LAKE CITY CRC M I D APRIL 8, 2015 Starting Point Class Starting Point is a class we offer for people interested in learning more about becoming a believer in Jesus Christ, making profession of faith, becoming part of the Lake City CRC family, or learning more about our church and our beliefs. The next class will be offered May 3, 10, 17 & 31 from 9am to 10am, in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up at the Information Center if you are interested. THIS WEEK’S HEADLINES: W E E K N E W S D.R. TRIP: The Junior/Senior class at Northern Michigan Christian School is in the Dominican Republic this week on a mission trip. Please pray for the team while they are there. Members from our church on the trip are: Larry & Suzanne Stahl, Jager Haan, Melanie Heuker, Cody Winkle, Jill Haan, Erin Heuker, Krista Winkle. Prayer guides with the list of all students and chaperones are at the Information Center. REMINDER: GEMS, Cadets, ETM and Youth Small Groups will not be meeting tonight and there will not be Open Door this Saturday because of Spring Break. Programs will resume on April 15. STAND STRENGHT TEAM IS COMING TO LCCRC: April 17 @ 7pm, and April 18 and 19 @ 6pm the STAND Strength Team will be performing at our church so save the date and plan to join us! If you are interested in preparing meals for the team or helping in another way, contact Russ Elliott. The athletes will also be doing assemblies in neighboring schools and the team would appreciate your prayers that many young lives will be won for Christ. For more info about STAND Strength visit THANK YOU! The members of the CEP (Christian Education Program) would like to give the congregation a big thanks for your contributions again this year. Our numbers continue to grow as our families do and new kids join. Praise God for the opportunity to bring Christ to our kids as they grow up. We are approaching the end of another giving year and the start of a new in June. We are still in need of a few contributions to come in to help us finish out this year. We ask you to pray about what God puts on your heart to help us finish up and start the new year. Again, thank you for all your support and if anyone has questions or would like to learn more about this plan please talk to one of the board members. Tom Ebels, Tracy Winkle, Travis Winkle. We want to thank our church family for all the prayers, cards, visits, meals and encouragement for us after Marilyn’s knee replacement surgery. We are thankful to be part of a supportive church family. ~Marilyn and Don McKinnon CHECK US OUT! Please visit our Facebook page and website for current events, ministry opportunities and other information. Find us on Facebook at and view our website VERSE FOR TODAY “O LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.” —Psalm 143:1 White Envelope Offering: STAND Strength Team PRAYERS AND PRAISES: Corey DeZeeuw (son of Tim & Rhonda): Recovery from surgery Duane Timmermans (Pastor of Vogel Center CRC): Recovery from stroke Don Herweyer: Recovery from head injury Dan Waller: Recovery from eye surgery Max Fenby: Chemotherapy treatments Military Personnel: Luke Bailey, Richard Clipper, Randy Fenby, Steve Fisher, Angela Harvey, Tim Kimbel, Craig Kolhagen, Tom Meyering, Andy Neblock, David Sizeland, Franklin Troyer Missionaries: Jeff & Marilyn Greenway (Young Life in Nicaragua), Josh & Mandy Shaarda (serving in Uganda), Karlie Maxwell (serving in Uganda),Michael & Missie Anscomb (YWAM in New England) UPCOMING MEETINGS / EVENTS: April 9 Council Meetings April 13 Lighthouse Café April 17-19 STAND Strength Team April 25 Open Door VOLUNTEERS SERVING ON APRIL 12 NURSERY: Infant: Toddler: Jenny Bayn, Tetje Cnossen, Lauren VanHouten Jonah & Rachel Hoekwater, Barb VanHaitsma GREETERS: South: East: Outside: Dennis Ellens Brett & Emily Sharp Justin Hoekwater, Ross Vrieze USHERS: OFFERING: COFFEE HOSTS: LIBRARY: LITTLE LAMBS: CHILDREN’S WORSHIP: K & 1st: 2nd & 3rd: 4th & 5th: 6-8th: Wayne Bartlett, Brooke DeZeeuw, Ryan Kinkema Tom Ebels, Ed Gonzalez, Scott Powell, Ryan Vanderwal David & Karen Anscomb Linda Embertson Gale Hoekwater Krista Winkle Tina-Marie DeZeeuw Jim Dulzo/Lori Ebels Corinne Pree Dan & Dawn VerBerkmoes COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS FORGOTTEN MAN MINISTRIES BANQUET: The Forgotten Man Ministries’ mission is to rehabilitate inmates in the name of Jesus Christ and they are holding a banquet on Tuesday, April 21, 6pm at Rollins Christian Fellowship Church in Manton. At the dinner you will hear how inmates are being impacted as God works through FMM in the county jails. For more information contact George John at 825-0064. FRIENDS FARM BUCKS: Give the gift of fresh, chemical-free produce to family and friends! Local vegetables and berries will be available at Friends Farm road-stand this summer and inside their Thrift Store cooler. Friends Ministry is offering a wide range of coupon books from $50-$300 and if you hurry there is a 15% discount through April 15! For more information call 839-8816, email or stop in to the office at 3728 S. Morey Rd. Lake City. RIGHT TO LIFE DINNER: Wexford-Missaukee Right to Life will hold their annual Focus on Life Spring Dinner on Monday, April 20, 6:30pm at the Timber Wolf Lodge. The speaker will be Joe Basso who decided to encourage the “Average Joe” to get off the bench and enact change where they live. Tickets are $20 each. The teens will also be meeting that night with free pizza, games and their own program including a live Christian band. Call 839-2743 with questions. MOM TO MOM SALE: This large indoor sale of gently used items is a great place to find clothes for your children or get rid of clothing items that no longer fit. This sale is put on by Heritage Christian School and will be held at Fox Hill Event Center in Cadillac on Saturday, April 18 from 9am to 1pm. Admission is $1 and kids 12 and under are free. For more information call 775-4272.