STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION – AIRCREW Personal data collected in this application will be used by Hong Kong Express Airways, its subsidiaries and associated companies for recruitment and other employment-related purposes to assess the suitability of each candidate. It is our company policy to retain personal data for possible future recruitment purposes. Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, an applicant has the right to request access to, and the correction of, personal data in relation to his/her application. If an applicant wishes to exercise these rights, he/she must complete a “Personal Data Access Form” and forward it to the Talent & Innovation Department. Position Applied for: Captain First Officer Source for this position: LinkedIn PIC Jet Flying Hours : < 3000 or > 3000 Jet Flying Hours : < 1500 or > 1500 / Job DB / Company Website / Referral or > 3000 /Other (please state):_____________ PERSONAL PARTICULARS (Please ensure the information is exactly as it is in your passport) Full Name: / (Surname) Date of Birth(*): / (First Name) (DD/MM/YY) Nationality: Male Country of Birth: Passport Number: HKID Card Number (If any): / Female (Given Name) Issuing: Marital Status (*): No. Of Children (*): Residential Address: Home Tel No: Mobile Telephone No: Email: EDUCATION Date (DD/MM/YY) (In chronological order) From To From To From To Page 1 of 4 T&I (Ver.4 08/2014) Subject(s) Level School/Colleges/Universities FLYING TRAINING AND OTHER TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS Date (DD/MM/YY) (In chronological order) From To From To From To Qualification/ Course License Obtained From FLIGHT CREW LICENSE(S) Type: Country of Issue : License Number: 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. Multi-Engine Instrument Rating Valid Until: All ATPL Subjects Passed: Yes / No Medical Class Certificate Valid Until : Radio/Telephony License Valid Until: Current English ICAO Result: Current English ICAO Valid Until: Night Cross Country Hours: Date of Last Flown: Type of Aircraft on Last Flown: RECORD OF EMPLOYMENT PRESENT EMPLOYMENT STATUS: Under Employment Employment Start From: / Unemployment End (in term contract): Name of Company: Position Held: Aircraft Type: Salary p.a. : Flying Route: International / Domestic EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Date (DD/MM/YY) (In chronological order) From To From To From To Page 2 of 4 T&I (Ver.4 08/2014) Name of Company Position Held (with Aircraft type) Reasons for Leaving FLYING EXPERIENCE (A) JET AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT TYPE /ICAO CODE YES/NO JAR/FAR25 Aircraft YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO EFIS YES/NO PIC CAPTAIN HRS FO /P1 HRS FO /P2 HRS TOTAL HRS Total HRS (A) (B) NON JET AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT TYPE /ICAO CODE YES/NO JAR/FAR25 Aircraft YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO EFIS YES/NO PIC CAPTAIN HRS FO /P1 HRS FO /P2 HRS TOTAL HRS Total HRS (B) COURT CONVICTIONS/TRAFFIC OFFENCE/DISCIPLINARY OFFENCE 1. Have you ever been found guilty of an offence in a court of law/ Traffic Offence? YES / NO / Under Investigation If yes, please give details: 2. Do you have any previous record(s) of disciplinary offence? (whilst in employment with the previous employers) If yes, please give details: 3. Do you have any previous record(s) of Flying Accidents / Incidents? If yes, please give details: Page 3 of 4 T&I (Ver.4 08/2014) YES YES / NO / / Under Investigation / NO / Under Investigation ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Please outline any interests, hobbies or activities you like to pursue during your leisure time. 2. Please give your reasons for wishing to join Hong Kong Express Airways Ltd. 3. Please give the names and contacts in Hong Kong Express whom you know and state in what connection, i.e. same Company/ Squadron etc. REFERENCES Please give the names and contacts of two persons whom we may approach for a reference and should preferably be from your present or previous companies. Name Relationship Contact No. 1. 2. PERSONAL DECLARATION 1. The personal data collected in this application form will be used by the Hong Kong Express Airways Ltd, its subsidiaries and associated companies for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. 2. The completion of all items on this application form is obligatory for selection purposes, except those items marked as optional (*) herein. The processing and outcome of your application may be affected if you fail to provide these data. Information collected will be treated in strict confidential and used solely for recruitment and other employment-related purpose. The company will retain all applications no longer than 1 year of which will be destroyed thereafter. We are an equal opportunity employer, we do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, disability or family status in employment process. 3. I hereby authorize Hong Kong Express Airways Ltd to contact my previous employer(s) for information relating to my past employment including work performance and salary. I agree that all the information so collected can be used by Hong Kong Express Airways Ltd, its subsidiaries and associated companies, for all purposes relating to my employment with Hong Kong Express Airways Ltd. I understand that the information collected will be treated as strictly confidential. 4. I further declare that the statements made by me in this application form are true, complete and correct. I understand that any falsification or misrepresentation in this form shall result in summary dismissal without any compensation. I have read and understand this declaration. Signature: Page 4 of 4 Date: T&I (Ver.4 08/2014)