain the multi-valued dependency and fourth normal form with
16. Explain the joint dependency and fifth normal form with example.
Part –A
1) What is a transaction? [May 2004 & Nov 2005]
2) What is ACID Properties? [May 2005, May 2006, Nov 2006, Nov
3) Classify the various types of System Failure.
4) What is a check point?
5) How can we handle disk crashes?
6) What is meant by system failure?
7) What is meant by media failure?
8) State the write – a head log rule.
9) What are the three broad phases in ARIES?
10) State the importance of two phase commit protocol.
11) What is meant by forward recovery and backward recovery?
12) Define Concurrency.
13) Mention the three concurrency problems.
14) What is meant by locking?
15) Mention the types of locks used in concurrency control?
16) Define schedule.
17) What is meant by serial and non serial schedule?
18) State the two phase locking theorem.
19) What is meant by phantom problem?
20) Mention the various SQL isolation levels.
1. Explain about the transaction concepts in detail.
2. Explain about the transaction recovery in detail.
3. Explain about system recovery in detail.
4. State the two Phase commit protocol and discuss the implications of a failure on
the part of (a) the coortinator and (b) some participant during each of the two
5. Explain about the three concurrency problem in detail.
6. Explain in locking concept in detail.
7. Explain the deadlock concept in detail.
8. Explain the isolation levels in detail.
9. Explain the intent locking concept in details
10. Explain about the ACID properties in detail with example.