UNIX final exam

UNIX final exam
Spring Semester, 2002
---------------------Name: ________________________________
Login ID: ______________________________
This is an "open" exam. This means you can use
your textbook, any notes you have, the UNIX system,
and the Web site to help you answer these
questions. You have a 3 hour period to complete all
of the questions on this exam. Mike will send mail
at the beginning of the period and again at the end
of the period so I know what files were submitted
between those two times.
You must copy this file to your directory space in
your UNIX account.
% cp ~jplane/final.exam ~
You can then use either vi or emacs to edit the
file. Fill in all places where you see a
blank "___". Sometimes you will put the answer in
place of the blanks (like above for the name and
login id) and sometimes you will insert the text of
another file between the dashes. You can use copy
and paste from the windows environment or the :r vi
editor command to include a whole file in at the
place indicated between the blank lines. When you
are finished, submit this file for grading by
mailing it to jplane on the students machine. The
command will be similar to
% mail
jplane -s "final" < final.exam
where final.exam is the name of the ASCII file in
the current working directory. You will have 3
hours to complete this exam. It must be mailed at
the end of the lab period. If you have any
troubles, see Mike and he will resolve it and let
me know what the problem was.
1) Give the correct octal values for each of the
following (remember decimal is base 10, octal is
base 8, hexadecimal is base 16 and binary is base
a) What is the octal equivalent to the decimal
value 21? ______
b) What is the octal equivalent to the binary
value 100110111? ______
c) What 3 octal digits would you use with the
chmod command if you wanted to set the
permissions so that the owner could read and
write the file, the group could read and
execute the file and the rest of the world
could only execute the file? ____
2) Create a transcript file (remember: the script
command is used to record everything you type and
every answer the computer gives you). That one
script file should do each of the following things
in the order specified. That file should then be
included between the dashed lines that appear after
the list of tasks.
a) list the contents of the ~jplane directory so
that the permissions on each of the children
(files and directories) of ~jplane is also
shown - in addition to information such as
size and modification time and date.
b) display the list of other users currently
using the same computer system. (login ids and
possibly other information for all other
c) display the first 15 lines of the manual page
which tells about the command which allows you
to change your password.
----insert the file created by the script utility here
----3) Use the grep command to get the list of all
lines which do not contain the numeral 1 (one)
character from the file named grep.this (in
the ~jplane directory). Put that list of lines
between the set of dashes as indicated.
----insert lines that do not contain numbers here
----Use the grep command again to get the list of all
lines which have a lowercase alphabetic character
as the first character on the line and a numeric
character as the last character on the line.
----insert the lines described above here
----4) Use the sed command to create a new file and
include that file between the dashed lines below.
Include the sed command file you used to effect
that change between the second set of dashes. Use
the file named sed.this which is in the ~jplane
directory. Any line that contains the word "lines"
in the original file, should have a new line added
after it which contains your first name. Lines
numbered 1 and 3 should have a new line added
before that contains your login id.
----insert the file you created here
--------insert the sed command file which caused those
changes here
5) Write a complete C-shell script file which has
all of the following features. Include that script
file between the dashed lines below.
a) Have the top line tell the shell to interpret
the file using the C-shell.
b) Have the second line contain a comment which
tells your name and login id.
c) Have the next group of lines tell the number
of arguments which the script was called with
followed on that same line by the list of all
of the arguments.
d) Have the next group of lines ask the user of
the script for his name and read it into a
e) Have the next group of lines determine if the
name entered by the user was one of the
arguments. Print the word "Yes" if it was or
the word "No" if it was not. (Only print one
or the other and only print it one time.)
----insert the C-shell script file here
----6) Give the command, as it would appear in the Cshell setup file so that you can type the command
% month
when you want to display just the name of the
current month. Hint: the format of the command
that tells the date and time is shown here, notice
that the name of the month is in the fifth, sixth
and seventh characters of the output format (you
will need to use the colrm command in conjunction
with the date command):
FRI JUL 9 11:57:56
EDT 1998
Type the shell command in the blank given here:
% _______
7) Fill in the blanks by telling the command that
would be used to do the task described. Use the Cto mean it is done in combination with the control
key or the M- to mean it is done in sequence with
the meta key.
a) Move the cursor into the mini-buffer = _____
b) Move the cursor to the top of the
work buffer = _____
c) Delete from the current point of the cursor
to the end of the current line = _____
d) Save buffers and kill emacs = ____ _____
8) Use emacs to copy the header information (the
beginning of this project description to the line
of stars) to the space between the dashed lines.
----insert this file's header here
----9) Create a file that will be interpreted using
nroff text layout language with the ms macro
package. Insert the complete nroff source file
between the dashed lines given here. The nroff
file must contain all of the things listed below.
a) Have a comment at the top that tells your
name and login id.
b) Have a line near the top of the output which
has your full name centered on the line.
c) Have a line after your name which displays
your login id in the output. This line
should also be centered.
d) Have a paragraph (at least 2 lines of output)
which is indented like a standard paragraph
and tells about your favorite topic you
learned in this class.
e) Have a paragraph (at least 2 lines of output)
which is a "hanging paragraph".
This paragraph should tell about your least
favorite topic learned in this class.
f) Have a paragraph (at least 2 lines of output)
which is a "block paragraph".
This paragraph should tell about something
else you would have liked to learn more
about in this class.
g) Add section labels to the document you
created above so that the "information" is
labeled with a 1, your name is section 1.1,
and your login id is 1.2. Then each of the
paragraphs should be sections 2, 3, and 4.
h) Go back and add emphasizing so that the
second word in each of the three paragraphs
is emphasized with underlining or italics.
----insert the complete nroff source file here
----10) Create a file that would be interpreted using
the tbl command and the nroff command with the ms
macro package. This source file should create a
table when interpreted. Include the source file
here between the dashed lines. The file displayed
must have all of the following features:
a) The table should have a border line
all of the way around but not lines between
the cells of the table.
b) The table should have two columns.
c) The first column should have a label centered
at the top of that column which says this is
a list of foods.
d) The data in the first column should be left
justified and it should name 4 of your
favorite foods (one per line).
e) The second column should have a label
centered at the top of that column which says
it is the price.
f) The data in the second column should be right
justified and it should tell the price of
each of your favorite foods if served at a
----insert the nroff source file here