- ACT Commissioner for the Environment

1994 State of the Environment Report
Mr. Geoff Moynihan (Chair)
Mr. Barry Carbon
Ms. Bettye Dixon
Dr. Tony Jakeman
Dr Mark Paterson
Mr. Wayne Riley
Dr. John Taylor
Mr. Russell Wade
Plants and Animals
Dr. Don McMichael (Chair)
Professor Arthur Georges
Dr. John Kalish
Mr. Bruce Lindenmayer
Dr. Ian Naumann
Dr. Tony Norton
Dr. Will Osborne
Dr. Richard Schodde
Ms. Meg Switzer
Mr Gerry Jacobson
Mr. Simon Rockliff
Dr. Pat Walker (Chair)
Mr. Robert Abell
Ms. Penny Greenslade
Mr. Barry Griffiehs
Dr. John Raison
Dr. David Smiles
Professor Graham Taylor
Mr. David Tongway
Dr. David Williams
Prof. Peter Cullen (Chair)
Dr. Richard Norris
Mr. Ian Lawrence
Mr. Cary Reynolds
Dr. Andrew Murray
Human Environment
Dr. Val Brown (Chair)
Professor Judith Brine
Dr. David Chessell
Dr. Kevin Frawley
Ms. Caroline LeCouteur
Mr. John McMillan
Ms. Barbara Norman
Dr. Hugh Saddler
Mr. Russell Wade
Mr. Bob Winnell
1995 State of the Environment Report
Dr Anthony Jakeman
Mr Keith Colls
Dr Janette Lindesay
Dr Mark Paterson
Mr. Wayne Riley
Dr. John Taylor
Mr. Russell Wade
Plants and Animals
Dr. Don McMichael (Chair)
Dr. Tony Norton
Dr Robert Boden
Mr Geoff Butler
Professor Arthur Georges
Dr. John Kalish
Mr. Bruce Lindenmayer
Dr. Ian Naumann
Dr. Will Osborne
Dr David Shorthouse
Mr Brian Wilkinson
Dr David Smiles, Chair
Mr Robert Abell
Mr Harold Adams
Ms Penny Greenslade
Mr Barry Griffths
Dr Neil McKenzie
Dr J Raison
Dr David Tongway
Dr David Williams
Prof. Peter Cullen, Chair
Mr Jerry Jacobson
Mr Ian Lawrence
Professor Bill Maher
Dr. Andrew Murray
Dr Richard Norris
Mr Cary Reynolds
Dr Val Brown
Mr Garrick Calnan
Dr Kevin Frawley
Mr Derek Jory
Mr Erkal Kece
Ms Caroline LeCouteur
Mr Jeremy Morris
Ms Barbara Norman
Mr John Rowland
Ms Moira Rowland
Mr High Saddler
Mr Russell Wade
Mr Ron Cahill, Chair
1997 State of the Environment Report
Ms Bettye Dixon, Chair
Dr Jun Bai
Mr Keith Colls
Mr Jason Evans
Mr Ian Fox
Dr Mike Hutchinson
Professor Tony Jakeman
Dr Janette Lindesay
Dr Mark Paterson
Mr Russell Wade
Dr Don McMichael, Chair
Dr Robert Boden
Mr Geoff Butler
Professor Arthur Georges
Ms Penny Greenslade
Dr Allen Kearns
Dr John Kalish
Mr Bruce Lindenmayer
Mr Mark Lintermans
Mr Ian Naumann
Dr Will Osborne
Dr David Shorthouse
Mr Brian Wilkinson
Prof. Peter Cullen, Chair
Ms Christina Jackson
Mr Gerry Jacobson
Mr Ian Lawrence
Professor Bill Maher
Dr Richard Norris
Mr Cary Reynolds
Mr Martin Shafron
Dr Martin Thoms
Professor Bob Wasson
Professor Henry Nix, Chair
Mr Harold Adams
Mr Hugh Crawley
Ms Penny Greenslade
Dr Neil McKenzie
Dr J Raison
Mr Bill Schuller
Dr David Tongway
David Williams
Ms Anne-Marie Wilson
Human Settlement
Prof. Lyndsay Neilson, Chair
Mr Tony Carmichael
Ms Sarah Coleman
Mr Richard Eckersley
Dr Kevin Frawley
Mr Ken Johnson
Mr Derek Jory
Ms Caroline LeCouteur
Mr Jeremy Morris
Dr Rosemary Purdie
Mr Graham Rogers
Mr John Schooneveldt
Ms Isabelle Vallin
Ms Ann Lyons Wright
2000 State of the Environment Report
Towards sustainability
Prof Lyndsay Neilson, Chair
Ms Molly Harriss-Olson
Professor Tony Jakeman
Dr Meg Keen
Dr Don McMichael, CBE
Professor Richard Norris
Professor Henry Nix, AO
Mr John Schooneveldt
Ms Fiona Wain
Professor Tony Jakeman
Mr Keith Colls
Mr Mike Hutchinson
Dr Janette Lindesay
Dr Mark Paterson
Mr Wayne Riley
Mr Greg Keen
Mr Ian Lawrence
Professor Bill Maher
Mr Nelson Quinn
Mr Cary Reynolds
Mr Alan Wade
Professor Bob Wasson
Dr Don McMichael, CBE
Dr Robert Boden
Mr Geoff Butler
Dr Allen Kearns
Mr Bruce Lindenmayer
Mr Mark Lintermans
Dr Ian Naumann
Dr Denis Saunders
Dr David Shorthouse
Professor Henry Nix, AO
Mr Harold Adams, CBE
Ms Penny Greenslade
Ms Mariann Lloyd-Smith
Dr John Raisons
Dr David Tongway
Dr David Williams
Professor Richard Norris
Mr Gerry Jacobson
Human settlement
Prof Lyndsay Neilson
Dr Janis Birkeland
Mr Rod Burgess
Mr Darren Crombie
Ms Nicky Davies
Dr Kevin Frawley
Professor Pem Gerner
Mr Bob Harrison
Ms Caroline LeCouteur
Mr Ken Johnson
Mr Jeremy Morris
Mr Graham Mannall
Mr Alan Wade
2003 State of the Environment Report
Dr Janette Lindesay
Mr Ian Fox
Prof Mike Hutchinson
Dr Hugh Saddler
Dr Malcolm Gill
Ms Penny Greenslade
Mr Bruce Lindenmayer
Dr David Shorthouse
Dr Sue Briggs
Dr Denis Saunders
Professor Bill Maher
Dr Alan Wade
Cdr Harold Adams, AM
Professor Tony Jakeman
Mr Damian Wall
Ms Val Wiseman
Professor Henry Nix, AO
Dr Richard Norris
Mr Peter Liston
Mr Cary Reynolds
Professor Bob Wasson
Human Settlements
Mr Brian Binning
Dr Janis Birkeland
Mr Ken Johnsony
Dr Allen Kearns
Ms Melissa Langhorne
Ms Caroline LeCouteur
Dr John Schooneveldt
Dr Lyndal Thorburn
Dr Alan Wade
2007 State of the Environment Report
Sustainability and
Joseph Baker
Valerie Brown
Professor Ian Falconer
Mr John Feint
Trish Harrup
Ross Knee
Rosemary Purdie
Dr Warren Nichols
Darro Stinson
Geoff Pryor
Professor Brian Roberts
Dr David Shorthouse
Professor Will Steffen
Michael Doherty
Dr Murray Evans
Sharon Lane
Melinda Pickup
Dr David Shorthouse
Dr Chris Tidemann
Climate and greenhouse;
and Air quality
Roger Beckmann
Clem Davis
Ian Fox
Prof. Michael Hutchinson
Dr Janette Lindesay
Dr Hugh Sadler
Catchment quality
Prof Ian Falconer
Bayne Geikie
Ross Knee
Norm Mueller
Russell Watkinson
Brian Wilkinson
Conserving biodiversity
Jenny Bounds
Resource use and
Community wellbeing
Barbara Chevalier
Penny Farnsworth
Trish Harrup
Dr Allen Kearns
Geoff Pryor
Dr John Schooneveldt
Dr Alan Wade
2011 State of the Environment Report
Reference group
Professor Joe Baker AO, OBE, Former ACT Commissioner for the Environment
Ms Maureen Cane Cane & Gray Consulting Services
Mr David Marshall Chair, Canberra Business Council, Tourism Sports and Arts Taskforce
Mr Michael Mazengarb Young People Ambassador for the Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment
Mr Geoffrey McAlpine Former CSIRO Principal Adviser Environment
Dr Sarah Ryan Chair, ACT Natural Resource Management Council
Professor Will Steffen Executive Director, Australian National University Climate Change Institute
Peer review groups
Climate and Air
Prof Will Steffen
Dr Ranil Appuhamy
Ms Linda Bower
Mr Richard Hopkins
Mr Mark Heckenberg
Mr Dave Power
Mr Rob Thorman
Ms Heather Tomlinson
Mr Daniel Walters
Dr Bob Webb
Mr Perry Wiles
Dr Geoff McAlpine
Dr Ranil Appuhamye
Ms Linda Bower
Professor Paul Downey
Dr Murray Evans
Mr Ian Fraser ACT
Dr Lyn Hinds
Mr Richard Hopkins
Mr Paul Lewis
Mr Nick Lhuede
Dr Michael Mulvaney
Dr David Shorthousey
Ms Kylie Carman-Brown
Mr Stewart Chapman
Mr Heath Chester
Dr Fiona Dyer
Dr Murray Evans
Mr John Feint
Emeritus Prof. Ian Falconer
Mr Mark Heckenberg
Mr Richard Hopkins
Dr Michael Mulvaney
Mr Chris Pulkkinen
Dr Sarah Ryan
Mr Rob Thorman
Mr Daniel Walters
Land and Water
Prof. Joe Baker AO, OBE
Dr Ranil Appuhamy
Ms Linda Bower
Ms Bronwen Butterfield
Ms Maureen Cane
Dr Ranil Appuhamy
Ms Linda Bower
Ms Kylie Carman Brown
Ms Joanne Clay
Prof Rachel Davey
Dr Dianne Firth
Mr Richard Hopkins
Mr Nick Lhuede
Mr Paul Lewis
Mr Michael Mazengarb
Mr Paul Peters
Mr Dan Stewart
Investigation into the ACT Government's Use of Chemicals for
Pest Control (Sept 1996 – May 1998)
A steering committee was appointed by the Minister. Details were not available at the time of publication.
Implementation of the ACT Government's ‘No Waste by 2010
Strategy’ (March 1999 – November 1999)
Details were not available at the time of publication.
Review of proposed standards for air emissions and other waste
products and monitoring requirements for the Totalcare
incinerator (Feb 2000 – June 2000)
Details were not available at the time of publication.
Inquiry into Lowland Native Grasslands (Nov 2007 – March 2009)
Dr Andrew Baird (CSIRO Veterinarian)
Associate Professor David Morgan (Department of Zoology, University of Melbourne)
Dr Ken Hodgkinson (CSIRO Ecologist)
Dr Lyn Hinds (CSIRO, eminent marsupial research scientist)
Mr Michael Linke (Chief Executive Officer, ACT RSPCA)
Ms Sarah Sharp
Dr Sue McIntyre (CSIRO Senior Principal Research Scientist)
Dr Will Osborne (University of Canberra)
Professor Arthur Georges (University of Canberra)
Investigation into the Government’s tree management practices
and the renewal of Canberra’ urban forest (Dec 2009 – Mar 2011)
Professor Don Aitkin AO—Chair, National Capital Authority.
Mr Geoff Butler—environmental and horticultural consultant.
Dr Dianne Firth—Head of Landscape Architecture, University of Canberra.
Ms Gabrielle Hurley—Director of Investigations, ACT Ombudsman’s Office.
Dr Dorothy Jauncey—Canberra resident
Canberra Nature Park (nature reserves), Molonglo River Corridor
(nature reserves) and Googong Foreshores Investigation (Oct
2009 – July 2011)
Dr David Shorthouse – Visiting Fellow at the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University
Dr Lyn Hinds – wildlife biology and management of vertebrate pests
Mr Robert de Castella – SmartStart
Dr Sarah Ryan – National Working Group of Natural Resource Management
Professor Tony Peacock – Chief Executive of the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre
Investigation into the state of the water courses and catchments
for Lake Burley Griffin (May 2011 – April 2012)
Ms Katharine Taylor — representing young people
Dr John Williams — former Commissioner, NSW Natural
Resources Commission.
Reference Group:
Dr David Bagnall — community and recreational users
Mr Bob Crawshaw — communications and consultation
Dr Fiona Dyer — community group member and Senior
Research Fellow with the Institute for Applied Ecology,
University of Canberra
Emeritus Professor Ian Falconer — water quality expert
Mr Shane Jasprizza — community (Capital Region Fishing
Alliance) Report on the state of the watercourses and
catchments for Lake Burley Griffin xvii
Mr Ian Lawrence — environmental engineer and scientist,
and Senior Research Fellow with the Cooperative Research
Centre for eWater
Associate Professor Mark Lintermans — fish ecologist with
the Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra
The advisory group
Mr Peter Bascomb — Palerang Council
Mr Peter Beutel — National Capital Authority
Mr Simon Dolejsi — Sport and Recreation
Mr Phil Hansen — Queanbeyan City Council
Mr Daniel Iglesias — Territory and Municipal Services
Mr Ross Knee — ACTEW Corporation
Mr Daniel Walters — Environment Protection and Water
Mr John Woollard — Health Protection Service.