Contribute to the archiving/culling and storage of the

Medical Record Clerical Officer
Southern Adelaide Health Service
Classification: ASO1
Health Unit: Flinders Medical Centre
Division: Information Service
Classification Reviewed: 10/2007
Department / Section: Medical Record Service
Position No: FM0092
Position Created: 1976
Job and Person Specification Approval
CEO or Delegate
The Southern Adelaide Health Service (Southern Health) was established on 1 July 2004 and
brings together Flinders Medical Centre, Noarlunga Health Services and Drug and Alcohol
Services of SA. The Service also maintains a close affiliation with the Repatriation General
Hospital and other health services in the southern area.
With 330,000 people in the region, a budget of more than $350M and about 4,000 staff, Southern
Health is working towards coordination of services across the region and working cooperatively to
improve the health of the community and to reduce the demand on acute hospital services.
2. SUMMARY OF THE BROAD PURPOSE OF THE POSITION and its responsibilities/duties
The Medical Record Clerk is responsible to the Supervisor - Clinics/Discharges to:
retrieve, collate, transport (in a metal trolley) and file (in terminal digit order) medical records to
all areas within FMC and to approved outside institutions.
data enter patient information into computerised patient information systems including offsite
storage locations of medical records.
liaise with general practitioners and the general public with information pertaining to the medical
record, following privacy principles.
participate in discussion to enhance the format of the medical record and any procedures
pertaining with it.
prioritise workloads to meet daily deadlines.
review the main file in the Medical Record Service and cull the appropriate medical records to
ensure sufficient shelf space in the main file for newly registered and current records.
supply medical records to non-inpatient clinics.
collect discharged patients medical records from the ward areas.
file medical records and results/correspondence.
audit the accuracy of the clerical content of the medical record.
review patient medical records to determine whether they are to be culled from the main file to
the archives.
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service the Emergency Department after normal working hours to ensure clinicians requiring
medical records for treatment receive them, and in a timely manner.
provide a reception service to staff, patients and visitors presenting to the Front Desk in the
Medical Record Service.
some staff will be required to work some hours in isolation, however access to the electronic
medical record tracking system will facilitate this service.
(to whom the person reports, staff for whom the person is
responsible, and other significant connections and working relationships within the organisation)
Supervisor Reports to:
Manager, Medical Record Service
Supervisor’s Position:
Clinic/Discharge Supervisors, Medical Record Service
Subject Position:
Medical Record Clerk
Positions supervised:
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Other Positions Reporting to the Supervisor: Team Leaders
4. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (such as non-metropolitan location, travel requirements, frequent overtime, etc)
Job and Person Specifications are reviewed regularly as part of the ongoing Performance
Development process.
May be required to work within other locations of the Southern Adelaide Health Service.
Some out of hours work may be required.
Support values consistent with the aims of the Region, including honesty, respect and
May be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement.
Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check.
Comply with the Principles of the Code of Fair Information Practice, adopted by the
Department of Health, which regulate the collection, use, disclosure, storage and transfer of
all personal patient/client information within the Department and throughout its funded service
Shifts vary according to a rotating roster. Starting times range from 07:30am –12:00pm.
Finishing times range from 15:45pm-20:00pm. 5 days a week
Staff are required to work weekends and after normal working hours when requested to cover
shifts when there is sick leave, annual leave, back log of work etc to ensure services are
Staff at times, will be required to work some hours in isolation, After hours access via phone
to a Supervisor
Access to Security via telephone or duress alarm available at all times
May need to assist or relieve in any department within the Division of Information Service
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of responsibility / activity and list in descending order of importance).
Contribute to a safe and healthy work environment, free from discrimination and harassment
by working in accordance with legislative requirements, the Code of Conduct and
departmental human resource policies, including the OHS&W requirements.
Ensure the efficient supply of the Medical Record throughout FMC and related agencies in
order to provide effective management of patient care by:
 abiding by the FMC Confidentiality of Patient Information policy, Code of Conduct, FMC Faxing
of Patient Information policy, Code of Fair Information Practice and any other related policies
 effectively providing and retrieving medical records for all authorised personnel in areas and
departments within FMC and to approved outside institutions for the purposes of patient care,
teaching, research, auditing, medico-legal, statistics and funding
 collecting and/or marking back medical records, from wards, clinics and departments via the
electronic case note tracking system
 transporting the medical records throughout the hospital which may necessitate the incumbent to
lift heavy loads (see job demand analysis)
 liaising with appropriate personnel (e.g. medical, nursing, allied health or administrative staff) to
locate missing medical records
 updating patient information and medical record locations via the electronic case note tracking
system and checking for future patient bookings, ascertaining the current status of the patient and
their records
Contribute to the maintenance and accuracy of the medical record by:
 ascertaining patient information is accurate, in the correct order and contained securely within
the medical record prior to leaving the department.
 filing all documents and reports in the appropriate sections or volumes of the medical record (s) in
accordance with procedure guidelines
 splitting oversized casenotes into separate volumes for easier handling
 replacing medical record covers, re-activating patient’s medical records which have been
destroyed, microfilmed or scanned after re-attendance and retrieving archived records stored
within FMC and off-site according to procedure
 sorting incoming mail, disseminating to appropriate areas and personnel daily to enable
correspondence to be actioned in a timely manner
 recognising any forms not approved for permanent file in the medical record, checking via the
electronic ‘order of sheets’, removing them and returning them to the appropriate destination
in order to provide a quality assured service and effective management of patient care
Contribute to the accurate tracking of medical records using the FMC Medical Record
Tracking System by:
 ensuring the patient barcode is attached to the medical record when provided
 updating patient medical record locations using the barcode scanner or data entry
 updating volume numbers when new volumes of the patient record is created
 adhering to all departmental procedures relating to the electronic Medical Record Tracking
in order to provide an efficient service for all customers of the department
Ensure an effective customer service is achieved by:
 providing information for on-going patient care to authorised accessors via telephone enquiries,
over-the counter, facsimile or in writing following policy guidelines
 liaising with other departments and promoting professional working relationships
 working in a positive team oriented atmosphere, encouraging good work practices to improve
efficiencies and services
 collecting information from external institutions over the telephone for other hospitals/medical
requests and actioning these requests in accordance with departmental guidelines
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providing a reception service to the Front Desk in the Medical Record Service by receiving and
directing telephone calls, serving the counter and delivering information/instructions in
accordance with procedures provided
working in collaboration with other departments (for example Emergency Department staff)
so that work performance is conducted in accordance with Departmental and FMC policies to
provide effective and reliable management of patient care
Ensure timely provision of patient information to treating/referring General Practitioners by:
 identifying medical records that require discharge summary completion and delivering to the
appropriate wards
 liaising with Consultants, Business Managers and Registrars when required to assist in the
process of discharge summary completion
 collating, preparing and checking discharged patient’s medical records in a timely manner
following the discharge process guidelines and procedures
 retrieving any archived notes, arranging the prompt return of offsite notes and accessing any
microfilmed records, then ascertaining what information is relevant to send to the authorised
 faxing/posting relevant requested patient information in accordance with the FMC faxing policy
and guidelines and redirecting GP requests to the Flinders Liaison Service to action, including the
retrieval of records for this purpose and providing them to the Liaison
to enable access of up-to-date information for the efficient management of patient care.
Contribute to the Best Practice Principles by:
 being aware of and initiating emergency codes and referring to protocols as necessary
 being aware of and abiding by all hospital and departmental policies and code of conduct
 participating in audit programs to identify deficiencies and/or improvements to the medical record
and the procedures and practices pertaining to it
 liaising with the Medical Record supervisors and reporting problems, discussing changes to
procedures, participating in workplace efficiency trials, being involved in service improvement
processes, clarifying policies etc. to ensure effective maintenance of the service
 assisting with training and supporting colleagues for development purposes, consistent with
predetermined departmental procedures and guidelines
therefore providing a safe, efficient and effective client oriented service.
Contribute to the archiving/culling and storage of the medical record by:
 reviewing all current patient medical records, including all volumes to determine whether they are
to be culled from the main file and then transported to the archives following departmental
procedures and guidelines
 ensuring there is sufficient space in the main file for the storage of newly registered patients and
expanding current patient records by creating new volumes and /or moving records to an
overflow file
 data entry of information pertaining to the offsite records and other requests as required
in order to promote a safe and efficient storage system within the department within OH&S
Acknowledged by Occupant:______________________________ Date:_____/_____/_____
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ESSENTIAL MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (those characteristics considered absolutely necessary)
Educational/Vocational Qualifications
Nil stated
Personal Abilities/Aptitudes/Skills
Proven commitment to the principles and practise of:
 EEO, Ethical Conduct, diversity and OHS&W;
 Quality management and client oriented service;
 Risk management.
Work in a physically demanding environment.
Ability to adapt to a changing environment, to use initiative, problem solve and be self-motivated.
Demonstrated literacy and numeracy skills.
Demonstrated commitment to providing good customer service
Good Interpersonal and effective communication skills
Work effectively under pressure and prioritise workloads to meet daily deadlines.
Ability to use computerised information systems
Work effectively as part of a team
Work in isolation and perform duties referring to procedures and policies as required.
Ability to act appropriately with matters of confidentiality
Nil stated
Knowledge of occupational health, safety and welfare principles and be aware of employee
Understanding of Occupational Health, Safety & Welfare principles and procedures
Understanding of Quality Management principles and procedures
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2. DESIRABLE CHARACTERISTICS (to distinguish between applicants who meet all essential requirements)
Personal Abilities/Aptitudes/Skills
Ability to manage difficult situations with confidence
Capacity to contribute to Quality Assurance and Service Improvement practices.
Proven experience in basic computing skills, including email and word processing
Working in a Medical Record Service
Medical terminology
Terminal digit filing system
Experience in the use of the FMC medical record tracking system
Knowledge of the Policies and Procedures pertaining to a Medical Record Service
Working knowledge of hospital policies and procedures
Knowledge of equal employment principles
Working knowledge of the inter-relationship of hospital departments
Educational/Vocational Qualifications (considered useful in carrying out the responsibilities of the position)
Nil stated
Other details
Nil stated
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Recruitment and Selection undertaken at Flinders Medical Centre reflects best practice and a commitment to a
selection on merit. The following information is provided to assist you in demonstrating your merit in relation
to the position you are applying for.
A well laid out, easy to read application will allow the panel to assess the information they need from your
application. We suggest the following format
To maximise your chances of being considered further, you need to demonstrate in your application that:
 You meet all the essential requirements of the person specification, (please note – it is in your best interest
to address the desirable requirements if applicable)
 You are capable of carrying out the duties of the position concerned
How do you do this?
You need to do this by addressing each requirement and include examples of experience that illustrates your
merit. Don't forget the transferability of skills, knowledge, experience and abilities that you have gained from
outside the workplace. For example fund raising for voluntary agencies or chairing a management committee.
You should advise your referees of the position you are applying for and seek their opinion of your capability to
perform the requirements of the position, prior to submitting your application.
Please remember to quote the job number from the advertisement in your application and forward an
original application plus three copies, including the name, address and contact number of three
current referees.
We take this opportunity to wish you success with your application!
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OHS & Injury Management Services
Medical Record Clerk
Medical Record Service
7.5 hrs p/day up to 37.5 hrs p/week.
Information for Applicant:
A job demand analysis is an objective & systematic procedure to identify and quantify the physical
demands and environmental conditions of a particular job. This process is also used to enable the best
match of person to job.
This Job Demand Analysis is used to provide all applicants with information about the essential
physical demands of the position and to measure at the applicants' ability to meet the inherent
requirements of the position. Please ensure that you carefully read through the task requirements
looking at the frequency of the work to assess your fitness for this position.
Frequency of Work:
per day
Never: 0%
between 1 and 20 minutes per day
20 minutes to 2.5 hours per day or up to 32 repetitions
2.5 hrs to 5 hrs per day or 33 – 200 repetitions per day
more than 5 hours per day or over 200 repetitions per
Frequency of Work
Task requirements
Sits at a desk or work station performing written or keyboard
tasks (eg: typist = constant; eg Nurse sitting performing procedure)
Performs complex data entry tasks e.g. Spreadsheets,
database or statistical analysis. (eg: for a Nurse Manager rate the
task as frequent)
Stands at work bench or bedside undertaking tasks. (eg: for
Walks distances, possibly with load: Indicate maximum weight
of object carried: ___7__kgs. (eg: for a medical records clerk select
occasional & enter weight)
Is required to push a wheeled object a distance possibly
including going in and out of lifts.
Objects usually pushed? (eg trolley, bed)_______Trolley______
Surface type? eg carpet, vinyl, uneven___Carpet & vinyl________
technical officer BME rate the task as frequent)
Is required to use lifting/pushing/pulling forces,
to a maximum force of 15-20 kg (eg repositioning
dependant patients in bed)
Is required to climb steps/ladders
Is required to lift/lower objects. Maximum Weight of object
__7__kgs (unloading trolley)
Is required to perform tasks below waist level (eg: repairing
equipment, cleaning floors, retrieving items from shelving assisting
patients with footwear)
10. Is required to work in positions where the spine is rotated ( eg
reaching to either side of the body)
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11. Is required to reach arms above shoulder height (eg: cleaning,
retrieving items from shelving,)
12. Is required to use an extended forward reach (eg: attending
patient care, repairing equipment)
Task requirements
Frequency of Work
14. Is required to operate hand tools (eg scissors, drill)
15. Performs tasks that require good hand eye co-ordination. (eg:
cleaning, packing or using fine instruments)
16. Is required to perform repetitive movements of the upper limbs
18. Uses feet to operate a device (eg: use an emergency stop switch,
applying brakes to wheeled objects) Moving stools
19. Is required to work in a confined space (eg: tradesperson working
in ceiling space)
20. Are sustained postures required in any of the above? (List task
number & longest sustained period. eg. No 9 for 5minutes)
21. Is required to wear protective clothing/equipment: If relevant
please specify: gloves, splash glasses
22. Is exposed to excessive noise (eg: working with power tools, using
lawn mowers)
23. Is exposed to thermal extremes (eg: required to work outdoors in
summer when temperature is very high)
24. Works with Chemicals If other than laboratory areas please list
25. Is exposed to vibration (eg: workshop setting)
26. Works with Ionising Radiation (precautions in place to
minimise any risk)
27. Works with Biological Material (eg: laboratory workers)
28. Works with animals: If relevant please specify:
13. Performs tasks that require fine motor movement of fingers
and hands (eg. using pipettes)
17. Performs tasks using a microscope
29. Other tasks: (please list)
30. Has a workstation that is adjustable to suit individual
dimensions (eg: movable furniture, adjustable chair or equipment)
31. Is able to regulate own workload & frequency of tasks
 Yes
 Yes, to a
Job Demand Analysis Completed by:
Sharon Smith
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