OCTOBER HALF TERM ACTIVITIES 2014 PLEASE NOTE BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL- LUNCH & DRINKS INCLUDED FREE OF CHARGE IF YOU DO TWO ACTIVITES & STAY ALL DAY Monday 27th Oct Tuesday 28th Oct Weds 29th Oct Thursday 30th Oct 10:30 -13:00 WALK & TROT HACK & SNACK! 10:30 – 16:00 FAMILY HORSE & PONY FUN DAY 10:30 -13:00 BEGINNER HACK & SNACK! 10:30 - 16:00 10:00 - 13:00 Walk & Trot A chance to get EVERYONE in your family involved in the fun of handling and riding horses & ponies. Walk & Short Trots STAY THE DAY STABLE MANAGEMENT TRICK OR TREAT! PRIDE AND RIDE A hack & snack for Clubbers who have A brilliant activity for ANY Clubber keen to hacked before and are unlikely to need a start hacking at A day full of off the saddle events! leader. Enjoy a steady fun ride in walk & lead rein/beginner level. This previously popular & successful session A unique chance to spend the whole day trot around our beautiful local woodland. Because, not only will you enjoy a steady open to all ages & abilities. focusing & practicing the following skills: Afterwards, you get to chat ‘n’ snack in fun ride around our beautiful local No experience is required. tack cleaning, grooming, handling, the clubroom with your hacking pals! woodland. Afterwards, you get to chat ‘n’ tacking up, mucking out, catching in from While you will get all the help you need, snack in the clubroom with your See your Dad doing Dressage a field, feeding. Great practice for lots of we do not expect you to book a leader hacking pals! Or your Grandpa Grooming! badges and tests, confidence building for this activity. Everyone will get lots of help. Please ask Get your Sister in the Saddle and great fun handling and care. for a leader when you book up if you have And your Brother going Bareback! not hacked before or if you think you will £24 P/C Members, £35 with lunch & drinks need one. Don’t let anyone miss out! £26 Non P/C Members £20 Own Pony Jennifer Burdett & Annet Farkas 14:00 – 16:30 BEGINNER JUMP RALLY For ‘absolutely new to jumping’ Clubbers who walk & trot confidently. The day will be full of fun and tailored to suit everyone’s ability and confidence. 10:30 – 16:00 FAMILY HORSE & PONY FUN DAY CONTINUED … The flexible programme will include: £24 P/C Members, £26 Non P/C Members £20 Own Pony Jennifer Burdett & Connor McLaren Vicky Norton & Gemma Oliver Friday 31st Oct It’s Tricky Treaty time again Dress up for Halloween Ride around bewitched & proud An equi ghostly scene! Dress up in your eerie ensemble & make your pony your fiendish friend!! Don’t frighten them though! You are judged as a pair. Prizes for the most Diabolical Duo! £20 Danelle Reynolds & Gemma Oliver 14:00 – 16:00 14:00 – 16:30 16:30 - 19:30 HALLOWEEN FUN FOR LITTLE ONES GYMKHANA BEGINNER PLUS JUMP RALLY MOUNT MASCAL HALLOWEEN PARTY A Beginner Plus Jump Rally is for Walk & Trot only and you can be led - Clubbers riding confidently on the flat in FIENDISH & FOUL FANCY DRESS! please mention this when you book if you walk, trot & canter who have either think you need a leader. completed beginner jumps during lessons HALLOWEEN GHOSTLY GAMES! Stable Management – handling, grooming, tacking up Start with theory and progress to ridden Riding – riding position, basic skills – stop, practice over poles on the ground. Then or attended two beginner jump rallies. Friendly Halloween Gymkhana Games for A TRACTOR RIDE TO MAKE YOU low level cross pole jumps if you are start, turn – walk, trot & even canter for those younger Clubbers who might find Friday a TRRRRRRREMBLE IN TERROR!! who do have the necessary experience ready. This is how all the top show Warm up on the flat and progress to bit too scary! Gymkhana games jumpers got started. polework & grid style jumping exercises. HOWLING HAUNTED WOOOOODS! And more … You will compete in teams and there are But please check with your Instructor to fun spooky prizes up for grabs … £20 P/C Members You will get all the help you need to enjoy GHOSTLY GOINGS ON make sure your flatwork skills are good £22 Non P/C Members yourself with our wonderful, patient Mount EVERYWHERE!!! enough for you to progress to jumping. Rosettes 1st-6th Mascal Stables riding school horses & ponies. £18 Own Pony £20 P/C Members £22 Non P/C Members £18 Own Pony Danelle Reynolds & Zoe Mierzynski £60 1 x Adult & 1 x Child, £85 1 Adult & 2 Kids or 2 Adults & 2 Kids £100 2 Adults & 2 Kids or 1 Adult & 3 kids Sam Vacher & Kimberley Manze £18 P/C Members £20 Non P/C Members £14 Own Pony Connor McLaren & Sam Vacher Danelle Reynolds & Kate Lester HOT DOGS! HOT SOUP! Lot of gory sweeties to chomp £10 entry Several Spooky Staff! (Advance booking only) Monday 27th Oct PONY CLUB ACHIEVEMENT BADGE TIMETABLE OCTOBER HALF TERM 2014 Tuesday 28th Oct Weds 29th Oct Thursday 30th Oct Friday 31st Oct 11:00 – 16:00 MASSIVE MINI MONDAY 09:00 – 14:00 FARMING BADGE DAY 09:00 – 12:00 MUCKING OUT BADGE 10:00 – 13:00 FEEDING BADGE 10:00 – 13:00 SADDLERY BADGE YOUR MINI BADGE CHOICES MINI & MAIN BADGES MINI/FULL BADGE WORKPACK AVAILABLE Mini Badge Up for Grabs Workpack Available Study Sheet Available Mini Badge Up for Grabs! Worksheet Available MINI POINTS OF TACK Hand-Out Available MEET THE ANIMALS! Time to get mucky! A VERY practical session The full Feeding Badge is an in-depth study of this essential care topic. But if you are starting out the Mini Feed Your Pony will be well within your grasp during this session. This is a very special new activity day to help Clubbers who have nearly got all their Mini Badges to Go for Gold AND new Clubbers to get their Mini Badge Career started up and running. When you book, please let the office know THREE badges you would like to try for. The day will be arranged for you to attempt at least one, maybe two, possibly three. All depending on your ability and knowledge. £36 inc lunch, drinks & up to two badges if you gain them Plus £2 if you gain a third badge Vicky Norton & Sam Vacher Theresa is not only a riding instructor … she is also qualified, very knowledgeable and experienced in farm animal management. This will be a great day to enjoy learning all about farming. Theresa will also be bringing some of her special animal visitors to say ‘Hello! Very exciting!! This is a success guaranteed fun day. You can choose either the mini or the full badge option. £25 Theresa Ando Mucking out efficiently & effectively requires co-ordination, determination & eager effort! Kimberley will be on hand to help you learn the tricks & tools of the trade, how to skip out, muck out, sweep, lay a bed and more … Always a very popular and fun session with a chance to get behind the scenes and learn yard routine at Mount Mascal Stables. £20 Kimberley Manze 14:00-17:00 BANDAGES & RUGS STUDY SHEET AVAILABLE 14:00 – 16:30 RIDER NUTRITION MINI HORSE CLOTHING AVAILABLE New Badge – 1st Mount Mascal Stables session Learn what damage worm infestation can do to the health of a pony. And make sure you know how to prevent & control these pernicious pony parasites! A great badge for all Clubbers but especially those above D level. £20 Alan Light You will be out & about on the yard to gain practical hands on experience making pony lunches & dinners! Particularly useful if you are thinking of becoming a Mount Mascal Helper or progressing your handling skills beyond the basics. And this badge is great preparation towards the prestigious Lorinery badge too. £20 £20 Kate Lester Kate Lester Lunch & Drinks Included 14:00 – 16:30 WORM CONTROL Check out these wriggly worriers! Learn the complete list of Rules for Feeding & Watering, as well as how to identify & prepare equine feedstuffs. A session for Clubbers keen to tackle tack! Learn about parts, care & cleaning, bits in everyday use and have a go at putting tack on a pony. Experienced handlers make bandaging & rugging up tasks look so easy! But they are NOT! They are achievable only if you are keen to practice! And very valuable skills, especially perhaps towards winter time. Also, essential for anyone considering the Loading badge, Equine First Aid or working towards C test. But, with Mini Horse Clothing on offer too, there is something suitable for EVERY clubber to try & enjoy at this session. So, whether you are a newcomer or a more knowledgeable handler you can have a go. £20 Danelle Reynolds It is very important for all of us to eat healthily. But a rider must eat a balanced diet to maintain the health & fitness which leads towards more effective riding. This session will teach you: good nutrition for riders; how to make easy simply choices to improve your diet; ways to enjoy healthy food & make scrummy ‘good for you’ snacks and meals. A fun off the pony session and a chance to be among the first Mount Mascal Stables Clubbers to gain this new badge. This session will involve eating some yummy & delicious samples! Please let the office know if you have any food allergies when you book up. £20 Nancy Goodman 14:00 – 17:00 RIDE A TEST TO GET THE DRESSAGE ARENA BADGE (also open to NON Pony Club) Book up for Dressage Delights with Alan who judged our last Easter Dressage competition. Practice & learn following his top tips and ride a test to suit your ability. The Dressage Arena badge is also up for grabs for Pony Clubbers by learning the arena markers. Walk & trot – canter is optional £20 Alan Light 16:30 - 19:30 NOBODY WILL BE ABLE TO CONCENTRATE ON BADGES WITH THE MOUNT MASCAL HALLOWEEN PARTY IN FULL SWING!! FIENDISH & FOUL FANCY DRESS! HALLOWEEN GHOULISH GAMES! A TRACTOR RIDE TO MAKE YOU TREMBLE IN TERROR!! HOWLING HAUNTED WOODS! GHOSTLY GOINGS ON ALL AROUND!!! Finger food buffet with drinks £10 entry Several Spooky Staff! (Advance booking only)