exemplar lesson

(Silver Lesson)
Emily Wehland
Unit : Writing Poetry
Content Standard:
Enduring Understanding:
 Poems are windows that let feelings blow through.
Learner Outcome (behavioral):
Students will:
 Listen and record information for the outline of the triolet poem.
 Recognize the triolet poem.
 Analyze examples of a triolet poem.
 Create and construct a triolet poem.
Essential Questions:
 Will I be able to express my feelings towards an issue that the United States is facing
through the triolet poem?
Set Induction (Motivation):
 Students will evoke feelings to assist in writing the triolet.
 Rocks (big and small)
 Big rocks represent a big feeling or problem that is past, present, or future.
 Small rocks represent a small feeling or problem that is past, present, or future.
Access Prior Knowledge:
 Has anyone heard of the triolet poem? (If students raise their hand continue to next
 Did or do you enjoy writing that style of poem?
Learning Strategies
Acquiring New Information (Declarative or Procedural Knowledge):
 Students will listen to a short lecture on the outline of a triolet poem and fill in important
information on a handout sheet.
 Which lines have to rhyme?
 Which lines repeat?
Extending or Refining New Information:
 Listen to examples of triolet poems. Be able to identify why the poems are triolet.
 Assist in creation of a triolet poem on the overhead.
 Would you agree that the triolet poem has flowing melody to it?
 What is a difference between the triolet and the acrostic poem?
Applying Thinking Skills, Real-World Situation or Practice:
 Analyze examples of acrostic poem-Answer: Who?, What?, and Why?
 Construct a triolet about an issue that the United States is facing today.
 What would be a first step in creating a triolet poem? How would you start?
Closure-Summary or Generalization:
 How many lines are in a triolet poem? (8)
 Is there a set syllable pattern?
 Students will complete a self-evaluation hand-out of their poem.
Materials and Resources:
 Big and small rocks
 Basket
 Hand-Out: Triolet (Fill-in)
 Hand-Out: Promise
 Hand-Out: Self-evaluation
 Loose leaf