University of Hawai`i at Hilo – College of Business and Economics QBA 365 – 001 (CRN: 12121) Managing Electronic Commerce Class Times: Spring 2008 12:00 – 12:50pm, MWF K112 Instructor: Dr. Kimberly Furumo K-243, 974-7672 Website: Office Hours: 10:00am – noon MW 11:00am – noon F Textbook: Efraim Turban, David King, Judy McKay, Peter Marshall, Jae Lee, and Dennis Viehland., Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2008 Course Description: Electronic commerce (e-commerce) can be defined as business transacted via the Internet and World Wide Web. Each year, e-commerce accounts for billions of dollars in transactions between business and consumers and over a trillion dollars in business-to-business transactions. E-commerce experienced explosive entrepreneurial growth between 1995 and 2000 before the "bursting of the bubble". Today, the lessons learned from the crash of many's are being used by organizations to integrate on-line and off-line operations. The impact of e-commerce is not just in the creation of Webbased businesses but represents the building of a new industrial order (Turban et al., 2008). In this course, we will explore how business models have changed with the expansion of technology. Course Expectations and Grading: The course grade will be based on the following: Chapter Quizzes – 50% Application or Business Plan – 40% Attendance and Participation – 10% Chapter Quizzes On the first class day of each week, a 10-question quiz will be administered to ensure that students have read the chapter that will be covered that week. The top 10 quiz scores will be averaged. Students can drop the 3 lowest quiz scores. Application or Business Plan Students may choose to develop an interactive (dynamic) web application or a business plan. The web application must contain at least 2 of the following: shopping cart, on-line payment system, database, product catalog. Students who choose to develop an e-commerce business plan, will complete 20 guided assignments which are available at or Application_turban_ec_2006/0,11174,2580470,00.html Final web applications or business plans will be presented to the class in the last two weeks of the semester. Students may work individually or in groups of two. However, expectations are higher for students who work together. Attendance and Participation Students are expected to be prepared and attend class regularly. Sleeping, text messaging, internet surfing, completing homework for another class or participating in any other non-course related activities will lower your attendance/participation grade. The following grading scale is used for this course. It is firm. No curving! Grade A Percentage 92% - 100% A- 90% - 91.99% B+ 88% - 89.99% B 82% - 87.99% B- 80% - 81.99% C+ 78% - 79.99% C 72% - 77.99% C- 70% - 71.99% D 60% - 69.99% F Below 60% Course Policies: 1. Academic Dishonesty Policy - Academic dishonesty includes representing the work of another as one’s own or cheating by any means. Academic dishonesty also includes aiding, abetting, concealing, or attempting such activity. The usual penalty is an F in the course and disciplinary action by the University. 2. Grade Appeals Policy – It is the students’ responsibility to keep all graded materials that have been returned. Grades will be assumed to be accurate unless you can prove otherwise. Any student wishing to appeal a grade must submit a written appeal indicating the specific section the student is requesting a re-grade of and a complete explanation (rationale) of why the student feels they deserve a different grade. 3. Open Door Policy – I have an open office door policy. I encourage students to come to my office with any questions or concerns. I do not mind if students stop by without an appointment. If my doors open, come on in. Students who are having difficulty understanding the course material should visit me for additional help in the course. 4. Email – I check my email everyday. If you need to contact me this is often times the best way to do so. I try to respond to email very quickly. 5. Documented Disabilities - Any student with a documented disability who would like to request accommodations should contact the University Disability Services Office - Hale Kauanoe A Wing Lounge, 933-0816 (V), 933-3334 (TTY), - as early in the semester as possible. Planned Schedule Week starting Chapter Quiz January 14 Chapter 1: Overview of Electronic Commerce January 21 (Monday is a Holiday) Chapter 2: E-Marketplaces: Structures, Mechanisms, Economics, and Impacts Quiz 1 Jan 23 January 28 Chapter 3: Retailing in EC: Products and Services Quiz 2 Jan 28 February 4 Chapter 4:Consuemr Behavior, Market Research, and Advertisement Quiz 3 Feb 4 February 11 Chapter 5 & 6: B2B EC & B2B Exchanges Quiz 4 Feb 11 February 18 (Monday is a Holiday) Chapter 7: E-Supply Chains, Collaborative Commerce, and Corporate Portals Quiz 5 Feb 20 February 25 Chapter 8: Innovative EC Systems: From E-Government to E-Learning to C2C Commerce Quiz 6 Feb 25 March 3 Chapter 9: Mobile Computing and Commerce and Pervasive Computing Quiz 7 Mar 3 March 10 Chapter 10: Dynamic trading: EAuctions, Bartering, and Negotiations Quiz 8 Mar 10 March 17 (Friday is a Holiday) Chapter 11: EC Security Quiz 9 Mar 17 Week starting Chapter Quiz March 24 Spring Recess March 31 Chapter 12: Electronic payment Systems Quiz 10 Mar 31 April 7 Chapter 13: Order fulfillment, eCRM, and Other Support services Quiz 11 Apr 7 April 14 Chapter 16: Launching a Successful Online Business Quiz 12 Apr 14 April 21 Chapter 17: Legal, Ethical, and Compliance Issues in EC Quiz 13 Apr 21 April 28 Presentations May 5 Presentations Last Class Day is May 7th Web Application/Business Plan Assignments Week Web Application January 14 Introduction January 21 Select a business to work with (Monday is a Holiday) (inform Furumo) January 28 Develop a letter of intent (contract with client) Copy to Furumo February 4 Discuss the letter of intent with the client and make any necessary revisions Copy to Furumo February 11 Develop project task list and specific timelines Copy to Furumo February 18 (Monday Application development and written is a Holiday) report 1 to client Copy of report to Furumo February 25 Application development and written report 2 to client Copy to Furumo March 3 Application development and written report 3 to client Copy to Furumo March 10 Application development and written report 4 to client Copy to Furumo March 17 Application development and written (Friday is a Holiday) report 5 to client Copy to Furumo March 24 March 31 Application development and written report 6 to client Copy to Furumo April 7 Complete Application and prepare documentation for the client Copy of documentation to Furumo Business Plan* Introduction BP Assignment 1 BP Assignment 2 BP Assignments 3 & 4 BP Assignments 5 & 6 BP Assignment 7 BP Assignment 8 BP Assignments 9 & 10 BP Assignments 11 & 12 BP Assignment 13 BP Assignments 14 & 15 BP Assignment 16, 17, 18 April 14 April 28 Present final product to Client, gather feedback, Prepare report of required changes Copy to Furumo Complete changes and give client the final application Present application to class May 5 Present application to class April 21 * Assignments can be found at: or Application_turban_ec_2006/0,11174,2580470-,00.html BP Assignment 19 BP Assignment 20 Present bus plan to class Present bus plan to class