SAMPLE FORM LETTER FROM STUDENTS TO ALUMNI OR CHRISTIAN ATTORNEYS IN THEIR GEOGRAPHICAL AREA FOR FUNDRAISING Date Address Dear: As a member of the Christian Law Fellowship [or CLS chapter] at the University of _________, I have been invited to represent my school at CLS's 23rd Annual National Law Student Convention (NSLC), being held October 20-23, 2011 in Oak Brook, IL. The theme this year is Serving in the Law in Christ’s Name. Standing for Christ can be difficult in any law school; imagine how helpful interaction with over 250 of your Christian peers from law schools around the country, as well as several hundred Christian lawyers, can be? The NSLC will equip me to serve the Lord more effectively on my campus and, later in the practice of law, through plenary sessions and workshops, small group Bible studies, and the opportunity to meet and converse with seasoned attorneys. The conference registration fee is $150.00 and three nights' lodging is an additional $330.00 for single occupancy. I hope to arrange for at least one roommate to reduce the lodging cost to $165.00 for the three nights. Other expenses I will incur are travel expense and three meals that are not included in my registration fee. I am seeking to raise enough money to cover my registration, hotel and travel expenses. Any funds raised over the amount of my expenses will be used to cover the expenses of other students from my chapter or other chapters. In order to make the most of the unique training and networking that the conference offers to law students, will you prayerfully consider a generous gift toward my travel and registration? A gift of $500, $250, $100, $50 or whatever the Lord leads you to contribute will be multiplied over the years as NLSC "graduates" move into key leadership positions in our country. If you are able to support the NLSC, please return the enclosed response form and your tax-deductible donation made payable to "Christian Legal Society" in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. Please do not write my name on the check but rather write my school’s name in the memo section. I will forward the check to CLS myself. Thank you for your support and prayers. In Christ, [student's name] [chapter’s name]