Milestone Presentation Requirements

Milestone Presentation Requirements
Marketing Plan
a. Who is our customer?
b. What does the current “market” look like?
c. What is our sales niche?
What is our price point?
What does it cost us to develop?
When will we break even?
Development Phases
a. Phase 0 - 410 – no money
b. Phase 1 – 411 – 5months, $100K maxiumum - must ID a funding
c. Phase 2 – real world development - $750K – 2 years
d. Phase 3 – production – with outside funding – id this source
Risk Assessment and Mitigation
a. Social Acceptance
b. Limited Resources
c. Component costs
d. Limited Market
Marketing Plan
Who do we want to sell our product to and why do we feel this customer is
We will need:
Who is your competition --- who is currently solving this problem and how?
Even low tech or no tech solutions considered….what is your niche?
1. Figures on what different types of ordering systems cost currently?
2. Figures on time/convenience? What do they currently do---- and how will
your product change this process?
3. Industry opinion?
Who is the market? What are there needs and characteristics? What do they
have to say about this product? Would they be interested? Would they pay the
asking price? What is in it for them? When do they break even – or see a
return on their investment?
What does it cost them to implement – training? Purchase? Installation?
What are they really buying?
What does the product look like --- how will it be added to the current
restaurant system? With what impact?
How do we get the first system out there? Give it away?
Would the end customer (the coffee drinker) use it?
Survey results = if used.
II. Development Phases
1. Phase 0 (Product Conception)
a. Deliverables : Feasibility, Milestone, Final, SBIR, Website
b. Organization: People/Job flowchart
c. Schedule: Project timeline based on required deliverables
Good – basically 410 graded elements
2. Phase 1 (Proof of concept)
a. Deliverables: Team Assembly, Papers (creative, descriptive, technical,
budget, user), Design Prototype, Develop Prototype, Market/Survey
research, Project website, SBIR part 2.
b. Organization: Staff/Job flowchart
c. Schedule: Projected timeline based on deliverables
d. Budget: Projected staff salary costs
Basically 411 graded elements
3. Phase 2 (Working Production Model Development)
a. Deliverables: Management plan, Product design specs,
Testing/Evaluation plan, Working production model, Market
b. Organization: Staff/Job flowchart
c. Schedule: Projected timeline based on deliverables
d. Budget: Projected staff and hardware costs
Real world development --- were we to REALLY make it – what would
be required? Detailed WBS would be required – based upon major
4. Phase 3 (Production)
a. Deliverables: Customer acceptance/requirements, Sales Contracts.
Maintenance/Support handling, Product documentation, Product
b. Organization: Staff/Job flowchart
c. Schedule: Projected timeline based on deliverables
d. Budget: Projected staff and hardware costs
Mass production and outyears (ie customer support, updates, upgrades, repair, etc.)
III. Risk Assessment and Mitigation
1. Social Acceptance: will consumers want to use our product?
2. Resource Limitations: product development costs vs. funding
3. Component Costs: will readers and transponders cost too much or be hard to
4. Market Limitations: who will buy our product and how much are they
willing to pay for it?