For official use only DIESEL LOCO MODERNISATION WORKS PATIALA SCHEDULE OF POWERS YEAR, 2008 1 PREFACE Based upon the original DCW SOP Edition 2003 Railway Financial Code, Vol.I (Second Reprint 1998), Annexure-II to Chapter-V other Indian Railway Codes and orders issued by Railway Board from time to time and in consultation with FA&CAO/DMW, powers are hereby delegated to the Principal Head of the Department/ Coordinating Head of the Department, Senior Administrative Grade, Junior Administrative Grade and other officers to the extent indicated in the schedule. The remaining powers will continue to be exercised by CAO/R personally. This Delegation of Powers consists of 10 Chapters viz. Works, Tender Contracts and Agreements for Works, Miscellaneous, Contingent Charges, Store, Medical, EDP Center, Public Relations, Marketing and Personnel Department. The delegation of powers of GM from Railway Board, forming part of Annexure II to Chapter-V, Indian Railway Financial Code Vol.I vide Board’s letter No. F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dated 21.09.2007 is also issued and is available as Appendix ‘A’ at the end of this publication. The following important points must be kept in view while exercising powers under this SOP: 1. No redelegation is permissible except in cases where it is specifically authorized. The authority for redelegation has been indicated in terms of references to (a) GM’s delegation given by Board (b) Codal provisions and (c) Railway Board’s letters issued from time to time. If the provision of Codes, Railway Board letters are modified, the relevant items of the Schedule of Powers will also stand modified to that extent, except of items in which existing powers have been restricted by CAO(R). 2. The powers delegated shall be exercised only by the authorities indicated and to the extent specified. The delegation of powers specified in this Schedule has been made with due regard to the need for decentralization and expeditious disposal of matters at all levels. It shall, therefore, be ensured that the powers mentioned herein are viewed in their correct perspective and exercised judiciously by Officers concerned . 3. The exercise of the powers delegated is subject to the observance of provisions of the existing code rules and other extant orders. The sanctioning authorities shall pay due regard to the cannons of financial propriety which are enumerated in Para 116 of Indian Railway Financial Code Vol.I. 4. The exercise of powers by various authorities is subject to availability of funds against the appropriate head of account under the relevant demand. 5. Finance concurrence whether specifically required or not, has been indicated against the relevant provisions. 6. It is the responsibility of each one of the officials to update the Schedule of Powers continuously as and when corrections are issued. 7. If provisions of Code Rules, instructions issued by Railway Board are in variance with this Schedule of Powers, rules in codes/ Railway Board’s orders will prevail. These delegations of powers are in supersession of all previous delegations and will come into force with immediate effect and will be referred to as “DMW SOP 2008”. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER/R 2 INDEX Chapter No. Subject Page No. I Works Matters 4 II Tender Contracts and Agreements for Works 15 III Miscellaneous Matters 28 IV Contingent Charges 68 V Stores Purchase - Part-I General - Part-II Sales - Part-III 46 VI Medical 68 VII EDP Center 77 VIII Public Relations 81 IX Marketing 84 X Personnel Department (A) Non-Gazetted - Part-I (B) Gazetted - Part-II 86 Appendix - ‘A’ GM’s/ CAO(R)’s Powers 107 Appendix -‘B’ List showing the subjects which require GM’s/ CAO(R)’s personal sanction/ approval 125 Amendment Slip No. 130 3 CHAPTER – I Works 4 CHAPTER-I WORKS MATTERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 1 2 3 1.01 SANCTION OF WORKS To accord administrative approval to expenditure for new works chargeable to W.M.S., Development Fund, DR.F., O.L.W.R. not included in the sanctioned budget for the year or carried forward from the sanctioned budget of previous years. Rly Bd letter No F(X)II/97/PW/4 dt 16-09-97. Item No 39(a)(i) Rly Bd letter No 64/W2/Qr. 105. Dt.21/01/63 & 04/08/64 and Rly. Bd letter no. F(X)II -2007/ PW/ 4 dt. 21.09.07 and F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dt.4.01.08 4 Full powers for works upto Rs 30 lakhs. SA GRADE 5 Full powers for works upto Rs 20 lakhs. JA GRADE SR. SCALE 6 7 Full powers upto Rs 10 lakhs each. Full powers to SEN for works upto Rs 50,000/each. JR. SCAL E 8 Nil REMARKS 9 I) G.M. has no powers to incur expenditure on new lines, gauge conversion, R.E. Works, Metropolitan Railways projects, Computerisation, setting up of new Production Units, Rolling stocks or survey not provided in the sanctioned budget for the year or carried forward from the sanctioned budget of the previous year. II) Finance concurrence should be obtained and estimates should be prepared in each case. III) The power is subject to observance of the following:(a) Restrictions imposed by Rly Bd or General Manager. (b) No estimate need be prepared for works costing upto Rs 50,000/- each except in case of 1. Other works in lumsum category upto Rs.50 lacs (i) Additions and alterations to Officers Bungalows (in this case the expenditure should not exceed Rs 10,000/- in each case and Rs 3 lakhs perannum on a Rly as a whole). (No. 94/ Lm(B)/ 10/8 Policy dt 27/05/94. (ii) Additions and alterations of lower category house occupied by officers are not permissible without Rly Bd approval. 5 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 1.02 NATURE OF POWERS 2 AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCAL E 3 4 5 6 2. Machinery and Plant upto Rs 30 lakhs Item No 39 (a)(ii) Rly Bd letter No F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dt.4.01.08 and Rly. Bd letter no. F(X)II -2000/PW/ 2 dt. 29.05.2000 & 09.05.01and Rly Bd letter No.2005/M(M&P)/1 063/GL dated 05.07.2006. Full powers upto Rs 24 lakhs in each case. Full powers upto Rs 18 lakhs in each case. Full powers upto Rs.6 lakhs Nil Nil (I) The cases have to be endorsed by CME, DY.CME/P to ensure control over fund utilisaction. (II) Overall expenditure should not exceed annual grant under lump-sump. 3. New works upto Rs.10 lakhs in each case in respect of existing Railway Schools, Hospitals, Dispensaries and Institutes 4.Other works upto 50 lakhs Item No 39 (b)(i) Rly Bd letter No F(X)/II/2001/PW/ Dt 09.05.01 and F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dt.4.01.08 Full powers upto Rs 8 lakhs in each case. Full powers upto Rs 6 lakhs in each case. Full powers upto Rs.2 lakhs Nil Nil Budgetary ceiling of Rs.10 crores (other than lumpsump) in a financial year, of which not more than Rs.3 crores could be on other than safety related items with the proviso that all safety works should be completed within a maximum period of 8 months from the date of sanction. Note: Remarks as per Item 1.01(1). Item No 39 (b)(ii) Rly Bd letter no. F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dt.4.01.08 Full powers upto Rs 30 lakhs in each case. Full powers upto Rs 20 lakhs in each case. Full powers upto Rs 10lakhs in each case. Nil Nil Full powers upto Rs 1 lakh per item subject to Rs 5 lakhs per annum. Full powers upto Rs 1 lakh per item subject to Rs 5 lakhs per annum. Upto Rs 20,000/- in each case, subject to Rs 1 lakh per annum. Nil Nil To incur expenditure on trial and experimental works and temporary work charged to revenue within the sancioned budget allotment and subject to the restrictions imposed by the code rules, Railway Board and General Manager from time to time. 7 8 REMARKS 9 (I) Finance concurrence is necessary beyond Rs 10,000/-. (II) Preparation of an estimate is necessary.(III) Register to be maintained to watch over ceiling limit of the year.(IV) This power is to be exercised by Mechanical authorities only for new activity. 6 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCAL E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.03 To accord technical sanction to detailed estimate and revised estimate for expenditure on new works chargeable to Cap, WMS, DRF, DF and OLWR. 1. For lumpsum works of value as under :- Rly Bd letter No F (X)II/97/PW/4 Dt 16/09/97. Item No 39(a) (I) (II). and Rly. Bd letters no. F(X)II -2000/PW/ 2 dt. 29.05.2000 & F(X)II -2000/ PW/ 6 dt.09.05.01, F(X)II2007/ PW/ 4 dated 21.09.2007 Item No. 40(1)(a)and F(X)II-2007/ PW/ 4 dated 04.01.08 Full powers upto Rs 50 lakhs Full powers upto Rs 50 lakhs Full powers upto Rs 30 lakhs. Full powers upto Rs 10 lakhs Nil (I) Finance vetting is necessary. (II) This power may be exercised subject to following conditions:a) This power will also apply to the sanction of sub estimates or detailed estimate when they form part of the work the abstract estimate of which has been sanctioned by higher authority/Rly Bd. b) Prior administrative approval of CAO/R is required with FA&CAO personnal concurrence for value between Rs.30 to 50 lakhs. c) Administrative approval as per item 1.01. Full powers upto Rs 30 lakhs Full powers upto Rs 30 lakhs Full powers upto Rs 15 lakhs Full powers upto Rs 1.5 lakhs Nil d) Provided also that the excess over abstract estimate does not exceed the prescribed limit. e) In comparison to the scope and nature of the works envisaged in abstract estimate there is no change at the stage of sanction of the estimate. Finance vetting is required. (i) Other works costing Rs 50 lakhs. ii) Machinery and Plant upto Rs 30 lakhs. 2005/M(M&P)/1063 /GL dated 05.07.2006 8 REMARKS 9 7 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 NATURE OF POWERS 2 2. For other works costing upto Rs 100 crores provided in the sanctioned budget for the year or carried forward from the sanctioned budget of any previous year or separately approved by higher authority. 3. To sanction estimate of ordinary and special repair and maintenance works, pertaining to Engg , Electric and Mechanical depts, and chargeable to revenue /WMS (except works executed through the zonal contracts). 1.04 To sanction deposit works : Wholly deposit AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 3 Rly Bd letter No. F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dated 21.09.2007. Item No. 40(1)(a). -do- Para 734, 735 of Engg. Code SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCAL E REMARKS 8 9 4 5 6 Full powers upto Rs 50 crore Full powers upto Rs 30 crore Full powers upto Rs 10 Crore Nil 7 Nil Full powers Full powers up to Rs.50 lacs Full powers up to Rs.20 lacs Nil Nil (I) Prior administrative approval of a higher grade officer than the sanctioning authority will be required. (II) Prior finance concurrence is necessary. (III) Estimate will be prepared in each case as per para 702E. (IV) Expenditure will be restricted within the budget allotment for the department. Full powers upto Rs 50 lakhs Full powers upto Rs 50 lakhs Full powers upto Rs 1 lakh Nil Nil (I) With finance concurrence. (II) Provisions of para 1843 to 1853E should be kept in view. (III) Prior approval of CAO/R is necessary. 8 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY 1 2 3 6 7 1.05 1. To sanction temporary electric connections for lighting in Railway Institutes, houses of Rly. Employees and other Rly premises on special occasions. Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers upto Rs 1,000/- in each case. Nil 2. To sanction temporary electric connections for contractors who are doing Rly contractual works & other outsiders. Full power Full power Full power Nil Nil Purchase of tools and plant including office equipment not provided in sanctioned estimate: Tools & Plants upto Rs 50,000/- in each case. Full powers Full powers Full powers Nil Nil 1.06 PHOD/CHOD 4 SA GRADE 5 JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCAL E REMARKS 8 9 (I) These powers are to be exercised by the concerned officer of Elect Dept. (II) The estimated cost on rates finalised in consultation with finance should be deposited by the party before commencement of the occasion. (III) For SA grade powers will be exercised by officer looking after elect deptt. -do- Provided funds are available in the budget grant. 9 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 2 1.07 To sanction excess over estimated cost as entered in the sanctioned budget:1. Lumpsum works, the value of which is as under:i) Other works upto Rs 50 lakhs each. a) For increase in cost upto 100% of original estimate due to escalation. b) For increase in cost upto 20% of original cost other than escalation. AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 3 Rly Bd letter No F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dated 21.09.2007 Item No. 40.4 and F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dated 04.01.2008 SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE 4 5 6 7 Full powers as long as the revised estimated cost does not exceed the limit under Item 1.01 (1)&(2). Full powers as long as the revised estimated cost does not exceed the limit under Item 1.01 (1)&(2). Full powers as long as the revised estimated cost does not exceed the limit under Item 1.01 (1)&(2). Full powers as long as the revised estimate d cost does not exceed the limit under Item 1.01 (1)&(2). JR. SCAL E 8 Nil REMARKS 9 (I) Provided that total lumpsum provision in the sanctioned budget for works is not exceeded. (II) Finance vetting is required. (III) CAO(R) can sanction excess over estimates even when the variation is beyond the percentage variation prescribed so long as the revised cost is within the limit of Rs. 50 lakhs for works and Rs. 30 lakhsfor M&P. (IV) These powers covers material modification also. (V) Personal approval may be obtained at the level of CAO(R) with the personal concurrence of FA & CAO in case of material modifications costing above Rs. 10 lakhs each in case of M&P only. (VI) These are the overall variations with respect to original sanctioned cost as included in the Budget at the time of sanction and cannot be exceeded even if more than one revised estimate is sanctioned. ii) Machinery & Plant upto Rs 30 lakhs each. a) For increase in cost upto 50% of original estimate due to escalation. b) For increase in cost upto 10% of original cost other than escalation. 10 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 NATURE OF POWERS 2 2. For works as entered in the sanctioned budget or sanctioned separately by a higher authority. i) For reason other than escalation upto 100% over the original estimated cost. AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 3 Rly Bd letter No F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dated 21.09.2007 Item No. 40(1)(b) SA GRADE JA GRADE 4 5 6 Full powers upto his normal powers of sanction of detailed estimate (clause 1.03). Full powers upto his normal powers of sanction of detailed estimate (clause 1.03). Full powers upto his normal powers of sanction of detailed estimate (clause 1.03) SR. SCALE JR. SCAL E 7 Nil 8 Nil REMARKS 9 (I) Finance concurrence is necessary.(2) The change in scope of work shall be governed by powers for material modification given in item no. 49.. (3) Personal approval may be obtained at the level of CAO(R) with the personal concurrence of FA &CAO in cases of estimates costing above Rs. 50 crores but below Rs. 100 crores. (4) These are the overall variations on the original sanctioned cost as included in the Budget and cannot be exceeded even if more than one revised estimate is sanctioned.(5) This delegation will not affect rules in force regarding material modification.(6)For variation exceeding the above limits, approval of Board will be required. In such cases, proposals may be sent to board with personal concurrence of FA & CAO and personal approval of CAO(R) along with a detailed variation statement and a suitable explanatory note. 11 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCAL E 7 8 REMARKS 2 3 4 5 6 ii) For reason other than escalation upto 20% of original cost or Rs. 20 crores, whichever is less. Rly Bd letter No F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dated 21.09.2007 Item No. 40(1)(b)(ii) Upto 15% of original estimated cost provided lthe overall value does not exceed their power of sanction (clause 1.03) Upto 15% of original estimated cost provided lthe overall value does not exceed their power of sanction (clause 1.03) Upto 15%of original estimated cost provided the overall value does not exceed their power of sanction (clause 1.03) Nil Nil I) Finance concurrence is necessary. II) Provided that all codal provisions regarding sanction for material modification are strictly followed. III) These are all overall variation on the original estimate and cannot be exceeded even if more than one revised estimate is sanctioned. IV) Material modification estimated to cost more than Rs 50 lakhs but below Rs 1.5 crores should be certified and sanctioned personally by FA& CAO and CAO/R. 9 iii) Material modification of a project sanctioned by GM or higher authority upto Rs 1.5 crores each. Rly Bd letter No F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dated 21.09.2007 Item No. 49. Full power upto 50 lakhs Full power upto 30 lakhs Nil Nil Nil I) Total value of Material Modifications in a Work should not exceed Rs.5 crores or 5% of the value of the work, whichever is less.II) The excess or the revised cost of the estimate does not go beyond the General Manager's powers of sanction.III) A material modification estimated to cost more than Rs. 50 lakh but below Rs. 1.5 crore should be certified and sanctioned personally by FA & CAO and CAO/R.IV) Material modifications which are beyond the competence of General Manager should be sent to Board with the personal approval of FA & CAO and CAO/R. 12 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 1.08 NATURE OF POWERS 2 AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 3 SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCAL E 4 5 6 3. To sanction excess over the estimated cost of machinery and plant included in the M&P programme i) For reasons due to price escalation upto 50% of the original estimate or Rs 50 lakhs, whichever is less. ii) For reason other than price escalation upto 10% of original estimate or Rs. 25 lakh whichever is less. Rly Bd letter No F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dated 21.09.2007. Item No.40(2)(a)& (b). Full powers upto the maximum limit Full powers upto the maximum limit Full powers upto the maximum limit Nil 7 Nil Work involving reconditioning of M&P - chargeable to WMS 1. Administrative approval Rly Bd letter No 90/M/M&P/1063/30 dt 25-11-92 Full powers upto Rs 10 lakhs in each case subject to availability of funds. Full powers upto Rs 10 lakhs in each case subject to availability of funds. Full power upto Rs 3 lakhs. Nil Nil REMARKS 8 9 i) Powers indicated in item No. 40(2)(b) above covers material modification also. ii) Personal approval may be obtained at the level of CAO/R with the personal concurrence of FA & CAO in cases of material modification costing above Rs. 10 lakh each. iii) These are the overall variations with respect to original sanctioned cost as included in the Budget at the time of sanction and cannot be exceeded even if more than one revised estimate is sanctioned. (I) Provided the M&P item has already not been condemned or replaced in which case prior approval of Rly Bd is required. (II) After reconditioning the extended life should not be less than five years and the machine is likely to be in use through out its extended life. (III) Finance concurrence is necessary in each case. (IV) Finance vetting is required in each case. (V) The comparative economics of reconditioning vis-a-vis replacement has to be worked out by the Executive in consultation with FA&CAO and cheaper and lasting alternative be adopted. 13 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY 2 3 PHOD/CHOD 2. Technical sanction of detailed estimate 1.09 Accidents & emergencies to sanction commencement of (to incur expenditure on) essential works to safeguard or restore communication, interupted by floods, earthquakes or accidents prior to sanction of detailed estimate and allotment of funds on urgency certificate. Para 1103 of Engg. Code 4 SA GRADE 5 JA GRADE SR. SCALE 6 JR. SCAL E 7 REMARKS 8 Full powers Full powers Full powers upto Rs 10 lakhs Nil Nil Full powers Full powers Full powers Upto Rs.5000 0/- on each occasion Nil 9 -do- 14 CHAPTER – II Tender Contracts and Agreements for Works 15 CHAPTER - II TENDER CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS FOR WORKS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 5 JA GRADE SR. SCALE 3 4 2.01 To register the names of contractors in the approveed list or to remove names. Rly Bd's letter No 88/CE-1/CT/74 of 30.4.93 Rly Bd letter no. 94/CE-1/CT/4 dt. 22.10.01 & 15.02.02 Full powers upto & inclusive of category 'A' Full powers upto & inclusive of category 'C' Full powers for class-'D' Nil 2.02 1. To dispense with calling of tender and to invite and accept quotation. Para 1211-E (1999 Edition) Rly Bd's letter no. 90/CE1/CT/1 dt.26.09.91 & 94/CE-1/CT/4 dt 17.10.02 i) For works based on schedule of rates ii) For works not based on schedule of rates C.S. No.12 L.No.98G/O/ Pt.III 670W/4/J/ Pt.III dated 12.11.92 Upto Rs. 2 lakhs in each case with Finance concurrence (*) subject to an annual limit of Rs.10 lakhs per officer Same as in col 4 Upto Rs.1 lakh in each case with Finance concurrence (*) subject to an annual limit of Rs.5 lakhs per officer Sr. Scale holding independent charge upto Rs. 50000/in each case with finance concurrence subject to an annual limit of Rs.2 lakhs 1 2 SA GRADE 6 JR. SCALE 7 8 Nil REMARKS 9 Selection committee for class A will be concerned HOD and FA & CAO. For Class 'B', concerned Dy.HOD & Dy FA & CAO. For Class 'C' & 'D' concerned WM & Sr.AFA. * at the stage of acceptance of offer. NOTE: The above powers will be exercised subject to the following conditions :- 16 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 2 AUTHORITY SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE REMARKS PHOD/CHOD 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 I) Normally powers of dispensing with calling of tenders should be exercised sparingly. The circumstance under which quotations have to be called should be spelt out. II) The work should not be split up for the purpose of bringing it within the amount of this competence. (III)The reasonableness of rates should be gone into objectively by the accepting authority. (IV) Quotations should not be for item which can be executed through the existing contracts including Zonal contracts. (V) Quotations should not be for fancy (expensive but of low utility) items. (VI) Quotations should only be for works which are urgent in nature. (VII) Quotations should normally be invited from at least 3 well experienced contractors/ agencies not necessarily borne on approved list. (VIII) Accepting authority must take precautions to see that the quotations are from genuine firms (and not from fictitious firms). and, (IX) A register showing full particulars of works authorised through quotations will be maintained by each officer and this register may also be sent to associate finance while seeking their concurrence. (X) These powers will be exercised by the officers with their own administrative approval and no separate administrative approval is necessary. 2.03 To invite & accept single tender 1. To invite single tender2. To accept the recommendtion of Tender Committee of a single tender Para 1210 to 1212-E and 330 & 331 S.Bd's No 87/W1/CT/8 dt 9.12.87 & 93/ W2/PQR/SC/4 Pt. Dt. 27.09.96 & 97/ CE-1/CT/32 dt. 27.08.97. CS No 16 & 18 L No 98G/0/Pt.III 74W/0XVIII dated 12.04.94. NILFull powers upto Rs.10 lacs in each case NILFull powers upto Rs.10 lacs in each case NILNIL NILNIL (I) Finance concurrence is necessary with personal approval ofFA&CAO. Board's instruction vide their letter referred in authority column should be kept in view.(ii) Justification must bring out any specific urgency or specially warranting calling and acceptance of single tender.(III) Recommendation of Tender Committee is necessary. NOTE: Calling of single tender should be resorted to only in exceptional circumstances with proper justifications as laid down in para 1210 to 1212-E and para 330-331-S after recording the necessary certificate. 17 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 2.04 NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY 2 3 PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE 4 5 To invite and accept limited tenders upto Rs 5 crores on the recommendation of the tender committee in each case without finance concurrence from the contractors borne on the approved list. Bd's letter No (i) Upto Rs 5 crores Upto Rs 1 83/WI/CT/ 14 in each case. crore in each (Policy) dt 30.3.87 case. (ii) 83/WI/CT/ 14/Policy dt 8.4.88 (iii) 83/WI/CT/ 14/ Policy dt 14.5.90. CS no.3 no.98-G/O 670W/4/Sch.B Pt.II,dated 13.07.90 and 2007/CE1/CT/18 dated 28.9.2007. NOTE: While exercising the powers above, the following conditions should be fulfilled: JA GRADE SR. SCALE 6 Upto Rs 25 lacs in each case. JR. SCALE 7 Nil 8 REMARKS 9 NIL Finance concurrence is not necessary where tenders have been invited from contractors borne on the approved list. If limited tender is to be invited from any of the contractors not borne on the approved list then prior finance concurrence will be necessary. Nil (I) Three quotations should be obtained as far as possible. (II) This power should be used only when the work can not be undertaken by DMW staff deputed for the purpose. (III) A register showing full particulars of works authorised will be maintained by each officer & this should be open to verification by Account Officer for inspection. (I) The minimum number of contractors will be borne on the approved list should not be less than 10. (II) The approved list of contractors should be updated annually without fail. (III) Notwithstanding the provisions above competent authority may invite open tendes in the following circumstances:(a) In the event of insufficient response to tenders from the contractors borne on the approved list. (b) When the work is of a special nature and contractors with requisite experience are not available on the approved list. (c) When ring formation is suspected. 2.05 Petty job work given to outside parties during commissioning/ exigency C.S.No.11 dt.5.9.94 Upto Rs 20,000/in each case Upto Rs 20,000/- in each case Upto Rs 5,000/- in each case Nil 18 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE 4 5 6 7 8 3 1 2 2.06 1. To invite & accept Advertised tenders upto Rs.100 crores in respect of sanctioned work on the recommendations of the tender committee except in case where foreign exchange is involved. 2. To sign the contract and subsidiary agreement on behalf of President of India upto Rs.100 crores in each case provided the award of contract has had the sanction of the competent authority and vetted by Finance. 1)Rly Bd's letter no.F(X) II-2007/ PW/4 dt. 21.09.07 (Item no.47)and letter No.2007/CE1/CT/13 dated As per DMW L.No. DCW/W/03/02/81 dt. 06.02.91and 22.10.07. Para 1259-E Rly Bd's letter no.F(X) II-2007/ PW/4 dt. 21.09.07 (Item no.47)and letter No.2007/CE1/CT/13 dated 03.9.07. Upto to Rs.50 Crore Upto to Rs.8 Crore Upto to Rs.2 Crores Up to Rs.2 lacs NIL Full power upto Rs.100 crores each case Full power upto Rs.100 crores each case Full powers up to Rs. 50 crore in each case. Full powers up to Rs. 1 Crore each case . NIL 9 19 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY 3 REMARKS PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 2.07 To fix rates for items not provided for in the schedule of rates of the contracts (i.e. sanctioning power for non-schedule items) by the original tender accepting authority Full powers Full powers Upto Rs. 10000/- for each item Upto Rs. 5000/- for each item Nil (I) Prior financial concurrence shall be obtained for all new items valuing Rs 10,000/- and above. In respect of items below Rs 10,000/- the nonschedule rate shall be covered by a supplementary work order / agreement together with the analysis of the rate shall be sent to the Accounts Officer. (II) Provided that the value of the revised contract does not exceed beyond 25% and it remain within the powers relating to acceptance of the tender. 2.08 To invite tenders and accept the same for stitching of garments and fabrication of Railway Stores. Full Powers upto Rs 10 lakhs in each case. Full Powers upto Rs 10 lakhs in each case. Full Powers upto Rs 2 lakhs in each case. Nil Nil (I) Finance concurrence is necessary in cases exceeding Rs 25,000/- in value. (II) Officers of Stores Dept will exercise these powers only. 20 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 1 2 3 2.09 To sanction payment of claims settled by arbitration award against any dispute arising out of a contract. Item No 36(a) (Annex-II) of F1Chap, V and Rly Bd's letter No. F(X)II/2000/ PW/6 dt 09.05.01 and Rly Bd's letter no.F(X) II2007/ PW/4 dt. 21.09.07 4 Full powers SA GRADE JA GRADE 5 Full powers SR. SCALE 6 Nil JR. SCALE 7 Nil 8 Nil REMARKS 9 (I) Railway Board should be informed of the details where payment to the contractor as a result of arbitration award exceeds more than Rs. 50000/- of the amount considered due by the Railway Administration before the arbitration proceedings began.(II) All cases of arbitration award will be put up to GM with the comments of concerned HOD, where deficiencies in the general condition of contract or procedure laid down by the Rly Bd come to light. 21 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 2.10 NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 2 SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE 6 JR. SCALE 7 8 REMARKS 3 4 5 1. To the grant of mobilization advance to contractors with finance concurrence beforecommencement of work upto 10% of the contract value. Rly Bd's letter No.F(X)II/97/PW/4 dt 16-9-97 (Item No 48) & letter dt. 09.05.01and Rly Bd's letter No. 2007/CE-1/CT/18 dt.07.03.08 Upto 10 % of the contract value. Upto 10 % of the contract value. Nil Nil Nil (I) All advances shall be subject to levy of interest charges at the rate of 12% or as prescribed by Rly Bd. (II) In tenders for works which are capital intensive of a specialized nature if the estimated value of tender exceeds Rs. 10 Crore and above and if the work warrants granting of an advance, suitable provisions should be included in the special conditions. 9 2. Advance against new Machinery & Plant upto 10% of the contract value or 75% of the value of the new Machinery & Plant brought to the site of work whichever is less with finance concurrence. Rly Bd's letter No F(X)II/97/PW/4 dt 16-9-97 (Item No 48)& letter dt. 09.05.01. Full powers Full powers Nil Nil Nil (III) The exercise of above power will be subject to the conditions laid down in para 1264 (i),(ii) & (iii) of Engg Code and also as per Rly Bd's letter No 85/WI/CT/73 G.O.O. dt 31.1.86, 10.2.87 and 31.8.88. 3. Advance for accelarating the progress of work in special circumstances upto 5% of contract value or Rs 5 lakhs whichever is less. Rly Bd's letter No F(X)II/97/ PW/4 dt 16-9-97 (Item No 48)& letter dt. 09.05.01. Nil. Nil Nil Nil Nil (IV) The advance granted to the contractor should be recovered in full from the on account bills by the time the value of the work reaches 75% of the original value of the contract. 22 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 1 2 3 2.11 To make minor variation in specification / conditions to contract after signing it including minor changes in drawing, mode of despatch inspection / test programme and station of delivery dimensions, workmanship etc. Para 1265 (a)E. CS No.17 Lno.98-G/OPt.III 670W/4/Sch.BIII dated 12.4.94 4 Full powers in respect of contracts / tenders which have been accepted by them subject to prior finance concurrence SA GRADE 5 Same as in Col 4 JA GRADE SR. SCALE 6 Same as in Col 4 JR. SCALE REMARKS 8 9 7 Nil Nil NOTE: (I) Standard conditions, specfications shall not be varied without approval of CAO/R. (II) All variations shall be set out in a subsidiary agreement or communicated to the contractor and Associate A/cs Officer through a letter duly signed by the authority which signed the original contract. 2.12 To make variation in rates arising out of circumstances not provided for in the contract 1265 (b) of Engg. Code 1989 Adition. CS No.17 Lno.98G/O-Pt.III 670W/4/Sch.B-III dated 12.4.94 Nil, for increase. Full powers in respect of lowering of rates for contracts accepted by them subject to prior Finance Concurrence Same as in Col 4 Same as in Col 4 Nil - NOTE: (I) Variation in rates for which provision has been made in the contract itself shall not be deemed to constitute a variation provided they are carried out only to the extent and by or by order of the authority specified in the contract. (II) All variations shall be set out in a subsidiary agreement or communicated to the contractor and Associate A/cs Officer through a letter duly signed by the authority which signed the original contract. 23 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 1 2 3 4 2.13 1. To vary the quantity of any item in a contract provided the value of the ammended contract does not exceed the power of the authority that approved the original contract. (Para 1265-C) Bd's letter No 67/WI/CT/10 dt 17.3.88. CS No.14 Lno.98-G/O-Pt.III 74W/O/Pt.XVII dated 16.3.93 and Rly Bd's letter No.2007/CE.1/CT /18 dated 28.09.2007 Full powers upto 25% of the total value of the original contract in respect of contracts approved (The total implication of variation in quantities and variation of items should not exceed 25% of the total value of the original contract). SA GRADE 5 Same as in Col 4 JA GRADE SR. SCALE 6 Same as in Col 4 7 Nil REMARKS JR. SCALE 8 - 9 NOTE:(i) Individual NS items in contracts shall be operated with variation of plus or minus 25% and payment would be made as per the agreement rate. For this, no finance concurrence would be required. (ii) In case of increase in quantity of an individual item by more than 25% of the agreement quantity is considered as unavoidable, the same shall be got executed by floating a fresh tender. If floating a fresh tender is considered not practicable, negotiations may be held with the existing contractor for arriving at reasonable rates for additional quantities in excess of 125% of agreement quantity. NOTE: (iii) The limit for varying quantities for minor value items shall be 100% (as against 25% prescribed for other items). A minor value item for this purpose is defined as an item whose original agreement value is less than 1% of the total original agreement value.No such quantity variation limit shall apply for foundation items. (iv) As far as SOR items are concerned, the limit of 25% would apply to the value of SOR schedule as a whole and not on individual SOR items. However, in case of NS items, the limit of 25% would apply on the individual items irrespective of the manner of quoting the rate (single percentage rate or individual item rate). (v) For tenders accepted by CAO(R), variations upto 125% of the original agreement value (even if the revised agreement value is beyond CAO(R)'s competence to accept tenders) may be accepted by CAO(R). (vi) For tenders accepted by Board Members and Railway Ministers, variations upto 110% of the original agreement value may be accepted by CAO(R). 24 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 2 AUTHORITY 3 SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE REMARKS PHOD/CHOD 4 5 6 7 8 9 (vii) The aspect of vitiation of tender with respect to variation in quantities should be checked and avoided. 2. To sanction variation of items in a contract provided the value of the amended contracts does not exceed the power of the authority that approved the original contract. (Para 1265-D) Bd's letter No 67/WI/CT/10 dt 17.3.88. CS No.14 Lno.98-G/O-Pt.III 74W/O/Pt.XVII dated 16.3.93 Upto 25% of the total value of the original contract in respect of contracts approved by them. Same as in Col 4 Nil Nil Nil (I) Every case will require Finance concurrence.(II) The total implication of variation of qtys & variation of items should not exceed 25% of the total value of the original contract. NOTE: (I) In respect of contract approved by CAO/R or Rly Bd the PHOD/HOD can sanction variation for item upto 25% of the original contract value or Rs 25 lakh whichever is less with Finance concurrence. (II) Approval has to be obtained with prior finance concurrence from authority who accepts the original contract and in whose competence enhanced value of the contract lies. (III) Variation should not completely change the scope and character of the original contracts. 2.14 To extend the date of completion of contract subject to the provisions of para 1266-E. Para 445-S, 1266-E. Full Powers in respect of contracts for which contract agreements have been signed by them. Same as in Col 4 Same as in Col 4 Full powers in respect of contracts accepted by them Nil (I) Extension may be granted only when the conditions prescribed in 445 S are fulfilled. a) There is no loss to the Administration. b) Contract was not awarded on grounds of earlier completion period. For extension not fullfilling these conditions finance concurrence is necessary. (II) Letter of extension should be signed by authority that signed the original contract. 25 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE 5 JA GRADE 6 SR. SCALE REMARKS JR. SCALE 1 2 3 4 2.14 To extend the date of completion of contract subject to the provisions of para 1266-E. Para 445-S, 1266-E. Full Powers in respect of contracts for which contract agreements have been signed by them. Same as in Col 4 Same as in Col 4 Full powers in respect of contracts accepted by them 7 Nil 8 2.15 Refund of cost of tender forms sold to tenderers when notice is withdrawn Rly Bd letter no. 741EB/ 3000 dt. 14.01.75 Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Nil 2.16 To refund or forfeit earnest money & security deposit and to impose or waive penalty in terms of the conditions of contract (Para 1261-E) CS No.7 Lno.98-G/OPt.I 670W/4/Sec.BIII dated 26.10.90 Full Powers in consultation with Finance for contracts for which contract agreements have been accepted by them. Same as in Col 4 Same as in Col 4 Same as in Col 4 Nil 2.17 To cancel/ terminate a contract in accordance with the condition of contract. Para 1270 pf Engg. Code (1989 Edition). CS No.10 Lno.98G/O-Pt.III 670W/4/Sec.B-III dated 25.02.92 Full Powers for contracts where contract agreements have been signed by him. Same as in Col 4 Same as in Col 4 Same as in Col 4 Nil 9 (I) Extension may be granted only when the conditions prescribed in 445 S are fulfilled. a) There is no loss to the Administration. b) Contract was not awarded on grounds of earlier completion period. For extension not fullfilling these conditions finance concurrence is necessary. (II) Letter of extension should be signed by authority that signed the original contract. Waival of penalty including waival of LD shall be decided by the authority higher than the approving authority. NOTE: (I) Cancellation of contracts should be conveyed to the contractor under the signatures of the officers who signed the contact/ agreement. (II) Notice for termination of contract can however be signed & issued by an authority other than contracting authority but not lower than a Sr Scale Officer in terms of circular No 74-W/24 Para-V dated 21.11.1970. (III) The terminated contract should be closed finally in consultation with finance involving financial implications. 26 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 2 2.18 Purchase of saplings for the plantation with finance concurrence 2.19 Hire of plant and machinery from outsiders or Govt. Bodies in case of emergency 2.20 To award consultancy contract in engaging/obtaining consultancy services from outside bodies. 3 SA GRADE 4 JA GRADE 5 SR. SCALE 6 JR. SCALE 7 8 REMARKS 9 Upto Rs.3 lacs Upto Rs.1 lacs Upto Rs.40000/- Nil Nil (I) The powers are to be exercise on one time cases during the plantations. (II) The procurement of saplings should be made from the Government Nurseries. Para 1923-S Full powers upto Rs.10000/- in each case. Nil Nil Nil Nil Prior concurence of finance must be obtained if the amount exceeds Rs.10000/-. Rly Bd letter no. F(X)II-2006/PW/13 dated 09.08.2006. Upto Rs. 50000/per case subject to annual ceiling of Rs. 1 Lakh Nil Nil Nil Nil Tender Committee shall be consisting of SAG officers level. 27 CHAPTER – III Miscellaneous Matters 28 CHAPTER-III MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 3.01 NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 2 1. To sanction repairs of motor vehicles, trolleys etc. (the repair include purchase of material required in connection therewith) 2. To sanction reparis of machinery, tools, plants and eqpts. (including material handling eqpts) being done from outside source. This includes the purchase of material required in connection therewith.This include electrical fittings & equipments except office machinery & appliances 3 SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE 4 Full Powers upto Rs. 60000/- 5 Full Powers upto Rs. 45000/- 6 Full powers upto Rs. 25000/- 7 Upto Rs.10000/- Full powers up to Rs. 60000/- Full powers up to Rs. 45000/- Full powers upto Rs. 25000/- Upto Rs.10000/- JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER 8 Nil Nil REMARKS 9 (I) Prior financial concurrence will be necessary on expenditure over Rs.10000/- in case of authorised dealer and Rs.5000/- in case of unauthorised dealer provided a)total expenditure on maintenance not exceeding Rs.60000/- per vehicle p.a. b) It is certified that repairs is economical in comparison to new one. -do- 29 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 2 3. To sanction expenditure in connection with calibration, testing & repair, therewith of inspection measuring and test equipments. 3 SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE 4 Full power upto Rs.60000/- 5 Full power upto Rs. 45000/- 6 Full powers upto Rs.25000/- 7 Upto Rs.10000/- Nil - 3.02 Payment of registration fees/ road tax / insurance on motor vehicles Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Nil 3.03 Repairs to levelling instruments including electrical & electronic instruments. Rs 10000/- in each case & upto a total of Rs 50000/- p. a. Rs 5000/- in each case & upto a total of Rs 50000/- p. a. Rs 1000/- in each case & upto a total of Rs 10000/- p. a. Nil 3.04 Petty repairs of office bicycle Fulll Power Fulll Power upto Rs.300 per year per bicycle Full Powers Rs 300/-per year per bicycle Full Powers Rs 150/- per year per bicycle 3.05 Local Purchase by Officers of other Deptts when material (stock & non-stock) is out of stock: Rly Bds letter No OM/436855 of 13.6.49 & GM(M) NO GM(47) of 10.9.73 JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER 8 REMARKS 9 (I) No finance concurrence is necessary upto Rs.10000/- or upto the cost of the equipment whichever is lower. (II) A certificate issued by Dy.CME/P that facilities for repairs/ calibration for respective items are not available in side workshop. A register to be maintained to watch over annual ceiling limit. - 30 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY i) Local Purchase of stock and non-stock items other than Rate Contract items and stationary stores subject to ceiling limit of Rs.50000/- per month per department. ii) Local purchase of stationery & printing including printed forms, visiting cards, rubber stamps, office seals, ink, cartridges, floppies, ribbans etc. subject to ceiling of Rs. 20000/- per annum each department iii) To sanction local purcahse of computer consumeable 3.06 Contingent office expenditure PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE Upto Rs.20000/each case Upto Rs. 10000/- each case -do- -do- JA GRADE Upto Rs. 5000/- each case Upto Rs. 3000/- each case SR. SCALE Upto Rs. 1000/- each case -do- Chapter 10 of IRFC Vol-I Upto Rs.1000/per month Upto Rs.1000/per month Upto Rs.1000/- per month Nil Para 1011 IRFC Vol-II Full powers Full powers Full powers Rs.50/- per item JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER Nil REMARKS (I)Annual ceiling limit is not applicable to M&P spares and tooling. In these cases, however, budgetary ceiling will have to maintain.(II) Petty local purchase upto Rs. 500/-by JAG and above and Rs. 300/- Sr.Scale Officer can be made on single quotation. Nil Nil - (I) This also includes postal charges, purchase of service stamps etc. (II) Full powers to incur expenditure on official documents to be sent or recd including foreign countries for PHOD, SAG & JAG Grade only. 31 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD Full Powers SA GRADE Full Powers JA GRADE Full Powers SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER 3.07 Payment of Annual registration, renewal of telegraph address etc. rent for existing speech circuits P&T lines PBX line & Telephone Bills. Nil 3.08 1. To sanction charges of analysis and/or testing of samples of any item including C&M Lab, Hospital, Civil, Mech. & Electrical etc.a) from Govt./ semi Govt. agencies, Hospitals etc. Full powers Full powers Full powers Nil 2. from non-Govt agencies/ Hospitals Up to Rs. 5000/in each case Up to Rs. 1000/- in each case Upto Rs.500/- Nil Nil REMARKS - Nil 3.09 To accord sanction for incurrence of expenditure on trials and experimenmtal works etc. in the laboratory Para 2020E Full Powers Full Powers Rs 500/- in each case subject to a max of Rs 5000/- in a year. Nil - 3.10 Purchase of official & nonofficial publication including multimedia and CD ROM, periodicals, news papers incidental to modern management and technology. Para 1036 & 1037 IRFC-I and DMW's CS No. DMW/PL/18/ Vol-II Dated 07.05.2004 Full powers upto Rs.2000/- in each case subject to Rs 15,000/- per annum Full powers upto Rs.2000/- in each case subject to Rs 10,000/- per annum Upto Rs. 1000/- in each case & Rs. 7500/- per annum Nil Nil No finance concurrence is necessary, provided (I) Expenditure is restricted to Rs.5000/- per case. (II) Expenditure is restricted to specific budget allotmet obtained for this purpose 32 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 3.11 To incur expenditure on entertainment of official & non official visitors calling on them in connection with Rly. Business. 3.12 Insertion of Newspapers advertisement pertaining to tender notices & employment notices etc. 3.13 To write off irrecoverable losses of cash stores (including tools & plants, a dead stock etc.) and inefficient balances under suspense head. 1. When a Rly. Employee is in any way responsible upto Rs.One lacs AUTHORITY Rly.Bd's letter no. F(X)-II/87/ exp/2 dt. 7.8.97 & 12.9.88 SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE Rs.500/- on every occasion subject to annual limit of Rs.10000/- Rs.200/- on every occasion subject to annual limit of Rs.7500/- Upto Rs.100/per occasion subject to Rs.2500/- p.a. Nil Nil Full Powers upto Rs 5000/- per item subject to a max. of Rs 50000/- p. a. Full Powers upto Rs 2000/- per item subject to a max. of Rs 20000/per annum. Same as HOD Nil Nil Upto Rs. 50000/- in each case Upto Rs. 50000/- in each case Upto to Rs. 10000/- in each case Nil Nil REMARKS Rly.Bd.'s letter no.F(X)II/97/ PW/4, dt. 16.09.97 (Item no.44) & F(X)/ 11-2001/PW/6 dt. 09.05.01 (I) Financial concurrence should be taken in all cases relating to loss of cash. In other cases, concurrence should be obtained in all cases where amount exceeds Rs.1000/- in ease case. 33 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 2. When a Railway employee is not in any way responsible upto Rs.2 lacs 3.14 SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER REMARKS Upto Rs.One lacs in each case Upto Rs.One lacs in each case Upto to Rs. 25000/- in each case Nil Nil (II) Subject to observance of provision of Chap.XI of Financial Code Vol.I. Every important case of loss should be brought to the notice of Rly.Bd. As soon as possible after its discovery. When the loss does not exceed Rs.50000/- the case need not be reported unless it represents unusual features or reveals serious defects in procedure. Authority 67AC-III/25/40/A/Policy/Pt-iv. Full Powers according to the rates prescribed by the Board. – Full Powers according to the rates prescribed by the Board. – Full Powers according to the rates prescribed by the Board. – Nil Nil I) Where no scales have been fixed, same powers will be exercised with finance concurrence(II) Law officer to be consulted in each case(III) Engagement of lawyers will be made as per Rly Bd’s instructions. 2. Incidental legal expenses connected with suits filed in Court of Law including Court Stamps for Arbitration Award. -do- -do- -do- Nil Nil 3. Conveyance charges of pleaders engaged on lumpsum fee when they undertake journeys outside their Head Quarters in connection with court cases to which the Railway is a party -do- -do- Nil Nil Nil To sanction payment of Law Charges :1. Pleaders fees within the scales fixed by the High Court or separately approved by Board. Rly. Bd. Letter no.FXII-2000/ PW/2 dt. 13.09.02 34 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER 3.15 To sanction payment of T.A. to a person not in Govt. service when called upon to attend Commission of Inquiry, Conferences, Meetings of Committees, Departmental Inquiry of perform any other public duty in honorary capacity including tendering evidence for the Railway in Court of Law. Full power according to rates prescribed by the Board. Full power according to rates prescribed by the Board. Nil Nil Nil 3.16 To sanction installation of Telephone Railway of DOT at officers and at the residence of officers including charges connected with their installation and shifting Full powers Full powers with CME/P Full powers Nil Nil 3.17 To condemn telphone instruments/ other electronic instruments which are beyond economical repair Full powers Full powers Full powers Nil Nil REMARKS The following general guidelines should be adopted for provisions of DOT telephones in Railway Head Qtrs & Divisions (I) Direct BSNL telephones may be provided to Sr.Admn.officers & JA Gr.officers (II) BSNL telephone may be provided in the residence of all Admn.Gr. Officers. In case of JAG officers finance concurrence is required. 35 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER REMARKS 3.18 Payment of security deposit for services of connection, reconnection, motor repair / replacement charges of Rly or hired building. Full powers Full powers Full Powers upto Rs 500/in each case. Full Powers upto Rs 200/in each case. - 3.19 To sanction imprest of cash for officers and subordinates working under their control. Full powers Full powers Nil Nil Nil With finance concurrence. 3.20 To approve destruction of time expired record. Full powers Full powers Full powers Nil Nil A list showing the periods after which the records may be destroyed shall be drawn up by each deptt and CAO/R's approval taken thereon where such period is not prescribed in codes. Period of preservation of initial accounts and files connected therewith shall have to be fixed in consultation with the accounts. 3.21 Store Purchase : 1. Non-Proprietory articles in emergencies affecting repair, maintenance outturn and operation etc. Upto 8000/- in each case with finance concurrence. Upto 7500/in each case with finance concurrence. Nil Nil - Rly Br letter No 83F/5/1/PW-T/1 of 4.4.83 Para 330 & 332-G. 36 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE 2. Proprietory articles with no proprietory certificate upto Rs 5000/- in each case subject to condition laid down in Bd's letter No 76RS(G)779/55 dt 21.5.89 Full Powers Full Powers Upto Rs 1000/- in each case but not exceeding Rs 10000/- in aggregate per month. - - 3.22 Deputation of staff for training in non-Rly institution Upto monetory limit of Rs.5000/in each case & Rs.50000/- p.a. provided no officiating arrangement is made Upto monetory limit of Rs.2000/- in each case & Rs.20000/p.a. provided no officiating arrangement is made Rs.1000/within overall power of SAG Nil Nil 3.23 On the spot award for extraordinary devotion towards duty and commendable performance of a high order. Upto Rs 2000/in each case upto Rs 30000 per annum. Upto Rs 500/- in each case upto Rs 20000 per annum. Upto Rs.300/in each case subject to a total of Rs 10000/- per year Nil - 3.24 Hiring out of fans geysers to officer / staff. Full powers provided they are surplus & rates are fixed in consultation with FA&CAO. Full powers provided they are surplus & rates are fixed in consultation with FA&CAO. Same as HOD Nil - REMARKS Finance concurrence is required. 37 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 3.25 Payment on behalf of Rly Registration fees & fees for licence as prescribed under Factory Act. 3.26 Service Charge/ Tax to local bodies like Pollution Control Board, Municipality etc. for Octroi, Toll Tax, Goods Tax etc. 3.27 SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER REMARKS Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Nil - Full Powers Full Powers Nil Nil Nil To approve transfer of a plant / machine from one work to another, one workshop or workplace to another Full powers Full powers Nil Nil Nil For transfer of plant / machine outside DMW, finance concurrence will be needed. 3.28 To approve hiring out of plant to non-Rly parties in the interest of Public Service. Full powers Full powers Nil Nil Nil This power should be exercised in consultation with finance if the hiring charges exceed Rs 1000/- and an agreement in an approved form shall be executed with the parties. 3.29 To grant rewards for giving information or clues for detection or apprehension of offenders in criminal or corruption cases : 1. To Civil Rly Police Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Dy.CVO upto Rs.250/- in each case Nil Nil 2. To other persons. N. Railway SOP Item No 1 (Misc Matter) (1993 Edition). 38 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD 3.30 To sanction advance payment for meeting expenses on petty repairs, including purchase of items of small value, for service and maintenance contract where advance payment is prescribed with the approval of competent authority in the contract. 3.31 C.S. no.15 SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER REMARKS Full powers upto Rs. 20000/- Full powers upto Rs. 10000/- Nil Nil Nil With finance concurrence. To undertake/ sanction work for outside parties in railway workshops Full powers Full powers Full powers except for power packs DG sets, complete blocks & complete locomotives Nil Nil I) Finance concurrence is necessary (II) Price/ cost of work should have prior acceptance of the party for which the work is being executed as well as that of CAO/R, DMW (III) A contract should also be entered into to secure DMW's interest. 3.32 To waive ground rent of plots occupied by rejected stores or sold material Full powers Full powers Upto Rs. 10000/- in each case Nil Nil Financial concurrence is not necessarywhere it is certified that no loss has been suffered by the Rly. due to non-vacation of Railway land 3.33 Water tap connection to outsider including Rly. Contractors during Rly. Work Full power (in case of tender accepted by them) Full power (in case of tender accepted by them) Full power (in case of tender accepted by them) Full power (in case of tender accepted by them) Nil Charges to be recovered. Rly.Bd.'s letter no.74-EB/3000 dt.14.01.75 39 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 3.34 NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY 1. Sale of trees/ their fruits through public auction/advertised tender -do- 2. To cut grass etc. in DMW campus -do- 3.35 To sanction hiring of lighting equipment, furniture and camp equipment need and payment of hire charges. 3.36 To sanction payment of honorarium to Gazetted Railway Servant arbitrator in case in which Rly. Admn. Is a party upto Rs.2000 in each case. 3.37 PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE Full powers as in case of Works tenders Full pwoers as in case of Works tenders -do- -do- JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER REMARKS Nil Nil Nil Financial concurrence is necessary Same as in col 4 Nil Nil Financial concurrence is necessary Financial concurrence is necessary if the charges exceed Rs.1000/- on each occasion. Full powers Full powers Up to Rs. 1500/- on each occasion Nil Nil Full power Full power Nil Nil Nil Periodical testing of electrical sub-station, transformer, HT/LT panels etc from PSEB or other recognised test laboratories. Full powers Full powers up to Rs.20000/- Full powers upto Rs.10000/- Nil Nil With finance concurrence. 3.38 Repair to furniture Full powers with finance concurence Full powers with finance concurence Full powers with finance concurence Upto Rs.500/- in each case (proposed) Nil No finance concurrence is required upto Rs.5000/- 3.39 For hiring out of spares from OEM/ market for running of machine till the faulty device is repaired. Full powers Rs.50000/- in each case Rs.30000/- in each case Nil Nil Finance concurrence is required. Item no. 5(e) of Rly Bd's letter no. F(X)II 97/PW/4 dt 16.09.97 & F(X)II 2001/ PW/6 dt 09.05.01 40 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER REMARKS 3.40 For condemnation of Machinery & Plant. Full powers Full powers Nil Nil Nil Condemnation will be done based on recommendations of survey committee at senior scale level consisting of user department, stores and additional member from any other department. 3.41 For retrofitment of control and drives on machine and plant. Upto Rs.10 lacs per case Upto Rs.5 lacs per case Upto Rs.3 lacs per case Nil Nil Detailed estimate will be prepared and finance concurrence will be taken. Administrative approval of one step higher authority will be required for each case. 3.42 For seeking consultancy/ estimates for retrofitment/ modification/ trouble shooting from firm. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 3.43 To engage consultant (preferably OEM or their local agent) to study problem in the M&P and give estimate for repairs if possible to repair. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 3.44 To incur expenditure on light refreshments at formal inter departmental and other meetings and conferences. Rs. 12/- per head per meeting subject to the annual ceiling of Rs.5.0 lakhs Nil Nil Nil Nil (FX)II-2001/PW/ 6 dt. 09.05.01 item no.30 -do- Rly.Bd. Letter No.F(X)II2004/EXP/4 dated 18.01.06 1) Ceiling limit is meant to be for DMW as a whole. 2) A liability register will be maintained by Mech.Office to watch over the annual ceiling limit. 3) Ceiling limit will be subject to provision made in the budget. 41 CHAPTER – IV Contingent Charges 42 CHAPTER - IV CONTINGENT CHARGES MATTERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 4.01 4.02 NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE 6 JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER 2 1. To hire motor transport on specific occasion. 3 Item No 17 of Rly Bd's letter No F(X)II/97/PW/4 dt 16-9-97 4 Full Powers 5 Full Powers Nil Nil 7 Nil 8 2. Contingent expenditure including washing charges of curtains, towels, sofa covers & bedding cloth. Para 1011, 1015, 1043, 1044 & 1045 of F-1. Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Upto Rs 100/- in each occasion Upto Rs 50/- in each occasion To meet with the expenditure on ceremonial occasions/ different regular functions of DMW such as celebration of National Holidays, Flower Show etc. CS No 15 dt 7.1.95 Upto Rs.5000/- on every occasion Full powers as in col. 4 Nil Nil Nil REMARKS 9 I) These powers can be exercised by Secy to CAO/R too, provided specific delegation exists for it. II) No prior finance concurrence is required, as long as rates and other conditions of hiring are as per existing rate contract. III) All proposals to be routed through Secy to CAO/R. IV) Discretion whether to hire or not to hire should be exercised judiciously by the officers concerned. Hiring should be resorted to the min. extent necessary and only when staff car/ other vehicle available with the Railway can not be spared for the purpose. (I) Prior finance concurrence is necessary in each case. 43 CHAPTER - IV CONTINGENT CHARGES MATTERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 4.03 NATURE OF POWERS 2 1. Power to sanction the purchase of brief case 2. Thermos Flask. 3. Tea Set 4.04 1. Repair, hiring maintenance & upkeep of typewriters and other office machinery & appliances (to be exercised by all departments). PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER 4 Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs.4000/- 5 Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs.4000/- 6 Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs 3000/- 7 Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs 2200/- 8 Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs 1800/- Full powers Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs 500/- Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs 300/- Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs 200/- Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs 200/- Full powers Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs 600/- Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs 450/- Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs 300/- Inclusive of all purchase prices not exceeding Rs 300/- Full powers Full powers Full powers Nil Nil AUTHORITY 3 DMW's letter No.DMW/M/PL/21 dated 30.03.07. -do- -do- REMARKS 9 (I) The supply on replacement account is to be done only when the old one becomes unfit for use subject to a minimum period of four years with finance concurrence. (II) 15% of the original cost of the briefcases will be adjusted if not returned back after four years . (III) Procurement of these items for Jr/Sr. Scale officers should be approved by controlling JA Grade officers. (I) Prior concurrence of Finance is necessary(II) Each deptt. will maintain a register to record all expenditure on maintenance of equipment. (III) Office machinery & applicance will include photocopier, fax machine, printer, computer, time clock etc. but maintenance proposals of computers will be routed through Sr.EDPM. 44 CHAPTER - IV CONTINGENT CHARGES MATTERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 2 PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER 4 5 6 7 8 AUTHORITY 3 REMARKS 9 (IV) Financial jusitification of reapir will be watched. (V) Tenders will be invited & TCM will be held to decide the cases for more than Rs.50000/- per annum. (VI) In case of OEM executing the job, PAC will be required 2. To condemn typwriter, furniture and other appliances when they are beyond economical repairs. 4.05 Annual maintenance contract of all types of equipment covered under AMC with OEM/ Authorised dealer on a single tender basis. Rly. Bd letter no. F(X)ii/99/ PW3 dt. 20.10.99, 06.12.99 & 27.06.2000 Full powers Full powers Nil Nil Nil Condemnation will be done on the recommendations of Survey Committee. Upto Rs. 5 lakhs per item per annum Upto Rs. 5 lakhs per item per annum Nil Nil Nil (I) These powers are to be exercised by CME, COS & FA&CAO/DMW/PTA only as per letter no. DCW/M/PL/18 dt. 19.05.2000 (II) Finance concurrence is necessary. (III) Advance payments to authorised dealers for maintenance of equipment up to Rs.2 lakhs on an interest free basis against guarantee bond for an equivalent amount. However, bank guarantee need not to be insisted upon in case of payment of advances in such AMCs up to Rs.20000/- in case of OEM/ Authorised dealers. 45 CHAPTER – V Stores 46 CHAPTER - V (STORES DEPTT.) PURCHASE MATTERS (PART-I) ITEM NO. 1 5.01 NATURE OF POWERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED AUTHORITY COS 2 Approval of quantity for purchase before initiating purchase action for both stock and non-stock items 5.02 5.02.1 Through advertised tender 5.02.2 Through Limited tender 1. In normal circumstances. 2. In emergency 3. For safety items 3 79-RS(G)/779/36/Pt.I(4/03) Dated 03/06/2003 Approval of mode of tendering Rly. Board’s letter No.2007/F(S)I/PW7/1 Dt. 07.12.07and DMW Letter no. S/DMW/DOP/35 Dt 08.02.08 Rly. Board’s letter No 2001/F(S)I/ PW7/2 Dt. 1210-2001, 329-S, Rly. Board’s letter No.83/F(S)/1/PW-7/ 1 dt. 2/3/94 & Para 328-S 2001/(F)S-1 PW-7/2 dated 5.9.03 83/F(S)1/PW7/1 dt.2.3.94 and Rly.Bd no.No.2007/F(S)I/PW7/1 Dt. 07.12.07 4 Full Powers REMARKS CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM Rs. 40 Lakhs 5 Rs. 10 Lakhs 6 Rs. 2 Lakhs 7 Rs. 75,000 8 (i) Rly.Bd.letter No.88/RS(G)/779/43 dated 21.10.2002 (ii) Dy.FA/DMW's letter No.DMW/Fin./Policy/SF/2005 dated 22.2.2006 (II) For stock item vetting on R/sheets valueing more than Rs.40,000/- is required only four A&B Category items (III) No vetting on R/Sheets for category C items irrespective of value is required. (IV) In normal circumstance the non stock requisition valuing more than Rs.40,000/- should be vetted by Associated Finance. (V) In case of Emergent purchases, the quantity to be purchase will be decided by concerned officers without finance concurrence as per Board letter No.76/RS(G)/ 779/36 dated 6.1.79 Open tenders are normal mode of procurement for purchase estimated to cost over Rs. 10 lakhs. It is however permissible to invite open tender for value less than this limit, wherever considered necessary. Full Power Rs. 1.5 Crore Rs.30 Lacs Rs.5 Lacs Rs. 2 Lacs Rs.10 Lacs Rs.10 Lacs Rs.10 Lacs Rs. 5 Lacs Rs.2 Lacs For purchases valued above Rs.10 lakhs calling of special Limited Tender requires concurrence of FA&CAO & CAO/R’s approval, subject to the conditions laid down in para 331-S being satisfied. Rs.50 Rs.25 Lacs Rs.10 Lacs Rs.5 Lacs Rs.2 Lacs No finance concurrence is required as Lakhs per Board’s letter no 76/RS(G)/779/36 dated 6/1/79. Rs.50 Lakhs Rs.25 Lacs Rs.10 Lacs Rs.5 Lacs Upto Rs. 2 (I) Purchase should be made from Lacs an approved list of safety items. (II) No finance concurrence is required upto Rs. 50 Lacs. Beyond Rs.50 Lakhs the powers are as follow (III) CAO/R – above Rs.50 Lakhs & upto Rs.15 Cr. iv) Cases beyond Rs. 10 Lacs to be examined by Tender Committee 47 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 5.02.3 2 Through Single tender 5.03 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED AUTHORITY COS CMM REMARKS DY.CMM SMM AMM 5 6 7 3 4 Rly. Board’s letter No. 83/F(S)/1/PW- 7/1 dt.9/7/84 &85/F(S)/1/P W/7/1Dt. 27/5/87& Rly.Board’s letter No. 88/ R/PG/G/779/ 28 dt. 25/3/92 & Rly. Board’s letter No.83/F(S)/1/ PW-7/1 17/12/93 83/F(S)1/PW- 7/1 dt.2/3/94 & C.S No.18 Rly. Board’s letter No. 2001/F (S)I/PW7/2 dt. 20/12/01 2001/(F)S-1 PW-7/2 dated 5.9.03 and Rly Bd Letter no.No.2007/F(S)I/PW7/1 Dt. 07.12.07 8 1. Proprietary articles where it is possible to certify that similar articles which could be used in lieu are not manufactured or sold by any other firm Upto Rs. 3 Crores Rs. 1.5 Crore Rs.30 Lacs Upto Rs 5 Lakhs 2. Proprietary articles where it is not possible to certify that a similar article is not manufactured or sold by any other firm which could be used in lieu. Rs.50,000/- Rs.50,000/- Rs.10,000 Rs.2000/- NIL 3. Non-proprietary articles (in normal circumstances). Rs.1 Lac Rs.1 Lac Rs.10000 NIL NIL 4. Non-proprietary articles in emergent situations affecting repairs, maintenance, outturn operation etc. to be recorded in writing. Rs.2 Lacs Rs.2 Lacs Rs.10,000 NIL NIL Full Powers upto tender acceptance limit I.e. upto Rs.3 Crore Full Powers upto tender acceptance limit I.e. upto Rs. 1.5 Crore Rs.10,000 Nil Nil Powers for classifying requirements as very urgent for dispensing with calling of fresh tenders in cases where a single offer has been received against limited tenders Rly. Board’s letter No2001/F(S)I /PW7/2 Dt. 20/12/01 2001/(F)S-1 PW-7/2 dated 5.9.03 and Rly Bd Letter no.No.2007/F(S)I/PW7/1 Dt. 07.12.07 Upto Rs.2 Lacs Note:- Authority competent to sign proprietary Articles certificate is as under :- (I) Indenting Officer upto Rs. 5,000/- (II) Dy.HOD of consuming department upto Rs. 25,000/- (III) H.O.D. of consuming deptt. upto Rs. 1 Lakh (IV) PHOD of consuming deptt. above Rs. 1 Lakh. This is as per Rly.Bd. letter No.88/RS(G)/ 779/28 dated 25/03/1992 Note : these powers will be exercised without finance concurrance Note : these powers will be exercised without finance concurrance (I). The tender should normally be reinvited. (II) These powers are to be exercised only in case of urgency subject to prices obtained being reasonable. Urgency to be certified by SAG/JAG Officer of Stores deptt. for stock items and SAG/JAG Officers of indenting deptt for non stock items upto financial limit to their respects powers. (III) Normal powers of purchase will apply when a single quotation is received against retender 48 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED AUTHORITY COS REMARKS CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM Rs.1.5 Crore 5 Rs. 30 Lakhs 6 Rs.5 lakhs 7 Rs. 2 Lacs 1 5.04 2 Direct purchase of stores peculiar to Railways i.e. Non – DGS&D items including stationary (Both stock and Non stock items) 3 Board’s Letter No.85/F(S)/1/ PW-7/1dt. 27/5/87 and 2001/F(S)/I/PW7/2 dated 12.10.2001 92/F/FEX(FEX)1/1 dated 28.5.91 F(X)112004/PW/7 dated 14.9.04 and and Rly Bd Letter no.No.2007/F(S)I/PW7/1 Dt. 07.12.07 4 Rs.3 Crore 5.05 Purchase of traction elect. Set & price list spares of locomotive from BHEL at prices decided by Railway Board Railway Board’s letter no 79/RS(G)/779/47 Dt 12-9-83 Upto Rs. 3 Crore without the formalities of TC Rs. 1.5 Crore without formalities of TC upto Rs. 30 Lakhs without the formalities of TC upto Rs. 5 Lakhs Upto Rs. 2 Lacs 5.06 Single Tender purchase of Oils & Lubricants marketed by PSU’s such as IOC, BPC and HPC etc. prices of which are controlled or administered by the Govt. Purchase of Steel From Stock yards, Acceptance of stock yard offers from SAIL, IISCO AND TISCO on single tender basis Rly. Board’s letter No.86/RS(G)/779/46 dt.7/4/88 & /8/1988. Upto Rs.5 Lakhs in each case Upto Rs.5 Lakhs in each case Nil Nil Nil Rs.75 Lakhs Rs. 50 Lakhs Rs.10 Lakh Rs 2 Lakhs Rs. 75000 5.07 Rly. Board’s letter No. 87/RS (G)/753/2 dt.30/12/87, 15/10/92 & 3/12/97, 9.05.01,14.12.01,9.2.05 & 01.9.06 8 (1) Before initiating purchase quantity vetting from finance should be obtained for all A and B Category items except for emergency purchase. (II) The competence to exercise above powers will be decided by including ED,ST but excluding the quantum of option clause if any in case of import it will be CIF Value. (III) Sanction of expenditure involving foreign exchange requires personal approval of CAO in consultation with FA & CAO. (IV) The total value of tender will be the criteria to decide the competent authority for acceptance where purchase proposals are put up in parts. (V) Tenders above 5 lakhs to be put up to competent authority for acceptance by appropriate level of tender committee. These powers including 100% advance payment requires no Tender Committee but Finance concurrence is required. (I) These Powers including 100% advance payment requires no Tender Committee or finance concurrence. (II) Quotation/Price list from all the local stock yards should be obtained. (III) At the lowest possible reasonable price subject to availability of items. (IV) Reasons for ignoring most economical stock yard price on a/c of non availability on the days of purchase to be recorded in writing by the concerned officers. 49 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED AUTHORITY COS REMARKS CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM 5 Rs.30 Lakhs 6 Rs. 5Lakhs 7 Rs.1.5 Crore 1 5.08 2 Purchase of Non-Ferrous metals viz. Tin, Antimony, copper and lead from MMTC and other Public Sector undertakings (canalizing agency) on single tender basis in consultation with associated finance 3 Rly. Board’s letter No.75/RS (G)/769/1 dt.22/7/75 & dt.12/1/75 and 89/RS(G)/753/1 dated 13/10/89 4 Rs.3 Crores 5.09 Direct Purchase of items covered by DGS&D on Rate/Running Contracts if stores are urgently required or can be more conveniently obtained locally or nearer station Rly. Board’s letter No.81/F/(S) 1/PW-7/1 dated 28/4/81 802-S,2001/F(S)-I/PW7/2 Dt. 20/12/01 & dt.5.9.03 Upto Rs 25000 per item at a time subject to aggregate of Rs.100,000 in each case in a year for the Rly. Upto Rs 25000 per item at a time subject to aggregate of Rs.100,000 in each case in a year for the Rly. Upto Rs 25000 per item at a time subject to aggregate of Rs.100,000 in each case in a year for the Rly. Upto Rs.10000 per item at a time subject to aggregate of Rs.50000 in each case in a year for the Rly. Upto Rs.2500 per item at a time subject to aggregate of Rs.7500 in each case in a year for the Rly. 5.10 Placement of orders against DGS&D Rate Contract Board’s letter no.2001/F(S)-I/PW7/2 Dated 20/12/01 and 28/12/01 2001/F (S)-1/PW7/2 dt.5.9.03 and Rly Bd Letter no.No.2007/F(S)I/PW7/1 Dt. 07.12.07 Full Powers As per level of acceptance of purchase i.e Rs.1.5 Crore As per level of acceptance of purchase i.e Rs.30 Lacs Nil Nil 5.11 (I) To Sign Indents placed on other Purchase agencies (viz. DGS&D, Railway Board, DLW, CLW, ICF etc.) Full Powers Full Powers Rs. 25 lacs Nil Nil Signing of Purchase orders/contracts Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full powers Full powers upto Rs. 5 Lakhs (ii) 8 (I) In case of non-stock items certificate regarding availability of funds to be obtained from indenting officer. All indents will require vetting and signatures of Dy.FA&CAO. (II) Express indents for stores placed on DGS&D/Railway Board to be accompanied by the urgency certificate signed by COS 50 ITEM NO. 1 5.12 NATURE OF POWERS 2 Local Purchase of items 5.13 5.13.1 Price variation due to variation in prices of Steel based on ruling price of SAIL 5.13.2 Price variation due to variation in the price of non-ferrous metals based on ruling price of MTC/HCL/HZL/IEEMA/WPI Waival of Earnest Money in case of Tenders for purchase of Stores 5.14 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED AUTHORITY 3 Para 711 (S) as amended vide ACS 191-S & Bd’s letter No.79(S) 1/PW-7/4 dt.5/12/80 & No.95/F(S) POL/PW-7/1 Dt.7/3/97 ACS No. 191-S to Para 711-S 2001/F (S)-1/PW7/2 dt.5.9.03 TO ACCEPT TENDERS WITH PRICE VARIATION CLAUSE Bd’s letter No.70/RS (G)/779/46 D. 13/3/81 87/RS(G)/ 779/9 dt.17/11/92 & 1/5/97 REMARKS COS CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM 4 Rs.50,000 per item Rs.50,000 per item 5 Rs.50000 for DyCMM posted at depot also 6 Rs.50000 For SMM posted at Depot also 7 Rs.25,000/for AMM posted at Depot 3 Crores Rs.1.5 Crore Rs.30 lakhs Rs.5 Lakhs Nil Bd’s letter No.70/RS/ (G)/779/46 dt.13/3/8 & 87/RS(G)/7 79/9 Dt. 1/5/97 Rs. 3 Crore Rs. 1.5 Crore Rs.30 Lakhs Rs.5 Lakhs Rs.2 Lacs Bd’s letter No.57/155/ 1/RS(G) dt.12.4.61 & 86/RS/(G)1 55/1 dt.11.9.87 Rs. 3 Crores Rs.1.5 Crore Rs. 30 Lakhs NIL NIL 8 (i) For items costing up to Rs.2000 single quotation may be obtained but quotations from more than one firm are necessary for items costing above Rs.2,000 /-. (ii) In case of proprietary items normal powers will apply. (iii) SMM/AMM in the COS Office will excercise power upto imprest amount sanctioned to him but not exceed to Rs. 25,000/- (I) Abnormal conditions should not be accepted as a matter of course. (II) Prior finance concurrance is not necessary for accepting tenders with conditions covering statutory variation in price but in respect of other variations, finance concurrance is needed. Advice of law officer may be taken if necessary. No separate finance concurrance is needed in tender committee cases. (III) These basic prices of the factors to effect and the methodology to arrive at price variation claims should always be unambiguously mentioned in the order. (IV) Total value of the contract after allowing for variation should not exceed the powers of the authority who approved the original contract. (I) No earnest money needs to be taken from other Railways, Government Deptt.,Small Scale Industrial Units recognized by NSIC, Manufacturers and their accredited Agents, and firms borne on Railways list of approved suppliers in respect of ‘Single’ ,Limited’, and ‘Open’ tender enquiries. (II) Waival of earnest money will require finance concurrance . For tender committee cases no separate Finance concurrance is required. (III) In case of Global tenders against IDA credit earnest money should be insisted from all the firms. 51 ITEM NO. 1 5.15 NATURE OF POWERS 2 Waival of Security Deposit in case of tenders for purchase of stores 5.16 5.16.1 5.16.2 Deviations from IRS conditions of contract. 98% payment to well known firms of commercial standing against inspection & Railway Receipt. EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED AUTHORITY 3 Bd’s letter No.57/156/ 1/RS(G) dt.12.4.6 & 63/RS/(G)1 55/1 dt.30/4/64 & S-448, 88/RS(G)/7 79/36 Dt. 3.6.96 DEVIATION FROM IRS CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Bd’s letter No. 2001/ F (S)/1/PW- 7/2 dt.20- 1201 and dt.5.9.2003 Bd’s letter No.67/RS (G)753/1 dt.10.5.68 REMARKS COS CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM 4 Rs. 3 Crores Rs. 1.5 Crore 5 Rs.30 Lakhs 6 Rs.5Lakhs 7 Rs. 2 Lacs 8 (I) No SecurityDeposit needs to be taken from other Railways,Government Deptt.,Small Scale Industrial Units recognized by NSIC, and firms borne on Railways list of approved suppliers in respect of ‘Single’ ,Limited’, and ‘Open’ tender enquiries. (II) Waival of Security Deposit will require finance concurrance . For tender committee cases no separate Finance concurrance is required. (III) If the firm is registered with RDSO/DLW /CLW/ICF/CORE for the item under consideration, security deposit may be exempted. (IV) In case of Global tenders against IDA credit Security deposit should be insisted from all the firms. Rs.5Lakh Rs. 2 Lakh Nil Nil Nil Rs. 3 Crores Rs. 1.5 Crore Rs.30 Lakhs Rs. 5 Lakhs Rs. 2 Lacs These powers can be exercised without finance concurrence. (I) These powers will be exercised with Finance concurrence where, however, the purchase is through a Tender Committee, no separate Finance concurrence is required. (II) If material is dispatched through road transport , receipted challan signed by consignee (not below a Gazetted officer) should accompany the bill, in place of RR. 5.16.3 100% Advance payment against Inspection & Railway Receipt to Public Sector Undertaking. Bd’s letter No.77/RS (G)779/29 dt.3.1.78 Rs.3 Crores Rs. 1.5 Crore Rs.30 Lakhs Rs.5 Lakhs Rs. 2 Lacs (I) These powers will be exercised with Finance concurrence where, however, the purchase is through a Tender Committee, no separate Finance concurrence is required. (II) If material is dispatched through road transport , receipted challan signed by consignee (not below a Gazetted officer) should accompany the bill, in place of RR. 5.16.4 100% payment against proforma invoice. Bd’s letter No.2001/F (S)/1/PW-7/2 dt.20-1201and dt.5.9.03 Rs.2 Lakh Rs. 2 Lakh Nil Nil Nil (I) These powers will be exercised with Finance concurrence. (II) Where such payments are authorized without inspection , bank guarantee should be obtained. 52 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED AUTHORITY REMARKS COS CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM 4 Nil Nil 5 Nil 6 Nil 7 Nil 8 (I) Full powers to CAO/R only. (II) This power is to be exercised in consultation with FA&CAO. 1 5.16.5 2 Standing/Blanket sanction of payment of 100% against proforma invoice to firms of repute for specified period where it is not possible to insist upon the firm to accept standard conditions 3 Bd’s letter No.79(RS)/ G/753/1 dt.8.4.81 5.16.6 100% Advance Payment for non-ferrous metals procured from MMTC or other Public Sector Undertaking.(canalising agency) Bd’s letter No. 79/RS (G) 753/1 Dt. 21.4.79, 87/RS(G)/7 79/21 Dt. 13.1.88 & 76/RS/G/7 53/2 dated 3/7.8.84 Rs.25 Lakh Rs. 25 Lakhs Rs. 10 Lakhs Rs.2 Lakhs Nil (I) These powers will be exercised with Finance concurrence. (II) Where, however, the purchase is through a Tender Committee, no separate Finance Concurrence is required. (III) CAO(R) can sanction advance payment upto Rs. 2 Crores 5.16.7 50% advance payment alongwith the order for supply of Telecom equipments including cables to M/s Hindustan Cables Ltd. Bd’s letter No.76/RS/ G/753/2 dated 18/6/88. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil CAO/R can sanction 50% advance payment of value of the order. These powers are not delegated to lower authorities. 5.17 To vary the quantity of any item in a Contract provided the value of the amended contract does not exceed the powers of the authority who approved the original contract & subject to conditions of 628 (C) F-vol. 1 & 441S. 628-F(Vol 1) & 441-S & Railway Board’s letter no. 93/RS(G)/7 79/5/Pt. dated 8.9.97, Para 446-S 98/RS(G)/779/10(CS)(3/03) dt.25.2.03 and Rly Bd Letter no.No.2007/F(S)I/PW7/1 Dt. 07.12.07 Full powers for contacts placed within his powers upto amended value of contract within 15 Crore Full Powers for contacts placed within his powers upto amended value of contract within 1.5 Crore Full powers upto amended value of contract within Rs. 30 Lakhs. Full powers upto amended value of contract within Rs 5 Lakhs Full powers upto amended value of contract within Rs 2 Lacs Note : (I) The option clause to be exercised by giving the reasonable notice to the supplier. (II) Depot Officers/Officers of consuming department are authorized to accept deliveries short or in excess upto 5% of the total value of the contract or Rs. 01 Lakh whichever is less , provided as a result thereof the normal purchase powers of COS are not exceeded. No formal amendment of contract will be necessary in such cases . 53 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED AUTHORITY COS REMARKS CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM Full powers in respect of contract entered into under his own powers of purchase 5 Full powers in respect of contract entered into under his own powers of purchase 6 Full powers in respect of contract entered into under his own powers of purchase 7 Full powers in respect of contract entered into under his own powers of purchase 8 (I) These Powers can be exercised without finance concurrance. (II) Quantum of loss will be determined in consultation with finance. 1 5.18 2 Cancellation of contracts at Firm’s risk and cost as per clause 0702 (b) of IRS conditions of the contract 3 132-S4 & (5), Railway board letter no 86/RS(G)779/8 dated 29/2/88 and Rly Bd Letter no.No.2007/F(S)I/PW7/1 Dt. 07.12.07 4 Full powers in respect of contract entered into under his own powers of purchase and those under powers of CAO/R 5.19 Cancellation of contracts without financial repercussions or with general damages 132-S (4&5), Railway board letter no. 86/RS (G)779/8 dated 29/2/88 Full powers for contracts entered under his/or CAO/R’s powers Rs.1.5 Crore Rs.30 lakhs Rs.5 Lakhs Rs.2 Lacs Guidelines circulated vide Railway Bd’s letter no. 79/S/G/657/2 Dt. 7/1/83 should be followed. 5.20 Extension of delivery period with or without LD including token LD 132-S(4), 445-S, Railway board’s letter no. 86/RS(G)779/8 dated 29/2/88 Full powers for contracts entered under his/or CAO/R’s powers . Rs. 1.5 Crore Rs . 30 Lakhs Rs. 5 Lakhs Rs. 2 Lacs (I) These powers can be exercised without Finance concurrence.(II) Recovery with LD will be @ 2 percent of the contract price of the consignment per month or part during which the supply may be in arrear upto the amount of the actual loss sustained by Railways. (III) Where no loss/inconvenience can be proved to have occurred , no penalty is leviable. (IV) Where inconvenience has only occurred, token LD is leviable. (V) DP extension in special cases like Govt. establishments/against developmental orders etc. should be done as per specific guidelines issued by Railway board. vi) No power to Depot Officer (VII) These power will also apply for orders placed on M/s BHEL against price list items. 54 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED AUTHORITY COS 3 DY.CMM SMM AMM Rs. 1.5 Crore 5 Rs . 30 Lakhs 6 Rs. 5 Lakhs 7 Rs. 2 Lacs 8 Minor relaxation in specification and drawing , not provided in the contract, can be done in consultation with finance, with legal opinion if necessary. 1 5.21 2 All post contract work including inter alia to approve changes in specification,inspection clause etc. 5.22 Refixation of delivery period Para 445 (S) Full powers for contracts entered under his/or CAO/R’s powers. Rs. 1.5 Crore Rs . 30 Lakhs Rs. 5 Lakhs Rs. 2 Lacs Finance concurrance is required only in case of order valued more than Rs. 50000. 5.23 Forfeiture/ withholding of EMD /Security Deposit 132-S(15)ii and Cl.0504 of IRS Full powers for contracts entered under his powers i.e. upto Rs. 3 Crores. Rs. 1.5 Crore Rs . 30 Lakhs Rs. 5 Lakhs Rs. 2 Lacs (I) These powers can be exercised without Finance concurrence. (II) When such tenders or contract are approved by CAO/R , the question of forfeiture will be decided by him. 5.24 Refund of Security Deposit after satisfactory completion of orders. 132-S(15) i Full powers for contracts entered under his/or CAO/R’s powers Rs. 1.5 Crore Rs . 30 Lakhs Rs. 5 Lakhs Rs. 2 Lacs These powers can be exercised without Finance concurrence. 5.25 To exercise the waival of the operation of clauses relating to risk purchase, liquidated damages and arbitration appearing in IRS conditions of contract for purchase orders valued above Rs.25,000 each at post contract stage, as a standing measure, to avoid disproportionate administrative expenditure Bd. Letter No.77/RS (G)779/29 dt.7/12/81 Full powers Full Powers Full powers Nil Nil Waival of operation of mentioned clauses for contracts below Rs.25,000/as standing measure is done by CAO/R. 439(b)-S 4 Full powers for contracts entered under his/or CAO/R’s powers. REMARKS CMM 55 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED AUTHORITY REMARKS COS CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM 4 Rs.15,000 Rs.15,000 5 Rs.15,000 6 Rs.15,000 7 Nil 8 These powers can be exercised without Finance concurrence. 1 5.26 2 To write off the loss due to risk purchase and to waive recovery of liquidated damages in cases where recoveries could be made only by resort to arbitration or legal action. (In such cases suitable action such as delisting be considered against the defaulting firms). 3 Bd’s letter No.79/RS/G/779/29 dt. 1/10/85 & Bd. No.77/RS (G)/779/29 dt.3.4.98 5.27 Acceptance of arbitration awards against any dispute arising out of contract, subject to the conditions laid down in item 36 of Board’s letter No.F(X)11/86/PW/6 dtd.5/5/87. Bd. Letter No.F(X)11/86/PW/6 dated 5/5/87 & Rly.Bd’s letter No.(X)/11/1/PW dt. 13/12/91, F(X) II- 2001/PW/6 Dt. 9.5.01 Full powers to accept arbitration awards in respect of contracts with value less than Rs. 50 Lakhs Nil Nil Nil Nil (I) Rly Board should be informed of the detail: a) When payment to a contract as a result of the arbitration award exceeds by more than Rs. 50000/- of the amount considered due by Railway administration before arbitration proceedings began. b) When deficiencies in the general conditions of contract or of procedure laid down by Rly. Board come to light. 5.28 Calling of supplies by road for stores purchase tenders falling within their power of acceptance Bd’s No. 89/RS(G).363/5 dt.28/4/2000 Full powers including those tenders falling under the power of acceptance of CAO® Rs. 1.5 Crore Rs.30 Lacs Rs.5 Lacs Rs. 2 Lacs (I) Payment should be made on receipt of goods in complete and satisfactory condition by the consignee. (II) Transit risk will be on contractor’s account. (III) Bulk movement of POL and Steel should be only by Rail. (IV) Octroi duty, if any, shall be borne by supplier. 5.29 Development of new vendor for an item Deleted 56 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED AUTHORITY COS 1 5.30 2 3 AIRLIFTING OF IMPORTED RAILWAY STORES 5.30.1 Airlifting of consignments weighing less than 500 Kgs Board’s letter no. 98/F(FEX) 17/1/ Airlifting Dt. 23.9.98 98/F(FEX/17/1 Airlifting dated 28.2.03 5.30.2 Electronic or sophisticated items having CIF value upto 4 Crores 5.30.3 5.30.4 CMM 4 REMARKS DY.CMM SMM AMM 5 6 7 8 (I) These powers can be exercised by CAO(R) only in consultation with FA&CAO. (II) For consignment above 200 Kgs. & upto 500 Kgs. CAO/R's approval reqd. in consulation with FA&CAO (iii) While affecting the air lifting, 'AIR INDIA' as national courier . These powers can be exercised by CAO(R) only in consultation of FA&CAO 200 Kgs. Nil Nil Nil Nil Board’s letter no. 84/F(F.EX)5/2 dated 21.8.1984 98/F(FEX) 17/1/Airlifting Dt. 23.9.98 2002/F(F.EX)1/1 dt.09.01.2002 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Where air freight is cheaper than sea freight and contract value on CIF basis is upto 4 crores Board’s letter no 98/F(FEX) 17/1/Airlifting Dt. 23.9.98 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Stores having short shelf life & short consumption period Rly Bd’s letter no 98/F(X)/07/1/airlifting Dt. 7.8.00 Nil p Nil Nil Nil 57 CHAPTER - V DEPOT & GENERAL MATTERS (PART-II) ITEM NO. 1 5.31 5.32 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS COS 2 To Sanction adjustment against stock adjustment account provided adjustment is not due to: 1. Negligence, carelessness or dishonesty of Rly. Employee. 2. Different methods of measurement adopted by the Accounts Deptts., stock verifiers and other departments. 3. Such cases that the Chief Accounts Officer agrees need not be referred to the CAO/R. To write off shortages of articles of dead stock, losses of cash, stores & Tools and Plants in stock and in transit on Revenue Account and to sanction adjustments affected in numerical Accounts verifications undertaken departmentally or by Accounts Department. 3 Item 17 of para 132S/76/RS(G) 779 /47 dt.15/11/76 (ACS No. 140-S) CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM 4 Rs.5,000 For each individual case 5 Rs.5,000 For each individual case 6 Rs.2,000 For each individual case 7 Rs.50,000 in each individual case Rs.1 Lac in each individual case Full powers Rs.25,000 Rs.10,000 In each case Nil Nil Rs.50,000 Rs. 25,000 in each case Rs.500 Rs.400/- Full Powers Full powers Full powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Nil Nil 8 Nil 9 The limit of Rs.5,000 may be extended to Rs.10,000 with respect to adjustments due to fluctuations in market rates. Item 18 of para 132-S & Item 44 Ann.II Chapter V IRFC vide Bd’s letter No.F(X)/11/86/PW/6 dt.5/5/87. 1. When a Rly. Employee is in any way responsible where it is not possible to effect the recovery of the cost of stores from the employee concerned. 2. When a Rly. Employee is not in any way responsible 5.33 To accept late supplies against the orders placed by Purchase Office as under: 1. Order valued upto Rs. 1 Lakh and delay upto 6 months or 2. Order valued from Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs,. 2 Lakhs and delay upto 21 days provided initial DP does not exceed 6 months RB’s letter No.78/RS(G)/779/59 dt.20/6/80 102 & RB’s letter No.86/RS(G)/77/12 dt.2/1/87 445-S 2003//RS(G)779/1(1/03) dated 21.2.03 5.34 Enforcing or waiving of ground rent in connection with rejected material. 132-S(12) Full power Nil (i) If adjustments are arising out of Accounts Department verification , then FA&CAO should agree for not referring to CAO/R. (ii) These powes to be exercised by the depot officers (I) These powers can also be exercised by Depot Officers and the officers other than stores department , in case they are the consignees. (II) These powers will not apply where (a) Time preference order is placed (b) Stores is subjected to severe market fluctuations (c) Provision is made in the contract for recovery of pre estimated damages (d) Orders placed against the urgent requirement (e) For orders valued above Rs. 2 Lac, prior extension of delivery period from purchase officers will be necessary Waival can be done provided railway has not suffered any loss and facts are recorded in writing in each case. 58 CHAPTER - V SALE MATTERS (PART-III) ITEM NO. 1 5.35 5.36 5.37 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED NATURE OF POWERS 2 Sale of scrap, unserviceable, surplus & obsolete stores and adjustment of the difference between the book rate & sale value, subject to para 2224-S AUTHORITY 3 Paras 2310-S to 2312-S Para 2411(2)-S ,1201-S , 2317-S, 2322-S & 2306S Railway Board’s letter no 2001/RS(S)/709/20 Dt. 28.3.2002 REMARKS COS CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM 4 5 6 7 8 1. By advertised Tenders Full Powers Full Powers upto Rs. 40 Lacs Full Powers upto Rs. 10 Lacs Nil Nil 2. By Auction sale Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Nil Nil 3. By direct sale at book rate value Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Nil Nil 4. Direct Sale to Employees Full powers upto prescribed limit Full powers upto prescribed limit Full powers upto prescribed limit Full powers upto prescribed limit Upto Rs. 1000/- 9 (I) Mode of tendering will be advertised tender irrespective of the value. (II) If sale value is more than 2 Lakhs, recommendations have to be made by tender committee. Value of tender will be decided by the highest bid. CAO/R may , in consultation with FA&CAO , frame suitable rules for the sale of small quantities of material and stores for the bonafide use of Railway Employees Extension of time for depositing balance payment for sold lots of scrap 132-S Full powers Full Powers Full powers Nil Nil Extention in time for payment of balance value to be exercised with the levy of interest charges. Extension of delivery period for the removal of sold lots of scrap with or without ground rent 132-S Full powers Full Powers Full powers As per Note 2 Nil (I)The powers will be exercised with lying ground rent @ 1/2% of value of remaining material per day. (II) The ground rent can be waived in deserving cases in consultation of finance. 59 ITEM NO. 1 5.38 5.39 5.40 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS COS 2 Forfeiture of EMD/lots To classify stores as “Dead surplus” reclassify stores in stock & rate them as “Second Hand” or “Scrap” and to write down the value of “Surplus” or “Obsolete” stores in books. 3 4 Full Powers CMM 5 Full Powers DY.CMM SMM AMM 6 Full powers for the lots sold through auction or tender under his powers 7 Nil 8 Nil Item 13 of para 132-S para 2223-S. Bd's letter No.2003/RS (G)/777/2 dated 4.2.05 2003/RS (G)/777/2 dated 4.6.04 (I) Powers in this para are w.r.t book value before reclassification. (II) Items of continuous arising C.I. Boring , steel turning and boring are exempted from survey. (III) Conditions laid down in chapter 22 of S-II and other instructions of Rly. Board are to be strictly followed. (IV) Items above Rs. 1 Lakh will require the approval of CAO/R. 1. On recommendation of survey committee Rs.1 Lakh for each item Rs. 1 Lakh Rs.25,000 for each item. Dy.CMM/ Depot will also. Rs.10,000/for each item (for SMM/ Depot) 2. Without recommendation of survey committee Rs. 2000/- for each item Rs.2000/- Rs. 2000 for each item Rs.2000/- Nil Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers NIL NIL Sale to other Zonal Railway/ Production Units and Railway Projects at book rates Para 2306-S, 2328-S and 2329-S 9 In case, contract is approved by CAO/R, forfeiture of EMD will be decided by him Nil 60 ITEM NO. EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS COS 1 5.40.1 2 To sign the contract and subsidiary agreement on behalf of President of India provided the award of contract has had the sanction of the competent authority and vetted by finance. 5.40.2 To invite the open tenders for hiring of private road transport meant for the use of Railways subject to vetting of estimate by accounts. 3 Para 1259-E Board’s letter no 89/RS(G)/363/5 Pt. Dated 28/4/2000, Board’s letter no.2004/RS(G)/779/9 dated 08/11/06 and As per delegation for constitution of tender committee and accepting authority for road transport contract CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM 4 Full Powers upto 5 crores in each case. 5 Full powers upto Rs. 1.5 crores in each case. 6 Full powers upto Rs. 1 crore in each case. 7 Full powers upto Rs. 25 lakhs in each case. 8 Full powers upto Rs. 25 lakhs in each case. Upto estimated value of contract of Rs. 1.5 Crores in each case Upto estimated value of contract of Rs. 1 Crore in each case Upto estimated value of contract of Rs. 25 Lakhs in each case Nil Nil 9 Remarks:Hiring of private road transport meant for the use of Railways, will be subjected to the following conditions:i. COS/CMM will periodically monitor to ensure that the departmental transport available with the depot remains fully utilized before private trucks are pressed into service. ii. Bulk movement of steel will be by rail. iii . Cheaper mode of transport, Rail/Road, is to be used preferably, subject to its timely availability. iv. Inventory built-up is to be kept at bare minimum level. v . Timely delivery of material at consignee end should not suffer on account of non-availability of Rail/Road transport. 61 ITEM NO. EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS COS 1 5.40.3 2 To invite the limited tenders in each case from the contractors borne on the approved list, for hiring of private road transport meant for the use of Railways subject to vetting of estimate by accounts . 5.40.4 Deleted. 3 Board’s letter no 89/RS(G)/363/5 Pt. Dated 28/4/2000and Para 1214 -E and Board’s letter No.94/CE1/CT-4 dtd. 17.10.02. 4 Upto Rs.25 lakhs in each case.. CMM 5 Upto Rs. 25 lakhs in each case. DY.CMM 6 Upto Rs.10 lakhs in each case. SMM AMM 7 Nil 8 Nil 9 1. Limited Tender value for more than Rs.25 lakhs and upto Rs.1 crore will be called with the approval of CAO/R 2. Empanelment of transporters(contractors) should be reviewed periodically preferably once in a year, by calling the details from interested transporters by means of advertisement. The approval will be done at the level of COS based on the experience of the transporter and financial details. 3. Limited tenders will be called from all the approved transporters This SOP is not in operation. 62 ITEM NO. 1 5.40.5 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED NATURE OF POWERS 2 To dispense with tender and to invite and accept the quotation for for hiring of private road transport meant for the use of Railways AUTHORITY 3 Board’s letter no 89/RS(G)/363/5 Pt. Dated 28/4/2000and 1211-E and Board’s letter No.94/CE-1/CT-4 dtd. 17.10.02. REMARKS COS CMM DY.CMM SMM 4 Rs 2 Lacs in Each case with annual Ceiling limit of Rs. 10 Lacs 5 Rs 2 Lacs in Each case with annual Ceiling limit of Rs. 10 Lacs 6 Upto Rs 1 Lacs in Each case with annual Ceiling limit of Rs. 5 Lacs per officer 7 Rs 50000 in each case with annual ceiling limit of Rs. 2 lacs. This power will be utilised by independent charge depot officer AMM 8 Nil 9 NOTE : 1. The finance concurrance will be taken at the stage of the acceptance of offer. 2. The above powers will be exercised by the officers with their own administrative approval and no separate administrative approval is necessary subject to the following conditions :3. Normally powers to dispense with calling of tenders should be exercised sparingly. The circumstances under which quotations have to be called should be spelt out. 4. The work should not be split up for the purpose of bringing it within the ambit of this dispensation. 5. The reasonableness of rates should be gone into objectively by the accepting authority. 6. Quotations should not be for items, which can be executed through the existing contracts. 7. Quotations should only be for works, which are urgent in nature.8. Quotations should normally be invited from atleast 3 well experienced contractors/agencies not necessarily borne on the approved list. 9. Accepting authority must take precautions to see that the quotations are from genuine firms (and not from fictitious firms) and;10. A register showing full particulars of works authorised through quotations will be maintained by the officer having powers to dispense with the calling of tenders. The register may also be sent to Associate finance while seeking their concurrnece. 63 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 2 5.40.6 To accept the tenders in each case for hiring of private road transport meant for the use of Railways AUTHORITY REMARKS COS CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM 3 4 5 6 7 8 Board’s letter no 89/RS(G)/363/5 Pt. Dated 28/4/2000 and As per delegation for constitution of tender committee and accepting authority Upto estimated value of contract of Rs. 1.5 Crores in each case Upto estimated value of contract of Rs. 1 Crore in each case Upto estimated value of contract of Rs. 25 Lakhs in each case NIL 9 7. Quotations should only be for works, which are urgent in nature. 8. Quotations should normally be invited from atleast 3 well experienced contractors/agencies not necessarily borne on the approved list. 9. Accepting authority must take precautions to see that the quotations are from genuine firms (and not from fictitious firms) and; 10. A register showing full particulars of works authorised through quotations will be maintained by the officer having powers to dispense with the calling of tenders. The register may also be sent to Associate finance while seeking their concurrnece. NIL 64 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 2 5.40.7 5.41 AUTHORITY REMARKS COS CMM DY.CMM SMM AMM 4 5 6 7 8 3 9 CONSTITUTION OF TENDER COMMITTEE FOR HIRING THE PRIVATE ROAD TRANSPORT(FOR OPEN/LIMITED/SINGLE TENDERS) (Ref letter no DCW/W/3/02/81 dated /2/91 and suitable modification done) Value Stores member Accounts Mechanical Accepting authority Member officer Upto Rs 5 Lacs SMM AFA - DyCMM Above Rs. 5 lacs upto 10 Lacs SMM Sr.AFA - DyCMM Above Rs. 10 lacs upto 25 Lacs SMM Sr.AFA WM DyCMM Above Rs. 25 Lacs upto Rs.1 Crore DyCMM DyFA&CAO DyCME CMM Above Rs.1 crore to Rs. 1.5 Crore CMM Dy.FA&CAO CME (SAG) COS Above Rs. 1.5 crore to 5 Crore COS FA&CAO CME (Coord.) CAO/R Sale of over stocks of ordinary emergency or special stores through advertised tender Para-2307-S Full Powers to sell and to adjust the difference between the book rate and sale value Full Powers to sell and to adjust the difference between the book rate and sale value Upto Rs.5 Lakhs NIL NIL 65 Tender committee constitution for purchase (Ref : Rly Board’s letter no. No.2007/F(S)I/PW7/1 Dt. 07.12.07 and S/DMW/DOP/35 Dated 08.02.2008 Sl No. Value of tender Accepted By Stores Member Consuming Deptt. Member Finance member 1 Rs 10 Lakhs to 30 Lakhs JAG Sr. Scale Sr. Scale Jr.Scale 2 Rs. 30 Lakhs to 1 Crore SAG JAG JAG Sr.Scale 3 Rs 1 Crore to 1.5 Crore SAG JAG JAG JAG 4 Rs. 1.5 Crore to 2 Crore PHOD/CHOD SAG SAG JAG 5 Rs. 2 Crore to 3 Crore PHOD/CHOD SAG SAG SAG 6 Rs. 3 Crore to 50 Crore CAO (R) PHOD/CHOD PHOD/CHOD SAG 66 Tender committee constitution for sale of material through tender Sl No. Value of tender Accepted By Stores Member Technical Deptt. Member Finance member 1 Rs 5 Lakhs to 10 Lakhs JAG Sr Scale Sr. Scale Jr. Scale 2 Rs. 10 Lakhs to 40 Lakhs SAG JAG JAG Sr. Scale 3 Rs. 40 Lakhs to 2 crore CO.SAG SAG SAG JAG 4 Rs 2 crore to 3 crore CO.SAG SAG SAG SAG 5 Rs.3 crore to 15 crore CAO/R CO.SAG CO.SAG SAG 67 CHAPTER – VI Medical 68 CHAPTER - VI MEDICAL DEPTT. NOTE: PRIOR APPROVAL OF CMD IS REQUIRED IN CASE OF TECHNICAL MATTERS BEFORE ANY ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL/ SANCTION IS GIVEN BY PHOD EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 6.01 NATURE OF POWERS 2 Purchase of medicines, X-ray Films & Chemicals & Films badges, gauge surgical, plaster adhesive of various sizes, zilic oxide crape, Elastic adhesive bandages, wool cotton, linen, catgut, needles, syringes and all items of JRP95. 1. Non Emergency Purchase/ Non-DGS&D items (i)Through Single tender (a)Non-Propriety articles (b)Propriety articles AUTHORITY 3 Rly.Bd.'s letter no.92/H/4/15 dtd.14.8.95 PHOD/ CHOD* 4 Rs.20000/- in each case REMARKS SAG MS I/C. 5 RS.300/- in each case SR.DMO 6 Nil 7 8 Letter no. 98G/O/Pt.1 dated 8.8.90 (main letter) Nil Rs.1 lac in RS.10000/- in RS. 2500/Nil CS No.4 Lno.98each case for each case in each G/O/Pt.IV 157 propriety case Med./O/Pt.III/L article where it dated 9.10.95 is posible to certify that a similar medicine which could be used in lieu is not manufacturee d/ sold by any other firm in the country NOTE : While Exercising these powers the CMD may please ensure that they make the purchases in the most economical manner consistent with the needs to obtain quality drugs, following the guidelines laid down in Indian Railway Pharmacopedia 1990 ii)Through Ltd.Tender Rly.Bd.;s letter no.88/H/4/16, dtd. 27.9.83 & 88/H/4/15 dtd. 7.3.90 Rly.Bd.letter no.82/F(S)I/PW4/1 dated 9.9.83 & 92H/4/15 dtd. 4.12.92 Above Rs.5000/- but not exceeding Rs.10 lacs in each case subject to convening of tender committee for orders valuing over Rs.2 lacs Above RS. 300/- but not exceeding RS.25000/in each case Nil Nil NOTE : Subject to convening of Tender Committee for orders valuing above RS.10000/- consisting of DMO/ADMO/ACOS/AAO/AO. 69 Letter No.98 G/O/P t.I dated 8.8.90 (main letter) ITEM NO. 1 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS PHOD/ CHOD* 2 iii)Through Advertised open Tender subject to the constitution of Tender Committee for tender valuing RS.10000/- and over 3 Rly.Bd.;s letter no.79/F(S)I/PN-R/1 daed 7.9.79 & 82/F(S)/I/PW-4/1 dated 30.4.84 & 88/H/4/15 dated 7.3.90 4 Full powers upto Rs.1 lac in each case SAG MS I/C. SR.DMO 5 Full powers upto Rs.25000 in each case 6 Rs.25000/- in each case Nil 7 8 Letter No.98G/O/Pt.I dated 8.8.90 (main letter) NOTE: Subject to convening of TC on orders above valuing RS.10000/- consisting of DMO/ADMO/ACOS/AAO/AO. (2) To sanction local purchase of medicines, Medical & Surgical instruments and appliances & BP or Ex-Pharmacopoeal preparations and emergency purchase of medicines & X-ray films Chemicals and film badges so urgently required that they cannot be obtained in time by the usual procedure for railway hospitals & Health units. NOTE : The annual expenditure on local purchase should not exceed 10% of the annual budget for the year. (i) To sanction local purchase of blood and blood products from NonGovt. Institutions GM/G’s letter no. 98-G/2 dated 30.3.88 Rs.25000 in each case RS.10000/in each case per day RS.5000/- in each case I/c of Div.Hospital Nil C.S.No.5 L.No.98G/O/Pt.V dtd. 11.9.98 GM/G’s letter No.98-G/2/dated 30.3.88 Full powers Full powers Full Powers Nil Letter no.98G/O/Pg.I dated 8.8.90 (main letter) NOTE : (I)Blood required for transfusion to patients is taken in terms of Rly. Bd;s letter no.62/F/PM/PE/7/3 dated 7.6.63 (II) Each case means only one individual item. 6.02 To sanction purchase of vaccines serum & lymph from Non-Govt. Institutions GM/G’s letter no.98-G/2 dated 30.3.88. Full powers Full Powers RS. 200/- p.m. Nil Letter no.98G/O/Pt.I dated 8.8.90 (main letter) 6.03 1. (i)To sanction local purchases of items of accidents Relief Medical Equipment, Scale I & II and medical chests required/periodical turn over according to the instructions of Railway Board GM/G’s letter no.98-G/2 dated 30.3.88 Full powers Full powers Full Powers Nil Letter no.98G/O/Pt.I dated 8.8.0- (main letter) (ii) Replacement of sugar,tea, coffee,K.Oil & spirit Methalated in Emergency GM/G’s letter no.98-G/2 dated 30.3.88 Full powers Full powers Full Powers Nil Letter no.98G/O/Pt.I dated 8.8.90 (main letter 70 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 6.04 NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS PHOD/ CHOD* SAG MS I/C. 2 2. Repair to Medical & Surgical equipment 3 GM/G;s letter no.98-G/2/Pt.I dated 5.8.71 4 PHOD AGM's grade upto Rs.1 lac per tiem p.a. subject to conditons that any single case involving expenditure above Rs. 5000/should have finance concurrence 5 RS.25000/per item p.a. subject to condition that any single case involving expenditure above Rs. 2000/should have prior finance concurrenc e. 6 RS.10000/per item p.a. subject to condition that any single case involving expenditure above Rs. 500/- should have prior finance concurrence. 3. Library Books & Equipments :To sanction purchase of Medical Books & journals Rly.Bd;s letter no.93/H/4/9 dated 28.1.94. Para 241 IRMM Full powers upto Rs.45000/- p.a. Full powers upto Rs.15000/p.a.* Full Powers upto RS. 10000/- p.a. Full Powers upto RS. 10000/- in each case Full Powers upto RS. 5000/- in each case SR.DMO 7 Nil Nil 8 C.S.No.2 Lno.98G/O/Pt.III/157/Med/ O/Pt.III/L dated 2.11.92 C.S.No.3 letter no.98G/O/Pt.IV/157/Med/ O/Pt.III(L) dated 20.7.95 *Rs.30000/- is permissible when hospital is recognised for P.G. Courses. MISCLLANEOUS 1. To write off losses of tools and plant material and stores in respect of drugs(including expired date medicines) & Technical medical equipments for medical stores when a railway employee not in any way responsible for the loss viz. Fire, stores and other acts of God, book losses of stores, materials & tools and plants i.e. losses discovered at periodical and special stock verification generally traceable to errors in accounting and impossible to bring bones to individual responsibility Full Powers upto RS. 1000/- in each case Nil C.S.No.5 letter no.98G/O/Pt.V dated 11.9.98 NOTE: These powers are to be exercised with finance concurrence. 71 ITEM NO. 1 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS PHOD/ CHOD* 2 2. To write off articles of glass broken in transit for which no responsibility can be fixed viz. Medicine bottle with perishable contents or empty and broken articles of glass like thermometers, measuring, glasses, broken jars in pieces, crockery, earthernwares as China Clay wedge wood etc. NOTE: These powers are to be exercised without finance concurrence. 3. To condemn & destroy articles of sanitary stores which have been soiled with night soil 3 GM/G’s letter no.98-G/2/Pt.I dated 15.9.66 SAG MS I/C. SR.DMO 5 Full powers 6 Full powers upto Rs.500/in each case 7 Full powers subject to over all monthly average limit of RS. 500/- 8 C.S.No.5 letter no.98-G/O/Pt.V dated 11.9.98 Full po wer s Full po wer s Full powers Full Powers Nil Full powers Full Powers Nil Letter no.98G/O/Pt.I dated 8.8.90 (main letter) Letter no.98G/O/Pt.I dated 8.8.90 (main letter) Full po wer s Full powers Full Powers Nil 4 Full pwers GM/G’s letter no.98-G/2/Pt.I dated 15.9.66 4. To condemn & destroy by burning of all linen soiled with discharge from patients, suffering from Cholera, Small Pox, Leprosy and other infectious diseases. GM/G’s letter no.98-G/2/Pt.I dated 15.9.66 5. To utilize or throw away or dispose of at site all scrap articles of no value and not to return to stores depots under the supervision of Gazetted Officer viz. Slat pieces, stores broken jar with pieces scrap dry cells of hand torches, scrap baskets or jhakar or cane thermoclinical meters, glass syringes, ounce measures of glass urine glasses etc. GM/G’s letter no.98-G/2/Pt.I dated 15.9.66 Letter no.98G/O/Pt.I dated 8.8.90 (main letter) 72 ITEM NO. 1 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS PHOD/ CHOD* SAG MS I/C. SR.DMO Nil 2 6. To issue certificate to railway employee for the purpose of grant of advances from Provident Fund for the medical Treatment of emplouees and their family members 3 GM/G’s letter no.98-G/2/Pt.I dated 15.9.66 4 Full powers 5 Full powers 6 Full Powers 7 8 Letter no.98G/O/Pt.I dated 8.8.90(main letter) 7.Sanction of the cost of all clinical and Pathological Investigations. Radiological investigations and other types of diagnostic procedures upto Rs. 5000/- for each test to be done in Govt./private hospitals private/ Disgnostic centres etc., Rly Bd's L/No.99/H/6-4 /Policy Dated 30.4.2007. Full powers Full powers Full Powers Nil Subject to the case where requisite facility is not available in DMW Rly. Hospital. 8. To sanction occasional purchases of ice in summer for heat stroke cases for preserving sera and vaccine and for developing of X-ray films GM/G’s letter no.98-G/2/Pt.I dated 15.9.66 Full pwers upto Rs.500/- p.m. Full pwers upto Rs.500/- Full powers upto RS.500/p.m. Full powers upto RS.500/p.m. C.S.No.5Letter No.98-G/O/Pt.V dated 11.9.98 9. To sanction admission of railway employees and their families suffering fro cancer, T.B.Mental disorders, Leukmia Hedgk in diseases, poliomylities, spastic, cerebral plasy in non railway hospital recognized for this purposes by the Railway Board. GM/G’s letter no.98-G/2/Pt.I dated 15.9.66 & 98-G/39 dated 30.10.74 & Rly.Bd’s letter no.F(X)II-68/PW-4/97 dated 21.7.69 Full pwers Full powers Full Powers 10. To sanction engagement of special nurses when considered necessary in railway or other Govt.Hospitals after reviewing LR availability GM/G’s letter no.98-G/2/Pt.I dated 15.9.66 Full powers Full powers Full powers NOTE: This power should be exercised in consultation with Finance. Letter No98G/O/Pt.-I dated 8.8.90 (main letter) Full powers Letter No98G/O/Pt.-I dated 8.8.90 (main letter) 73 ITEM NO. 1 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS PHOD/ CHOD* 2 11. To sanction the incurring of expenditure of taxi or other conveyance for shifting the sick/injured employees in emergent cases to railway hospitals/health units with the provision that these powers should be taken to safeguard the use of these powers as a matter of routine. 3 GM/G’s letter no.98-G/2/Pt.I dated 15.9.66 4 Full pwoers SAG MS I/C. SR.DMO 5 Full powers 6 Full powers 7 Full powers 8 C.S.No.5 Letter no.98-G/O/Pt.V dated 11.9.98 NOTE : It may have to be ensured that only JAG/SAG officers are empowered to sanction repairs to any particular vehicle so that the ceiling limit per vehicle per annum is not exceeded 12. To sanction artificial limbs appliances and payment thereof to the railway employees & members of their family both in the cases the injured and non-injured on duty. Rly.Bd;s letter no.80/H/6-4/33 & 85/H/6-4/9 dated 13.3.85 Para 636 - IRMM. 13. To sanction payment of fees, T.A. and other contingent charges to specialists or other medical officers in the service of Govt. for consultation where such consultation is considered special nature of the disease of the Railway servant or his dependent. Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers C.S.No.5 Letter no.98-G/O/Pt.V dated 11.9.98 Full powers Full powers Upto Rs.1000/ - in each case Nil Patient should not be referred to specilists/ Doctors not in Govt. service. 14. To sanction payment of charges to Civil Hospital for ‘Treatment’ of Railway Servants and their families suffering from infectious diseases when adequate facilities are not available in Railway Hospitals. Para 642 - RI Full powers Full powers Full power Nil 15. To sanction free diet to eligible Railway Employees and indigent passengers and trespassers undergoing treatment in Railway Hospitals as Indoor patients. Para 641 - IRMM Full powers upto the extent permissible Full powers upto the extent permissible Full powers upto the extent permissi ble Nil 74 ITEM NO. 1 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS PHOD/ CHOD* SAG MS I/C. SR.DMO 4 Full powers 5 Full powers 6 Full powers Nil 17. Expenses on disposal of unclaimed dead bodies in Rly.Hospitals Upto Rs.500/- in each case Upto Rs.500/- in each case Upto Rs.500/in each case 18. Acceptance (on behalf of the Medical Department) of such gifts for Railway Hospitals as are considered suitable. Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 19. To sanction expenditure on conveyance charges for removing sick Rly.employees to Hospitals in emergent cases when ambulance is not available. Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Nil 2 16. To admit non-railway patients in Railway Hospitals in emergent cases subject to recovery of prescribed charges. 20. Sanction of payment of Medical charges to Gazetted Officers 3 Para 622 - IRMM SOP PS No.11369/97 No.743-E/62111/EIV dt. 10.4.98 21. Sanction of payment of medical charges to Non-Gazetted Staff 22. Sanction of Anesthesia charges to Non-railway anesthetist in absence of Railway Anesthetist Rly Bd's letter no. 2001/H/23/4 dt. 19.04.02 Para 248 - IRMM and CMD N.Rly. Letter No.7/Med/E-1/Anesthesia dated 19.1.07. 7 Nil 8 Nil (I) Rs.1000/- per case for major surgical cases including spinal & epidural block. (II) Rs.700/- per case for short duration general anesthesia I.e. Pentothal, Ketolax including general anesthesia in minor surgical operations. 75 ITEM NO. 1 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS PHOD/ CHOD* SAG MS I/C. SR.DMO Nil 2 23. Sanction of the cost of special investigation, CT Scan and MRI up to Rs.10000/- will apply to each test/ investigation separately 3 Rly Bd's letter no. 99/H/6-4/Policy dt. 07.12.2000 4 Full powers 5 Full powers 6 Full powers 7 24. Sanction of the cost of VVI Pace Maker, up to a ceiling of Rs.40000/- Rly Bd's letter no.2000/H/6-4/ Policy (Pace Maker) Full powers Full powers Full powers Nil 25. Sacntion of the cost of hearing aid up to a ceiling of Rs.5500/- Rly Bd's letter no.2000/H/6-4/ Policy Full powers Nil Nil Nil 8 76 CHAPTER – VII EDP Center 77 CHAPTER - VII EDP CENTER EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 7.01 7.02 7.03 NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY REMARKS PHOD/CHOD 2 Procurement of PC based systems Procurement of Local Area Network Infrastructure Entering into Service Agreements for IT infrastructure, e.g., AMC, IT related Consultancy etc., excluding Leasing. 3 Rly. Board's letters No. 2001/C&IS/Comp /Policy dt. 07/12/01 & 11/06/02 Rly. Board's letter No. 2001/C&IS/ Comp /Policy dt. 07/12/2001. Rly. Board's letter No. 2001/C&IS/Comp /Policy dt. 07/12/2001. 4 10 nos. per annum *No limit on numbers. Rs. 10 lacs in each case. 5 cases per annum. Value per case upto Rs. 2 lacs. SAG 5 5 nos. per annum *No limit on numbers. Rs. 10 lacs in each case. 5 cases per annum. Value per case upto Rs. 2 lacs. JAG / SR.EDPM SR. SCALE 6 7 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil (I) 8 Total per system cost, including hardware & software etc., to be less than or equal to Rs. 1 lac chargeable to revenue. (II) All procurements to be done through stores officer (III) PCs shall be classified as "equipment" in terms of para 705(6) of Indian Railways Finance Code. (IV) Finance concurrence to be obtained in the usual manner (I) *The deligation of powers should be as per limit of their works programme power For CAO(R), no limit on numbers. Cost per case not to exceed Rs. 20 lacs. (II) Prior finance concurrence to be obtained in the usual manner (III) Technical vetting of C&IS directorate shall be required if the software and consultancy component exceeds Rs. 10 lacs in each case irrespective of sanctioning authority. (IV) Cases for sanctioning of PRS locations must be sent to Rly. Board for sanction. (I) For CAO(R), no limit on numbers. Value per case not to exceed Rs. 10 lacs. (II) For certain software maintenance contracts where OEMs insist on advance payment, interest free advance payment can be made upto 20 % of contract value in case of customization/development of software OR upto 20 % of the initial purchase price, to OEMs or their authorised dealers only. 78 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 2 AUTHORITY 3 REMARKS PHOD/CHOD SAG JAG / SR.EDPM SR. SCALE 4 5 6 7 (III) 8 In case the per case advance payment value is greater than Rs. 5 lacs, an interest free Bank Guarantee @ 10 % of the advance payment value, must be obtained as Performance Guarantee for the period of the contract. (IV) The agreement shall preferably be made on single tender basis. (I) Contract requirements in connection with leasing of IT equipment shall be in line with instructions on Leasing of IT Infrastructure issued vide letter 2001/C&IS/Comp/policy dt. 12.11.2001. (II) Powers to be decided later after dealing with a few cases. 7.04 Leasing of IT Infrastructure Rly. Board's letters No. 2001/C&IS/ Comp /Policy dt. 07/12/2001. 7.05 DELETED 7.06 Repair of Hardware Rly. Board L. No. 74EB/3000 dt. 14/01/75. Full powers upto Rs.30000/- Full powers upto Rs.25000/- Full powers upto Rs.10,000/- Full powers upto Rs. 2500/- Subject to conditions as laid down in 1020 FI & 1026 FI 7.07 Local Purchase of Computer consumables for running and maintenance of EDP center for stock and non-stock items. Rly. Board L.No. 79F(S)/PW/7/4 dt. 04/10/80. Upto Rs. 5,000/per item but not exceeding Rs. 50,000/- per month. Upto Rs. 5,000/per item but not exceeding Rs. 50,000/- per month. Upto Rs. 3,000/per item but not exceeding Rs. 25,000/- per month subject to the overall limit of FA&CAO not being exceeded. Upto Rs. 500/- per item but not exceeding Rs. 5,000/per month subject to the overall limit of Sr.EDPM not being exceeded. Full powers to CAO(R). 79 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED ITEM NO. 1 7.08 NATURE OF POWERS 2 Invitation and acceptance of advertised / limited / single tenders for matters necessary or incidental to EDP center for the following items of work : 1. Contracts for DataEntry work from trade AUTHORITY 3 REMARKS PHOD/CHOD SAG JAG / SR.EDPM SR. SCALE 4 5 6 7 Full powers upto Rs. 1 lac per case Full powers upto Rs. 1 lac per case Nil Nil 8 (I) (II) (III) 2. Maintenance & Upkeep of EDP center 3. Hire of computer time from outside agencies 4. Procurement of licensed software package 5. Development & Modification of software for computer application Full powers upto Rs. 50,000 per case Full powers upto Rs. 50,000 per case Full powers upto Rs. 10,000 per case Nil Full powers upto Rs. 50,000 per case Full powers upto Rs. 50,000 per case Full powers upto Rs. 50,000 per case Full powers upto Rs. 50,000 per case Nil Nil Nil Nil Full powers upto Rs. 50,000 per case with a ceiling limit of Rs. 5 lacs per annum Full powers upto Rs. 50,000 per case with a ceiling limit of Rs. 5 lacs per annum Nil (I) (II) (III) (I) (II) (III) (IV) Nil (I) (II) (III) (IV) Full powers upto Rs. 2 lacs per case to CAO(R). Prior finance concurrence required. Specific availability of funds required. Full powers upto Rs. 50,000/- per case to CAO(R). Prior finance concurrence required. Specific availability of funds required. Prior finance concurrence required. Specific availability of funds required. Cases upto Rs. 40,000 may be decided on quotation basis. Full powers upto Rs. 50,000 per case to CAO(R). Prior finance concurrence required. Specific availability of funds required. Cases upto Rs. 40,000 may be decided on quotation basis. Full powers upto Rs. 1 lac per case to CAO(R) subject to the ceiling limit of Rs. 5 lacs per annum. 80 CHAPTER –VIII Public Relations 81 CHAPTER - VIII PUBLIC RELATIONS ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 2 AUTHORITY 3 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED REMARKS PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER 4 5 6 7 8 9 8.01 Preparation of Art Work/Design/ Block,Art Pull etc. for display advertisement, Poster, hand bills etc. Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Upto Rs. 2500/- in each case subject to a maximum of Rs. 5,000/- Full Powers Upto Rs. 2000/- in each case subject to a maximum of Rs. 5,000/- Nil Financial concurrence will be necessary. 8.02 Printing and binding of Magazines, stickers, invitation cards, Press brief covers, Press hand notes, notices, messages. etc. Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Upto Rs. 1000/- in each case subject to a maxi- mum of Rs. 10,000/- p.a. Full Powers Upto Rs. 1000/- in each case subject to a maxi- mum of Rs. 10,000/p.a. Nil Finacial concurrence will be required where the value is more than Rs.500/- 8.03 Printing of house Journal / Special Brouchers/ Annual report/Callenders/Diaries/ Posters. Full Powers Full Powers Nil Nil Nil Financial concurrence will be necessary. 8.04 Expenditure on exhibitions. Full Powers Full Powers Nil Nil Nil Financial concurrence will be necessary 8.05 Purchase of momento/ Bouque/Gift including packing materials. Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Upto Rs. 2000/- in each case subject to a maxi- mum of Rs. 5000/p.a. Nil Nil Financial concurrence will be necessary, if expenditure exceeds Rs. 250/- on each occasion. 82 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 2 AUTHORITY 3 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED REMARKS PHOD/CHOD SA GRADE JA GRADE SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICER 4 5 6 7 8 9 8.06 Purchase of Photographic goods (film, corners, frames, albums)other than camera & equipment. Full Powers subject to maximum of Rs. 25000/- p.a Full Powers subject to maximum of Rs. 25000/p.a Full Powers Upto Rs. 200/- on each occasion subject to Rs. 5,000/p.a. Full Powers Upto Rs. 200/- on each occasion subject to Rs. 5,000/p.a. Nil No Financial concurrence is necessary. A register showing the details of pruchases will have to be maintained and should be open to verification by Accounts Officer for inspection. 8.07 Purchase of photographic equipments and its repairs. Full Powers Full Powers Nil Nil Nil With financial concurrence. 8.08 Processing & Printing of Colour photographs at approved rates by SA Grade. Full Powers Full Powers No financial concurrence necessary. Enlargement, lamination, caption printing & mounting of: i ) Coloured photographs Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Upto Rs. 500/- per annum. Full Powers Upto Rs. 1000/subject to Rs. 10000/p.a. Nil 8.09 Full Powers Upto Rs. 500/- per annum. Full Powers Upto Rs. 1000/subject to Rs. 10000/p.a. With financial concurrence if expenditure is more of Rs. 3000/- per item. ii) Black & White Photographs above 12" x 15" at approved rates by S.A. Grade Full Powers Full Powers Nil Nil Full Powers Upto Rs. 1000/subject to Rs. 10000/p.a. Nil Hire/purchase of films for social/ technical/ publicity powers etc. Full powers Full powers Full powers upto Rs.1000/- in each case subject to a miximum of Rs.5000/p.a. Full powers upto Rs.500/- in each case subject to a miximum of Rs.2000/p.a. Nil Financial concurrence necessary, where hire purchase is of value of more than Rs.500/- 8.10 83 CHAPTER – IX Marketing 84 CHAPTER -IX MARKETING TO BE EXERCISED BY OFFICERS OF MARKETING DEPTT. ONLY ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 2 9.01 Sale of Locomotives/Spares to nonRly. Customers. To submit quotation & enter into contract as per vetted price and terms and conditions from finance. 9.02 Expenditure on hospitality to customers and entertainment on special occasion. AUTHORIT Y 3 C.S. NO.20 DT. 23.01.96 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED PHOD/ CHOD 4 SA GRADE 5 JA GRAD E SR. SCAL E 6 7 Full Powers Full Powers NIL NIL Up to Rs. 2000/- in each case. Up to Rs. 2000/- in each case. Upto Rs.50 0/- in each case REMARKS JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICE R 8 Nil NIL 9 Subject to finance concurrence and CAO/R's approval for sale rates and finalisation of price list. Nil (I) For expenditure beyond Rs. 500/- finance concurrence is necessary. (II) To serve refreshments during lunch time to the participants attending inter depatmental meetings, workshops, seminars etc. will require personal approval of GM. Reference Rly.BD. Letter No. 1(17)-E(Coord)/94 dt.74-94 9.03 Purchase of tender bid documents for submission of tender for sale of loco spares. C.S. NO.11 DT. 05.09.94 Full Powers Full Powers NIL NIL Nil 85 CHAPTER – X Personnel Department 86 CHAPTER –X NON GAZETTED – PERSONNEL DEPTT MATTERS (PART-I) ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD 2 Acceptance of resignations of nongazetted staff. Rule 302 of IREC-I (1985 Ed) Full powers Full powers Full Powers upto and inclusive of scale of pay 5000-8000 and all Group ‘D’ staff Full powers in respect of Group ‘D’ staff only Appointing authority is competent as per Rule 302 of IREC Vol.I 10.02 Re-appointment of non-gazetted after acceptance of resignation Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/91RG 1-1 dated 17/12/91 402 of IREC Vol. I(1985 Edn.) Full powers Nil Nil Nil Prior approval of Rly. Bd is required 10.03 Study leave to Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ staff Rule 556 of IREC Vol. I (1985 Edn.) First Schedule Chapter 5 App. V(IREC I 1985 Edn.) Full powers in the case of Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff – 12 months at a time and 24 months in whole service. Nil Nil Nil 10.04 Grant of Special Casual Leave upto a max. of 90 days (excluding Sunday and holidays) in any calendar year to non-gazetted staff on account of various occasions: 10.04.2 SCL for Scout & Guides 10.04.3 SCL for family welfare Item-5(1) of Ann.-C to MC No. 10 and RBE No. 104/91 Item-5(1) of Ann.-C to MC No. 10 and RBE No. 104/91 Item-5(1) of Ann.-C to MC No. 10 and RBE No. 104/91 5 JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 1 SCL for office bearer of cooperative societies 4 SR. SCALE 10.01 10.04.1 3 Dy. HOD REMARKS 6 Full powers Full powers Nil Nil Full powers Full powers Nil Nil Full powers Full powers Nil Nil 8 87 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD 1 2 3 Dy. HOD 4 REMARKS SR. SCALE 5 JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 6 8 10.04.4 SCL for Sports events Item-5(1) of Ann.-C to MC No. 10 and RBE No. 104/91 Full powers Full powers Nil Nil 10.04.5 SCL for Trade Union/Federation Item-5(1) of Ann.-C to MC No. 10 and RBE No. 104/91 Full powers Full powers Nil Nil 10.04.6 SCL for cultural activities Item-5(1) of Ann.-C to MC No. 10 and RBE No. 104/91 Full powers Full powers Nil Nil 10.04.7 SCL for blood donation. Item-5(1) of Ann.-C to MC No. 10 and RBE No. 104/91 Full powers Full powers Nil Nil 10.04.8 SCL for Territorial Army. Item-5(1) of Ann.-C to MC No. 10. Full powers Full powers Nil Nil 10.04.9 SCL for Election of Lok Sabha and Assembly. Para 7.16 and Item5(1) of Ann.-C to MC No. 10 Full powers Full powers Nil Nil 10.04.10 SCL for Bandh/Curfew and disturbances or flood etc. Item-5(1) of Ann.-C to MC No. 10 Railway Board’s circular No.E(LR) II.79.ST/2/2 dated 24.8.79 Railway Board’s circular No. E(LR)II.81.ST/2/1 dated 3.11.81 Full Powers Nil Nil Nil Report shall be sent to Railway Board as provided in the rules. SCL Account shall also be transferred at the time of intershop, inter-deptt. transfer etc. Condonation of interruption in service case of Group C’ and ‘D’ staff Para 43 of Railway Service( Pension) Rules 1993. Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Upto and inclusive of scale of pay 5000-8000/- Full Powers but in respect of Group ‘D’ staff Appointing authority is competent. 10.05 88 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD Dy. HOD 4 REMARKS SR. SCALE 5 JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 1 2 3 10.06 Advance of pay to non-gazetted Railway Servants under very special circumstances viz. The Railway servant’s camp is burnt or serious damages caused to his belongings due to floods etc. 1123 of IREM Vol. I (1989 Ed.) Full powers Full powers Full powers 6 Full Powers 8 10.07 To sanction (i) Educational Allowance, (ii) Reimbursement of Tuition Fee & (iii)Hostel Subsidy Para 2204 of IREM Vol.II (1990 Edn.) Bd’s letter No. E(W)2000/SC2/20/45 dtd. 26/09/01and E(W)2006/ED2/3dtd. 8.02.07 Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 10.08.1 To sanction composite transfer Grant to serving employees within 6 months from the date of transfer. Rule 1643 (VIII)of IREC Vol.II 1987 Edn. As amended vide Board’s letter No. F(E)I/99/AL 28/2 dtd. 18.6.99 (ACS No. 43/99) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 10.08.2 To sanction composite transfer grant for belated claims for serving employees beyond 6 months but within 12 months. Rule 1643 (VIII)of IREC Vol.II 1987 Edn. As amended vide Board’s letter No. F(E)I/99/AL 28/2 dtd. 18.6.99 (ACS No. 43/99) Full powers Full powers Nil Nil 10.09 To sanction Composite Transfer Grant for belated claims for retired /died employees within one year F(E)I/89/AC/28 dtd. 23/2/90. (RBE No.38/90) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers CAO is competent to sanction Composite Transport Grant for belated claims beyond one year but within 2 years with the concurrence of Associate Finance in individual cases attended within special circumstances. 10.10 Condonation of delay for nonsubmission of insurance of flat/house, purchase/ advance. Board’s letter No. F(E)Spl. 94/Adv./3/7 dtd. 13/10/95. Full powers upto two years Nil Nil Nil Approval of Ministry of Housing & Urban Development is required when period involved is beyond 2 years. Employee No.wise record of claimants shall be maintained in Bills Section of ‘P’ Branch 89 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD Dy. HOD 4 REMARKS SR. SCALE 5 JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 1 2 3 10.11 Training in Non-Railway institution when no expenditure and/or payment to the Institution is involved. Board’s letter No. F(X)I-94/ PW/3 dtd. 1.6.97 Full Powers Nil Nil 6 Nil Only CAO is competent in cases where payment of fee etc. to Institutions is involved. 8 10.12 Reconstruction of Service Registers on the basis of affidavits when no records are available. E(NG)60 PTN 1/3 dt. 28.3.60 as amended from time to time Full powers Nil Nil Nil Prior approval of Railway Board should be obtained wherever necessary. Three members committee is required to be constituted in such cases. 10.13 Grant of increment for passing Rajbhasha Examination. Rly. Board’s letter No. Hindi.75/G- 8/12 dated 26.2.76 Full Powers Full Powers Full powers Nil These powers have been delegated for the first time on the pattern of N.Rly. 10.14 Grant of increment under F.W. scheme PC-V/99/1/7/6/2 dated 1.10.99 Full powers Full Powers Nil Nil 10.15 Issuance of NOC for passport and visiting abroad. NO.DCW/P/R/114 dated 24.2.98 Full powers Nil Nil Nil 10.16 Grant of leave for proceeding outside India. NO.DCW/P/R/114 dated 24.2.98 Full powers Nil Nil Nil 10.17 Sanction to refund of Provident Fund by installment by nongazetted staff, on Re-appointment 917-IREC Vol. I (1985 Ed.) Full powers Full powers NIL NIL -- 10.18 Temporary Transfer of Posts alongwith incumbent in respect of non-gazetted staff from one station to another NIL NIL NIL NIL In DMW, only CAO/R is authorized. 10.19 To sanction Pension/ Gratuity and commutation of pension. Para-89 of Rly Servants (Pension) Rules 1993 Full powers in respect of group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff Full powers in respect of group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff Full powers in respect of group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff Nil 10.20 Provisional payment of wages/salary 1103 of General Admn. & Finance Code, 1991. Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 90 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED 3 HOD Dy. HOD SR. SCALE 4 5 6 REMARKS JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 1 2 10.21 Classification of Railway Servants under Hours of Employment Rules Section 130 of Railways Act, 1989 E(LL)73/HER/ 33 dt.9/73. Rule of IREC Vol. II (Ed.1987). CPO-Full powers Nil Nil Nil 10.22 Temporary Exemption under Hours of Employment Rules Rule 6 of Railway Servants Hours of Employment Rules, 1961(HER) CPO-Full powers Nil Nil Nil 10.23 To sanction compensation under Workman Compensation Act, 1923 W.C. Act, 1923 Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Nil 10.24 Creation (a) (b) Temporary posts: Permanent E(G)98EC 2-3 dtd. 03/08/98 PC - III/ 74/PS-3/UPG/5 dated 10/05/76 & 20/10/76 NIL NIL NIL NIL Only CAO is competent. Concurrence of Associate Finance is necessary. Prior sanction of Rly.Board is necessary for the introduction of a new category, not already obtaining on DMW. 10.25 a) Extension (a) (b) Temporary posts: Permanent CPO Full powers NIL NIL NIL Concurrence necessary. 10.26 Creation and extension workcharged posts E(G)98EC 2-3 dtd. 03/08/98 PC- III/ 74/PS-3/UPG/5 dated 10/05/76 & 20/10/76 E(G)98EC 2-3 dtd. 03/08/98 PCIII/74/PS-3/UPG/5 dated 10/05/76 & 20/10/76 Full powers NIL NIL NIL Concurrence of Associate Finance is necessary. Prior sanction of Rly.Board is necessary for the introduction of a new category, not already obtaining on DMW. 10.27 To appoint all Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff as per rules in force. Rule 215 of IREC Vol. I (Ed. 1985) Office Order No. 146 dated 8.12.91 Full powers Full powers SPO and Sr.AFA Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff upto and including 5000-8000 in consultation with Executive Officers. APO/ AFA full powers in respect of Group ‘D’ staff The powers of Sr.Scale Officers have been withdrawn in respect of scale of pay Rs.5500-9000 and 6500-10500/-. There is ban on engagement of Casual Labour. of of of 8 of Associate Finance 91 is ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD Dy. HOD SR. SCALE REMARKS JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 10.28 To sanction promotion and confirmation in respect of Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff. Para 213, 216A of IREM Vol. I ( Ed. 1989) Railway Board’ s circular No. E(NG)I/98/CN5/1 dated 12.10.98 Full powers in consultation with Estt Officers. Full powers upto grade Rs. 55009000 in consultation with Estt Officers. Full powers upto Rs. 5000-8000 in consultation with Estt Officers for staff under their control. Full powers but in respect of Group ‘D’ & upto Technicians Grade I only in consultation with Establishment Officers for staff under their control 10.29 To grant Dual Charge Allowance to group ‘C’ & ‘D’ Chapter VI.of IREM Vol. I (Ed’89) Railway Board’s circular No. F(E)Spl/98/ FR1/1 dated 28.1.2000 Full powers NIL NIL NIL 10.30 To permit an employee to proceed on duty outside DMW to any part of India. Letter No. F(E)68/PW5/1-1 dated 03/04/69 Full powers Full powers Full powers in response to court summons only NIL Rule 1697 of IREC Vol. II ( Ed. 1987) Full powers in respect of staff employed under their control Full powers in respect of staff employed under their control Full powers in respect of staff employed under their control Full powers in respect of staff employed under their control 10.31.1 Note: In case of Post(s) attached to HODs, the approval of the HOD concerned would be necessary. To countersign T.A. Journals submitted within a period of 3 months following the date of journey 8 As per rules this is subject to the conditions (i) addl charge is held for not less than 45 days and not more than 6 months and (ii) pay + dual charge allowance does not exceed 26000/- p.m. Finance concurrence is required. HOD/Dy.HOD will be their own controlling officers. In case of official working directly under charge of higher authority such as PAs/CAs attached to HOD/Dy.HOD, the HOD/Dy.HOD concerned will be authorized to countersign the T.A. Journals. Period has been specified for submission of TA journal 92 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD Dy. HOD SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 1 2 3 4 5 10.31.2 To countersign T.A. Journals when submitted beyond a period of 3 months following the date of journey Rule 1697 of IREC Vol. II ( Ed. 1987) Full powers in respect of staff employed under their control Full powers in respect of staff employed under their control NIL NIL 10.32.1 To sanction conveyance charges to non-gazetted for duty performed at Hd. Qrs. within 8 km. in accordance with conditions within a period of 3 months following the date of journey Rule 1641 of RII -do- -do- Full powers in respect of staff employed under their control Full powers in respect of staff employed under their control 10.32.2 To sanction conveyance charges to non-gazetted for duty performed at Hd. Qrs. within 8 km. in accordance with conditions when claim is submitted beyond a period of 3 months following the date of journey Rule 1641 of RII -do- -do- NIL NIL 10.33 PF Advance/ Final-withdrawal to:(i) Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff Rule 922 to 925 of IREC Vol. I (Ed. 1985) i)Full (ii) Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ RPFstaff powers i) Full 6 REMARKS powers i)Full powers ii) Full Powers. ii) Full Powers ii) Nil Full powers in respect of group ‘D’ staff but except RPF cases 10.34 Fan Advance to Group ‘D’ staff Para 1131(4) of IREM Vol. I Letter No. F(E)Spl/97/ Adv 2/2 dated 26.6.98 Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 10.35 Festival advance to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff on the eve of festivals Para 1125 of IREM Vol. I -do- -do- -do- -do- 8 HOD/Dy.HOD will be their own controlling officers. In case of official working directly under charge of higher authority such as PAs/CAs attached to HOD/Dy.HOD, the HOD/Dy.HOD concerned will be authorized to countersign the T.A. Journals.. Period has been specified for submission of TA journal -do- NIL 93 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD Dy. HOD 4 SR. SCALE 5 6 REMARKS JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 1 2 3 10.36 Advance equivalent to one month’s basic pay on the eve of transfer -do- -do- -do- Full powers but in respect of Group ‘D’ and Artisan staff 10.37 Advance of TA while proceeding on tour. Para 1113, 1118 of IREM Vol. I( Ed. 1989) F(E)55/PW/7(8) dated 30/1/56 Para 1110 of IREM Vol. I( Ed. 1989) -do- -do- -do- -do- 10.38 Advance of pay while proceeding on leave for more than one month, as leave salary. Para 1102(viii) of IREM Vol. I (Ed. 1989) -do- -do- -do- -do- 10.39 Car/Personal Computer Advance to Group ‘C’ officials Para 1104(i)/ 1105/1105(a) IREM Vol. I ( Ed. 1989) RBE No. 50/98 and read with ACS No. 189 RBE NO> 177/06 and Rly. Bd letter No. F(E) Spl.2006/Adv/4/5 dtd. 23.11.2006. Full Powers Nil NIL NIL 10.40 Motor Cycle/ Scooter /Moped Advance to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff Para 1104(ii) of IREM Vol. I ( Ed. 1989) Full Powers Nil NIL NIL 10.41 Cycle Advance to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff Letter No. F(E)Spl/97/Adv 2/2 dated 04/03/98 (RBE NO. 50/98) Full powers Full powers Full powers NIL 10.42 To sanction advance in case of Natural calamities Para 1123 of IREM Vol. I ( Ed. 1989) Railway Board’s circular No. E(G)97/AD 1-7 dated 18.1.98 Full Powers Nil NIL NIL 10.43 To sanction House Building Advance as per rules of construction/ Purchase of new house etc. to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff Para 1132 of IREM Vol. I ( Ed. 1989) Full Powers Nil NIL NIL 8 94 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD Dy. HOD 4 REMARKS SR. SCALE 5 JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 1 2 3 10.44 To order transfer from/to DCW from other Railways etc. including mutual exchange Rule 226, 231 of IREC Vol. I( Ed. 1985) Full powers Nil Nil` 6 Nil 8 10.45 To grant Casual Leave to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff in accordance with leave rules. Master No.15 Circular Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers to Senior Subordinates in scale of pay Rs. 6500-10500 and above and Sr.SO/ SO 10.46 To grant RH to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff in accordance with leave rules. Master Circular No. 47 Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers to Senior Subordinates in scale of pay Rs. 6500-10500 and above and Sr.SO/ SO 10.47 To grant following Leave to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff in India in accordance with leave rules LAP, LHAP, Commuted Leave Rule 523, 526, 527, of IREC Vol. I ( Ed. 1985) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers upto 20 days to Senior Subordinates in scale of pay Rs. 650010500 and above and Sr.SO/ SO. 10.48 To grant following Leave to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff in India in accordance with leave rules Maternity, Paternity Rule 551, 551(a) of IREC Vol. I ( Ed. 1985) Full powers Full powers NIL NIL Since this leave is not debited to the Leave Account, the case for sanction of leave shall be routed through Leave Section of ‘P’ Branch. 10.49 To grant EOL to non-gazetted railway servants on various grounds in India Rule 530 of IREC Vol. I( Ed. 1985)& Rly Bd's L.No. F(E)III/86/PN-1/21 dated 9.01.1987. Full powers Full powers when period of leave is not beyond one year Full powers when period of leave is not beyond one year Full powers when period of leave is not beyond one year and also in respect of Gr.’D’ staff only. Prior verification of Leave Section of ‘P’ Branch is necessary. 10.50 To grant Special Disability Leave and Hospital Leave with leave salary in India in accordance with rules. Rule 552, 553 & 554 of IREC Vol. I (Ed. 1985) ACS No. 65 of 1998 Full powers upto 120 days Full powers upto 30 days NIL NIL 10.51 To grant Leave Not Due upto a max. of 360 days on medical certificate in India in the entire service to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff in accordance with leave rules. Rule 528 of IREC Vol. I ( Ed. 1985) Full powers upto 360 days Full powers upto 90 days NIL NIL 95 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD Dy. HOD SR. SCALE 4 5 6 1 2 3 10.52 To sanction encashment of LAP/LHAP to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff as per rules in force from time to time Rule 523(1)(d)9(i)/526 of IREC Vol. I Letter No. F(E)III/97 LE 1/8 dt. 4.5.98, Letter no. F(E)III.90 LE 1/1 dated 14.7.98 Full powers Full powers 10.53 Fee & Hononrarium: To sanction undertaking a work for which Fee is offered and acceptance of the Fee by a nongazetted employee, when the amount does not exceed Rs.2000 in a financial year Rule 1334 of IREC Vol. II( Ed. 1987) Board’s letter No. E(G)90 HQ 1-88 dated 17/10/91 F(X)II94/PW/3 dated 26/03/96 F(X)II 97/PW4 dated 16/09/97 Full powers Dy. CPO/ CME/ Dy. &CAO powers upto 250/- only 10.54 To sanction undertaking a work for which Honorarium is offered and to grant or sanction payment of Honorarium to non-gazetted employees. Rule 1334 of IREC Vol. II( Ed. 1987) Board’s letter No. E(G)90 HQ 1-88 dated 17/10/91 F(X)II94/PW/3 dated 26/03/96 F(X)II 97/PW4 dated 16/09/97 Office Order No. 1007 dated 16.11.90 CPO Full powers Upto Rs. 8000/(Except Accounts Deptt.) HODs Full powers upto Rs. 2000/- Dy. CPO Full powers upto Rs. 250/- 10.55 Voluntary Retirement: To accept request for Vol. retirement of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ having not less than 20 years qualifying service or service in case of those governed by SRPF Rules, provided 3 months notice is given. Rly. Bds L. No. E(P&A)1-77 RI-46 dated 09.11.77 Full powers - Dy. FA Full Rs. REMARKS JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 Full powers Full powers Nil Nil Nil - 8 Encashment of LAP at the time of resignation upto a max. of 150 days has also been introduced. Encashment of LHAP is new item introduced vide letter dated 14.07.98 Where the Honorarium is recurring , limit applies to the total amount paid in a financial year . - 96 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD Dy. HOD REMARKS SR. SCALE 5 JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 1 2 3 4 10.56 To reduce period of notice in case of Vol.Retirement by Group ‘C’& ‘D’ staff having not less than 20 years qualifying service in case of those governed by SRPF Rules. Rly. Bds. No. E(P&A) 1-77 RI-177 RI-46 dt. 18.2.81 Full powers, but prior concurrence of Associate Finance would be required Nil Nil 6 Nil 8 10.57 Arrear Claims: To sanction investigation and payment of arrears claims subject to the condition that paid vouchers are available Para 1004, 1006 of IREM Vol. I ( Ed. 1989) 1542 of G. Code Railway Board’s circular No. E(G)99 AE I/20 dated 7.4.2000 Full powers When the claim is not over 3 years old (irrespective of amount involved). When the Claim is over 3 years old but the amount of claim pertaining to the period beyond 3 years does not exceed Rs. 5000 Full powers When the claim is not over 3 years old (irrespective of amount involved). When the Claim is over 3 years old but the amount of claim pertaining to the period beyond 3 years does not exceed Rs. 5000 Full powers When the claim is not over 3 years old (irrespective of amount involved). Nil The period of three years is to be reckoned from the day it is submitted to the proper authority or otherwise comes to notice (RBE No. 13/2003) 10.58 To sanction write off of the recovery of amounts over drawn by non-gazetted Rly. Employees, or otherwise due from them if the erroneous payment due is discovered by A/cs or Audit beyond one year. Para 1013 B , 1017, 1018 of IREM Vol. I ( Ed. 1989) Para 1109 of G. Code 1115 of Finance Code. Full powers Upto Rs.5100/ NIL NIL NIL All out efforts should be made to recover amount. Payment drawn in good faith has been considered as in- adequate. justification for waiver of a recovery is necessary. 10.59 To waive recovery of balance of outstanding, irrecoverable personal advance of non-gazetted staff. Para 1013 B, 1017, 1018 of IREM Vol.I(Ed. 1989)Para 1109 of G. Code 1115 of Finance Code. Full powers upto Rs. 15000/- NIL NIL NIL 97 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY 1 2 3 10.60 To sanction payment of reimbursement of medical expenses when incurred in a case referred by Authorized Medical Attendant Chapter IX of IREC Vol.I 10.61 To grant Group Award to NonGazetted staff on any occasion 10.62 To sanction rewards for meritorious work of outstanding nature to staff Item No.10(b) of Railway Board’s letter No.F(X)II/97/ PW/4 dated 16.9.97 10.63 Grant of permission to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff for transaction in respect of acquisition or disposal of any moveable or immovable property 10.64 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD Dy. HOD SR. SCALE 4 5 6 REMARKS JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 8 Full powers. Full Powers Nil Nil Full powers upto Rs. 2000/- subject to individual awards not exceeding Rs. 250/Full powers upto Rs. 500/- NIL Nil Nil Expenditure should be met from within the sanctioned Budget Allotment Full powers upto Rs. 250/- Nil Nil Expenditure should be met from within the sanctioned Budget Allotment Rule 2 and 18 of Rly. Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966 CPO/CME Powers Full powers upto Rs.5 lac Nil Nil To permit change in name in official record including service record subject to compliance of prescribed procedure. Para 1201, 1202 of IREM Vol. I (Ed. 1989) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers but in respect of Group “D’ staff only 10.65 To cause alteration in the date of birth of non-gazetted staff. Rule 225 of IREC Vol. I ( Ed. 1985) Nil Nil Nil Nil Powers have been withdrawn in favour of CAO 10.66 To permit reconstruction of service books on the basis of available records of non-gazetted staff R.B. No. E(NG)60/PTN/1/3 dt. 28.3.60 Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers to SPO only Nil These powers shall be exercised in consultation with Associate Finance 10.67 Powers to sign Passes/PTOs over Indian Railways both for Home/Foreign Lines Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1993 Office Order No. 371 dated 6.7.87 Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full powers in respect of non-gazetted staff for signing Passes/PTOs to Chief Office Supdtt and Office Supdtt Grade I and Office Supdtt. Grade II, SO/Sr. SO Full NOTE: Passes/PTOs, including Post Complimentary Passes, for Gazetted Officers will be signed by Gazetted Officers 98 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD 1 2 10.68 Powers to attest entries in Service Records and Leave Accounts of non-gazetted staff employed in any department (except Accounts) 3 4 Full Powers Dy. HOD 5 Full Powers SR. SCALE 6 Full Powers REMARKS JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 7 Full Powers 8 Full Powers to Chief Office Supdtt. Of Personnel Department in respect of Group ‘D’ staff employed in any department (except Accounts) 99 CHAPTER -X GAZETTED PART-II ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD 1 10.69 2 3 Dy. HOD 4 SR. SCALE 5 REMARKS JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 6 7 8 To permit an officer to proceed on duty outside DCW to any part of India. Letter No. F(E)68/PW5/1-1 dated 03/04/69 Full powers NIL NIL NIL 10.69.1 To countersign T.A. Journals submitted within a period of 3 months following the date of journey Rule 1697 of IREC Vol. II ( Ed. 1987) Full powers in respect of officers employed under their control NIL NIL HOD will be their own controlling officers. Period has been specified for submission of TA journal 10.69.2 To countersign T.A. Journals when submitted beyond a period of 3 months following the date of journey Rule 1697 of IREC Vol. II ( Ed. 1987) Full powers in respect of officers employed under their control Full powers in respect of Senior Scale and Junior Scale/ Asstt. Officers/ employed under their control NIL NIL NIL -do- 10.70.1 To sanction conveyance charges for duty performed at Hd. Qrs. within 8 km. in accordance with conditions within a period of 3 months following the date of journey Rule 1641 of RII Full powers in respect of officers employed under their control NIL NIL -do- 10.70.2 To sanction conveyance charges for duty performed at Hd. Qrs. within 8 km. in accordance with conditions when claim is submitted beyond a period of 3 months following the date of journey Rule 1641 of RII Full powers in respect of officers employed under their control Full powers in respect of Senior Scale and Jr. Scale/ Asstt. Officers/ employed under their control NIL NIL NIL PF Advance/ Final-withdrawal to Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers Rule 922 to 925 of IREC Vol. I( Ed. 1985) CPO/FA&CAO Full powers NIL NIL NIL 10.71 100 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED 3 REMARKS HOD Dy. HOD SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 4 5 6 7 1 2 10.72 Advance equivalent to one month’s pay on the eve of transfer Para 1113 of IREM Vol. I( Ed. 1989) F(E)55/PW/7(8) dated 30/1/56 Full powers in respect of Officers employed under their control NIL NIL NIL 10.73 Advance of TA for a period not exceeding 30 days while proceeding on tour. Para 1109 of IREM Vol. I( Ed. 1989) Full powers in respect of Officers employed under their control NIL NIL NIL 10.74 Advance of pay while proceeding on leave for more than one month, as leave salary. Para 1102(viii) of IREM Vol. I (Ed. 1989) -do- NIL NIL NIL 10.75 Car/Personal Computer Advance to Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ officers Full Powers NIL NIL NIL 10.76 Motor Cycle/ Scooter Advance to Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers Paras 1104,1105,1105(a) IREM Vol. I ( Ed. 1989) RBE No. 50/98 Para 1104/1106 of IREM Vol. I (Ed. 1989) Full Powers NIL NIL NIL 10.77 To sanction advance in case of Natural calamities Para 1123 of IREM Vol. I (Ed. 1989) Railway Board’s circular No. E(G)97/AD 1-7 dated 18.1.98 Full Powers NIL NIL NIL 10.78 To sanction House Building Advance as per rules of construction/ Purchase of new house etc. to Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers Para 1132 of IREM Vol. I (Ed. 1989) NIL NIL NIL NIL 8 Powers have been withdrawn in favour of CAO 101 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD 3 Dy. HOD SR. SCALE REMARKS JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 1 2 4 5 10.79 To grant Casual Leave to Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers in accordance with leave rules. Railway Board’s circular No. E(O)98/LR 1-1 dated 20.2.98 Full powers in respect of officers employed under their control Full powers in respect of Senior Scale and Junior Scale/ Asstt. Officers/ employed under their control NIL 6 NIL 7 10.80 To grant RH to Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers in accordance with leave rules. Master Circular No. 47 Full powers in respect of officers employed under their control Full powers in respect of Senior Scale and Junior Scale/ Asstt. Officers/ employed under their control NIL NIL 10.81 Leave (other than Casual Leave and RH) to Officers Office Order No. 917 dated 7.9.98 (1)Full Powers for grant of leave to Senior Scale and Junior Scale/Assistant Officers where no officiating arrangement is required. (2) Full Powers for grant of leave upto 8 days to JAG (including non-functional SG) officers NIL NIL NIL 8 NOTE: (I) Certificate that the officer would have continued in the same post had the leave not been sanctioned, as required for LAP/LHAP, will be granted by the leave sanctioning authority. (II) FA&CAO should be advised of the leave sanctioned/cancelled/curtailed in case of LAP/LHAP/Commuted leave. Where -officiating arrangement is required, prior approval of CAO is necessary 102 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 2 AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED REMARKS HOD Dy. HOD SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 3 4 5 6 7 8 10.82 To grant following Leave to Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers in India in accordance with leave rules 1. Maternity 2. Paternity Rule 551, 551(a) of IREC Vol. I (Ed. 1985) Full Powers for grant of leave to Senior Scale and Junior Scale/Assistant Officers where no officiating arrangement is required. NIL NIL NIL Since this leave is not debited to the Leave Account, the case for sanction of leave shall be routed through leave Section of "P" Branch 10.83 To sanction encashment of LAP/LHAP to Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers as per rules in force from time to time Rule 523(1)(d)9(i)/ 526 of IREC Vol. I Letter No. F(E)III/97 LE 1/8 dt. 4.5.98, Letter no. F(E)III.90 LE 1/1 dated 14.7.98 Full Powers for grant of leave encashment to Senior Scale and Junior Scale/Assistant Officers NIL NIL NIL Encashment of LAP at the time of resignation upto a max. of 150 days has also been introduced. Encashment of LHAP is a new item introduced vide letter dated 14.7.98. 10.84 DELETED Rule 1334 of IREC Vol. II( Ed. 1987) Board’s letter No. E(G)90 HQ 1-88 dated 17/10/91 F(X)II94/PW/3 dated 26/03/96 F(X)II 97/PW4 dated 16/09/97 Full powers Nil Nil Nil This would not apply to the acceptance of fee by Railway Medical Officers for professional attendance which is regulated by the Rules contained in Chapter 6 of Indian Railway Estt. Code Vol I Fee and Honorarium:10.85 To sanction undertaking a work for which Fee is offered and acceptance of the Fee by An officer, when the amount does not exceed Rs. 2000/- in a financial year 103 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS 1 2 10.86 To sanction undertaking a work for which Honorarium is offered and to grant or sanction payment of Honorarium to officers AUTHORITY 3 Rule 1334 of IREC Vol. II (Ed. 1987) Board’s letter No. E(G)90 HQ 1-88 dated 17/10/91 F(X)II94/PW/3 dated 26/03/96, F(X)II94/PW/3 dated 28/11/96, F(X)II 97/PW4 dated 16/09/97, Office Order No. 1007 dated 16.11.90 EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED REMARKS HOD Dy. HOD SR. SCALE JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 4 5 6 7 Full powers1. Upto Rs. 2000/- for undertaking work as Arbitrator in a dispute in which the Railway Admn. is a party 2. upto Rs. 6750/- for conducting Disciplinary Enquiries against Railway Officers arising out of Vig./CBI cases and 3. upto Rs. 1000/- in all other types of cases Nil NIL Nil 8 Where the Honorarium is recurring , limit applies to the total amount paid in a financial year. The conditions embodied in Rule 1334 of Indian Railway Estt. Code Vol II must be fulfilled in individual cases Arrear Claims 104 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD 1 10.87 2 To sanction investigation and payment of arrears claims subject to the condition that paid vouchers are available Dy. HOD SR. SCALE REMARKS JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 3 4 5 6 Para 1004, 1006 of IREM Vol. I (Ed. 1989) 1542 of G. Code Railway Board’s circular No. E(G)99 AE I/20 dated 7.4.2000 Full powers When the claim is not over 3 years old (irrespective of amount involved). When the Claim is over 3 years old but the amount of claim pertaining to the period beyond 3 years does not exceed Rs. 5000 Full powers When the claim is not over 3 years old (irrespective of amount involved). When the Claim is over 3 years old but the amount of claim pertaining to the period beyond 3 years does not exceed Rs. 5000 Full powers When the claim is not over 3 years old (irrespective of amount involved). Nil 7 The period of three years is to be reckoned from the day it is submitted to the proper authority or otherwise comes to notice (RBE No. 13/2003) 8 Powers withdrawn in favour of CAO. All out efforts should be made to recover amount. Justification for waiver of a recovery is necessary. Payment drawn in good faith has been considered as in- adequate justification. Write Off 10.88 To sanction write off of the recovery of amounts over drawn by gazetted officers or otherwise due from them if the erroneous payment is discovered by A/cs or Audit beyond one year. Para 1013 B , 1017, 1018 of IREM Vol. I( Ed. 1989) Para 1109 of G. Code 1115 of Finance Code. NIL NIL NIL NIL 10.89 To sanction payment of reimbursement of medical expenses when incurred in a case referred by Authorized Medical Attendant Chapter IX of IREC Vol.I Full powers. Full Powers Nil Nil 10.90 To grant of award (in individual cases) to Gazetted Officers Office Order No. 1007 dated 16.11.90 And Railway Board’s letter No. F(X)II/97/PW 4 dated 16.9.97 Full powers upto Rs. 1000/- to Group ‘B’/ Junior Scale Officers Full powers upto Rs. 250/to Group ‘B’/ Junior Scale Officers NIL NIL 105 ITEM NO. NATURE OF POWERS AUTHORITY EXTENT OF POWERS DELEGATED HOD 1 10.91 2 To sanction pension/ gratuity and commutation of pension 3 4 Para 89 of Railway Servants (Pension) Rules, 1993 Full powers in respect of Sr. Scales and Assistant Officers working under his control Dy. HOD SR. SCALE 5 Nil REMARKS JR. SCALE/ ASSTT. OFFICERS 6 Nil 7 8 Nil 106 APPENDIX – ‘A’ GM’s/ CAO(R)’s Powers 107 Appendix ‘A’ POWER OF GENERAL MANAGERS OF INDIAN RAILWAY AS CONTAINED IN RLY BD LETTER NO.F(X)II-2007/PW/4 DATED 21.09.2007 RULES The previous sanction of the higher authority is necessary. A – GAZETTED STAFF 1. To the creation and the abolition of a permanent post and to the alteration of the scale of pay of a service or of a post. 2. To the keeping of a post sanctioned by the Railway Board unfilled for more than twelve months upto JA Grade provided that if the post has remained unfilled for more than six months, its justification is established afresh with the concurrence of Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer before operating the post. 3. To the creation of a temporary post except that posts may be created without higher sanction in Senior Scale/class II Services for a period not exceeding six months/twelve months respectively in emergent situation with concurrence of Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer and provided that the post will not be operated beyond six months /twelve months. 4. a) Note: 5. To the creation of work-charged posts above JA Grade. Temporary post/posts in JA Grade, Senior Scale, Junior Scale, or Class II specifically provided for in a Construction/Surveyed Estimate or in an Urgency Certificate sanctioned by the General Manager or by the Railway Board may be created/extended by the General Manager with prior concurrence of Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer. b) To the grant of provisional payment beyond 3 months to incumbents of such posts which are proposed to be extended beyond available sanction. a) To grant to a Railway Officer emoluments (whether as pay, honorarium or allowances of any sort) higher than that admissible under the Railway Rules or any orders of the Government of India. b) To permit a Railway Officer to undertake work and/or receive fee (non-recurring or recurring) from private sources exceeding Rs. 5000 in each individual case. 108 c) To permit Medical Officers including Chief Medical Officer to receive fees for professional attendance if they hold posts in which private practice is debarred under orders of a higher authority. d) To grant to an officer above JA Grade a reward in excess of Rs. 3000 in each individual case for Zonal Railways and Production Units and Rs. 5000/- in each individual case, for RDSO ï´¾Authority: Board’s letter no. F(X)II-97/PW/4, dt. 5/5/98. (corrigendum).ï´¿ e) To the acceptance of honorarium by a Gazetted Railway servant in excess of Rs. 2000/- in a year for undertaking work as arbitrator in a dispute in which the Railway Administration is a party and in excess of Rs. 1000/- in a year in all other types of cases, except cases of acceptance of honorarium for conducting Disciplinary Enquiries against Railway Officers arising out of Vigilance/CBI cases where the limit shall be Rs. 6750/- (Rs. Six thousand seven hundred and fifty only) in a year. (Authority Board’s letter no. F(X) II-94/PW/3, dt. 28/11/96). Note: (i) General Manager may grant to an Officer upto and including SA Grade in addition to this pay, special pay limited to 10% of the presumptive pay of the additional post when he holds charge of another post in addition to his own, provided the additional charge is held for a period exceeding 45 days but not exceeding six months in the case of Officers up to and including JA Grade and three months in case of Officers working in SA Grade. (ii) The aggregate of pay and additional pay shall not exceed Rs. 26,000 /- month. (iii) The dual charge arrangement shall not be carried beyond six months in the case of JA Grade and three months in the case of SA Grade Officers under any circumstances. (Authority Board’s letter no. F(X)II-94/PW/9, dt. 29/12/94 and F(E) Spl.98 /FR/1/1dt. 28/1/2000). 6. To write-off of:a) Advances. b) Amounts overdrawn by Officers, or otherwise due from them, which were discovered in audit within a year. 7. To the construction or purchase of a building for use as residence by an Officer or to hire a building for use as residence by an Officer under conditions which fall outside the frame work of the extant instructions in regard to the ceiling of rental, minimum period for the lease and other conditions. 8. To the acceptance of resignation of an Administrative Grade Officer. 109 Note: The General Manager, while accepting resignations of the Officers upto Senior Scale level, will have the power to waive the prescribed notice period in respect of Probationary Officers selected for IAS/IFS/IPS. B - NON-GAZETTED STAFF 9. To the grant of special pay or other additions to pay or to the grant of personal pay otherwise than in accordance with Rule 2003 (23) (a) –RII and allowances other than those admissible under Railway Fundamental or Supplementary Rules or any other orders of the Government of India. 10. a) To the grant of honorarium in excess of Rs. 10,000 in each individual case. Note: Where the honorarium is recurring, the limit of Rs. 10,000 applies to the total amount paid in a financial year. (Authority: Board’s letter no. F(X)II/94/PW /3, dt. 26/3/96). b) To the grant of reward in excess of Rs. 5000 in each individual case. C - General: Gazetteed and Non-Gazetted Staff 11. To the grant of advances otherwise than as authorised under general rules and orders. 12. To the grant of leave otherwise than as admissible under the rules. 13. To the deputation of a Railway servant out of India. Note: DG/RDSO, however, will be guided by Board’s extant orders on the subject. 14. To the ex-gratia payment of bonuses or rewards for inventions for which the inventor is not allowed to take a patent or is instructed to assign his patent rights to the Government. Note: DG/RDSO may however grant ex-gratia payment of bonuses or rewards upto Rs 5,000/- each for such inventions. (Authority: Boards letter no. F(X)II/93/PW/2, dt. 8/7/93). 15. To the grant of rewards for detection and/or apprehension of offenders in a criminal case in excess of Rs. 5,000 in each case. 16. To the reimbursement of legal expenses of a Railway servant. a) who institutes a suit in a Court of Law without the prior approval of the Railway Administration; or 110 b) 17. who incurs such expenses in defending legal proceedings instituted against him in respect of acts done or purported to have been done in the execution of his duty either by an outsider or at the instance of the Railway Administration or with the specific sanction or under the specific Order of the State Government or the Central Government. To the purchase of a motor-car, motor cycle or motor boat or any other vehicle. Note: 1) The General Manager may hire vehicles subject to existing instructions of Board, as modified from time to time. (Authority : Board’s letter No.F(X)II-2006/PW/11 dated 15.05.2007.) 2) Before hiring of a vehicle is sanctioned, it should be certified that the demand cannot be met by transfer from one of the works on hand or completed. 18. To the payment of compensation in case of Railway accidents other than those awarded by Railway Claims Tribunals to the dependants of Railway employee killed or to Railway employees injured in accidents caused by the working of trains or Railway engines provided that the death or injury was met with in the discharge of their duties otherwise than due to their own negligence or willful action, in excess of a maximum of 24 months emoluments of the Railway employee. Note: 1) In the case of persons to whom the Workmen’s Compensation Act applies, compensation shall be paid under this rule only if the authority competent to sanction compensation considers that more liberal treatment than that given by the Act is necessary. The compensation so paid shall not , inclusive of the compensation payable under the Act, exceed the amount admissible under this rule. 2) The term ‘emoluments’ means monthly average of emoluments as defined in paragraph 2544-R/II (CSR 486) and in the case of running staff the emoluments will include the pay element in running allowance viz. 30% of the average basic pay drawn during the last twelve months or during the entire service if it is less than twelve months. 3) The above ceiling of 24 months’ emoluments would not be applicable wherever the compensation is paid strictly as per the statutory provisions of the Workmen’s Compensation Act. (Authority: Board’s letter No.F(X)II-2003/PW/10 Pt.II dated 18/11/2004). 19. To the grant of compensation to a Railway employee for loss of private property except compensation in excess of Rs. 5000 in any individual case for loss suffered by an employee in the course of a strike or Railway accident in the execution of Railway duty and from circumstances arising directly out of that duty. 111 20. To the sanction of ex-gratia payment in excess of Rs. 3,000 to the dependant of a Railway employee in the event of his/her death arising out of injuries sustained in the execution of his/her duty. 21. To the payment of medial charges otherwise than as authorized under general rules or orders. 22. To permit a railway servant below the rank of Junior Administrative Grade to travel by Air on duty. Note: Grant of permission by the General Manager to Junior Administrative Grade Officers to travel by Air on duty would be subject to the following conditions: 1. These powers may be exercised only by General Managers and not by CAOs and, are not to be redelegated further.However, the Chief Administrative Officer, COFMOW/New Delhi, DCW/Patiala and MTP/Chennai may also exercise these powers with the personal concurrence of FA & CAO. (Authority Boafd’s letter no. F(X)II-2003/PW/6 dated 4.4.2003.) 2. These powers are to be exercised personally by the General Manager with the personal concurrence of FA&CAO. 3. Air travel will be permitted only in cases where the duration of the journey one-way is more than 12 hours by rail. 4. Each proposal regarding Air Travel would require to be justified on merits. 23. To the remission of recovery of rent from the incumbent of a post for which a quarter has been allotted. Note: The General Manager may exempt the incumbent of a post from occupying the quarter allotted to the post and/or from paying rent thereof upto a maximum period of four months in the following circumstances: i) when an employee is temporarily transferred to a post in another station; ii) when the quarter is subjected to extensive repairs, such as renewals of roofing, replacement of flooring, or such other special works necessitating the vacation of the whole quarter; iii) when an employee is required to vacate the quarter under medical advice on account of an infectious disease or an epidemic. 24. To the waiver of the cost of training of a Railway employee who has received training at Railway’s cost and who is required to serve the Railway for a minimum prescribed period, in excess of the cost proportionate to the service rendered. 112 25. To the sanction of expenditure on deputation of Railway employees for training courses, seminars, symposia in nonRailway Institutions in excess of Rs 10 lakhs in a year on Zonal Railways including RDSO and Rs. 4 lakhs in a year for Production Units. Note: i) The overall registration fee, however, should be subject to a maximum of Rs. 15000 and pro-rata registration fee of Rs. 2500 per day. For arriving at this monetary limit the cost of TA&DA should not be taken into account. ii) The ceiling limits of above powers will be exclusive of service tax or any other taxes/charges. (Authority: Board’s letter no. F(X)II-2006/PW/10 dt. 22/06/2006). D-Payments to persons other than Railway employees 26 To the refund of fare and freight, other wise than in accordance with relevant Tariff Rules, in excess of Rs. 20,000 in each case. 27. To the write-off of amounts due to the Railways, otherwise than when they are irrecoverable, in excess of Rs. 10,000 in each case. Note: Items (26) and (27) do not apply to wharfage, demurrage, storage and lost property charges which may be written off or refunded by Railway Administration without the sanction of higher authority. 28. To the grant of rewards in excess of Rs. 5000 in each case. 29. a) To the incurrence of expenditure on each ceremonial occasion in excess of Rs. 25,000. b) To the incurrence of expenditure on important functions Minister/Minister of Railways in excess of Rs. 5 Lakhs in each case. which are attended by President/Prime Note: 1. The powers under item 29 will be exercised by the General Manager subject to an annual ceiling of Rs. 10 Lakhs for Production Units and Rs. 20 lakhs for Zonal Railways. 2. The powers under item – 29 (a) will cover the expenditure on Railway week celebration also, the limit for which will be Rs. 25000/- for a Zonal Railway / Production Unit as a whole. (Authority: Board’s letters no. F(X)II-2004/Exp/6, Dt. 9/5/2005). 113 30. a) To the incurrence of expenditure in engaging /obtaining consultancy services from outside bodies Rs.25 lakhs in each case or in excess of Rs. 1.5 Crores in a year. b) in excess of To the incurrence of expenditure in engaging /obtaining consultancy services connected with property development schemes, i.e. for commercial exploitation only, from outside bodies in excess of Rs. 50 lakhs in each case or in excess of Rs. 2.5 crores In a year for Zonal Railways, Production Units and RDSO. Note: i) These powers will be personally exercised by the General Manager and will not be re-delegated further. It may be ensured that no contracts are awarded by the Railway for activities which can be carried out in-house. ii) Details of Consultancy Contracts awarded by each Zonal Railway for commercial exploitation should be endorsed to all other General Managers for information to avoid duplication. iii) The General Managers will evolve, in consultation with FA&CAO, a suitable mechanism to ensure that the limits laid down herein are not exceeded under any circumstances. iv) For Consultancy Contracts, the minimum level of tender committee shall be SAG. v) All cases decided by the Zonal Railways should be reported to Board through the PCDOs to CRB and FC, to enable assessment of the exercise of these powers. vi) The agency / consultant is renowned / Government approved and has sufficient experience in the relevant field. vii) Notwithstanding the provisions of Note i) above , PCE/CE (Coord) of the Zonal Railways can award consultancy contracts up to a limit of Rs. 5 lakhs per case with the annual ceiling of Rs. 10 lakhs . These powers will be exercised by PCE/CE (Coord) with the personal concurrence of FA&CAO / FA&CAO(C). (Authority : Board’s letter No.F(X)II-2006/PW/3 dated 27.02.06). viii) These powers can be delegated to DRMs also upto Rs.50,000/- per case subject to annual ceiling of Rs. 1 lakh. These powers will be exercised by DRMs in consultation with associate finance. In the tender committee, JAG/SG level officers may be nominated. In cases where JAG/SG level officers are not available from Finance side in the Division. DFM may be nominated as Finance member of the tender committee. (Authority: Board’s letter No.F(X)II-2006/PW/3 dated 16.5.2006 and F(X)II-2006/PW/13 dated 9.8.2006.) 114 ix) Powers of CAO/C to award consultancy contracts : CAO/Cs can award consultancy contracts upto a limit of Rs. 25 lakh per case with the annual ceiling limit of Rs. 1.5 crore with the personal concurrence of FA & CAO/FA&CAO(C) . These powers of CAOs will be in addition to and separate from the powers delegated to General Managers. Also, the level of Tender Committee shall be SAG. However, if the consultancy contract is to be fixed only on a single tender basis due to special circumstances, GM’s personal approval would be required irrespective of the value of the contract. (Authority : Board’s letter No.F(X)II-2006/PW/3 dt. 27.2.2006 read with letter No.F(X)II-2006/PW/17 dated 18.10.2006. 31. a) To the filing or defending of an appeal in the Supreme Court. b) To the engagement of a Railway Counsel on scale of fees higher than that prescribed by Ministry of Law and Justice: c) To the engagement of counsel at more than Rs. 1,050 per day in Supreme Court or in any of the High Courts or at more than Rs. 750 per day elsewhere; d) To payment of fees in excess of scales of fees fixed by the High Courts concerned. 32. To the grant of allowances or fees to private persons or donations to private bodies including Railway Institutes, Hospitals and Schools, in excess of the scales or maximum limits laid down by the Railway Board. 33. a) To the payment of arbitration fees to private persons in excess of Rs. 25,000 in each case. Note: I) The circumstances under which such appointment of private persons has been made, should, however, be brought to the notice of the Board. ii) This will not apply to payment of fees to arbitrators appointed by Court, for which full powers will be exercised by General Managers. (Authority: Board’s letter no. F(X)II/2000/PW/2, dt. 29/5/2000). b) To the payment of contribution/subscription to a medical institution, if medical aid is rendered by such institution to Railway employees, in excess of Rs. 1000 per annum. c) To the payment of contribution or subscription to a professional institution in excess of Rs. 10000 per annum in each case. (Authority: Board’s letter no. F(X)II/2007/PW/5, dt. 23/5/ 2007). 115 Note: 1. The General Manager will have full powers for payment of fees to surveyors engaged for the assessment of the value of damaged consignments. 2. In respect of any item for which no scale has been laid down in any of the extant orders, the Railway Administration shall have no powers. 34. To the payment of compensation in cases of Railway accidents, otherwise than as specified below: A) Ordinary Passengers (including Government servants, other than those specified in Category B below and their Dependents. Up to Rs. 4 lakh in any single case. (Authority: Board’s letter no. F(X)II-2000/PW/2 dated 23/01/2001). 35. B) Military men, being or traveling on military duty No Powers. All cases to be submitted to the higher authority. C) Up to Rs.10,000 Compensation to public (other than Railway passengers) for injury to person or damage to property caused by accidents as a result of negligence or carelessness on the part of Railway D) Claims decreed by a Court of Law Full Powers to pay any Sum so decreed. E) Claims settled out of Court with advice of Law Officer of Government Upto Rs. 25,000 in any single case. To the payment of claims, otherwise than as specified below or claims for compensation other than those relating to goods lost or damaged and those arising out of Railway accidents:i) Claims settled out of court. Upto Rs. 10,000 in each case. ii) Claims decreed by a court of Law Full powers subject to the condition that particulars of cases involving expenditure of more than Rs. 25,000 in each case should be reported to Railway Board for information. Note: The powers under item 35 (i) above should not be re-delegated to subordinate authorities. 36. Claims settled by arbitration award against Full powers, subject to the conditions that the Railway Board any dispute arising out of a contract. should be informed of the details. i) Where payment to a contractor as a result of the 116 ii) arbitrator’s award exceeded by more than Rs. 50,000 of the amount considered due by the Railway Administration before the arbitration proceedings began; iii) Where deficiencies in the General conditions of contract or of procedure laid down by the Railway Board came to light. Note: The powers under item 36 above should not be re-delegated to authorities below the level of HODs. E-Expenditure on works not wholly chargeable to Ordinary Working Expenses 37. To the inclusion in the Preliminary Works Programme of :a) New Works under the Plan Heads New Lines, Gauge conversion, Railway Electrification, Metropolitan Transport Projects, Computerization and setting up of New Production Units, and b) Other New Works in excess of Rs. 5 crores each. Sanction of Works 38. To the incurrence of expenditure on New Lines, Gauge Conversion, Railway Electrification works, Metropolitan Railway Projects, Computersation, setting up of new Production Units, or Rolling Stock or Surveys not provided in the sanctioned budget for the year or carried forward from the sanctioned budget of the previous year. 39. To the incurrence of expenditure of other works not provided in the sanctioned budget or carried forward from the sanctioned budget of any previous year, except(a) Works /M&P under Lumpsum Provision - 117 (i) Works costing less than Rs. 50 lakh each, (ii) Machinery and Plant - costing not more than Rs. 10 lakhs each for Zonal Railways and not more than Rs. 30 lakh each for Production Units. However, in respect of electronic in-motion weigh bridges, General Managers of Zonal Railways are empowered to sanction upto Rs. 15 lakh in each case. The powers to sanction electronic in-motion weigh bridges cannot be redelegated and shall be exercised personally by General Managers with the concurrence of FA & CAOs. Provided that the total lumpsum provision made in the budget for such works is not exceeded. b) Out of Turn Works - (i) In respect of existing Railways’ Schools, hospitals, Dispensaries, Institutes, Officers Club, Rest Houses and Holiday Homes-not more than Rs. 10 lakh in each case subject to the provision that the funds required for such works as provided in the sanctioned budget for works in these categories are not exceeded. (ii) Other works costing less than Rs. 50 lakhs each, Subject to the budgetary ceiling of Rs. 10 crores (other than lumpsum) in a financial year ,of which not more than Rs. 3 crore could be on other than safety related items with the proviso that all safety works should be completed within a maximum period of 8 months from the date of sanction. Note : For passenger Amenities Works, Emphasis should be on creation of amenities of durable and lasting nature and funds should not be frittered away on provision of superficial items like furnishings and furniture, etc. Authority : Railway Board’s letter No F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dated 04.01.2008. 40(1) Sanction of Detailed Estimates / Revised E stimate- (a) To the sanction of detailed estimates/Revised Estimates for works originally sanctioned at the time of inclusion in the Budget at a cost more than Rs. 100 crore and also where the excess over the abstract cost is not within the General manager’s competence as indicated vide item no. 40(1)(b) below. (b) To an excess over the estimated cost as entered in the Sanctioned Budget: 118 (i) Increase in cost due to escalation-More than 100% of the original estimate(abstract cost). (ii) Increase in cost due to reasons other than escalation-More than 20% of original cost or Rs. 20 crore, whichever is less. Note: (i) The change in scope of work shall be governed by powers for material modification given in item no. 49. (ii) Personal approval may be obtained at the level of General Manager with the personal concurrence of FA & CAO/FA&CAO(C) in cases of estimates costing above Rs. 50 crores but below Rs. 100 crores. (iii) These are the overall variations on the original sanctioned cost as included in the Budget and cannot be exceeded even if more than one revised estimate is sanctioned. (iv) This delegation will not affect rules in force regarding material modification. (v) For variation exceeding the above limits, approval of Board will be required. In such cases, proposals may be sent to board with personal concurrence of FA & CAO/FA&CAO(C) and personal approval of General Manager along with a detailed variation statement and a suitable explanatory note. (Authority : Board’s letter No.F(X)II-2006/PW/17 dt. 4/12/2006) (c) To the sanction of track renewal estimates where the excess is not within the General Manager’s competence as prescribed in sub-item 40(1)(b). 40(2) To an excess over the estimated cost of Machinery & Plant included in M&P Programme as follows : (a) Increase in cost due to price escalation-More than 50% of original estimate or Rs. 50 lakh, whichever is less. (b) Increase in cost due to reasons other than price escalation-More than 10% of original estimate or Rs. 25 lakh, whichever is less. NOTE: i) Powers indicated in item No. 40(2) (b) above covers material modification also. ii) Personal approval may be obtained at the level of General Manager with the personal concurrence of FA & CAO in cases of material modifications costing above Rs. 10 lakh each. 119 iii) These are the overall variations with respect to original sanctioned cost as included in the Budget at the time of sanction and cannot be exceeded even if more than one revised estimate is sanctioned. (Authority: Board’s letter no. F(X)II-2006/PW/17 dt. 24/05/2007). 40(3) Surveys To an excess over 20% on an original estimate sanctioned by higher authorities. Note: i) General Manager can sanction survey estimates provided the surveys are included in the sanctioned budget and approved yardsticks are followed while remaining within the amount indicated in the budget. ii) This delegation does not apply to works which do not have necessary procedural approval. (Authority: Board’s letter No. F(X)II/2000/PW/2, dt. 27/6/2000). 40(4) Lump sum Works (i) To incur expenditure on lump sum works provided in the sanctioned budget for the year or carried forward from the sanctioned budget of any previous year in excess of the total lump sum provision for such works in the sanctioned budget. (ii) The sanction excess over estimates of works sanctioned under item no. 39 in cases where percentage variation is beyond the competence of the General Manager in terms of Rule 40(1)(b). Note:(i) The General Manager can sanction excess over estimates even when the variation is beyond the percentage variation prescribed in item no. 40(1)(b) so long as the revised cost is within the limit of powers of General Managers to sanction new works under item no. 39. (iii) The works thrown forward from previous years may be taken up only if the funds required for them can be found by re-appropriation within the sanctioned allotment. (Authority : Board’s letter No F(X)II-2006/PW/12 dt 10/8/2006). 40(5) Part Estimates : To sanction part estimates costing above 1% of the total value of the work, as originally sanctioned in the Budget. 120 NOTE :i) Part estimates may be sanctioned towards incurring expenses for preliminary activities like FLS, Geo-technical studies, Design, Preparation of plans and drawings etc. which will help in preparation of detailed estimate. ii) The detailed estimate should be allowed to be prepared and got sanctioned only after these preliminary activities are completed. iii) These preliminary activities may be executed on Works Contract basis. (Authority : Board’s letter no. F(X)II-2006/PW/17 dt. 18/10/2006 and F(X)II-2006/PW/17 dt. 4/12/2006). F-Miscellaneous 41. To the sale of – a) any portion of a Railway line, b) any item of authorized rolling stock or c) any other Railway asset costing over Rs. 3 lakhs. 42. To the dismantling or otherwise permanently closing to public traffic of any existing open line section. 43. To the alteration of or departure from the terms of contract with Branch or Worked Lines. 44. To the write off of irrecoverable losses of cash, stores, tools and plant – i) exceeding Rs. 1 lakh in value when a Railway employee is in any way responsible for the loss. ii) exceeding Rs. 2 lakh in value when a Railway employee is not in any way responsible for the loss. Note: 1) Every important case of loss should be brought to the notice of the Railway Board, as soon as possible, after its discovery. When the loss involved does not exceed Rs. 50,000 the case need not be reported unless it represents unusual features or reveals serious defects in procedure. 2) Insufficient balances under Suspense Heads not exceeding Rs. 1 lakh can also be written off by the General Manager. 45. To the incurrence of expenditure in excess of Rs. 40,000 per year in connection with the entertainment of distinguished visitors, i.e. distinguished official or non-official personages, representatives of foreign technical associates, foreign technical experts, representatives of Trade and Industry including overseas companies. (Authority: Board’s letter No. F(X)II/2000/PW/2, dt. 27/6/2000). 121 46. 47. Except in accordance with the rules contained in the Indian Railway Codes or any general or special orders issued by the Railway Boardi) to the construction of an assisted siding. ii) to the acquisition, lease or disposal of land. i) To enter into contracts in respect of sanctioned works in excess of Rs. 100 crores for each contract (Works Contracts) and ii) To enter into contracts in respect of purchase of stores in excess of Rs. 50 crores for each contract (Stores Contract). Authority : Board’s letter No. F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dt. 14.11.2007). 48. To the grant of advances of contractors – i) Mobilization advance in excess of 10% of the contract value. ii) Advances against new machinery and plant – in excess of 10% of contract value or 75% of the value of the new machinery and plant brought to the site of work (whichever is less). iii) Advances for accelerating the progress of work in special circumstances in excess of 5% of contract value or Rs. 5 lakhs (whichever is less). Note: All advances mentioned above shall be subject to levy of interest charges at the rate of 18% or as prescribed by the Railway Board. (Authority: Board’s letter No. F(X)II/97/PW/4, dt. 5/5/98). 49. To any material modification estimated to cost over Rs. 1.5 crore each. Note: The exercise of this authority shall be subject to the following:i) Total value of Material Modifications in a Work should not exceed Rs. 5 crore or 5% of the value of the work, whichever is less. ii) The excess or the revised cost of the estimate does not go beyond the General Manager’s power of sanction. iii) A Material Modification estimated to cost more than Rs. 50 lakh but below Rs. 1.5 crore should be certified and sanctioned personally by FA & CAO and General Manager. 122 iv) Material modifications which are beyond the competence of General Manager should be sent to Board with the personal approval of FA & CAO and General Manager. (Authority: Board’s letter no. F(X)II-2006/PW/17 dt. 18/10/2006). 50. To the grant of diet charges in any other case except – a) To a Railway employee undergoing treatment as indoor patient in Railway or non-Railway Government Hospital for any diseases other than tuberculosis or leprosy or mental disease when the employee’s basic pay is not more than Rs. 4,200/- per month. b) i) To a Railway employee or members of his family when receiving treatment for tuberculosis or leprosy or mental disease in a Railway Hospital or an approved Institution, when the employee’s basic pay is not more than Rs. 6,200/- per month. ii) To the dependant relatives of a railway employee receiving treatment for tuberculosis or leprosy in a Railway hospital or an approved Institution, when the employee’s basic pay is not more than Rs. 6,200/- per month. Note: In the case of temporary staff the pay last drawn while on active duty may be treated as substantive pay for the purpose of this sub-rule. c) To persons, whether Railway employees or not, requiring such assistance from the Railway in emergent cases which involve living under difficulties as regards necessaries of life. Note: i) Indigent passengers injured or taken ill and removed to Railway hospitals and trespassers, who require immediate medical assistance may be given diet at the expense of the Railway Administrations, the expenditure being treated as part of ordinary working expenses of the Railway hospital. ii) The General Managers have powers to sanction free diet or reimbursement of the cost of such diet, according as the indoor treatment is given in a Railway hospital or in a non-Railway hospital, to Railway servants injured in the course of duty for such period as they remain indoor patients, not extending beyond one year after they are declared permanently unfit and discharged from service. 51. To the Institution of legal proceedings against a newspaper for publishing false and damaging articles against the Railway Administration. 123 52. To the supply of electricity to outsiders except under the following conditions: i) the provisions of the Electricity Act are not infringed; ii) such supply does not cause any extra outlay either immediate or contingent; iii) the supply can be made without any inconvenience to the Railway and after its full needs have been met; iv) the rates charged allow for profit after taking into account all costs of production, direct and indirect and are above the rates supplied to Railway employees; and v) the Railway should have power to discontinue the supply without notice and without compensation. 53. To any alteration in the existing cash and pay arrangements. 54. To the introduction of new designs for goods and coaching stock sanctioned for construction during each financial year irrespective of whether the stock is to be built to existing, sanctioned or new designs. 55. To changes, alterations or modifications in the design, layout or equipment of the existing rolling stock and marine vessels involving:a) infringements of the schedule of maximum and minimum running dimensions unless previously sanctioned; b) decrease in the revenue earning capacities of coaching and goods vehicles and marine vessels, such as alternations in the class or seating capacity of coaching vehicles and marine vessels and a permanent decrease in the relationship between gross load and tare in the case of goods vehicles; c) conversion of public service vehicles into Railway service vehicles and vice versa and material modifications (such as alterations in the wheel arrangements etc. in existing Railway service vehicles); d) the introduction of new facilities, fittings and equipments for the traveling public where such have not previously had the approval of the Board, e.g. cooling arrangements in carriages, electric fans in second class compartments, variations in types of lavatory and other equipments which involve matter of policy. 56. To alteration in the authorized stock of all descriptions. 57. To any expenditure on an object, which has not previously been recognized as a fit object for Railway expenditure. 124 Appendix – ‘B’ List showing the subjects which require GM’s/ CAO(R)’s personal sanction/ approval 125 Appendix ‘B’ DELEGATION OF POWERS: PROVISIONS REQUIRING GM’s PERSONAL SANCTION/APPROVAL ESTABLISHMENT MATTERS - GAZETTED 1. Posting and transfers of SAG Officers, Selection Grade and JA Grade Officers. 2. To appoint a Senior Scale Officer to officiate in JA grade post on adhoc basis, a class III employee on adhoc basis in Class Il, a Class-II Officer to officiate in Sr. Scale on adhoc basis, a junior Scale Class I Officer to officiate in Senior Scale on adhoc or regular basis and to make regular promotion to Class II on the basis of a Panel. 3. Sanctioning of all types of leave to Principal HODs and sanctioning of all types of leave for more than 15 days to SA Grade Officers. 4. Forwarding representations of SA Grade Officers addressed to Railway Board. 5. Nomination of SA Grade Officers for deputation. 6. Gratuity-Grant of Compassionate Gratuity in accordance with the rules to Officers in Administrative Grades (Rule 1510/RI). 7. Withholding of Government contributory or special contribution to PF or Gratuity subject to the conditions laid down in the rules for Officers in Administrative Grade (Rule No. 1314 (4)-R1-1341R1). 8. Permission to prefer appeal against acquittal of any person by a Curt of Law for Officers in Administrative Grades. 9. DAR cases of gazetted officers as laid down under extant orders. (Authority: Board’s letter No. E(D&A)/92/RG6-151 dt. 6.11.97). 10. Approval of selection proceedings of Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ upto senior scale. (Authority: Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol. I(1985 Edn.)- Para 210). 11. To accept resignation of officers upto senior scale and voluntary retirement of Group ‘B’ Officers. (Authority Item No. 8 of GM’s delegation. Board’s letter No. E(P&A)1-77//RT/48 dt.9.11.77. Rule 302 IREC Vol. I (1985). 126 12. For making dual charge arrangements in Gazetted cadre upto JAG level for maximum 6 months and SAG level for maximum 3 months. (Authority: Para 645(a) of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol. I (1989 End.) as amended by ACS No. 33). 13. Any other cases where GM’s personal sanction is required as per Board’s extant orders. NON- GAZETTED 1. Payment of interest on delayed payment of DCRG. (Authority: Para 87(2) of Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993.) 2. Appointment of medically unfitted candidates belonging to SC/ST communities against categories for which they are found medically fit against shortfall. (Authority: Board’s letter No. 84-E(SCT)25/4 dt. 7.11.85). 3. Engagement of wards of casual labours with temporary status who die in harness. (Authority: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/84/CL/28 Dt. 31/12/86). 4. Appointment on compassionate grounds to married daughters. (Authority: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/85/RC- 1/10 Dt. 13/8/87). 5. To relax two years service in the immediate lower grade for promotion of staff except in running categories. (Authority: Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-94/PM 1/17 (RBE No.96/94) Dt. 11/11/94). 6. For creation of non-gazetted posts for maintenance and operation of new assets. (Authority: Board’s letter No. E(G)/98EC2/3 Dt. 3.8.98.) 7. Condonation of irregularities regarding issue of Privilege Passes/PTOs as enumerated under Annexure ‘C’ of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986. 8. Any other cases where GM’s personal sanction is required as per Board’s extant orders. OTHER THAN ESTABLISHMENT MATTERS 1. Price preference in indigenous stores over import stores in excess of 25%. (Authority: Board’s letter No. 86/F(Fex)8/W/19 dt. 29/29.8.86 & 9/15.1.87 Annexures – 248 & 249). 127 2. Waiver of wholly or partially of the recovery of the departmental charges. (Authority: Para 1137 & 1138 of Engg. Code.) 3. Expenditure in foreign exchange upto Rs. 2 crores against contracts concluded by Zonal Railways. (Authority: Board’s letter No.73/F(EX)24/DP/13/Part.II of 4.12.1973 & Annexure 104 82/F(F.EX)1/1 dt. 12.1.1986 – Annexure 252). 4. Ex-gratia payments to persons killed in Railway Accidents covered by Sec. 124-A of Indian Railways Act 1980. (Authority: Board’s letter No. 93/TC.III/122/1/Ex-gratia dt. 14.7.97.) 5. Air lifting of consignments in import contracts. (Authority: Board’s letter No. 74/F(EX)/1 dt. 21.12.1976 & 76/F(EX)2/3/Vol.II dt. 27.11.1976 Annexures 113 & 114.) 6. Nomination of arbitrators. (Authority: Item No. 36 of GM’s delegation.) 7. Final location survey chargeable to preliminary expenditure of the work. (Authority: Item No. 40(3) of GM’s delegation. 8. Materials modification to sanctioned estimates costing more than Rs. 50 lakhs but less than Rs. 1.5 crores. (Authority: Item No. 49 of GM’s delegation.) 9. To permit a railway servant to travel by air. (Authority: Item No. 22 of GM’s delegation.) 10. Single Tender other than for restoration in terms of 6A(iv) © of Part ‘A’ of Works Matters. (Authority: Board’s letter Nos. 93/W2/PQR/SE/4/Pt. Dt. 26.9.96 & 97/CE-1/CT/32 DT. 27.8.97). 11. Payment through Letter of Credit (L/C). (Authority: Board’s Letter No. 77/RSF/794 dt. 5.8.1982. Annexure 106). 12. Incurring of expenditure in engaging/obtaining consultancy services from outside bodies. Item No. 30(b) of GM’s Delegation. (Authority: Board’s letter No. F(X)II-2007/PW/4 dt. 21.09.2007). 13. To accord technical sanction to the detailed estimates of the works included in the budget based on survey reports costing between Rs. 50 crores and Rs. 100 Crores. (Authority: Item No. 40(I)(a) Note (iii) of GM’s delegation.) 14. Procurement of laser printers with the personal concurrence of FA&CAO. (Authority: Board’s letters No. 98/C&IS/Comp./Policy dt.n2.11.98, 18.11.98 & 22.12.98.). 128 15. Licensing of Railway land. (Authority: 83/W2/LM/18/87 Dt. 3.3.87 & 29.8.85.) 16. To incur Expenditure towards hospitality Non Railway Customers upto a ceiling of Rs. 250/- per head per occasion subject to annual ceiling of Rs. 10,000/-in consultation with FA & CAO. Expenditure to be met from marketing development fund. (Authority : Rly Board’s letter No.F(X)II-2004/PW/5(2) dated 26.04.2004). 17. To incur Expenditure towards working lunch upto Rs. 75/- per head per occasion at formal inter departmental and other meetings and other conferences. (Authority : Rly Board’s letter No.F(X)II-2004/EXP/4 dated 28.07.2004). 18. Any other cases where GM’s personal sanction is required as per Board’s extant orders. 129 DMW/PTA No. DMW/M/PL/18/Vol-V Dated 30.08.2012 MEMORANDUM Sub: - Amendment Slip No. 6 to Schedule of Powers 2008/DMW. The following amendment is issued to the Schedule of Powers 2008/DMW : Chapter No. – III . Miscellaneous Matters: Against item No. 3.07: - Payment of Annual registration, renewal of telegraph address etc. rent for existing speech circuits P&T lines, PBX line & Telephone Bills: Delete the existing matter under item No. 3.07 of Chapter No. – III. Payment of Annual registration, renewal of telegraph address etc. rent for existing speech circuits P&T lines, PBX line & Telephone Bills: and introduce the following: REVISED SOP ITEM NO. 3.07 Item Nature of No. Powers Authority Extent of Powers delegated PHOD/CHOD 1 2 Item No. 3.07 Payment of Annual registration, renewal of telegraph address etc., Rent for existing speech and Data circuits, Data Card, P&T lines, Broad Band/Data lease line, Media/DishTV/TataSky/TV/ Audio Visual connections and Telephone Bills. 3 4 Full Powers S.A GRADE 5 Full Powers JA GRADE 6 Full Powers This is issued with the Nominated Committee’s recommendations duly approved by CAO/R. Design. REMARKS SR. SCALE JR. SCALE 7 -NIL- 8 9 -- Dy. Chief Mech.Engineer/ Copy to : - All HOD’s /DMW/PTA. All Concerned. 130 DMW/PATIALA No.DMW/M/PL/18/Vol.-V Dated 12.04.2012 MEMORANDUM Sub: Amendment Slip No. 5 to Schedule of Powers-2008/DMW. Ref: i ) This Office Amendment Slip No. 1 dated 02.03.2010 to Schedule of Powers – 2008/DMW. ii) Railway Board’s letter No. 2007/CE-I/CT/18 Pt. 13 dated 05.03.2009. Chapter No. II. Tender Contracts and Agreements of Works. Item No. 2.02 (i & ii) : To dispense with calling of tender and to invite and accept quotation. Vide Railway Board’s letter No. 2007/CE-I/CT/18 Pt.13 dated 06.09.2010, the conditions of their letter dated 05.03.2009 referred at (ii) above have been reviewed and it has been decided to delete item (X) of the letter. Accordingly, Note No. (xi) at Page No.2 of this office Amendment Slip No.1 dated 02.03.2010 referred at i) above stands deleted as mentioned below :- xi) These powers shall be exercised only by field Officers and their controlling HOD’s and not by other Head Quarters Officers Incharge of Planning & Design Offices. Deleted Dy. Chief Mech.Engineer/ Design. Copy to: All HOD’s /DMW/PTA. All Concerned. 131 DMW/PTA No.DMW/M/PL/18/Vol.-V Dated 14.03.2012 MEMORANDUM Sub: Amendment Slip No. 4 to Schedule of Powers-2008/DMW. Appendix-‘A’. - GM’s/CAO (R)’s Powers: Against item No. 40(2) : - Sanction of Detailed Estimate/Revised Estimate: To an excess over the estimated cost of Machinery & Plant included in M&P Programme. Vide Railway Board’s letter No. F(X)II-2010/PW/2 dated 11.10.2010, the powers to sanction to an excess over the estimated cost of Machinery & Plant included in M&P Programme have been revised as under :a) Increase in cost due to price escalation – More than 100% of original estimate or 1 Crore, whichever is less. b) Increase in cost due to reasons other than price escalation – More than 10% of original estimate cost or less. 25 lakh, whichever is Delete the existing matter under item No. 40(2) of Appendix-‘A’. - GM’s/CAO (R)’s Powers and introduce the above. Dy. Chief Mech.Engineer/ Design. Copy to: Secy. to CAO/R for kind information of CAO/R please. All HOD’s /DMW/PTA. All Concerned. 132 DMW/PATIALA. No.DMW/M/PL/18/Vol.-V. Dated:-17.08.2011 MEMORANDUM Sub:- Amendment Slip No. 3 to Schedule of Powers 2008/DMW. The following amendments are issued to the Schedule of Powers 2008/DMW: Chapter No. – III . Miscellaneous Matters : -Against item No. 3.05(i):- Local Purchase of stock and non-stock items other than Rate Contract items and stationery stores subject to ceiling limit of 50,000/- per month per Department:Delete the existing matter under item No. 3.05(i) of Chapter No.–III. Miscellaneous Matters and introduce the following: REVISED SOP ITEM NO. 3.05(i) Item Nature of Authority Extent of Powers delegated REMARKS No. Powers 1 2 3 Item No. 3.05 (i). Local Purchase of stock and non-stock items other than Rate Contract items and stationery stores subject to ceiling limit of 50,000/- per month per department. Railway Board’s letter No. F(X)II2003/PW /9 dated 18.06.20 04. PHOD/ HOD 4 S.A GRADE Upto Upto Upto 10,000/each case. 5,000/ - each case 20,000/ - each case. 5 JA GRADE 6 SR. SCALE. 7 JR. SCALE 8 Upto -NIL- 1,500/each case 9 I) Annual ceiling limit is not applicable to M&P spares and tooling. In these cases, however, budgetary ceiling will have to be maintained. II) Petty local purchase upto 2,000/- by JAG and above and 1,500/- by Sr. Scale Officer can be made on single quotation from Cash Imprest. This is issued with the nominated committee’s recommendations duly approved by CAO(R). Dy. Chief Mech.Engineer/ Design Copy to: - All HOD’s /DMW/PTA. All Concerned. 133 DMW/PATIALA. No.DMW/M/PL/18/Vol.-V. Dated:-11.05.2010. MEMORANDUM Sub:- Amendment Slip No. 2 to Schedule of Powers 2008/DMW. The following amendments are issued to the Schedule of Powers 2008/DMW : Chapter No. – II . Tender, Contracts and Agreements for Works : Against item No. 2.03 : - To invite and accept single tender : Delete the existing matter under item No. 2.03 of Chapter No. – II . Tender, Contracts and Agreements for Works and introduce the following: REVISED SOP ITEM NO. 2.03 Item Nature of Authority Extent of Powers delegated REMARKS No. Powers 1 2 To invite & accept single tender. 1. To invite single tender. 2. To accept the recommendations of Tender Committee of a single tender. PHOD/CHOD 3 Para-1210 to 1212-E and 330 & 331 of Rly. .Bd’s Ltr. No. 87/W1/CT/8 dated 09.12.87, 93/W2/PQR/SC/4Pt. Dt.27.09.96, 97/CE1/CT/ 32 dated. 27.08.97, C.S. No. 16 & 18 of Ltr. No. 98G/0/Pt.III 74W/0XVIII dated 12.04.94. S.A GRADE 4 NIL Full powers For TC above Rs. 02 crores to 08 Crores. JA GRADE 5 NIL Full powers For TC above Rs. 2 crores to 08 Crores. SR. SCALE. 6 NIL Full powers For TC. Upto Rs.02 Crores. JR. SCALE 7 NIL NIL 8 9 (i) Finance concurrence is necessary with personal approval of FA & CAO. Board’s instructions vide their letters referred in authority column should be kept in view. NIL NIL (ii) Justification must bring out any specific urgency or specially warranting calling and acceptance of single tender. (iii) Recommendation of Tender Committee is necessary. (iv) The level of Tender Committee and Accepting Authority will be as per Executive Engineer (C) /DMW/PTA’s letter No. DMW/W/3/02/81 dated 09.06.2008. NOTE : Calling of single tender should be resorted to only in exceptional circumstances with proper justifications as laid down in para 1210 to 1212E and Para 330-331-S after recording the necessary certificate. This issues with the finance concurrence and approval of CAO(R). Dy. Chief Mech.Engineer/ Design Copy to : - All HOD’s /DMW/PTA. All Concerned. 134 DMW/PATIALA. No.DMW/M/PL/18/Vol.-V. Dated:-02.03.2010. MEMORANDUM Sub :- Amendment Slip No. 1 to Schedule of Powers 2008/DMW The following amendments are issued to the Schedule of Powers 2008/.DMW. : Chapter No. – II . Tender, Contracts and Agreements for Works: Against item No. 2.02 (i & ii) : - To dispense with calling of tender and to invite and accept quotation. Delete the existing matter under item No. 2.02 (i & ii) of Chapter No. – II . Tender, Contracts and Agreements for Works and introduce the following : Item Nature of Authority Extent of Powers delegated REMARKS No. Powers 1 2.02 at Page No.11. 2 1.To dispense with calling of tender and to invite and accept quotation. i) For works based on schedule of rates. ii)For works not based on schedule of rates. PHOD/ CHOD S.A GRADE JA GRADE 3 Para 12.11E(1999 4 5 6 Rly Bd’s letter No. 2007 /CE-1/18 /Pt. dated 05.03.09. Rs. 4 Lacs in Same as Rs. 2 each case with In Column Lacs Finance No. 4. in each concurrence (*) case subject to an with Finance annual limit of concurrence 40 Lacs per (*) officer. subject to an annual limit of 20 Lacs per officer. SR. SCALE. (Independent Charge) 7 JR. SCALE 8 9 Rs. One NIL Lac. in each case with Finance concurrence (*) subject to an annual limit of 5 Lacs per officer. (*) at the stage of acceptance of offer. Contd.on page No.2 135 -2– NOTE : - The above powers will be exercised subject to the following conditions : i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) Normally powers of dispensing with calling of tenders should be exercised sparingly. The circumstance under which quotations have to be called should be spelt out. The work should not be split up for the purpose of bringing it within the amount of this competence. The reasonableness of rates should be gone into objectively by the accepting authority. Quotations should not be for item which can be executed through the existing contracts including Zonal contracts. Quotations should not be for fancy (expensive but of low utility) items. Quotations should normally be for works which are urgent in nature. Quotations should normally be invited from at least 3 well experienced contractors/agencies not necessarily borne on approved list. Accepting authority must take precautions to see that the quotations are from genuine firms(and not from fictitious firms) and A register showing full particulars of works authorized through quotations will be maintained by each officer and this register may also be sent to associate finance while seeking their concurrence. These powers will be exercised by the officers with their own administrative approval and no separate administrative approval is necessary. These powers shall be exercised only by field officers and their controlling HOD and not by Head quarter officers in-charge of Planning & Design Offices. This issues with the finance concurrence and approval of CAO(R). Dy. Chief Mech.Engineer/Monitoring Copy to : 1. All HOD’s/DMW/PTA 2. Dy.CEE/DMW/PTA 3. AII Concerned. 136 137