Town of Merton Public Hearing September 4, 2013 Ron Nettesheim – RTN, LLC – To Operate a Cold Storage Facility to Store RV’s, Campers, Boats, Collector Cars, Car Trailers, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, and Other. Meeting Called To Order at 6:00 p.m. by Acting Chairman Klink. Present: Acting Chairman Klink, Commissioners Newman, Siepmann, Fleming, and Good, Attorney Chapman, Planner Haroldson, Clerk Oman, and Deputy Clerk Claas. Absent: Chairman Morris. Also Present: Ron & Tina Nettesheim, Karl Holt, Christine & Dan Aicher, Shawn Clendenning, Sarah Resch, Gary Jaeger, Mary Vi White and several others. Claas read the public hearing notice. Nettesheim stated that he has had the property for 12 years and has been running a business for 10 years. A building already exists on the property. The proposed building will be a Morton building and will have the same elevation and height as existing building. This will not be warehousing, it will be individual storage. Haroldson stated if the Town approves the conditional use permit, they would still need a variance. The peak of the building will be 16’ with the height of the garage doors being 14’. Klink clarified that Nettesheim would like to align the proposed building in line with the existing buildings. Nettesheim stated if he pushed the building back it would be too close to the other buildings which would make access to the building difficult. The brick on the front and the color will be the same as the existing building. He will have a 24 hour security camera which will be on the back of the existing building. There will be one side door on each end of the building and 13 units. An outlet and light socket will be in each unit and each garage door will have their own key. There will be no water and no bathrooms. Conditions of the conditional use permit will include no outside storage and no engine repair allowed. Only personal property can be stored in the facility. Business storage is prohibited. A plan of operation needs to be filed with a description and the hours listed. Chapman stated business storage is prohibited. The hearing was opened to public comments and concerns. Karl Holt said it would be a great addition to the park and it will bring more value to the park. He will take good care of it as he does now. Siepmann clarified this would still need to go through storm water from Waukesha County; it complies with floor area ratio and green space, and questioned if it would require landscaping. Haroldson stated it may be a requirement of the variance. The public hearing closed at 6:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Holly R Claas Deputy Clerk