[FRONT COVER] 10th YEAR ATIA 2009 Orlando Showcasing Excellence in Assistive Technology Providing technologies to enhance learning, working and independent living for people with disabilities January 28 – 31, 2009 Caribe Royale All-Suites Resort & Convention Center Orlando, Florida USA CONFERENCE PROGRAM Assistive Technology Industry Association 401 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611-4267 Toll Free: (877) OUR-ATIA (687-2842) Phone: (312) 321-5172 Fax: (312) 673-6659 E-mail: Info@atia.org www.atia.org [NEW PAGE] [Call-out Box]: Celebrate ATIA’s 10th Anniversary in Style! In your registration bag, you received an official ATIA 10th Anniversary t-shirt. Be sure to wear your shirt during Friday’s 10th Anniversary Reception when you join fellow colleagues and vendors to celebrate this exciting milestone. Prizes will be awarded so be sure not to miss out on the fun! [End Call-out Box] WELCOME Thank you for joining us for our 10th Anniversary at ATIA 2009 Orlando! On behalf of the ATIA Board of Directors, the 2009 Orlando Conference Planning Committee and all of our members, we would like to welcome you to ATIA 2009 Orlando. We are excited that you have chosen to join us in sunny Florida to learn about the latest information and technologies available in the Assistive Technology community. The 2009 Orlando Conference Planning Committee has been working hard to make sure this conference provides education from leading practitioners, a comprehensive exhibit hall and plenty of opportunities to network and learn from your peers. As ATIA embarks on this important milestone year, we wanted to share our celebration with you – the AT community. Please join us on Friday evening for our 10th Anniversary reception in the Pavilion. There will be something for everyone at this exciting new event including a prize drawing so be sure not to miss out! We hope that our Orlando conference exceeds your expectations and that you take advantage of the wide array of opportunities to learn and strengthen your knowledge and AT skills throughout the week. 1 Sincerely, David Dikter ATIA Executive Director Caroline Van Howe ATIA Director of Programs ABOUT ATIA The Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) is a not-for-profit membership organization consisting of manufacturers and suppliers of technology-based assistive devices and/or services. ATIA is proud to celebrate 10 years of serving the Assistive Technology industry with two great events: ATIA 2009 Orlando, and our new event, ATIA 2009 Chicago, October 28 – 31, 2009 at the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel and Convention Center, in Schaumburg, Illinois. Members of ATIA include more than 125 respected industry organizations including for-profit, non-profit, government and private organizations located across the globe. For more information on ATIA or its members, please visit www.atia.org. Celebrate ATIA’s 10th Anniversary in Style! Be sure to pick up an official ATIA 10th Anniversary t-shirt. Wear your shirt during Friday’s 10th Anniversary Reception when you join fellow colleagues and vendors to celebrate this exciting milestone. Prizes will be awarded so be sure not to miss out on the fun! [NEW PAGE] THANK YOU TO THE ATIA 2009 ORLANDO PLANNING COMMITTEE Chair Jen Thalhuber, CEO, AbleNet, Inc. Educational Programs Committee Chair Joy Zabala, EdD, ATP, AIM Consortium, CAST Accessibility Advisor Ike Presley, MS, American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Strand Advisors Augmentative and Alternative Communication Caroline Musselwhite, PhD Blindness/Low Vision William Bielawski III and Ike Presley, MS Cognitive Disabilities Kelly Fonner, MS and Scott Marfilius Deaf and Hard of Hearing Bill Clymer, MBA and Jim DeCaro, PhD Learning Disabilities Kelly Fonner, MS and Scott Marfilius Positioning/Mobility Joy Zabala, EdD Severe Multiple Disabilities Linda Burkhart 2 AT Act Programs Beth Mineo, PhD and Sara Sack, PhD Post-Secondary Education/Transition Dan Comden, Howard Kramer Pass It On National AT Reuse Center Beth Mineo, PhD and Sara Sack, PhD Policy Educational Program Committee Research & Professional Development Betty Nelson, PhD Vendor Educational Program Committee Workplace/Transition Gayl Bowser and Mike Marotta ATIA 2009 ORLANDO SPONSORS AbleNet Adaptivation AMDi Adobe Apple Cambium Canon The DAISY Consortium Duxbury DynaVox/Mayer-Johnson Enabling Technologies Freedom Scientific Gh, LLC Intel K-NFB Microsoft News-2-You RFB&D Saltillo SComm Serotek ShopLowVision SoftTouch Tobii ATI ViewPlus 10TH ANNIVERSARY SPONSORS AbleNet Adobe AMDi Alliance for Technology Access 3 BlinkTwice Canon GW Micro HP Microsoft News-2-You Optelec Prentke Romick QIAT ShopLowVision Soft Touch Texthelp MEDIA SPONSORS Ability Magazine Careers & the disAbled [NEW PAGE] 2009 ORLANDO CONFERENCE PARTNERS Conference Partners support ATIA’s conference goal of providing networking opportunities and up-to-date information on the latest assistive technology products, practices, policies and research. ATIA is proud to partner with the following leading organizations: American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) is a national non-profit organization that focuses on expanding the possibilities of people with vision loss by increasing access to technology, providing professionals with tools to serve people with vision loss and promoting healthy and independent living. The AFB’s Web site, www.afb.org, is accessible and easy to use. Assistive Technology in Higher Education Network (ATHEN) exists to collect and disseminate best practices in access technology within and for the post-secondary education environment as well as present a collective voice for the professional practice of access technology in higher education. For more information, visit www.athenpro.org. Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) Founded in 1984 as the Center for Applied Special Technology, CAST is a nonprofit education research and development organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals, including those with disabilities, through Universal Design for Learning. For more information, visit www.cast.org. DAISY Consortium - The DAISY Standard (officially ANSI/NISO z39.86 Specifications for the Digital Talking Book) has revolutionized the reading experience for people with print disabilities around the globe. DAISY, the Digital Accessible Information System, is the world's most widely used assistive technology for reading. The DAISY Consortium consists of nearly 70 non-profit organizations representing 35 different countries and more than 20 for-profit companies working together to develop and promote international standards and technologies which enable equal access to information and knowledge by all people with print disabilities and the wider community. More information about the DAISY Consortium and the DAISY Standard is available at http://www.daisy.org/ Easter Seals provides exceptional services to ensure that people living with autism and other disabilities have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play. Through the provision of assistive technology service and support, Easter Seals works towards fulfilling this mission. For more information, visit http://www.easterseals.com. Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) provides assistive and 4 instructional technology, Universal Design for Learning, and accessible instructional/assessment media support services to exceptional student education programs and families of students with exceptionalities throughout the state of Florida. For more information, visit http://www.fdlrs.com or http://www.fdlrstech.com. Infinitec, short for “Infinite Potential Through Technology”, is a unique assistive technology project spearheaded by United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Chicago. Infinitec aims to improve access to technology that advances the independence of children and adults with learning differences. Infinitec accomplishes its mission through a rich and diverse set of partnerships and programs all focused on providing information, training, access to equipment, expertise and research to both educators and the vendor community. For more information, visit www.infinitec.org. The Chicago Lighthouse is one of America’s most comprehensive social service agencies assisting people who are blind or visually impaired in leading richer, more independent lives. Among its numerous programs are an assistive technology program with state of the art equipment and a national help desk to service the computer problems of people who are blind; the USA’s oldest and most prominent low vision clinic; and one of the country’s few remaining clock manufacturing facilities, which provides jobs for people who are blind or visually impaired. The Lighthouse’s Web site, www.thechicagolighthouse.org, is accessible for visually impaired and general audiences alike. The National Assistive Technology Technical Assistance Partnership (NATTAP) provides technical assistance to programs funded under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended. These programs include 56 statewide Assistive Technology Programs (AT Programs), 33 Alternative Financing Programs (AFPs) and 57 Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology (PAAT) Programs. For specific information about the statewide AT Programs, go to www.resna.org/taproject, or visit www.resna.org/AFTAP for more information about the AFPs. To learn more about the PAATs, visit their Web site at http://www.nls.org/paatstat.htm. The National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), a college of Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), was created by Congress in 1965 to offer post-secondary technical education to students with hearing loss. Today, more than 1,350 deaf, hard-of-hearing and interpreting students study, live and socialize on the RIT campus with more than 14,000 hearing students, making NTID truly a college like no other. More than 125 sign language interpreters also work at RIT; and 90,000 hours of note taking, captioning and tutoring each year make it one of the most accessible colleges for students with hearing loss anywhere. NTID’s Center on Access Technology investigates, evaluates and reports on the most effective and efficient use of access technologies and trains individuals in their use to benefit students with hearing loss in college. It is the first and only organization in the world dedicated to advancing access technologies for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Visit http://www.ntid.rit.edu/ The Pass It On Center (PIOC), the premier National Assistive Technology Device Reutilization and Coordination Technical Assistance Center, focuses on expanding the options of people with disabilities by increasing access to appropriate, reutilized assistive technology in a manner that supports the interests of users, manufacturers, and suppliers. The Pass It On Center is funded under a grant from the Rehabilitation Services Administration and is administered by Tools for Life, the Georgia Assistive Technology Program of the Georgia Department of Labor. Visit www.passitoncenter.org for more information. State Leaders in Assistive Technology in Education (SLATE) exists to develop, support and maintain collaborative work among assistive technology leaders designated by state departments of education in a way that increases awareness, understanding and use of assistive technology and Universal Design for Learning as a tool for educational participation and achievement. SLATE seeks to promote alignment and common understanding, ensures accountability for 5 services, and explores issues of importance through Committees of Common Interest. Find out more at their Web site: http://www.slatenetwork.org. The Technology and Media Division (TAM) is an official division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). The purpose of TAM is to support educational participation and improved results for individuals with disabilities and diverse learning needs through the selection, acquisition, and use of technology. Please visit www.tamcec.org for more information. United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (USSAAC) USSAAC is dedicated to supporting the needs and desires of the AAC community, whether they are novices or experienced professionals, family members or the individuals who use AAC. USSAAC provides resources and support through conferences, their quarterly magazine, SpeakUP, their annual Bubbly Ball, and other programs. However, what they do depends on what you need, and our knowledge and support is based on the continuing collaboration between their members. Visit www.ussaac.org for more information. Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits (Volume 5) Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits (Volume 5) is a professional peer-reviewed journal published by ATIA and the SEAT Center at Illinois State University. Visit www.atia.org to download a free on-line copy or to purchase a hard copy. [NEW PAGE] CARIBE ROYALE ALL-SUITES RESORT Tactile maps of the Caribe Royale layout can be found at the Accessible Materials Table located in Grand Sierra Foyer. Below is information on where key conference events are located. Curacao/Bonaire/Antigua/Boca Rooms = Educational Sessions Grand Sierra Ballroom and Caribbean Ballrooms III-V = Exhibit Halls Caribbean Ballrooms I, II, VI, VII = Hands-On Labs Boca = ATIA Member Rooms Caribbean Ballrooms III-V = AT Educational Theater/Serotek Internet Café [NEW PAGE] ATIA MEMBER COMPANIES AAC Connections - DME AAC Institute AAC TechConnect ABISee, Inc. ABLEDATA AbleLink Technologies, Inc. AbleNet Accelerations Educational Software Adamlab, LLC Adaptivation, Inc. Adaptive Computer Control Technologies, Inc. Adaptive Solutions Adaptive Switch Laboratories/Comation Ai Squared Aimee Solutions AMDi American Foundation for the Blind American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. AMIC INC 6 Applied Human Factors, Inc. ATNAD, Inc. Atomic Learning ATS, LLC Attainment Company Augmentative Resources, Inc. Baum Retec AG Blink Twice Bookshare.org/Benetech Cambium Learning Technologies Canon U.S.A., Inc. Clarity Claro Software Code Factory, S.L. Cognitopia Software Compusult Limited Crick Software, Inc. CrissCross Technologies Cyrano Communicator Daedalus Technologies, Inc. Dancing Dots Braille Music Technology, L.P. Dolphin Computer Access Don Johnston Incorporated Duxbury Systems, Inc. DynaVox Technologies E-Blocks USA EITAC Solutions Group, LLC Enabling Technologies Enhanced Vision EVAS Eye Response Technologies EyeTech Digital Systems, Inc. Florida Reading & Vision Technology Forbes Rehab Services Freedom Scientific - Blind/Low Vision Group Freedom Scientific - Learning Systems Group Freedom Vision gh, LLC Guerilla Technologies Gus Communications, Inc. GW Micro, Inc. Handy Tech North America Health Science Hewlett Packard HumanWare IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center Inclusive TLC Special Needs Independent Living Aids, Inc. Infogrip, Inc. Intel Corporation Interpretype, LLC Jabbla Judy Lynn Software, Inc. K-NFB Reading Technology, Inc. LAB Resources Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. 7 LC Technologies Learning Magic, Inc. LevelStar Lingraphicare America, Inc. Logital CO. Limited LVI Low Vision International MacSpeech, Inc. Madentec Limited Magnifying America Marblesoft- Simtech Mayer-Johnson LLC Mealtime Partners, Inc. Metroplex Voice Computing, Inc. Microsoft Corporation News-2-You Optelec US, Inc. Origin Instruments Corporation Peacock Communications, Inc. Point-and-Read, Inc. Prentke Romich Company Quillsoft Ltd. ReadHowYouWant.com Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic (RFB&D) REHAVISTA RJ Cooper & Associates, Inc. Saltillo Corporation sComm, Inc. SEAT Silent Call Communications Slater Software, Inc. Social Skill Builder Softeq Development Corporation SoftTouch Solutions Radio Somatic Digital Talker, Inc. Technology For Education, Inc. Tenacity, Inc. Texthelp Systems Inc. The Conover Company The Great Talking Box Company Tobii ATI Traxsys Input Products Turning Point Therapy & Technology, Inc. Ultrathera Technologies, Inc. University of Puerto Rico University of Wisconsin-Madison ViewPlus Technologies Vision Technology, Inc. VisionCue Viziflex Seels, Inc. Words+, Inc. Virtual Vision Technologies; Young Opportunities Ltd ATIA 2008 – 2009 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 8 PRESIDENT & DIRECTOR Mr. Jim Halliday President Emeritus HumanWare VICE PRESIDENT & CONFERENCE CHAIR Ms. Jen Thalhuber CEO AbleNet, Inc. SECRETARY Mr. Dan Weirich Vice President, Marketing and Engineering GW Micro, Inc. TREASURER Mr. Takashi Yamashita Chief Executive Director Tieman U.S. CONFERENCE CHAIR ATIA DIRECTORS Ms. Jacquie Clark President News-2-You, Inc. Mr. Jason Curry CEO sComm, Inc.. Mr. Richard Ellenson CEO Blink Twice Mr. Martin McKay Technical Director Texthelp Systems, Inc. Mr. Michael Takemura Director, HP Accessibility Program Office Hewlett Packard Company Ms. Frances West Director, IBM Worldwide Accessibility Center IBM ATIA EXECUTIVE STAFF Mr. David Dikter Executive Director Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) Ms. Caroline Van Howe Director of Programs 9 Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) [NEW PAGE] SCHEDULE-AT-A-GLANCE *Available for Pre-Conference Seminar registrants only. **Available for full conference registrants only. TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2009 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Registration WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2009 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Registration 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Pre-Conference Continental Breakfast* 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Pre-Conference Seminars 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Pre-Conference Lunch* 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Opening Event 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Exhibit Hall Grand Opening Reception** THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2009 6:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Registration 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast** 8:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Sessions and Training Labs 10:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Exhibit Halls, Serotek Internet Café, Intel Attendee Lounge, and AT Educational Theater Open 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch** 1:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sessions and Training Labs 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Exhibit Halls, Serotek Internet Café, Intel Attendee Lounge, and Microsoft Educational Theater Open 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Poster Presentations FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2009 7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Registration Continental Breakfast** Sessions and Training Labs Exhibit Halls Open – Passport to Prizes Drawing at 11:30 Serotek Internet Café Open Intel Attendee Lounge Open AT Educational Theater Open Lunch** Sessions and Training Labs Exhibit Halls, Serotek Internet Café, Intel Attendee Lounge, and AT Educational Theater Open Exhibit Halls are open to the public with free admission. 10th Anniversary Reception** Don’t forget to attend the ATIA 10th Anniversary Reception! Share the experiences of the last ten years with colleagues and friends. There will be something for everyone including an exciting prize drawing. Be sure to wear your 10th Anniversary tshirt! SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2009 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Registration 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast** 10 8:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Sessions and Training Labs Exhibit Halls, Serotek Internet Café, Intel Attendee Lounge, and AT Educational Theater Open Exhibit Halls are open to the public with free admission. [Call-out Box]: ATIA Would Like to Thank Canon U.S.A., Inc. for sponsoring the Canon Voice Guides. Please feel free to access these machines in the Serotek Internet Café and registration area to print your personal itinerary and educational handouts from ATIA’s Online Schedule Viewer or your conference DVD. Intel Corporation for sponsoring Thursday’s lunch and the Intel Attendee Lounge. Microsoft Inc. for sponsoring Friday’s lunch and the AT Educational Theater. Serotek for sponsoring the Serotek Internet Café. [End Call-out Box] [NEW PAGE] GENERAL INFORMATION [Call-out box] Continuing Education Units (CEUs) Free CEUs for the entire ATIA Educational Program at ATIA 2009 Orlando! Through collaboration between ATIA and the AAC Institute, Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are being offered at no cost for all ATIA sessions. Stop by the AAC Institute exhibit on site for instructions. The AAC Institute tracks CEUs and provides certificates of participation for free! For additional information, visit their booth in the lobby or the AAC Institute Web site, www.aacinstitute.org. For those who are maintaining a RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America) certification credential, CEUs provided at the ATIA sessions can be applied to the continuous professional development requirement for certification renewal. For additional information, please visit www.resna.org/certification/index.php. Occupational Therapy certification maintenance is handled by the National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). AOTA certification maintenance requires 36 hours of continued education in three years. NBCOT accepts self-generated evidence of continued education. Note: General attendance certificates will also be available to self-report CEUs to your individual state licensure board. [End Call-out Box] AT EDUCATIONAL THEATER – PRESENTED BY MICROSOFT INC. Come hear about the latest technology from Microsoft and their AT Partners in the AT Educational Theater. Microsoft is hosting 20-minute educational sessions on specially selected technology topics. For a complete schedule of events for the AT Educational Theater, please reference your ATIA Session Grid. AT Educational Theater Topics Microsoft Windows 7 Windows Mobile Digital Media Digital Lifestyle 11 Senior Computing Technology for the Deaf-Blind ATIA POSTER PRESENTATIONS Thursday, January 29 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Convention Center Front Hallway Please check the session grid for a detailed listing of all Poster Presentations. INTEL ATTENDEE LOUNGE The Intel Attendee Lounge is designed as a public user networking area for all attendees. Located in the Caribbean Ballroom, it includes lounge type furniture and some tables for seating and working. Feel free to use this area to check your e-mail, network with other attendees and rest between sessions. [NEW PAGE] GENERAL INFORMATION Registration Hours Tuesday, January 27 Wednesday, January 28 Thursday, January 29 Friday, January 30 Saturday, January 31 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. 6:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EVALUATIONS ATIA values your feedback. Please take a moment to share your feedback with us to help improve future conferences. Conference evaluations will be sent via e-mail shortly after the conclusion of the conference and hard copies will be available on site at the registration desk. You can also view the evaluation online at http://www.atia.org/evaluations. There are also Braille and large print versions of the evaluations available upon request. Speaker/session evaluations will be available at the registration desk and handed out in each session. Conference DVD – Sponsored by Intel Health The Conference DVD contains electronic copies of all printed onsite materials as well as e-Braille and Talking Books (DAISY) versions including the new Microsoft “Save as Daisy” executable file. The DVD also contains copies of speaker presentations/handouts. Full schedule and session information, including updated presentations/handouts is available online for attendees during and after the conference. Accessible Materials Table The Accessible Materials Table will be located in the Grand Sierra foyer, across from the registration areas. The table will provide Braille and large print versions of the Conference Program, as well as tactile maps of the Exhibit Halls and Convention Center and Braille menus for Caribe restaurants. Attendees who requested Braille or large print materials during registration should pick them up at this location. Requests for sighted guides or sign interpreters may also be made here. Accessibility Options UbiDuo communication devices for deaf/hard of hearing attendees provided by sComm are available in the registration area. CCTV units provided by ShopLowVision are also available. MICROSOFT ASK THE EXPERT KIOSK 12 Visit the Microsoft Expert and ask questions about Microsoft accessibility features, the new Save as Daisy feature in Microsoft Office and any other Microsoft software products. This is a unique opportunity for a one-on-one with a Microsoft Expert! Drop by the Microsoft Ask The Expert Kiosk in the Caribbean Ballroom Exhibit Hall during exhibit hours. CELL PHONES Cell phones are permitted in all areas of the convention center, but please be courteous to those around you. Ensure your phone is turned off or in silent mode during sessions and other conference events. SMOKING POLICY There is a non-smoking policy in all public areas of the hotel, including meeting rooms, restaurants and the lobby. BUSINESS CENTER The business center, located next to Hibiscus Room, is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Business services are provided at your own expense. EXERCISE FACILITY The Caribe Royale features a great exercise facility, open daily from 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. The facility is free of charge to all hotel guests with room keys allowing entry. ATTIRE ATIA encourages business casual dress. The facility varies in temperature, so a light sweater or jacket is recommended. DOG WALKING AREAS There are two dog walking areas available for your use. One is located at the west end of the convention center and the other is outside of Tower 2 across from the parking on the field-side. ORLANDO VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER To receive more information about the Orlando area, contact the Orlando Visitor Information Center at (407) 363-5872 or visit them on the Internet at www.go2orlando.net. [NEW PAGE] ATIA 2009 ORLANDO SPEAKERS (As of January 7, 2009) Kathryn Adams Sharon Alderman Jason Altman Mark Ammons Annalee Anderson Darren Avey Bryan Ayres Helen Baker Julie Balassa Linda Baldwin Meher Banajee Lisa Bardach Mary Jo Barry Roger Bates Jeremy Bauchet Debra Bauder 13 Kirk Behnke Jennifer K. Bell Denise Belmont Erin Beneteau Steve Bennett Patricia Black Moore Aline Bobys Rosalind Boccheciamp Tiffany Bowman Gayl Bowser Chris Brand Paula Brannon Bob Braun Joan Breslin-Larson Jessica Brodey Donna Broussard Jennifer Brown Patrick Brune Joan Bruno Pat Bryant Lori Bujalski Michael Bullis Alma Burgess Linda Burkhart Lee Burklund Mo Buti Dave Butler Roxanne Butterfield Marilyn Buzolich Diana Carl Rena Carney Jason Carroll Ashley Cartell Doris Chadwell Brian Charlson Chommanad Cheausuwantavee Tavee Cheausuwantavee Jacquelyn Clark E. William Clymer Kristina King Cohen Gareth Collins Mark Coppin Dan Comden Melissa Crain Daniel Creasy John Crick Kevin Crow Joan Cunningham Jason Curry Lori Dahlquist Eric Damery Eric Dashen Mel Dashner Andrea Datsko David Davis Brad Davis 14 Brenda Dawes Denise DeCoste Brent Denu Roberta DePompei Jeff Diedrich Jay Disky Brian Dreisbach Marie Duggan Shawna Dunnaway Jennifer Edge-Savage David Edyburn John Eisenberg Melanie Endres Karen Erickson Rhonda Etter Suzanne Feit David Ferguson Jennifer Flagg James Fleming Kelly Fonner Colleen Fritts Jim Fruchterman Mark Fulton Ferran Gallego Todd Galownia Carlos Garcia Christy Garrett Tony Gentry Doug Geoffray Chris Gibbons Jason Gibson Jill Gierach Yvonne Gillette Sylvain Giroux Greg Goldman Bryan Gold Amy Goldman Andrew Gomory Janet Good Bryan Gould Debbie Grant Tracy Gray Brandi-Lynn Greig Patricia Grinnell Jon Gunderson Markus Gylling Cindy Hall Gretchen Hanser Elliot Harkavy Lucia Hasty Penny Hatch Teresa Haven Claude Henry Shawn Henry Dan Herlihy Rich Herold 15 Dave Hershberger Vicki Hershman Bonnie Hill Catherine Hoesterey Rick Hohn Dave Hohulin Russ Holland Sherry Hollingsworth Rita Hostak Kathy Howery Ron Hu Kurt Hubbard Daniel Hubbel Jean Ann Hunt Robin Hurd Jason Hurdich Richard Hurtig Lizna Husnani Jennifer Hyland Mick Isaacson Mary Beth Janes Karen Janowski Cari Jesse Jayme Johnson Anne Johnson Heather Johnson Jesse Johnson Pam Johnson Christopher Johnstone Cindy Jones Cheryl Jurkacek Jeffrey Jutai Karen Kangas David Kay Thomas Keating Barbara Keefe Lisa Kehoe Lindsey Keith Bob Keller Jennifer Kent-Walsh George Kerscher Angie Kiger Dong Ok Kim Pati King-Debaun Sigi Kipke Andrew Kirkpatrick Joy Kniskern Amy Koch Gary Koeppe Jane Korsten Alexander Koudry Howard Kramer Rita Krupp Jerry Kuns Yves Lachapelle Hugh Lackie 16 Elizabeth Lahm Kathy Lalk Joseph Lane Mark Larson John Laskarzewski Andy Laubscher Linda Laverty Erin Lavin David Lazerson Lee Learson JinHyun Lee Linnie Lee Joachim Lehn Janet Lehr Brian Leitten Ann Leverette Cynthia Levine Lois Levine-Elman Preston Lewis Cheryl Libbert Janice Light Lyle Lloyd Nathan Lowell Beth Loy Varju Luceno Arlene Lugo Judith Lunger-Bergh Dany Lussier-Desrochers Phyl Macomber Jason Maitland Melissa Malani Linda Higbee Mandlebaum Scott Marfilius Mike Marotta Randy Marsden Randy Martins Michael May Laurie McArthur Debby McBride Brenda McBride Eric McGehearty Lesley McGilligan Verda McGraw Martin McKay Susie Mckinnon Sandi McNally David McNaughton Daniel McNulty Linda Mechling Ron Miller Jean Mockry Sarah Montgomery Scott Moore Patty Moore Kerri Morgan Jonathan Mosen 17 Christoph Mueller Marc Mulcahy Tina Murphy Caroline Musselwhite Christopher Nagle Betty Nelson Klaus Neu David Niemeijer Steve Noble Bart Noe Joni Nygard Eric Oddleifson Jane Odom Cynthia Okolo Elsa Orellano Julie Osherow Carol Page-O`Day Becky Pala Howard Parette Kim Patch Karen Patterson Peggy Paulson Sachin Pavithran Judith Peavey Diane Penn William Penrod Bridgett Perry Liz Persaud Linda Petty Carolyn Phillips Helene Pigot Teresa Pinder Greg Pisocky Elissa Poel Ike Presley Matthew Press Madalaine Pugliese Sherry Purcell Denise Purdy-Grosz Julie Quevedo Paul Quinn Kay Ratzlaff Jennifer Ray Penny Reed Janice Reese Regional AT Center Regions 3, 4 & 6, State Teams Lenore Remley Leon Reznik Kum Min Rhee Liz Richardi Julie Rick David Robertshaw Nancy Robinson Barry Romich Lisa Rotelli Chauncy Rucker 18 Diane Russell Martha E. Rust Bob Rust Jeanette Ryan Tracie Saab Sara Sack Kathleen Sadao Mary Sagstetter Dan Saldana Mark Sardo Elisa Sarosi Pat Satterfield Beth Saunders Dave Schleppenbach Ray Schmidt Terry Schmitz James Schroeder William Schulte Richard Schwerdtfeger Samuel Sennott Reed Shaffner Jeannie Sharp Mike Shebanek Fraser Shein Bac Shelton Cynthia Shelly Yong Heum Shin Heidi Silver-Pacuilla Denise Simard Sheila Simmons Thomas Simmons Larry Skutchan Jean Slater Benjamin Slotznick Glenn Smith Karl Smith Sean Smith Lisa Snyder Jeanne Spellman Stacy Springer Saranya Srinivasan James Stachowiak Skip Stahl John Standal Angela Standridge AIM Consortium State Leaders State Team Special ED State Team-Reg Ed Kathy Staugler Marcia Sterner David Stockford Dan Stores Lauri Susi Theresa Tanchak Fred Tchang Cheryl Temple 19 Sherri Tennant Sharon Terrell-Lindsay Lloyd Tribley Scott Truax Leonard Trujillo Jill Tullman Stephanie Turner Lizbeth Uzcategui Toni Van Laarhoven Traci Van Laarhoven-Myers Gail M. Van Tatenhove Gregg Vanderheiden Chris Villalobos Eric Wagenfeld Beth Waite Larry Waldman Carla Walker Betsy Walker Elizabeth Walker Joey Wallace Beth Watson Daniel Weck Shelly Weingarten Dan Weirich Michelle Wheeler Patricia White Ed Wikdall Byron Wilkes Dawn Wilkinson Dave Wilkinson Jennifer Williams Joanne Willis Therese Willkomm Mary Wilson Linda Wilson Brian Wojcik Mike Wood Keith Woodbury Chrissy Wostmann Allison Yates Heather Young Joy Zabala Kim Zebahazy Ruth Ziolkowski Leslie Zurita [NEW PAGE] Due to the wide variety of sessions offered at ATIA 2009 Orlando, a classification system has been created to clarify session content and experience level. The program is divided into two types of strands: Functional Area and General Area. Functional strands include presentations across the lifespan that address the specific functional concern reflected in the strand title. 20 Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) Strand Advisor: Caroline Musselwhite, PhD Sessions in the Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) strand provide support for people who use AAC from infancy through adulthood. This strand focuses on light-tech and hightech support of communication for individuals who are nonspeaking. This includes strategies to support AAC use in home, schools, and communities. Both research and practical applications are encouraged. Blindness/Low Vision Strand Advisors: William Bielawski III and Ike Presley, MS The Blindness/Low Vision strand includes presentations related to issues that impact the use of assistive technology by people who are blind or visually impaired. Sessions in this strand may be of special interest to individuals who are blind or visually impaired, parents and family members of these individuals, and service providers who work with children or adults who are blind or visually impaired. Cognitive Disabilities Strand Advisors: Kelly Fonner, BS, MS and Scott Marfilius Sessions in the Cognitive Disabilities strand include presentations related to the functioning of persons with cognitive disabilities through the utilization of assistive technology in any aspect of their lives. This strand encompasses the full age range and a wide variety of people including those with developmental disabilities, head injury, traumatic brain injury, intellectual disabilities and mental retardation. The session topics will also cover a wide variety of environments including the use of assistive technologies in school, work, home and community settings. These sessions may be of interest to special education teachers, related service professionals & paraprofessionals, job support staff, family members & care-givers. Deaf/Hard of Hearing Strand Advisors: Bill Clymer, MBA and Jim DeCaro, PhD The Deafness and Hard of Hearing Strand includes presentations related to solutions that maximize the use of assistive technology for personal, educational and workplace solutions. Sessions in this strand focus on the effective and efficient use of access technologies, as well as reports on emerging technologies, and the evaluation current applications from the field. Learning Disabilities Strand Advisors: Kelly Fonner, BS, MS and Scott Marfilius Sessions in the Learning Disabilities strand are composed of presentations about the use of assistive technologies in all levels of schooling, work and community life of individuals with Learning Disabilities or who are Dyslexic. The session topics cover the age range of persons with learning disabilities from school age through university, and career. The sessions in this strand may be of interest to persons with Learning Disabilities & their families, general & special education staff, students with disabilities services staff, speech & language pathologists, occupational therapists and assistive technology staff. Positioning/Mobility Strand Advisor: Joy Zabala, EdD The Positioning/Mobility strand includes presentations related to motor issues that impact the use of assistive technology across other functional areas. Sessions in this strand address may be of special interest to occupational and physical therapists, but will also be of interest to others who support students with physical concerns that may impact access, productivity, and achievement. Severe Multiple Disabilities Strand Advisor: Linda Burkhart The Severe Multiple Disabilities Strand includes presentations that address the challenges of addressing the educational and complex communication needs of students who have severe 21 multiple disabilities. Many of these children face significant physical disabilities, in combination with vision, hearing, learning, and/or cognitive challenges. These barriers to learning present complex challenges for teachers and therapists who work with these children. Sessions will address switch access, communication, and educational strategies, as well as individualized and customized applications of assistive technology tools. General area strands include presentations related to issues that may cross multiple functional areas and that may be of interest to particular groups of attendees. AT Act Program Strand Advisors: Beth Mineo, PhD and Sara Sack, PhD Sessions in this strand are presented by staff from programs funded under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended. Sessions address issues related to increasing access to assistive technology through various means as well as methods for increasing acquisition of devices to increase community living, education, and employment. Pass It On National AT Reuse Center Strand Advisors: Beth Mineo, PhD and Sara Sack, PhD Sessions throughout this strand will address issues related to using previously owned assistive technology. Issues related to reutilization of technology such as operating Exchange and Reassignment programs, quality inventory, safety and liability will be discussed in many sessions. Persons interested in starting a program or who are currently engaged in operating a reutilization program will learn about many promising practices. Policy Educational Program Committee Sessions in the Policy strand cover a broad range of topics ranging from Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 accessibility guidelines to AT financial/funding policy and from statewide AT educational initiatives to international projects to set up new AT programs in Ecuador and Thailand. Speakers include representatives from non-profits, government agencies, international centers, state education agencies and practioners. This strand may be of interest to attendees looking for an overview of a specific policy area or to drill down into the details with the experts. Post-Secondary Education/Transition Strand Advisors: Dan Comden, Howard Kramer and Gayl Boswer The Post-secondary Education/ Transition to College strand focuses on the implementation and benefits of Assistive Technology in the university and college setting for people with sensory, physical and learning disabilities. Equally important is making campus media and information resources - including Web pages, library resources, content management systems, and the curriculum in general - accessible. Other topic areas include policy issues such as funding for AT and AT services as well as ADA and Section 508 compliance. Research and Professional Development Strand Advisor: Betty Nelson Sessions in the Research and Professional Development cover a broad range of topics in two major areas: research related assistive technology; and strategies, methods, and materials for building knowledge and skills in assistive technology service delivery. This very rich strand is unique in that it offers both general sessions and poster sessions, providing participants with an excellent opportunity for learning with flexible formats and across session timeframes. Given the importance of research-based practices, research sessions in this strand may be of interest to all conference attendees. Vendor Educational Program Committee 22 The Vendor strand includes educational sessions focusing on a particular set of products or services from an ATIA exhibitor. Sessions usually include an overview of a product or service and a demonstration. Sessions may include user studies showing a product or service in action. This is an opportunity to get in-depth product questions answered, to see new product releases and updates and to meet with manufacturers and service providers. Workplace/Transition Strand Advisors: Gayl Bowser and Mike Marotta The Workplace/Transition strand includes presentations related to assistive technology use in work environments and to the planning that can facilitate smooth transitions to new work environments. Sessions in the strand address transition planning for new work environments, workplace technology for individuals with specific disabilities, working with employers to support AT use, and strategies for integration of assistive technology into the workplace. Sessions will include real world case study examples of workplace success as well as provide strategies to assist young adults with the transition into the workforce. The strand will be of interest to those who support older students and adults who use assistive technology as part of a system of workplace accommodations. In addition to general and functional strands, there is specialized content focusing on Autism and Accessible Instructional Materials/NIMAS/DAISY. Accessible Instructional Materials/NIMAS/DAISY (Specialized Content) Content Advisor: Joy Zabala, EdD Accessible Instructional Material/NIMAS/DAISY sessions are specifically related to the provision of text-based materials in specialized formats to people with disabilities who require them. Sessions included in this strand may target the development and delivery of the DAISY Standard which can be used to develop accessible materials for use in all stages of life, or the NIMAS which specifically applies to accessible instructional materials in elementary and/or secondary education. Please reference the session grid for a detailed listing of sessions by day, color-coded by strand. To see a full listing of sessions in each strand, please reference the handout in your registration bag. [NEW PAGE] PRE-CONFERENCE SEMINARS Wednesday, January 28, 2009 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Onsite Pre-Conference Seminars: $275 per seminar; $125 per sponsored seminar (Not included in full conference registration fee) PRE-V100 News-2-You and Unique Learning System: The Complete Curriculum Package Sponsored by News-2-You Jacquie Clark, News-2-You; Kathy Staugler, News-2-You; Chrissy Wostmann, News-2-You Caribbean I News-2-You, the pioneer in bringing current events to special education, invites you to see how they have rounded out their complete curriculum package with Unique Learning System. The Unique Learning System is a comprehensive curriculum designed specifically for special learners. By examining the essence of academic content standards, News-2-You’s instructional targets were identified for reading, writing, math, science and social studies. These standards-based instructional targets became the basic foundation for monthly instructional units of study in four grade level bands: elementary, intermediate, middle school and high school. Each monthly unit’s 23 lesson plans define three levels of differentiated tasks to accommodate the diversity of learners with significant disabilities. Participants will see how the content from the News-2-You newspaper will reinforce the material in the curriculum providing educators with an all-in-one solution. PRE-V300 Explore New Writing Tools and More in Kurzweil 3000 Version 11 Sponsored by Cambium Learning Technologies Jennifer Edge-Savage, Cambium Learning Technologies Caribbean IV Kurzweil 3000 enables schools to convert curriculum content into a format that provides the range of accessible accommodations most students need to independently access the curriculum - and it's not just for special education anymore! Believe it or not, Kurzweil 3000 has become an even MORE powerful tool for differentiating instruction and making curriculum accessible for all students! Join Cambium Learning Technologies to try out the amazing new Writing Process supports built in to Version 11! In this hands-on full-day course, you will learn the foundations of Kurzweil 3000's reading, writing, vocabulary, and study skills tools. But most importantly, you will learn how to APPLY these tools in the classroom to support individual, small group and whole class instruction. PRE-AAC100 Hear Me Now – In Thought and Voice! Pati King-Debaun, Creative Communicating; Dan Herlihy, Connective Technology Solutions, Inc. Augmentative and Alternative Communication Caribbean II Do your AAC users have a voice? Let their voice become an extension of their identity using their communication devices to narrate into programs such as Classroom Suite, Clicker 5, My Own Bookshelf, PowerPoint and more, to create talking books, journals or oral book reports. Learn strategies and device features that can be used to make this happen, as well as connecting to the computer for communication with written expression, including alternate assessment activities. Participants will receive a CD of templates and activities for recording and writing and learn how to use pre-made templates and activities on the computer with a variety of AAC devices. Explore a variety of methods recording student speech and complete this session by producing a class news show. PRE-BLV100 Conducting an Assistive Technology Assessment of Students Who are Blind or Visually Impaired Ike Presley, American Foundation for the Blind Blindness/Low Vision Bonaire 3 Too often assistive technology sits in a closet. This leads to a negative impression of its benefits by students, parents, teachers, and especially administrators who have committed limited financial resources. An investigation of the potential benefits of some of the low-tech and hightech options can easily be conducted by teachers of the visually impaired. However, the ability to assess the potential of some high-tech options may be limited because teachers may not have access to the technology. An assistive technology specialist, who does have access to high-tech devices, can fine tune the match between students and technology. Learn to identify the major components of an assistive technology assessment; the gathering of background information, assessing the student's options for accessing printed and electronic information determining appropriate writing tools, and determining the tools needed to produce materials in alternate formats. Discover how to determine which technology tools are best for accomplishing specific tasks and the appropriate rationale and justification to use when recommending AT for your students. PRE-LD100 Integrating Web 2.0 Tools and AT: Promoting 21st Century Skills in the Classroom Brian Wojcik, Special Education Assistive Technology (SEAT) Center, Illinois State University; 24 Kirk Behnke, CP of New Jersey; Dave Hohulin, Infinitec; Karen Janowski, EdTech Solutions Learning Disabilities Bonaire 4 Education today is much more than just learning with textbooks, paper and pencils. The 21st century classroom is about being researchers, collaborators, contributors and creators as well as achieving knowledge and skills in the core academic areas. Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, digital storytelling and microblogs are being increasingly used to help students achieve the expectations of the contemporary classroom. While these tools offer many benefits to students with diverse learning needs, the integration of AT with these tools opens many more opportunities for all students to be successful users of these tools. This hands-on workshop will focus on understanding popular Web 2.0 tools, how these tools are being used in the classroom, and how a variety of assistive technologies can be integrated with Web 2.0 tools to allow all students to become effective users of these tools. Gain knowledge and skills related to the uses of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom and experience using a variety of assistive technologies to foster the use of Web 2.0 tools in your classroom. PRE-LD200 Low Cost Solutions for Adapting and Enhancing Educational Materials Therese Willkomm, University of New Hampshire Learning Disabilities Bonaire 5 & 6 This hands-on session will demonstrate how to create low-cost accessible instructional materials in minutes. Participants will learn how to quickly caption video clips in five minutes, how to use ACDSee to create multi-sensory documents and presentations, how to use Visual Hub and Movcaptioner to create accessible videos for video iPods, and the new ARCHOs. Participants will also learn how to create and post accessible instructional video clips on YouTube, Expert Village, and Teach Tube; how to create quick captions and alt tags for picture on Picasa; how to make a portable PA system and a visual presenter for less than $10.00 and discover creative and accessible uses of GoToMeeting and Skype for virtual instruction. All participants are encouraged to bring a notebook computer to this session. PRE-LD300 Digital Reading: From Evaluation to Implementation Denise DeCoste, Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland; Linda Wilson, Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland Learning Disabilities Bonaire 7 & 8 Today, reading is more than just decoding and digital reading presents new opportunities and challenges in the 21st century. Struggling readers now have access to text reader applications to support decoding, fluency and comprehension, but is it appropriate for all students? What process do you use to determine whether text readers may be effective? And beyond spoken and highlighted text, what features are important to consider? There are many types of digital reading supports. What types of supports should be inserted into digital text to meet individual reader needs? And what digital reading resources are available on the Internet? Multiple types of digital reading supports will be described, as well as how they can be used strategically. Logistical and copyright issues will also be addressed from copyright and eligibility issues, to the practical side of managing digital content in schools. Text readers support reading, but can also offer writing support. Multiple strategies will be demonstrated to help students make reading to writing connections. PRE-LD400 Sorting through Electronic Writing Supports Scott Marfilius, Scott Marfilius Consulting; Kelly Fonner, Kelly Fonner Consulting Learning Disabilities Curacao 1 Having a hard time keeping up with the AT for writing supports? Scott and Kelly bring their most popular conference hour sessions together into this one day frenzy through writing tools. It’s all about features of electronic writing supports. Throughout this fast-paced day, you will be shown a 25 wide variety of examples in the areas of talking word processors, portable word processors, word prediction systems, graphic outliners, onscreen keyboards and symbol to text processors. Remember, this is NOT about what products are the best or what are most recommended. This fun and whirlwind day is about truly understanding and applying the features in order to make the most informed decisions to best meet the needs of your students and clients. PRE-RPD100 Troubleshooting AT Implementation Breakdowns Penny Reed, Penny Reed Consulting; Gayl Bowser, AT Collaborations Research & Professional Development Curacao 2 The most common problems in providing assistive technology (AT) services occur during implementation. When the people who should be helping students to implement the use of AT on a daily basis fail to do so, there are a variety of causes for this breakdown. Because the causes vary, the actions to be taken should vary as well. Analyzing breakdowns in implementation and tailoring the response helps AT service providers to be more effective in their provision of AT services. This session will provide a systematic trouble shooting paradigm that can be used to identify implementation breakdowns and offer suggestions for appropriate interventions. Learn the causes of breakdowns in implementation of AT services and analyze them in order to identify the appropriate actions to take in response. PRE-SM100 Sensory Processing, Sensory Integration and Seating and Access Karen Kangas, OTR/L Severe Multiple Disabilities Curacao 3 Sensory processing and utilizing sensation in an integrated mode is how the human body interprets and utilizes postures to assist all individuals in managing tasks and work. Specific seat cushions, back heights, armrest locations, and fixed seating parts, can often prevent a child from postures of mobility within the seated posture. Without active control and movement, consistent access cannot be attained. Postural stability which requires postural mobility must be able to occur within a seating system for active, independent control to occur. Sensory processing and sensory integration must be understood and supported as a repertoire of postural movements are supported and promoted within the structural components of seating systems. Trouble does not stem from children who have trouble with head control or hand control, but from children learning more control in seated positions created to control them. Sensory processing directly affects visual convergence, focus and attention, and postural control. To assist children with better access to assistive technology we must also better understand how their bodies work, and what types of seating equipment is needed, how to incorporate it with activity, and subsequently assist the child in efficient access to her technology tasks. Learn strategies that work with children to provide them with increased awareness and use of sensory processing within their seating systems so that increased, consistent access can be observed. Find out how to define and identify the two primary modes of sensory processing, vestibular processing and tactile processing in their students. Learn to identify at least three different pieces of seating equipment and determine the sensory processing its supports, and subsequently, what independent access it supports. PRE-BLV200 Low Vision in Students with Physical Disabilities- Impact and Accommodations Linda Petty, Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC), University of Toronto; Lizna Husnani, Vision Technology Service, Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC), University of Toronto; Laurie McArthur, Vision Technology Service, Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC), University of Toronto Blindness/Low Vision Antigua 3 & 4 This workshop will examine visual impairments commonly found in students with physical impairments, and accommodation through strategies and technologies. Teachers will understand 26 the impact of physical disabilities on learning keyboarding and accessing the computer for reading and writing tasks. Therapists will understand how to position students to maximize their functional vision. Both professions will understand the role and contribution of the other. Case studies from kindergarten to post-secondary education will illustrate problems and successful accommodations. Integrating technologies to accommodate low vision and blindness with alternative access tools and positioning aids in keyboard supports, seating and cushions will be shown. Learn how to successfully integrate access technologies with low vision/blindness technologies. PRE-SM200 Developing Communication Skills for Children Who Face Severe Multiple Challenges: Partner-Assisted Scanning with PODD Linda Burkhart, Private Consultant Severe Multiple Disabilities Curacao 5 & 6 Children who face severe physical, communication, and multiple challenges often struggle with trying to juggle the challenges of motor coordination, communication, language, vision and cognition needed to effectively access a communication device. This makes it difficult for them to be able to communicate what they are thinking. This presentation will demonstrate the use of "Light tech" partner-assisted scanning communication strategies, while the child is developing skills needed to access a device. Organization of vocabulary, by pragmatic intent (PODD) based upon the work of Gayle Porter (Australia) will be discussed. Strategies for children who have cortical visual impairment will also be shared. [NEW PAGE] EXHIBITOR INFORMATION Tactile maps of the ATIA 2009 Orlando Exhibit Hall can be picked up at the Accessible Materials table in the Grand Sierra Foyer. ATIA 2009 ORLANDO EXHIBITORS as of December 17, 2008 Exhibit Hall Hours Wednesday, January 28 Thursday, January 29 Friday, January 30 Saturday, January 31 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (Exhibit Hall Grand Opening Reception) 10:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 10:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.* 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.* *Open to public with free admission [NEW PAGE] Exhibitors Those exhibitors listed below with an asterisk are ATIA Member Companies. Microsoft Corporation will be located in the AT Education Theatre and Intel Corporation will be located in the Intel Attendee Lounge. Exhibitor Name Booth Numbers AAC TechConnect* 105 AbISee, Inc.* 119 ABLEDATA* 1204 AbleLink Technologies, Inc.* 206 AbleNet * 601 Accelerations Educational Software* 1209 Accessing Higher Ground Conference/Access Technologists Higher Ed. Network* 1603 Adamlab, LLC* 604 27 Adaptivation, Inc* 301 Adaptive Computer Control Technologies Inc.* 219 Adaptive Solutions* 619 Adaptive Switch Laboratories/Comation* 307 Adobe Systems Incorporated 215 Ai Squared* 512 Aimee Solutions* 318 AlphaSmart, A Renaissance Learning Brand 221 Alternative Communication Services, LLC 1506 AMDi 621 American Foundation for the Blind* 508 American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.* 1012 Applied Human Factors, Inc.* 1112 AT Kid Systems, Inc. 1203 ATNAD, Inc.* 1302 Atomic Learning* 1409 ATS, LLC* 1022 Attainment Company* 501 Augmentative Resources, Inc.* 1008 Aumed Corporation 1309 Baum Retec AG* 1403 Best Buddies 1507 Blink Twice* 1019 BookShare.org/Benetech* 723 Cambium Learning Technologies* 313 Clarity* 905 Claro Software* 212 Code Factory S.L.* 121 Cognitopia Software* 1502 Compusult Limited* 809 Crick Software, Inc.* 719 CrissCross Technologies* 209 Cyrano Communicator* 1102 Daedalus Technologies, Inc.* 312 Dancing Dots Braille Music Technology, L.P.* 1106 Dolphin Computer Access* 213 Don Johnston Incorporated* 713 Duxbury Systems, Inc.* 1009 DynaVox Technologies* 701 E-Blocks USA* 204 Enabling Technologies* 1005 Enhanced Vision* 921 EP Global Communications, Inc. 1208 Eschenbach Optik of America 1505 EVAS* 1000, 1001 Eye Response Technologies, Inc.* 807 EyeTech Digital Systems, Inc.* 1020 FAAST 1606 FDLRS* 1602 Florida Reading & Vision Technology* 115 Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. 207 Freedom Scientific* 801 Freedom Scientific-Learning Systems Group* 901 Freedom Vision* 1013 FRS Custom Solutions 513 gh, LLC* 306 28 Guerilla Technologies Inc.* Gus Communications, Inc.* GW Micro, Inc.* Handy Tech North America* HumanWare* Inclusive TLC Special Needs* Independent Living Aids, LLC* Infogrip, Inc.* Intel Corporation* Interpretype, LLC* Jabbla* Judy Lynn Software, Inc.* knfb Reading Technology, Inc.* LAB Resources* Laureate Learning Systems, Inc.* LC Technologies, Inc.* Learning Magic* LevelStar* LVI Low Vision International* MacSpeech* Madentec Limited* Magnifying America* MagniSight Inc. Marblesoft – Simtech* Mayer-Johnson LLC* MHSA/Caption Mic Microsoft Corporation* Monarch Teaching Technology NATTAP/RESNA* NaturalPoint, Inc. News-2-You * Nokia, Inc. Optelec US, Inc.* Origin Instruments Corporation* Pass It On Center Perkins Products Possum LTD Prentke Romich Company * Proxtalker.com LLC Quillsoft Ltd. * ReadHowYouWant.com* Recording For The Blind & Dyslexic (RFB&D)* Rednet AG* Reinecker USA, LLC* RERC On Communication Enhancement RJ Cooper & Associates, Inc. * SAJE Technology, LLC* Saltillo Corporation * sComm, Inc. * Sensory Software International Ltd. Serotek Corporation SHINANO KENSHI Corp. ShopLowVision.com * Slater Software, Inc.* Social Skill Builder * Softeq Development Corporation* 704 1503 507 404 519 720 1108 819 Intel Attendee Lounge 1305 203 614 107 220 409 1408 619 1100 305 1607 706 718 1015 1018 701 1404 AT Educational Theater 1504 1306 822 605 223 419 907 1601 123 1407 813 1304 1004 218 320 1205 1509 1402 1200 1508 913 1114 823 1608 1207 319 400 1303 1406 29 SoftTouch * Talker, Inc.* Technology For Education, Inc.* Texthelp Systems, Inc.* Texthelp Systems, LTD. The Conover Company* The Great Talking Box Company* The Writer Learning Systems Tobii ATI* Traxsys Input Products* Turning Point Therapy & Technology, Inc.* Ultrathera Technologies, Inc.* ViewPlus Technologies* Vision Technology, Inc.* VisionCue* Words+, Inc.* 600 1307 214,919 300 612 920 918 222 401 113 201 1308 613 101 906 413 [NEW PAGE] EXHIBITOR/MEMBER INFORMATION & DESCRIPTIONS [Head]Stop by the following exhibitor booths to check out these NEW Products at ATIA 2009 Orlando! Saltillo Product Name: ALT-Chat Booth #913 Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic (RFB&D) Product Name: Audio Access Booth #320 EXHIBITOR DESCRIPTIONS AAC TechConnect Inc. ATIA Member Booth #105 PO Box 1944 30273 Conifer Rd Evergreen, CO 80439 Phone: (303) 674-8553 Toll Free: (866) 482-2279 Fax: (303) 670-3564 E-mail: info@aacTechConnect.com www.aacTechConnect.com Simplifying augmentative communication evaluations with workshops, toolkits and a Web site which centralizes information on AAC devices. Go to www.aacTechConnect.com to simplify device feature-matching and visit their workshops to simplify your evaluations with the Toolkit and Checklist approach. Check out Web site for more free device pics/flyers and other clinical resources. 30 ABISee, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #119 77 Powder Mill Rd Unit 4 Acton, MA 01720 Phone: (800) 681-5909 E-mail: info@abisee.com www.abisee.com ABISee develops and manufactures innovative portable reading devices for the Blind and Low Vision at an affordable price. Whatever your needs are - browsing through your mail and reading newspapers, or working on a 500 page book and writing a report - fulfill them with one of their customizable devices. ABLEDATA ATIA Member Booth #1204 8630 Fenton St Suite 930 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Phone: (301) 608-8998 voice or (301) 608-8912 TTY Toll Free: (800) 227-0216 Fax: (301) 608-8958 E-mail: abledata@macrointernational.com www.abledata.com ABLEDATA provides information on assistive technology (AT) and rehabilitation equipment from U.S. and international sources for people with disabilities. The exhibit includes demonstrations of the features of the ABLEDATA Web site such as searching and saving personalized information, and MyABLEDATA for AT companies enabling direct submission of product information. AbleLink Technologies ATIA Member Booth #206 618 N. Nevada Ave Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Phone: (719) 592-0347 Fax: (719) 592-0348 E-mail: info@ablelinktech.com www.ablelinktech.com AbleLink Technologies, Inc. specializes in the research and development of Cognitive Support Technologies for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, traumatic and acquired brain injuries, and age-related cognition issues. Our award-winning technologies provide solutions for access, independence, and self-determination at home, at work and in the community. AbleNet ATIA Member Booth #601 2808 Fairview Ave N Roseville, MN 55113 31 Phone: (651) 294-2200 Toll Free: (800) 322-0956 Fax: (651) 294-2259 E-mail: customerservice@ablenetinc.com www.ablenetinc.com AbleNet offers a complete line of assistive technology products, including communication aids, switches, environmental control, computer access, software, mounting devices and researchbased special education curricula. See what’s new - switch twist tops, Big Beamer twist, Cling!, Impulse switch with Bluetooth technology access, SoftTouch software, product improvements and more! Accelerations Educational Software ATIA Member Booth #1209 1225 Laurel St Columbia, SC 29201 Phone: (803) 233-0541 Fax: (803) 545-4058 E-mail: sales@dttrainer.com www.dttrainer.com AES provides educational software for Autism and other learning disabilities. They offer two effective, robust and affordable packages that can accommodate the learning needs of severe, moderate and mild disabilities. They use ABA/Discrete Trial and Video Modeling methods to create some of the most powerful educational software available. Accessing Higher Ground Conference/Access Technologists Higher Ed. Network Booth #1603 University of Colorado-Boulder Disability Services, UCB 107 Boulder, CO 80309 Phone: (303) 894-7907 Fax: (303) 492-8672 E-mail: hkramer@colorado.edu www.colorado.edu/ATconference www.athenpro.org Accessing Higher Ground is an annual conference which focuses on the implementation and benefits of Assistive Technology and accessible curriculum, media and web pages in the university and college setting. Access Technologists Higher Ed. Network (ATHEN) is a professional association and network for Access Technologists in Higher Education. The purpose of ATHEN is to collect and disseminate best practices in access technology in the higher education environment as well as present a collective voice for the professional practice of access technology in higher education. Adamlab, LLC ATIA Member Booth #604 55 East Long Lake Rd Suite 337 Troy, MI 48085 Phone: (248) 362-9603 Fax: (248) 362-9606 32 E-mail: customerservice@adamlab.com www.adamlab.com Visit Adamlab to see the Superhawk family of communication devices. Their AAC line consists of the Hawk, Blackhawk, Listen to Me and Lighthawk, too. Their high quality, low cost, American made products continue to be used here and overseas. See what the world is talking about since 1984. Adaptivation, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #301 2225 W. 50th St Ste 100 Sioux Falls, SD 57015 USA Phone: (605) 335-4445 Toll Free: (800) 723-2783 Fax: (605) 335-4446 E-mail: info@adaptivation.com www.adaptivation.com Adaptivation manufactures switches, communication aids and environmental controls. Stop by our booth to see new products and application ideas! Adaptive Computer Control Technologies Inc. ATIA Member Booth #219 247-2628 Granville St Vancouver, BC V6H 4B4 Canada Phone: (604) 731-8860 Toll Free: (866) 411-2228 Fax: (866) 801-5302 E-mail: info@acctinc.ca www.acctinc.ca ACCT is Adaptive Computer Control Technologies Inc. Our goal is to increase access to technology by providing easy-to-use products that are cost-effective and work in conjunction with existing computer equipment. Introducing Lipsynch, now available. Lipsynch is a Sip and Puff Mouse. A mouth operated joystick allows the user to move the cursor while sipping and puffing creates the clicks. Lipsynch is a USB device that works with augmentative and alternative communication devices, Mac and PC computers. Adaptive Solutions ATIA Member Booth #619 2127 Court St Port Allen, LA 70767 Phone: (225) 387-0428 Fax: (225) 387-6092 E-mail: sherry@adaptive-sol.com www.adaptive-sol.com Adaptive Solutions is the developer and distributor of Assistive Technology Tracker Plus (ATT+) and Equipment Tracker (ET) software. ATT+ and ET are comprehensive databases that help you 33 track the services provided. You can place one order for your AT needs. We are a one-stop-shop company. Adaptive Switch Laboratories, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #307 PO Box 636 Spicewood, TX 78669 Phone: (830) 798-0005 Toll Free: (800) 626-8698 Fax: (830) 798-6221 E-mail: info@asl-inc.com www.asl-inc.com ASL is dedicated to designing and adapting devices that allow individuals with severe disabilities to achieve independent movement, environmental control and communication/computer access. Adobe Systems Booth #215 345 Park Ave San Jose, CA 95110 www.adobe.com Adobe revolutionizes how the world engages with ideas and information. For 25 years, the company’s award-winning software and technologies have redefined business, entertainment, and personal communications by setting new standards for producing and delivering content that engages people virtually anywhere at anytime. The Adobe booth will provide information related to the accessibility of Adobe offerings. AIMEE Solutions, inc. ATIA Member Booth #318 269 Bingham Cr Mundelein, IL 60060 Phone: (847) 566-2292 Fax: (847) 566-0722 E-mail: info@aimeesolutions.com www.aimeesolutions.com Take and teach thematic units, student access materials, manipulative kits and workshop solutions to help meet the needs of all students. Ai Squared ATIA Member Booth #512 PO Box 669 Manchester Center, VT 05255 Phone: (802) 362-3612 Toll Free: (800) 859-0270 Fax: (802) 362-1670 E-mail: sales@aisquared.com www.aisquared.com 34 Ai Squared is a worldwide leader in computer access software for the visually impaired. See what’s new in ZoomText, the industry standard for screen magnification and reading: built-in scripting capabilities and smooth pan tracking. Get a hands-on demonstration, free trial software, and also check out ZoomWare, our replacement for BigShot. AlphaSmart, A Renaissance Learning Brand Booth #221 2911 Peach St Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494 Phone: (800) 338-4204 Toll Free: (800) 338-4204 Fax: (877) 280-7642 E-mail: answers@renlearn.com www.renlearn.com NEO is the only laptop designed for classrooms. It’s the lightweight, portable, easy-to-use laptop that builds excitement for writing and helps students succeed across the curriculum. NEO’s fullsized keyboard, large LCD screen and extraordinary battery life make it ideal for writing, keyboarding instruction and quizzing. AMDi ATIA Member Booth # 621 200 Frank Rd Hicksville, NY 11801 Phone: (516) 822-0808 Fax: (516) 822-6611 E-mail: bill.maher@amdi.net www.amdi.net AMDi is a manufacturer of high-quality, durable and easy-to-use communication devices. At ATIA 2009 they will introduce their new software program: Overlay Designer Pro for use with their Smart Series of communicators and will highlight our newly redesigned Partner Four Plus. AMDi also continues to manufacture the reliable Tech and Partner series of AAC devices along with our Tech/Touch dynamic device. American Foundation for the Blind ATIA Member Booth #508 11 Penn Plaza Suite 300 New York, NY 10001 Phone: (212) 502-7600 Toll Free: (800) 232-5463 Fax: (212) 502-7774 E-mail: afbweb@afb.net www.afb.org AFB will be featuring its fully accessible Web site, which provides a wealth of information on blindness and vision loss, AccessWorld: Technology and People Who are Blind or Visually Impaired, their free, online magazine, and the new publication, Assistive Technology for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired: A Guide to Assessment. American Printing House for the Blind 35 ATIA Member Booth #1012 1839 Frankfort Ave Louisville, KY 40206 Phone: (502) 895-2405 Toll Free: (800) 223-1839 Fax: (502) 899-2363 E-mail: info@aph.org www.aph.org Founded 1858, American Printing House for the Blind (APH) is the world’s largest company devoted solely to making products for people who are visually impaired, and is the official supplier of educational materials for blind students in the United States. APH manufactures books and magazines (in Braille, large type, recorded, and computer disk form), as well as educational and daily living aids. APH's fully-accessible Web site features Louis, a North American online database of accessible books in all media. The site also has information about APH products and services, plus online ordering. Visit their Web site or call one of their friendly Customer Service representatives for more information. Applied Human Factors, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #1112 PO Box 228 Helotes, TX 78023 Phone: (210) 408-0098 Toll Free: (888) 243-0098 Fax: (210) 408-0097 E-mail: sales@ahf-net.com www.ahf-net.com AHF's newest products include: Sounds Like? Spell, Write!; (phonetic typing for spelling problems); OneWay (one-dimensional mouse alternative for switch scanning); and Smart Speech (help with building sentences). Established products: REACH Interface Author; Smart Key Technology; Smart List Technology; Sound-It-Out Keyboard; SoothSayer Word Prediction; ScanBuddy; Mouse&Caret Buddy; and AHF Spanish Dictionary. AT KidSystems, Inc. Booth #1203 8737 Colesville Rd Suite L203 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Phone: (301) 495-0770 Fax: (301) 585-9075 E-mail: charlotte.safos@atkidsystems.com www.atkidsystems.com Cosmo’s Learning Systems is an educational product suite designed to motivate children with and without disabilities, for educational and therapeutic activities. It consists of Mission Control, an accessible interface device, that can be used with any off-the-shelf software, and Cosmo’s Play and Learn software, focused on pre-literacy and pre-numeracy. ATNAD, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #1302 1900 West Loop South 36 Suite 880 Houston, TX 77027 Phone: (254) 771-0025 Fax: (713) 629-8799 E-mail: info@atnad.com www.atnad.com ATNAD, Inc. makes innovative products from Europe available in the United States and Canada. They show the new Senior Mouse, the barcode reading communication device BABar, the new page turner QiCare and a lot more! Atomic Learning ATIA Member Booth #1409 15088 22nd Ave NE Little Falls, MN 56345 Phone: (866) 259-6890 Toll Free: (866) 259-6890 Fax: (603) 215-0106 E-mail: sales@AtomicLearning.com www.AtomicLearning.com The Atomic Learning Assistive Technology Collection utilizes Atomic Learning’s proven tutorial training approach to help special education staff, parents and others working with assistive technology devices to further understand the technology they utilize daily. The Collection includes tutorials on assistive technology devices, specialized software, and accessibility features of common software applications. ATS, LLC ATIA Member Booth #1022 216 Seaboard Ln Suite C Franklin, TN 37067 Phone: (615) 327-1960 Toll Free: (800) 457-2318 Fax: (615) 550-0025 E-mail: info@atsaac.com www.atsaac.com ATS is pleased to offer the second generation EzCOMM speech device combining the latest in computer technology and home automation. Combined with powerful software The Grid 2, users can communicate, surf the net, e-mail, text, control lights or change the channel. The EzCOMM is ready to work for you! Attainment Company ATIA Member Booth #501 PO Box 930160 504 Commerce Pky Verona, WI 59593 Phone: (800) 237-4269 Toll Free: (800) 327-4269 Fax: (800) 942-3865 E-mail: info@attainmentcompany.com 37 www.attainmentcompany.com Attainment Company has an affordable line of products: Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) and Auditory Cuing devices. Language Development, Literacy, Math, Science, Reading, Life Skills and Vocational and other curriculum support or instructional materials are available. Materials are produced in: print, hands-on materials, software and DVD/video formats. Augmentative Resources, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #1008 8331 Epicenter Blvd Lakeland, FL 33809 Phone: (877) 471-1863 Fax: (877) 471-1865 www.augresources.com Use pictures on our devices to improve Communication, Language and Literacy skills. Check out our Create-a-Book, Literacy Strips, Squeeze & Find Mat, Slide & Follow Schedules and Talking Pockets, our new versatile voice output device. We also offer Velcro-receptive communication books, display boards, picture schedules, behavior and time management products and literacy aids. Aumed Corporation Booth #1309 1206 High-Tech Building 229 Bei Si Huan Zhong Rd Haidian District Beijing 100083 China Phone: 86-10-51285737 Fax: 86-10-51413581 E-mail: info@aumed.cn www.aumed.cn Aumed Corporation develops and manufactures low vision products such as pocketsize, handheld, desktop and portable video magnifiers and optical magnifiers for near, intermediate and distance magnification. BAUM Retec AG ATIA Member Booth #1403 Schloss Langenzell Wiesenbach, D-69257 Germany Phone: 49-62-2349090 Fax: 49-62-23490999 E-mail: info@baum.de www.baum.de BAUM Retec AG is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Braille and Low Vision products and will be showcasing state-of-the-art products for professional, educational and private use: a wide range of refreshable Braille displays, pocketsize organizers with Braille or Qwerty-keyboard or innovative and lightweight desktop CCTVs. 38 Blink Twice ATIA Member Booth #1019 900 Broadway 8th Floor New York, NY 10003 Phone: (212) 369-8080 Fax: (917) 591-8866 www.blink-twice.com Blink Twice produces the Tango, an AAC device that is creating amazing success for kids across the country. With the quickest communication and personalization possible, its multiples modes of communication address a broad number of individuals, and the Tango offers the most innovative and engaging support materials in the industry. Bookshare.org/Benetech ATIA Member Booth #723 480 California Ave Suite 201 Palo Alto, CA 94306 Phone: (650) 644-3400 Fax: (650) 475-1066 E-mail: info@bookshare.org www.bookshare.org Bookshare.org offers an extensive, online library for qualified readers with print disabilities. Containing tens of thousands of books in accessible formats, the library offers endless reading opportunities for readers of all ages. Through an award from the Office of Special Education Programs, Bookshare is “no cost” to students of all ages with a qualifying print disability. Cambium Learning Technologies: IntelliTools and Kurzweil Educational Systems ATIA Member Booth #313 100 Crosby Dr Bedford, MA 01730 Phone: (781) 276-0623 www.cambiumlearning.com Cambium Learning Technologies, which includes IntelliTools® and Kurzweil Educational Systems, focuses on creating educational solutions for students in Pre-K-12 classrooms. Our software is built on proven scientific research and designed to increase student achievement. Our goal is to provide access to all students, regardless of any cognitive or physical limitations, giving everyone the same opportunity for success. Clarity ATIA Member Booth #905 6776 Preston Ave Suite B Livermore, CA 94551 Phone: (925) 449-2000 39 Toll Free: (800) 575-1456 Fax: (925) 449-2605 E-mail: info@clarityusa.com www.clarityusa.com Clarity is a leading manufacturer of video magnifiers for the low vision market. Following the successful launches of the Lynx, Rio and i-vu in 2008, Clarity is adding to their extensive portfolio in 2009 with the addition of the Deskmate Duo, the only 19 Dual Camera system with Real technology. Claro Software ATIA Member Booth #212 Lancashire House 24 Winckley Sq Preston, Lancashire PR1 3JJ United Kingdom Phone: 448-707-605877 Toll Free: (866) 800-5151 Fax: 448-701-327471 E-mail: sales@clarosoftware.com www.clarosoftware.com Claro Software's objective is to keep creating high quality, easy to use, appropriate and affordable software to help all individuals worldwide enjoy using the PC. Our software products offer significant support for reading, writing and language learning by using sophisticated speech, linguistic and viewing technique. Code Factory S.L. ATIA Member Booth #121 Rambla Egara, 148, 2-2 Terrassa/Barcelona, 08221 Spain Phone: +34-93-733-7066 Fax: +34-93-789-3051 E-mail: info@codefactory.es www.codefactory.es Code Factory is the global leader committed to the development of products designed to eliminate barriers to the accessibility of mobile technology for the blind and visually impaired. Today, Code Factory is the leading provider of screen readers, screen magnifiers and Braille interfaces for the widest range of mainstream mobile devices including Symbian-based and Windows Mobile-powered Smartphones as well as Pocket PC phones and PDAs. Its product line is the only one to support phones working on the GSM, CDMA and WCDMA networks. Code Factory's success lies in giving excellent customer support and in responding immediately to the needs of its end users. Cognitopia Software ATIA Member Booth #1502 99 West 10th Ave Suite 397 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: (541) 343-3384 40 Fax: (541) 343-3384 E-mail: tkeating@cognitopia.com www.cognitopia.com Cognitopia Software presents Picture Planner, the innovative, icon-based personal organizer: customizable, cognitively accessible, cross-platform activity scheduling software for desktop and mobile devices. Compusult Limited ATIA Member Booth #809 40 Bannister St Mount Pearl, NL A1N 1W1 Canada Phone: (709) 745-7914 Toll Free: (888) 388-8180 Fax: (709) 745-7927 E-mail: at@compusult.net www.compusult.net Compusult has over 15 years of Assistive Technology experience internationally. They provide accessibility solutions for computers and software; broadcast, spoken and printed information; telephone, office and electronic equipment; bar code systems and more. Our products include Jouse2, Switchboxes (Ni-Yon, U-Switch, 2-Switch, HFA, etc.), Caption Displays, TeleTalk and Scotty Wheelchair Trays. Crick Software ATIA Member Booth #719 191 Post Rd West Westport, CT 06880 Phone: (203) 221-2697 Fax: (203) 221-2698 E-mail: USsales@cricksoft.com www.cricksoft.com At Crick Software our mission is to improve literacy achievement for students of all abilities by providing educators with innovative, research-based solutions that are easy to use and costeffective. Our flagship products, Clicker (grades K-6) and WriteOnline (grades 4-12), are powerful writing and creativity tools that support and motivate students. CrissCross Technologies, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #209 110-64 Queens Boulevard Suite 406 Forest Hills, NY 11375 Phone: (212) 569-7432 www.crisscrosstech.com info@crisscrosstech.com Cyrano Communicator ATIA Member Booth #1102 41 3750 SR 37 East Lancaster, OH 43130 Phone: (740) 654-2128 Toll Free: (800) 260-6070 Fax: (740) 654-2260 E-mail: cyrano_questions@cyranocommunicator.com www.cyranocommunicator.com Cyrano Communicator is a portable, cost effective communication device. Using both picturebased and text-to-speech interfaces, Cyrano allows a user to speak using either digitized speech, or synthesized speech with four lifelike voices. Daedalus Technologies, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #312 2491 Vauxhall Pl Richmond, BC V6V 125 Canada Phone: (604) 270-4605 Toll Free: (800) 561-5570 Fax: (604) 244-8443 E-mail: daessy@daessy.com www.daessy.com Available since 1986, DAESSY is the leader in mounting systems for AAC devices & laptops. The component-based system is highly adaptable and customizable to meet individual needs of users. The Stem System is purpose designed to securely attach switches to wheelchairs and provide unlimited setup possibilities. DAESSY - Making Technology More Accessible Dancing Dots Braille Music Technology, L.P. ATIA Member Booth #1106 PO Box 927 1754 Quarry Ln Valley Forge, PA 19482 Phone: (610) 783-6692 Fax: (610) 783-6732 E-mail: info@dancingdots.com www.dancingdots.com Dancing Dots has been developing and adapting technology to benefit blind musicians and those who educate them since 1992. Scan printed scores, listen to results or convert to Braille music notation. Play your musical ideas into your PC. Convert to print notation, Braille score or audio CD. Braille music courses/educational resources. Dolphin Computer Access, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #213 231 Clarksville Rd Suite 3 Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 Phone: (609) 803-2172 Toll Free: (866) 797-5921 42 Fax: (609) 799-0475 E-mail: info@dolphinusa.com www.YourDolphin.com Dolphin Computer Access has been developing software that delivers independence to people with visual impairments and learning disabilities. These innovative tools range from the award winning Lunar Screen Magnifier, to the ultimate alternative format creation tool in EasyConverter and mobile tools with the Smart Hal screen reader for Windows Smartphones. Don Johnston Incorporated ATIA Member Booth #713 26799 W Commerce Dr Volo, IL 60073 Phone: (847) 740-0749 Toll Free: (800) 999-4660 Fax: (847) 740-7349 E-mail: info@donjohnston.com www.donjohnston.com Don Johnston empowers educators with supplemental instruction and intervention solutions to help the widest range of students build core literacy skills. Don Johnston’s award-winning products build in physical accessibility, integrate validated research, capitalize on new discoveries in brain science, align to standards and are presented in multiple medias through engaging instructional models. Duxbury Systems, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #1009 270 Littleton Rd Unit #6 Westford, MA 01886 Phone: (978) 692-3000 Fax: (978) 692-7912 E-mail: info@duxsys.com www.DuxburySystems.com Braille for two types of people: those who are Braille experts and those who are not! Duxbury provides the world's leading and most popular software for Braille since 1976. Braille translation, transciption, editing and production software for literary, technical (math) and graphical Braille. DBT WIN supports Braille for over 60 languaegs and variants. DynaVox and Mayer-Johnson ATIA Member Booth #701 2100 Wharton St Suite 400 Pitttsburgh, PA 15203 Phone: (866) 396-2869 Toll Free: (866) 396-2869 Fax: (412) 381-5241 E-mail: info@dynavoxtech.com www.dynavoxtech.com 43 DynaVox and Mayer-Johnson offer a full spectrum assistive technology supports, including AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) devices and educational tools for individuals with communication and learning challenges. Products include the V and Vmax communication devices, the EyeMax eye gaze system, Boardmaker Software Family and PCS (Picture Communication Symbols). E-Blocks USA ATIA Member Booth #204 13714 Ventura Blvd Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 Phone: (305) 772-6134 E-mail: lizbeth@eblocks.net www.eblocks.net E-Blocks is an innovative hands-on program that introduces children to math, reading, Spanish, and ESOL. It provides the multi-sensory stimuli, immediate feedback, collaborative learning and repetition children need. Its authoring tools allow teachers to develop appropriate and meaningful content for successful personalized learning for both the teacher and the students. Enabling Technologies ATIA Member Booth #1005 1601 Northeast Braille Pl Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 Phone: (772) 225-3687 Toll Free: (800) 777-3687 Fax: (772) 225-3299 E-mail: www.info@brailler.com www.brailler.com Enabling Technologies has been the world's leading manufacturer of a complete line of Braille Embossers for over 38 years. Their legendary Romeo and Juliet models are preferred by school systems, government agencies and all major Braille consumers worldwide. See their video demonstration online at www.brailler.com. Enhanced Vision ATIA Member Booth #921 5882 Machine Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Phone: (888) 811-3161 Toll Free: (800) 440-9476 Fax: (714) 374-1821 E-mail: evinfo@enhancedvision.com www.enhancedvision.com Enhanced Vision is the leading developer of assistive technology designed specifically for people who have macular degeneration and other low vision conditions. We have helped thousands of visually impaired people regain their independence by providing the ability to read, write, watch TV and live an active life again. EP Global Communications, Inc 44 Booth #1208 416 Main St Johnstown, PA 15901 Phone: (201) 983-2581 Toll Free: (800) 372-7368 E-mail: gmcpartland@eparent.com www.eparent.com EP Global Communications is a 38-year-old, award-winning publishing and communications company. EP provides practical advice and the most up-to-date educational information for families of children and adults with disabilities and special healthcare needs as well as to the physicians, allied health care professional and educational professionals who are involved in their care and development. EP uses a multi-media approach to disseminate information through its monthly print publication, EP (Exceptional Parent) magazine; its Web site; clinical custom communications projects; the EP Bookstore, which offers books, DVDs and CDs on a wide range of disability related subjects; and online, interactive CME accredited seminars and teleconferences on a wide range of special needs topics. Eschenbach Optik of America Booth #1505 904 Ethan Allen Hwy Ridgefield, CT 06877 Phone: (203) 438-7471 Fax: (203) 438-1670 E-mail: dsommers@eschenbach.com www.eschenbach.com Eschenbach manufactures and distributes a complete line of magnifiers, telescopes, filters and video magnifiers for those who are visually impaired due to macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and other eye conditions. For eye care and rehab professionals, we offer a Complete Low Vision Program that includes in-office staff training, a comprehensive diagnostic system of low vision aids, marketing and practice management support materials. EVAS ATIA Member Booth #1000 & 1001 39 Canal St Westerly, RI 02891 Phone: (401) 596-3155 E-mail: contact@evas.com www.evas.com EVAS, teamed with Dell, offers computer-based assistive technology solutions for people who are visually, physically, hearing or learning disabled. Their Plug & Play Systems run right out of the box, with Application Software, Peripherals and Assistive Technology installed and configured. EVAS has proudly served the disabled community since 1979. Eye Response Technologies, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #807 100 2nd St NW Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone: (434) 296-3846 Toll Free: (866) EYE-TRACK Fax: (434) 296-3890 45 E-mail: info@eyeresponse.com www.eyeresponse.com The ERICA system provides an easy-to-use communication system and control of computer through eye movement alone. ERICA works with Windows based software so you can use Internet, e-mail or play games. The Dedicated Communication Device is 100% funded by Medicare and MDA/ALSA funding. Most insurance companies cover ERICA as well. EyeTech Digital Systems ATIA Member Booth #1020 2160 E. Brown Rd Suite 2 Mesa, AZ 85213 Phone: (480) 704-3158 Fax: (480) 718-5243 E-mail: info@etmail.net www.eyetechds.com EyeTech's eye tracking technology enables users to control their SGD or computer handsfree using just their eyes. Come try the new EyeTech TM3 Portable System which offers five hour battery life, built in environmental controls, and high quality speakers. Funded through Medicare, Medicaid, and insurance. FAAST, Inc Booth #1606 325 John Knox Rd Building 400, Suite 402 Tallahassee, FL 32303 Phone: (850) 487-3278 Fax: (850) 487-2805 Toll Free: (888) 788-9216 www.faast.org faast@faast.org FAAST is Florida’s AT Act Program serving individuals with disabilities and their families. Information on these programs, services and more will be available: AT demonstrations, assessments and training, AT device lending and recycling, financing for assistive technology, affordable and accessible housing advocacy and the Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center. FDLRS Technology Services ATIA Member Booth #1602 753 West Blvd Chipley, FL 32428 Phone: (850) 638-6131, ext 2242 Toll Free: (877) 873-7232, ext 2242 E-mail: david@fdlrstech.com www.fdlrstech.com The Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System (FDLRS) Technology Network provides and facilitates services to all Florida school districts in the areas of assistive technology, instructional technology, Universal Design for Learning and Accessible Instructional Media and is funded by the FLDOE, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services. 46 Florida Reading & Vision Technology ATIA Member Booth #115 Lighthouse of Broward 650 North Andrews Ave Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Phone: (954) 525-8871 Toll Free: (800) 981-5119 Fax: (954) 462-4647 E-mail: sales@floridareading.com www.floridareading.com Bringing knowledge and hope to the visually impaired through the use of adaptive technology: Technology assessments, product sales, installation and training on state-of-the-art equipment from the world's premier manufacturers of low vision and blindness technology. We serve rehabilitation counselors, students of all ages, senior citizens, employees, vision teachers, libraries, colleges, universities, workforce boards, veterans, doctors and technical departments from various corporations and institutions. Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Booth #207 One Franklin Plaza Burlington, NJ 08018 Phone: (609) 386-2500 Toll Free: (800) 525-9673 Fax: (609) 239-5941 E-mail: nelly_nunez@franklin.com www.franklin.com Handheld electronic dictionaries, spellers, thesauruses and translators with built-in spelling correction. Some units with pronunciation to aid word discriminitation and reading. Freedom Scientific ATIA Member Booth #801 11800 31st Ct North St. Petersburg, FL 33716 Phone: (727) 803-3000 Toll Free: (888) 444-4443 Fax: (727) 803-8001 E-mail: Info@FreedomScientific.com www.FreedomScientific.com Freedom Scientific provides leading-edge assistive technology products for those that are blind/low vision, or are learning disabled. Products include the TOPAZ, ONYX, OPAL, and SAPPHIRE video magnifiers, JAWS® screen reading software, MAGic® screen magnification software, SARA scanning and reading appliance, Braille displays and PAC Mate accessible Pocket PC. Freedom Scientific Learning Systems Group ATIA Member Booth #901 11800 31st Ct North 47 St. Petersburg, FL 33716 Phone: (727) 803-8000 Toll Free: (800) 444-4443 Fax: (727) 803-8001 E-mail: WYNN@FreedomScientific.com www.FreedomScientific.com/lsg Freedom Scientific Learning Systems Group provides WYNN, the award-winning software tool that transforms text for all individuals struggling to read and write and TestTalker, the talking accommodation tool for test preparation and test-taking. Freedom Vision, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #1013 615 Tami Way Mountain View, CA 94041 Phone: (650) 961-6541 Toll Free: (800) 961-1334 Fax: (650) 968-4740 www.freedomvision.com The new Freedom Vision now offers a wider variety of portable and desktop video magnifiers featuring several brands for students, rehab clients, or other low vision individuals. E-Commerce online ordering is also available for select products. See the latest Eye-Q and Eye-C 4 class portable video magnifiers, the ZIP transportable desktop video magnifier and other new additions to our low vision product line. FRS Custom Solutions Booth #513 49 South Illinois Ave Mansfield, OH 44905 Phone: (888) 884-2190 Toll Free: (888) 884-2190 Fax: (877) 884-9383 E-mail: Sales@frs-solutions.com www.frs-solutions.com FRS Custom Solutions, a division of Forbes Rehab Services, has more than 22 years experience designing, manufacturing and distributing cutting edge AAC products. Come see our powerful new ComLink LT/TM3 Eye Tracking solution as well as the super portable and rugged ComLink ST+. FRS Custom Solutions products are truly better by design. gh, LLC ATIA Member Booth #306 1305 Cumberland Ave Suite 110 West Lafayette, IN 47906 Phone: (765) 775-3776 Toll Free: (866) 693-3687 Fax: (765) 775-2501 E-mail: ghinfo@gh-accessibility.com www.gh-accessibility.com 48 gh, LLC enables people and organizations to meet their accessibility needs. gh offers the premier Digital Talking Book software player complimented by a full range of media conversion services (Braille, NIMAS, fillable-forms, digital talking books, large print) that allow for greater opportunity by improving ones competitiveness in the workplace and allowing for a richer educational experience. Guerilla Technologies, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #704 4203 SW High Meadows Ave Palm City, FL 34990 Phone: (772) 283-0500 Fax: (772) 287-0960 E-mail: sales@guerillatechnologies.com www.guerillatechnologies.com Guerilla Technologies is a leading designer and manufacturer of reading machines for the print impaired community. They have researched the latest, leading edge technologies and have adapted them to their user's specific needs. The result is the most reliable, top of the line reading solutions available today. Gus Communications, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #1503 1006 Lone Tree Ct Bellingham, WA 98229 Phone: (360) 715-8580 Toll Free: (866) 487-1006 Fax: (360) 715-9633 E-mail: admin@gusinc.com www.gusinc.com Gus Communicatioins is the largest supplier of Windows-based speech devices, handheld and tablet style AAC communication systems. They are also, the Overboard communication board designer and provide the all NEW Blackberry speech/AAC software package. GW Micro, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #507 725 Airport North Office Park Fort Wayne, IN 46825 Phone: (260) 489-3671 Fax: (260) 489-2608 E-mail: sales@gwmicro.com www.gwmicro.com GW Micro manufactures Window-Eyes, a screen reader for Microsoft Windows Vista, XP, 2000 and Server editions. Other products include: Braille Sense, first Braille notetaker offering notetaking and entertainment; Voice Sense, pocket size notetaker; Portable SenseView and Portable SenseView Duo, two of the smallest hand-held digital magnifiers; and Small-Talk Ultra, full-featured portable computer. Handy Tech North America ATIA Member 49 Booth #404 3989 Central Ave NE Suite 402 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Phone: (651) 636-5184 Fax: (866) 347-8249 E-mail: info@handytech.us www.handytech.us Developers of high quality Braille devices, Handy Tech will be demonstrating the latest advances in Active Tactile Control (ATC) technology, as it may be used in educational and professional settings. They will also be demonstrating portable Braille displays along with mainstream off the shelf devices such as sub net books and cell phones. HumanWare ATIA Member Booth #519 175 Mason Cr Concord, CA 94520 Phone: (800) 722-3393 Fax: (925) 681-4630 E-mail: us.info@humanware.com www.humanware.com HumanWare provides innovative solutions, empowering people who are blind, visually impaired or learning disabled. Products include the BrailleNote range of notetakers; the new SmartView line of portable and desktop video magnifiers; myReader2, HumanWare's unique auto-reader for people with low vision; VictorReader, digital talking books and music players; Trekker Breeze, the all-in-one talking GPS, Braille displays; accessible PDAs and ClassMate Reader, a mobile solution for learning disabled. Inclusive TLC Special Needs ATIA Member Booth #720 2206 Legacy Oak Dr Waxhaw, NC 28173 Phone: (704) 243-3622 Toll Free: (800) 462-0930 Fax: (704) 243-3623 E-mail: info@inclusivetlc.com www.inclusiveTLC.com Inclusive TLC Special Needs aim to include all learners and enable them to take advantage of computer based education. We specialize in the very best special needs software, switches and computer access devices, as well as simple communication aids and assistive technology, for learners with a physical disability, sensory impairment or severe learning disability. Independent Living Aids LLC Booth #1108 200 Robbins Ln Jericho, NY 11753 Phone: (516) 937-2118 Toll Free: (800) 537-2118 Fax: (516) 937-3906 E-mail: can-do@independentliving.com 50 www.independentliving.com ILA will be demonstrating the newest products for those with low vision, blindness and hearing impairments. We will be exhibiting the newest talking products, daily living aids and special listening devices for the hard of hearing. Many of our product selections are exclusive and we will be premiering the new Voice Interactive Talking Clock, the Moshe, during ATIA. Interpretype, LLC ATIA Member Booth #1305 3301 Brighton Henrietta Town Line Rd Suite 200 Rochester, NY 14623 Phone: (585) 272-1155 Toll Free: (877) 345-3182 Fax: (585) 272-1434 E-mail: info@interpretype.com www.interpretype.com Are your services readily available to any customer or employee regardless of disability or language? Interpretype provides the tools your staff needs to communicate with anyone. One solution enables communication between Deaf and hearing individuals as well as translated conversations from English to any of 240 foreign languages. Interpretype: Communicate with anyone, in any language, at any time. Infogrip, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #819 1794 East Main St Ventura, CA 93001 Phone: (805) 652-0770 Toll Free: (800) 397-0921 Fax: (805) 652-0880 E-mail: info@infogrip.com www.infogrip.com Infogrip has creative computer access solutions for people with all types of disabilities including alternative keyboards and mice, switches, screen readers, magnifiers and educational software. Intel Health ATIA Member Intel Attendee Lounge Intel Corporation 2200 Mission College Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95054-1549 (408) 765-8080 www.intel.com/healthcare The Intel Health Group, a division of Intel, is passionate about how technology can improve healthcare and independent living. They develop new health and assistive technologies for individuals in the home or on the go and help to connect people and information in new ways that can improve patient care and safety, reduce healthcare costs and improve quality of life across the continuum of care. 51 Jabbla ATIA Member Booth #203 213 Bay Street E Lakeland, FL 33801 Phone: (863) 603-7827 Toll Free: (877) 759-1016 Fax: (863) 602-0255 E-mail: info@jabbla.com www.jabbla.com Jabbla provides advanced hardware and software AAC products, including the speech generating devices Tellus 3+, Mobi, Smart and Allora. Software: Mind Express (graphical communication), Eurovocs Suite, DocReader (talking wordprocessor), KeyVit (on-screen keyboard), Skippy (wordprediction) and WordSprint (dyslexia). Judy Lynn Software, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #614 PO Box 373 East Brunswick, NJ 08816 Phone: (732) 390-8845 Fax: (732) 390-8845 E-mail: myra@judylynn.com www.judylynn.com Judy Lynn Software provides switch software for Windows for individuals functioning as early as 9 months cognitive. Check out our new program Story Builder where students create their own books. Story Builder contains unique features not found in other story programs. Many other age appropriate program are also available. Stop by Booth #614 for a catalog and demo. knfb Reading Technology ATIA Member Booth #107 PO Box 620128 Newton Lower Falls, MA Phone: (877) 547-1500 Fax: (781) 263-0000 E-mail: info@knfbreader.com www.knfbreading.com knfb Reading Technology presents the latest generation of portable reading products from assistive technology pioneer Ray Kurzweil. Their revolutionary software, delivered on a multifunction cell phone, allows users to snap pictures of printed material and have it read aloud immediately and includes the ability to scan and read in other languages as well as translate between languages. LAB Resources ATIA Member Booth #220 706 Kopmeier Dr Pewaukee, WI 53072 Phone: (262) 691-3476 Toll Free: (800) 691-3476 52 Fax: (262) 695-2504 E-mail: customerservice@elabresources.com www.elabresources.com Group and individual professional training materials for 8 popular AT software programs including Boardmaker Plus, Classroom Suite, Clicker, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Kurzweil and WYNN. They offer Workshop in a Box, Look & Learn Videos and LAB Lessons Tutorials, plus a complete line of AT products with discounted pricing and product support. Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #409 110 East Spring St Winooski, VT 05404 Phone: (802) 655-4755 Toll Free: (800) 562-6801 Fax: (802) 655-4757 E-mail: info@laureatelearning.com www.laureatelearning.com Laureate publishes award-winning, research-based software for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Developmental Disabilities, language impairments and learning disabilities. Our programs cover cause and effect, vocabulary development, syntax, categorization, auditory processing and reading instruction. For a FREE Syntax Assessment CD, please stop by Booth # 409, call (800) 562-6801, or visit www.LaureateLearning.com. LC Technologies, Inc./ Eyegaze Systems ATIA Member Booth #1408 3919 Old Lee Hwy Suite 81B Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703) 764-1290 Toll Free: (800) EYEGAZE (393-4293) Fax: (703) 385-7137 E-mail: info@eyegaze.com www.eyegaze.com The new EYEGAZE EDGE with a new low price: our accurate, easy-to-use Eyegaze System in a new package. Mount it on a table, have it in a tablet or add it to your own PC. Functions include speech, full PC and MAC access when docked to your own computer, environmental controls or run programs right on Eyegaze. LevelStar ATIA Member Booth #1100 685 S. Arthur Ave Unit 1A Louisville, CO 80027 Phone: (303) 926-4334 Toll Free: (800) 315-2305 Fax: (303) 926-1787 E-mail: info@levelstar.com www.levelstar.com 53 The Icon plus Docking Station by LevelStar, the ultra-powerful handheld computer for the visually impaired. The Icon is the revolutionary all-in-one PDA with book player, web browser, email, music player, word processor and much more. With it’s 60GB hard drive you can store thousands of songs and digital books. Snap the Icon into the Docking Station and you have a notetaker. LevelStar is dedicated to providing leading-edge assistive technology that levels the playing field for the visually impaired, whether at work, school, home or on-the-go. LVI Low Vision International ATIA Member Booth #305 Verkstadsgatan 5 Vaxjo, SE-35246 Sweden Phone: 46-47-072-7706 www.lvi.se LVI Low Vision International is a Swedish company and one of the leading manufacturers of electronic equipment for visually impaired. In our booth you will find video magnifiers designed to meet your needs and requirements. Please come visit us for a hands-on demonstration of what we have to offer. Madentec Limited ATIA Member Booth #706 4664-99 St Edmonton, AB T6E 5H5 Canada Phone: (780) 450-8926 Toll Free: (877) 623-3682 Fax: (780) 988-6182 E-mail: nilam@madentec.com www.madentec.com No keyboard? No mouse? No problem! For two decades Madentec has been a world leader in providing universal computer access for people without the use of their hands; including head pointing (TrackerPro), switch scanning (IntelliSwitch) and touching (IntelliKeys). Powerful software such as DiscoverPro & Discover Envoy make it all possible. Magnifying America ATIA Member Booth #718 2129 SW Hwy 484 Ocala, FL 34473 Phone: (954) 629-2977 Toll Free: (800) 364-1610 Fax: (352) 307-6614 E-mail: jpalmer@magnifyingcenter.com www.magnifyingamerica.com See for yourself why Magnifying America is a pioneer with their inspiring technology designs for the visually challenged. The first to introduce widescreen, larger 26 monitors, talking magnification, exclusive All-in-One design and more. Stop by and see the future with their newest debut! MagniSight, Inc. 54 ATIA Member Booth #1015 3631 N Stone Ave Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Phone: (719) 578-8893 Toll Free: (800) 753-4767 Fax: (719) 578-9887 E-mail: sariat@magnisight.com www.magnisight.com MagniSight manufactures video magnifiers that make a difference in the lives of visually impaired people. Magnisight President, Brian Smith, is visually impaired and understands the frustrations of low vision and strives to develop solutions, with the latest technology. Our newest product, The Journey, is flexible, easy-to-use and technically advanced. Marblesoft-Simtech ATIA Member Booth #1018 12301 Central Ave NE Suite 205 Blaine, MN 55434 Phone: (763) 755-1402 Toll Free: (888) 755-1402 Fax: (763) 862-2920 E-mail: sales@marblesoft.com www.marblesoft.com For more than 25 years Marblesoft-Simtech has produced great switch and scanning software. Our award-winning Early Learning Series is an industry classic. Our Simtech Single Switch Collection is the best kept secret in assistive technology. Stop by booth #1018 for a catalog and demonstration. MHSA/Caption Mic Booth #1404 65 Fern St Waterbury, CT 06704 Phone: (203) 574-5128 Fax: (419) 574-5125 E-mail: info@mhsa.us www.mhsa.us Caption Mic is a speech recognition captioning system which is used to produce live captions for classroom broadcast, webcast and distance learning. Caption files can also be created for preproduced media in a variety of formats. Caption Mic greatly reduces the cost and time required to create captions. Microsoft ATIA Member AT Educational Theatre 1 Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052 (424) 703-8342 www.microsoft.com/enable Daniel.hubbell@microsoft.com 55 Microsoft’s commitment to developing innovative accessibility solutions started more than two decades ago. For many people, accessibility is what makes computer use possible. They strive to make the computer easier to see, hear and use by allowing it to be adjustable according to their own preferences, needs, and abilities. Monarch Teaching Technologies Booth #1504 22001 Fairmount Blvd Shaker Heights, OH 44147 Phone: (216) 320-8223 www.monarchteachtech.com Introducing state-of-the-art web-based special education software. Quickly create personalized, interactive, computer-based activities for children with Autism and other communication deficits with more than 14,000 visuals and extensive lesson libraries. National AT Technical Assistance Partnership (NATTAP) Booth #1306 1700 North Moore St Suite 1540 Arlington, VA 22209 Phone: (703) 524-6686 Toll Free: (866) 342-6572 Fax: (703) 524-6630 www.resnaprojects.org/nattap/RESNA.html Assisstive Technology Act Programs encompass three entities - Statewide AT Programs, Alternative Financing Programs, and Protection and Advocacy for AT Programs. Come to NATTAP’s booth to find out about the services available through these programs. NaturalPoint Booth #822 33872 SE Eastgate Cr Corvallis, OR 97333 Phone: (541) 753-6645 Fax: (541) 753-6689 E-mail: sales@naturalpoint.com www.naturalpoint.com/smartnav SmartNav 4 offers complete computer control through optical head tracking. The latest version of SmartNav features enhanced tracking precision, improved sunlight filtering, and an updated hardware design. SmartNav is an alternative for people with ALS, spinal cord injuries such as quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy and other special needs. News-2-You ATIA Member Booth #605 PO Box 550 Huron, OH 44839 Phone: (419) 433-9800 Toll Free: (800)697-6575 Fax: (419) 433-9810 E-mail: info@news-2-you.com www.news-2-you.com 56 News-2-You serves the special education community with a variety of products. Channel current events with News-2-You, an Internet newspaper published weekly in four levels. Acquire a complete, standards-based special education curriculum with Unique Learning System. Communicate with a truly dynamic symbol set, SymbolStix, and make materials with new SymbolMate software. Nokia, Inc. Booth #223 6021 Connection Dr Mail Stop 2:300 Irving, TX 75039 Phone: (972) 894-5000 E-mail: nokia.accessibility@nokia.com www.nokiaaccessibility.com Nokia has a long history of transforming the freedom of wireless communications, and we are working to bring this wireless world to everyone including those with disabilities. Nokia will be demonstrating ways in which mobile devices and accessories can help people with disabilities live their lives. Optelec US, Inc. ATIA Member Booth # 419 3030 Enterprise Ct Suite C Vista, CA 92081 Phone: (800) 826-4200 E-mail: helpserve@optelec.com www.Optelec.com Improving the quality of life of visually impaired and dyslexic people, reaching out with simple and effective solutions, Optelec, founded in 1985, is recognized as the worldwide market leaders in providing innovative solutions for the blind, visually impaired and learning disabled. Origin Instruments Corporation ATIA Member Booth #907 854 Greenview Dr Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Phone: (972) 606-8740 Fax: (972) 606-8741 E-mail: marketing@orin.com www.orin.com Origin Instruments delivers computer access solutions. The HeadMouse is Origin's flagship product that enables users to control the mouse pointer on their computer or AAC screen with the natural movements of their head. Also offered is Windows and Mac software in the areas of computer access, switch-based access, speech and low-vision. Perkins Products, Perkins School for the Blind Booth #123 175 North Beacon St Watertown, MA 02472 Phone: (617) 972-7308 57 E-mail: perkinsproducts@perkins.org, adaptivetech@perkins.org www.perkinsproducts.org See New Products! Perkins Products is introducing the new Next Generation Perkins Brailler® less weight, less force, less noise and more possibilities. Adaptive Technology, a division of Perkins Products, is introducing the lowest price, 40-cell Braille display on the market which is also high-performance and easy-to-use. Possum Ltd Booth #1407 8 Farmbrough Close Stocklake Park Industrial Estate Aylesbury, Bucks HP20 1DQ United Kingdom Phone: 44-1296-461-000 E-mail: sales@possum.co.uk Possum is the UK leading provider of Electronic Assistive Technology solutions including home automation, communication aids, specialist telephones and local care systems. Possum is actively seeking distributers for overseas territories. Prentke Romich Company ATIA Member Booth #813 1022 Heyl Rd Wooster, OH 44691 Phone: (800) 262-1984 Toll Free: (800) 262-1984 Fax: (330) 263-4829 E-mail: info@prentrom.com www.prentrom.com The Prentke Romich Company introduces the new Vantage Lite compact and powerful AAC communication. Explore our other newer devices, ECO-14 and the SpringBoard Lite. ECO-14 is opening new doors for AAC communicators through Windows XP compatibility! SpringBoard Lite is a smaller, lighter and more portable version of our popular SpringBoard speech output device. ProxTalker.com LLC Booth #1304 PO Box 190 13 South Main St Thomaston, CT 06787 Phone: (860) 283-0966 Toll Free: (866) 962-0966 Fax: (860) 283-0979 E-mail: info@proxtalker.com www.proxtalker.com ProxTalker.com LLC manufactures the Logan ProxTalker, a brand new AAC device that is the first moveable picture communication system that actually talks. Tags are encoded with special RFID technology - simply place the picture sound tags on one of the five buttons on the device and press - out come the words. Words or phrases can be added or changed easily using special function tags. Real gender and language specific digitized voices are availble. 58 Quillsoft Ltd. ATIA Member Booth #1004 2416 Queen St East Toronto, ON M1N 1A2 Canada Phone: (416) 698-0111 Toll Free: (866) 629-6737 Fax: (416) 698-1555 E-mail: sales@wordq.com www.wordq.com Quillsoft Ltd. will be highlighting the fully-integrated speech recognition and word prediction software for individuals with learning disabilities: WordQ and SpeakQ writing software. ReadHowYouWant ATIA Member Booth #218 277 White St Buchanan, NY 10511 Phone: (212) 674-7986 E-mail: mesavage@ReadHowYouWant.com www.ReadHowYouWant.com ReadHowYouWant is an Australian-based company that partners with publishers to provide content in multiple alternative formats. The company’s proprietary patent pending technology provides an efficient means of marking up content into XML and converting files into multiple sizes of large print, print ready Braille, DAISY, e-book, specialized formats for readers with disabilities and reader personalized print formats. The company provides Internet marketing services, sales channel support and distribution through Amazon.com as well as the company’s Web site. ReadHowYouWant provides publishers with a turnkey solution for providing their content in formats that allow them to easily comply with disability discrimination legislation and the evolving requirements of the educational marketplace. Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic (RFB&D) ATIA Member Booth #320 20 Roszel Rd Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: (609) 243-7088 Fax: (609) 520-7996 www.rfbd.org For 60 years, Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic® (RFB&D®), has been the leading producer of accessible audio textbooks for students with learning and print disabilities. Their library contains more than 45,000 digitally recorded human read titles ranging from math and science books to literary classics, from kindergarten level through graduate school. RFB&D offers downloadable audiobooks with AudioAccess® for the ultimate in portability or AudioPlus® books on CD that are recorded in DAISY format, the ideal choice for enhanced navigation. Their vast library and choice of formats offer more than 230,000 members with the opportunity to build confidence, independence and success both in the classroom and beyond. Rednet AG ATIA Member 59 Booth #1205 Sumpfstrasse 28 ZUG, 6800 Switzerland Phone: 41-417-474343 Fax: 41-417-474344 E-mail: office@rednet-ag.com www.rednet-ag.com Rednet AG offers text to speech devices, computer access products and communication aids. Reinecker USA LLC ATIA Member Booth #1509 145 River Rock Dr Buffalo, NY 14207 Phone: (866) 733-2352 Toll Free: (866) 733-2352 Fax: (413) 403-9777 E-mail: info@reineckerusa.com www.reineckerusa.com Reinecker USA represents a line of high end electronic magnification products of superior quality and performance. The exceptional design, clarity, image resolution, and feature-set of these portable and desktop units truly make them stand out in a crowd. Products include Maxlupe, Maxlupe Mini Plus, Videomatic Lux and the Topolino Click. RERC on Communication Enhancement Booth #1402 Pennsylvania State University 0227A Cedar Building University Park, PA 16802 Phone: (919) 681-9983 Fax: (919) 981-9984 E-mail: aac-rerc@mc.duke.edu www.aac-rerc.com The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Communication Enhancement (the AACRERC) conducts research, sponsors/conducts conferences, develops technology, provides technical assistance, conducts training seminars, facilitates technology transfer and evaluates technology that is focused around improving AAC technologies and enhancing the lives of those who rely on these technologies. RJ Cooper & Associates, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #1200 27601 Forbes Rd #39 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Phone: (949) 582-2571 Toll Free: (800) 752-6673 Fax: (949) 582-3169 E-mail: rjc@rjcooper.com www.rjcooper.com 60 Considered pioneers in the AT field, RJ has been around since 1984 creating unique hardware, software, and tech items for special needs. Come by to see their latest stuff! SAJE Technology ATIA Member Booth #1506 765 Dixon Ct Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Phone: (847) 756-7603 E-mail: info@saje-tech.com www.saje-tech.com SAJE Technology is the premier manufacturer of home automation products, promoting independence and accessibility for people facing aging or disability. SAJE Technology products include switch or voice activated environmental control units, voice activated telephones, Dragon compatible microphones and accessible cell phone solutions. SAJE voice recognition technology requires no voice training. Saltillo Corporation ATIA Member Booth #913 2143 Township Rd #112 Millersburg, OH 44654 Phone: (330) 674-6722 Toll Free: (800) 382-8622 Fax: (330) 674-6726 E-mail: aac@saltillo.com www.saltillo.com Saltillo Corporation manufactures and distributes augmentative communication products. We specialize in communication products for ambulatory individuals. Our popular ChatPC product products are small, dynamic screen communication devices with word prediction, speech synthesis and other powerful communication features. sComm, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #1114 6238 Hadley Raytown, MO 64133 Phone: (816) 350-7008 Fax: (816) 737-1790 E-mail: info@scommonline.com www.scommonline.com sComm is the creator of the UbiDuo. The UbiDuo enables a deaf or hard of hearing and a hearing individual to communicate with each other face to face without any barriers anywhere anytime in professional or social situations. The UbiDuo changes the landscape for face to face communication. Learn more about the UbiDuo at www.scommonline.com. Visit their booth and find out how you can get $150 off a UbiDuo. Sensory Software International Ltd Booth #823 Smart House 4a Court Rd 61 Malvern, Worcs WR14 3HD United Kingdom Phone: 441-684-578868 Fax: 441-684-897753 E-mail: info@sensorysoftware.com www.sensorysoftware.com We are pioneers of computer-based communication aids and developers of innovative computer software for communication, computer access, dyslexia and literacy support. Our main title is The Grid 2, which provides a full range of AAC options. Our software now powers some of the world’s most advanced communication aids. Come and see us to find out why. Serotek Corporation Booth #1608 1128 Harmon Pl Suite 310 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Phone: (612) 341-3030 E-mail: rbailey@serotek.com www.serotek.com Serotek Corporation develops software and manufactures accessibility solutions. Committed to the mission of providing accessibility anywhere, Serotek has launched an online community designed to meet the needs of people with disabilities and has introduced several powerful, affordable solutions that require minimal training, including the award-winning System Access. ShopLowVision.com ATIA Member Booth #319 3030 Enterprise Ct Suite D Vista, CA 92081 Phone: (800) 826-4200 E-mail: helpserve@shoplowvision.com www.ShopLowVision.com ShopLowVision.com, a subsidiary of Optelec US, is the first e-commerce Web site with the most comprehensive line (4000+) of low vision solutions with daily living products, video magnifiers, optical products and professional tools. It is also the first low vision e-commerce store with business-to-business, business-to-consumer and business-to-professional interface all-in-one. Slater Software, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #400 351 Badger Cr Guffey, CO 80820 Phone: (719) 479-2255 Toll Free: (877) 306-6968 Fax: (719) 479-2254 E-mail: info@slatersoftware.com www.slatersoftware.com Slater Software, Inc. is the leader in Picture-Assisted Literacy. Slater Software offers Picture It and PixWriter to engage emergent and struggling readers and writers in literacy learning. Both 62 software programs utilize Literacy Support Pictures paired with words. Slater also offers ready-touse curriculum materials including Simply Science and Read and Tell. Social Skill Builder ATIA Member Booth #1303 PO Box 2430 Leesburg, VA 20177 Phone: (866) 278-1452 Toll Free: (866) 278-1452 Fax: (703) 669-1258 E-mail: info@socialskillbuilder.com www.socialskillbuilder.com Social Skill Builder offers a series of software programs that use interactive video sequences to imitate real life social scenarios where children and adolescents commonly interact with peers. CD-ROMs assist parents, educators, therapists and other advocates in effectively teaching social language and interaction. SoftTouch - AbleNet ATIA Member Booth #600 2808 Fairview Ave N Roseville, MN 55113 Phone : (651) 294-2200 Fax: (651) 294-5900 Toll Free: (800) 322-0956 E-mail: customerservice@ablenetinc.com www.ablenetinc.com Recently acquired by AbleNet, SoftTouch software offers software from cause and effect to early literacy, including My Own BookShelf, Test Me- Score Me, Teaching Access Ability and curriculum software. Visit AbleNet for additional educational and technical solutions. Technology For Education Inc. ATIA Member Booth #214, 919 1870 50th St E Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Phone: (651) 457-1917 Toll Free: (800) 370-0047 Fax: (651) 457-3534 E-mail: jrogers@tfeinc.com www.tfeinc.com Special Need Keyboards, Smart Pen by Livescribe, Stealth AT 5 and 10 Switch Interface (Program once and never have to again-Mac and Windows) Smart Speaker for AlphaSmart, Key Board Communicator (New Aug Com Devices) Student Mate (New Computer designed for Students with Text To Speech) Texthelp Systems Inc. ATIA Member Booth #300 100 Unicorn Park Dr 63 Woburn, MA 01801 Phone: (888) 248-0652 Fax: (866) 248-0652 E-mail: u.s.info@texthelp.com www.texthelp.com Read&Write GOLD is literacy software that makes learning accessible for all students especially those with reading and writing difficulties, learning disabilities and English Language Learners. A customizable toolbar integrates with familiar applications including Microsoft® Word, IE and Adobe® Reader allowing students access to support tools from within mainstream software programs. Texthelp Systems LTD ATIA Member Booth #612 Enkalon Business Centre 25 Randalstown Rd Antrim, BT414W Northern Ireland Phone: 028 9442 8105 Toll Free: 1-77-778-6977 Fax: 028 9442 8574 E-mail: info@browsealoud.com www.browsealoud.com Texthelp Systems Ltd., was formed in 1996, and specializes in the design of assistive software solutions to support those struggling to read and write. The software particularly benefits those with learning difficulties, dyslexia, mild visual impairments and those who speak English as a second language. The company’s mission is to provide high quality and innovative assistive technology for any person of any age seeking to develop their language skills through the use of a computer. The Conover Company ATIA Member Booth #920 1789 N. Oakwood Rd Oshkosh, WI 54904 Phone: (920) 231-4667 Toll Free: (800) 933-1933 Fax: (920) 231-4809 E-mail: tschmitz@conovercompany.com www.conovercompany.com The Conover Company specializes in assessment and skill intervention systems for transition assessment, self-determination, social/emotional intelligence and independent living skills. Their products are all research based and outcome driven. They have Internet, local area network and stand-alone software solutions. The Great Talking Box Company ATIA Member Booth #918 2245 A Fortune Dr San Jose, CA 95035 Phone: (408) 456-0151 Fax: (408) 456-0133 64 E-mail: support@greattalkingbox.com www.greattalkingbox.com The Great Talking Box Company has been manufacturing and distributing Augmentative Communication Devices since the early 1980s making them one of the oldest companies in this business. They invite you to come see their new Etalk2 with Touchspeak software and talk to them about their generous trade-in plan for original ETalk owners. The Writer Learning Systems Booth #222 PO Box 186 2004 Dallons Dr Paso Robles, CA 93446 Phone: (805) 237-2055 Fax: (805) 239-8973 E-mail: info@writerlearning.com www.writerlearning.com AKT, Inc. is the manufacturer of The Writer and Fusion portable word processors. Fusion is available with word prediction and text to speech as well as keyboard instruction, thesaurus, dictionary, scoring program, vocab program, adjustable font sizes and much more! A great tool for LD students, autistic, low-vision, non-verbal, dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc. Tobii ATI ATIA Member Booth #401 333 Elm St Dedham, MA 02026 Phone: (781) 461-8200 Toll Free: (800) 793-9227 Fax: (781) 461-8213 E-mail: customercare@tobiiati.com www.tobiiati.com Tobii is a premier developer of hardware and software solutions for people with physical, cognitive and speech disabilities. Our dynamic products and services in the assistive technology field include the latest in speech generating devices and eye tracking technology. Our MyTobii P10 is the world leading eye controlled AAC device. Traxsys Input Products ATIA Member Booth #113 1 Embankment Way Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1EU United Kingdom Phone: 44-1425-463100 Fax: 44-1425-463111 E-mail: cfox@traxsys.com www.traxsys.com TRAXSYS has pioneered a number of innovative and award-winning solutions for improved computer access for individuals with special needs. TRAXSYS designs and manufacture Joysticks, Trackballs, Switches and Communication Aids. Namely the Roller Plus Joysticks/Trackballs, the Easitrax Joystick, Large and Small Joggle Switches, the Scan4 and 4Talk4 communication devices. 65 Turning Point Therapy & Technology, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #201 PO Box 310945 New Braunfels, TX 78131 Phone: (830) 608-9812 Toll Free: (877) 608-9812 Fax: (830) 608-0882 E-mail: support@turningpointtechnology.com www.turningpointtechnology.com Turning Point Therapy & Technology, Inc. manufactures acrylic keyguards from most computer keyboards, laptops and Augmentative Communication Devices. Now expanded, check out Turning Point for your Assistive Technology needs: alternative keyboards, switches, mounts, communication products, life and work skill products, IEP Curriculum, professional and parent resources, software, vision and hearing products. Ultrathera Technologies ATIA Member Booth #1308 3595 East Fountain Blvd Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Phone: (719) 685-7883 Fax: (719) 685-7885 E-mail: mallen@ultrathera.com www.ultrathera.com PointScribe Interactive Handwriting System is a software program specifically designed to teach children with special needs to handwrite. The program utilizes a touch screen tablet PC to create a multi-sensory (visual, audible and tactile) learning environment to engage students while developing handwriting skills. PointScribe may be used with Magic Touch screen overlays and SmartBoard. Kids love it! PointScribe works! Go to www.ultrathera.com to see videos of PointScribe in action ViewPlus Technologies ATIA Member Booth #613 1853 SW Airport Ave Corvallis, OR 97333 Phone: (541) 754-4002 Toll Free: (866) 836-2184 Fax: (541) 738-6505 E-mail: info@viewplus.com www.viewplus.com ViewPlus is a leading innovator of assistive technology providing everyday solutions for mainstream environments. Products include Tiger Braille printers that emboss the highestresolution tactile graphics, the IVEO Hands-on-Learning System utilizing touch, sound and sight combined and the Audio Graphing Calculator. VisionCue ATIA Member Booth #906 66 4858-A S.W. Scholls Ferry Rd. Portland, OR 97225 Phone: (503) 297-1510 Toll Free: (888) 318-ALVA Fax: (503) 459-4003 E-mail: at.info@visioncue.com www.visioncue.com With thoughtful and caring assistance, VisionCue helps people who are blind or visually impaired with assistive technology solutions. With premium products from Optelec, LVI, Dolphin, CodeFactory, Nuance and Apple, VisionCue can help you “move beyond boundaries.” Visit www.visioncue.com for more information on their products and how they can help. Vision Technology, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #101 8501 Delport Dr St. Louis, MO 63114 Phone: (314) 890-8300 Toll Free: (800) 560-7226 Fax: (314) 890-8383 E-mail: vti@vti1.com www.visiontechnology.com Vision Technology’s pursuit of innovative design has led the company to the forefront of the low vision industry. They offer 2X magnification allowing individuals with the beginning stages of low vision the benefit of these products; as well as those needing higher magnification. VTI also manufactures desktop, portable and distance-viewing CCTVs. Words+, Inc. ATIA Member Booth #413 42505 10th St West Lancaster, CA 93534-7059 (661) 723-6523 (661) 723-2114 www.words-plus.com 67 68