department of mathematics /computer science/ information technology

Course Outline for
ITE 223
Network Management 1
Lab hours
Semesters offered
Indicated in Catalog
Length of semester
15 Weeks
Class hours
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Administration (Course 3037)
70-410 R2 – Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 R2 Textbook
and Lab Manual
A grade of C or better in ITE 153; concurrency with ITE 213 permitted. Students must
have satisfied all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 remediation requirements prior to
starting the course.
This course is designed to cover fundamental and advanced concepts in network theory
and system administration. Use of the network operating system in planning and
management of directory services and network file systems are stressed. Additional
topics include: setting up and maintaining user accounts, protecting network data,
network printing, management of devices, application software, workstation
management, data communications and network security. This course contains
knowledge units typically needed for professional certification. The lab portion of the
course incorporates a widely used network operating system by Novell and/or Microsoft.
Students who have completed CMP 208 will not get credit for ITE 223.
As part of this course, students should avail themselves of further study and/or
educational assistance available in the Computer Center located on the second floor of
building B. The Computer Center is located in room B225. Due to the specific hardware
and software requirements of this course, the resources in B225 are available for student
usage to access the network operating system that will be used in this course. Use of the
resources in the Computer Center is deemed an integral part of the course, and will help
the student master necessary knowledge and skills. Admittance to the Computer Center
will require a valid NCC identification card.
Last Updated: Fall 2015
If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may have an
impact on your ability to carry out the assigned coursework, I urge you to contact the
staff at the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD), Building U, (516)572-7241, TTY
(516)572-7617. The counselors at CSD will review your concerns and determine to what
reasonable accommodations you are entitled as covered by the Americans with
Disabilities Act and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. All information and
documentation pertaining to personal disabilities will be kept confidential.
 To provide students with an introduction to administrating a network system.
 To introduce objects and naming conventions in a hierarchical database structure.
 To develop knowledge of login connectivity, user accounts and restrictions, and printing
 To understand security procedures and system permissions in the file system and
directory services.
All topics and subtopics must be adhered to and completed by the end of each semester.
Selecting a Windows Server 2012 R2 Edition
Supporting Server Roles
Supporting Server Virtualization
Server Licensing
Installing Windows Server 2012 R2
System Requirements
Choosing Installation Options
Using Server Core
Using the Minimal Server Interface
Using Features on Demand
Introducing Active Directory
Understanding the Active Directory Architecture
Deploying Active Directory Domain Services
Installing the Active Directory Domain Services Role
Creating a New Forest
Adding a Domain Controller to an Existing Domain
Creating a Child Domain in a Forest
Installing AD DS on Server Core
Using Install from Media (IFM)
Upgrading Active Directory Domain Services
Deploying Active Directory IaaS on Windows Azure
Removing a Domain Controller
Configuring the Global Catalog
Troubleshooting DNS SRV Registration Failure
Last Updated: Fall 2015
Creating User Objects
Understanding User Creation Tools
Creating Single Users
Creating User Templates
Creating Multiple Users
Creating Computer Objects
Creating Computer Objects Using Active Directory Users and Computers
Creating Computer Objects Using Active Directory Administrative Center
Creating Computer Objects Using Dsadd.exe
Managing Active Directory Objects
Managing Multiple Users
Joining Computers to a Domain
Managing Disabled Accounts
Working with Organizational Units
Creating OUs
Using OUs to Delegate Active Directory Management Tasks
Working with Groups
Understanding Group Types
Understanding Group Scopes
Working with Default Groups
Nesting Groups
Using Special Identities
Creating Groups
Managing Group Memberships
Converting Groups
Deleting a Group
Introducing Group Policy
Understanding Group Policy Objects
Viewing Group Policy Templates
Configuring a Central Store
Using the Group Policy Management Console
Creating and Linking Nonlocal GPOs
Using Security Filtering
Understanding Group Policy Processing
Managing Starter GPOs
Configuring Group Policy Settings
Creating Multiple Local GPOs
Configuring Security Policies Using Group Policy
Defining Local Policies
Customizing Event Log Policies
Understanding Restricted Groups
Using Security Templates
Maintaining and Optimizing Group Policy
Last Updated: Fall 2015
Configuring Local Users and Groups
Using the User Accounts Control Panel
Using the Local Users and Groups Snap-In
Configuring User Account Control
Performing Administrative Tasks
Using Secure Desktop
Configuring User Account Control
Planning Server Storage
Determining the Number of Servers Needed
Estimating Storage Requirements
Selecting a Storage Technology
Planning for Storage Fault Tolerance
Using Storage Spaces
Understanding Windows Disk Settings
Selecting a Partition Style
Understanding Disk Types
Understanding Volume Types
Understanding File Systems
Working with Disks
Adding a New Physical Disk
Creating and Mounting VHDs
Creating a Storage Pool
Creating Virtual Disks
Creating a Simple Volume
Creating a Striped, Spanned, Mirrored, or RAID-5 Volume
Extending and Shrinking Volumes and Disks
Creating Folder Shares
Assigning Permissions
Understanding the Windows Permission Architecture
Understanding Basic and Advanced Permissions
Allowing and Denying Permissions
Inheriting Permissions
Understanding Effective Access
Setting Share Permissions
Understanding NTFS Authorization
Assigning Basic NTFS Permissions
Assigning Advanced NTFS Permissions
Understanding Resource Ownership
Combining Share and NTFS Permissions
Configuring Volume Shadow Copies
Configuring NTFS Quotas
Configuring Work Folders
Deploying a Print Server
Last Updated: Fall 2015
Understanding the Windows Print Architecture
Sharing a Printer
Managing Printer Drivers
Using Remote Access Easy Print
Configuring Printer Security
Managing Documents
Managing Printers
Using the Print and Document Services Role
Using the Print Management Console
History of Linux
System requirements
Service & Support
Features and Standards
KDE Interface
Access and Use of YAST
Boot Log & Hardware Information – via GUI interface & command line
Command line & GUI utilities
User Access and Security
User and Group Accounts – Create and Edit Properties
GUI & Command Line creation
Text Login Messages
ROOT account
New user account defaults
Security settings
File & Directory Permissions
Command line & GUI utilities
Security policies
Monitor login activity
Managing RPM Packages
RPM Basics
Managing with command line and GUI utilities
Last Updated: Fall 2015