Science Assessment Grid KS2 Assessment – when and how often? Aim to do 1 assessment per unit – ie 1 per half term Choose from the Assessment Grid or use an end of unit test or start and end of unit ‘mind map’ ( a mixture of these throughout the year is a good idea) In addition to these aim to teach and assess specific Sc1 skills in each unit – see separate sheet ‘Teaching Sc1 skills’ Record pupil performance on individual record sheets – use these to set targets – aim for ‘best fit’ – if they are demonstrating and giving evidence for a particular level encourage them to work at the next level – see ‘levelness’ sheets Using the Assessment Grids Assessing progress in Science activities have been assigned to the most appropriate units. Sometimes the activity could fit with more than one unit. In those cases the activity number has been followed by a ! eg 3.2! Choose which unit you want to use it in – don’t do it more than once. You only need to do one levelled content type assessment in each unit – choose the one you think will allow the children to best demonstrate the level they are working at. Some of the activities are aimed at specific levels and will not necessarily be appropriate for your whole class. The level range has been identified on the grid. If there isn’t a specific assessment activity Use whatever activity you choose to establish where the children are at when you start a unit eg mind mapping, concept cartoons, a specific set of questions and then repeat this at the end of a unit to find out how they have progressed. Pupils’ responses should be sought that allow them to demonstrate how their thinking/understanding has changed. Science Assessment Grid KS2 YEAR 3 4 5 6 QCA Unit 3A Teeth and Eating 4A Moving and Growing 5A Keeping Healthy 6A Interdependence and Adaptation Assessing Progress Activity 8.1! The basic needs for human survival (2-5) 8.1! The basic needs for human survival (2-5) 8.2! Staying healthy (2-5) 2.4 Plants and animals found in different habitats (4-5) 8.3 The heart (2-5) 8.2! Staying healthy (2-5) 8.4 Planning and collecting evidence (3-5) QCA Unit 3B Helping plants Grow Well 4B Habitats 5B Life Cycles Assessing Progress Activity 2.2! The term ‘plant’ (2-5) 1.1a Invertebrates: planning and obtaining evidence 1.1b Invertebrates: considering and evaluating evidence 2.2! The term ‘plant’ (2-5) 6B Micro-organisms 2.1 The term ‘animal’ (2-5) 2.3! Plants and animals found in different habitats (2-5) QCA Unit Assessing Progress Activity 3C Characteristics of Materials 4C Keeping Warm 5C Gases Around Us 6C More Dissolving 7.1 The term ‘solid’ (3-5) 7.3! Solid’s, liquids and gases (3-5) 3.1! How materials can be changed (2-5) 7.2 The term ‘liquid’ (3-5) 7.4! The properties of ‘solids’, ‘liquids’ and ‘gases’ (3-5) 1.2a Dissolving: planning and obtaining evidence 7.5 Investigating gases (3-5) Science Assessment Grid KS2 QCA Unit 3D Rocks and Soils Assessing Progress Activity 4D Solids and Liquids 5D Changing State 6D Reversible and Irreversible Changes 3.1! How materials can be changed (2-5) 3.1! How materials can be changed (25) 3.1! How materials can be changed (2-5) 3.4 Techniques for separating mixtures of materials (4-5) 3.2 How materials can be changed (25) 3.3 The process of condensation (2-5) 7.3! Solid’s, liquids and gases (3-5) 7.4! The properties of ‘solids’, ‘liquids’ and ‘gases’ (3-5) 1.2b Evaporation: planning measurement of variables QCA Unit Assessing Progress Activity 3E Magnets and Springs 4E Friction 5E Earth, Sun and Moon 6E Forces In Action 4.1 Pushes and pulls and their effects (2-3) 4.3a Understanding gravity - modelling (2-5) 4.2 Investigating friction (2-5) 4.3b Understanding gravity – drawing plumb lines (2-5) 4.4! Non-standard measures of force (2-5) 4.4! Making and using Newton boxes (2-5) 4.5! Non-standard measures of force (3-5) 4.5! Non-standard measures of force (3-5) 4.6! Magnitude of forces (3-5) 4.6! Magnitude of forces (3-5) 1.3a! Forces: planning an investigation and obtaining evidence 1.3a! Forces: planning an investigation and obtaining evidence 1.3b! Forces: presenting data 1.3b! Forces: presenting data 1.3c! Forces: considering and evaluating data 1.3c! Forces: considering and evaluating data Science Assessment Grid KS2 QCA Unit 3F Light and Shadows 4F Circuits and Conductors 5F Changing Sounds 6F Seeing Things Assessing Progress Activity 6.4 Light sources (2-3) 5.1 Making circuits (2-3) 6.1 Sound production (2-5) 6.5! Light travelling (2-5) 6.5! Light travelling (2-5) 5.2 How a switch works (2-5) 6.2 Sound travelling (2-5) 6.7 Seeing objects (3-5) 6.6 Shadows (2-5) 5.3! Understanding circuits (3-5) 6.3 Planning measurement of independent and dependent variables (3-5) 5.4 Circuits and their representations (3-4) 5.5 Insulators and conductors of electricity (35) QCA Unit 5/6H Scientific Enquiry in an Environmental Context 6G Changing Circuits Assessing Progress Activity 2.3! Plants and animals found in different habitats (2-5) 5.3! Understanding circuits (3-5) 5.6 Considering the brightness of bubs in different circuit arrangements (4-5)