UPDATE ON CHANGE IN RESPONSIBILITY FOR IAPTC SECRETARIAT CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (2nd revised version – Jan 2016) Dear Members of the IAPTC The Presidency and Executive Committee members announce that CUNPK India, while confirming its intention to relinquish its role as IAPTC Secretariat after more than10 years service with the Association, will continue to meet its responsibilities as Secretariat up to and including the 2016 annual conference. Thereafter CUNPK will no longer be able to continue its role. The Presidency and Executive Committee sincerely hope that the Association will be able to find a similar professional institution to fulfill the roles and responsibilities of the IAPTC Secretariat. Accordingly the Presidency and Executive Committee wish, as a matter of some priority, to intensify the search for another institution from the IAPTC membership to take over the responsibilities of the IAPTC Secretariat. This notice is intended to explain this process. PRINCIPAL ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE IAPTC SECRETARIAT The IAPTC Secretariat is far more than one’s traditional understanding of a Secretariat. For the IAPTC it is not just a case of keeping records, recording minutes of meetings and maintaining a web site. The Secretariat is expected to play a lead role in the management of the Association, given that most other key appointments are rotational. Moreover, the management focus and activity of the Executive Committee is by its very nature haphazard and intermittent at best. Not only are two thirds of its members rotational, but most members focus only twice a year on their IAPTC responsibilities – during the planning conference and during the annual conference itself. In between these meetings most members, including the ‘quadripartite’ Presidency and the 4-member functional chair group focus mainly on their primary institutional responsibilities and have little time for the affairs of the Association. The relatively permanent Secretariat is therefore assumed and expected to play a lead management role. The following are the principal roles and responsibilities for the Secretariat. They attempt to capture the complexities and development of the IAPTC concept over the years, and reflect today’s concept and program management requirements: Be the IAPTC Institutional Memory; Develop and maintain an up-to-date IAPTC Web site; 1 Draft and maintain key IAPTC meeting records – including for the Planning Conference; Annual Conference Executive Committee meetings; and the Annual General Meeting (AGM); In close cooperation with the Presidency, initiate, develop and manage the agendas for all meetings of the IAPTC Executive Committee; Support, and be responsive to, Presidency and Host; Advise Executive Committee functional chairpersons as appropriate; Work with the Consolidation and Development Committee (CDC) on policy, management and conceptual matters; Maintain the IAPTC Articles of Association; Maintain mail lists of members covering the past 2 years’ annual conference participants; Maintain an up-to-date Executive Committee members list, including key support staff for each member; Keep the IAPTC archives up to date; Advise future hosts and presidencies on concept, process, and annual conference, as required; Initiate and manage the official annual conference invitation process; Initiate and manage the process of developing the annual conference background paper; Manage the process of detailed program development in between the Planning ECM and the annual conference; Guide the Host on the preparation of the annual conference report; Manage the process of identifying future hosts; and Be prepared to assume the role for five years, with an option to continue for an additional five years. PRINCIPAL CAPABILITIES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE IAPTC SECRETARIAT As a result of the above roles and responsibilities, and based on experience to date, the key capabilities and characteristics of the new Secretariat include: dedicated resources (personnel, time and finances), a professional and readily updatable IAPTC-dedicated web-site, a multi-functional interest and attitude (if not multi-functional organization), a willingness to maintain a year-round interest in the Association and the work of its Executive Committee, an expressed commitment to work with proven and accepted IAPTC objectives, policies, traditions and practices, and a willingness and ability to cooperate with the Executive Committee, including the Presidency and the Consolidation and Development Committee (CDC), on IAPTC conceptual, policy and management issues. 2 The institution hosting the Secretariat should have significant experience with the Association. The commitment is on behalf of an institution and not an individual. Ideally it is for 5 years and, hopefully, for 10 years as per past history. The new Secretariat needs to take into account the makeup of a membership that has a strong UN interest, but also the fact that some 50% of the Association comprises members interested in educating and training police, military and a range of civilians for AU, EU, NATO and coalition operations. The integrated nature of missions/operations and the constantly emerging importance of police and civilians in both peace and crisis management operations also suggest a Secretariat that is multifunctional in nature and not purely military or otherwise ‘uni-functional’. A new Secretariat is also expected to take on some of the more procedural roles currently assumed by the CDC (and indicated in the roles and responsibilities above). It is intended that the CDC adopt more of a support role to the Secretariat, as required. This matter will be discussed between CDC and prospective Secretariats. SELECTION PROCESS The IAPTC Articles of Association say nothing about a process for this eventuality, and there is very limited institutional experience with such a situation. Item III of the Articles establishes the Secretariat as a member of the Association’s Executive Committee, and article VI simply states that “The Secretariat will be headed by a Director, who shall be a senior executive of the organization hosting the IAPTC Secretariat”. A change in Secretariat has occurred only once in the 20 year history of the Association. In 2005, after providing the Secretariat for some 10 years, the IAPTC founding organization, Canada’s Pearson Peacekeeping Center, decided to pass on the role and responsibilities to another IAPTC member. At the time Canada worked with several regular participants of IAPTC annual conferences, and also consulted with the UN committee member, to identify a long-term IAPTC member that might assume the Secretariat duties. The whole process therefore was informal, more or less bilateral, and the AGM was simply asked to agree the proposal to handover the Secretariat duties to the ‘volunteer’ India CUNPK. The selection of CUNPK as Secretariat was unanimously approved in the 2005 AGM. As was the case in 2005, it is important that the appointment of a suitable replacement institution be based primarily on an institution’s detailed working knowledge of the Secretariat requirement, and of its ability to understand, manage, and implement IAPTC objectives, policies, best practices, traditions and procedures. 3 It requires an institution prepared to take a lead role, 12 months a year, in the active management of the Association. This web-call for bids is therefore open to all with significant IAPTC experience, and with interest in significantly contributing to the IAPTC concept and process. ALTERNATIVES The possibility however exists that, for a number of reasons and at least for ‘a period’, no organisation is prepared to take on the role, without further reflection and discussion within the IAPTC community and without further national or regional deliberations. Accordingly it is suggested that consideration must also be given by the Executive Committee to examining options for an alternative and interim ‘working concept’; one that will ensure a degree of continuity and effectiveness for the Secretariat function, with advice from the membership at large. TIMETABLE The optimum opportunity for consideration of this issue, including alternative possibilities, is during the 2016 Annual Conference’ Planning Meeting of the Executive Committee, during the week 16-20 May 2016 in Sarajevo. Accordingly, organisations with an interest in the Secretariat role should contact the current Secretariat, or the Brazilian IAPTC Presidency, prior to that week. It is expected that a new Secretariat, or alternate interim concept, will be effective following the 2016 annual conference. Further information on the process, if required, can be obtained from the IAPTC Secretariat. 4